Update fish-speech-1.4.csv
Browse files- fish-speech-1.4.csv +33 -0
@@ -187,3 +187,36 @@ c3c95aa4-27d0-4456-a679-ad9e209d119e,"With the sun beginning its descent towards
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8d8558f1-fbdf-4be6-b84f-c6970db9038e,朝日が昇り、静かな町の空気が徐々に暖かさを帯び始める。町中にはすでに人々の足音が聞こえてくる。公園では子供たちが遊んでいる。その傍らで、老人は新聞を読みながら悠闲に歩いている。そして、その景色を見守る私の心は満たされ、一日が始まるのを待つ。,さっきが登り 静かな街の空気が 徐々にあったかさをおび始める街にはすでに 人々の足音が聞こえてくる公園では子供たちが遊んでいる その場あらで老人は新聞を読みながら 優験に歩いているそして その景色を見守る私の心は見たされ一日が始まるのを待つ,7.0,0.23333333333333334
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5e4b0e15-f477-4a89-ab32-478bd1350570,"In the early morning light, Sarah walked slowly through the park, her mind wandering as she enjoyed the peacefulness around her. The birds chirped happily, and the sun peeked over the trees, casting warm hues across the grass. As she passed by a bench, she noticed an old woman reading a book nearby. Sarah smiled, remembering how she used to do the same when she was younger."," In the early morning light, Sarah walks slowly through the park. Her mind wandering as she enjoyed the peacefulness around her, the birds chirped happily, and the sun peaked over the trees, casting warm hues across the grass. As she passed by a bench, she noticed an old woman reading a book nearby. Sarah smiled, remembering how she used to do the same when she was younger.",0.08955223880597014,0.018617021276595744
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8d8558f1-fbdf-4be6-b84f-c6970db9038e,朝日が昇り、静かな町の空気が徐々に暖かさを帯び始める。町中にはすでに人々の足音が聞こえてくる。公園では子供たちが遊んでいる。その傍らで、老人は新聞を読みながら悠闲に歩いている。そして、その景色を見守る私の心は満たされ、一日が始まるのを待つ。,さっきが登り 静かな街の空気が 徐々にあったかさをおび始める街にはすでに 人々の足音が聞こえてくる公園では子供たちが遊んでいる その場あらで老人は新聞を読みながら 優験に歩いているそして その景色を見守る私の心は見たされ一日が始まるのを待つ,7.0,0.23333333333333334
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5e4b0e15-f477-4a89-ab32-478bd1350570,"In the early morning light, Sarah walked slowly through the park, her mind wandering as she enjoyed the peacefulness around her. The birds chirped happily, and the sun peeked over the trees, casting warm hues across the grass. As she passed by a bench, she noticed an old woman reading a book nearby. Sarah smiled, remembering how she used to do the same when she was younger."," In the early morning light, Sarah walks slowly through the park. Her mind wandering as she enjoyed the peacefulness around her, the birds chirped happily, and the sun peaked over the trees, casting warm hues across the grass. As she passed by a bench, she noticed an old woman reading a book nearby. Sarah smiled, remembering how she used to do the same when she was younger.",0.08955223880597014,0.018617021276595744
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fac2331d-5fec-4335-a969-61cdb1353ef4,"Chaque matin, avant même que le soleil ne monte dans le ciel, j'entre dans la cuisine pour préparer notre petit déjeuner quotidien. Les odeurs de café et de pain grillé me réveillent et me donnent l'énergie nécessaire pour affronter la journée. Ensuite, je vais chercher mes enfants dans leur école maternelle, une promenade paisible où nous discutons des aventures de la veille. Lorsque nous rentrons à la maison, je prépare un repas simple mais délicieux, suivi de la lecture de quelques pages de livre pour finir la journée en beauté."," Chaque matin avant même que le soleil me monte dans le ciel, chante dans la cuisine pour préparer notre petit déjeuner quotidien. Les odeurs de café et de pinguiller me réveillent, et me donnent l'énergie nécessaire pour affronter la journée. Ensuite, je vais chercher mes enfants dans leur école maternelle, une promenade paisible où nous discutons des aventures de la veille. Lorsque nous rentrons à la maison, je prépare un repas simple médélicieux, suivis de la lecture de quelques pages de livres pour finir la journée en beauté.",0.1111111111111111,0.0335195530726257
