diff --git "a/fish-speech-1.5.csv" "b/fish-speech-1.5.csv" --- "a/fish-speech-1.5.csv" +++ "b/fish-speech-1.5.csv" @@ -1,249 +1,279 @@ -UUID,SourceText,WhisperText,WordErrorRate,CharacterErrorRate -9f70fabb-019f-49a6-9fd6-4b0ad52cbb85,"Avec l'aube qui s'est levée sur la campagne paisible, Marie décida de préparer le petit-déjeuner pour ses enfants avant qu'ils ne partent à l'école. Elle prépara une tasse de café chaud, ajouta des fruits frais et quelques toasts grillés. Pendant ce temps, elle fit chauffer un peu d'eau pour les boissons des adultes. Au moment de les servir, elle se dit que chaque petit effort pour rendre leur journée meilleure était une valeur précieuse. Elle se sentait rassurée en pensant à la joie que ces simples préparations pourraient apporter à ses enfants et à sa famille."," Avec l'Op qui s'est levée sur la campagne paisible, Marie décida de préparer le petit déjeuner pour ses enfants avant qu'il ne parta l'école. Elle prépara une tasse de café chaud, ajouta des fruits frais et quelque chose de lié. Pendant ce temps, elle fichoffait un peu d'eau pour les boissons des adultes. Au moment de les servir, elle se dit que chaque petite est fort pour rendre leur jour les meilleures, était une valeur précieuse. Elle se sentait rassurée en pensant à la joie que c'est simple préparation pour être apportée à ses enfants et à sa famille.",0.25,0.0880281690140845 -578b4800-c1b2-4026-a4c9-a742ded0d12f,朝日が昇り、静かな街は一気に活気を取り戻しました。今日もまた新しい一日が始まります。私は今日何をするか楽しみにしています。公園で朝の散歩をし、その後は友人とカフェでゆっくりと過ごす予定です。家では手作りの料理を楽しむつもりでおり、夜には本を読む時間も設けています。新しい一日がどんな風になるのか、今からとても楽しみです。,この朝日が登り、静かな街は一気にかっきりを取り戻しました。今日もまた新しい1日が始まります。私は今日何をするか楽しみにしています。公園で朝の散歩し、その後は友人とカフェでゆっくりと過ごす予定です。家では手作りの料理を楽しむつもりでおり、夜には本を読む時間も設けています。新しい1日がどんな風になるのか、今からとても楽しみです。,1.0,0.0625 -bf188c4e-80cc-4d89-950b-4604214ee673,"With the gentle morning light filtering through the curtain, Sarah stepped out into her backyard, feeling the cool breeze on her skin. She took a deep breath, inhaling the fresh scent of blooming flowers and greenery. The birds chirped melodiously overhead, their songs weaving through the trees. Sarah smiled, her heart full of gratitude for this peaceful moment in her small suburban home. She decided to start her day early, preparing a pot of coffee while watching the sunrise over the horizon. As she brewed the coffee, she thought about all the wonderful memories she had created with her family over the years, and how much she cherished every single one of them. The sun rose higher in the sky, casting a golden glow over everything, making Sarah feel content and hopeful for the day ahead."," With a gentle morning light filtering through the curtain, Sarah stepped out into her back yard, feeling the cool breeze on her skin. She took a deep breath, inhaling the fresh scent of blooming flowers and greenery. The birds chirped melodiously overhead, their songs weaving through the trees. Sarah smiled, her heart full of gratitude for this peaceful moment in her small suburban home. She decided to start her day early, preparing a pot of coffee while watching the sunrise over the horizon. As she brewed the coffee, she thought about all the wonderful memories she had created with her family over the years. And how much she cherished every single one of them. The sun rose higher in the sky, casting a golden glow over everything, making Sarah feel content and hopeful for the day ahead.",0.03676470588235294,0.007518796992481203 -acc0f209-ebfb-47c1-b729-ef8424d3711b,その日、青空の下で彼女は散歩を楽しんでいました。公園の木々の間を通り抜けていく鳥のさえずりや、遠くで流れる川の音が心地よく耳に残りました。彼女は手に持っている本を読みながら、時折窓を開け、風の香りを楽しみました。この一日が終わる頃には、彼女は満足と平和を感じていました。,その日 青空の下で 彼女は散歩を楽しんでいました公園の木木の間を通り抜けていく 鳥のサイズリア遠くで流れる川の音がここちよく耳に残りました彼女は手に持っている本を読みながら 時より窓を開け 風の香りを楽しみましたこの一日が終わる頃には 彼女は満足と平和を感じていました,7.0,0.16296296296296298 -356fa63f-fa17-4103-abc8-eec433066bae,その日の夜、彼は空を見上げて深呼吸をした。星々が輝き、月の光が地面に細やかに落ちている。彼は静かに語りかけた。「私にとって、この瞬間は特別な��のです。」彼の声は静かで、しかし、その言葉には力が宿っていた。夜風が彼の髪を揺らし、彼の心に新たな希望をもたらした。,その日の夜 彼は空を見上げて 心呼吸をした星星が輝き 月の光が 地面に細やかに落ちている彼は静かに語りかけた 私にとって この瞬間は特別なものです彼の声は静かで しかしその言葉には力が屋どっていた夜風が彼の髪を揺らし 彼の心に新たな希望をもたらした,9.0,0.15503875968992248 -c9aff19c-9099-42e7-9450-2bf48d6bd66a,"En traversant la charmante petite ville de Saint-Étienne, je suis tombé amoureux des couleurs vives des boutiques colorées et des ruelles pavées bordées de fleurs en pleine floraison. La vie y bat son plein, avec les rires des enfants jouant aux échecs dans la rue, les conversations animées entre les passants, et les odeurs de cuisine qui s'échappent des petits restaurants aux fenêtres ouvertes. C'est une sensation de paix et de joie qui envahit tout le monde qui passe par là, comme si chaque détail de cette cité était conçu pour offrir un havre de tranquillité dans ce tumultueux monde extérieur."," En traversant la charmante petite ville de Saint-Étienne, je suis tombé amoureux des couleurs vives des boutiques colorées, et des rues elles pavaient bordées de fleurs en pleine floraison. La vie y basse en plein. Avec l'hérire des enfants jouant aux échecs dans la rue, les conversations animées entre les passants, et les odeurs de cuisine qui s'échappent des petits restaurants au fenêtre ouvertes. C'est une sensation de paix et de joie qui envahit tout le monde qui passe par là. Comme si chaque détail de cette cité était conçu pour offrir un avre de tranquillité dans ce tumultueux monde extérieur.",0.1485148514851485,0.03980099502487562 -7c83ea26-ccba-43c4-a27d-e16c6c89e2e0,"Avec l'aube qui se lève doucement, je me réveille sous le doux brouillard matinal qui enveloppe la ville. La première pluie du printemps chatouille mes joues tandis que je sors de ma chambre, emmitouflée dans mon peignoir en laine. Je sers une tasse de café noir, savourant chaque goutte qui glisse sur ma langue avant de se fondre dans ma gorge. Ensuite, je me dirige vers la cuisine où je prépare un petit déjeuner simple : quelques tartines de pain grillé, du beurre doux et des fruits frais cueillis dans le jardin. Pendant que je m'occupe de ces préparations, je me rappelle des promesses faites à moi-même lors de mes longs voyages en Europe, promesses d'explorer toujours plus loin et de rencontrer de nouvelles personnes. Ces pensées me confortent dans mon désir de poursuivre mes rêves, quelle que soit la route que je prenne."," Avec l'aube qui se lève doucement, je me réveille sous le doubrouillard matinal qui enveloppe la ville. La première pluie du printemps chatouille m'est joué ? Tandis que je sors de ma chambre. En mit ou flé dans mon pénois en l'aine, je serre une tasse de café noir, sa voulant chaque goût qui glisse sur ma langue avant de se fondre dans ma gorge. Ensuite, je me dirige vers la cuisine où je prépare un petit déjeuner simple. Quelques tartines de pingrié, du beurre dou, et des fruits frais cueillis dans le jardin, pendant que je m'occupe de ces préparations, je me rappelle des promesses faites à moi-même lors de mes longs voyage en Europe. Promesses d'explorer toujours plus loin, et de rencontrer de nouvelles personnes. C'est penser me confortent dans mon désir de poursuivre mes rêves. Quelque soit la route que je prenne.",0.24305555555555555,0.06227544910179641 -9012afed-bc0f-4532-9e95-262ec1366cf7,"As the sun began its descent below the horizon, casting long shadows across the landscape, Sarah took a deep breath and walked out into the vast, open field. The air was crisp and fresh, carrying with it the scent of wildflowers and earth. She sat down on a large rock, feeling a sense of peace wash over her. For hours, she lay there, watching the clouds drift by and listening to the gentle rustling of leaves in the breeze. Eventually, she stood up, ready to explore more of the natural beauty around her."," As the sun began its descent below the horizon, casting long shadows across the landscape, Sarah took a deep breath and walked out into the vast open field. The air was crisp and fresh, carrying with it the scent of wild flowers and earth. She sat down on a large rock, feeling a sense of peace wash over her. For hours, she lay there, watching the clouds drift by and listening to the gentle rustling of leaves in the breeze. Eventually, she stood up, ready to explore more of the natural beauty around her.",0.03225806451612903,0.003937007874015748 -4c608b4a-99ef-49c3-aeb2-d858c46f9c57,"As the sun began its descent below the horizon, casting long shadows across the bustling city streets, Sarah took a deep breath, feeling the familiar excitement building within her. She had been eagerly anticipating this moment for weeks, ever since she received the acceptance letter from the prestigious university. The thought of starting a new chapter in her life, full of endless possibilities, filled her with a sense of both trepidation and exhilaration. With a final glance around the familiar neighborhood that had been her home for so long, Sarah gathered her belongings and stepped out into the vibrant night, ready to embark on this new journey filled with adventure and discovery."," As the sun began its descent below the horizon, casting long shadows across the bustling city streets, Sarah took a deep breath, feeling the familiar excitement building within her. She had been eagerly anticipating this moment for weeks, ever since she received the acceptance letter from the prestigious university, the thought of starting a new chapter in her life, full of endless possibilities, filled her with a sense of both trepidation and exhilaration. With a final glance around the familiar neighborhood that had been her home for so long, Sarah gathered her belongings and stepped out into the vibrant night, ready to embark on this new journey filled with adventure and discovery.",0.017857142857142856,0.002886002886002886 -2d96054d-17e6-4fb6-9056-70d48ea2a765,朝日が昇り始め、静かな街に光が差し込む。その光で地面に映る自分を見つめ、明日への新たな一日が始まるのを感じた。今日も何らかの形で喜びや驚きを抱えているはずだ。街の雑踏から離れて、静かな公園で少し休憩を取ることにした。蝉の鸣き声と木々の葉响きが心地よく、ゆっくりと呼吸することができた。,朝日が登り始め 静かな街に光が差し込むその光で地面に移る自分を見つめ 朝への新たな一日が始まるのを感じた今日も何らかの形で 喜びは驚きを抱えているはずだ街のざっとうから離れて 静かな公園で少し休憩を取ることにしたセミのメキゴエとキギの歯ドキが ここちよくゆっくりと呼吸することができた,6.0,0.2323943661971831 -1b455551-d5e3-4876-9473-b9ecdb7a5be2,朝日が昇り始め、静かな街に光が差し込む。私はベランダに出て、朝の空気を吸い込んでみる。窓から見える古い木々は、雨滴が落ちる音と混ざり合い、静かで深く感じる時間が流れていく。この瞬間だけが私にとって特別な時間だ。,朝日が登り始め、静かな街に光が差し込む私はベランダに出て、朝の空気を吸い込んでみる窓から見える古い木際、後たきが落ちる音と混ざり合い静かで深く感じる時間が流れていくこの瞬間だけが私にとって特別な時間だ,1.0,0.10476190476190476 -41f1b42f-b8b0-44eb-87cd-9a88826ec92b,その日、晴れ渡る空に大きな雲が浮かんでいました。彼は公園のベンチで立ち上がり、手には小さな写真集を持っていた。一枚一枚の写真をめくると、それぞれが異なる思い出を引き出す。この写真集の中には、家族や友人との楽しい思い出、また自分自身の成長を記録した瞬間が詰まっている。彼はこの写真集から、自分自身の人生の旅路を振り返り、次への旅立ちを準備していた。,その日晴れ渡る空に大きな雲が浮かんでいました。彼は公園のベンチで立ち上がり、手には小さな写真集を持っていた、1枚1枚の写真をめくると、それぞれが異なる思い出を引き出す。この写真集の中には、家族や友人との楽しい思い出。また自分自身の成長を記録した瞬間が詰まっている、彼はこの写真集から、自分自身の人生の旅路を振り返り、次への旅立を準備していた。,1.0,0.04046242774566474 -be7356c3-4c94-471e-a393-061a3c862fa6,The error code 404 means the requested webpage or resource could not be found on the server., The error code syphiline syph means the requested web page or resource could not be found on the server.,0.23529411764705882,0.16304347826086957 -80e0e61f-da1e-4c53-bdc8-83d5928d1c06,今天天气很好,小华去了公园散步,看到了许多美丽的花朵和可爱的小动物,心情非常愉快。她还遇到了一位老人正在读报纸,旁边的小孩子正围着老人问这问那,大家都显得很开心。,"今天天气很好,小华去了公园散步,看到了许多美丽的花朵和可爱的小动物,心情非常愉快。他还遇到了一位老人正在读报纸,旁边的小孩子正为这老人问着问,大家都显得很开心。",1.0,0.12345679012345678 -79a34a3b-fd55-4a00-8ff2-d486c76942f1,今天天气格外好,小华骑着自行车去公园散步,路旁的花朵争奇斗艳,小鸟在枝头欢快地歌唱。公园里人不多,小华沿着湖边慢慢骑行,偶尔停下来欣赏湖面上的倒影。远处的山峦若隐若现,给这美好的一天增添了几分宁静与和谐。,"今天天气格外好,小华齐着自行车去公园散步,录簧的花朵蒸奇豆腺,小鸟在枝头欢快的歌唱,公园里人不多。小华沿着湖边慢慢齐行,偶尔停下来欣赏湖面上的道影,远出的山软弱隐弱线,给着美好的一天增添了几分明镜与合邪。",1.0,0.2647058823529412 -c41e0d61-00d2-441a-a491-2370ab724539,"With the sun just beginning to rise above the horizon, Sarah stepped out onto her balcony, taking a deep breath of the cool morning air. She stretched her arms wide, feeling the gentle breeze against her skin, and smiled as she gazed out at the vibrant scene unfolding below. The sky was painted with hues of orange and pink, while the trees rustled softly in the breeze, their leaves dancing like tiny acrobats. Sarah felt a sense of peace wash over her, and for a moment, she forgot about the chaos of the day ahead. She took a sip of her coffee, the rich aroma filling her senses, and closed her eyes, letting the tranquility envelop her."," But the sun just beginning to rise above the horizon. Sarah stepped out onto her balcony, taking a deep breath of the cool morning air. She stretched her arms wide, feeling the gentle breeze against her skin, and smiled as she gazed out at the vibrant scene unfolding below. The sky was painted with use of orange and pink, while the trees rustled softly in the breeze. Their leaves dancing like tiny acrobats. Sarah felt a sense of peace wash over her, and for a moment she forgot about the chaos of the day ahead. She took a sip of her coffee, the rich aroma filling her senses and closed her eyes, letting the tranquility envelop her.",0.05982905982905983,0.0171606864274571 -5f7e1ae2-b490-4e7d-8768-a932eb00c9ba,"As the sun began to rise, casting a golden glow over the sleepy town, Sarah stepped out of her cozy apartment and into the fresh morning air. The streets were still quiet, with only the occasional bird chirping and the distant hum of traffic. She took a deep breath, feeling the crispness of the autumn air invigorate her senses. With a small backpack slung over her shoulder and a map tucked safely inside, Sarah set off on her journey, eager to explore the hidden corners of the city. The day promised to be full of unexpected discoveries and new adventures."," As the sun began to rise, casting a golden glow over the sleepy town, Sarah stepped out of her cozy apartment and into the fresh morning air. The streets were still quiet, with only the occasional bird chirping and the distant hum of traffic. She took a deep breath, feeling the crispness of the autumn air invigorate her senses. With a small backpack slung over her shoulder, and a map tucked safely inside, Sarah set off on her journey, eager to explore the hidden corners of the city. The day promised to be full of unexpected discoveries and new adventures.",0.01,0.0017857142857142857 -8ce7d58e-90a5-4259-a0d7-7fa71a53e1ce,朝日が昇り、静かな町には早朝の静けさが広がっています。彼女は公園で朝の散歩を楽しんでおり、木々の間から差し込む光に優雅に身を揺らしています。ゆっくりと呼吸をしながら、今日一日を大切に過ごしたいと思っています。街の雑音も聞こえず、ただその静けさの中で自分自身と向き合うことができます。,前ま朝日が登り 静かな街には早晶の静けさが広がっています彼女は公園で朝の散歩を楽しんでおり 木木の間から差し込む光に有魔に見を許しています ゆっくりと呼吸をしながら今日一日を大切に過ごしたいと思っています 街の雑音も聞こえずただその静けさの中で 自分自身と向き合うことができます,6.0,0.14184397163120568 -3b4aa175-a18f-4608-8d7d-9f74e8dc00fd,その日、私は朝から明るい青空に囲まれて早朝の散歩に出かけました。道端には、まだ静かに眠りこけていた猫たちがいました。彼らは優しく私の足元を照らす太陽の光を追い求めて、軽やかな動きで通りを這う様子がとても可爱らしかったです。散歩後、私は近くの公園へと向かい、子供たちが遊ぶ場所でピクニックをしました。野菜と果物の詰まったパンを食べながら、美しい朝の光景を楽しみました。その後、私は本を読みながらカフェで休憩し、ゆっくりと一日を過ごしました。この一日は、新しい出会いや小さな幸せに満ち溢れていて、心から感謝の気持ちでいっぱいになりました。,その日、私は朝から明るい青空に囲まれて、 操張の散歩に出かけました。道罰にはまだ静かに眠り焦げていた 猫たちがいました。彼らは優しく、私の足元を照らす太陽の光を追い求めて、 軽やかな動きで通りを破る様子がとても加えらしかったです。3歩後、私は近くの公園へと迎え、 子どもたちが遊ぶ場所でピクニックをしました。野菜とくだもののつまったパンを食べながら、 美しい朝の光景を楽しみました。その後、私は本を読みながらカフェで休憩し、 ゆっくりと一日を過ごしました。この���日は、新しい出会いや小さな幸せに道を触れていて、心から感謝の気持ちでいっぱいになりました。,7.0,0.1198501872659176 -a203eff9-4a6d-422b-9f85-4e1e16f693bf,"Le soleil couchant éclairait doucement la rue paisible où je venais de passer une longue journée. Les ombres commençaient à s'étendre, marquant l'arrivée de la nuit. Je ressentis une pointe de nostalgie en pensant aux conversations animées que j'avais eues avec mes amis tout au long de la journée. La tranquillité qui régnait maintenant me semblait presque apaisante après les heures de travail acharné."," Le soleil couchant éclairait doucement la rue paisible où je venais de passer une longue journée. Les hommes recommençait à s'étendre, marquant l'arrivée de la nuit. Je ressentis une poignée de nostalgie, en pensant aux conversations animées que j'avais eu avec mes amis tout au long de la journée. La tranquillité qui réniait maintenant me semblait presque à présent après les heures de travail à charner.",0.15625,0.0594059405940594 -b15f14a8-7340-4de8-a12e-e22a37f5fe8f,その日、空は深く澄んだ青で、風は静かに吹いていました。公園のベンチに座り、新聞を広げて読む彼女の姿が目に浮かびました。彼女はいつも、この時間に読書を楽しんでいました。その場所は、彼女にとって特別な場所でした。日々の小さな出来事や、遠くの山々、近くの川の流れなど、自然の美しさに感動していました。しかし、今日は少し違いました。彼女はいつもとは異なる本を開いたのです。それは彼女が初めて読む外国語の小説で、新しい世界への扉を開くような感覚がありました。彼女はゆっくりとページをめくっていきました。そして、その文字の世界に引き込まれ、少しずつその国の文化や人々について知ることを楽しみ始めました。,その日空は深く住んだ青で風は静かに吹いていました 公園のベンチに座り新聞を広げて読む彼女の姿が目に浮かびました 彼女はいつもこの時間に特象を楽しんでいましたその場所は彼女にとって特別な場所でした 日々の小さな出来事や遠くの山やま近くの川の流れなど自然の美しさに感動していましたしかし今日は少し違いました 彼女はいつもとは異なる本を開いたのですそれは彼女が初めて読む外国語の小説で 新しい世界への扉を開くような感覚がありました彼女はゆっくりとページをめくっていきました そしてその文字の世界に引き込まれ少しずつその国の文化や人々について 知ることを楽しみ始めました,8.0,0.09152542372881356 -299aae63-6b65-4046-8975-7fcbdd0af4e3,"As the morning sun crept over the horizon, casting a golden glow across the sleepy town, Sarah stepped out of her cozy bed. The gentle hum of the city waking up around her was a familiar symphony, one that always put her in a good mood. She dressed quickly, slipping into her favorite pair of jeans and a simple blouse, then grabbed her coffee from the kitchen counter. As she walked through the bustling streets, she couldn't help but notice the vibrant colors of the flowers lining the sidewalks and the faces of the people rushing past. At the local café, she ordered her usual: a latte and a slice of her favorite croissant. While sipping her coffee, she caught up with an old friend who had just moved back to town. They talked for hours about everything and nothing, laughing and sharing stories that brought them both back to a time when they were carefree and full of hope."," As the morning sun crept over the horizon, casting a golden glow across the sleepy town, Sarah stepped out of her cozy bed. The gentle hum of the city waking up around her was a familiar symphony, one that always put her in a good mood. She dressed quickly, slipping into her favorite pair of jeans and a simple blouse, then grabbed her coffee from the kitchen counter. As she walked through the bustling streets, she couldn't help but notice the vibrant colors of the flowers lining the sidewalks and the faces of the people rushing past. At the local cafe, she ordered her usual alate and a slice of her favorite croissant. While sipping her coffee, she caught up with an old friend who had just moved back to town. They talked for hours about everything and nothing, laughing, and sharing stories that brought them both back to a time when they were carefree and full of hope.",0.03125,0.0056753688989784334 -51992119-9249-4242-8014-42bc71910e8d,"As the sun began to rise, painting the sky with hues of orange and pink, Sarah stepped out of her cozy bed and into the warmth of the morning. She stretched her limbs, feeling the gentle breeze against her skin as she headed towards the kitchen for a cup of coffee. The aroma of freshly brewed coffee filled the air, mingling with the scent of blooming flowers outside. With a contented sigh, she sat down at her desk, ready to tackle the day's challenges with renewed energy."," As the sun began to rise, painting the sky with hues of orange and pink, Sarah stepped out of her cozy bed, and into the warmth of the morning. She stretched her limbs, feeling the gentle breeze against her skin as she headed towards the kitchen for a cup of coffee. The aroma of freshly brewed coffee filled the air, mingling with the scent of blooming flowers outside. With a contented sigh, she sat down at her desk, ready to tackle the day's challenges with renewed energy.",0.011494252873563218,0.0021008403361344537 -9e10c13a-400c-4634-9a7f-e1dc2f256377,"Quelques jours plus tard, alors que le soleil se couchait derrière les collines, Marie se retrouva face à une nouvelle décision importante. Elle avait passé des semaines à réfléchir, à analyser chaque aspect de sa situation personnelle et professionnelle. Les conversations avec ses amis et famille avaient été riche en émotions et en conseils avisés. Maintenant, elle se trouvait face au choix le plus délicat de toute sa vie, un pas qui pourrait changer son avenir. Les pensées flottaient dans son esprit, mêlant les souvenirs heureux aux préoccupations anxieuses, tout en cherchant la voie qui conduirait vers la liberté et la paix intérieure."," Quelques jours plus tard, alors que le soleil se coucher derrière les collines, Marie se retrouve à face à une nouvelle décision importante. Elle avait passé des semaines à réfléchir, à analyser chaque aspect de sa situation personnelle et professionnelle. Les conversations avec ses amis et famille avaient été riches en émotion et en conseils avisés. Maintenant, elle se trouvait face aux choix le plus délicat de toute sa vie. Un paquet pourrait changer son avenir. Les pensées flottées dans son esprit, mèlant les souvenirs heureux aux préoccupations anxieuses, tout en cherchant la voix qui conduireait vers la liberté et la paix intérieure.",0.13592233009708737,0.034055727554179564 -47cd7971-8aee-4250-8185-4cac10aca420,今天天气格外好,小华骑着自行车沿着河边的小路缓缓前行。路边的花朵争奇斗艳,蝴蝶在花间飞舞,仿佛整个世界都充满了生机与活力。不一会儿,小华就来到了一个美丽的公园,那里绿树成荫,湖水清澈见底,微风吹过,带来阵阵凉爽。公园里有许多人在散步、跑步,还有的在放风筝,孩子们欢声笑语不断。小华也加入到他们的行列中,享受着这份宁静与美好。,"今天听气格外好,小华旗这自行车沿着河边的小路缓缓前行,路边的花朵蒸奇斗焰,湖迭在花间飞舞,放浮整个世界都充满了升机与活力。不一会儿,小华就来到了一个美丽的公园,那里绿树成阴,湖水清测舰底,微风吹过,带来震震凉爽。公园里有许多人在散步,跑步,还有的在放风整,孩子们欢声笑语不断,小华也加入到他们的行列中,享受着这份宁静与美好。这份宁静与美好,小华也加入到他们的行列中,享受着这份宁静与美好。",1.0,0.3765432098765432 -530eb0de-c144-4844-ad86-d1dbba0e463d,今天天气很好,小华和朋友们一起去公园玩。他们在草地上搭起了帐篷,放飞了风筝,还一起分享了美味的冰淇淋。夕阳西下时,大家围坐在篝火旁,听着远处传来的虫鸣声,享受着这份宁静与美好。,"今天天津很好,小华和朋友们一起去公园玩,他们在草地上搭起了帐子,放黑了风着,还一起分享了美类的冰淇淋。西洋西夏时,大家围坐在勾火旁,听着远处传来的重灵声,享受着这份宁静与美好。",1.0,0.20454545454545456 -6ee7ed64-1ab1-4b1e-a85f-932d39338085,"As the sun began its descent behind the horizon, casting a warm glow over the city, Sarah took a deep breath of the fresh evening air. She walked along the riverbank, her footsteps echoing softly on the stones. The cool breeze carried the scent of blooming flowers, and she felt a sense of peace wash over her. As she strolled, she reflected on the day's events, feeling grateful for small joys and the simple pleasures that made life worthwhile."," As the sun began its descent behind the horizon casting a warm glow over the city, Sarah took a deep breath of the fresh evening air. She walked along the riverbank, her footsteps echoing softly on the stones. The cool breeze carried the scent of blooming flowers, and she felt a sense of peace wash over her. As she strolled she reflected on the day's events, feeling grateful for small joys and the simple pleasures that made life worthwhile.",0.02531645569620253,0.004484304932735426 -2de3e592-4bce-40b5-b543-6f9f6ff2eb4f,その日、空は深く澄んだ青で、太陽は高く照り抜いていました。私は公園のベンチに座り、手には小さな本を握っていました。ページをめくるたびに、懐かしい思い出が蘇ってきました。風が吹き、木々の葉が舞いながら、私は自分自身に語りかけました。この瞬間を大切にしたいと心から思いました。,その日空は深くすんだ青で 太陽は高くてり抜いていました私は公園のベンチに座り 手には小さな本を握っていましたページをめくるたびに 懐かしい思い出が読みがえてきました風が吹き 木木の歯が舞いながら 私は自分自身に語りかけましたこの瞬間を大切にしたいと 心から思いました,7.0,0.14705882352941177 -350ef102-b22d-439c-bd0a-b3f847ad8e19,その日、空は澄んでいて青い雲が悠々と流れています。彼女は公園でピクニックを楽しんでおり、甘い果物のジュースを飲みながら、手紙を書き始めました。この静かな時間は、彼女が大切にしている友人や家族への感謝の言葉を書き綴るのに最適でした。,その日、空は寸でいて青い雲が有優と流れています。彼女は公園でピクニックを楽しんでおり、甘い子どもの女装を飲みながら手紙を書き始めました。この静かな時間は、彼女が大切にしている友人や家族への感謝の言葉を書きつずるのに最適でした。,1.0,0.12173913043478261 -3a2452da-31fe-410c-b814-82b0d6044e3c,今天天气格外好,小华和朋友们一起去了郊外的公园野餐。公园里绿树成荫,鲜花盛开,孩子们在草地上尽情奔跑玩耍,大人们则围坐在树下的长椅上聊天、吃东西。不一会儿,天空中飘来几朵白云,仿佛也在为这美好的一天增添了几分诗意。小华拿出相机,记录下这一刻的美好。,"今天天气格外好,小华和朋友们一起去了交外的公园野餐,公园里绿树成阴,先花圣开,孩子们在草地上进行奔跑完爽。大人们则为坐在座下的场上聊天,吃东西,不一会儿,天空中飘来几岛白云。仿佛也在为这美好的一天,增添了几分失语,小华拿出相机,记录下这一刻的美好。",1.0,0.21774193548387097 -efdf342e-a9ce-4880-80a3-f4b328e62524,"As the sun began to set, painting the sky with hues of orange and pink, Sarah stepped out onto her balcony to enjoy the peaceful evening. She took a deep breath, inhaling the fresh air mixed with the scent of blooming flowers. Across the street, children played under the watchful gaze of their parents, laughter echoing through the quiet neighborhood. Nearby, a couple strolled hand in hand, their eyes locked in a tender gaze. Sarah felt a warmth spread through her chest, grateful for this simple yet beautiful moment in time. She knew that no matter how chaotic life could become, there were always these small, precious instances that reminded her of the goodness in the world."," As the sun began to set, painting the sky with hues of orange and pink, Sarah stepped out onto her balcony to enjoy the peaceful evening. She took a deep breath, inhaling the fresh air mixed with the scent of blooming flowers. Across the street, children played under the watchful gaze of their parents, laughter echoing through the quiet neighborhood. Nearby, a couple strolled hand in hand, their eyes locked in a tender gaze. Sarah felt a warmth spread through her chest, grateful for this simple yet beautiful moment in time. She knew that no matter how chaotic life could become, there were always these small precious instances that reminded her of the goodness in the world.",0.008547008547008548,0.001466275659824047 -0f5b5705-c5f8-4e34-ae05-3ea2888fcbc3,"As the morning sun began to rise, casting a warm glow over the sleepy town, Sarah stepped out of her cozy bed and into the crisp morning air. She stretched her limbs, feeling the gentle breeze tousle her hair as she made her way to the kitchen for a cup of coffee. The aroma of freshly brewed coffee mingled with the scent of the outdoors, creating a delightful blend that filled her senses. After finishing her breakfast, she packed her bag and headed towards the city center, her mind already racing with plans for the day ahead. She had an important meeting scheduled with a potential client, but she also intended to drop by the local bookstore to browse through new releases. As she walked, she couldn't help but feel grateful for this peaceful start to what promised to be an exciting day."," As the morning sun began to rise, casting a warm glow over the sleepy town, Sarah stepped out of her cozy bed and into the crisp morning air. She stretched her limbs, feeling the gentle breeze, to usall her hair. As she made her way to the kitchen for a cup of coffee, the aroma of freshly brewed coffee mingled with the scent of the outdoors, creating a delightful blend that filled her senses. After finishing her breakfast, she packed her bag and headed towards the city center. Her mind already racing with plans for the day ahead. She had an important meeting scheduled with a potential client, but she also intended to drop by the local bookstore to browse through new releases. As she walked, she couldn't help but feel grateful for this peaceful start to what promised to be an exciting day.",0.06293706293706294,0.012578616352201259 -92750334-71e0-4b54-be61-6d327fa9fba6,その日、朝から雨が降り続きました。しかし、雨の中を歩くことで、心が洗われるような気持ちになりました。家に帰り、暖炉の前に座り、本を読んだり、お茶を淹れたりしながら、穏やかな一日を過ごしました。夜には、家族と食事をし、その後、リビングで映画を見ながら、くつろぎの時間を楽しむことができました。その日の終わりは、明るい空が差し込み、新たな一日への希望が湧き上がりました。,その日朝から雨が降り続きました しかし雨の中を歩くことで心が表れるような気持ちになりました 家に帰りダンロの前に座り本を読んだりお茶をいめれたりしながら おだやかな一日を過ごしました夜には家族と食事をしその悪をリビング で映画を見ながら靴ロギの時間を楽しむことができましたその日の終わりは明るい空が差し込み 新たな一日への希望が諦りました,6.0,0.19672131147540983 -d9743b7a-9f4e-42f8-a80d-c169dfba25cd,"As the sun began to set, casting a warm golden hue over the city, Sarah took a deep breath of the evening air. The streets were already beginning to fill with the sounds of people going about their nightly routines—music drifting from nearby cafes, children laughing as they played in the park, and the occasional honk of a car signaling its way through the congested traffic. Sarah felt a sense of peace wash over her, a feeling that came with the knowledge that she was living in a place where everything had its own rhythm and beauty. She decided to take a walk along the river, hoping to find a moment of solitude amidst the bustling city life."," As the sun began to set, casting a warm golden hue over the city, Sarah took a deep breath of the evening air. The streets were already beginning to fill with the sounds of people going about their nightly routines. Music drifting from nearby cafes, children laughing as they played in the park, and the occasional honk of a car signaling its way through the congested traffic. Sarah felt a sense of peace wash over her, a feeling that came with the knowledge that she was living in a place where everything had its own rhythm and beauty. She decided to take a walk along the river, hoping to find a moment of solitude amidst the bustling city life.",0.01694915254237288,0.004629629629629629 -1cf1d538-7b13-4504-b514-f4f30fe519fe,"Every morning, as the sun rises above the horizon, I take a few minutes to appreciate the beauty of this new day. Whether it's a clear blue sky or a gentle rain shower, each morning brings its own unique opportunities for growth and discovery. I start my day by reading a chapter from a book that inspires me, whether it's a novel, a scientific article, or a piece of poetry. This helps set a positive tone for what promises to be an exciting day ahead. After breakfast, I often engage in some form of physical activity—whether it's yoga, a brisk walk, or a run in the park. It's during these moments that I feel most alive and connected to the world around me. Throughout the day, I try to maintain a balance between work and leisure, ensuring that I have time to connect with loved ones and pursue hobbies that bring joy and fulfillment. At the end of the day, I reflect on what I've accomplished and what I hope to achieve tomorrow. This routine has become a cornerstone of my life, providing structure and meaning amidst the chaos of daily existence."," Every morning, as the sun rises above the horizon, I take a few minutes to appreciate the beauty of this new day. Whether it's a clear blue sky or a gentle rain shower, each morning brings its own unique opportunities for growth and discovery. I start my day by reading a chapter from a book that inspires me, whether it's a novel, a scientific article, or a piece of poetry. This helps set a positive tone for what promises to be an exciting day ahead. After breakfast, I often engage in some form of physical activity, whether it's yoga, a brisk walk, or a run in the park. It's during these moments that I feel most alive and connected to the world around me. Throughout the day, I try to maintain a balance between work and leisure, ensuring that I have time to connect with loved ones and pursue hobbies that bring joy and fulfillment. At the end of the day, I reflect on what I've accomplished and what I hope to achieve tomorrow. This routine has become a cornerstone of my life, providing structure and meaning amidst the chaos of daily existence.",0.010416666666666666,0.0018975332068311196 -f9ef5006-eda2-4610-a90a-dd0082e5da46,今天天气很好,小华和朋友们一起去公园玩。