File size: 9,563 Bytes
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const path = require('path');
const fs = require('fs');
const express = require('express');
const { default: simpleGit } = require('simple-git');
const sanitize = require('sanitize-filename');
const { PUBLIC_DIRECTORIES } = require('../constants');
const { jsonParser } = require('../express-common');
* This function extracts the extension information from the manifest file.
* @param {string} extensionPath - The path of the extension folder
* @returns {Promise<Object>} - Returns the manifest data as an object
async function getManifest(extensionPath) {
const manifestPath = path.join(extensionPath, 'manifest.json');
// Check if manifest.json exists
if (!fs.existsSync(manifestPath)) {
throw new Error(`Manifest file not found at ${manifestPath}`);
const manifest = JSON.parse(fs.readFileSync(manifestPath, 'utf8'));
return manifest;
* This function checks if the local repository is up-to-date with the remote repository.
* @param {string} extensionPath - The path of the extension folder
* @returns {Promise<Object>} - Returns the extension information as an object
async function checkIfRepoIsUpToDate(extensionPath) {
const git = simpleGit();
await git.cwd(extensionPath).fetch('origin');
const currentBranch = await git.cwd(extensionPath).branch();
const currentCommitHash = await git.cwd(extensionPath).revparse(['HEAD']);
const log = await git.cwd(extensionPath).log({
from: currentCommitHash,
to: `origin/${currentBranch.current}`,
// Fetch remote repository information
const remotes = await git.cwd(extensionPath).getRemotes(true);
return {
isUpToDate: === 0,
remoteUrl: remotes[0].refs.fetch, // URL of the remote repository
const router = express.Router();
* HTTP POST handler function to clone a git repository from a provided URL, read the extension manifest,
* and return extension information and path.
* @param {Object} request - HTTP Request object, expects a JSON body with a 'url' property.
* @param {Object} response - HTTP Response object used to respond to the HTTP request.
* @returns {void}
*/'/install', jsonParser, async (request, response) => {
if (!request.body.url) {
return response.status(400).send('Bad Request: URL is required in the request body.');
try {
const git = simpleGit();
// make sure the third-party directory exists
if (!fs.existsSync(path.join(request.user.directories.extensions))) {
const url = request.body.url;
const extensionPath = path.join(request.user.directories.extensions, path.basename(url, '.git'));
if (fs.existsSync(extensionPath)) {
return response.status(409).send(`Directory already exists at ${extensionPath}`);
await git.clone(url, extensionPath, { '--depth': 1 });
console.log(`Extension has been cloned at ${extensionPath}`);
const { version, author, display_name } = await getManifest(extensionPath);
return response.send({ version, author, display_name, extensionPath });
} catch (error) {
console.log('Importing custom content failed', error);
return response.status(500).send(`Server Error: ${error.message}`);
* HTTP POST handler function to pull the latest updates from a git repository
* based on the extension name provided in the request body. It returns the latest commit hash,
* the path of the extension, the status of the repository (whether it's up-to-date or not),
* and the remote URL of the repository.
* @param {Object} request - HTTP Request object, expects a JSON body with an 'extensionName' property.
* @param {Object} response - HTTP Response object used to respond to the HTTP request.
* @returns {void}
*/'/update', jsonParser, async (request, response) => {
const git = simpleGit();
if (!request.body.extensionName) {
return response.status(400).send('Bad Request: extensionName is required in the request body.');
try {
const extensionName = request.body.extensionName;
const extensionPath = path.join(request.user.directories.extensions, extensionName);
if (!fs.existsSync(extensionPath)) {
return response.status(404).send(`Directory does not exist at ${extensionPath}`);
const { isUpToDate, remoteUrl } = await checkIfRepoIsUpToDate(extensionPath);
const currentBranch = await git.cwd(extensionPath).branch();
if (!isUpToDate) {
await git.cwd(extensionPath).pull('origin', currentBranch.current);
console.log(`Extension has been updated at ${extensionPath}`);
} else {
console.log(`Extension is up to date at ${extensionPath}`);
await git.cwd(extensionPath).fetch('origin');
const fullCommitHash = await git.cwd(extensionPath).revparse(['HEAD']);
const shortCommitHash = fullCommitHash.slice(0, 7);
return response.send({ shortCommitHash, extensionPath, isUpToDate, remoteUrl });
} catch (error) {
console.log('Updating custom content failed', error);
return response.status(500).send(`Server Error: ${error.message}`);
* HTTP POST handler function to get the current git commit hash and branch name for a given extension.
* It checks whether the repository is up-to-date with the remote, and returns the status along with
* the remote URL of the repository.
* @param {Object} request - HTTP Request object, expects a JSON body with an 'extensionName' property.
* @param {Object} response - HTTP Response object used to respond to the HTTP request.
* @returns {void}
*/'/version', jsonParser, async (request, response) => {
const git = simpleGit();
if (!request.body.extensionName) {
return response.status(400).send('Bad Request: extensionName is required in the request body.');
try {
const extensionName = request.body.extensionName;
const extensionPath = path.join(request.user.directories.extensions, extensionName);
if (!fs.existsSync(extensionPath)) {
return response.status(404).send(`Directory does not exist at ${extensionPath}`);
const currentBranch = await git.cwd(extensionPath).branch();
// get only the working branch
const currentBranchName = currentBranch.current;
await git.cwd(extensionPath).fetch('origin');
const currentCommitHash = await git.cwd(extensionPath).revparse(['HEAD']);
console.log(currentBranch, currentCommitHash);
const { isUpToDate, remoteUrl } = await checkIfRepoIsUpToDate(extensionPath);
return response.send({ currentBranchName, currentCommitHash, isUpToDate, remoteUrl });
} catch (error) {
console.log('Getting extension version failed', error);
return response.status(500).send(`Server Error: ${error.message}`);
* HTTP POST handler function to delete a git repository based on the extension name provided in the request body.
* @param {Object} request - HTTP Request object, expects a JSON body with a 'url' property.
* @param {Object} response - HTTP Response object used to respond to the HTTP request.
* @returns {void}
*/'/delete', jsonParser, async (request, response) => {
if (!request.body.extensionName) {
return response.status(400).send('Bad Request: extensionName is required in the request body.');
// Sanitize the extension name to prevent directory traversal
const extensionName = sanitize(request.body.extensionName);
try {
const extensionPath = path.join(request.user.directories.extensions, extensionName);
if (!fs.existsSync(extensionPath)) {
return response.status(404).send(`Directory does not exist at ${extensionPath}`);
await fs.promises.rm(extensionPath, { recursive: true });
console.log(`Extension has been deleted at ${extensionPath}`);
return response.send(`Extension has been deleted at ${extensionPath}`);
} catch (error) {
console.log('Deleting custom content failed', error);
return response.status(500).send(`Server Error: ${error.message}`);
* Discover the extension folders
* If the folder is called third-party, search for subfolders instead
router.get('/discover', jsonParser, function (request, response) {
// get all folders in the extensions folder, except third-party
const extensions = fs
.filter(f => fs.statSync(path.join(PUBLIC_DIRECTORIES.extensions, f)).isDirectory())
.filter(f => f !== 'third-party');
// get all folders in the third-party folder, if it exists
if (!fs.existsSync(path.join(request.user.directories.extensions))) {
return response.send(extensions);
const thirdPartyExtensions = fs
.filter(f => fs.statSync(path.join(request.user.directories.extensions, f)).isDirectory());
// add the third-party extensions to the extensions array
extensions.push( => `third-party/${f}`));
return response.send(extensions);
module.exports = { router };