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00dbe44f-0030-490a-bd0c-470210972252,"En cette matinée grise, j'ai pris le temps de me promener dans les rues étroites de la petite ville. Le soleil voilé éclairait rarement les façades des bâtiments anciens, créant des ombres délicates qui semblaient flotter sur les trottoirs. Les odeurs de café frais et de pain grillé réveillaient mes sens et me rappelaient la réalité de cette existence quotidienne. Je me suis arrêté devant une librairie, sa vitrine ornée de livres aux couvertures usées attirant mon regard. Un sourire échappa à mes lèvres en imaginant toutes les histoires cachées derrière ces pages, prêtes à être décryptées par ceux qui osent les ouvrir."," En cette matinée grise, j'ai pris le temps de me promener dans les rues et trois de la petite ville. Le soleil voulait éclairer rarement les facades des bâtiments siennes, créant des hômes de l'icate qui semblait flotter sur les trottoirs. Les odeurs de café frais et de pinguiller réveillé mes sens, et me rappellait la réalité de cette existence quotidienne. Je me suis arrêté devant une hybrérie, sa vitrine, orné de livre ou couverture ususée à tirant mon regard. Un sourire échappat à mes lèvres en imaginant toutes les histoires cachées derrière ses pages, prête à être décrypté par ceux qui haussent les ouvrir.",0.2815533980582524,0.10543130990415335
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03940270-9acf-4c6e-b3d0-b6f76264024a,"Le ciel était d'un bleu profond lorsqu'elle s'était levée ce matin-là, promettant une journée splendide à l'horizon. Elle avait décidé de faire une promenade dans le parc voisin, un endroit qu'elle aimait particulièrement pour sa paix et sa beauté. En marchant, elle avait remarqué un petit banc près d'un vieux chêne, parfait pour se détendre après une longue semaine de travail. Elle s'y était installée, plongée dans ses pensées, lorsque son portable vibra dans sa poche. C'était une notification d'email qui annonçait une invitation à participer à un événement culturel. Elle avait immédiatement rejoint son ami organisateur, qui l'avait guidée vers diverses activités fascinantes. Pendant le repas, ils avaient discuté de leurs projets futurs, chacun offrant des idées innovantes et inspirantes. Après le dîner, ils avaient visité un musée local où elle avait été émerveillée par une collection de peintures anciennes. La soirée s'était terminée par une délicieuse tarte aux pommes, servie avec une bouteille de vin rouge. Cette journée unique avait été marquée par des rencontres passionnantes, des expériences enrichissantes et une sensation d'accomplissement."," Le ciel était d'un bleu profond lorsqu'elle s'était levée ce matin-là, promettant une journée splendie d'aller l'horizon. Elle avait décidé de faire une promenade dans le parc voisin. Un endroit qu'elle aimait particulièrement pour sa paix et sa beauté. En marchant, elle avait remarqué un petit banc près d'un vieux chêne, parfait pour se détendre. Après une longue semaine de travail, elle s'y était installée, plangée dans ses pensées. Lorsque son portable vibra dans sa poche, c'était une notification de mail qui annonçait une invitation à participer à l'événement culturel. Elle avait immédiatement rejoint son ami organisateur. Qu'il avait guidé vers divers activités fascinantes, pendant le repas, ils avaient discuté de leurs projets futures. Chacun offrant des idées innovantes et inspirantes. Après le dimése, avait visité à musée locale, où elle avait été émerveillée par une collection de peinture anciennes. La soirée s'était terminée par une délicieux start-up-um, servie avec une bouteille de vin rouge. Cette journée unique avait été marquée par des rencontres passionnantes. Des expériences enrichissantes et une sensation d'accomplissement.",0.21714285714285714,0.05741216795201371
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0f778cf1-58a3-4766-be84-d0cda7f90079,"As the sun began to rise over the horizon, Emily stepped out of her cozy apartment and into the vibrant morning light. She took a deep breath, inhaling the fresh air that smelled of blooming flowers and distant coffee shops. With a contented smile, she walked towards the bustling city center, her footsteps echoing softly on the pavement. The streets were already bustling with people hurrying to their destinations, each carrying their own stories and dreams. Emily felt a sense of belonging as she joined the flow, ready to embrace whatever the day might bring."," As the sun began to rise over the horizon, Emily stepped out of her cozy apartment, and into the vibrant morning light. She took a deep breath, inhaling the fresh air that smelled of blooming flowers and distant coffee shops. With a contented smile, she walked towards the bustling city center. Her footsteps echoing softly on the pavement, the streets were already bustling with people, hurrying to their destinations. Each carrying their own stories and dreams, Emily felt a sense of belonging as she joined the flow, ready to embrace whatever the day might bring.",0.09473684210526316,0.015957446808510637