他们在草地上踢足球,笑声和欢呼声充满了整个公园。小华还遇到了老朋友,他们一起回忆起过去的日子,分享彼此的新鲜事。公园里的花儿也似乎被这份快乐感染,绽放得更加灿烂。,"今天天气很好,小华和朋友们一起去公园玩,他们在草地上踢足球,笑声和欢呼声,充满了整���公园。小华还遇到了老朋友,他们一起回忆一起过去的日子分享彼此的新鲜事。公园里的花儿也似乎被这份快乐感染,战放的更加惨了。",1.0,0.1188118811881188 -7d605a59-2c92-4faa-b734-c9f4c22ddd12,今天是周末,小华早早地起床准备去图书馆看书。她先去厨房做了早餐,然后收拾好书包,背上书包出发了。到了图书馆,她借了一些新书回来,还有一本旧书想要归还。小华在阅读区找到了一个安静的位置坐下,开始阅读那些吸引她的书籍。图书馆里人不多,只有几个学生在专心致志地学习。小华的心情十分愉快,因为她知道这个周末她将度过一个充实而有意义的时间。,"今天是周末,小华早早地起床准备去图书馆看书,他先去厨房做了早餐,然后收拾好书包,背上书包出发了。到了图书馆,他借了一些新书回来,还有一本就书想要归还,小华在月毒区找到了一个安静的位置座下,开始月毒那些吸引他的书籍。图书馆里人不多,只有几个学生在专心制制地学习,小华的心情十分愉快,因为他知道这个周末他将度过一个冲实而有意义的时间。",1.0,0.15151515151515152 -2cc9e98d-6b2d-4ce6-bf96-ac169ccc96ff,今天天气很好,小华和朋友们一起去公园玩得很开心。他们先去了儿童游乐区,孩子们在滑梯上尽情嬉戏,还一起堆了小雪人。然后他们去了湖边,小华划了一次船,虽然有点晕船,但还是觉得非常有趣。最后他们在草地上野餐,品尝了各种美食,还唱了几首歌。整个下午过得非常愉快,大家都希望下次还能再来这里玩。,"今天天气很好。小华和朋友们一起去公园玩得很开心。他们先去了儿童游乐区,孩子们在华梯上进行吸息,还一起堆了小雪人,然后他们去了湖边。小华华了一次传,虽然有点云传,但还是觉得非常有趣。最后他们在草地上野餐,品尝了各种美食,还唱了几首歌。整个下午过得非常愉快。大家都希望下次还能再来这里玩。",1.0,0.13380281690140844 -f7d6be6c-24a8-4710-ab11-9d958330ab01,今天天气格外好,小华早早地起床,准备去公园晨跑。她穿上了运动服,戴上耳机播放喜欢的音乐,心情格外愉快。到了公园,她沿着湖边慢跑,呼吸着新鲜空气,感受着微风拂面的惬意。跑完步后,她在草地上铺开瑜伽垫,做了一些简单的伸展运动,帮助身体放松。小华觉得今天的早晨非常充实和美好。,"今天天气格外好,小华早早地洗床,准备去公园陈袍,他穿上了运动服。戴上耳机,不放喜欢的音乐,心心格外愉快。到了公园,他沿着湖边漫跑,呼吸着心先空气,感受着微风浮面的切异。好完不后,他在草地上铺开鱼家店,做了一些简单的深展运动,帮助身体放松。小华觉得,今天的早晨非常充实和美好。",1.0,0.24444444444444444 -20175181-eb1b-4f98-bddc-17d4ba90703d,今天天气很好,小华和朋友们一起去公园玩得很开心,他们放风筝、踢足球,还一起吃了美味的冰淇淋。,"冰天天气很好,小华和朋友们一起去公园玩得很开心,他们放风蒸,梯足球,还一起吃了美味的冰淇淋。",1.0,0.15217391304347827 -f93887a8-f0b9-427c-aa6b-704bc55b4a19,"As the sun began its descent towards the horizon, casting a warm golden glow over the landscape, Sarah took a deep breath of the fresh evening air. The sky painted a canvas of vibrant oranges and purples, creating a breathtaking scene that seemed almost too beautiful to be real. She walked slowly along the edge of the cliff, her mind wandering through memories of days long past and dreams for the future. Each step she took brought her closer to a place where she felt truly alive, far away from the stresses of everyday life. The sound of waves crashing against the rocks provided a soothing melody that helped her relax and let go of any lingering worries. As the stars began to twinkle in the night sky, Sarah found herself feeling more connected to the world around her than ever before."," As the sun began its descent towards the horizon, casting a warm golden glow over the landscape, Sarah took a deep breath of the fresh evening air. The sky painted a canvas of vibrant oranges and purples, creating a breathtaking scene that seemed almost too beautiful to be real. She walked slowly along the edge of the cliff, her mind wandering through memories of days long past and dreams for the future. Each step she took brought her closer to a place where she felt truly alive far away from the stresses of everyday life. The sound of waves crashing against the rocks provided a soothing melody that helped her relax and let go of any lingering worries. As the stars began to twinkle in the night sky, Sarah found herself feeling more connected to the world around her than ever before.",0.007042253521126761,0.0012594458438287153 -862164f5-a5fc-4d8b-8d74-fbf59b8eba48,"As the sun began to set, painting the sky with hues of orange and pink, Sarah took a deep breath, feeling grateful for the beautiful day that had just passed. She walked slowly through the park, enjoying the gentle breeze and the sound of birds chirping around her. As she strolled, she thought about all the wonderful experiences she had shared with friends and family over the past few months. Each memory brought a smile to her face, reminding her how fortunate she was to have such a supportive community. Suddenly, a sense of contentment washed over her, knowing that no matter what challenges lay ahead, she would face them with the same resilience and optimism that had guided her through the ups and downs of recent times."," As the sun began to set, painting the sky with hues of orange and pink, Sarah took a deep breath, feeling grateful for the beautiful day that had just passed. She walked slowly through the park, enjoying the gentle breeze and the sound of birds chirping around her. As she strolled, she thought about all the wonderful experiences she had shared with friends and family over the past few months. Each memory brought a smile to her face, reminding her how fortunate she was to have such a supportive community. Suddenly, a sense of contentment washed over her, knowing that no matter what challenges lay ahead, she would face them with the same resilience and optimism that had guided her through the ups and downs of recent times.",0.0,0.0 -1472b18a-145e-40f1-a19c-dde973bd9d11,九月の静かな日、空は澄み渡り、風が心地よく吹きます。窓から見える庭には、紫陽花が咲き誇り、その鮮やかな色で秋の訪れを告げています。私は本を手に取り、読み始めました。この季節の訪れを待つ間、新たな知見を得られる一冊を見つけたいと思っています。,5月の静かな日 空は積み渡り 風がここちよく吹きます窓から見えるにはには 味再が先誇り その浅やかな色で秋のおとずれをつめています私は本を手に取り 読み始めましたこの季節のおとずれを待つ間 新たな地見を得られる一冊を見つけたいと思っています,7.0,0.26666666666666666 -a47f5f8a-5184-4bef-a623-9d30b2e623d9,"In the small town nestled between rolling hills, where the air is always fresh and the sun shines brightly, lived an elderly woman named Clara. Every morning, she would wake up early, her steps slow but purposeful as she made her way to the quaint local café. There, she would sit alone at the counter, sipping her strong coffee and reading the daily newspaper, often lost in thought about the past and the future. Her hands trembled slightly as she turned the pages, each word bringing back memories from long ago. The café was her sanctuary, a place where time seemed to stand still, and she could find peace amidst the hustle and bustle of everyday life."," In the small town nestled between rolling hills, where the air is always fresh, and the sun shines brightly. Lived an elderly woman named Clara. Every morning she would wake up early. Her steps slow but purposeful, as she made her way to the quaint local cafe. There she would sit alone at the counter, sipping her strong coffee and reading the daily newspaper, often lost in thought about the past and the future. Her hands trembled slightly, as she turned the pages, each word bringing back memories from long ago. The cafe was her sanctuary. A place where times seemed to stand still, and she could find peace amidst the hustle and bustle of everyday life.",0.11965811965811966,0.0213089802130898 -e62d3174-550a-4518-88ef-f34850b62e1c,朝日が昇り始め、静かな街はゆっくりと静けさから目覚めていく。窓辺で朝の光に照らされて、コーヒーを手にした私たちは静かに朝を迎える。新しい一日が始まる瞬間、お互いに手を繋ぎ、その小さな幸せに感謝する。街の喧騒とは異なる、この静かな時間は私たちにとって特別な瞬間です。,朝日が登り始め、静かな街はゆっくりと静けさから目覚めていく。窓べで朝の光に照らされて、 高火を手にした私たちは静かに朝を迎える。新しい一日が始まる瞬間、 お互いに手をつなぎ、その小さな幸せに感謝する。街の検討とは異なる、 この静かな時間は、私たちにとって特別な瞬間です。,4.0,0.09848484848484848 -c6b5a373-8663-4904-a830-a1952c43ccf7,"Le ciel était d'un bleu profond lorsqu'il a commencé à pleuvoir. La pluie tombait en cascade sur les feuilles des arbres, créant une symphonie naturelle. J'ai marché lentement vers mon bureau, laissant la pluie couler sur ma veste et mes cheveux. La ville était silencieuse, mais chaque bruit de la pluie ajoutait une note unique à ce tableau paisible. Arrivé au bureau, j'ai constaté que mon ordinateur était toujours hors ligne, probablement en train de se connecter à Internet pour vérifier les dernières nouvelles. La pluie continuait de tomber, comme si elle avait son propre rythme, un ronronnement doux qui résonnait dans l'air frais."," Le ciel était d'un bleu profond lorsqu'il a commencé à pleuvoir. La pluie tombait en casquade sur les feuilles des arbres, créant une symphonie naturelle. J'ai marché lentement vers mon bureau, laissant la pluie couler sur ma veste et mes cheveux. La ville était silencieuse, mais chaque bruit de la pluie ajoutait une note unique à ce tableau paisible. Arrivé au bureau, j'ai constaté que mon ordinateur était toujours hors ligne, probablement en train de se connecter à internet pour vérifier les dernières nouvelles. La pluie continuait de tomber, comme si elle avait son propre rythme, un rond-ronnement d'eau qui résonnait dans l'air frais.",0.038461538461538464,0.014040561622464899 -41f94058-1ee5-46f6-8609-06af35770f04,今天天气不错,小华和几个朋友一起去公园玩。他们在草地上踢足球,还放风筝,玩得很开心。小华还遇到了老朋友张阿姨,他们聊起了过去的事情,笑声不断。,"今天天气不错,小华和几个朋友一起去公园玩,他们在草地上踢足球还放风针玩得很开心。小华还遇到了老朋友张阿姨,他们了解了过去的事情,笑声不断。",1.0,0.1267605633802817 -d31daa96-1ab5-4171-a102-36bf087f3e92,今天天气格外好,小华骑着自行车去公园玩,一路上欣赏着美丽的风景,心情非常愉快。到了公园,他先去了儿童游乐区,和朋友们一起玩了荡秋千、滑滑梯等游戏,笑声不断。然后,他沿着湖边散步,看着清澈的湖水和周围的树木,感觉心旷神怡。最后,他在湖边找了个安静的地方坐下来,拿出一本书静静地阅读。,"今天天气格外好。小华旗这自行车去公园玩,一路上欣赏的美丽的风景,心情非常愉快。到了公园,他先去了儿童游乐区,和朋友们一起玩了,当秋千华华踢等游戏,笑声不断。然后他沿着湖边散步,看着轻车的湖水和周围的树木,感觉心矿神疑。最后他在湖边找了个安静的地方坐下来,拿出一本书静静的月毒。",1.0,0.19285714285714287 -b92e3662-61df-4cf6-951d-7ec8040d02b6,今天天气格外好,小华和朋友们一起去公园野餐。他们带了各种美味的食物,有烤鸡、水果沙拉和各式各样的甜点。小华还准备了一些好看的风筝,大家一起放飞,天空中顿时充满了五彩斑斓的风筝。公园里的小湖边,孩子们在嬉戏玩耍,老人们则悠闲地聊天。夕阳西下时,大家围坐在一起,分享今天的快乐时光,直到夜幕降临才依依不舍地回家。,"今天天气格外好,小华和朋友们一起去公园野餐,他们带了各种美味的食物,有烤鸡,水果沙拉和各式各样的甜点。小华还准备了一些好看的风证,大家一起放飞,天空中对时充满了无彩般栏的风证。公园里的小湖边,孩子们在稀稀完爽,老人们则优险的聊天。西洋西下时,大家为坐在一起,分享今天的快乐时光,直到夜幕降龄,才一一不舍的回家。",1.0,0.2077922077922078 -00ee4f68-35b6-42ca-90f6-b398f10aefb8,"As the sun began its descent towards the horizon, casting a golden glow over the landscape, Sarah took a deep breath and stepped out onto the balcony of her apartment building. The cool night air carried with it the faint scent of blooming flowers from the nearby park. With a cup of coffee in hand, she settled into her favorite armchair, ready to dive into the pages of her latest novel. Each word she read transported her to new worlds, allowing her to escape from the stresses of everyday life. As she reached the end of the chapter, she felt a sense of satisfaction, knowing that she had spent an evening well-lived."," As the sun began its descent towards the horizon, casting a golden glow over the landscape, Sarah took a deep breath and stepped out onto the balcony of her apartment building. The cool night air carried with it the faint scent of blooming flowers from the nearby park. With a cup of coffee in hand, she settled into her favorite armchair, ready to dive into the pages of her latest novel. Each word she read transported her to new worlds, allowing her to escape from the stresses of everyday life. As she reached the end of the chapter, she felt a sense of satisfaction, knowing that she had spent an evening well lived.",0.017857142857142856,0.001610305958132045 -5ac89d48-db9f-4ee7-bb07-54232ae59a5a,"As the sun began its descent towards the horizon, casting a golden glow over the city, Sarah took a deep breath and stepped out of her apartment building. The streets were already bustling with people hurrying to their destinations, each face telling a story of their own. She walked past cafes where locals sipped their morning coffee, and shops where vendors shouted out their wares. The aroma of freshly baked bread wafted through the air, mingling with the scent of flowers from nearby gardens. As she continued her journey, Sarah couldn't help but feel a sense of calm and contentment wash over her. Every step brought her closer to the park she planned to visit, where she would find solace and perhaps even inspiration for her upcoming project."," As the sun began its descent towards her eyes and casting a golden glow over the city. Sarah took a deep breath and stepped out of her apartment building. The streets were already bustling with people hurrying to their destinations. Each face telling a story of their own. She walked past cafes where locals sipped their morning coffee, and shops where vendors shouted out their wares. The aroma of freshly baked bread, wafed it through the air. Mingling with the scent of flowers from nearby gardens. As she continued her journey, Sarah couldn't help but feel a sense of common contentment wash over her. Every step brought her closer to the park she planned to visit, where she would find solace, and perhaps even inspiration for her upcoming project.",0.109375,0.033288948069241014 -e49b4b7a-047a-465b-a0cb-f7029f0c041e,"When the first light of dawn begins to paint the sky with hues of pink and orange, I stretch my limbs and step out into the fresh morning air. The gentle rustling of leaves and the distant chirping of birds awaken me from a peaceful sleep. Each step I take on the soft grass feels like a promise of new beginnings. As I walk along the winding path through the forest, I can't help but feel grateful for this moment, when the world is still quiet and full of possibilities."," When the first light of dawn begins to paint the sky with hues of pink and orange, I stretch my limbs and step out into the fresh morning air. The gentle rustling of leaves and the distant chirping of birds awaken me from a peaceful sleep. Each step I take on the soft grass feels like a promise of new beginnings. As I walk along the winding path through the forest, I can't help but feel grateful for this moment when the world is still quiet and full of possibilities.",0.011111111111111112,0.00211864406779661 -34c85d79-424b-499b-a95a-ccef32e723aa,"On a sunny morning, as the birds began their chorus and the aroma of freshly brewed coffee wafted through the air, Emma sat at her desk with a cup in hand. She opened her laptop and started working on her latest project, a detailed report about sustainable urban planning. The clock ticked away, and soon enough, she took a break to grab a quick sandwich from the nearby café. Outside, children played in the park, their laughter echoing through the streets. Emma felt grateful for this peaceful start to her day, knowing that whatever challenges lay ahead, she was well-equipped to face them."," On a sunny morning as the birds began their chorus, and the aroma of freshly brewed coffee wafed through the air, Emma sat at her desk with a cup in hand. She opened her laptop and started working on her latest project. A detailed report about sustainable urban planning. The clock ticked away, and soon enough, she took a break to grab a quick sandwich from the nearby cafe. Outside, children played in the park, thereafter echoing through the streets. Emma felt grateful for this peaceful start to her day, knowing that whatever challenges lay ahead, she was well equipped to face them.",0.0970873786407767,0.021922428330522766 -adba994f-b5fc-4fbb-8220-605ed8d387df,"Le soleil se couche doucement derrière les montagnes, éclairant le ciel d'un magnifique arc-en-ciel. Je marche tranquillement dans le jardin familial, respirant profondément l'odeur de la terre fraîchement labourée. Chaque racine qui remonte à la surface me rappelle l'histoire de cette terre, de ses ancêtres et de tous ceux qui l'ont foulée avant moi. La lune commence à apparaître timidement dans le ciel, projetant des ombres géantes sur les arbres. C'est alors que je réalise combien chaque instant passé ici est précieux et unique."," Le soleil se couche doucement derrière les montagnes et clairement le ciel d'un magnifique arc en ciel. Je marche tranquillement dans le jardin familial, respire en profondément en l'odeur de la terre fraîchement laborée. Chaque racine qui remonte à la surface me rappelle l'histoire de cette terre, de ses ancêtres, et de tous ceux qui l'ont foulés avant moi. La lune commence à apparaître timidement dans le ciel, projetant des hommes regéantes sur les armes. C'est alors que je réalise combien, à chaque instant passer ici, est précieux et unique.",0.2261904761904762,0.0595903165735568 -17f9b023-c974-43b1-8881-076a65f4cb03,"Le soleil déclinait à l'horizon, offrant une scène splendide au-dessus des collines verdoyantes. Marie s'installa confortablement sur sa chaise longue, plongée dans un livre qu'elle aimait tant. La lumière tamisée de la maison atténuait le bruit extérieur, créant une atmosphère apaisante. Elle s'endormit quelques instants, bercée par le chant des oiseaux et le murmure du vent dans les pins. Lorsqu'elle se réveilla, le ciel avait pris une teinte plus sombre, annonçant la venue de la nuit."," Le soleil décliné à l'horizon, offrant une scènes plandie d'autre-dessus des collines verds doyantes. Marie s'installe à confortablement sur sa chaise longue, plongée dans un livre qu'elle est mettant. Ta lumière tamisée de la maison a tenu et le bruit extérieur, créant une atmosphère à pésente. Elle s'endormit quelques instants, bercez par le champ des oiseaux et le mur mure du vent dans les pines. Lorsqu'elle se réveillait, le ciel avait pris une tinte plus sombre, annonçant la venue de la nuit.",0.3026315789473684,0.08943089430894309 -82e01816-f713-4a6c-952f-94e67b749f5d,その日、空は澄み切って青で、彼女は静かに歩き、道端の花々を手に取りながら、日々の小さな幸せについて考えました。雨上がりの公園では、子供たちが楽しそうに遊んでいる姿を見かけ、心が温かくなりました。彼女は自転車に乗って家路に帰ろうとしましたが、途中で見つけた小さな本屋で一冊の本を手に取るまで止まりました。読み終わった後、彼女は店内を隅々まで見回し、最後に店員さんに会いに行きました。,この日空は積み切って青で 彼女は静かに歩き道罰の花ばなお手に取りながら 日々の小さな幸せについて考えました目上がりの公園では 子どもたちが楽しそうに遊んでいる姿を見かけ心が暖かくなりました 彼女は自転車に乗って イエジに帰ろうとしましたが途中で見つけた小さな本屋で 一冊の方を手に取るまで止まりますと 読み終わった後 彼女は天内を済みずにまで見回し最後に天員さんに愛に行きました,9.0,0.20526315789473684 -b7f8cf60-b346-460c-b28a-ac0a73bc582f,"As the sun began to set, painting the sky in hues of orange and pink, Sarah sat on the old stone bench in the park, her laptop open on her lap. The gentle breeze carried the scent of blooming flowers and distant laughter, creating a serene atmosphere. She took a deep breath, feeling grateful for this peaceful moment. With fingers dancing over the keyboard, she continued to write her latest novel, each word adding to the vivid story unfolding on the screen. The world outside seemed to pause, allowing her to lose herself in the world she was crafting."," As the sun began to set, painting the sky in hues of orange and pink, Sarah sat on the old stone bench in the park. Her laptop opened on her lap. The gentle breeze carried the scent of blooming flowers and distant laughter. Creating a serene atmosphere, she took a deep breath, feeling grateful for this peaceful moment. With fingers dancing over the keyboard, she continued to write her latest novel, each word adding to the vivid story unfolding on the screen. The world outside seemed to pause, allowing her to lose herself in the world she was crafting.",0.0707070707070707,0.014414414414414415 -265cf442-3a2a-422a-ab7c-e759072de565,今天天气真好,小华在公园里散步,欣赏着五彩斑斓的花朵和欢快的小鸟,心情格外舒畅。,"今天天气真好,小华在公园里散步,欣赏着无采般兰的花朵和欢快的小鸟,心情格外书畅。",1.0,0.2 -e30b7e61-8c83-4048-b055-9fb07ffdbbd2,"Amidst the vibrant market of Paris, the aroma of freshly baked croissants mingled with the rich scent of coffee as people from all walks of life gathered to shop, chat, and savor the city's lively atmosphere. The sun, casting golden rays through the towering Eiffel Tower, painted the cobblestone streets with a warm glow. Among the bustling crowd, there was an elderly couple holding hands, their eyes twinkling with love as they reminisced about their own adventures in this beautiful city. Children ran helter-skelter, their laughter echoing through the narrow alleyways, while vendors called out their wares in a melodic French accent, enticing passersby to indulge in their culinary delights. It was a perfect snapshot of Parisian life, where every corner held a story waiting to be told."," Amidst the vibrant market of Paris, the aroma of freshly baked croissants mingled with the rich scent of coffee, as people from all walks of life gathered to shop, chat, and savor the city's lively atmosphere, the sun casting golden rays through the towering, ifletower, painted the cobblestone streets with a warm glow, among the bustling crowd, there was an elderly couple holding hands, their eyes twinkling with love, as they reminisced about their own adventures, in this beautiful city, children ran Halterskeltar, thereafter echoing through the narrow alleyways, while vendors called out their wares in a melodic French accent, enticing passes by to indulge in their culinary delights, it was a perfect snapshot of Parisian life, where every corner held a story waiting to be told.",0.15625,0.03783102143757881 -0557fcba-fed7-4a4e-808a-fed2ee93ded0,"With the sun just beginning to rise over the horizon, Sarah stepped out of her cozy apartment and into the vibrant morning air. She took a deep breath, feeling the cool breeze against her face, and began her daily jog along the waterfront path. The early birds were already out, their chirping adding to the symphony of nature that welcomed her new day. As she passed by the local park, children playing and parents watching, she felt a sense of peace wash over her. By the time she reached the end of the path, her heart was full not only of exercise but also of the simple joys of living in this bustling city."," With the sun just beginning to rise over the horizon, Sarah stepped out of her cozy apartment and into the vibrant morning air. She took a deep breath, feeling the cool breeze against her face, and began her daily jog along the waterfront path. The early birds were already out. They're chirping adding to the symphony of nature that welcomed her new day. As she passed by the local park, children playing and parents watching, she felt a sense of peace wash over her. By the time she reached the end of the path, her heart was full not only of exercise but also of the simple joys of living in this bustling city.",0.017543859649122806,0.008169934640522876 -939337fb-fb16-4916-8135-14180e718078,その日、朝日が昇るのを待って彼女は庭に出て、新しい一日に向けて静かに深呼吸をしました。木々の葉に散らばる朝露が、心地よい冷たさを運んでいました。彼女は自分の小さな菜園を見回し、何種類かの野菜が育っているのを見て嬉しそうに笑了りました。その後、朝ごはんのために野菜を切るために厨房に向かいました。,ふざりハーリーパージニエイド虫ワイニーニー新しい一日に向けて静かに進行吸しましたキギの葉に散らばるアサロが心地をいつめたさを運んでいました彼女は自分の小さな才延を見回し何種類かの野菜が育っているのを見てブレッシュソウにしたりましたその後、あそご飯のために野菜を切るために中防に向かいました,1.0,0.38095238095238093 -560bca63-e647-4b43-9efe-a4382399590e,"In the bustling city park, children played amidst the laughter and joy, while parents watched over them with a mix of pride and worry. The sound of ice cream trucks called out to passersby, tempting them with the sweet promise of cold treats. Nearby, an elderly couple strolled hand in hand, their conversation filled with stories of the past and hopes for the future. Amidst the chaos and tranquility, it was easy to feel a sense of community and belonging."," In the bustling city park, children played amidst the laughter and joy, while parents watched over them with a mix of pride and worry, the sound of ice cream trucks called out to passers-by, tempting them with the sweet promise of cold treats. Nearby an elderly couple strolled hand in hand, their conversation filled with stories of the past and hopes for the future, amidst the chaos and tranquility, it was easy to feel a sense of community and belonging.",0.075,0.013100436681222707 -a3a0149b-1183-4dc9-9612-08d4f8283703,"As the sun began to set, painting the sky with hues of orange and pink, Sarah stepped out into the cool evening air. The gentle breeze carried the scent of blooming flowers, making her feel peaceful and content. She walked slowly along the path, enjoying the tranquility of the moment. Every step felt like a small victory, a reminder that life was full of simple joys waiting to be discovered."," As the sun began to set, painting the sky with hues of orange and pink, Sarah stepped out into the cool evening air. The gentle breeze carried the scent of blooming flowers, making her feel peaceful and content. She walked slowly along the path, enjoying the tranquility of the moment. Every step felt like a small victory, a reminder that life was full of simple joy is waiting to be discovered.",0.02857142857142857,0.005076142131979695 -758b7b06-fbd8-47c5-9d1e-52425f152dc1,今天天气格外好,小华骑着自行车去公园散步,路旁的花朵争奇斗艳,小鸟在枝头欢快地歌唱。公园里的人们有的在晨练,有的在悠闲地聊天,还有的带着孩子放风筝。小华觉得这一天过得特别有意义,充满了生活的乐趣。,"今天天气格外好。小华旗这自行车去公园散步。路旁的花朵蒸奇豆叶,小鸟在汁头欢快地歌唱。公园里的人们有的在沉烈,有的在优弦地聊天,还有的带着孩子放风整。小华觉得这一天过得特别有意义,充满了生活的乐趣。",1.0,0.17346938775510204 -832973a8-b7a5-4d59-8ec4-e71e35daa6ba,"In the small town square, children laughed and played as their parents chatted nearby. The sun peeked through the trees, casting golden shadows on the cobblestone path."," In the small town square, children laughed and played as their parents chatted nearby. The sun peeked through the trees, casting golden shadows on the cobblestone path.",0.0,0.0 -4c7aa436-0b46-4556-a475-5afd24e3b6f1,その日の夕方、田中さんは公園で散歩をしていた。木々の間から差し込む夕日が静かに舞い、彼の心を落ち着かせた。子供たちが遊ぶ音や鳥のさえずりが混ざり合い、空気は優しくなった。彼はベンチに腰掛け、手元の本を眺めていた。時にはページをめくったり、時折声を上げて笑ったりする。この時間が、彼にとって特別なものだった。,その日の夕方、田中さんは公園で散歩していた木木の間から差し込む夕日が静かにまい彼の心を落ち着かせた子どもたちが遊ぶ音や鳥のサイズリが混ざり合い空気は優しくなった彼はベンチに越しかけ、手元の本を眺めていた時にはページをめくったり時よりごえを上げて笑ったりするこの時間が彼にとって特別なものだった,1.0,0.16993464052287582 -d337827c-5c95-4440-a425-04e3bebec6e3,"Lundi matin, alors que le soleil commençait à pointer le bout de son nez, Marie monta sur son vélo pour aller au travail. La route était longue mais elle aimait cette promenade matinale qui la rafraîchissait avant de commencer sa journée. Elle passa devant des petits magasins pittoresques, chaque détail ajoutant une touche de couleur à sa routine. Au détour d'un virage, elle aperçut un bouquet de fleurs sauvages dans un coin sombre de la rue. Intriguée, elle s'arrêta pour observer attentivement ces pétales colorés, sentant son cœur battre plus fort à l'idée de découvrir ce qui poussait dans cet endroit éloigné des sentiers battus. En rentrant chez elle, elle s'empressa de préparer un petit déjeuner léger, savourant chaque gorgée de café tout en se demandant ce qui poussait dans ce coin caché de la ville."," L'on dit matin, alors que le soleil commençait à pointer le bout de son eau, Marie monta sur son vélo pour aller au travail. La route était longue, mais allait m'est cette promenade matinale qu'il a rafraîchissé avant de commencer sa journée. Elle passait devant des petits magasins pittoresques, chaque détail ajoutant une touche de couleur à sa routine. Au détour d'un virage, elle a perçu un bouquet de fleurs sauvages dans un coin sombre de la rue. Intrigué, elle s'arrêtait à pour observer attentivement ses pétales colorées, sans tant son cœur battre plus fort à l'idée de découvrir ce qui poussait dans cet endroit éloigné des centiers battus. En rentrant chez elle, elle s'en présa de préparer un petit déjeuner léger, sa vourant chaque gorge et de café tout en se demandant ce qui poussait dans ce coin caché de la ville.",0.19117647058823528,0.05521472392638037 -39507f3b-85e9-4746-9ace-ce4f95dcf1f2,"Le soleil couchant éclairait la vieille maison en pierre du quartier, projetant des ombres chatoyantes sur le petit jardin bordé de fleurs multicolores. Marie souriait en observant ses enfants jouer à cache-cache dans les allées entre les plantes. Elle se rappelait souvent de son enfance passée ici, heureuse et libre comme une poule aux abois. La chaleur du jour commençait à faiblir, mais la paix de cette demeure restait intacte, apaisante comme un berceau de tendresse."," Le soleil couchant éclairait la vieille maison, en clair du quartier. Projetant des ombres chatoillantes sur le petit jardin bordé de fleurs multicolores, Marie souria en observant ses enfants joués à cash-câche dans les allées entre les plantes. Elle se rappelait souvent de son enfance passé ici. Heureuse, et libre comme une poule aux abois, la chaleur du jour commençait à fêblier. Mais la paix de cette demeure restait intacte. Apaisante comme un berceau de tendresse.",0.23684210526315788,0.06751054852320675 -aa906a1d-ffa2-4678-9d75-c3a38644f6c7,朝日が昇るにつれて、私は目を覚ますと同時に、新たな一日が始まるという予感に胸が高鳴ります。風が心地よく肌をなでてきますが、それはただの始まりの季節の訪れを告げるだけではありません。この町は私にとって未知なる世界であり、日々新しい発見をもたらします。歩くたびに、この瞬間を大切に感じることができるのは、私にとって本当に幸運なことです。,朝日が登るに連れて、私は目を覚ますと同時に、新たな一日が始まるという予感に、胸が高なります。風がここちよく肌をなでてきますが、それはただの始まりの季節の訪れをつけるだけではありません。この街は、私にとって、道なる世界であり、日々新しい発見をもたらします。歩くたびに、この瞬間を大切に感じることができるのは、私にとって、本当に幸運なことです。,1.0,0.08433734939759036 -fc96a496-77d0-46ef-883b-00aef2edbe07,"Le matin était doux et paisible, une atmosphère qui réveillait l'esprit et l'âme. J'avais pris le temps de me préparer avec soin, portant une robe légère et des escarpins élégants. En sortant de chez moi, j'avais ressenti une énergie positive qui semblait vouloir me porter vers de nouveaux horizons. La vue du parc où je me dirigeais était ravissante, les fleurs en fleur et les oiseaux chantant joyeusement. Je me sentais légère et prête à affronter cette journée pleine de possibilités."," Le matin était doux et paisible. Une atmosphère qui réveillait l'esprit et l'âme. J'avais pris le temps de me préparer avec soin, portant une robe légère et des escarpins élégants. En sortant de chez moi, j'avais ressenti une énergie positive qui semblait vouloir me porter vers de nouveaux horizons. La vue du parc où je me dirigeais était ravissante, les fleurs en fleurs et les oiseaux chante en joyeusement. Je me sentais légère et prête à affronter cette journée pleine de possibilités.",0.06172839506172839,0.014314928425357873 -4afee0fb-850e-4f82-9792-63a10028cfaa,"As the sun began to rise, casting golden beams over the sleepy town, Sarah stepped out onto her porch, feeling the cool morning air on her skin. She took a deep breath, savoring the freshness of the day, and then set off on her daily walk through the park. The birds were already singing their morning songs, and the gentle rustling of leaves added to the serene atmosphere. Sarah enjoyed the quiet, letting her mind wander as she admired the vibrant colors of the flowers and the lush greenery around her."," As the sun began to rise casting golden beams over the sleepy town, Sarah stepped out onto her porch, feeling the cool morning air on her skin. She took a deep breath, savoring the freshness of the day, and then set off on her daily walk through the park. The birds were already singing their morning songs, and the gentle rustling of leaves added to the serene atmosphere. Sarah enjoyed the quiet, letting her mind wander as she admired the vibrant colors of the flowers and the lush greenery around her.",0.01098901098901099,0.001976284584980237 -366c692f-3644-4a05-a537-ce42e839fb88,"With the sun beginning its descent behind the horizon, Sarah walked through the bustling city streets, her mind already planning the evening's events. The aroma of freshly baked bread wafted from a nearby bakery, mingling with the sounds of laughter and chatter from the cafes. Each step brought her closer to the quaint little café she had been eyeing for weeks, where she hoped to meet an old friend and perhaps even find a new one. As she approached, she couldn't help but feel a sense of anticipation mixed with nervous excitement."," with the sun beginning its descent behind the horizon. Sarah walked through the bustling city streets, her mind already planning the evening's events, the aroma of freshly baked bread, wafted from a nearby bakery, mingling with the sounds of laughter and chatter from the cafes. Each step brought her closer to the quaint little cafe she had been eyeing for weeks, where she hoped to meet an old friend and perhaps even find a new one. As she approached, she couldn't help but feel a sense of anticipation, mixed with nervous excitement.",0.07608695652173914,0.013084112149532711 -b9673017-a1db-49d7-8a2d-0eeff76f6c08,朝日が昇り始め、静かな街並みが一軒一軒に光を浴びる顷、私たちはいつも散歩を楽しんでいます。