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eb74fe8d-7edb-4024-9cf6-4a54fb2f74f0,その晴れた日曜日の朝、青空に照らされた暖かな陽光の中で、私たちは静かに庭で朝食を楽しんでいました。窓から見える木々の緑が心地よく、私たちの笑い声が広範囲に響き渡っていました。その光景を見ているだけで、私たちの日々の小さな幸せが心に広がる感動がありました。そして、この一日が終わる頃には、私たちは新たな目標と希望を持って明日への旅に出発していました。,その晴れた日常日の朝 青空に照らされたあったたかな陽光の中で私たちは静かににわで 調色を楽しんでいました窓から見える木にの緑がここちよく 私たちの笑い声が広範囲に響きわたっていました その光景を見ているだけで私たちの響の小さな幸せが 心に広がる感動がありましたそしてこの一日が終わる頃には 私たちは新たな目標と希望を持って明日への旅に出発していました,7.0,0.16666666666666666
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e8e107ca-845f-4226-893d-aa912f185030,"Le soleil se couche doucement sur la ville, baignant tout dans une teinte dorée qui évoque l'apaisement. Les rues commencent à se vider, remplacées par les silhouettes des promeneurs qui marchent lentement, absorbés par leurs pensées ou par les murmures familiers qu'ils échangent. Je me dirige vers mon appartement, le cœur léger après une journée bien remplie. À chaque pas, je ressens une paix intérieure qui semble s'accrocher à moi, comme une main réconfortante."," Le sedaï se couche doucement sur la ville, baignant tout dans une tinte dorée, qui évoque l'apaisement. Les rues commencent à se vider, remplacées par les silhouettes des promeneurs qui marchent lentement, absorbées par leur pensée, ou par les murmurs familiers qui échangent. Je me dirige vers mon appartement. Le coeur léger après une journée bien remplie. A chaque page ressent une paix intérieure qui semble s'accrocher à moi, comme une main réconfortante.",0.20270270270270271,0.05139186295503212
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d5bea3b2-291b-4ddb-a4d2-cd1fd1de3a34,"When the first light of dawn paints the sky with hues of pink and orange, I wake up to greet the new day with a smile. The gentle breeze carries the scent of fresh flowers, awakening my senses and filling my heart with warmth. Each step I take towards the bustling city streets is a reminder of the countless adventures and opportunities that await me."," When the first light of dawn paints the sky with hues of pink and orange, I wake up to greet the new day with a smile. The gentle breeze carries the scent of fresh flowers, awakening my senses, and filling my heart with warmth. Each step I take towards the bustling city streets is a reminder of the countless adventures and opportunities that await me.",0.015384615384615385,0.002840909090909091
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87dbd5e5-3cbb-41e1-9320-ab158362553f,"Le soleil se couche doucement derrière les collines, colorant le ciel d'un doux rougeâtre. Marie range ses livres dans son placard avant de rentrer à la maison. Elle prépare une tasse de thé tandis qu'elle écoute de la musique classique pour se détendre."," Le soleil se couche doucement derrière les collines, colorant le ciel d'un doux rouge-âtre. Marie-Range s'élivere dans son placard avant de rentrer à la maison. Elle prépare une tasse de tétendis qu'elle écoute de la musique classique pour se détendre.",0.16279069767441862,0.04330708661417323
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1d119cc4-58a3-4959-95f1-f74b88bf89a9,朝日が昇り始め、静かな町には早朝の静けさが広がっています。この小さな街で暮らす人々は、それぞれに自分の日々を過ごしています。私は自転車に乗って公園に向かい、木々の間から差し込む朝日を眺めながら、今日一日の計画を立てています。,茶日が登り始め、静かな街には、 波王槽の静けさが広がっています。この小さな街で暮らす人々は、 それぞれに自分の日々を過ごしています。私は自転車に乗って公園に向かい、 木木の間から差し込む、朝日を眺めながら、今日1日の計画を立てています。,4.0,0.11607142857142858
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495fa4df-0132-4f23-805a-40b3a2982543,"With the sun just beginning to rise above the horizon, Sarah stepped out onto her balcony, feeling the cool morning air against her skin. She took a deep breath, inhaling the fresh scent of blooming flowers and the distant sound of birds chirping. As she gazed out over the city, she noticed a small crowd forming near the park, their faces illuminated by the first rays of sunlight. Curiosity piqued, Sarah decided to join them, walking through the throng towards the center where a group of people were gathered around a makeshift stage. The air was electric with anticipation, and soon enough, a charismatic speaker began to address the crowd, his voice resonating through the gathering like a clarion call for change."," With the sun just beginning to rise above the horizon, Sarah stepped out onto her balcony, feeling the cool morning air against her skin. She took a deep breath, inhaling the fresh scent of blooming flowers and the distant sound of birds chirping. As she gazed out over the city, she noticed a small crowd forming near the park, their faces illuminated by the first rays of sunlight. Curiosity peaked, Sarah decided to join them, walking through the throng towards the center, where a group of people were gathered around a makeshift stage. The air was electric with anticipation, and soon enough, a charismatic speaker began to address the crowd. His voice resonating through the gathering like a clarion call for change.",0.03278688524590164,0.008321775312066574
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c23e3395-9887-4cb6-ba7a-46711d58e1eb,"As the sun began to set over the horizon, casting a golden glow across the landscape, Sarah stepped out onto her porch. The gentle breeze carried the sweet fragrance of blooming flowers, making her feel alive and grateful for the simple pleasures of life. She took a deep breath, savoring the moment, and then turned to head inside to prepare dinner for her family. As she walked through the kitchen, the sound of the dishwasher humming softly in the background added to the peaceful atmosphere. Sarah smiled, knowing that no matter how busy or stressful her day had been, this evening would be filled with love and warmth."," As the sun began to set over the horizon, casting a golden glow across the landscape, Sarah stepped out onto her porch. The gentle breeze carried the sweet fragrance of blooming flowers, making her feel alive and grateful for the simple pleasures of life. She took a deep breath savoring the moment and then turned to head inside to prepare dinner for her family. As she walked through the kitchen, the sound of the dishwasher humming softly in the background, added to the peaceful atmosphere, Sarah smiled, knowing that no matter how busy or stressful her day had been, this evening would be filled with love and warmth.",0.037037037037037035,0.006420545746388443
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2d2e29e7-85dd-4525-98bf-6bfcddb20624,"Chaque matin, avant même que le soleil ne se lève, je vais me promener dans le parc voisin. Les oiseaux chantent leurs premières notes joyeuses, et la fraîcheur matinale me réveille doucement. Je me dirige vers le bassin où les tortues se déplacent gracieusement sous la lumière tamisée du jour. Ces instants simples me rassurent et me donnent l'envie de vivre chaque jour avec gratitude."," Chaque matin, avant même que le soleil ne se lève, je vais me promener dans le parc voisin. Les oiseaux chantes leur première note joyeuse, et la fraîche en matinale me réveille doucement. Je me dirige vers le bassin où les tortues se déplacent gracieusement sous la lumière tamisée du jour. Ces instants simples me rassurent et me donnent l'envie de vivre chaque jour avec gratitude.",0.1076923076923077,0.023195876288659795
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a03ba146-2911-47c0-bc1d-3b597fb42464,"As the sun began to rise, Sarah stepped out of her cozy bed, feeling the softness of the morning light on her skin. She stretched her limbs, enjoying the quiet of the early hours before the hustle and bustle of the day began."," As the sun began to rise, Sarah stepped out of her cozy bed, feeling the softness of the morning light on her skin. She stretched her limbs, enjoying the quiet of the early hours before the hustle and bustle of the day began.",0.0,0.0
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52220788-1ec9-4713-92b6-1774b696d670,"As the sun began to rise, Emily stepped out of her cozy bed, feeling the warmth of the morning sun on her skin. She stretched her arms above her head, enjoying the fresh air that filled the room. Today was going to be a special day; she had an early meeting with her mentor at the company headquarters. With a smile, she grabbed her laptop and headed towards the kitchen to prepare a healthy breakfast."," As the sun began to rise, Emily stepped out of her cozy bed, feeling the warmth of the morning sun on her skin. She stretched her arms above her head, enjoying the fresh air that filled the room. Today was going to be a special day. She had an early meeting with her mentor at the company headquarters. With a smile, she grabbed her laptop and headed towards the kitchen to prepare a healthy breakfast.",0.02666666666666667,0.004975124378109453