公園のベンチで読書したり、子供たちと遊んだりするのも好きです。この景色は私たちにとって特別な時間を作り出します。また、近くの市場で美味しい朝食を食べることも楽しみの一つです。時には、友人たちとランチをとりながら話すことも多く、心温まる時間となります。,朝日が登り始め、静かな街並が一見一見に光を浴びるちん、私たちはいつも散歩を楽しんでいます。公園のベンチで読書したり、子どもたちと遊んだりするのも好きです。この景色は、私たちにとって特別な時間を作り出します。また、近くの一場でおいしい調食を食べることも楽しみの一つです。ときには、有人たちとランチを取りながら話すことも多く、心温まる時間となります。,1.0,0.1 -625c676a-5220-4750-bb71-db311c156e81,"On a sunny morning, Sarah stepped out of her cozy apartment and into the vibrant street life of the city. The air was filled with the gentle hum of traffic and the cheerful chatter of people hurrying to their destinations. As she walked, she noticed the colorful flowers lining the sidewalks and the friendly faces of the locals. Sarah felt a sense of belonging, knowing that this bustling place was home. She smiled, feeling grateful for every small detail that made her day special."," On a sunny morning, Sarah stepped out of her cozy apartment and into the vibrant street life of the city. The air was filled with the gentle hum of traffic and the cheerful chatter of people hurrying to their destinations. As she walked, she noticed the colorful flowers lining the sidewalks and the friendly faces of the locals. Sarah felt a sense of belonging knowing that this bustling place was home. She smiled, feeling grateful for every small detail that made her day special.",0.011904761904761904,0.002066115702479339 -086ad9b3-0bc5-42fb-9246-a6d03d1a0cbc,その日、空は澄んでいて青い雲が浮かんでいました。私は公園で朝の散歩をしていたら、小さな子供たちが手を取り合って遊んでいるのを見ました。彼らの笑顔が心に温かく響き、私の中で優しさと平和を感じさせました。公園の��ンチに座り、静かな時間に浸っていました。その光景は私の心を穏やかにし、日々の小さな幸せを大切にすることの大切さを思い出させてくれました。,その日 空は住んでいて青い雲が浮かんでいました私は公園で朝の散歩していたら 小さな子どもたちが手を取り合って遊んでいるのを見ました彼らの笑顔が心に暖かく響き 私の中で優しさと平和を感じさせました公園のベンチに座り 静かな時間にひたっていましたその後景は私の心を穏やかにし 日々の小さな幸せを大切にすることの大切さを思い出させてくれました,6.0,0.10465116279069768 -318f0f81-7372-4002-bd33-d9af0f85260a,今天是周末,小华早早地起了床,准备去爬山。他穿上运动鞋,背上背包,然后沿着熟悉的山路出发了。一路上,他欣赏着周围的风景,听着鸟儿的歌唱,感觉心情格外好。爬到半山腰时,他遇到了几个同样热爱大自然的朋友,大家一起分享食物,聊着天,度过了一个愉快的下午。当夕阳西下,他们才依依不舍地下山回家。这次爬山不仅让小华锻炼了身体,也让他更加珍惜与朋友们在一起的美好时光。,"今天是周末小华早早地起了床,准备去爬山。他穿上运动鞋,背上背包,然后沿着熟悉的山路出发了。一路上他欣赏着周围的风景,听着鸟儿的歌唱,感觉心情格外好。他到半山腰时,他遇到了几个同样热爱大自然的朋友。大家一起分享食物,聊着天,度过了一个愉快的下午。当西洋西下,他们才一一步舍地下山回家。这次爬山,不仅让小华断念的身体,也让他更加珍惜与朋友们在一起的美好时光。",1.0,0.12921348314606743 -30b595f8-24d5-4d59-8f08-14a1bffe9941,今天是周末,小华早早起床,洗漱完毕后,她准备了一顿丰盛的早餐,有鸡蛋、牛奶、面包和水果。吃完早饭后,小华和家人一起去了公园散步,呼吸新鲜空气,享受美好的时光。然后,小华开始做作业,直到晚上九点才结束。最后,她还帮助妈妈整理家务,直到深夜才休息。,"今天是周末,小华早早起床,洗術完毕后,她准备了一顿风胜的早餐,有鸡蛋,牛奶面包和水果。适完早饭后,小华和家人一起去了公园散步,呼吸新鲜空气,享受美好的时光,然后小华开始做作业,直到晚上九点才结束,最后,她还帮助妈妈整理家务,直到深夜才休息。",1.0,0.1557377049180328 -b6906c8d-ca13-4a19-b911-a72374117ccd,その日、空は青く澄み渡り、風が心地よく吹き抜けていました。私は公園のベンチに座り、手には小さな本を持っています。一枚一枚の写真を眺めながら、それぞれの思い出が蘇ってきます。それは家族や友人との楽しい時や、新しい場所に出かける前日の緊張感など、日々の小さな出来事たちです。それらの写真と共に、私の心は落ち着きを取り戻します。,その日、コラは青く積み渡り、風がここちよく吹き抜けていました。私は公園のベンチに座り、手には小さな本を持っています。1枚1枚の写真を眺めながら、それぞれの思い出が読みがえてきます。それは家族や友人との楽しい時や、新しい場所に出かける前日の緊張感など、日々の小さな出来事たちです。それらの写真とともに、私の心は落ち着きを取り戻します。,1.0,0.08695652173913043 -806886ce-34fd-4e1a-8c0f-1b06dae4ad53,今天天气格外好,小华带着小狗去公园散步。他们经过了花坛,那里开满了五彩斑斓的花朵,蜜蜂和蝴蝶在花间忙碌地飞舞。走累了,他们找了一块草地坐下,小狗欢快地围着他们转圈,还不时用鼻子嗅来嗅去。小华拿出手机给小狗拍照,记录下这个美好的时刻。公园里的孩子们也加入了进来,有的在踢足球,有的在玩捉迷藏,欢声笑语充满了整个公园。,"今天天气隔外好,小华带着小狗去公园善步,他们经过了花谈,那里开满了无彩般栏的花朵,义风和湖迭,在花间忙路底飞舞,走累了,他们找了一块草地坐下,小狗欢快地围着他们赚圈,还不时用鼻子秀来秀去,小华拿出手机给小狗拍照。记录下这个美好的时刻,公园里的孩子们也加入了进来,有的在梯足球,有的在玩桌弥墙,欢声笑语充满了整个公园。",1.0,0.21656050955414013 -30258b14-dbd3-47b8-9e92-865803cac67a,今天是周末,小华早早地起床去公园跑步。公园里人不多,只有几对情侣在湖边散步,孩子们在草地上追逐玩耍。小华沿着湖边跑了一圈,呼吸着清新的空气,心情格外舒畅。回到家里,小华还计划做一顿丰盛的午餐,邀请朋友来家里聚会。晚上,小华又看了一会儿书,然后开始准备明天的工作报告。忙碌而充实的一天就这样结束了。,"今天是周���小华早早地起床去公園跑步,公園里人不多。只有几对情侣在湖边散步,孩子们在草地上追住完傻,小华沿着湖边跑了一圈,呼吸着轻轻的空气,心情格外书畅。回到家里,小华还计划做一顿风圣的午餐,邀请朋友来家里聚会,晚上,小华又看了一会儿书,然后开始准备明天的工作报告,忙碌而充实的一天就这样结束了。",1.0,0.1554054054054054 -b6c82dac-2e36-413b-a0ba-7a8af33792ff,"As the sun began to set, painting the sky in hues of orange and pink, Sarah sat on her porch, watching the world go by. The gentle rustling of leaves in the nearby trees provided a soothing background noise, and she felt a sense of peace wash over her. She took a deep breath, savoring the cool evening air, and wondered about all the adventures that might await her tomorrow."," As the sun began to set, painting the sky in hues of orange and pink, Sarah sat on her porch, watching the world go by. The gentle rustling of leaves in the nearby trees provided a soothing background noise, and she felt a sense of peace wash over her. She took a deep breath, savoring the cool evening air, and wondered about all the adventures that might await her tomorrow.",0.0,0.0 -92ca9609-90bf-434b-bbc4-62966aed2c87,"In the small town nestled among rolling hills, Sarah found herself lost in thought as she walked through the quaint streets. The vibrant colors of the blooming flowers and the soft hum of the bees provided a soothing backdrop for her contemplation. As she strolled past the local bakery, the sweet aroma of freshly baked bread wafted through the air, making her stomach growl in anticipation. Sarah decided to stop by and buy a loaf, planning to enjoy it later while sitting by the riverbank, watching the sunset paint the sky in hues of orange and pink."," In the small town nestled among rolling hills, Sarah found herself lost in thought, as she walked through the quaint streets. The vibrant colors of the blooming flowers, and the soft hum of the bees, provided a soothing backdrop for her contemplation, as she strolled past the local bakery, the sweet aroma of freshly baked bread, wafed it through the air, making her stomach growl in anticipation. Sarah decided to stop by, and buy a loaf, planning to enjoy it later, while sitting by the riverbank, watching the sunset paint the sky in hues of orange and pink.",0.10309278350515463,0.021660649819494584 -e18abd2c-c463-480f-a459-5db79b852c11,今天是周末,小华早早起床去公园散步。公园里鸟语花香,空气清新宜人。小华沿着湖边慢慢走着,欣赏着周围的美景。不远处的小山上,一群孩子正在放风筝,欢声笑语充满了整个山谷。走着走着,小华不知不觉来到了一片郁郁葱葱的树林前,树荫下凉爽宜人,小华找了一块干净的石头坐下,拿出一本书静静地阅读起来。时间仿佛在这一刻变得缓慢,让人心情愉悦。,"明天是周末,小华早早起床去公園散步。公園里鸟与花香,空气轻轻一人,小华沿着湖边慢慢走着,欣赏着周围的美景,不远出的小山上,一群孩子正在放风整,欢声笑语充满了整个山谷。走着走着,小华不知不觉来到了一片玉玉葱葱的树林前。树林下两爽一人,小华找了一块干净的石头坐下,拿出一本书,静静地月毒起来。时间仿佛在这一刻,变得缓慢,让人心情愚悦。",1.0,0.1901840490797546 -78b52f6e-29a4-487e-9d4a-800327303ec6,"As the sun began to set, painting the sky in hues of orange and pink, Sarah stepped out onto her balcony to breathe in the cool evening air. She took a deep breath, feeling the stress of the day start to melt away. The gentle rustling of leaves in the breeze provided a soothing soundtrack to her thoughts. Reflecting on the day's events, she realized how fortunate she was to have so many wonderful people in her life who lifted her spirits. As she watched the stars begin to twinkle in the darkness, she felt grateful for every moment spent with them."," As the sun began to set, painting the sky and hues of orange and pink, Sarah stepped out onto her balcony to breathe in the cool evening air. She took a deep breath, feeling the stress of the day start to melt away. The gentle rustling of leaves in the breeze provided a soothing soundtrack to her thoughts. Reflecting on the day's events, she realized how fortunate she was to have so many wonderful people in her life who lifted her spirits. As she watched the stars begin to twinkle in the darkness, she felt grateful for every moment spent with them.",0.00980392156862745,0.003616636528028933 -b7bc0a4f-a76b-4661-adfe-360a30511daf,"As the morning sun began to rise, casting a golden hue over the sleepy town, Sarah stepped out of her cozy bed, feeling the gentle warmth of the day seeping into her skin. She stretched her arms wide, enjoying the fresh air that carried the scent of blooming flowers and the distant sound of birds chirping. With a contented smile, she grabbed her coffee mug from the counter and headed towards the bustling market square, eager to start her day. Along the way, she noticed the vibrant colors of the local artwork displayed on the walls of the quaint shops, each piece telling a story of resilience and beauty. As she walked, she couldn't help but feel grateful for the simple pleasures that made her day special."," As the morning sun began to rise, casting a golden hue over the sleepy town. Sarah stepped out of her cozy bed, feeling the gentle warmth of the day seeping into her skin. She stretched her arms wide, enjoying the fresh air that carried the scent of blooming flowers and the distant sound of birds chirping. With a contented smile, she grabbed her coffee mug from the counter and headed towards the bustling market square, eager to start her day. Along the way, she noticed the vibrant colors of the local artwork displayed on the walls of the quaint shops, each piece telling a story of resilience and beauty. As she walked, she couldn't help but feel grateful for the simple pleasures that made her day special.",0.007874015748031496,0.001402524544179523 -a6f3b185-3b90-469c-95a6-26caa794285e,"As the sun began to set, casting long shadows across the garden, Sarah took a deep breath of the cool evening air. She sat on the stone bench near the pond, her mind wandering through memories of days past. The gentle lapping of water against the stones was a soothing melody, reminding her of simpler times. Sarah felt a sense of peace wash over her, a feeling that came from being surrounded by nature and the beauty it offered."," As the sun began to set, casting long shadows across the garden. Sarah took a deep breath of the cool evening air. She sat on the stone bench near the pond. Her mind wandering through memories of days passed. The gentle lapping of water against the stones was a soothing melody, reminding her of simpler times. Sarah felt a sense of peace wash over her, a feeling that came from being surrounded by nature and the beauty it offered.",0.05063291139240506,0.013953488372093023 -1c3aa55c-2649-498a-a280-55499eb4a84d,"As the sun began its slow ascent over the horizon, Sarah stepped out onto her porch, feeling the gentle breeze against her face. The morning light filtered through the trees, casting dappled shadows on the ground below. She took a deep breath, inhaling the fresh air that smelled of blooming flowers and distant sea breezes. With a contented smile, she settled onto a comfortable chair, savoring the tranquility of the moment. The sound of seagulls calling in the distance added to the peaceful ambiance, making her feel grounded and at peace with the world around her."," As the sun began its slow ascent over the horizon, Sarah stepped out onto her porch. Feeling the gentle breeze against her face, the morning light filtered through the trees. Casting dappled shadows on the ground below, she took a deep breath, inhaling the fresh air that smelled of blooming flowers and distant sea breezes, with a contented smile. She settled onto a comfortable chair, savoring the tranquility of the moment. The sound of seagulls calling in the distance, added to the peaceful ambience, making her feel grounded and at peace with the world around her.",0.14583333333333334,0.02460456942003515 -a5b4d8a7-cf14-479b-befd-a77cc5830902,その日の夕方、空は茜色に染まり始めました。彼女は公園のベンチで座り、日没を楽しみながら本を読み始めました。窓から見える古い松の木が、夕闇の中で静かに揺れています。彼女の手には本とコーヒーが置かれ、彼女はゆっくりとページをめくっていました。街灯が次第に点灯し始め、その光が木々を照らします。彼女は深呼吸をすると、明日への新しい一日が始まるのを待つことができました。,その日の夕方、空は赤ネイルに染まり始めました。彼女は公園のベンチですわり、日々を楽しみながら本を読み始めました。窓から見える古い松野木が夕闇の中で静かに入れています。彼女の手には、ほんと好費がおかれ、彼女はゆっくりとページをめくっていました。外頭が次第に転倒し始め、その光が木気を照らします。彼女は真っ黒急をすると、明日への新しい一日が始まるのを待つことができました。,1.0,0.143646408839779 -8274ab38-2e45-4ccd-a020-d6158dfba8cf,朝日が昇り始め、静かな街に静けさが戻る顷、優雅な鳥の声が聞こえてきます。私は公園のベンチで座り、朝刊を手に取ります。日々の出来事を一つずつ読み上げながら、心の中で感謝の言葉を伝えます。街の様子や人々の表情から、今日もまた新しい一日が始まるという予感を感じています。,バサヒが登り始め、静かな街に、静けさが戻る。きょん、夕がな鳥の声が聞こえてきます。私は公園のベンチで座り、 正観を手に取ります。日々の出来事を、一つずつ読み上げながら、心の中で感謝の言葉を伝えます。街の様子��人々の表情から、きょうもまた、新しい一日が始まるという予感を感じています。,2.0,0.14393939393939395 -16392315-4635-441d-a8f5-429544640edb,"As the sun began its descent below the horizon, casting long shadows across the landscape, Sarah gathered her thoughts for the final presentation of the semester. She had spent countless hours researching and preparing, pouring over data and analyzing trends to craft compelling arguments. Now, standing before the room full of professors and peers, she felt both nervous and exhilarated. Each word she spoke was a testament to her dedication and hard work, but also a chance to leave a lasting impression on those who would judge her efforts. Sarah took a deep breath, opened her laptop, and began her presentation, determined to make a strong impact."," As the sun began its descent below the horizon, casting long shadows across the landscape, Sarah gathered her thoughts for the final presentation of the semester. She had spent countless hours researching and preparing, pouring over data and analyzing trends to craft compelling arguments. Now, standing before the room full of professors and peers, she felt both nervous and exhilarated. Each word she spoke was a testament to her dedication and hard work, but also a chance to leave a lasting impression on those who would judge her efforts. Sarah took a deep breath, opened her laptop, and began her presentation, determined to make a strong impact.",0.0,0.0 -5e668c44-89df-424d-8835-9ec4bd4bad6c,"As the sun began to set, casting long shadows across the field, Sarah took a deep breath of the fresh evening air. She felt a sense of peace wash over her as she walked along the edge of the meadow, listening to the soft rustling of leaves and the distant chirping of crickets."," As the sun began to set, casting long shadows across the field, Sarah took a deep breath of the fresh evening air. She felt a sense of peace wash over her, as she walked along the edge of the meadow, listening to the soft rustling of leaves, and the distant chirping of crickets.",0.03773584905660377,0.007220216606498195 -e892473f-d897-43df-8ff0-4cd0c176596f,"As the sun began its descent towards the horizon, casting a golden glow over the city, Sarah took a deep breath, feeling a mix of excitement and anticipation for the day ahead. She knew today would be different; something significant was about to unfold. With a determined stride, she headed towards the office building, her mind already racing with ideas and plans. The streets were bustling with people hurrying to their destinations, but Sarah felt a sense of calm amidst the chaos, knowing that whatever challenges lay ahead, she was ready to face them head-on."," As the sun began its descent towards the horizon, casting a golden glow over the city. Sarah took a deep breath, feeling a mix of excitement and anticipation for the day ahead. She knew today would be different. Something significant was about to unfold. With a determined stride, she headed towards the office building. Her mind already racing with ideas and plans. The streets were bustling with people hurrying to their destinations, but Sarah felt a sense of calm amidst the chaos, knowing that whatever challenges lay ahead. She was ready to face them head on.",0.09473684210526316,0.01415929203539823 -4e0711ca-5ee0-4a17-87f7-375791666c50,その日、青空の下で散歩を楽しむ二人の子供たち。彼女は小さな手を彼の手に絡め、彼は彼女の肩を優しくなでる。彼らは公園のベンチで休んでおり、木々の間から降り注ぐ太陽の光が彼らの顔を温かく照らしている。彼女は大きな声で歌い始め、その歌声は静かな公園に響き渡った。そして、その幸せな瞬間を共有する二人の親も近くに座って、息を潜めてその様子を見守っていた。,なあその日青空の下で三方楽しむ二人の子供たち彼女は小さな手を彼の手に絡め 彼は彼女の方を優しくなでる彼らは公園のベンチで休んでおり木木の間から降り注ぐ太陽の光が彼らの顔を暖かく照らしている彼女は大きな声で歌い始め その歌声は静かな公園に響き渡ったそしてその幸せな瞬間を共有する二人の親も近くに座って息をひそめてその様子を見守っていた,3.0,0.12138728323699421 -d20f0859-8be1-4aff-8a47-de22c27fa9ff,"With the sun just beginning to crest the horizon, Sarah stepped out onto the balcony of her apartment building, her steps echoing softly against the cool stone walls. The sky was painted with hues of pink and orange, casting a gentle glow over the city below. She took a deep breath, inhaling the fresh morning air that carried the scent of blooming flowers and distant coffee shops. With a contented smile, she turned towards the bustling streets, ready to embrace another day filled with new adventures and unexpected encounters."," With the sun just beginning to crest the horizon, Sarah stepped out onto the balcony of her apartment building. Her steps echoing softly against the cool stone walls. The sky was painted with hues of pink and orange, casting a gentle glow over the city below. She took a deep breath, inhaling the fresh morning air that carried the scent of blooming flowers and distant coffee shops. With a contented smile, she turned towards the bustling streets, ready to embrace another day, filled with new adventures and unexpected encounters.",0.033707865168539325,0.005649717514124294 -508d0980-c6e8-495c-859b-9f8514bca817,"With the sun just beginning to rise above the horizon, Sarah stepped out of her cozy bed and into the early morning light filtering through her window. The air was crisp and filled with the promise of a new day ahead. She stretched her arms wide, feeling the cool breeze against her skin as she made her way to the kitchen. There, amidst the clinking of dishes and the aroma of freshly brewed coffee, she began her daily routine, starting with a quick breakfast and then heading out to tackle the challenges of the day. Each step she took led her closer to her goals, driven by the determination to make the most of every moment."," With the sun just beginning to rise above the horizon, Sarah stepped out of her cozy bed, and into the early morning light, filtering through her window. The air was crisp and filled with the promise of a new day ahead. She stretched her arms wide, feeling the cool breeze against her skin as she made her way to the kitchen. There, amidst the clinking of dishes and the aroma of freshly brewed coffee, she began her daily routine, starting with a quick breakfast and then heading out to tackle the challenges of the day. Each step she took let her closer to her goals, driven by the determination to make the most of every moment.",0.02586206896551724,0.0047694753577106515 -d96330c5-8d2a-416d-a0f2-c422b1ac3c31,"With the sun just beginning to rise over the horizon, Sarah stepped out onto her balcony, feeling the cool morning breeze brush against her skin. The sky was painted in hues of orange and pink, casting a gentle glow over the city below. She took a deep breath, inhaling the fresh air mixed with the scent of blooming flowers and distant coffee shops. As she gazed out at the bustling streets, she couldn't help but feel grateful for this moment, for the simple pleasure of being alive and present. Sarah planned to spend the day exploring new neighborhoods, trying local cuisine, and perhaps even meeting some friendly locals. Every step she took felt like a journey towards self-discovery and adventure."," With the sun, just beginning to rise over the horizon, Sarah stepped out onto her balcony, feeling the cool morning breeze brush against her skin. The sky was painted in hues of orange and pink, casting a gentle glow over the city below. She took a deep breath, inhaling the fresh air mixed with the scent of blooming flowers and distant coffee shops. As she gazed out at the bustling streets, she couldn't help but feel grateful for this moment, for the simple pleasure of being alive and present. Sarah planned to spend the day exploring new neighborhoods, trying local cuisine, and perhaps even meeting some friendly locals. Every step she took felt like a journey towards self-discovery and adventure.",0.008333333333333333,0.0014204545454545455 -8afd828f-c1a9-4984-bf3c-058418ebd197,"Quelques jours plus tard, alors que le soleil commençait à décliner, j'ai décidé de me rendre dans la vieille ville pour y découvrir des lieux que je n'avais jamais visités auparavant. En traversant les ruelles étroites et pavées, j'ai croisé de nombreuses personnes aux visages colorés et aux costumes traditionnels. Chaque échoppe animée, chaque marché aux fruits et légumes, chaque boutique de bijoux et de souvenirs ont attiré mon attention. Je me suis arrêté devant une petite librairie où le propriétaire, un homme âgé aux cheveux blancs, m'a invité à entrer. Il m'a parlé longuement des livres anciens qu'il avait, racontant leurs histoires et leurs aventures. Lorsque je suis sorti de sa librairie, la journée s'était déjà faite tardive, mais j'avais déjà trouvé un nouvel ami et une nouvelle source d'inspiration."," Quelques jours plus tard, alors que le soleil commençait à décliner, j'ai décidé de me rendre dans la vieille ville, pour y découvrir des lieux que je n'avais jamais visité au paravant. En traversant les ruelles étroites et pavées, j'ai croisé de nombreuses personnes au visage coloré et au costume traditionnel. Chaque échope animée, chaque marché au fruit et légume, chaque boutique de bijoux et de souvenirs ont attiré mon attention. Je me suis arrêté devant une petite libérie ou le propriétaire, un omageé au cheveux blanc, m'invitaient à entrer. Il m'a parlé longuement des livres anciens qu'il avait, racontant leurs histoires et leurs aventures. Lorsque je suis sorti de sa libérie, la journée s'était déjà fait tardive, mais j'avais déjà trouvé un nouvel ami et une nouvelle source d'inspiration.",0.183206106870229,0.043795620437956206 -4846c9c3-95b1-4b63-89ae-0867a27e6736,"As the morning sun began to rise over the horizon, casting a warm glow across the sleepy town, Sarah took a deep breath of fresh air. The streets were still quiet, with only the occasional car passing by, its engine purring softly. She walked slowly, her feet sinking into the soft grass of the park, feeling the coolness beneath her. The birds chirped happily, their melodies weaving through the trees overhead. Sarah smiled, feeling a sense of peace wash over her. She continued walking, her mind wandering as she thought about all the wonderful things that awaited her throughout the day."," As the morning sun began to rise over the horizon, casting a warm glow across the sleepy town. Sarah took a deep breath of fresh air. The streets were still quiet, with only the occasional car passing by. Its engine purring softly. She walked slowly, her feet sinking into the soft grass of the park, feeling the coolness beneath her. The birds chirped happily, their melodies weaving through the trees overhead. Sarah smiled, feeling a sense of peace wash over her. She continued walking, her mind wandering as she thought about all the wonderful things that awaited her throughout the day.",0.0297029702970297,0.005076142131979695 -797e12d4-2a03-4520-9400-7a8f72adacf2,"With the sun barely peeking over the horizon, Sarah strolled through the bustling city park, her footsteps echoing softly on the cracked concrete pathways. The morning mist clung to the tall trees, casting an ethereal glow over everything it touched. She paused at a small pond where ducks paddled lazily, their reflections dancing gracefully on the water's surface. Sarah felt a sense of peace wash over her, a rare moment of tranquility in the midst of the chaos of the city. As she continued walking, she noticed a group of children playing frisbee, their laughter mingling with the distant sound of car horns and the occasional honk from taxis weaving through the crowded streets. Sarah smiled, grateful for this fleeting escape from the noise and hurried pace of modern life."," With the sun barely peeking over the horizon, Sarah stroll through the bustling city park, her footsteps echoing softly on the cracked concrete pathways. The morning mist clung to the tall trees, casting an ethereal glow over everything it touched. She paused at a small pond where ducks paddled lazily, their reflections dancing gracefully on the water's surface. Sarah felt a sense of peace wash over her, a rare moment of tranquility in the midst of the chaos of the city. As she continued walking, she noticed a group of children playing frisbee, their laughter mingling with the distant sound of car horns and the occasional honk from taxis weaving through the crowded streets. Sarah smiled, grateful for this fleeting escape from the noise and hurried pace of modern life.",0.007692307692307693,0.002564102564102564 -2befa25c-5dda-4f60-bae3-4933cfbd9cc4,"Le ciel est d'un bleu intense et limpide, tellement pur qu'il semble qu'on puisse y voir à travers. La brise légère caresse doucement mes cheveux, apportant avec elle une fraîcheur qui apaise mon âme. Je marche lentement dans le jardin familial, chaque racine humide sous mes pieds me rappelle des souvenirs anciens et des moments de paix. Les feuilles d'été frémissent sous le soleil chaud, créant une symphonie naturelle qui résonne dans mon cœur. Ce jour est une invitation à laisser mon esprit vagabonder librement, à chercher l'inspiration dans chaque détail de la nature environnante."," Le ciel est d'un bleu intense et l'impide, tellement pur qu'il semble qu'on puisse y voir à travers. La brise légère carèses doucement mes cheveux, apportant avec elle une fraîcheur qui apaisse mon âme. Je marche lentement dans le jardin familial, chaque racine humide sous mes pieds, me rappelle des souvenirs anciens et des moments de paix. Les feuilles d'été freinises sous le soleil chaud, créant une symphonie naturelle qui résonne dans mon coeur. Ce jour est une invitation à laisser mon esprit vagabondé librement, à chercher l'inspiration dans chaque détail de la nature environnant.",0.08421052631578947,0.0288135593220339 -5ce209a1-be58-4bf1-823d-6e1d02cf099b,"Le ciel est d'un bleu profond aujourd'hui, tellement pur qu'il semble vouloir capturer tout ce qui passe sous ses yeux. Les oiseaux chantent joyeusement autour de moi, leur musique emplissant l'air de fraîcheur et de légèreté. Je marche lentement dans la forêt, chaque racine sous mes pieds et chaque brin d'herbe sur mon passage me rappellent l'importance de la nature et de son équilibre fragile. La brise légère caresse ma peau, apportant avec elle des parfums exotiques provenant de plantes rares que je ne peux identifier précisément. Tout cela contribue à faire de cet instant une véritable merveille, une expérience sensorielle inoubliable qui me ramène à moi-même et à la beauté simple de la vie."," Le ciel est d'un bleu profond aujourd'hui, tellement pure qu'il semble vouloir capturer tout ce qui passe sous ses yeux. Les oiseaux chante joyeusement autour de moi, leur musique emplissant l'air de fraîcheurs et de légertés. Je marche lentement dans la forêt, chaque racine sous mes pieds et chaque brindère de sur mon passage me rappelle l'importance de la nature et de son équilibre fragile. La brise légère caresse mapeau, apportant avec elle des parfums exotiques provenant de plantes rares que je ne peux identifier précisément. Tout cela contribue à faire de cet instant une véritable merveille, une expérience sensorielle inoubliable qui me ramène à moi-même et à la beauté simple de la vie.",0.0782608695652174,0.02130681818181818 -a0a6feef-9766-458e-987a-ec582a5ce4ad,"As the sun began its descent behind the horizon, casting long shadows across the bustling city streets, Sarah took a deep breath and prepared herself for the long drive home. The traffic was heavy, but she managed to find a spot on the shoulder of the road to pull over and stretch her legs. She glanced out the window at the passing scenery—buildings towering above, people hurrying to their destinations, and the occasional car zipping past like a blur. After a few minutes, she restarted her car and continued her journey, feeling a mix of exhaustion and determination as she navigated through the evening rush hour."," As the sun began its descent behind the horizon casting long shadows across the bustling city streets, Sarah took a deep breath and prepared herself for the long drive home. The traffic was heavy, but she managed to find a spot on the shoulder of the road to pull over and stretch her legs. She glanced out the window at the passing scenery, buildings towering above people hurrying to their destinations, and the occasional cars zipping past like a blur. After a few minutes she restarted her car and continued her journey, feeling a mix of exhaustion and determination as she navigated through the evening rush hour.",0.05660377358490566,0.009693053311793215 -d3b44237-1621-4aaf-8004-cdf58336cd67,"As the sun began to set, painting the sky in hues of orange and pink, Sarah took a deep breath and stepped out onto the balcony of her apartment building. The cool evening breeze carried the faint scent of blooming flowers from the nearby park. She leaned against the railing, watching the city lights slowly come to life, each one adding its own unique sparkle to the growing spectacle above. Sarah felt a sense of calm wash over her, and for a moment, she forgot about the stresses of her daily routine. Instead, she focused on the beauty of the world around her, grateful for even these small moments of serenity."," As the sun began to set, painting the sky and hues of orange and pink, Sarah took a deep breath and stepped out onto the balcony of her apartment building. The cool evening breeze carried the faint scent of blooming flowers from the nearby park. She leaned against the railing, watching the city lights slowly come to life, each one adding its own unique sparkle to the growing spectacle above. Sarah felt a sense of calm wash over her, and for a moment, she forgot about the stresses of her daily routine. Instead, she focused on the beauty of the world around her, grateful for even these small moments of serenity.",0.009009009009009009,0.003246753246753247 -ba44179b-a947-493f-b463-eb3520fd081e,"Dans la petite ville de Saint-Étienne, où chaque rue cache ses secrets et chaque maison sa propre histoire, j'ai toujours aimé me perdre dans ses ruelles étroites. Les sons du quotidien y sont si forts, mêlés à ceux des oiseaux qui chantent dans les arbres. Lorsque le soleil se couche et que la lumière de la soirée enveloppe tout autour, je me sens particulièrement proche de cette terre qui m'a accueillie avec tant de chaleur. À chaque fois que je traverse le marché aux fleurs, j'essaie de capturer la magie de ces plantes en pleine floraison, leur beauté et leur fraîcheur qui semblent me dire quelque chose d'important à propos de la vie et de l'amour."," la petite ville de Saint-Étienne où chaque rue cache ses secrets et chaque maison sa propre histoire, j'ai toujours aimé me perdre dans ces ruelles et cette tête-roite. Les sons du quotidien ils sont si fort. Mêlés à ceux des oiseaux qui chante dans les arbres. Lorsque le soleil se couche et que la lumière de la soirée enveloppe tout autour, je me sens particulièrement proche de cette terre qui m'a accueilli avec temps de chaleur. À chaque fois que je traverse le marché au fleur, j'essaie de capturer la magie de ses plantes en pleine floraison, leur beauté et leur fraîcheur qui semble me dire quelque chose d'important à propos de la vie et de l'amour.",0.13793103448275862,0.05918057663125948 -e5fd81a0-37c0-4dd0-a11c-bd18e70ceeee,今天天气非常不错,小明早早地起了床,准备去公园晨跑。