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b38ec320-9ecc-41b4-8d8d-abf19d5f0869,"As the sun began its descent towards the horizon, casting long shadows across the bustling city streets, Sarah took a deep breath, feeling a mix of excitement and nervousness building within her. She had spent weeks preparing for this moment, rehearsing every word and movement, but now, standing at the podium, her mind felt as if it were about to burst. The applause from the audience was deafening, a testament to the hard work and dedication she had put into her speech. Sarah closed her eyes, took a deep breath, and stepped forward, ready to share her dreams and aspirations with the world."," As the sun began its descent towards the horizon, casting long shadows across the bustling city streets, Sarah took a deep breath, feeling a mix of excitement and nervousness building within her. She had spent weeks preparing for this moment, rehearsing every word and movement, but now, standing at the podium, her mind felt as if it were about to burst. The applause from the audience was deafening, a testament to the hard work and dedication she had put into her speech. Sarah closed her eyes, took a deep breath, and stepped forward, ready to share her dreams and aspirations with the world.",0.0,0.0
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e980f67b-e4df-4fc7-8b4d-77e916b07516,"Aujourd'hui, alors que le soleil se couche sur la charmante petite ville de Saint-Étienne, je me sens particulièrement chanceux. Les rues sont déjà envahies par la tranquillité de la soirée, avec les sons paisibles des conversations en famille et les enfants courant joyeusement. Je prends une pause dans ma tâche quotidienne pour admirer la beauté de ce moment, savourant chaque instant avant que la nuit ne vienne emporter les derniers rayons de lumière. Je pense à tous ceux qui partagent cette même paix, et à l'importance de prendre le temps de profiter des petites choses de la vie."," Dui, alors que le soleil se couche sur la charmante petite ville de Saint-Étienne, je me sens particulièrement chanceux, les rues sont déjà envahies par la tranquillité de la soirée, avec les sons pésibles des conversations en famille, et les enfants courant joyeusement. Je prends une pause dans ma tâche quotidienne pour admirer la beauté de ce moment, savourant chaque instant avant que la nuit ne vienne emporter les derniers rayons de lumière. Je pense à tous ceux qui partagent cette même paix, et à l'importance de prendre le temps de profiter des petites choses de la vie.",0.05102040816326531,0.023809523809523808
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f46eb012-0979-4edb-ac49-4145d695f4cc,"As the sun began to set, casting long shadows across the town square, Sarah took a deep breath and walked towards the small café she had been planning to visit for weeks. The aroma of freshly brewed coffee wafted through the cool evening air, making her mouth water. She decided to order a latte and sit by the window, watching the world go by."," As the sun began to set, casting long shadows across the town square, Sarah took a deep breath, and walked towards the small cafe she had been planning to visit for weeks. The aroma of freshly brewed coffee wafted through the cool evening air, making her mouth water. She decided to order a latte and sit by the window, watching the world go by.",0.03125,0.005813953488372093