他穿上了舒适的运动鞋,洗漱完毕后,就沿着熟悉的路线出发了。公园里已经有几位晨练的人了,他们有的在做伸展运动,有的在慢跑,还有的在打太极拳。小明一边跑步一边欣赏着周围的风景,心情格外愉快。跑完步后,他在长椅上坐下来,拿出手机查看了一下今天的新���,然后决定去附近的咖啡馆喝杯咖啡,享受一下悠闲的午后时光。,"今天天气非常不错,小明早早地起了床,准备去公园城跑。他穿上了舒适的运动鞋,洗術完毕后就沿着熟悉的路线出发了。公园里已经有几位沉练的人了。他们有的在座生展运动,有的在漫跑,还有的在打太极权,小明一边跑步一边欣赏着周围的风景,心情格外愉快。好玩不后,他在常以上坐下来,拿出手机查看了一下今天的新闻,然后决定去附近的咖啡馆喝杯咖啡,享受一下悠闲的五后时光。",1.0,0.14772727272727273 -cb88f883-f44a-4267-9bd4-23c4c858089b,"As the morning sun began to rise, casting its golden rays over the sleepy town, Sarah stepped out onto her porch, feeling the cool morning breeze against her skin. She took a deep breath, inhaling the fresh scent of blooming flowers and dewy grass. With a cup of coffee in hand, she sat down to start her day, planning to visit her elderly neighbor who had been particularly kind to her over the years. The bustling city life would soon begin, but for now, it was just Sarah and the peacefulness of her small corner of the world."," As the morning sun began to rise, casting its golden rays over the sleepy town, Sarah stepped out onto her porch, feeling the cool morning breeze against her skin. She took a deep breath, inhaling the fresh scent of blooming flowers, and do egress. With a cup of coffee in hand, she sat down to start her day, planning to visit her elderly neighbor who had been particularly kind to her over the years. The bustling city life would soon begin, but for now it was just Sarah and the peacefulness of her small corner of the world.",0.04081632653061224,0.013232514177693762 -16df316b-1386-4f84-b443-1fedb5dfbeef,"Amis fidèles et lointains, je me souviens encore des jours heureux passés à partager rires et conversations autour de tables tapissées de velours rouge. Les promenades dans les rues pavées de Paris, les soirées passées à regarder les étoiles briller au-dessus des toits de briques, chaque instant m'est resté gravé dans la mémoire. Ces souvenirs continuent de guider ma route, me rappelant que même si la vie peut être imprévisible, elle est pleine de moments merveilleux et inoubliables."," Amis Fidet est loin t'in, je me souviens encore des jours heureux passés à partager rire et conversation autour de table tapissée de velour rouge. Les promenades dans les rues pavés de Paris les soient répassées à regarder les étoiles brillées au-dessus des toits de bric à chaque instant mais restés gravés dans la mémoire. Ces souvenirs continuent de guider ma route me rappelant que même si la vie peut être imprévisible, elle est pleine de moments merveilleux et inoubliables.",0.2564102564102564,0.06967213114754098 -c66d9328-9385-4d44-a9b8-86719c16b07a,その日、私は山の中でひとりで散歩をしていた。青い空が広がり、鳥のさえずりが耳に届く。木々の間から差し込む太陽の光は心地よく、自然と深呼吸を促す。この静かな時間は私の心を落ち着かせ、日々のストレスを忘れるのに役立つ。山の風は冷たく、しかし、それが私を清め、新たな力を与える。,その日私は山の中で一人で散歩していた青い空が広がり取りのさえずりが耳に届く木木の間から差し込む太陽の光はここちよく自然と進骨球を流すこの静かな時間は私の心を落ち着かせ日々のストレスを忘れるのに役立つ山の風は冷たくしかしそれが私を極め新たな力を与える,1.0,0.19117647058823528 -24c124af-132e-4951-9707-97223cc9ebce,"As the sun began to rise, painting the sky in hues of pink and orange, Sarah stepped out of her cozy bed and into the vibrant morning. The gentle hum of birds singing from the trees outside her window filled the air, creating a symphony of nature's awakening. She took a deep breath, feeling the cool morning breeze against her skin, and decided it was time to start her day. With a cup of freshly brewed coffee in hand, she walked towards the bustling city, eager to see what adventures lay ahead. Each step brought her closer to her destination, and soon she found herself lost in the rhythm of the city, its energy pulsing through her veins like a heartbeat."," As the sun began to rise, painting the sky and hues of pink and orange, Sarah stepped out of her cozy bed and into the vibrant morning. The gentle hum of birds singing from the trees outside her window filled the air, creating a symphony of nature's awakening. She took a deep breath, feeling the cool morning breeze against her skin, and decided it was time to start her day. With a cup of freshly brewed coffee in hand, she walked towards the bustling city, eager to see what adventures lay ahead. Each step brought her closer to her destination, and soon she found herself lost in the rhythm of the city. Its energy pulsing through her veins like a heartbeat.",0.024793388429752067,0.006051437216338881 -12791bf2-680a-45df-aadb-8d0c166a715d,"Le soleil couchant éclairait doucement la maison de pierre de Jeanne, créant des ombres chatoyantes sur le sol de terre battue. Au loin, les vaches retardaient leur retour vers le fermage, se reposant paisiblement sous les arbres ombrageux. Jeanne sourit en pensant à l'odeur familière du fromage frais râpé, une véritable symphonie pour ses sens. Elle rangea son balai dans l'angle sombre de la cuisine, prête à se préparer un repas léger avant de rejoindre sa famille pour le dîner."," Le soleil couchant et clair édoucement la maison de Pierre de Jan, créant des ombres chatoillantes sur le sol de Terbatu. Au loin, les vaches retardaient leur retour vers le fermage, se reposant paisiblement sous les arbres hombrajeux. Jan sourit en pensant à l'odeur familière du fromage frais rapé, une véritable symphonie pour ses sens. Elle rangera son balais dans l'angle sombre de la cuisine, prête à se préparer un repas léger avant de rejoindre sa famille pour le dîner.",0.1625,0.05785123966942149 -c5feba63-4b45-4fa3-973a-6704d72c714c,その日、青空の下で散歩を楽しんだ後、家に帰ると夕食の準備を手伝いました。妻は私に料理の手伝いを頼んでくれたので、私は野菜を洗い、調理器具を洗いました。その後、妻が作り始めたお料理を手伝いながら、家族との時間を過ごすことができました。そして、夕食が完成すると、みんなで団らんを楽しみました。,その日青空の下で三坪を楽しんだと家に帰ると優職の準備を手伝いましたつまは私に料理の手伝いを頼んでくれたので私は野菜を洗い張り器具を洗いましたその後つまが作り始めた料理を手伝いながら家族との時間を過ごすことができましたそして優職が完成するとみんなで段々を楽しみました,1.0,0.1875 -bab9ee67-3593-4300-9084-bcbeca6a1e06,二月の風が心に優しく吹き渡る中、春の訪れを告げる桜の花びらが舞い落ちています。この季節の移ろいは時折、私の中で新しい希望を育みます。街角で出会った老人が手に持っている小さな手ぬぐいに目を奪われ、その温かさと繊細さに胸が温かくなります。そして、その手ぬぐいの色は、私が大切にしている全ての思い出を象徴しています。,2月の風が心に優しく吹き渡る中、春の訪れを告げる桜の花びらが舞い落ちています。この季節の移ろういは、時より私の中で新しい希望を補助見ます。街角で出会った老人が手に持っている小さな手のぐいに目を奪われ。その温かさと戦載さに胸が温かくなります。そしてその手のぐいの色は、私が大切にしている全ての思い出を象徴しています。,1.0,0.09032258064516129 -3a6e0b26-715c-437d-b035-0f66d6012342,"With the sun just beginning to crest the horizon, casting a golden glow over the sleepy town, Sarah stepped out onto her porch. The air was crisp and invigorating, carrying with it the scent of fresh-cut grass and blooming flowers. She took a deep breath, letting the morning's promise fill her lungs. Today was going to be different; today was the day she would finally make a decision about her future. Sarah had been contemplating this for weeks, weighing the pros and cons of various options. She knew what she wanted but felt uncertain about how to proceed. Each step she took towards making a choice brought her closer to clarity, even if it meant facing the unknown."," with the sun just beginning to crest the horizon. Casting a golden glow over the sleepy town, Sarah stepped out onto her porch. The air was crisp and invigorating, carrying with it the scent of fresh cut grass and blooming flowers. She took a deep breath, letting the mornings promise fill her lungs. Today was going to be different. Today was the day she would finally make a decision about her future. Sarah had been contemplating this for weeks, weighing the pros and cons of various options. She knew what she wanted, but felt uncertain about how to proceed. Each step she took towards making a choice brought her closer to clarity, even if it meant facing the unknown.",0.07627118644067797,0.01188707280832095 -2606f1ae-3a85-48fa-b202-a1e4b7c3cc49,この春、桜の花が咲き始めると、私は毎日公園で過ごす時間を楽しみにしています。その美しい景色は私の心を和ませ、一日を始めるのに最適な場所です。また、親しい友人たちと過ごす時間も大切で、一緒にランチをしたり、お茶を飲んだりしながら、お互いの近況を話し合うことも多いです。そして、私が最も大切にしていることは、日々の小さな幸せを喜び、感謝することです。,この春、桜の花が先始めると、私は毎日公園で過ごす時間を楽しみにしています。その美しい景色は、私の心を名ごませ、一日を始めるのに最適な場所です。ま���、親しい友人たちと過ごす時間も大切で、一緒にランチをしたり、お茶を飲んだりしながら、お互いの勤強を話し合うことも多いです。そして、私が最も大切にしていることは、日々の小さな幸せを喜び、感謝することです。,1.0,0.04046242774566474 -8b5be9b8-d693-4afe-a81e-62c2e1f44bae,今天天气格外好,小华和朋友们一起去公园玩。他们先去了儿童游乐区,孩子们在那里尽情地奔跑和玩耍,笑声不断。然后他们来到了湖边,小华提议划船,大家一致同意。他们租了一条小船,在湖面上荡漾,欣赏着周围的美景。划船回来后,他们在草地上野餐,分享了各自带来的美食。夕阳西下,天边染上了金红色的晚霞,小华的朋友提议一起唱首歌,大家一起唱起了《我和我的祖国》,那一刻,大家都感到无比的幸福和满足。,"今天天气隔外好,小华和朋友们一起去公园玩。他们先去了儿童游乐区,孩子们在那里进行的分考和玩耍,笑声不断。然后他们来到了湖边,小华提议华传,大家一致同意,他们租了一条小传,在湖面上档样,经常着周围的美景。华传回来后,他们在草地上野餐,分享了各自带来的美食。西洋西下,今天染上了金红色的碗匣,小华的朋友提议,一起唱首歌,大家一起唱起了我和我的祖国。那一刻,大家都感到无比的幸福和满足。",1.0,0.20418848167539266 -9782b374-2c46-4db9-922f-fd52d2f9ec77,朝日が昇り、静かな街並みに光が差し込む。今日もまた一日が始まる。公園で朝の散歩を楽しむ人々を見送りながら、明日への希望を感じる。家に帰ってから、ゆっくりと朝ごはんを食べ、本を読み、家族と過ごす時間を作ることが楽しみだ。,朝日が登り、静かな街並みに光が差し込む。今日もまた1日が始まる。公園で朝の三方を楽しむ人々を見送りながら、明日への希望を感じる、家に帰ってから、ゆっくりと朝ごはんを食べ、本を読み、家族と過ごす時間を作ることが楽しみだ。,1.0,0.045871559633027525 -4856ebc1-7b18-4e9f-8f21-580b876f09bc,その日、空は澄んでおり、風も静かでした。彼は公園で本を読むのを楽しみにしていた。彼の目の前には、小さな鳥がさえずりながら飛ぶ姿がありました。彼は静かにページをめくって、物語の世界に引き込まれました。公園のベンチには、他の読書者が座っていました。彼らもまた、それぞれの物語に没頭していました。彼は彼らを見下ろし、この場所が自分にとって特別な瞬間を作っていることを実感しました。,その日空は住んでおり風も静かでした 彼は公園で本を読むのを楽しみにしていた彼の目の前には小さな鳥がサイズリながら飛ぶ姿がありました彼は静かにページをめくって物語の世界に引き込まれました 公園のベンチには他の独所者が座っていました彼らもまたそれぞれの物語に冒頭していました 彼は彼らを見下ろしこの場所が自分にとって特別な瞬間を作っていることを実感しました,4.0,0.11764705882352941 -0648bc47-56e5-4259-b0fe-945b3b16d2e1,その日、朝日が昇るのを眺めながら、彼女は公園のベンチに座り、手元には古い写真集が軽く握られていた。一枚一枚の写真を見ていくと、それぞれに異なる思い出が蘇って来た。彼女はその日のことを詳しく書き始める。最初は温かい挨拶から始め、その後は日々の生活の中で起こった小さな出来事や感動を細かく描写していく。彼女のペンはページを滑らせる音が静かな公園を包み込み、彼女の言葉が読者に心に響くように丁寧に書かれている。,まもひ、朝日が登るのを眺めながら、彼女は公園のベンチに座り、手元には古い写真集が軽く握られていた、1枚1枚の写真を見ていくと、それぞれに異なる思い出が読みがえてきた。彼女はその日のことを詳しく書き始める。最初は暖かい挨拶から始め、その後は日々の生活の中で起こった小さな出来事や感動を細かく病写していく。彼女の辺はページを滑らせる音が静かな公園を包み込み、彼女の言葉が独写に心に響くように丁寧に書かれている。,1.0,0.0891089108910891 -2c0a0d70-ad74-42f1-9259-379337def7cd,"On a sunny morning, as the birds began their cheerful chirping, Sarah decided to start her day early. She grabbed her coffee and a book, heading out into the fresh air. The city streets were mostly empty, giving her a sense of peace and quiet. As she walked, she thought about all the adventures and new beginnings that awaited her throughout the day."," On a sunny morning, as the birds began their cheerful chirping, Sarah decided to start her day early. She grabbed her coffee in a book, heading out into the fresh air. The city streets were mostly empty, giving her a sense of peace and quiet. As she walked, she thought about all the adventures and new beginnings that awaited her throughout the day.",0.015873015873015872,0.005698005698005698 -48cee51f-4a91-467c-856f-4e661d84daf7,"As the sun began to set, casting long shadows across the city, Sarah took a deep breath, feeling a mix of excitement and nervousness for the upcoming presentation she had been preparing for weeks. The room was filled with colleagues and clients who were eager to hear her ideas. Sarah walked confidently towards the podium, her mind racing with the details she needed to cover. She began her speech, her voice steady despite the butterflies in her stomach. Throughout the presentation, she kept her audience engaged with vivid stories and compelling data, demonstrating how her innovative solutions could revolutionize their industry. By the end, there was a palpable sense of admiration and anticipation in the room, knowing that Sarah's vision had just taken a significant step forward."," The sun began to set, casting long shadows across the city. Sarah took a deep breath, feeling a mix of excitement and nervousness. For the upcoming presentation she had been preparing for weeks, the room was filled with colleagues and clients who were eager to hear her ideas. Sarah walked confidently towards the podium, her mind racing with the details she needed to cover. She began her speech, her voice, steady, despite the butterflies in her stomach. Throughout the presentation, she kept her audience engaged with vivid stories and compelling data, demonstrating how her innovative solutions could revolutionize their industry. By the end there was a palpable sense of admiration and anticipation in the room, knowing that Sarah's vision had just taken a significant step forward.",0.07874015748031496,0.015228426395939087 -16ee1546-8a39-4242-9a83-27d637bcfca8,"As the morning sun peeked over the horizon, casting a golden glow over the sleepy town, Sarah stepped out of her cozy bed and into the crisp, fresh air. She sipped her coffee while gazing out the window at the bustling street below, where people hurried about their daily routines. With a contented sigh, she grabbed her backpack and headed towards the local library, eager to dive into a new book and escape the stresses of the day. Along the way, she noticed a small café with a charming outdoor seating area, where she planned to stop for a pastry and a cup of tea. As she walked, she couldn't help but smile at the sight of children laughing and playing in the park nearby. The day promised to be full of unexpected adventures and delightful encounters."," As the morning sun peaked over the horizon, casting a golden glow over the sleepy town, Sarah stepped out of her cozy bed and into the crisp, fresh air. She sipped her coffee while gazing out the window at the bustling street below, where people hurried about their daily routines. With a contented sigh, she grabbed her backpack and headed towards the local library, eager to dive into a new book and escape the stresses of the day. Along the way, she noticed a small cafe with a charming outdoor seating area, where she planned to stop for a pastry and a cup of tea. As she walked she couldn t help but smile at the sight of children laughing and playing in the park nearby. The day promised to be full of unexpected adventures and delightful encounters.",0.0364963503649635,0.005284015852047556 -f93f1dd3-4d5a-43fe-a15f-cdc65c1c8222,"As the sun began its descent, casting long shadows across the city streets, Sarah walked slowly through the crowded park, her thoughts drifting back to the day's events. The chirping of birds and distant laughter added to the serene atmosphere, making it hard for her mind to dwell on the stresses of work or personal concerns. She took a deep breath, feeling the cool breeze against her skin, and decided to continue her walk, letting the gentle rhythm of nature soothe her soul."," as the sun began its descent. Casting long shadows across the city streets, Sarah walked slowly through the crowded park. Her thoughts drifting back to the days of ends. The chirping of birds and distant laughter added to the serene atmosphere, making it hard for her mind to dwell on the stresses of work or personal concerns. She took a deep breath, feeling the cool breeze against her skin, and decided to continue her walk, letting the gentle rhythm of nature soothe her soul.",0.0963855421686747,0.020833333333333332 -51e47fff-3047-48a8-a473-7dc646889872,"As the sun began to rise, casting a golden hue over the sleepy town, Sarah stepped out of her cozy bed and into the crisp morning air. She stretched her arms above her head, feeling the fresh breeze against her skin. With a cup of steaming coffee in hand, she walked slowly through the quaint streets, enjoying the gentle hum of life around her."," As the sun began to rise, casting a golden hue over the sleepy town, Sarah stepped out of her cozy bed, and into the crisp, morning air. She stretched her arms above her head, feeling the fresh breeze against her skin. With a cup of steaming coffee in hand, she walked slowly through the quaint streets, enjoying the gentle hum of life around her.",0.03125,0.005797101449275362 -594f09ad-b3a0-4d88-b33f-58f36dcd9b3b,"Le ciel était d'un bleu profond et sans nuages, une perfection à laquelle je n'avais jamais eu l'occasion de croiser. J'avais rendez-vous avec un vieil ami qui vivait dans une petite maison au bord de la rivière. Son jardin était parsemé de fleurs multicolores qui semblaient illuminer chaque coin de sa demeure. Au loin, les montagnes se découpaient sur le paysage, offrant une vue panoramique qui semblait s'étirer jusqu'à l'infini. Je me demandai combien de temps il avait fallu pour que cette image se transforme en réalité, mais chaque détail, chaque sensation, chaque émotion ressentie pendant ces quelques heures, étaient aussi précieux que la plus belle des photos."," Le ciel était d'un bleu profond et sans nuage, une perfection à laquelle je n'avais jamais eu l'occasion de croiser. J'avais rendez-vous avec un vieil ami qui vivait dans une petite maison au bord de la rivière. Son jardin était parsemé de fleurs multicolores, qui semblait illuminer chaque coin de sa demeure. Au loin, les montagnes se découpaient sur le paysage, au franc une vue panoramique, qui semblait s'étirer jusqu'à l'infinite. Je me demandais combien de temps il avait fallu pour que cette image se transforme en réalité. Mais chaque détail, chaque sensation, chaque émotion ressentit pendant ces quelques heures. Était aussi précieux que la plus belle des photos.",0.12037037037037036,0.02823179791976226 -2c6522da-f9f4-41e6-a5aa-5eed42e65edf,"With the sun just beginning to rise over the horizon, Sarah stepped out of her cozy apartment, her footsteps echoing softly on the wooden floor. The morning air was crisp and invigorating, carrying the promise of a new day filled with possibilities. She took a deep breath, feeling the fresh scent of blooming flowers and the gentle rustle of leaves from the trees lining the street. With a smile, she began her daily routine, walking briskly towards the city park where she would meet her friends for coffee and conversation. The warmth of the sun on her face and the sound of birds chirping provided a perfect backdrop for her to start the day with a sense of purpose and excitement."," With the sun just beginning to rise over the horizon, Sarah stepped out of her cozy apartment, her footsteps echoing softly on the wooden floor. The morning air was crisp and invigorating, carrying the promise of a new day filled with possibilities. She took a deep breath, feeling the fresh scent of blooming flowers and the gentle rustle of leaves from the trees lining the street. With a smile, she began her daily routine, walking briskly towards the city park where she would meet her friends for coffee and conversation. The warmth of the sun on her face and the sound of birds chirping provided a perfect backdrop for her to start the day with a sense of purpose and excitement.",0.0,0.0 -2d91b580-a870-4d52-bb6b-0f01abf16ac4,今天天气非常好,小华早早地就起床去公园散步。公园里鸟语花香,空气清新宜人。她沿着湖边走了一圈,欣赏着湖面上的倒影。然后,她找了个安静的地方坐下,拿出一本书静静地阅读。不久,一位老奶奶也来到了这里,两人开始聊天,分享彼此的故事。小华觉得今天的时光特别美好,充满了生活的乐趣。,"今天天气非常好,小华早早地就起床去公圆散步,公圆里鸟与花香,空气清心一人,他沿着湖边走了一圈,欣赏着湖面上的道饮。然后他找了个安静的地方坐下,拿出一本书静静的月毒,不久,一位老奶奶,也来到了这里,两人开始聊天,分享彼此的故事。小华觉得,今天的时光特别美好,充满了生活的乐趣。",1.0,0.19117647058823528 -3b999ba1-b646-4db9-98dd-e262337615ac,"As the sun began to set over the horizon, casting a warm orange glow across the landscape, Sarah took a deep breath of the fresh evening air. She strolled through the picturesque neighborhood, her footsteps echoing softly on the cobblestone paths. The scent of blooming flowers mingled with the aroma of street food vendors nearby, creating a delightful aroma that filled her senses. She spotted an old bookstore tucked away in a corner of the square, its weathered sign inviting her inside. With a smile, she walked towards it, eager to explore the rows of books and perhaps find a new adventure in the pages ahead."," As the sun began to set over the horizon, casting a warm orange glow across the landscape, Sarah took a deep breath of the fresh evening air. She strolled through the picturesque neighborhood, her footsteps echoing softly on the cobblestone paths. The scent of blooming flowers mingled with the aroma of street food vendors nearby, creating a delightful aroma that filled her senses. She spotted an old bookstore tucked away in a corner of the square. It's weathered sign inviting her inside. With a smile she walked towards it, eager to explore the rows of books and perhaps find a new adventure in the pages ahead.",0.02830188679245283,0.006493506493506494 -ebd674b3-8af0-4819-8125-8dc54475b73c,朝日が昇り、静かな町に光が差し込む。町の奥の方には、古い木々が立っています。その木々の間を通り抜ける風は、心地よい香りを運んでいます。この街を歩くたびに、新しい出会いや驚きに出会えることを楽しみにしています。,朝日が登り、静かな街に光が差し込む街の奥の方には古い木木が立っていますその木木の間を通り抜ける風は心地よい香りを運んでいますこの街を歩くたびに新しい出会いや驚きに出会えることを楽しみにしています,1.0,0.11538461538461539 -e7f1e4c2-bb1e-4ed9-acfc-8b973df1c854,"As the sun began to rise over the sleepy town, Sarah stepped out onto her porch, sipping her morning coffee and gazing at the peaceful landscape before her. The air was crisp and fresh, carrying with it the scent of blooming flowers and distant bird songs. She took a deep breath, feeling the warmth of the new day envelop her. Today was going to be a good day. Sarah's mind drifted back to the events of the past week—her project deadline loomed large, but she felt confident in her progress. She had already made significant strides and was determined to see it through to completion. The thought of finishing strong gave her a sense of purpose and motivation. As she continued to sip her coffee, she felt a smile spreading across her face, knowing that whatever challenges lay ahead, she would face them head-on."," As the sun began to rise over the sleepy town, Sarah stepped out onto her porch, sipping her morning coffee, engaging at the peaceful landscape before her. The air was crisp and fresh, carrying with it the scent of blooming flowers and distant bird songs. She took a deep breath, feeling the warmth of the new day envelop her. Today was going to be a good day. Sarah's mind drifted back to the events of the past week. Her project deadline loomed large, but she felt confident in her progress. She had already made significant strides and was determined to see it through to completion. The thought of finishing strong gave her a sense of purpose and motivation. As she continued to sip her coffee, she felt a smile spreading across her face, knowing that whatever challenges lay ahead. She would face them head on.",0.0625,0.013496932515337423 -2e89ea90-9df5-44e9-99b7-88c828f8f758,朝日が昇り始め、静かな町に光が差し込むと、優しそうな声が聞こえてくる。それは私の隣に座る友だちの声で、今日は何を話そうか考えているのか聞く耳がない。春の訪れを感じながら、風が花びらを舞わせている。この瞬間はとても幸せだ。,朝日が登り始め、静かの街に光が差し込むと、優しそうな声が聞こえてくる。それは私の隣に座る友達の声で、今日は何を話そうか考えているのか、悲しみにがない。春の訪れを感じながら、風が花びらを回せている。この瞬間は、とても幸せだ。,1.0,0.11818181818181818 -c0335779-bf89-479e-888e-af738671df28,"As the morning sun peeks over the horizon, casting a warm glow over the sleepy town, Sarah strolls through the quaint streets, her mind wandering to the events of the previous day. The gentle rustling of leaves and the distant hum of traffic create a soothing backdrop for her reflections. Each step brings her closer to the charming café she plans to visit, where she hopes to find solace in a cup of steaming coffee and a good book. Sarah's heart swells with anticipation as she approaches the familiar facade, ready to embrace whatever adventures await her today."," As the morning sun peaks over the horizon, casting a warm glow over the sleepy town, Sarah strolls through the quaint streets, her mind wandering to the events of the previous day. The gentle rustling of leaves and the distant hum of traffic create a soothing backdrop for her reflections. Each step brings her closer to the charming cafe she plans to visit, where she hopes to find solace in a cup of steaming coffee in a good book. Sarah's heart swells with anticipation as she approaches the familiar facade, ready to embrace whatever adventures await her today.",0.030612244897959183,0.007067137809187279 -df616482-93a0-4213-88a9-8506d888db40,"As the sun began its slow descent below the horizon, casting long shadows across the fields, Sarah took a deep breath of the cool evening air. She walked slowly through the neighborhood, her mind wandering as she admired the changing colors of the trees and the way the streetlights were just beginning to flicker on. Each step brought her closer to the quaint little café she had been planning to visit for weeks, its aroma already tantalizing her senses. The thought of sitting outside, watching the world go by while enjoying a cup of coffee, filled her with a sense of anticipation and contentment."," As the sun began its slow descent below the horizon, casting long shadows across the fields. Sarah took a deep breath of the cool evening air. She walked slowly through the neighborhood. Her mind wandering as she admired the changing colors of the trees, and the way the streetlights were just beginning to flicker on. Each step brought her closer to the quaint little cafe she had been planning to visit for weeks. Its aroma already tantalizing her senses. The thought of sitting outside, watching the world go by while enjoying a cup of coffee, filled her with a sense of anticipation and contentment.",0.0673076923076923,0.011627906976744186 -f88aa99c-60b8-4fa8-b29e-eaf32b0dc8ca,"Avec chaque battement de cœur, j'appréhende la beauté de la vie qui se déploie devant moi. Les parfums des fleurs du jardin, les murmures de la rivière, les sourires des voisins, tout contribue à créer une harmonie unique. J'ai décidé de consacrer cette journée à l'amour de la nature, aux liens de solidarité et à la recherche de la paix intérieure. Chaque instant compte, chaque émotion est précieuse, car c'est à travers elles que je découvre le vrai sens de l'existence."," Avec chaque battement de cœur, j'appréhende la beauté de la vie qui se déploie devant moi, les parfums des fleurs du jardin, les murs murs de la rivière, les sourires des voisins, tout contribue à créer une harmonie unique. Je décidais de consacrer cette journée à la mourde de la nature, au lien de solidarité et à la recherche de la paix intérieure. Chaque instan compte, chaque émotion est précieuse, car c'est à travers elle que je découvre le vrai sens de l'existence.",0.14814814814814814,0.04008438818565401 -7bddfc02-7c33-4f6f-ba3a-6c32cb51c9b1,その日、空は深く静かな青で、風は静かに吹き、静かな街の道を通り過ぎていました。彼女は公園で休むためにベンチを見つけ、手には本を持っていた。その本を開いてページをめくると、それぞれが異なる思い出をもたらす写真が掲載されていました。彼女はその写真を見て、その瞬間の感情や思いを再び感じることができました。彼女はその本から切り取った一枚の写真を見つけると、それをさらに深く探求し始めました。,その日 空は深く静かな青で 風は静かに吹き静かな街の道を通り過ぎていました彼女は公園で休むために伝誌を見つけ 手には本を持っていたその本を開いてページをめくるとそれぞれが異なる思い出をもたらす写真が掲載されていました 彼女はその写真を見てその瞬間の感情や思いを二たび感じることができました彼女はその本から切り取った一枚の写真を見つけると それをさらに深く探求し始めました,6.0,0.08854166666666667 -783d3df2-d42d-4f30-8b4a-7512d7c92cab,"As the morning sun began to rise, casting its golden beams over the sleepy town, Sarah stepped out of her cozy bed and into the crisp morning air. The aroma of fresh coffee wafted through the open window, invigorating her senses and preparing her for the day ahead. With a satisfied yawn, she made her way to the kitchen, where she brewed a pot of coffee and poured herself a steaming cup. As she sipped it, she glanced at the clock on the wall—exactly 7:30 AM, just as it should be. After grabbing a quick breakfast of oatmeal and a banana, she headed out the door, ready to tackle whatever the day might bring."," As the morning sun began to rise, casting its golden beams over the sleepy town, Sarah stepped out of her cozy bed and into the crisp morning air. The aroma of fresh coffee wafted through the open window, invigorating her senses and preparing her for the day ahead. With a satisfied yawn, she made her way to the kitchen, where she brewed a pot of coffee and poured herself a steaming cup. As she sipped it, she glanced at the clock on the wall, exactly 6c.m., just as it should be. After grabbing a quick breakfast of oatmeal and a banana, she headed out the door, ready to tackle whatever the day might bring.",0.02631578947368421,0.014705882352941176 -de66db23-600f-4101-8d88-e57ac85947eb,"The sun peeked through the clouds, casting a warm glow over the sleepy town as Sarah walked to her favorite coffee shop. She loved how the aroma of freshly brewed coffee always lifted her spirits, no matter what the day brought. As she entered the cozy café, she spotted her usual table by the window, where she often enjoyed a book and a latte."," The sun peeked through the clouds, casting a warm glow over the sleepy town as Sarah walked to her favorite coffee shop. She loved how the aroma of freshly brewed coffee always lifted her spirits, no matter what the day brought. As she entered the cozy cafe, she spotted her usual table by the window, where she often enjoyed a book and a latte.",0.015625,0.002898550724637681 -ca06d2d2-6a02-4624-9dc7-fb9902a2cc6d,"As the sun began to set behind the horizon, casting long shadows across the field, Sarah took a deep breath and felt the cool evening air tickling her cheeks. The rustling of leaves in the trees provided a soothing melody that seemed to calm her racing thoughts. She sat down on a large rock near the edge of the field, feeling the rough texture of the stone beneath her hands. The stars began to twinkle in the sky, adding a sense of wonder to the peaceful scene. Sarah closed her eyes and listened to the gentle hum of nature, letting her worries melt away with each passing moment."," As the sun began to set behind the horizon, casting long shadows across the field, Sarah took a deep breath and felt the cool evening air tickling her cheeks. The rustling of leaves and the trees provided a soothing melody that seemed to calm her racing thoughts. She sat down on a large rock near the edge of the field, feeling the rough texture of the stone beneath her hands. The stars began to twinkle in the sky, adding a sense of wonder to the peaceful scene. Sarah closed her eyes and listened to the gentle hum of nature, letting her worries melt away with each passing moment.",0.009259259259259259,0.003424657534246575 -b289025f-0f2a-4a72-aa6a-b7702261d0db,今天天气格外好,小华和朋友们一起去公园玩得很开心。