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657794e1-ea99-4eb4-a385-e5d46a1a02fa,"As the sun began to set, casting a golden glow over the bustling city streets, Sarah took a deep breath and walked briskly towards her favorite café. The aroma of freshly brewed coffee wafted through the air, mingling with the sounds of people going about their daily lives. Inside, she found an empty table and sat down, pulling out her notepad and pen. With each stroke of the pen, ideas began to flow onto the paper, capturing the essence of the vibrant city around her."," As the sun began to set, casting a golden glow over the bustling city streets, Sarah took a deep breath and walked briskly towards her favorite cafe. The aroma of freshly brewed coffee wafted through the air, mingling with the sounds of people going about their daily lives. Inside she found an empty table and sat down, pulling out her notepad and pen. With each stroke of the pen, ideas began to flow onto the paper, capturing the essence of the vibrant city around her.",0.023529411764705882,0.004228329809725159
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f3cd6e3f-780c-45b8-920c-2ba97f1a4dee,"As the sun began its descent below the horizon, casting a warm glow over the landscape, Sarah took a deep breath of the crisp autumn air. The leaves on the trees were a vibrant mix of oranges, yellows, and reds, creating a stunning display of nature's beauty. She walked slowly through the park, her footsteps echoing softly on the gravel path. Each step brought her closer to the bench where she often sat to read books or simply enjoy the peacefulness of the moment. As she approached the bench, she noticed a small wooden sign lying near the edge. Curious, she picked it up, finding a note written on a piece of paper tucked inside. The note was from an elderly man who had been sitting nearby, and he had left it for someone special to find. Sarah felt a sense of warmth spreading through her as she read the message, knowing that this unexpected encounter might just be the beginning of something beautiful."," As the sun began its descent below the horizon, casting a warm glow over the landscape, Sarah took a deep breath of the crisp autumn air. The leaves on the trees were a vibrant mix of oranges, yellows and reds, creating a stunning display of nature's beauty. She walked slowly through the park, her footsteps echoing softly on the gravel path. Each step brought her closer to the bench, where she often sat to read books or simply enjoy the peacefulness of the moment. As she approached the bench, she noticed a small wooden sign lying near the edge. Curious, she picked it up, finding a note written on a piece of paper tucked inside. The note was from an elderly man who had been sitting nearby, and he had left it for someone special to find. Sarah felt a sense of warmth spreading through her as she read the message, knowing that this unexpected encounter might just be the beginning of something beautiful.",0.012195121951219513,0.0021929824561403508
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9e922e0e-ecf2-4d68-8441-5763512d8994,"With the sun just beginning to peek over the horizon, Sarah stepped out onto her balcony, taking in the vibrant colors of dawn. She sipped her coffee, watching as the first light illuminated the cityscape, casting long shadows across the streets below. As she walked through the bustling market, the sounds of laughter and chatter mingled with the distant hum of traffic, creating a lively atmosphere. Each stall offered unique treasures, from fresh produce to handmade crafts, all contributing to the vibrant tapestry of life in this lively neighborhood."," With the sun just beginning to peek over the horizon, Sarah stepped out onto her balcony, taking in the vibrant colors of dawn. She sipped her coffee, watching as the first light illuminated the city-scape, casting long shadows across the streets below. As she walked through the bustling market, the sounds of laughter and chatter mingled with the distant hum of traffic, creating a lively atmosphere. Each stall offered unique treasures, from fresh produce to handmade crafts, all contributing to the vibrant tapestry of life in this lively neighborhood.",0.011235955056179775,0.0018018018018018018
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026433bb-535d-46bb-8926-4adb6603faa8,その日の夜、私は静かな街角で一人座り、空を見上げました。星が輝き、月が綺麗に浮かんでいました。風が心地よく吹き、少し寒さを感じましたが、それは快適な感じでした。人々の喧騒とは一線を画すこの時間は、私にとって特別な瞬間です。,その日の夜私は静かな間近くで一人座り空を見上げました 星が輝き月が綺麗に浮かんでいました 風がここちよく吹き少し寒さを感じましたがそれは快適な感じでした 人々の検討とは一生おがすこの時間は私にとって特別な瞬間です,4.0,0.1891891891891892