他们先去了湖边划船,然后又去喂了鸽子。中午时分,他们在树荫下的长椅上吃了午餐,分享着各自带来的零食。下午,他们还一起踢足球,直到夕阳西下才依依不舍地回家。,"今天天气国外,小花哥朋友们一起去公园玩得很开心,他们先去了湖边华船,然后又去为了哥子。中午十分,他们在书音下的场影上吃了午餐,分享的歌字带来的零食。下午,他们还一起踢足球,直到夕阳西下才一一不舍的回家。",1.0,0.24509803921568626 -2dda75b7-c39b-4dd4-ac66-459c772aae08,今天天气格外好,小华骑着自行车穿梭在城市的街道上,享受着清新的空气和温暖的阳光。她经过了繁忙的市场,那里摆满了各种新鲜的水果和蔬菜;又路过了一家咖啡馆,飘出的香气让她忍不住想要进去喝一杯。不知不觉中,小华已经骑行了很远,她的自行车轮胎发出轻快的声音,仿佛也在和她一同庆祝这美好的一天。,"评捐听器格外好,小华旗这自行车穿梭在城市的街道上,享受着轻轻的空气和温暖的阳光。他经过了繁忙的市场,那里摆满了各种新鲜的水果和蔬菜,又路过了一家咖啡馆、飘出的香气,让他忍不住想要进去喝一杯。不知不觉中,小华已经齐醒了很远他的自行车轮胎发出轻快的声音仿佛也在和他一同庆祝这美好的一天",1.0,0.16901408450704225 -b55961cd-cff3-42e0-bcf4-6b109cc7f254,今天是周末,小华和朋友们一起去公园玩。他们先去了儿童游乐区,小朋友们在那里尽情地玩耍,笑声此起彼伏。然后,他们在湖边野餐,品尝了各种美味的食物,还一起放飞了气球,天空中充满了五彩斑斓的颜色。最后,他们沿着湖边散步,欣赏着夕阳下的美景,心情格外愉快。,"今天是周末,小华和朋友们一起去公园玩,他们先去了儿童游乐区,小朋友们在那里进行的玩耍,笑声自起彼服。然后他们在湖边野餐,品尝了各种美味的食物,还一起放飞了气球,天空中充满了无彩般栏的颜色。最后他们沿着湖边散步,欣赏着西洋下的美景,心情格外愉快。",1.0,0.1693548387096774 -d7bb3e51-c83f-4f2b-a7c8-1fa8dccde08e,"Le matin était à son apogée, lorsque la brise légère apportait avec elle une odeur de terre fraîchement labourée et d'herbe neuve. Je me levais doucement, mes pas résonnant sur le sol de pierre du petit village. La vue qui s'offrait à moi était splendide : des champs de blé doré aux couleurs vives, des arbres aux feuilles d'un vert éclatant, tout était peint dans un tableau de paix et de bonheur. J'avais rendez-vous avec mon ami Jean dans quelques heures, nous avions prévu de nous retrouver au bord de la rivière pour une promenade et un déjeuner en plein air. Je me sentais bien, heureuse de pouvoir partager ces instants de tranquillité et de convivialité avec quelqu'un que j'aime vraiment."," Le matin était à son apogé, lorsque l'abris légère apportait avec elle une odeur de terre fraîchement laborie et d'herbe neuve. Je me levais doucement, mais pas résonnant sur le sol de pierre du petit village. La vue qui s'offrait à moi était splendide, des champs de blé dorés au couleur vive, des arbres au feuille d'un verre et clâton. Tout était pain dans un tableau de paix et de bonheur. J'avais rendez-vous avec mon ami Jean dans quelques heures. Nous avions prévu de nous retrouver au bord de la rivière pour une promenade et un déjeuner en plein air. Je me sentais bien heureuse de pouvoir partager ses instants de tranquillité et de convivialité avec quelqu'un que j'aime vraiment.",0.18181818181818182,0.045845272206303724 -d2aca114-5c4a-47d3-9b1a-208eda81185d,今天是周末,小华早早地起了床,心情格外好。���先在家里做了早餐,然后收拾了一下房间,准备去公园散步。到了公园,她看到一群孩子正在玩捉迷藏游戏,孩子们的笑声充满了整个公园。小华找了一个安静的地方坐下,拿出一本书静静地阅读。不知不觉中,天色已晚,小华才依依不舍地离开了公园。回到家中,她还回味着公园里的美好时光,心里充满了满足感。,"今天是周末,小华早早地起了床,心情格外好。他现在家里做了早餐,然后收拾了一下房间,准备去公园散步。到了公园,他看到一群孩子,正在玩桌弥层游戏。孩子们的孝生充满了整个公园。小华找了一个安静的地方坐下,拿出一本书,静静的月毒。不知不觉中,天色已晚,小华才一一不舍地离开了公园,回到家中,他还回味着公园里的美好时光,心里充满了满足感。",1.0,0.1728395061728395 -3c18f5e7-5d21-4276-a113-743b520a108a,"Cet après-midi, sous un ciel bleu éclatant, j'ai décidé de parcourir les ruelles étroites de la vieille ville pour y découvrir de nouvelles saveurs culinaires. Les odeurs de cuisine provençale mêlées à celles de fruits exotiques ont envahi mes narines, me transportant immédiatement vers la garrigue. J'ai dégusté chaque plat avec attention, savourant chaque bouchée comme si elle était la première de ma vie. En fin de journée, j'ai même eu la chance de rencontrer quelques artistes locaux qui partagent leur passion avec moi, créant une atmosphère de convivialité et de partage. Ces moments sont des cadeaux que la vie réserve souvent aux curieux et aux ouverts d'esprit."," Cet après-midi sous un ciel bleu éclatant, j'ai décidé de parcourir les rues et les toites de la vieille jule pour y découvrir de nouvelles saveurs culinaires. Les odeurs de cuisine provinciales mêlés à celles de fruits exotiques ont envahi ménarine, me transportant immédiatement vers la garigue. J'ai dégusté chaque plat avec attention, ça vous rend chaque boucher comme si elle était la première de ma vie. En fin de journée, j'ai même eu la chance de rencontrer quelques artistes locaux qui partagent leur passion avec moi, créant une atmosphère de convivialité et de partage. Ces moments sont des cadeaux que la vie réserve souvent au curieux et aux ouvertes escrites.",0.16666666666666666,0.05349182763744428 -547b19eb-84b5-4ec4-b99a-4bb3901c3615,今天是周末,小华早早地起了床,准备去爬山。他穿上运动鞋,背上背包,心情格外兴奋。一路上,他欣赏着周围的风景,小鸟在枝头欢快地歌唱,清新的空气让人心旷神怡。到了山顶,小华站在高处,望着远处的群山和蜿蜒的河流,心中充满了对大自然的敬畏和感激。他还与朋友们分享了这次旅行的美好经历,大家都觉得今天的活动非常有意义。,"今天是周末,小华早早地起了床,准备去爬山,他穿上运动鞋,背上背包,心情格外兴奋。一路上,他欣赏着周围的风景,想鸟在折头欢快的歌唱,轻轻的空气让人心矿神意。到了山顶,小华站在高处望着远处的群山和弯延的河流,心中充满了对大自然的敬畏和感激。他还与朋友们分享了这次旅行的美好经历,大家都觉得今天的活动非常有意义。",1.0,0.13636363636363635 -e2e43e5a-e19a-41e2-b7d8-44f2467d33d7,その日の夕暮れに、彼女は静かな公園でくつろいでいた。木々の間から優しく降り注ぐ日差しを浴びながら、彼女は手元の本を読み進めていた。時折、眼を上げて周囲を見回し、空が深く染まるのを眺めていた。その光景にはいつも何か特別な意味があったように感じられた。彼女は日々の小さな幸せに感謝しながら、未来への希望を胸に抱いていた。,その日の夕暮れに 彼女は静かな公園で靴ロイでいた木木の間から優しく振り注ぐ膝しを浴びながら 彼女は手元の本を読み進めていた時より 目をあげて周囲を見回し 空が深く染まるのを眺めていたその後景にはいつも何か特別な意味があったように感じられた 彼女は日々の小さな幸せに感謝しながら未来への希望を胸に抱いていた,6.0,0.14556962025316456 -5bcdcfe7-6f9d-4dac-a1f4-aac1179017d6,"As the morning sun began to rise, casting a warm glow over the sleepy town, Sarah stepped out of her cozy bed and into the crisp morning air. She stretched her arms above her head, feeling the fresh breeze against her skin. After a quick shower and breakfast, she packed her bag with essentials for the day ahead. With a final glance at the clock, she left her home, ready to tackle whatever challenges the day might bring. Sarah always found solace in the routine of her daily life, and today was no different. She took the scenic route to work, enjoying the peacefulness of the countryside as she drove through winding roads and past fields of golden wheat. As she approached her office building, she couldn't help but smile, knowing that the day would be filled with opportunities to learn and grow."," As the morning sun began to rise, casting a warm glow over the sleepy town, Sarah stepped out of her cozy bed and into the crisp morning air. She stretched her arms above her head, feeling the fresh breeze against her skin. After a quick shower and breakfast, she packed her bag with essentials for the day ahead. With a final glance at the clock, she left her home, ready to tackle whatever challenges the day might bring. Sarah always found solace in the routine of her daily life, and today was no different. She took the scenic route to work, enjoying the peacefulness of the countryside as she drove through winding roads and past fields of golden wheat. As she approached her office building, she couldn't help but smile, knowing that the day would be filled with opportunities to learn and grow.",0.0,0.0 -b823c66c-b0f9-47d1-80ee-662f38d300c4,今天是周末,小华早早地起了床,准备去爬山。他穿上运动鞋,背上背包,然后沿着熟悉的山路出发了。一路上,他欣赏着周围的美景,呼吸着清新的空气,心中充满了对大自然的热爱。到达山顶时,他已经累得气喘吁吁,但看到眼前壮丽的景色,所有的疲惫都烟消云散了。小华坐在一块大石头上,闭上眼睛,深深地吸了一口气,感受着这份宁静与美好。,"今天是周末小华早早避起了床,准备去爬山。他穿上运动鞋,背上背包,然后沿着熟悉的山路出发了。一路上,他欣赏着周围的美景,呼吸着轻轻的空气。心中充满了对大自然的热爱,到达山顶时,他已经累得气船虚虚,但看到眼前壮力的景色,所有的皮备都淹消云散了。小华坐在一块大石头上,遇上眼睛,深深的吸了一口气,感受着这份宁静与美好。",1.0,0.16560509554140126 -94ef2cb1-3f83-4714-9dda-9953ef9927a2,その日、青空の下で散歩をしていたら、小さな公園に到着しました。公園にはたくさんの花が咲き、鳥のさえずりが聞こえました。私はベンチに座り、一日の始まりをゆっくりと過ごしました。公園の隅には古い木製のベンチがあり、ここでは誰かが長い間休むことでしょう。私の心は静かで、幸せな気持ちになりました。,その日青空の下で散歩をしていたら 小さな公園に到着しました公園にはたくさんの花が先取りのサイズリが聞こえました私はベンチに座り一日の始まりをゆっくりと過ごしました公園の住みには古い木性のベンチがありここでは誰かが長い間休むことでしょう私の心は静かで幸せな気持ちになりました,2.0,0.14482758620689656 -f3034de3-8e3f-4300-8180-3313c8590b96,朝日が昇り、静かな町には早朝の静けさが広がっています。私は自転車を漕ぎながら、この美しい景色を楽しみました。街角で出会った老人は、手招きをして私に話しかけてきました。彼は地元のことや人々について教えてくれ、その深い知識に感動しました。その後、小さなカフェで淹れたてのコーヒーを飲んで、さらに深く町の文化と歴史を学びました。一日が進み、私はこの町に居心地の良さを感じ始めました。,朝日が登り静かな街には 早朝の静けさが広がっています私は自転車をこぎながら この美しい景色を楽しみました街角で出会った老人は手間に気をして 私に話しかけてきました彼は地元のことや人々について お教えてくれその深い知識に感動しましたその後小さなカフェで イメレタテの好費を飲んでさらに深く街の分化と歴史を学びました 一日が進み私はこの街に移動こっちのよさを感じ始めました,7.0,0.21808510638297873 -f2c14c37-0134-45fa-b789-a2f1e5239ca7,"En marchant lentement dans la forêt, les feuilles mortes sous mes pieds craquelaient doucement. Le soleil filtrait à travers les branches, créant des ombres changeantes qui semblaient danser autour de moi. Je me demandais souvent comment ces lieux pouvaient être si paisibles alors qu'ils étaient aussi vastes et sauvages. Les bruits de la nature, les chants des oiseaux et le murmure du vent apportaient une paix qui me rapprochait de moi-même."," Un marchand lentement dans la forêt. Les feuilles mortes sous mes pieds cracent les doucements. Le soleil filtrait à travers les branches, créant des ombres changeantes, qui semblaient danser autour de moi. Je me demandais souvent comment ces lieux pouvaient être si paisibles alors qu'ils étaient aussi vastes et sauvages. Les bruits de la nature, les champs des oiseaux et le murmure du vent apportait une paix qui me rapprochait de moi-même.",0.14084507042253522,0.04044943820224719 -cc69028a-753e-4e08-87d5-a9c8b0153feb,"Chaque matin, lorsqu'il fait un soleil levant qui illumine mon petit appartement, je me réveille avec une énergie nouvelle. Je sors de ma chambre pour aller à la cuisine où je prépare le café, un acte simple mais vital qui me permet de commencer la journée. Ensuite, je vais à la fenêtre pour regarder la ville en dessous de moi, ses rues animées et ses bâtiments majestueux. Pendant que je bois mon café, je pense aux choses que je veux accomplir aujourd'hui et comment je peux contribuer positivement à la société."," Chaque matin, lorsqu'il fait un soleil élevant, qui éluit mon petit appartement, je me réveille avec une énergie nouvelle. Je sort de ma chambre pour aller à la cuisine où je prépare le café. Un acte simple mais vital qui me permet de commencer la journée. Ensuite, je vais à la fenêtre pour regarder la ville en dessous de moi. C'est ruse animée et c'est bâtiment majestueux. Pendant que je bois mon café, je pense aux choses que je veux accomplir aujourd'hui et comment je peux contribuer positivement à la société.",0.12087912087912088,0.040697674418604654 -f3e79487-b7ba-4bde-8a35-979b896bb21b,今天天气格外好,小华早早起床去公园跑步。他沿着湖边的小路慢跑,呼吸着新鲜的空气,欣赏着周围的美景。远处的山峦在阳光下显得格外清晰,小鸟在枝头欢快地歌唱。小华的心情也随着这美好的一天而变得愉快起来。他跑了一会儿,突然看到一个小女孩在湖边玩耍,不禁驻足观看。小女孩看见他后,笑着向他挥手,两人就这样开始了有趣的交谈。小华觉得今天的跑步不仅身体得到了锻炼,心灵也得到了滋养。,"今天天气格外好,小华早到起床去公园跑步,他沿着湖边的小路慢跑,呼吸着新鲜的空气,欣赏着周围的美景。远出的山软在阳光下显得格外清晰,小鸟在枝头欢快地歌唱,小华的心情也随着这美好的一天,而变得愉快起来。他跑了一会儿,突然看到一个小女孩在湖边玩耍,不惊注族观看,小女孩看见她后,笑着向她揮手,两人就这样开始了有趣的交谈。小华觉得今天的跑步,不仅身体得到了锻炼,心灵也得到了资仰。",1.0,0.1358695652173913 -aedab7b7-14b0-4580-9c42-7c63ae398cb3,その日、青空の下で彼は散歩を楽しんでいました。公園の木々の間から陽光が差し込み、彼の靴底に心地よい感触が伝わりました。彼は静かな川沿いを歩き、鳥のさえずりと風の音に耳を傾けながら、日々の疲れを忘れました。その場所には、いつでも心を落ち着かせてくれる特別な何かがありました。彼の目には、この瞬間が永遠に続くように見えたのです。,その日、青空の下で彼は散歩を楽しんでいました。公園の木木の間から要効が差し込み、彼の靴底に、ここちよい観食が伝わりました。彼は靴かな川増いを歩き、取りのサイズリと風の音に耳を固むけながら、日々の疲れを忘れました。その場所には、いつでも心を落ち着かせてくれる、特別な何かがありました。彼の目には、この瞬間が永遠に続くように見えたのです。,1.0,0.12345679012345678 -12a94aa2-6b6b-430e-aec1-ea203ae46579,"As the sun began its descent towards the horizon, casting long shadows across the bustling city street, Sarah took a deep breath and stepped into the crowded market. The air was thick with the scent of fresh herbs, spices, and grilled meats. She wandered through the stalls, her eyes scanning for just the right ingredients to spice up her dinner tonight. Amidst the cacophony of voices and the constant hum of activity, Sarah felt a sense of peace settle over her. She knew this was her home, a place where she could lose herself in the sights, sounds, and aromas that defined her daily life."," As the sun began its descent towards the horizon, casting long shadows across the bustling city street, Sarah took a deep breath and stepped into the crowded market. The air was thick with the scent of fresh herbs, spices and grilled meats. She wandered through the stalls, her eyes scanning for just the right ingredients to spice up her dinner tonight. Amidst the cacophony of voices and the constant hum of activity, Sarah felt a sense of peace settle over her. She knew this was her home, a place where she could lose herself in the sights, sounds and aromas that defined her daily life.",0.01904761904761905,0.003372681281618887 -8af7d4bd-7a23-4ff4-9d8b-7e8e42d6fc20,朝日が昇り始め、静かな街は少しずつ明るくなっていきます。窓から見える風景は、いつもと少し変わっています。新しい一日が始まる前、私は深呼吸をして、今日何をすべきか考え始めます。街の喧騒が落ち着き、人々の声が聞こえる頃には、私は自分自身に向けた一言を思いつくことがあります。それはいつも、シンプルで心地よい言葉で、今日を大切にするためです。,朝日が登りはじめ、静かな街は少しずつ明るくなっていきます。窓から見える風景は、いつもと少し変わっています。新���い一日が始まる前、私は心孤球をして、今日何をすべきか考えはじめます。街の検討が落ち着き、人々の声が聞こえる頃には、私は自分自身に向けた人々を思いつくことがあります。それはいつも、シンプルで心地良い言葉で、今日を大切にするためです。,1.0,0.07738095238095238 -82f772bc-0a85-4516-a341-028706f7cc5b,今天天气格外好,小华骑着自行车穿梭在城市的街头巷尾。她经过了繁忙的市场,那里摆满了各种新鲜的水果和蔬菜;然后又来到了热闹的公园,孩子们在草地上尽情玩耍,大人们则在树荫下乘凉聊天。小华的心情也随着这美好的一天而变得愉快起来。,"今天天气格外好,小华旗这自行车穿梭在城市的街头向违。他经过了繁忙的市场,那里摆满了各种新鲜的水果和蔬菜。然后又来到了热闹的公园,孩子们在草地上进行玩耍,大人们泽在树音下沉涼聊天。小华的心情也随着这美好的一天,而变得愉快起来。",1.0,0.15315315315315314 -c3d5319d-add4-485e-b10c-3cb9a252ab38,朝日が昇るにつれて、彼女は静かな公園で読書を始めました。木々の間から差し込む光と、远处に見える山々の影が、心地よい静けさを作り出していました。読んでいる本は、詩集で、美しい言葉たちが彼女の心に静かに響いていました。,朝以外のボルに連れて彼女は静かな公園で独賞を始めました 木木の間から差し込む光と延長に見える山山の影が ここちよい静けさを作り出していました読んでいる本は 四周で美しい言葉たちが彼女の心に静かに響いていました,4.0,0.2336448598130841 -af3eb768-a024-4ca0-8e1a-56ab66dd1aa2,今天天气格外好,小华和朋友们一起去了郊外游玩。他们骑着自行车沿着蜿蜒的小路前行,欣赏着两边美丽的风景。不一会儿,他们就来到了一片绿油油的草地,大家纷纷脱下鞋子,在柔软的草地上奔跑嬉戏。不远处有一条清澈的小溪,孩子们兴奋地跳进水中玩耍,溅起一圈圈水花。玩得正欢时,天空突然乌云密布,一场大雨不期而至。小华赶紧带着大家躲到附近的一间小木屋里避雨,大家都紧紧抱在一起,享受着这份难得的亲密时光。,"去年天气格外好,小华和朋友们一起去了交外游玩,他们骑着自行车,沿着歪沿的小路前行,欣赏着两边美丽的风景。不一会儿,他们就来到了一片绿油油的草地。大家纷纷托下鞋子,在柔软的草地上奔跑西西。不远处有一条轻车的小鞋,孩子们新奋的跳进水中玩耍,见起一圈圈水花,玩的正欢时天空突然污云密步,一场大雨不气而智。小华赶紧带着大家躲到附近的一间小木屋里避雨。大家都紧紧抱在一起,享受着这份难得的亲密时光。",1.0,0.17010309278350516 -b9a489c6-c9c4-4eac-8601-8b46f9d4bdfc,"As the sun began its descent behind the horizon, casting long shadows across the city streets, Sarah took a deep breath, feeling a sense of peace settle over her. The gentle hum of traffic and the distant sounds of laughter from nearby cafes added to the tranquil atmosphere. She walked slowly towards the park, her footsteps echoing softly against the pavement. As she entered the green space, the vibrant colors of blooming flowers and the rustling leaves of trees surrounded her, creating a serene environment. Sarah sat down on a bench near the pond, her eyes following the reflections of the sky in the water. The tranquility of the moment allowed her mind to wander, recalling memories of simpler times and the joys that life had to offer."," As the sun began its descent behind the horizon casting long shadows across the city streets, Sarah took a deep breath, feeling a sense of peace settle over her, the gentle harm of traffic and the distant sounds of laughter from nearby cafes added to the tranquil atmosphere. She walked slowly towards the park, her footsteps echoing softly against the pavement. As she entered the green space, the vibrant colours of blooming flowers and the rustling leaves of trees surrounded her, creating a serene environment. Sarah sat down on a bench near the pond, her eyes following the reflections of the sky in the water. The tranquility of the moment allowed her mind to wander, recalling memories of simpler times and the joys that life had to offer.",0.0390625,0.008053691275167786 -90b616ac-a84b-42eb-a819-1acc1258b1f0,"Le soleil se couche doucement sur la ville, éclairant les rues étroites de sa dernière flamme dorée. Les ombres des buildings se prolongent lentement, créant des profils sinistres dans l'obscurité qui commence à poindre. Sur le trottoir voisin, une vieille femme marche seule, ses pas rythmés par la chanson qu'elle fredonne sans jamais cesser de sourire. À travers la fenêtre de sa petite maison, elle peut voir la lueur vacillante de la lampe de chevet de son fils, qui travaille tard dans la bibliothèque universitaire. La nuit tombe rapidement, enveloppant la ville dans une couverture sombre, mais l'espoir reste là, en son cœur, comme une flamme qui ne s'éteint jamais complètement."," Le soleil se couche doucement sur la ville, éclérant les rues et troites de sa dernière flamme d'orée. Les ombres des bulles dingues se prolongent lentement, créant des profils sinistres dans l'obscurité qui commencent à poindre. Sur le trottoir voisin, une vieille femme marche seul, séparite mais par la chanson qu'elle frédonne, sans jamais cessé de sourire. À travers la fenêtre de sa petite maison, elle peut voir la lueur vacillante de la lampe de chevée de son fils, qui travaille tard dans la bibliothèque universitaire. La nuit tombe rapidement, enveloppant la ville dans une couverture sombre, mais l'espoir reste là, en son cœur, comme une flamme, qui ne s'est un jamais complètement.",0.15315315315315314,0.05377906976744186 -e1b3a680-2a88-47cf-890f-47735da26ea5,今天天气非常好,小华早早起床去公园跑步。公园里有很多人在晨练,有的人在跳舞,有的人在慢跑。小华听着鸟儿的歌声,享受着清新的空气,心情格外舒畅。跑步结束后,小华还去买了早餐,边走边吃,感觉非常惬意。,"今天天气非常好,小华早早起床去公园跑步,公园里有很多人在沉练,有的人在跳舞,有的人在漫跑。小华听着鸟儿的歌声享受着轻心的空气,心情格外书唱,跑步结束后,小华还去买了早餐边走边吃,感觉非常借疑。",1.0,0.1836734693877551 -a6b96138-971f-4500-a91b-bf758a44f6d6,"Chaque matin, lorsqu'il fait bon sortir de chez soi, je profite du temps pour me promener dans le parc voisin. Les oiseaux chantent joyeusement, apportant une note de douceur à mon petit déjeuner sous un ciel éclatant de bleu. La journée promet de belles aventures, et je suis ravi de pouvoir la vivre pleinement."," Chaque matin, lorsqu'il fait bon sortir de chez soi, je profite du temps pour me promener dans le parc voisin. Les oiseaux chante joyeusement, apportant une note de douceur à mon petit déjeuner, sous un ciel et clattant de bleu. La journée promet de belles aventures et je suis ravi de pouvoir la vivre pleinement.",0.09259259259259259,0.025559105431309903 -efc602cb-afa3-4932-b90a-3427918be3cb,朝日が昇り、静かな街並みが一変しました。今日もまた新しい一日が始まります。街角で出会った老人は手を振って挨拶し、その優しい笑顔に心が温かくなります。空は青く、風は穏やかで、この季節の一日がゆっくりと始まります。,朝日が登り、静かな街並みが一伴しました。今日もまた新しい一日が始まります。街角で出会った老人は手を振って挨拶し、その優しい笑顔に心が暖かくなります。空は青く、風はおだやかで、この季節の一日がゆっくりと始まります。,1.0,0.047619047619047616 -d2a3f0aa-629c-47a5-92e2-8dba9d2ebec0,"As the morning sun began to rise, casting its gentle glow over the sleepy town, Sarah stepped out of her cozy apartment. The aroma of freshly brewed coffee wafted through the air, mingling with the soft hum of morning conversations from her neighbors. She dressed quickly, grabbing a bagel and a cup of tea before rushing off to catch the first train of the day. Outside, the streets were already bustling with people hurrying to their destinations, each person carrying their own unique story. Sarah smiled, feeling grateful for this simple routine that brought her closer to her daily life and the wonderful people around her."," As the morning sun began to rise, casting its gentle glow over the sleepy town, Sarah stepped out of her cozy apartment, the aroma of freshly brewed coffee wafted through the air, mingling with the soft hum of morning conversations from her neighbors. She dressed quickly, grabbing a bagel and a cup of tea before rushing off to catch the first train of the day. Outside, the streets were already bustling with people hurrying to their destinations. Each person carrying their own unique story, Sarah smiled, feeling grateful for this simple routine that brought her closer to her daily life and the wonderful people around her.",0.04716981132075472,0.007961783439490446 -07cc77fe-a780-42e4-821e-8ecd9af3e09f,"As the sun began to set, casting a warm golden glow over the city, Sarah stepped out onto her balcony to enjoy the peaceful evening. The gentle breeze carried the scent of blooming flowers and distant fireworks from the nearby festival. She sipped her favorite tea while watching the sky turn from vibrant oranges to deep purples, creating a breathtaking display of colors. Reflecting on the day's events, she felt grateful for the simple joys that enriched her life. As she closed her eyes, lost in the serene atmosphere, she promised herself to make more time for such moments of tranquility."," As the sun began to set, casting a warm golden glow over the city, Sarah stepped out onto her balcony to enjoy the peaceful evening. The gentle breeze carried the scent of blooming flowers and distant fireworks from the nearby festival. She sipped her favorite tea while watching the sky turn from vibrant oranges to deep purples, creating a breathtaking display of colors. Reflecting on the day's events, she felt grateful for the simple joys that enriched her life. As she closed her eyes, lost in the serene atmosphere, she promised herself to make more time for such moments of tranquility.",0.0,0.0 -8dc965f2-6377-48bf-b3fe-cd6993497035,"Chaque matin, lorsque le soleil se lève sur la petite ville, je me réveille avec une joie particulière. Je sors de ma chambre et vais à la fenêtre pour regarder le ciel bleu et les montagnes qui s'étendent à perte de vue. Ensuite, je prépare mon petit-déjeuner et vais chercher mes amis pour une nouvelle journée d'aventures."," Chaque matin, lorsque le soleil se lève sur la petite ville, je me réveille avec une joie particulière. Je sort de ma chambre et vais à la fenêtre pour regarder le ciel bleu et les montagnes qui s'étendent à perte de vue. Ensuite, je prépare mon petit déjeuner et vais chercher mes amis pour une nouvelle journée d'aventure.",0.07017543859649122,0.009230769230769232 -a5db35a6-289f-4a0d-a13d-3509d3537029,その日、彼は山の奥深くにある古い家に到着しました。家の前には小さな庭があり、青い空と緑豊かな木々が広がっていました。彼は静かに家の中に入り、静寂の中でゆっくりと一息つきました。その後、彼は部屋の隅で本を読み始めました。その本は、長い旅路を経て偶然見つけたもので、その中には未知なる世界への入り口が開かれているように感じられました。,この日彼は山の多く深くにある古い家に到着しました。家の前には小さな匂い、青い空と緑豊かな木木が広がっていました。彼は静かに家の中に入り、製着の中でゆっくりとひといきつきました。その後彼は部屋の隅で本を読み始めました。その本は長い旅路を減って偶然見つけたもので、その中には道の世界への入り口が開かれているように感じられました。,1.0,0.1393939393939394 -f4189f9b-3b5d-4343-ad7e-b0ec355362e0,"As the sun began to set, casting long shadows across the quaint town square, Sarah took a deep breath of the cool evening air. She walked slowly along the cobblestone paths, her mind wandering back to the events of the day. The sound of children laughing and the distant hum of a street musician's guitar filled the air, creating a peaceful ambiance that seemed to soothe her troubled thoughts. As she reached her favorite café, she felt a sense of calm wash over her, ready to embrace whatever might come next."," As the sun began to set, casting long shadows across the quaint town square, Sarah took a deep breath of the cool evening air. She walked slowly along the cobblestone paths, her mind wandering back to the events of the day, the sound of children laughing, and the distant hum of a street musician's guitar filled the air, creating a peaceful ambiance that seemed to soothe her troubled thoughts. As she reached her favorite cafe, she felt a sense of calm wash over her, ready to embrace whatever might come next.",0.04395604395604396,0.007827788649706457 -32331d01-345b-473c-b7de-875d610192a4,"Le soleil se couche doucement sur la petite ville, baignée d'une lumière dorée qui donne à chaque maison une aura de mystère et de paix. Je me promène le long des rues bordées de platanes centenaires, leurs feuilles tombant en soufflant légèrement dans le vent. Les oiseaux chantent leur dernier cantique de la journée, leur voix harmonieuse se mêlant aux bruits paisibles de la campagne. Arrivé chez moi, je m'installe devant ma fenêtre pour contempler la nuit qui s'écoule, remplie de constellations éparpillées comme des étoiles fugitives dans le ciel."," Le soleil se couche doucement sur la petite ville, baignée d'une lumière dorée, qui donne à chaque maison une aura de mystère et de paix. Je me promène le long des rues, bordée de platanes centenaires. L'orfeuille tombant soufflant légèrement dans le vent, les oiseaux chantes lors dernier cantique de la journée. L'orvoire monneuse, ce mélant au bruit paisible de la campagne, arrivée chez moi, je m'installe devant ma fenêtre, pour contempler la nuit qui s'écoule, rempli de constellations et parpillées, comme des étoiles fugitives, dans le ciel.",0.3,0.08468468468468468 -a65e43e0-5404-4296-9cef-506609f2222a,今天是周末,小华早早地起了床,她计划着要完成一些家务活。她先去厨房洗碗,然后去客厅扫地。小华还打算去花园里种一些蔬菜,她觉得这样做不仅能帮助家里节省开支,还能让她心情愉悦。忙碌了一上午后,小华感到非常充实。她知道,尽管家里的事情很多,但她总是能找到快乐的方式去做。,"今天是周末,小华早早地起了床。她计划着要完成一些家务活,她先去厨房洗碗,然后去客���扫地。小华还打算去花原理重一些蔬菜。她觉得这样做不仅能帮助家里节省开支,还能让她心情愉悦,忙碌了一上午后,小华感到非常充实。她知道尽管家里的事情很多,但她总是能找到快乐的方式去做。",1.0,0.09848484848484848 -ad8491f1-6120-45af-889b-9f05929f9383,"As the morning sun began to peek over the horizon, casting a warm glow across the sleepy town, Sarah stepped out of her cozy bed and into the fresh air. She took a deep breath, feeling the crispness of the early spring morning invigorate her senses. With a yawn, she pulled on her favorite pair of jeans and a cozy sweater, ready to tackle whatever the day might bring. As she made her way to the kitchen, she paused to admire the blooming cherry blossoms outside her window, their delicate petals adding a touch of beauty to her otherwise ordinary routine."," And as the morning sun began to peep over the horizon, casting a warm glow across the sleepy town, Sarah stepped out of her cozy bed into the fresh air. She took a deep breath, feeling the crispness of the early spring morning invigorate her senses. With a yawn, she pulled on her favorite pair of jeans and a cozy sweater, ready to tackle whatever the day might bring. As she made her way to the kitchen, she paused to admire the blooming cherry blossoms outside her window. Their delicate petals adding a touch of beauty to her otherwise ordinary routine.",0.0594059405940594,0.019748653500897665 -fc0d0896-b7ce-4824-8941-33593234f63a,その日、青空に映る木々の影が静かに舞い落ち、彼は静かな湖畔で一人静寂を楽しんでいました。遠くの山々は、夕暮れの光に染まり、優雅な美しさを放っていました。彼は深呼吸をして、心地よい風を感じながら、自分の人生について考え始めました。過去の思い出と未来への希望が交錯し、その瞬間を大切にしようと決意しました。,その日 青空に映る 木木の影が静かに舞い落ち彼は静かな後半で 独り製着を楽しんでいました遠くの山山は 油群れの光に染まり 油がな美しさを離っていました彼は心孤球をして ここちよい風を感じながら自分の人生について考え始めました過去の思い出と未来への希望が工作しその瞬間を大切に仕様と決意しました,7.0,0.24503311258278146 -abcc2d0f-a6b8-47c1-8f17-cf1aec0f1fd5,今天天气非常好,小华和朋友们一起去公园玩。他们在草地上放风筝,还一起踢足球。回家的路上,他们买了许多好吃的东西,包括水果、冰淇淋和各种小吃。晚上,小华邀请朋友们到家里做客,大家一起吃了丰盛的晚餐,聊了很多有趣的事情。,"今天天气非常好,小华和朋友们一起去公园玩,他们在草地上放风证,还一起踢足球,回家的路上,他们买了许多好吃的东西,包括水果、冰淇淋和各种小吃。晚上,小华邀请朋友们到家里坐客,大家一起吃了风圣的晚餐,聊了很多有趣的事情。",1.0,0.12037037037037036 -ac5c37f5-66ef-4965-9d61-4f97dc87de51,今天是周末,小华早早地起床,洗漱完毕后便开始准备早餐。她先在厨房里切了一些新鲜的水果,然后打了一个鸡蛋搅拌均匀,接着用平底锅煎出了一盘美味的煎蛋卷。与此同时,客厅里的电视里播放着一部她最喜欢的电影,而小华的母亲则在厨房忙碌着,准备做午餐。小华一边享受着美味的早餐,一边期待着即将到来的家庭聚会。,"平天是周末,小华早早地起床,习数完毕后便开始准备早餐。他现在厨房里切了一些新鲜的水果。然后打了一个鸡蛋,小伦均匀接着用平底锅煎出了一盘美味的煎蛋卷。与此同时,客厅里的电视里播放着一部他最喜欢的电影。而小华的母亲都在厨房忙碌着,准备做午餐。小华一边享受着美味的早餐,一边期待着即将到来的家庭聚会。",1.0,0.12244897959183673 -5b3feca4-5878-4cf6-9461-258a34b2374f,朝日が昇る頃、私は静かな公園で朝の散歩を楽しんでいます。木々の間から差し込む光は、心地よい暖かさを運びます。鳥のさえずりに耳を傾けながら、一日が始まるのを待っています。この時間はいつも私にとって特別な瞬間です。,朝日が登る頃、私は静かな公園で、朝の三方を楽しんでいます。日記の間から差し込む光は、ここちよいあたたかさを運びます。鳥のサイズリに耳を固むけながら、1日が始まるのを待っています。この時間はいつも私にとって特別な瞬間です。,1.0,0.18095238095238095 -59a74f97-09cb-42fb-bb89-ef47a0b4f8da,"As the sun began its descent below the horizon, casting a golden glow over the city, Sarah took a deep breath, feeling a mix of excitement and apprehension for the day ahead. She knew today would be different; it marked the start of a new chapter in her life. With a determined look in her eyes, she gathered her belongings and stepped out into the vibrant streets, ready to embrace whatever challenges or opportunities awaited her. Each step brought her closer to her destination, a small café known for its cozy ambiance and the warm smiles of its patrons. As she entered the café, the aroma of freshly brewed coffee filled the air, mingling with the scent of baked goods. Sarah felt a sense of calm wash over her, knowing that no matter what lay ahead, she was ready to face it with courage and optimism."," As the sun began its descent below the horizon, casting a golden glow over the city, Sarah took a deep breath, feeling a mix of excitement and apprehension for the day ahead. She knew today would be different. It marked the start of a new chapter in her life. With a determined look in her eyes, she gathered her belongings, and stepped out into the vibrant streets, ready to embrace whatever challenges or opportunities awaited her. Each step brought her closer to her destination, a small cafe known for its cozy ambience, and the warm smiles of its patrons. As she entered the cafe, the aroma of freshly-brewed coffee filled the air, mingling with the scent of baked goods. Sarah felt a sense of calm wash over her, knowing that no matter what lay ahead, she was ready to face it with courage and optimism.",0.0547945205479452,0.009913258983890954 -ea25fbea-091d-4aa9-88ad-d5fe865884a6,"As the sun began its descent below the horizon, casting long shadows across the landscape, Sarah took a deep breath and stepped out onto the balcony of her apartment. The cool night air brushed against her skin, and she closed her eyes, savoring the tranquility of the moment. Reflecting on the events of the day, she felt a mix of emotions—relief, joy, and a touch of sadness. Each step she took towards the city park brought her closer to a conversation she had been avoiding all week. She knew it would be difficult but also necessary to address the issues head-on. As she walked, she noticed the stars beginning to twinkle in the darkening sky, their light a beacon of hope for a new chapter in her life."," As the sun began its descent below the horizon, casting long shadows across the landscape, Sarah took a deep breath and stepped out onto the balcony of her apartment. The cool night air brushed against her skin, and she closed her eyes, savoring the tranquility of the moment. Reflecting on the events of the day, she felt a mix of emotions, relief, joy, and a touch of sadness. Each step she took towards the city park brought her closer to a conversation she had been avoiding all week. She knew it would be difficult but also necessary to address the issues head on. As she walked, she noticed the stars beginning to twinkle in the darkening sky. Their light abekened of hope for a new chapter in her life.",0.0625,0.015536723163841809 -48a93bf3-ed6e-49d5-9f56-e4d1fc346857,今天是小华的生日,一大早他就起床准备了一桌子美味的蛋糕和各种各样的小礼物。邻居们听说后纷纷前来祝贺,院子里充满了欢声笑语。小华非常开心,他邀请了所有的朋友一起分享这个特别的日子。大家围坐在一起,品尝着蛋糕上的奶油和水果,聊着各自的生活趣事。在这个充满爱的日子里,小华感受到了家人的温暖和朋友们的友情。,"今天是小华的生日,一大早他就起床准备了一桌子美味的蛋糕和各种各样的小礼物。临继们听说后分分前来住和,院子里冲难了欢声笑语。小华非常开心,他邀请了所有的朋友一起分享这个特别的日子。大家为作在一起品尝在蛋糕上的奶油和水果。聊着各自的生活去世,在这个冲满爱的日子里,小华感受到了家人的温暖和朋友们的友情。",1.0,0.14 -98409544-b47e-4a40-8d23-a1a3b42e9321,今天是周末,小华和朋友们计划去郊外野餐。他们早早地准备了各种食物和饮料,还带上了烧烤架和一些蔬菜。早上出门时,天空中飘着几朵白云,微风拂过,带来了一丝丝凉意。到达目的地后,他们找了一个风景优美的草地铺开野餐布,开始享受美食。小华负责烤肉,他的朋友们则帮忙摆放餐具和分发食物。午餐过后,大家一起玩起了飞盘和捉迷藏,度过了一个愉快的下午。直到夕阳西下,他们才依依不舍地收拾东西回家。,"今天是周末,小华和朋友们计划去交外野餐,他们早早地准备了各种食物和饮料,还带上了烧烤架和一些蔬菜。早上出门时,天空中飘着极多白云,微风浮过,盖来了一丝丝粮液。