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29afcd99-bb9e-407b-93d1-cbd67b6c1b85,"Le soleil déclinait à l'horizon, offrant une palette de couleurs dorées et vives au ciel. Marie marchait lentement dans la rue piétonne, sa silhouette se fondant dans la foule qui semblait s'apprêter à disparaître sous le crépuscule. Les rires étouffés des enfants jouant dans la cour voisine, les paroles douces de la radio qui filtraient par les fenêtres entrouvertes, tout contribuait à créer un tableau paisible et accueillant. Elle savourait chaque instant, laissant son cœur s'envoler vers l'inconnu de la nuit qui approchait."," de soleil, déclinez à l'horizon, offrant une palette de couleur dorée, et vive au ciel Marie marchait lentement dans la ruquietonne. Sa silhouette se fondant dans la foule, qui semblait s'apprêter à disparaître, sous le crépuscu. L'hérire est oufé des enfants jouant dans la cour voisine. Les paroles douces de la radio qui filtraient par les fenêtres en trouvertent, tout contribué à créer un tableau paisible et accueillant. Elle savourait chaque instant. L'essence son cœur s'envolait vers l'inconnu de la nuit qui approchait.",0.2891566265060241,0.08646616541353383
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c6c05542-0eaf-4fa0-9987-2b5b378ef810,"As the morning sun began to rise over the horizon, casting a warm glow over the sleepy town, Sarah took a deep breath of the fresh air. She stepped out of her cozy apartment, her footsteps echoing softly on the pavement. The streets were already bustling with early risers, each person going about their own business, some hurriedly making their way to work, others enjoying a leisurely stroll. Sarah paused at the local café, savoring the aroma of freshly brewed coffee. She ordered a latte and settled into a corner seat, watching the world unfold around her. Each face she saw, each sound she heard, brought a new story to life, reminding her of the countless adventures waiting just beyond the next street corner."," As the morning sun began to rise over the horizon, casting a warm glow over the sleepy town, Sarah took a deep breath of the fresh air. She stepped out of her cozy apartment, her footsteps echoing softly on the pavement. The streets were already bustling with early risers, each person going about their own business, some hurriedly making their way to work. Others enjoying a leisurely stroll, Sarah paused at the local cafe, savoring the aroma of freshly brewed coffee, she ordered a latte and settled into a corner seat, watching the world unfold around her, each face she saw, each sound she heard, brought a new story to life, reminding her of the countless adventures waiting just beyond the next street corner.",0.06451612903225806,0.011157601115760111
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0d02c812-45f1-4f41-a8b1-c494fade9580,"With the sun just beginning to rise over the horizon, Sarah stepped out of her cozy apartment, feeling the crisp morning air on her face. She took a deep breath, savoring the fresh scent of the city awakening around her. Today was different; today was going to be extraordinary. After grabbing her coffee from the nearby café, she headed towards the bustling downtown area, her heart pounding with excitement. She had an important meeting scheduled with her mentor, someone who had guided her through countless challenges and failures. Each step brought her closer to the moment when she would share her ideas and dreams with this influential figure. As she walked, she couldn't help but feel a mix of nerves and anticipation, knowing that this encounter could potentially change everything."," With the sun just beginning to rise over the horizon, Sarah stepped out of her cozy apartment, feeling the crisp morning air on her face. She took a deep breath, savoring the fresh scent of the city awakening around her. Today was different. Today was going to be extraordinary. After grabbing her coffee from the nearby cafe, she headed towards the bustling downtown area, her heart pounding with excitement. She had an important meeting scheduled with her mentor, someone who had guided her through countless challenges and failures. Each step brought her closer to the moment when she would share her ideas and dreams with this influential figure. As she walked, she couldn't help but feel a mix of nerves and anticipation, knowing that this encounter could potentially change everything.",0.023076923076923078,0.0037926675094816687