到达目的地后,他们找了一个风景优美的草地,铺开野餐步,开始享受美食。小华负责烤肉,他的朋友们则帮忙摆放餐具和分发食物。五餐过后,大家一起玩起了飞盘和捉迷藏,度过了一个愉快的下午。直到夕阳西下,他们才一一步舍得收拾吃东西回家。",1.0,0.14285714285714285 -bc045003-0d5c-4a8a-ab7f-2230de257051,"With the sun beginning its descent towards the horizon, Sarah took a deep breath, feeling the cool evening air against her skin. She strolled through the bustling city park, her footsteps echoing softly on the gravel paths. The sound of children laughing and playing filled the air, mingling with the distant hum of cars passing by. Sarah paused at a bench near a large tree, pulling out her sketchbook and a pencil. She watched as people went about their evening routines, some chatting animatedly, others lost in thought or absorbed in their own activities. As she began to draw, capturing the vibrant colors and lively energy around her, Sarah felt a sense of peace wash over her, a rare moment of calm amidst the chaos of modern life."," With the sun beginning its descent towards the horizon, Sarah took a deep breath, feeling the cool evening air against her skin. She strolled through the bustling city park, her footsteps echoing softly on the gravel paths, the sound of children laughing and playing filled the air, mingling with the distant hum of cars passing by. Sarah paused at a bench near a large tree, pulling out her sketchbook and a pencil. She watched as people went about their evening routines, some chatting animatedly, others lost in thought or absorbed in their own activities. As she began to draw, capturing the vibrant colors and lively energy around her, Sarah felt a sense of peace wash over her, a rare moment of calm amidst the chaos of modern life.",0.015625,0.0027100271002710027 -c5f2391c-68a6-46c6-8e9d-daf8336ef67b,"Le ciel était d'un bleu profond lorsqu'il est tombé du sommeil, mais dès qu'il a ouvert les yeux, il a été emporté par une avalanche de pensées et d'idées qui lui semblaient si importantes. Il avait rendez-vous avec un ami important pour parler de projets futurs, discuter des rêves qui brillaient encore dans son esprit. Les couleurs vives du marché matinal, les odeurs de café fraîchement pressé, tout cela contribuait à renforcer son enthousiasme. Il a gravi les marches étroites de l'imposante bâtisse où se trouvait l'atelier de son ami, prêts à partager leurs visions et à planifier ensemble le chemin à suivre."," Le ciel était d'un bleu profond lorsqu'il est tombé du sommeil. Mais dès qu'il a ouvert les yeux, il a été emporté par une avalanche de pensées et d'idées qui lui semblait si importante. Il avait rendez-vous avec un ami important pour parler de projet futur, discuter des rêves qui brillaient encore dans son esprit. Les couleurs vives du marché matinale, les odeurs de café fraîchement pressés, tout cela contribuait à renforcer son enthousiasme. Il a gravit les marchés troides de l'imposante bâtisse où se trouvait l'atelier de son ami, prêt à partager leur vision et à planifier ensemble le chemin à suivre.",0.13592233009708737,0.02593192868719611 -1c0f2b53-5973-4048-808b-3cc21666f7a0,今天天气格外好,小华骑着自行车穿梭在城市的大街小巷,欣赏着沿途的风景。突然,她发现路边有一只受伤的小鸟,便停下来小心翼翼地把它带回了家。小华找来了一个纸箱,里面铺上了柔软的布料,轻轻将小鸟放进去。她决定要照顾这只小鸟,给它提供食物和水,并且每天都要带它去公园散步,让它感受到家的温暖。小华还上网查找了一些关于小鸟护理的知识,希望能更好地帮助它恢复健康。看到小鸟渐渐好转,小华心里充满了喜悦和满足。,"今天天气格外好。小华旗的自行车穿梭在城市的大街小巷,欣赏着颜图的风景。不然,他发现路边有一只受伤的小鸟,变停下来小心翼翼地把他带回了家。小华找来了一个指箱,里面铺上了楼软的布料,轻轻将小鸟放进去。他决定要照顾这只小鸟,给他提供食物和水,并且每天都要带他去公园散步,让他感受到家的温暖。小华还上网查找了一些关于小鸟护理的知识,希望能更好地帮助他恢复健康,看到小鸟漸漸好转,小华心里充满了喜悅和满足。",1.0,0.15151515151515152 -5c8b2d8b-6802-494e-b0b1-fe717a6cb958,"As the sun began to rise over the horizon, Emily stepped out onto her balcony, the cool morning air invigorating her senses. She took a deep breath, inhaling the fresh scent of blooming flowers and the distant sound of birds singing their morning songs. The day promised to be full of new adventures and unexpected discoveries. She reached for her phone, scrolling through messages from friends and family, feeling grateful for the connections that brought her joy. With a contented smile, she headed downstairs, ready to embrace whatever the day might bring."," As the sun began to rise over the horizon, Emily stepped out onto her balcony, the cool morning air invigorating her senses. She took a deep breath, inhaling the fresh scent of blooming flowers, and the distant sound of birds singing their morning songs. The day promised to be full of new adventures and unexpected discoveries. She reached for her phone, scrolling through messages from friends and family, feeling grateful for the connections that brought her joy. With a contented smile, she headed downstairs, ready to embrace whatever the day might bring.",0.010869565217391304,0.0017889087656529517 -f05bd5e9-371b-4420-ab32-b95bad688214,"As the sun began its descent behind the horizon, casting long shadows across the field, Sarah took a deep breath, feeling the cool evening air against her face. She walked slowly through the grass, her boots crunching softly beneath her feet. The rustling leaves overhead provided a soothing soundtrack to her thoughts, which were a whirlwind of memories from the past year. Each memory brought a wave of emotions—happiness, sadness, joy, and nostalgia—that swirled together like a kaleidoscope of colors. Sarah realized then that even though time passed and seasons changed, these moments remained vivid and irreplaceable. She paused for a moment, looking out at the expansive sky painted with hues of orange and pink, and took another deep breath, letting go of the worries of the day and embracing the tranquility of the present."," As the sun began its descent behind the horizon casting long shadows across the field. Sarah took a deep breath, feeling the cool evening air against her face. She walked slowly through the grass, her boots crunching softly beneath her feet. The rustling leaves overhead provided a soothing soundtrack to her thoughts, which were a whirlwind of memories from the past year. Each memory brought a wave of emotions, happiness, sadness, joy, and nostalgia, that swirled together like a kaleidoscope of colors. Sarah realized then that even though time passed and seasons changed, these moments remained vivid and irreplaceable. She paused for a moment, looking out at the expansive sky painted with hues of orange and pink, and took another deep breath, letting go of the worries of the day, and embracing the tranquility of the present.",0.05185185185185185,0.008413461538461538 -b5363462-eccb-4cdb-8ba3-03b2d696a5c6,"The temperature dropped significantly overnight, and the city was enveloped in a thick fog that made it difficult to see beyond a few feet. Sarah, who worked the night shift at the local hospital, navigated her way through the streets with caution, headlights cutting through the mist like slender fingers. As she approached the emergency entrance, she noticed a figure huddled near the entrance, shivering violently despite the warmth of her coat. Sarah's heart clenched with concern; she knew the person must be very cold and possibly injured. With a deep breath, she signaled for them to follow her inside."," The temperature dropped significantly overnight, and the city was enveloped in a thick fog that made it difficult to see beyond a few feet. Sarah, who worked the night shift at the local hospital, navigated her way through the streets with caution, headlights cutting through the mist like slender fingers. As she approached the emergency entrance, she noticed a figure huddled near the entrance, shivering violently despite the warmth of her coat. Sarah's heart clenched with concern. She knew the person must be very cold and possibly injured. With a deep breath, she signaled for them to follow her inside.",0.02,0.003284072249589491 -1a02a908-5f85-48aa-9db3-740122abb654,朝日が昇り、静かな町の空気が徐々に暖かさを帯び始める。町中にはすでに人々の足音が聞こえてくる。公園では子供たちが遊んでいる。その傍らで、老人は新聞を読みながら悠闲に歩いている。そして、その景色を見守る私の心は満たされ、一日が始まるのを待つ。,朝日が登り、静かな街の空気な徐々にあたたかさをおび始める。街のにはすれに人々の足音が聞こえてくる。公園では子どもたちが遊んでいる。その片笑で老人は新聞を読みながら優先に歩いている。そしてその景色を見守る私の心は似たされ、一日な始まるのを待つ。,1.0,0.16666666666666666 -c707f2e9-8b68-4661-ad3c-99466bffe18e,"In the early morning light, Sarah walked slowly through the park, her mind wandering as she enjoyed the peacefulness around her. The birds chirped happily, and the sun peeked over the trees, casting warm hues across the grass. As she passed by a bench, she noticed an old woman reading a book nearby. Sarah smiled, remembering how she used to do the same when she was younger."," In the early morning light, Sarah walked slowly through the park, her mind wandering as she enjoyed the peacefulness around her. The birds chirped happily, and the sun peeked over the trees, casting warm hues across the grass. As she passed by a bench, she noticed an old woman reading a book nearby. Sarah smiled, remembering how she used to do the same when she was younger.",0.0,0.0 -6a4bc1e6-2540-4c22-bdf2-5fefab378f03,今天天气非常好,小华和朋友们一起去公园玩,他们放风筝、踢足球,还一起吃了美味的冰淇淋。大家玩得很开心,度过了一个愉快的下午。,"今天天气非常好,小华和朋友们一起去公园玩,他们放风证,踢足球,还一起吃了美味的冰淇淋。大家玩的很开心,度过了一个愉快的下午。",1.0,0.11290322580645161 -47f425de-e8bf-4ec4-85b2-4c523432a337,朝日が昇る頃、田中さんは庭に出ていました。空はまだ青く、静かな時間でした。彼は木の下で座り、手元にある本を読み始めました。時々、ページをめくって新たな言葉に出会うたびに、心が静かになり、日々の小さな喜びを感じました。そんな顷、隣の家の猫が近づいてきたのです。田中さんは思わず立ち上がり、猫に優しく話しかけました。その猫はすぐに田中さんの手元に戻り、一緒に本を読むようにしました。この出来事は、田中さんの一日に特別な風景を加え、彼の心に温かい一粒の砂を落とすことに変わりはありませんでした。,朝日が伸ぶる頃、田中さんはニワニ出ていました。空はまだ多く、静かな時間でした。彼は木の下で座り、手元にある本を読み始めました。時々、ベージをめくって新たな言葉に出会うたびに、心が静かになり、日々の小さな喜びを感じました。そんな巨ん、隣の家の猫が近づいてきたのです。田中さんは思わず立ち上がり、猫に優しく話しかけました。その猫はすぐに田中さんの手元に戻り、一緒に本を読むようにしました。この出来事は、田中さんの一日に特別な風景を加え、彼の心に暖かい一つぶの砂を落とすことに変わりはありませんでした。,1.0,0.04918032786885246 -abad137d-a316-4e52-b304-c8bd574a831f,今天天气很好,小华和朋友们一起去公园玩了。他们在草地上踢足球,还一起放风筝,度过了一个愉快的下午。,"今天天气很好,小华和朋友们一起去公园玩了。他们在草地上踢足球,还一起放风整,度过了一个愉快的下午。",1.0,0.08163265306122448 -b6af5cac-47f2-41a7-bfb6-6e98eb02f625,"Chaque matin, avant même que le soleil ne monte dans le ciel, j'entre dans la cuisine pour préparer notre petit déjeuner quotidien. Les odeurs de café et de pain grillé me réveillent et me donnent l'énergie nécessaire pour affronter la journée. Ensuite, je vais chercher mes enfants dans leur école maternelle, une promenade paisible où nous discutons des aventures de la veille. Lorsque nous rentrons à la maison, je prépare un repas simple mais délicieux, suivi de la lecture de quelques pages de livre pour finir la journée en beauté."," Chaque matin, avant même que le soleil ne monte dans le ciel, j'entre dans la cuisine pour préparer notre petit déjeuner quotidien. Les odeurs de café et de pangriers me réveillent et me donnent l'énergie nécessaire pour affronter la journée. Ensuite, je vais chercher mes enfants dans le récolme maternel, une promenade paisible où nous discutons des aventures de la veille. Lorsque nous rentrons à la maison, je prépare un repas simple mais délicieux, suivi de la lecture de quelques pages de livres pour finir la journée en beauté.",0.06666666666666667,0.020484171322160148 -10796c10-b486-488e-85f4-861f5459ffb7,"En cette matinée grise, j'ai pris le temps de me promener dans les rues étroites de la petite ville. Le soleil voilé éclairait rarement les façades des bâtiments anciens, créant des ombres délicates qui semblaient flotter sur les trottoirs. Les odeurs de café frais et de pain grillé réveillaient mes sens et me rappelaient la réalité de cette existence quotidienne. Je me suis arrêté devant une librairie, sa vitrine ornée de livres aux couvertures usées attirant mon regard. Un sourire échappa à mes lèvres en imaginant toutes les histoires cachées derrière ces pages, prêtes à être décryptées par ceux qui osent les ouvrir."," Cette matinée grise, j'ai pris le temps de me promener dans les rues étroites de la petite ville. Le soleil voulait et cléré rarement les facades des bâtiments anciens, créant des hommes d'élicates qui semblaient flotter sur les trottoirs. Les odeurs de café frais et de pinguiller réveillé mes sens et me rappellait la réalité de cette existence quotidienne. Je me suis arrêté devant une libre-hérie, sa vitrine ornée de livres, couverturusée, attirant mon regard. Un sourire et chapa à mes lèvres en imaginant toutes les histoires cachées derrière ces pages prêtes à être décryptées par ceux qui hausent les ouvrir.",0.20388349514563106,0.08626198083067092 -9d553aca-d080-4748-9ef1-6f388dfcead5,"Le ciel était d'un bleu profond lorsqu'elle s'était levée ce matin-là, promettant une journée splendide à l'horizon. Elle avait décidé de faire une promenade dans le parc voisin, un endroit qu'elle aimait particulièrement pour sa paix et sa beauté. En marchant, elle avait remarqué un petit banc près d'un vieux chêne, parfait pour se détendre après une longue semaine de travail. Elle s'y était installée, plongée dans ses pensées, lorsque son portable vibra dans sa poche. C'était une notification d'email qui annonçait une invitation à participer à un événement culturel. Elle avait immédiatement rejoint son ami organisateur, qui l'avait guidée vers diverses activités fascinantes. Pendant le repas, ils avaient discuté de leurs projets futurs, chacun offrant des idées innovantes et inspirantes. Après le dîner, ils avaient visité un musée local où elle avait été émerveillée par une collection de peintures anciennes. La soirée s'était terminée par une délicieuse tarte aux pommes, servie avec une bouteille de vin rouge. Cette journée unique avait été marquée par des rencontres passionnantes, des expériences enrichissantes et une sensation d'accomplissement."," Le ciel était d'un bleu profond lorsqu'elle s'était levée ce matin-là, promettant une journée splendida l'horizon. Elle avait décidé de faire une promade dans le parc voisin, un endroit qu'elle aimait particulièrement pour sa paix et sa beauté. En marchant, elle avait remarqué un petit banc près d'un vieux chien. Parfait pour se détendre après une longue semaine de travail, elle s'y était installée, plongée dans ses pensées. Lorsque son portable vibra dans sa poche, c'était une notification d'y mail qui annonçait une invitation à participer à un événement culturel. Elle avait immédiatement rejoint son ami, organisateur, qui l'avait guidé vers divers activités fascinantes. Pendant le repas, ils avaient discuté de leur projet futur, chacun offrant des idées innovantes et inspirantes. Après le dîner, ils avaient visité un musée local où elle avait été émerveillée par une collection de peintures anciennes. La soirée s'était terminée par une délicieuse tartopomme, servie avec une bouteille de vingt rouges. Cette journée unique avait été marquée par des rencontres passionnantes, des expériences enrichissantes et une sensation d'accomplissement.",0.13714285714285715,0.029991431019708654 -b6598501-e5e4-483a-a99b-56a24060e4be,"As the sun began to rise over the horizon, Emily stepped out of her cozy apartment and into the vibrant morning light. She took a deep breath, inhaling the fresh air that smelled of blooming flowers and distant coffee shops. With a contented smile, she walked towards the bustling city center, her footsteps echoing softly on the pavement. The streets were already bustling with people hurrying to their destinations, each carrying their own stories and dreams. Emily felt a sense of belonging as she joined the flow, ready to embrace whatever the day might bring."," As the sun began to rise over the horizon, Emily stepped out of her cozy apartment, and into the vibrant morning light. She took a deep breath, inhaling the fresh air that smelled of blooming flowers and distant coffee shops. With a contented smile, she walked towards the bustling city center. Her footsteps echoing softly on the pavement. The streets were already bustling with people hurrying to their destinations, each carrying their own stories and dreams. Emily felt a sense of belonging as she joined the flow, ready to embrace whatever the day might bring.",0.031578947368421054,0.005319148936170213 -c0d6079f-e138-414e-8d3a-c35430423734,今天天气格外好,小华早早地起床去公园散步。公园里花儿盛开,小鸟在枝头欢快地歌唱。小华沿着湖边走了一圈,看到一群孩子正在放风筝,他们脸上洋溢着快乐的笑容。不远处,几位老人正在悠闲地打太极拳,他们的动作流畅而优雅。小华被这美好的场景深深吸引,不禁也跟着哼起了歌。回到家中,小华翻开昨天收到的一封信,信中是远方朋友寄来的最新消息,让人心情格外愉快。,"今天天气格外好,小华早早地起床去公园散步。公园里花而圣开,小鸟在鸡头欢快地歌场。小华沿着湖边走了一圈,看到一群孩子正在放风整。他们连上洋艺这快乐的笑容,不远住几位老人正在优险地打开极权,他们的动作流畅而优雅。小华背着美好的场景深深吸引,不经也跟着哼起了歌。回到家中,小华翻开昨天收到的一封信,信中是远方朋友进来的最新消息,让人心情格外愉快。",1.0,0.16374269005847952 -598a1d34-7dc3-49e6-b688-252e73cf14d7,その晴れた日曜日の朝、青空に照らされた暖かな陽光の中で、私たちは静かに庭で朝食を楽しんでいました。窓から見える木々の緑が心地よく、私たちの笑い声が広範囲に響き渡っていました。その光景を見ているだけで、私たちの日々の小さな幸せが心に広がる感動がありました。そして、この一日が終わる頃には、私たちは新たな目標と希望を持って明日への旅に出発していました。,その晴れた日曜日の朝、青空に照らされた暖かな陽光の中で、私たちは静かに庭で調色を楽しんでいました。窓から見える木木の緑がここちよく、私たちの笑い声が高範囲に響き渡っていました。その光景を見ているだけで、私たちの響の小さな幸せが心に広がる感動がありました。そして、この一日が終わる頃には、私たちは新たな目標と希望を持って明日への旅に出発していました。,1.0,0.05172413793103448 -dd9dd469-6711-4b1f-a564-e5d0d500b11a,"Le soleil se couche doucement sur la ville, baignant tout dans une teinte dorée qui évoque l'apaisement. Les rues commencent à se vider, remplacées par les silhouettes des promeneurs qui marchent lentement, absorbés par leurs pensées ou par les murmures familiers qu'ils échangent. Je me dirige vers mon appartement, le cœur léger après une journée bien remplie. À chaque pas, je ressens une paix intérieure qui semble s'accrocher à moi, comme une main réconfortante."," Le soleil se couche doucement sur la ville, baignant tout dans une tinte dorée qui évoque l'apaisement. Les rues commencent à se vider, remplacées par les silhouettes des promeneurs qui marchent lentement, absorbées par leurs pensées ou par les murs-murs familiers qu'ils échangeent. Je me dirige vers mon appartement, le cœur léger après une journée bien remplie. A chaque pas, je ressens une paix intérieure qui semble s'accrocher à moi comme une main réconfortante.",0.08108108108108109,0.017130620985010708 -300addbd-6b76-463a-8e76-b0e6a1724a3c,今天天气格外好,小华早早地起了床,开始了一天的学习计划。她先复习了昨天的内容,然后认真做了几道数学题,接着又阅读了几篇英文文章。午餐后,她决定去附近的公园散散步,呼吸一下新鲜空气。下午,她还约了同学一起去参加志愿者活动,帮助清理社区的垃圾。忙完这一切,她回到家里,给爷爷奶奶打了电话,分享了自己的学习心得,并询问他们最近的情况。最后,她还花了一些时间做家务,准备晚餐。忙碌而充实的一天就这样结束了。,"《星星天天气格外好》小华早早地起了床,开始了一天的学习计划。他先负协了昨天的内容,然后认真做了几道数学题,接着又閱读了几篇英文文章。午餐后,他决定去附近的公园散散步,呼吸一下新鲜空气。下午,他还约了同学一起去参加志愿者活动,帮助清理社区的垃圾。忙完这一切,他回到家里,给爷爷奶奶打了电话,分享了自己的学习心得,定询问他们最近的情况,最后他还花了一些时间做家务,准备晚餐。忙碌而充实的一天,就这样结束了。",1.0,0.1407035175879397 -384d9743-5bcc-4011-aa6a-3805ae6f6215,"When the first light of dawn paints the sky with hues of pink and orange, I wake up to greet the new day with a smile. The gentle breeze carries the scent of fresh flowers, awakening my senses and filling my heart with warmth. Each step I take towards the bustling city streets is a reminder of the countless adventures and opportunities that await me."," When the first light of dawn paints the sky with hues of pink and orange, I wake up to greet the new day with a smile. The gentle breeze carries the scent of fresh flowers, awakening my senses and filling my heart with warmth. Each step I take towards the bustling city-street is a reminder of the countless adventures and opportunities that await me.",0.03076923076923077,0.005681818181818182 -e6e2447a-cb27-4fd1-ac4b-af2c0247920b,"Le soleil se couche doucement derrière les collines, colorant le ciel d'un doux rougeâtre. Marie range ses livres dans son placard avant de rentrer à la maison. Elle prépare une tasse de thé tandis qu'elle écoute de la musique classique pour se détendre."," Le soleil se couche doucement derrière les collines. Colorant le ciel d'un doureau jâtre, Marie range ses livres dans son placard avant de rentrer à la maison. Elle prépare une passe de thé. Tendis qu'elle écoute de la musique classique pour se détendre.",0.16279069767441862,0.051181102362204724 -ee93549a-7955-470d-81bb-c77578599ea7,朝日が昇る頃、私は庭でコーヒーを淹れながら本を読む。窓から見える木々の葉は静かに風に揺れ、空は青く澄んでいた。そんな静けさの中で、昨日のことを思い出した。友人との楽しい時間や、新しいことを学んだことなど、すべてが心地よい。今日はまた新たな一日が始まる。,朝日が伸ばる頃 私は二話で好日を言えれながら本を読む窓から見える木木の葉は静かに風に揺れ 空は青く住んでいたそんな静けさの中で昨日のことを思い出した 友人との楽しい時間や新しいことを学んだことなどすべてがここちよい 今日はまた新たな一日が始まる,5.0,0.1984126984126984 -4a79ac72-c151-472a-a73f-1c0d40378e5a,朝日が昇る頃、私は庭で読書を始めました。静かな空気の中で、ページをめくる音だけが聞こえ、心地よい沈黙が広がっていました。時々、窓の外に見える木々の葉の動きに気づき、春が来ていることを実感しました。その日のために準備したコーヒーを飲みながら、明日への希望と新たな一日への期待を感じることができました。,朝日が登る頃、私は二話で独賞を始めました。静かな空気の中で、ページをめくる音だけが聞こえ、心地よい審問が広がっていました。抜きどき、窓の外に見える木木の葉の動きに気づき、春が来ていることを実感しました。その日のために準備した好費を飲みながら、明日への希望と、新たな一日への期待を感じることができました。,1.0,0.11409395973154363 -e37d2c78-54f6-40c8-b48a-3e96f79fe2ec,朝日が昇り始め、静かな町には早朝の静けさが広がっています。この小さな街で暮らす人々は、それぞれに自分の日々を過ごしています。私は自転車に乗って公園に向かい、木々の間から差し込む朝日を眺めながら、今日一日の計画を立てています。,朝日が登り始め、静かな街には、 草長の静けさが広がっていますこの小さな街で暮らす人々は、 それぞれに自分の日々を過ごしています私は自転車に乗って公園に向かい 木木の間から差し込む朝日を眺めながら今日1日の計画を立てています,4.0,0.125 -b42b707e-f159-402a-aea3-3e1b4cd83420,"With the sun just beginning to rise above the horizon, Sarah stepped out onto her balcony, feeling the cool morning air against her skin. She took a deep breath, inhaling the fresh scent of blooming flowers and the distant sound of birds chirping. As she gazed out over the city, she noticed a small crowd forming near the park, their faces illuminated by the first rays of sunlight. Curiosity piqued, Sarah decided to join them, walking through the throng towards the center where a group of people were gathered around a makeshift stage. The air was electric with anticipation, and soon enough, a charismatic speaker began to address the crowd, his voice resonating through the gathering like a clarion call for change."," But the sun just beginning to rise above the horizon. Sarah stepped out onto her balcony, feeling the cool morning air against her skin. She took a deep breath, inhaling the fresh scent of blooming flowers and the distant sound of birds chirping. As she gazed out over the city, she noticed a small crowd forming near the park. Their faces illuminated by the first rays of sunlight. Curiosity peaked. Sarah decided to join them, walking through the throng towards the center where a group of people were gathered around a makeshift stage. The air was electric, with anticipation, and soon enough, a charismatic speaker began to address the crowd. His voice resonating through the gathering like a clarion call for change.",0.06557377049180328,0.018030513176144243 -05a2c19c-b974-418e-8e2b-bc21072676ac,今天天气真好,小华和妈妈一起去公园散步,看到孩子们在草地上快乐地玩耍,大家都感到非常开心。,"今天天气真好,小华和妈妈一起去公园算部,看到孩子能在草地上快乐地玩耍,大家都感到非常开心。",1.0,0.13333333333333333 -4bab9867-1aaa-48ce-85cf-1b054ca4402e,"As the sun began to set over the horizon, casting a golden glow across the landscape, Sarah stepped out onto her porch. The gentle breeze carried the sweet fragrance of blooming flowers, making her feel alive and grateful for the simple pleasures of life. She took a deep breath, savoring the moment, and then turned to head inside to prepare dinner for her family. As she walked through the kitchen, the sound of the dishwasher humming softly in the background added to the peaceful atmosphere. Sarah smiled, knowing that no matter how busy or stressful her day had been, this evening would be filled with love and warmth."," As the sun began to set over the horizon, casting a golden glow across the landscape, Sarah stepped out onto her porch. The gentle breeze carried the sweet fragrance of blooming flowers, making her feel alive and grateful for the simple pleasures of life. She took a deep breath, savoring the moment and then turned to head inside to prepare dinner for her family. As she walked through the kitchen, the sound of the dishwasher humming softly in the background added to the peaceful atmosphere, Sarah smiled, knowing that no matter how busy or stressful her day had been, this evening would be filled with love and warmth.",0.018518518518518517,0.0032102728731942215 -35dfb017-56eb-4f60-a38e-e50bb7b42837,"Chaque matin, avant même que le soleil ne se lève, je vais me promener dans le parc voisin. Les oiseaux chantent leurs premières notes joyeuses, et la fraîcheur matinale me réveille doucement. Je me dirige vers le bassin où les tortues se déplacent gracieusement sous la lumière tamisée du jour. Ces instants simples me rassurent et me donnent l'envie de vivre chaque jour avec gratitude."," Chaque matin, avant même que le soleil ne se lève, je vais me promener dans le parc voisin. Les oiseaux chantes leur première note joyeuse. Et la fraîcheur matinale me réveille doucement. Je me dirige vers le bassin où les tortues se déplacent gracieusement sous la lumière tannisée du jour. Ces instants simples me rassurent et me donnent l'envie de vivre chaque jour avec gratitude.",0.1076923076923077,0.02577319587628866 -352744cf-937f-48de-adeb-57554331449c,"As the sun began to rise, Sarah stepped out of her cozy bed, feeling the softness of the morning light on her skin. She stretched her limbs, enjoying the quiet of the early hours before the hustle and bustle of the day began."," As the sun began to rise, Sarah stepped out of her cozy bed, feeling the softness of the morning light on her skin. She stretched her limbs, enjoying the quiet of the early hours before the hustle and bustle of the day began.",0.0,0.0 -86016b4d-e922-4f0a-aad6-158c94b3e62d,"As the sun began to rise, Emily stepped out of her cozy bed, feeling the warmth of the morning sun on her skin. She stretched her arms above her head, enjoying the fresh air that filled the room. Today was going to be a special day; she had an early meeting with her mentor at the company headquarters. With a smile, she grabbed her laptop and headed towards the kitchen to prepare a healthy breakfast."," As the sun began to rise, Emily stepped out of her cozy bed, feeling the warmth of the morning sun on her skin. She stretched her arms above her head, enjoying the fresh air that filled the room. Today was going to be a special day. She had an early meeting with her mentor at the company headquarters, with a smile she grabbed her laptop and headed towards the kitchen to prepare a healthy breakfast.",0.06666666666666667,0.012437810945273632 -791793f1-a555-4850-b94a-502225b4752e,"As the sun began its descent towards the horizon, casting long shadows across the bustling city streets, Sarah took a deep breath, feeling a mix of excitement and nervousness building within her. She had spent weeks preparing for this moment, rehearsing every word and movement, but now, standing at the podium, her mind felt as if it were about to burst. The applause from the audience was deafening, a testament to the hard work and dedication she had put into her speech. Sarah closed her eyes, took a deep breath, and stepped forward, ready to share her dreams and aspirations with the world."," As the sun began its descent towards the horizon, casting long shadows across the bustling city streets, Sarah took a deep breath, feeling a mix of excitement and nervousness building within her. She had spent weeks preparing for this moment, rehearsing every word and movement, but now standing at the podium, her mind felt as if it were about to burst. The applause from the audience was deafening, a testament to the hard work and dedication she had put into her speech. Sarah closed her eyes, took a deep breath, and stepped forward, ready to share her dreams and aspirations with the world.",0.009708737864077669,0.0016778523489932886 -5bd2e292-d3ea-47b5-bf5f-93de110b7ac1,"Aujourd'hui, alors que le soleil se couche sur la charmante petite ville de Saint-Étienne, je me sens particulièrement chanceux. Les rues sont déjà envahies par la tranquillité de la soirée, avec les sons paisibles des conversations en famille et les enfants courant joyeusement. Je prends une pause dans ma tâche quotidienne pour admirer la beauté de ce moment, savourant chaque instant avant que la nuit ne vienne emporter les derniers rayons de lumière. Je pense à tous ceux qui partagent cette même paix, et à l'importance de prendre le temps de profiter des petites choses de la vie."," Aujourd'hui, alors que le soleil se couche sur la charmante petite ville de Saint-Etienne, je me sens particulièrement chanceux. Les rues sont déjà envahies par la tranquillité de la soirée, avec les sons paisibles des conversations en famille et les enfants courant joyeusement. Je prends une pause dans ma tâche quotidienne pour admirer la beauté de ce moment, ça vous rend chaque instant avant que la nuit ne vienne emporter les derniers rayons de lumière. Je pense à tous ceux qui partagent cette même paix et à l'importance de prendre le temps de profiter des petites choses de la vie.",0.05102040816326531,0.013605442176870748 -6d7ace63-ed4c-4a1d-bf64-25cced1ee939,今天是周末,小华和朋友们一起去郊外野餐。他们带了许多美食,有烤鸡、蔬菜沙拉、水果和蛋糕。小华还准备了各种饮料,有果汁、矿泉水和汽水。他们在草地上铺开一块大毯子,大家围坐在一起,一边享受美食,一边聊天说笑。天空中飘着几朵白云,微风拂过,带来一丝丝凉意。这样的日子让人感到非常幸福和满足。,"今天是周末,小华和朋友们一起去交外野餐,他们带了许多美食,有烤鸡、蔬菜沙拉、水果和蛋糕。小华还准备了各种饮料,有果汁、框泉水和气水。他们在草地上铺开一块大毯子,大家为作在一起,一边享受美食,一边聊天说笑。天空中飘着几岛白云,微风浮过,带来一丝丝凉意。这样的日子,让人感到非常幸福和满足。",1.0,0.11971830985915492 -593a27c1-3bb4-4b2c-9f81-d9c0e7820e2e,朝日が昇る頃、町は静かに蘇ります。私は公園のベンチで休んでおり、手元���は古びた写真集が握られていた。一枚一枚の写真を眺めながら、それぞれに異なる思い出が浮かんできます。その中から選んだ一枚を掲げて、心の中を語るように話し始めました。,朝日が伸ばる頃、街は静かに読みがえります。私は公園のベンチで休んでおり、手元には古びた写真集が握られていた、1枚1枚の写真を眺めながら、それぞれに異なる思い出が浮かんできます。その中から選んだ1枚を掛けて、心の中を語るように話し始めました。,1.0,0.11206896551724138 -c529cd53-179e-4cc6-b992-0f61933f09a5,"As the sun began to set, casting long shadows across the town square, Sarah took a deep breath and walked towards the small café she had been planning to visit for weeks. The aroma of freshly brewed coffee wafted through the cool evening air, making her mouth water. She decided to order a latte and sit by the window, watching the world go by."," As the sun began to set, casting long shadows across the town square, Sarah took a deep breath and walked towards the small cafe she had been planning to visit for weeks. The aroma of freshly brewed coffee wafted through the cool evening air, making her mouthwater. She decided to order a latte and sit by the window, watching the world go by.",0.046875,0.005813953488372093 -a8bf0e88-b323-41ab-9023-79bbd3a7d413,"As the sun began to set, casting a golden glow over the bustling city streets, Sarah took a deep breath and walked briskly towards her favorite café. The aroma of freshly brewed coffee wafted through the air, mingling with the sounds of people going about their daily lives. Inside, she found an empty table and sat down, pulling out her notepad and pen. With each stroke of the pen, ideas began to flow onto the paper, capturing the essence of the vibrant city around her."," As the sun began to set, casting a golden glow over the bustling city-street, Sarah took a deep breath and walked briskly towards her favorite cafe. The aroma of freshly brewed coffee wafted through the air, mingling with the sounds of people going about their daily lives. Inside, she found an empty table and sat down, pulling out her notepad and pen. With each stroke of the pen, ideas began to flow onto the paper, capturing the essence of the vibrant city around her.",0.03529411764705882,0.006342494714587738 -beac1f8c-b6e0-4b6c-926f-2d067dbf2616,"As the sun began its descent below the horizon, casting a warm glow over the landscape, Sarah took a deep breath of the crisp autumn air. The leaves on the trees were a vibrant mix of oranges, yellows, and reds, creating a stunning display of nature's beauty. She walked slowly through the park, her footsteps echoing softly on the gravel path. Each step brought her closer to the bench where she often sat to read books or simply enjoy the peacefulness of the moment. As she approached the bench, she noticed a small wooden sign lying near the edge. Curious, she picked it up, finding a note written on a piece of paper tucked inside. The note was from an elderly man who had been sitting nearby, and he had left it for someone special to find. Sarah felt a sense of warmth spreading through her as she read the message, knowing that this unexpected encounter might just be the beginning of something beautiful."," As the sun began its descent below the horizon, casting a warm glow over the landscape, Sarah took a deep breath of the crisp autumn air. The leaves on the trees were a vibrant mix of oranges, yellows and reds, creating a stunning display of nature's beauty. She walked slowly through the park, her footsteps echoing softly on the gravel path. Each step brought her closer to the bench where she often sat to read books or simply enjoy the peacefulness of the moment. As she approached the bench, she noticed a small wooden sign lying near the edge. Curious, she picked it up, finding a note written on a piece of paper tucked inside. The note was from an elderly man who had been sitting nearby, and he had left it for someone special to find. Sarah felt a sense of warmth spreading through her as she read the message, knowing that this unexpected encounter might just be the beginning of something beautiful.",0.006097560975609756,0.0010964912280701754 -82cab446-168f-4543-a563-d86bdbbd5c49,"With the sun just beginning to peek over the horizon, Sarah stepped out onto her balcony, taking in the vibrant colors of dawn. She sipped her coffee, watching as the first light illuminated the cityscape, casting long shadows across the streets below. As she walked through the bustling market, the sounds of laughter and chatter mingled with the distant hum of traffic, creating a lively atmosphere. Each stall offered unique treasures, from fresh produce to handmade crafts, all contributing to the vibrant tapestry of life in this lively neighborhood."," With the sun just beginning to peak over the horizon, Sarah stepped out onto her balcony, taking in the vibrant colors of dawn. She sipped her coffee, watching as the first light illuminated the city's shape, casting long shadows across the streets below. As she walked through the bustling market, the sounds of laughter and chatter mingled with the distant hum of traffic, creating a lively atmosphere, each stall offered unique treasures from fresh produce to handmade crafts, all contributing to the vibrant tapestry of life in this lively neighborhood.",0.06741573033707865,0.014414414414414415 -60e540b5-ed0c-4360-90d9-620ddf9a4fca,その日の夜、私は静かな街角で一人座り、空を見上げました。星が輝き、月が綺麗に浮かんでいました。風が心地よく吹き、少し寒さを感じましたが、それは快適な感じでした。人々の喧騒とは一線を画すこの時間は、私にとって特別な瞬間です。,その日の夜 私は静かな街角で一人座り空を見上げました星が輝き 月が綺麗に浮かんでいました 風がここちよく吹き少し寒さを感じましたが それは快適な感じでした人々の検討とは一戦をガスこの時間は 私にとって特別な瞬間です,6.0,0.16216216216216217 -a14c1821-5cd9-42a8-ae68-ee98485f13bd,"Le soleil déclinait à l'horizon, offrant une palette de couleurs dorées et vives au ciel. Marie marchait lentement dans la rue piétonne, sa silhouette se fondant dans la foule qui semblait s'apprêter à disparaître sous le crépuscule. Les rires étouffés des enfants jouant dans la cour voisine, les paroles douces de la radio qui filtraient par les fenêtres entrouvertes, tout contribuait à créer un tableau paisible et accueillant. Elle savourait chaque instant, laissant son cœur s'envoler vers l'inconnu de la nuit qui approchait."," Le soleil décliné à l'horizon offre une palette de couleurs dorées et vivosiel. Marie marchait lentement dans la rupe et tonne, sa silhouette se fondant dans la foule, qui semblait s'apprêter à disparaître sous le crêpe muscul. L'hérire est offé des enfants jouant dans la cour voisine, les paroles douces de la radio qui filtraient par les fenêtres en trouvettes, tout contribué à créer un tableau paisible et accueillant. Elle savourait chaque instant, laissant son cœur sans voler vers l'inconnu de la nuit qui approchait.",0.24096385542168675,0.07706766917293233 -ee4645a7-7768-4298-b3ad-5971ac63e6f1,"As the morning sun began to rise over the horizon, casting a warm glow over the sleepy town, Sarah took a deep breath of the fresh air. She stepped out of her cozy apartment, her footsteps echoing softly on the pavement. The streets were already bustling with early risers, each person going about their own business, some hurriedly making their way to work, others enjoying a leisurely stroll. Sarah paused at the local café, savoring the aroma of freshly brewed coffee. She ordered a latte and settled into a corner seat, watching the world unfold around her. Each face she saw, each sound she heard, brought a new story to life, reminding her of the countless adventures waiting just beyond the next street corner."," As the morning sun began to rise over the horizon, casting a warm glow over the sleepy town, Sarah took a deep breath of the fresh air. She stepped out of her cozy apartment, her footsteps echoing softly on the pavement. The streets were already bustling with early risers. Each person going about their own business, some hurriedly making their way to work, others enjoying a leisurely stroll. Sarah paused at the local cafe, savoring the aroma of freshly brewed coffee. She ordered a latte and settled into a corner seat, watching the world unfold around her. Each face she saw, each sound she heard, brought a new story to life, reminding her of the countless adventures waiting just beyond the next street corner.",0.024193548387096774,0.0041841004184100415 -b9b288ba-e97a-42fb-bd5d-0e353234eb75,"With the sun just beginning to rise over the horizon, Sarah stepped out of her cozy apartment, feeling the crisp morning air on her face. She took a deep breath, savoring the fresh scent of the city awakening around her. Today was different; today was going to be extraordinary. After grabbing her coffee from the nearby café, she headed towards the bustling downtown area, her heart pounding with excitement. She had an important meeting scheduled with her mentor, someone who had guided her through countless challenges and failures. Each step brought her closer to the moment when she would share her ideas and dreams with this influential figure. As she walked, she couldn't help but feel a mix of nerves and anticipation, knowing that this encounter could potentially change everything."," With the sun, just beginning to rise over the horizon, Sarah stepped out of her cozy apartment, feeling the crisp morning air on her face, she took a deep breath, savoring the fresh scent of the city awakening around her. Today was different. Today was going to be extraordinary. After grabbing her coffee from the nearby cafe, she headed towards the bustling downtown area, her heart pounding with excitement. She had an important meeting scheduled with her mentor, someone who had guided her through countless challenges and failures. Each step brought her closer to the moment when she would share her ideas and dreams with this influential figure. As she walked, she couldn't help but feel a mix of nerves and anticipation, knowing that this encounter could potentially change everything.",0.046153846153846156,0.007585335018963337 -f93ec3fc-3738-42fc-84f7-bf3e180ff3b0,"Dans cette petite ville paisible, chaque matin commence par une tasse de café et une promenade le long de la rivière. Les oiseaux chantent joyeusement tandis que je contemple le paysage paisible autour de moi. Ces moments simples apportent une paix inestimable à mon cœur."," Dans cette petite ville paisible, chaque matin commence par une tasse de café et une promenade le long de la rivière. Les oiseaux chants de joyeusement tentent que je contente le paysage paisible autour de moi. C'est moment simple, apporte une paix inestimable à mon coeur.",0.2,0.07352941176470588 -4c6b2ade-1470-4f88-aeb9-300b7f7ce9ad,"Walking through the bustling city streets, Sarah couldn't help but feel a mix of excitement and exhaustion. The neon lights flickered and blinked, casting vibrant colors onto the sidewalks as people hurried past her. She had spent the entire morning at the office, attending meetings and reviewing reports. Now, with lunchtime approaching, she decided to take a break and explore a nearby park. The gentle sound of children playing and the distant hum of traffic created a soothing atmosphere that helped her relax. As she strolled along the path, she noticed a group of elderly couples dancing slowly to the music playing from a portable speaker. Their joyous laughter filled the air, reminding her of simpler times and the importance of cherishing moments like these. Sarah took a deep breath, feeling grateful for the small pleasures in life and the opportunity to connect with others."," Walking through the bustling city streets, Sarah couldn't help but feel a mix of excitement and exhaustion. The neon lights flickered and blinked, casting vibrant colors onto the sidewalks as people hurried past her. She had spent the entire morning at the office, attending meetings and reviewing reports. Now with lunchtime approaching, she decided to take a break and explore a nearby park. The gentle sound of children playing and the distant hum of traffic created a soothing atmosphere that helped her relax. As she strolled along the path, she noticed a group of elderly couples dancing slowly to the music playing from a portable speaker. Their joyous laughter filled the air, reminding her of simpler times and the importance of cherishing moments like these. Sarah took a deep breath, feeling grateful for the small pleasures in life and the opportunity to connect with others.",0.006896551724137931,0.0011261261261261261 -ec1042a7-4467-4661-b1b2-dbdddf3ffb94,"On a sunny morning, as the birds chirped happily in the nearby park, Sarah decided to take a walk along the riverbank. The gentle breeze carried the scent of blooming flowers and the sound of children laughing echoed through the trees. She felt a sense of peace wash over her as she watched the ducks swimming in the calm water. Sarah often found solace in these simple moments, reminding her that happiness could be found even in the smallest things."," On a sunny morning, as the birds chirped happily in the nearby park, Sarah decided to take a walk along the riverbank. The gentle breeze carried the scent of blooming flowers and the sound of children laughing echoed through the trees. She felt a sense of peace wash over her, as she watched the duck swimming in the calm water. Sarah often found solace in these simple moments, reminding her that happiness could be found even in the smallest things.",0.025,0.004434589800443459 -26471420-5db4-4c52-9e42-c6fa6e13160d,今天天气非常不错,小华一大早就起床去菜市场买食材,准备做一顿丰盛的午餐。市场上人来人往,新鲜的蔬菜、水果、肉类和海鲜琳琅满目。小华仔细挑选,最后买了各种各样的食材。回到家后,她开始忙碌起来,切菜、洗菜、炒菜……经过一番努力,一桌色香味俱全的饭菜很快就做好了。家人围坐在一起享用这顿美味佳肴,大家都感到非常满足和幸福。,"今天听听机非常不错,小华一大早就起床去菜市场买食材,准备做一顿风圣的午餐。市场上人来人往新鲜的蔬菜,水果肉类和海鲜凌朗满木。小华仔细挑选,最后买了各种各样的食材。回到家后,他开始忙碌起来。切菜洗菜炒菜,经过一番努力。一桌色香味巨拳的饭菜很快就做好了。家人为作在一起,想用这顿美味加搖,大家都感到非常满足和幸福。",1.0,0.1962025316455696 -5114e1f4-1fe4-42b4-8b9e-bccf0681feea,"As the sun began to set, casting long shadows over the city, Sarah took a deep breath and walked out onto the rooftop terrace. The cool night air felt invigorating against her skin, and she gazed out at the bustling skyline below. She realized then how much she appreciated the simple pleasures in life, like watching the world go by from such a high vantage point."," As the sun began to set, casting long shadows over the city, Sarah took a deep breath and walked out onto the rooftop terrace. The cool night air felt invigorating against her skin, and she gazed out at the bustling skyline below. She realized then how much she appreciated the simple pleasures in life, like watching the world go by from such a high vantage point.",0.0,0.0 -903f6308-07ab-42b5-b915-e3cfbeab0ffc,今天天气很好,小华和朋友们一起去公园玩。他们骑自行车、放风筝,还一起吃了冰淇淋。玩得非常开心,大家都觉得这一天过得特别有意义。,"今天天气很好,小华和朋友们一起去公园玩,他们骑自行车,放风镇,还一起吃了冰淇淋。玩得非常开心。大家都觉得这一天过得特别有意义。",1.0,0.09523809523809523 -7ddce2ce-3416-4741-af5f-c12379d2d552,"Chaque matin, lorsque le soleil se lève, je prends le temps de contempler le ciel bleu et de penser à toutes les opportunités que la journée peut me procurer. La nature environnante, avec ses couleurs vives et ses odeurs fraîches, m'aide à retrouver mon calme et ma paix intérieure. En parcourant les rues paisibles de la ville, je suis souvent émerveillé par la diversité des gens et des cultures qui y vivent. Ces moments de contemplation et de découverte contribuent grandement à rendre chaque journée unique et enrichissante."," et de la nature environnante avec ses couleurs vivres et ses odeurs fraîches, mais d'a retrouver mon calme et ma paix intérieure. En parcourant les rupaisibles de la ville, je suis souvent émerveillé par la diversité des gens et des cultures qui vivent. Ces moments de contemplation et de découverte contribuent grandement à rendre chaque journée une nouvelle. Je suis souvent émerveillé par la diversité des gens et des cultures qui vivent. Ces moments de contemplation et de découverte contribuent grandement à rendre chaque journée unique et enrichissante.",0.6477272727272727,0.4896030245746692 -437ceadc-c9b8-4699-8091-051b7e1b26f2,"Dans le jardin secret entre les haies, je trouve souvent un peu de paix et de tranquillité. Les oiseaux chantent joyeusement, leur chanson résonne dans l'air frais et apporte une sensation de bonheur intime. C'est ici que je pense à tout et à rien, où ma conscience flotte librement sans être dérangée par les soucis du quotidien."," Dans le jardin secret entre les, je trouve souvent un peu de paix et de tranquillité. Les oiseaux chambent joyeusement, leur chanson raisonne dans l'air frais et apporte une sensation de bonheur intime. C'est ici que je pense à tout et à rien où ma conscience flotte librement sans être déranger par les soucis du quotidien.",0.10526315789473684,0.03939393939393939 -73be6c3c-b527-49a5-8c73-3d084a0b1f9e,"Dans la petite ville paisible où je vis depuis toujours, chaque matin commence par une promenade dans le parc avec ma chienne Fifi. Nous profitons du soleil levant, discutant des nouvelles de la rue ou simplement admirant la beauté des fleurs en fleurissant. Après le petit déjeuner, je vais à la bibliothèque pour lire quelques pages de mon dernier livre. C'est toujours un bonheur simple mais intense à chaque matinée."," Dans la petite ville paisible où j'ai vie depuis toujours, chaque matin commence par une promenade dans le parc avec ma chaîne Fifi. Nous profitons du soleil le vent, discutant des nouvelles de la rue, ou simplement admérant la beauté des fleurs en fleurissant. Après le petit déjeuner, je vais à la bibliothèque pour lire quelques pages de mon dernier livre. C'est toujours un bonheur simple, mais intense à chaque matinée.",0.11428571428571428,0.02857142857142857 -8b6e4a64-45a5-4e9f-be22-4de9bc4ab390,"지난 주말에 산책을 나갔더니, 길가에 피는 꽃들이 아름다웠습니다. 그때부터 나는 자연과 더 가까워질 수 있는 방법을 찾기 시작했습니다. 책장을 넘기는 속도도 느려졌고, 마치 세상이 멈추어 선 것처럼 느껴졌습니다. 그렇게 몇 시간 동안 앉아 있었지만, 그 순간은 항상 기억에 남을 것입니다.", 지난 주말에 산책을 나갔더니 길가에 피는 꽃들이 아름다웠습니다. 그때부터 나는 자연과 더 가까워질 수 있는 방법을 찾기 시작했습니다. 책장을 넘기는 속도도 느려졌고 마치 세상이 멈추어 선버처럼 느껴졌습니다. 그렇게 몇 시간 동안 앉아 있었지만 그 순간은 항상 기억에 남을 것입니다.,0.125,0.031055900621118012 -e3cab6f0-2988-4d9c-928e-a1e7663f2faa,"Le ciel s'est lentement assombri lors de la soirée, créant une ambiance mystérieuse et apaisante dans la petite ville. Les rues étaient désertes, sauf pour quelques passants pressés qui marchaient sous les étoiles brillantes. Je me suis arrêté devant une vieille maison en pierre, ses fenêtres éclairées par des bougies réfléchissaient la lueur douce de la lune. La musique douce provenait d'une pièce sombre à l'intérieur, apportant une note de nostalgie. Je me suis avancé vers la porte, mes doigts tremblant légèrement de nervosité."," Le ciel s'élantement à sombrille lors de la soirée, créant une ambiance mystérieuse et apaisante dans la petite ville. Les rues étaient désertes, sauf pour quelque passant pressé qui marchait sous les étoiles brillantes. Je me suis arrêté devant une vieille maison en pierre. Ces fenêtres éclairés par des bougies réfléchissées la lure douce de la lune. La musique douce provenait d'une pièce sombre à l'intérieur. Apportant une note de nostalgie, je me suis avancée vers la porte, mais doit tremblant légèrement de nervosité.",0.2261904761904762,0.06355140186915888 -8999a6b8-877f-4099-a664-10b025eabbd8,"As the sun began its descent below the horizon, casting long shadows across the countryside, Sarah found herself sitting on the porch of her small cottage, gazing out at the peaceful valley below. The scent of blooming wildflowers mingled with the distant sound of a nearby stream, creating a serene atmosphere that seemed to soothe her soul. Reflecting on the day, she felt grateful for the simple joys it had brought, from the laughter of children playing nearby to the soft rustling of leaves in the gentle breeze. As night approached, she knew she would need to start preparations for the upcoming winter months, but for now, she cherished this tranquil moment in nature."," As the sun began its descent below the horizon, casting long shadows across the countryside, Sarah found herself sitting on the porch of her small cottage, gazing out at the peaceful valley below. The scent of blooming wildflowers mingled with the distant sound of a nearby stream, creating a serene atmosphere that seemed to soothe her soul. Reflecting on the day she felt grateful for the simple joys it had brought, from the laughter of children playing nearby to the soft rustling of leaves in the gentle breeze. As night approached she knew she would need to start preparations for the upcoming winter months, but for now she cherished this tranquil moment in nature.",0.02631578947368421,0.0044444444444444444 -a8cff0d2-0237-4009-9641-ca32aacbda78,"With the sun beginning its descent below the horizon, the sky painted a canvas of vibrant oranges, pinks, and purples, casting a warm glow over the bustling city streets. Sarah strolled through the crowded park, her steps leisurely as she enjoyed the peacefulness of the evening. The gentle breeze carried the sweet scent of blooming flowers, mingling with the distant hum of nightlife. As she reached the lakeside, she paused to watch children playing on the swings and couples sharing a quiet moment under the trees. Reflecting on the day's events, Sarah felt a sense of contentment wash over her, grateful for the simple joys that made life so rich and beautiful."," With the sun beginning its descent below the horizon, the sky painted a canvas of vibrant oranges, pinks and purples, casting a warm glow over the bustling city streets. Sarah strolled through the crowded park, her steps leisurely as she enjoyed the peacefulness of the evening. The gentle breeze carried the sweet scent of blooming flowers, mingling with the distant home of nightlife. As she reached the lakeside, she paused to watch children playing on the swings and couples sharing a quiet moment under the trees. Reflecting on the day's events, Sarah felt a sense of contentment wash over her, grateful for the simple joys that made life so rich and beautiful.",0.017857142857142856,0.0045045045045045045 -279154e5-def4-441d-b927-6552641330f5,"아침을 맞이해 커피 한 잔을 마시며, 책을 읽거나 아름다운 공원에서 산책하며 하루가 시작되는 것을 좋아합니다. 그런 특별한 순간들이 우리에게 힘과 감사함을 선물해 주니까요. 또한, 새로운 사람들과 만나는 것도 매력적인 부분입니다. 서로의 이야기를 나누고, 서로를 이해하려 노력하는 것은 정말 재미있고 유익한 경험이죠. 이렇게 다양한 활동과 사람들을 통해 우리 모두가 조금씩 성장하고, 세상에 대한 이해도가 높아지는 것 같습니다.", 그튼을 마지에 커피 한잔을 마시며 책을 읽거나 아름다운 공원에서 산책하며 활용을 시작되는 것을 좋아합니다. 그런 특별한 승관들이 우리에게 힘과 감사함을 선물해주니까요. 또한 새로운 사람들과 만나는 것도 매력적인 부분입니다. 서로의 이야기를 나누고 서로를 이해하려 노력하는 것은 정말 재미있고 유익한 경험이죠. 이렇게 다양한 활동과 사람들을 통해 우리 모두가 조금씩 성장하고 세상에 대한 이해도가 높아지는 것 같습니다.,0.21428571428571427,0.06694560669456066 -5bfd2125-9495-4414-8f77-8467c9b09ad7,"Dans ce grand pays ensoleillé, où les montagnes s'étendent à perte de vue et les champs verdoyants se prolongent vers l'infini, j'ai pris le temps de marcher dans les rues animées de Paris. Chaque coin de rue est rempli de charme, avec ses petits cafés aux tables en fer forgé, ses boutiques colorées et ses bâtiments historiques. Je me suis arrêté devant une petite librairie ancienne, son enseigne lumineuse illuminant le couloir sombre. Les livres qui s'y entassent sont comme des amis fidèles, prêts à partager histoires et connaissances inestimables."," Dans ce grand pays insolayer, où les montagnes s'étendent à perte de vue, et les champs verds doyants se prolongent vers l'infinie, j'ai pris le temps de marcher dans les rues animées de Paris. Chaque coin de rue est rempli de charme, avec ses petits cafés au table en fer forger, ces boutiques colorés et ces bâtiments historiques. Je me suis arrêté devant une petite libre-héry ancienne, son enseigne lumineuse illuminant le couloir sombre. Les livres qui s'y entassent sont comme des amis fidèles, prêts à partager histoire et connaissance inestimable.",0.16666666666666666,0.04864864864864865 -12698c73-e505-4ea0-983c-3426425621da,朝日が昇る頃、私は静かな森の道を歩いていました。木々の間から青い空が見え、鳥のさえずりが耳に心地よい音を残しました。この自然の中で一人でいることは、心が落ち着いて、新たなことを考え出すのに最適な時間です。時間が経つにつれて、私の心は平和に満たされ、明日への期待に胸を膨らませました。,朝日が残る頃 私は静かな森の道を歩いていました木木の間から青い空が見え 鳥のサイズリが耳にここちよい音を残しました この自然の中で一人でいることは心が落ち着いて 新たなことを考え出すのに最適な時間です 時間がたつに連れて 私の心は平和に見たされ明日への期待に胸を膨らませました,7.0,0.15602836879432624 -04b04943-499e-4063-a101-d1a7b59d5746,日々、新しい言葉を学ぶことは、人生において非常に興味深い体験です。日本語を学ぶことで、異なる文化や習慣を理解し、世界の多様性を深く感じることができます。また、この過程は私達の創造性を高め、考え方を改善するのに役立ちます。そして、異なる言語を学ぶことで、世界が広がり、人々とのコミュニケーションの機会も増えるのです。,日々新しい言葉を学ぶことは人生において非常に興味深い体験です日本語を学ぶことで異なる分解や集間を理解し世界の対応性を深く感じることができますまたこの家庭は私たちの想像性を高め考え方を改善するのに役立ちますそして異なる言語を学ぶことで世界が広がり人々とのコミュニケーションの機会も増えるのです,1.0,0.1592356687898089 -c9c8eb76-f336-4c8a-b1f2-1fdff2291d31,その美しい秋の日には、公園で散歩をしたり、紅葉を見ながらゆっくりとコーヒーを飲んだりしました。風が心地よく吹き、空は澄んでいました。人々は笑い声や話し声で満ちており、その光景はまるで絵画のようでした。この季節は、私にとって特別な時間であり、日々の疲れを忘れるのに最適な場所です。,その美しい秋の日には公園で散歩したり、公用見ながらゆっくりと高費を飲んだりしました。風がここちよく吹き、空は住んでいました。人々は笑い声や話声で道でおり、その光景は丸で海岸のようでした。この季節は私にとって特別な時間であり、日々の疲れを忘れるのに最適な場所です。,1.0,0.15827338129496402 -a20aaa2a-6a34-4545-a366-6d2727b78164,"Dans cette petite ville côtière, où chaque jour semblait offrir quelque chose de nouveau à découvrir, Marie aimait passer ses dimanches matin à flâner le long de la plage. Le soleil levant illuminait le sable doré et donnait aux vagues une couleur dorée qui semblait vouloir dire quelque chose de spécial. Elle aimait écouter le bruit du vent souffler sur les hauts palmiers et regarder les oiseaux migrateurs voler au-dessus de la mer. Ces moments étaient pour elle comme des pages de roman, pleines d'émotions et de surprises."," dans cette petite ville côtière où chaque jour semblait offrir quelque chose de nouveau à découvrir. Marie aimait passer ses dimanches matin à flâner le long de la plage, le soleil le vent, iluminer le sable d'oreille et donner au vague une couleur d'oreille qui semblait vouloir dire quelque chose de spécial. Elle aimait écouter le bruit du vent, souffler sur les haut palmiers et regarder les oiseaux migrateurs volés au dessus de la mer. Ces moments étaient pour elles comme dépaches de romans, pleines d'émotions et de surprise.",0.26136363636363635,0.07765151515151515 -c4857338-9755-4471-a046-1862c88b3492,"그림책을 읽으며 아이는 꿈꾸는 동안에도 매력적인 이야기 속으로 빠져들게 마련입니다. 아이들의 눈에 그림들이 그려진 순간부터, 그들은 새로운 세상을 탐험하며 무한한 상상력을 ���휘하게 됩니다.", 그림책을 읽으며 아이는 꿈꾸는 동안에도 매력적인 이야기 속으로 빠져들게 마련입니다. 아이들의 눈에 그림들이 그려진 순간부터 그들은 새로운 세상을 타머만�� 우완한 상상력을 발휘하게 됩니다.,0.13043478260869565,0.0761904761904762 -45c867df-35bc-4382-b3a6-617afb4043de,"Le soleil se couche doucement derrière les montagnes, créant un ciel étoilé qui illumine la campagne paisible. Cette vue apaise l'esprit et me donne envie de prendre une longue promenade dans les bois. Je m'arrête souvent pour admirer les feuilles tombées sous mes pieds, chaque détail me rappelle l'harmonie de la nature. La nuit tombe progressivement, mais l'atmosphère reste calme et apaisante."," Le soleil se couche tout cement. D'arrières les montagnes, créant un ciel étoilé qui illumine la campagne paisible. Cette vue, apaisse l'esprit et me donne envie de prendre une longue promenade dans les bois. Je m'arrête souvent pour admirer les feuilles tombées sous mes pieds. Chaque détail me rappelle l'harmonie de la nature. La nuit tombe progressivement, mais l'atmosphère reste calme et apaisante.",0.11290322580645161,0.030226700251889168 -57795f8f-3fe4-4736-bebe-97e2fe0a6306,"Dans cette grande ville, où la vie bat continuellement son plein, je trouve toujours le temps de me promener dans les rues piétonnes animées. Les sons de la rue, mêlés aux parfums des épices et des fruits frais, sont une source constante de plaisir. J'aime particulièrement observer les gens qui traversent la place principale, chacun avec leur histoire unique à raconter. Ces moments de détente et de partage avec les autres sont essentiels pour maintenir mon équilibre et mon bien-être mental."," Dans cette grande ville où la vie va continuer à manquer son plein, je trouve toujours le temps de me promener dans les rues piétonnes animées. Les sons de la rue, mêlés au parfum des épices et des fruits frais, sont une source constante de plaisir. J'aime particulièrement observer les gens qui traversent la place principale, chacun avec leur histoire unique à raconter. Ces moments de détente et de partage avec les autres sont essentiels pour maintenir mon équilibre et mon bien-être mental.",0.08641975308641975,0.028282828282828285 -5dbebf80-119f-4a0e-91b9-8aaf20c556cb,朝日が昇る頃、私は公園で読書を楽しみました。木々の間から差し込む光は、静かな一日を始めるのに最適な環境を作り出しました。本を開く手が震え、ページをめくるたびに新しい世界に足を踏み入れるような感覚がしました。この本は私にとって特別なもので、何度も読み返すほどに深く理解できる内容でした。公園のベンチで過ごす時間は、日常の忙しさから解放され、心地よい沈黙の中で自分自身と向き合う貴重な機会となりました。,ふざひがのぼるころ私は公園で読書を楽しみました。日々の間から差し込む光は、静かな一日を始めるのに最適な環境を作り出しました。本を開く手が古い、ページをめくるたびに新しい世界に足を踏み入れるような感覚がしました。この本は私にとって特別なもので、何度も読み返すほどに深く理解できる内容でした。公園のベンチで過ごす時間は日常の忙しさから開放され、こぼちよい審黙の中で自分自身と向き合う貴重な機会となりました。,1.0,0.08040201005025126 -3e3e4e78-5580-49bc-8c1c-025af9083838,"Dans ce grand parc en bordure de ville, où le son des oiseaux résonne doucement dans l'air frais, j'ai toujours trouvé une paix intérieure en me promenant seul. La vue panoramique sur la ville illuminée par la nuit, les rues désertes parsemées de lumières colorées, tout cela me rappelle combien la nature peut apporter calme et tranquillité même dans les moments les plus effervescents de la vie urbaine. Je me sens souvent plus proche de moi-même lorsque je me trouve loin des bruits incessants de la ville."," Dans ce grand parc en bordure de ville, où le son des oiseaux résonnent doucement dans l'air frais, j'ai toujours trouvé une paix intérieure en me promenant seul. La vue panoramique sur la ville illuminée par la nuit, les rues des herbes par semets de lumière colorées, tout cela me rappelle combien la nature peut apporter calme et tranquillité, même dans les moments les plus effervesçants de la ville urbaine. Je me sens souvent plus proche de moi-même lorsque je me trouve loin des bruits inséçants de la ville.",0.11494252873563218,0.03732809430255403 -68a019f2-c526-42a7-bb82-e1e10b92d67c,今天是周末,小华早早地起了床,计划去附近的公园散步。一路上,她遇到了很多有趣的人和事。有位老爷爷正在教一群孩子折纸鹤,孩子们兴奋地跟着学;一对年轻情侣手牵手漫步在林荫道上,偶尔停下来拥抱一下;还有几位老人在跳广场舞,音乐声和欢笑声充��了整个公园。小华觉得这样的周末生活真是太美好了。,"今天是周末,小华早早地起了床。计划去附近的公元散步,一路上,她遇到了很多有趣的人何事。有位老爷爷正在教一群孩子折指贺,孩子们兴奋地跟着学,一对年轻情侣手牵手漫步在灵音道上,而二停下来拥抱一下,还有几位老人在跳广场舞,1月生和欢笑生冲哪来整个公元。小华姐的这样的周末生活真是太美好了。",1.0,0.19148936170212766 -471a7370-57bd-4e03-afd1-32621181eeae,"그녀의 이야기는 언제나 새로운 장르와 감동으로 가득 차 있었어요. 한 번은 전설적인 산길에서 발견된 오래된 서적에 대해 말했죠. 그 책은 그녀의 삶에 깊은 영향을 미쳤다고 믿었어요. 그녀는 책 속의 이야기를 통해 여러 가지 교훈을 얻었고, 이를 실제 생활에서도 적용하려 노력했습니다. 그녀의 열정과 지혜는 그녀의 이야기를 더욱 매력적으로 만들어주었죠.", 그녀의 이야기는 언제나 새로운 장르와 감동으로 가득 차 있었어요. 한 번은 전설적인 상길에서 발견된 오래된 서적에 대해 말했죠. 그 책은 그녀의 삶의 깊은 영향을 미쳤다고 믿었어요. 그녀는 책 속의 이야기를 통해 여러 가지 교훈을 얻었고 이를 실제 생활에서도 적용하려 노력했습니다. 그녀의 열정과 지에는 그녀의 이야기를 더욱 매력적으로 만들어주었죠.,0.08333333333333333,0.02040816326530612 -4dd44082-d7fb-43c9-8800-5abd94934d94,"그녀의 미소는 그녀의 마음을 전합니다. 그것은 언제나 따뜻하고 진심으로 느껴집니다. 그녀의 눈빛은 세상의 모든 아름다움을 보여주며, 그녀는 세상을 더욱 따뜻하게 만듭니다. 그녀의 이야기는 우리의 마음을 움직이고, 우리가 서로를 더 잘 이해하게 합니다. 그녀의 존재는 우리 모두에게 위안과 감동을 주는 작은 순간들을 만들어냅니다."," Cái nơi sân ghêa, When, because they, When, This thing, This thing, This is a mighty name. Nó đẹ, Nó đẹ, Yên sẻ, In noi, When, Bây, Ninh s I, It is, Ninh s It is, Ninh s Ninh s When, I say, Because they, Ninh s Ninh s Ninh s When, I, Ninh s Ninh s Yes, I, Yes, I, Ninh s Yes, Yes, When they, Slls, Yes, I, When, I say, Yes, I, Innovation, X,riers, regional bloom, Union, Union, Union, Union, Union, Union, Union, Union, Union, Union, Union, mirror, Union, Union, Union, transition,",2.261904761904762,2.387978142076503 +UUID,SourceText,WhisperText,WordErrorRate,CharacterErrorRate +9f70fabb-019f-49a6-9fd6-4b0ad52cbb85,"Avec l'aube qui s'est levée sur la campagne paisible, Marie décida de préparer le petit-déjeuner pour ses enfants avant qu'ils ne partent à l'école. Elle prépara une tasse de café chaud, ajouta des fruits frais et quelques toasts grillés. Pendant ce temps, elle fit chauffer un peu d'eau pour les boissons des adultes. Au moment de les servir, elle se dit que chaque petit effort pour rendre leur journée meilleure était une valeur précieuse. Elle se sentait rassurée en pensant à la joie que ces simples préparations pourraient apporter à ses enfants et à sa famille."," Avec l'Op qui s'est levée sur la campagne paisible, Marie décida de préparer le petit déjeuner pour ses enfants avant qu'il ne parta l'école. Elle prépara une tasse de café chaud, ajouta des fruits frais et quelque chose de lié. Pendant ce temps, elle fichoffait un peu d'eau pour les boissons des adultes. Au moment de les servir, elle se dit que chaque petite est fort pour rendre leur jour les meilleures, était une valeur précieuse. Elle se sentait rassurée en pensant à la joie que c'est simple préparation pour être apportée à ses enfants et à sa famille.",0.25,0.0880281690140845 +578b4800-c1b2-4026-a4c9-a742ded0d12f,朝日が昇り、静かな街は一気に活気を取り戻しました。今日もまた新しい一日が始まります。私は今日何をするか楽しみにしています。公園で朝の散歩をし、その後は友人とカフェでゆっくりと過ごす予定です。家では手作りの料理を楽しむつもりでおり、夜には本を読む時間も設けています。新しい一日がどんな風になるのか、今からとても楽しみです。,この朝日が登り、静かな街は一気にかっきりを取り戻しました。今日もまた新しい1日が始まります。私は今日何をするか楽しみにしています。公園で朝の散歩し、その後は友人とカフェでゆっくりと過ごす予定です。家では手作りの料理を楽しむつもりでおり、夜には本を読む時間も設けています。新しい1日がどんな風になるのか、今からとても楽しみです。,1.0,0.0625 +bf188c4e-80cc-4d89-950b-4604214ee673,"With the gentle morning light filtering through the curtain, Sarah stepped out into her backyard, feeling the cool breeze on her skin. She took a deep breath, inhaling the fresh scent of blooming flowers and greenery. The birds chirped melodiously overhead, their songs weaving through the trees. Sarah smiled, her heart full of gratitude for this peaceful moment in her small suburban home. She decided to start her day early, preparing a pot of coffee while watching the sunrise over the horizon. As she brewed the coffee, she thought about all the wonderful memories she had created with her family over the years, and how much she cherished every single one of them. The sun rose higher in the sky, casting a golden glow over everything, making Sarah feel content and hopeful for the day ahead."," With a gentle morning light filtering through the curtain, Sarah stepped out into her back yard, feeling the cool breeze on her skin. She took a deep breath, inhaling the fresh scent of blooming flowers and greenery. The birds chirped melodiously overhead, their songs weaving through the trees. Sarah smiled, her heart full of gratitude for this peaceful moment in her small suburban home. She decided to start her day early, preparing a pot of coffee while watching the sunrise over the horizon. As she brewed the coffee, she thought about all the wonderful memories she had created with her family over the years. And how much she cherished every single one of them. The sun rose higher in the sky, casting a golden glow over everything, making Sarah feel content and hopeful for the day ahead.",0.03676470588235294,0.007518796992481203 +acc0f209-ebfb-47c1-b729-ef8424d3711b,その日、青空の下で彼女は散歩を楽しんでいました。公園の木々の間を通り抜けていく鳥のさえずりや、遠くで流れる川の音が心地よく耳に残りました。彼女は手に持っている本を読みながら、時折窓を開け、風の香りを楽しみました。この一日が終わる頃には、彼女は満足と平和を感じていました。,その日 青空の下で 彼女は散歩を楽しんでいました公園の木木の間を通り抜けていく 鳥のサイズリア遠くで流れる川の音がここちよく耳に残りました彼女は手に持っている本を読みながら 時より窓を開け 風の香りを楽しみましたこの一日が終わる頃には 彼女は満足と平和を感じていました,7.0,0.16296296296296298 +356fa63f-fa17-4103-abc8-eec433066bae,その日の夜、彼は空を見上げて深呼吸をした。星々が輝き、月の光が地面に細やかに落ちている。彼は静かに語りかけた。「私にとって、この瞬間は特別なものです。」彼の声は静かで、しかし、その言葉には力が宿っていた。夜風が彼の髪を揺らし、彼の心に新たな希望をもたらした。,その日の夜 彼は空を見上げて 心呼吸をした星星が輝き 月の光が 地面に細やかに落ちている彼は静かに語りかけた 私にとって この瞬間は特別なものです彼の声は静かで しかしその言葉には力が屋どっていた夜風が彼の髪を揺らし 彼の心に新たな希望をもたらした,9.0,0.15503875968992248 +c9aff19c-9099-42e7-9450-2bf48d6bd66a,"En traversant la charmante petite ville de Saint-Étienne, je suis tombé amoureux des couleurs vives des boutiques colorées et des ruelles pavées bordées de fleurs en pleine floraison. La vie y bat son plein, avec les rires des enfants jouant aux échecs dans la rue, les conversations animées entre les passants, et les odeurs de cuisine qui s'échappent des petits restaurants aux fenêtres ouvertes. C'est une sensation de paix et de joie qui envahit tout le monde qui passe par là, comme si chaque détail de cette cité était conçu pour offrir un havre de tranquillité dans ce tumultueux monde extérieur."," En traversant la charmante petite ville de Saint-Étienne, je suis tombé amoureux des couleurs vives des boutiques colorées, et des rues elles pavaient bordées de fleurs en pleine floraison. La vie y basse en plein. Avec l'hérire des enfants jouant aux échecs dans la rue, les conversations animées entre les passants, et les odeurs de cuisine qui s'échappent des petits restaurants au fenêtre ouvertes. C'est une sensation de paix et de joie qui envahit tout le monde qui passe par là. Comme si chaque détail de cette cité était conçu pour offrir un avre de tranquillité dans ce tumultueux monde extérieur.",0.1485148514851485,0.03980099502487562 +7c83ea26-ccba-43c4-a27d-e16c6c89e2e0,"Avec l'aube qui se lève doucement, je me réveille sous le doux brouillard matinal qui enveloppe la ville. La première pluie du printemps chatouille mes joues tandis que je sors de ma chambre, emmitouflée dans mon peignoir en laine. Je sers une tasse de café noir, savourant chaque goutte qui glisse sur ma langue avant de se fondre dans ma gorge. Ensuite, je me dirige vers la cuisine où je prépare un petit déjeuner simple : quelques tartines de pain grillé, du beurre doux et des fruits frais cueillis dans le jardin. Pendant que je m'occupe de ces préparations, je me rappelle des promesses faites à moi-même lors de mes longs voyages en Europe, promesses d'explorer toujours plus loin et de rencontrer de nouvelles personnes. Ces pensées me confortent dans mon désir de poursuivre mes rêves, quelle que soit la route que je prenne."," Avec l'aube qui se lève doucement, je me réveille sous le doubrouillard matinal qui enveloppe la ville. La première pluie du printemps chatouille m'est joué ? Tandis que je sors de ma chambre. En mit ou flé dans mon pénois en l'aine, je serre une tasse de café noir, sa voulant chaque goût qui glisse sur ma langue avant de se fondre dans ma gorge. Ensuite, je me dirige vers la cuisine où je prépare un petit déjeuner simple. Quelques tartines de pingrié, du beurre dou, et des fruits frais cueillis dans le jardin, pendant que je m'occupe de ces préparations, je me rappelle des promesses faites à moi-même lors de mes longs voyage en Europe. Promesses d'explorer toujours plus loin, et de rencontrer de nouvelles personnes. C'est penser me confortent dans mon désir de poursuivre mes rêves. Quelque soit la route que je prenne.",0.24305555555555555,0.06227544910179641 +9012afed-bc0f-4532-9e95-262ec1366cf7,"As the sun began its descent below the horizon, casting long shadows across the landscape, Sarah took a deep breath and walked out into the vast, open field. The air was crisp and fresh, carrying with it the scent of wildflowers and earth. She sat down on a large rock, feeling a sense of peace wash over her. For hours, she lay there, watching the clouds drift by and listening to the gentle rustling of leaves in the breeze. Eventually, she stood up, ready to explore more of the natural beauty around her."," As the sun began its descent below the horizon, casting long shadows across the landscape, Sarah took a deep breath and walked out into the vast open field. The air was crisp and fresh, carrying with it the scent of wild flowers and earth. She sat down on a large rock, feeling a sense of peace wash over her. For hours, she lay there, watching the clouds drift by and listening to the gentle rustling of leaves in the breeze. Eventually, she stood up, ready to explore more of the natural beauty around her.",0.03225806451612903,0.003937007874015748 +4c608b4a-99ef-49c3-aeb2-d858c46f9c57,"As the sun began its descent below the horizon, casting long shadows across the bustling city streets, Sarah took a deep breath, feeling the familiar excitement building within her. She had been eagerly anticipating this moment for weeks, ever since she received the acceptance letter from the prestigious university. The thought of starting a new chapter in her life, full of endless possibilities, filled her with a sense of both trepidation and exhilaration. With a final glance around the familiar neighborhood that had been her home for so long, Sarah gathered her belongings and stepped out into the vibrant night, ready to embark on this new journey filled with adventure and discovery."," As the sun began its descent below the horizon, casting long shadows across the bustling city streets, Sarah took a deep breath, feeling the familiar excitement building within her. She had been eagerly anticipating this moment for weeks, ever since she received the acceptance letter from the prestigious university, the thought of starting a new chapter in her life, full of endless possibilities, filled her with a sense of both trepidation and exhilaration. With a final glance around the familiar neighborhood that had been her home for so long, Sarah gathered her belongings and stepped out into the vibrant night, ready to embark on this new journey filled with adventure and discovery.",0.017857142857142856,0.002886002886002886 +2d96054d-17e6-4fb6-9056-70d48ea2a765,朝日が昇り始め、静かな街に光が差し込む。その光で地面に映る自分を見つめ、明日への新たな一日が始まるのを感じた。今日も何らかの形で喜びや驚きを抱えているはずだ。街の雑踏から離れて、静かな公園で少し休憩を取ることにした。蝉の鸣き声と木々の葉响きが心地よく、ゆっくりと呼吸することができた。,朝日が登り始め 静かな街に光が差し込むその光で地面に移る自分を見つめ 朝への新たな一日が始まるのを感じた今日も何らかの形で 喜びは驚きを抱えているはずだ街のざっとうから離れて 静かな公園で少し休憩を取ることにしたセミのメキゴエとキギの歯ドキが ここちよくゆっくりと呼吸することができた,6.0,0.2323943661971831 +1b455551-d5e3-4876-9473-b9ecdb7a5be2,朝日が昇り始め、静かな街に光が差し込む。私はベランダに出て、朝の空気を吸い込んでみる。窓から見える古い木々は、雨滴が落ちる音と混ざり合い、静かで深く感じる時間が流れていく。この瞬間だけが私にとって特別な時間だ。,朝日が登り始め、静かな街に光が差し込む私はベランダに出て、朝の空気を吸い込んでみる窓から見える古い木際、後たきが落ちる音と混ざり合い静かで深く感じる時間が流れていくこの瞬間だけが私にとって特別な時間だ,1.0,0.10476190476190476 +41f1b42f-b8b0-44eb-87cd-9a88826ec92b,その日、晴れ渡る空に大きな雲が浮かんでいました。彼は公園のベンチで立ち上がり、手には小さな写真集を持っていた。一枚一枚の写真をめくると、それぞれが異なる思い出を引き出す。この写真集の中には、家族や友人との楽しい思い出、また自分自身の成長を記録した瞬間が詰まっている。彼はこの写真集から、自分自身の人生の旅路を振り返り、次への旅立ちを準備していた。,その日晴れ渡る空に大きな雲が浮かんでいました。彼は公園のベンチで立ち上がり、手には小さな写真集を持っていた、1枚1枚の写真をめくると、それぞれが異なる思い出を引き出す。この写真集の中には、家族や友人との楽しい思い出。また自分自身の成長を記録した瞬間が詰まっている、彼はこの写真集から、自分自身の人生の旅路を振り返り、次への旅立を準備していた。,1.0,0.04046242774566474 +be7356c3-4c94-471e-a393-061a3c862fa6,The error code 404 means the requested webpage or resource could not be found on the server., The error code syphiline syph means the requested web page or resource could not be found on the server.,0.23529411764705882,0.16304347826086957 +80e0e61f-da1e-4c53-bdc8-83d5928d1c06,今天天气很好,小华去了公园散步,看到了许多美丽的花朵和可爱的小动物,心情非常愉快。她还遇到了一位老人正在读报纸,旁边的小孩子正围着老人问这问那,大家都显得很开心。,"今天天气很好,小华去了公园散步,看到了许多美丽的花朵和可爱的小动物,心情非常愉快。他还遇到了一位老人正在读报纸,旁边的小孩子正为这老人问着问,大家都显得很开心。",1.0,0.12345679012345678 +79a34a3b-fd55-4a00-8ff2-d486c76942f1,今天天气格外好,小华骑着自行车去公园散步,路旁的花朵争奇斗艳,小鸟在枝头欢快地歌唱。公园里人不多,小华沿着湖边慢慢骑行,偶尔停下来欣赏湖面上的倒影。远处的山峦若隐若现,给这美好的一天增添了几分宁静与和谐。,"今天天气格外好,小华齐着自行车去公园散步,录簧的花朵蒸奇豆腺,小鸟在枝头欢快的歌唱,公园里人不多。小华沿着湖边慢慢齐行,偶尔停下来欣赏湖面上的道影,远出的山软弱隐弱线,给着美好的一天增添了几分明镜与合邪。",1.0,0.2647058823529412 +c41e0d61-00d2-441a-a491-2370ab724539,"With the sun just beginning to rise above the horizon, Sarah stepped out onto her balcony, taking a deep breath of the cool morning air. She stretched her arms wide, feeling the gentle breeze against her skin, and smiled as she gazed out at the vibrant scene unfolding below. The sky was painted with hues of orange and pink, while the trees rustled softly in the breeze, their leaves dancing like tiny acrobats. Sarah felt a sense of peace wash over her, and for a moment, she forgot about the chaos of the day ahead. She took a sip of her coffee, the rich aroma filling her senses, and closed her eyes, letting the tranquility envelop her."," But the sun just beginning to rise above the horizon. Sarah stepped out onto her balcony, taking a deep breath of the cool morning air. She stretched her arms wide, feeling the gentle breeze against her skin, and smiled as she gazed out at the vibrant scene unfolding below. The sky was painted with use of orange and pink, while the trees rustled softly in the breeze. Their leaves dancing like tiny acrobats. Sarah felt a sense of peace wash over her, and for a moment she forgot about the chaos of the day ahead. She took a sip of her coffee, the rich aroma filling her senses and closed her eyes, letting the tranquility envelop her.",0.05982905982905983,0.0171606864274571 +5f7e1ae2-b490-4e7d-8768-a932eb00c9ba,"As the sun began to rise, casting a golden glow over the sleepy town, Sarah stepped out of her cozy apartment and into the fresh morning air. The streets were still quiet, with only the occasional bird chirping and the distant hum of traffic. She took a deep breath, feeling the crispness of the autumn air invigorate her senses. With a small backpack slung over her shoulder and a map tucked safely inside, Sarah set off on her journey, eager to explore the hidden corners of the city. The day promised to be full of unexpected discoveries and new adventures."," As the sun began to rise, casting a golden glow over the sleepy town, Sarah stepped out of her cozy apartment and into the fresh morning air. The streets were still quiet, with only the occasional bird chirping and the distant hum of traffic. She took a deep breath, feeling the crispness of the autumn air invigorate her senses. With a small backpack slung over her shoulder, and a map tucked safely inside, Sarah set off on her journey, eager to explore the hidden corners of the city. The day promised to be full of unexpected discoveries and new adventures.",0.01,0.0017857142857142857 +8ce7d58e-90a5-4259-a0d7-7fa71a53e1ce,朝日が昇り、静かな町には早朝の静けさが広がっています。彼女は公園で朝の散歩を楽しんでおり、木々の間から差し込む光に優雅に身を揺らしています。ゆっくりと呼吸をしながら、今日一日を大切に過ごしたいと思っています。街の雑音も聞こえず、ただその静けさの中で自分自身と向き合うことができます。,前ま朝日が登り 静かな街には早晶の静けさが広がっています彼女は公園で朝の散歩を楽しんでおり 木木の間から差し込む光に有魔に見を許しています ゆっくりと呼吸をしながら今日一日を大切に過ごしたいと思っています 街の雑音も聞こえずただその静けさの中で 自分自身と向き合うことができます,6.0,0.14184397163120568 +3b4aa175-a18f-4608-8d7d-9f74e8dc00fd,その日、私は朝から明るい青空に囲まれて早朝の散歩に出かけました。道端には、まだ静かに眠りこけていた猫たちがいました。彼らは優しく私の足元を照らす太陽の光を追い求めて、軽やかな動きで通りを這う様子がとても可爱らしかったです。散歩後、私は近くの公園へと向かい、子供たちが遊ぶ場所でピクニックをしました。野菜と果物の詰まったパンを食べながら、美しい朝の光景を楽しみました。その後、私は本を読みながらカフェで休憩し、ゆっくりと一日を過ごしました。この一日は、新しい出会いや小さな幸せに満ち溢れていて、心から感謝の気持ちでいっぱいになりました。,その日、私は朝から明るい青空に囲まれて、 操張の散歩に出かけました。道罰にはまだ静かに眠り焦げていた 猫たちがいました。彼らは優しく、私の足元を照らす太陽の光を追い求めて、 軽やかな動きで通りを破る様子がとても加えらしかったです。3歩後、私は近くの公園へと迎え、 子どもたちが遊ぶ場所でピクニックをしました。野菜とくだもののつまったパンを食べながら、 美しい朝の光景を楽しみました。その後、私は本を読みながらカフェで休憩し、 ゆっくりと一日を過ごしました。この一日は、新しい出会いや小さな幸せに道を触れていて、心から感謝の気持ちでいっぱいになりました。,7.0,0.1198501872659176 +a203eff9-4a6d-422b-9f85-4e1e16f693bf,"Le soleil couchant éclairait doucement la rue paisible où je venais de passer une longue journée. Les ombres commençaient à s'étendre, marquant l'arrivée de la nuit. Je ressentis une pointe de nostalgie en pensant aux conversations animées que j'avais eues avec mes amis tout au long de la journée. La tranquillité qui régnait maintenant me semblait presque apaisante après les heures de travail acharné."," Le soleil couchant éclairait doucement la rue paisible où je venais de passer une longue journée. Les hommes recommençait à s'étendre, marquant l'arrivée de la nuit. Je ressentis une poignée de nostalgie, en pensant aux conversations animées que j'avais eu avec mes amis tout au long de la journée. La tranquillité qui réniait maintenant me semblait presque à présent après les heures de travail à charner.",0.15625,0.0594059405940594 +b15f14a8-7340-4de8-a12e-e22a37f5fe8f,その日、空は深く澄んだ青で、風は静かに吹いていました。公園のベンチに座り、新聞を広げて読む彼女の姿が目に浮かびました。彼女はいつも、この時間に読書を楽しんでいました。その場所は、彼女にとって特別な場所でした。日々の小さな出来事や、遠くの山々、近くの川の流れなど、自然の美しさに感動していました。しかし、今日は少し違いました。彼女はいつもとは異なる本を開いたのです。それは彼女が初めて読む外国語の小説で、新しい世界への扉を開くような感覚がありました。彼女はゆっくりとページをめくっていきました。そして、その文字の世界に引き込まれ、少しずつその国の文化や人々について知ることを楽しみ始めました。,その日空は深く住んだ青で風は静かに吹いていました 公園のベンチに座り新聞を広げて読む彼女の姿が目に浮かびました 彼女はいつもこの時間に特象を楽しんでいましたその場所は彼女にとって特別な場所でした 日々の小さな出来事や遠くの山やま近くの川の流れなど自然の美しさに感動していましたしかし今日は少し違いました 彼女はいつもとは異なる本を開いたのですそれは彼女が初めて読む��国語の小説で 新しい世界への扉を開くような感覚がありました彼女はゆっくりとページをめくっていきました そしてその文字の世界に引き込まれ少しずつその国の文化や人々について 知ることを楽しみ始めました,8.0,0.09152542372881356 +299aae63-6b65-4046-8975-7fcbdd0af4e3,"As the morning sun crept over the horizon, casting a golden glow across the sleepy town, Sarah stepped out of her cozy bed. The gentle hum of the city waking up around her was a familiar symphony, one that always put her in a good mood. She dressed quickly, slipping into her favorite pair of jeans and a simple blouse, then grabbed her coffee from the kitchen counter. As she walked through the bustling streets, she couldn't help but notice the vibrant colors of the flowers lining the sidewalks and the faces of the people rushing past. At the local café, she ordered her usual: a latte and a slice of her favorite croissant. While sipping her coffee, she caught up with an old friend who had just moved back to town. They talked for hours about everything and nothing, laughing and sharing stories that brought them both back to a time when they were carefree and full of hope."," As the morning sun crept over the horizon, casting a golden glow across the sleepy town, Sarah stepped out of her cozy bed. The gentle hum of the city waking up around her was a familiar symphony, one that always put her in a good mood. She dressed quickly, slipping into her favorite pair of jeans and a simple blouse, then grabbed her coffee from the kitchen counter. As she walked through the bustling streets, she couldn't help but notice the vibrant colors of the flowers lining the sidewalks and the faces of the people rushing past. At the local cafe, she ordered her usual alate and a slice of her favorite croissant. While sipping her coffee, she caught up with an old friend who had just moved back to town. They talked for hours about everything and nothing, laughing, and sharing stories that brought them both back to a time when they were carefree and full of hope.",0.03125,0.0056753688989784334 +51992119-9249-4242-8014-42bc71910e8d,"As the sun began to rise, painting the sky with hues of orange and pink, Sarah stepped out of her cozy bed and into the warmth of the morning. She stretched her limbs, feeling the gentle breeze against her skin as she headed towards the kitchen for a cup of coffee. The aroma of freshly brewed coffee filled the air, mingling with the scent of blooming flowers outside. With a contented sigh, she sat down at her desk, ready to tackle the day's challenges with renewed energy."," As the sun began to rise, painting the sky with hues of orange and pink, Sarah stepped out of her cozy bed, and into the warmth of the morning. She stretched her limbs, feeling the gentle breeze against her skin as she headed towards the kitchen for a cup of coffee. The aroma of freshly brewed coffee filled the air, mingling with the scent of blooming flowers outside. With a contented sigh, she sat down at her desk, ready to tackle the day's challenges with renewed energy.",0.011494252873563218,0.0021008403361344537 +9e10c13a-400c-4634-9a7f-e1dc2f256377,"Quelques jours plus tard, alors que le soleil se couchait derrière les collines, Marie se retrouva face à une nouvelle décision importante. Elle avait passé des semaines à réfléchir, à analyser chaque aspect de sa situation personnelle et professionnelle. Les conversations avec ses amis et famille avaient été riche en émotions et en conseils avisés. Maintenant, elle se trouvait face au choix le plus délicat de toute sa vie, un pas qui pourrait changer son avenir. Les pensées flottaient dans son esprit, mêlant les souvenirs heureux aux préoccupations anxieuses, tout en cherchant la voie qui conduirait vers la liberté et la paix intérieure."," Quelques jours plus tard, alors que le soleil se coucher derrière les collines, Marie se retrouve à face à une nouvelle décision importante. Elle avait passé des semaines à réfléchir, à analyser chaque aspect de sa situation personnelle et professionnelle. Les conversations avec ses amis et famille avaient été riches en émotion et en conseils avisés. Maintenant, elle se trouvait face aux choix le plus délicat de toute sa vie. Un paquet pourrait changer son avenir. Les pensées flottées dans son esprit, mèlant les souvenirs heureux aux préoccupations anxieuses, tout en cherchant la voix qui conduireait vers la liberté et la paix intérieure.",0.13592233009708737,0.034055727554179564 +47cd7971-8aee-4250-8185-4cac10aca420,今天天气格外好,小华骑着自行车沿着河边的小路缓缓前行。路边的花朵争奇斗艳,蝴蝶在花间飞舞,仿佛整个世界都充满了生机与活力。不一会儿,小华就来到了一个美丽的公园,那里绿树成荫,湖水清澈见底,微风吹过,带来阵阵凉爽。公园里有许多人在散步、跑步,还有的在放风筝,孩子们欢声笑语不断。小华也加入到他们的行列中,享受着这份宁静与美好。,"今天听气格外好,小华旗这自行车沿着河边的小路缓缓前行,路边的花朵蒸奇斗焰,湖迭在花间飞舞,放浮整个世界都充满了升机与活力。不一会儿,小华就来到了一个美丽的公园,那里绿树成阴,湖水清测舰底,微风吹过,带来震震凉爽。公园里有许多人在散步,跑步,还有的在放风整,孩子们欢声笑语不断,小华也加入到他们的行列中,享受着这份宁静与美好。这份宁静与美好,小华也加入到他们的行列中,享受着这份宁静与美好。",1.0,0.3765432098765432 +530eb0de-c144-4844-ad86-d1dbba0e463d,今天天气很好,小华和朋友们一起去公园玩。他们在草地上搭起了帐篷,放飞了风筝,还一起分享了美味的冰淇淋。夕阳西下时,大家围坐在篝火旁,听着远处传来的虫鸣声,享受着这份宁静与美好。,"今天天津很好,小华和朋友们一起去公园玩,他们在草地上搭起了帐子,放黑了风着,还一起分享了美类的冰淇淋。西洋西夏时,大家围坐在勾火旁,听着远处传来的重灵声,享受着这份宁静与美好。",1.0,0.20454545454545456 +6ee7ed64-1ab1-4b1e-a85f-932d39338085,"As the sun began its descent behind the horizon, casting a warm glow over the city, Sarah took a deep breath of the fresh evening air. She walked along the riverbank, her footsteps echoing softly on the stones. The cool breeze carried the scent of blooming flowers, and she felt a sense of peace wash over her. As she strolled, she reflected on the day's events, feeling grateful for small joys and the simple pleasures that made life worthwhile."," As the sun began its descent behind the horizon casting a warm glow over the city, Sarah took a deep breath of the fresh evening air. She walked along the riverbank, her footsteps echoing softly on the stones. The cool breeze carried the scent of blooming flowers, and she felt a sense of peace wash over her. As she strolled she reflected on the day's events, feeling grateful for small joys and the simple pleasures that made life worthwhile.",0.02531645569620253,0.004484304932735426 +2de3e592-4bce-40b5-b543-6f9f6ff2eb4f,その日、空は深く澄んだ青で、太陽は高く照り抜いていました。私は公園のベンチに座り、手には小さな本を握っていました。ページをめくるたびに、懐かしい思い出が蘇ってきました。風が吹き、木々の葉が舞いながら、私は自分自身に語りかけました。この瞬間を大切にしたいと心から思いました。,その日空は深くすんだ青で 太陽は高くてり抜いていました私は公園のベンチに座り 手には小さな本を握っていましたページをめくるたびに 懐かしい思い出が読みがえてきました風が吹き 木木の歯が舞いながら 私は自分自身に語りかけましたこの瞬間を大切にしたいと 心から思いました,7.0,0.14705882352941177 +350ef102-b22d-439c-bd0a-b3f847ad8e19,その日、空は澄んでいて青い雲が悠々と流れています。彼女は公園でピクニックを楽しんでおり、甘い果物のジュースを飲みながら、手紙を書き始めました。この静かな時間は、彼女が大切にしている友人や家族への感謝の言葉を書き綴るのに最適でした。,その日、空は寸でいて青い雲が有優と流れています。彼女は公園でピクニックを楽しんでおり、甘い子どもの女装を飲みながら手紙を書き始めました。この静かな時間は、彼女が大切にしている友人や家族への感謝の言葉を書きつずるのに最適でした。,1.0,0.12173913043478261 +3a2452da-31fe-410c-b814-82b0d6044e3c,今天天气格外好,小华和朋友们一起去了郊外的公园野餐。公园里绿树成荫,鲜花盛开,孩子们在草地上尽情奔跑玩耍,大人们则围坐在树下的长椅上聊天、吃东西。不一会儿,天空中飘来几朵白云,仿佛也在为这美好的一天增添了几分诗意。小华拿出相机,记录下这一刻的美好。,"今天天气格外好,小华和朋友们一起去了交外的公园野餐,公园里绿树成阴,先花圣开,孩子们在草地上进行奔跑完爽。大人们则为坐在座下的场上聊天,吃东西,不一会儿,天空中飘来几岛白云。仿佛也在为这美好的一天,增添了几分失语,小华拿出相机,记录下这一刻的美好。",1.0,0.21774193548387097 +efdf342e-a9ce-4880-80a3-f4b328e62524,"As the sun began to set, painting the sky with hues of orange and pink, Sarah stepped out onto her balcony to enjoy the peaceful evening. She took a deep breath, inhaling the fresh air mixed with the scent of blooming flowers. Across the street, children played under the watchful gaze of their parents, laughter echoing through the quiet neighborhood. Nearby, a couple strolled hand in hand, their eyes locked in a tender gaze. Sarah felt a warmth spread through her chest, grateful for this simple yet beautiful moment in time. She knew that no matter how chaotic life could become, there were always these small, precious instances that reminded her of the goodness in the world."," As the sun began to set, painting the sky with hues of orange and pink, Sarah stepped out onto her balcony to enjoy the peaceful evening. She took a deep breath, inhaling the fresh air mixed with the scent of blooming flowers. Across the street, children played under the watchful gaze of their parents, laughter echoing through the quiet neighborhood. Nearby, a couple strolled hand in hand, their eyes locked in a tender gaze. Sarah felt a warmth spread through her chest, grateful for this simple yet beautiful moment in time. She knew that no matter how chaotic life could become, there were always these small precious instances that reminded her of the goodness in the world.",0.008547008547008548,0.001466275659824047 +0f5b5705-c5f8-4e34-ae05-3ea2888fcbc3,"As the morning sun began to rise, casting a warm glow over the sleepy town, Sarah stepped out of her cozy bed and into the crisp morning air. She stretched her limbs, feeling the gentle breeze tousle her hair as she made her way to the kitchen for a cup of coffee. The aroma of freshly brewed coffee mingled with the scent of the outdoors, creating a delightful blend that filled her senses. After finishing her breakfast, she packed her bag and headed towards the city center, her mind already racing with plans for the day ahead. She had an important meeting scheduled with a potential client, but she also intended to drop by the local bookstore to browse through new releases. As she walked, she couldn't help but feel grateful for this peaceful start to what promised to be an exciting day."," As the morning sun began to rise, casting a warm glow over the sleepy town, Sarah stepped out of her cozy bed and into the crisp morning air. She stretched her limbs, feeling the gentle breeze, to usall her hair. As she made her way to the kitchen for a cup of coffee, the aroma of freshly brewed coffee mingled with the scent of the outdoors, creating a delightful blend that filled her senses. After finishing her breakfast, she packed her bag and headed towards the city center. Her mind already racing with plans for the day ahead. She had an important meeting scheduled with a potential client, but she also intended to drop by the local bookstore to browse through new releases. As she walked, she couldn't help but feel grateful for this peaceful start to what promised to be an exciting day.",0.06293706293706294,0.012578616352201259 +92750334-71e0-4b54-be61-6d327fa9fba6,その日、朝から雨が降り続きました。しかし、雨の中を歩くことで、心が洗われるような気持ちになりました。家に帰り、暖炉の前に座り、本を読んだり、お茶を淹れたりしながら、穏やかな一日を過ごしました。夜には、家族と食事をし、その後、リビングで映画を見ながら、くつろぎの時間を楽しむことができました。その日の終わりは、明るい空が差し込み、新たな一日への希望が湧き上がりました。,その日朝から雨が降り続きました しかし雨の中を歩くことで心が表れるような気持ちになりました 家に帰りダンロの前に座り本を読んだりお茶をいめれたりしながら おだやかな一日を過ごしました夜には家族と食事をしその悪をリビング で映画を見ながら靴ロギの時間を楽しむことができましたその日の終わりは明るい空が差し込み 新たな一日への希望が諦りました,6.0,0.19672131147540983 +d9743b7a-9f4e-42f8-a80d-c169dfba25cd,"As the sun began to set, casting a warm golden hue over the city, Sarah took a deep breath of the evening air. The streets were already beginning to fill with the sounds of people going about their nightly routines—music drifting from nearby cafes, children laughing as they played in the park, and the occasional honk of a car signaling its way through the congested traffic. Sarah felt a sense of peace wash over her, a feeling that came with the knowledge that she was living in a place where everything had its own rhythm and beauty. She decided to take a walk along the river, hoping to find a moment of solitude amidst the bustling city life."," As the sun began to set, casting a warm golden hue over the city, Sarah took a deep breath of the evening air. The streets were already beginning to fill with the sounds of people going about their nightly routines. Music drifting from nearby cafes, children laughing as they played in the park, and the occasional honk of a car signaling its way through the congested traffic. Sarah felt a sense of peace wash over her, a feeling that came with the knowledge that she was living in a place where everything had its own rhythm and beauty. She decided to take a walk along the river, hoping to find a moment of solitude amidst the bustling city life.",0.01694915254237288,0.004629629629629629 +1cf1d538-7b13-4504-b514-f4f30fe519fe,"Every morning, as the sun rises above the horizon, I take a few minutes to appreciate the beauty of this new day. Whether it's a clear blue sky or a gentle rain shower, each morning brings its own unique opportunities for growth and discovery. I start my day by reading a chapter from a book that inspires me, whether it's a novel, a scientific article, or a piece of poetry. This helps set a positive tone for what promises to be an exciting day ahead. After breakfast, I often engage in some form of physical activity—whether it's yoga, a brisk walk, or a run in the park. It's during these moments that I feel most alive and connected to the world around me. Throughout the day, I try to maintain a balance between work and leisure, ensuring that I have time to connect with loved ones and pursue hobbies that bring joy and fulfillment. At the end of the day, I reflect on what I've accomplished and what I hope to achieve tomorrow. This routine has become a cornerstone of my life, providing structure and meaning amidst the chaos of daily existence."," Every morning, as the sun rises above the horizon, I take a few minutes to appreciate the beauty of this new day. Whether it's a clear blue sky or a gentle rain shower, each morning brings its own unique opportunities for growth and discovery. I start my day by reading a chapter from a book that inspires me, whether it's a novel, a scientific article, or a piece of poetry. This helps set a positive tone for what promises to be an exciting day ahead. After breakfast, I often engage in some form of physical activity, whether it's yoga, a brisk walk, or a run in the park. It's during these moments that I feel most alive and connected to the world around me. Throughout the day, I try to maintain a balance between work and leisure, ensuring that I have time to connect with loved ones and pursue hobbies that bring joy and fulfillment. At the end of the day, I reflect on what I've accomplished and what I hope to achieve tomorrow. This routine has become a cornerstone of my life, providing structure and meaning amidst the chaos of daily existence.",0.010416666666666666,0.0018975332068311196 +f9ef5006-eda2-4610-a90a-dd0082e5da46,今天天气很好,小华和朋友们一起去公园玩。他们在草地上踢足球,笑声和欢呼声充满了整个公园。小华还遇到了老朋友,他们一起回忆起过去的日子,分享彼此的新鲜事。公园里的花儿也似乎被这份快乐感染,绽放得更加灿烂。,"今天天气很好,小华和朋友们一起去公园玩,他们在草地上踢足球,笑声和欢呼声,充满了整个公园。小华还遇到了老朋友,他们一起回忆一起过去的日子分享彼此的新鲜事。公园里的花儿也似乎被这份快乐感染,战放的更加惨了。",1.0,0.1188118811881188 +7d605a59-2c92-4faa-b734-c9f4c22ddd12,今天是周末,小华早早地起床准备去图书馆看书。她先去厨房做了早餐,然后收拾好书包,背上书包出发了。到了图书馆,她借了一些新书回来,还有一本旧书想要归还。小华在阅读区找到了一个安静的位置坐下,开始阅读那些吸引她的书籍。图书馆里人不多,只有几个学生在专心致志地学习。小华的心情十分愉快,因为她知道这个周末她将度过一个充实而有意义的时间。,"今天是周末,小华早早地起床准备去图书馆看书,他先去厨房做了早餐,然后收拾好书包,背上书包出发了。到了图书馆,他借了一些新书回来,还有一本就书想要归还,小华在月毒区找到了一个安静的位置座下,开始月毒那些吸引他的书籍。图书馆里人不多,只有几个学生在专心制制地学习,小华的心情十分愉快,因为他知道这个周末他将度过一个冲实而有意义的时间。",1.0,0.15151515151515152 +2cc9e98d-6b2d-4ce6-bf96-ac169ccc96ff,今天天气很好,小华和朋友们一起去公园玩得很开心。他们先去了儿童游乐区,孩子们在滑梯上尽情嬉戏,还一起堆了小雪人。然后他们去了湖边,小华划了一次船,虽然有点晕船,但还是觉得非常有趣。最后他们在草地上野餐,品尝了各种美食,还唱了几首歌。整个下午过得非常愉快,大家都希望下次还能再来这里玩。,"今天天气很好。小华和朋友们一起去公园玩得很开心。他们先去了儿童游乐区,孩子们在华梯上进行吸息,还一起堆了小雪人,然后他们去了湖边。小华华了一次传,虽然有点云传,但还是觉得非常有趣。最后他们在草地上野餐,品尝了各种美食,还唱了几首歌。整个下午过得非常愉快。大家都希望下次还能再来这里玩。",1.0,0.13380281690140844 +f7d6be6c-24a8-4710-ab11-9d958330ab01,今天天气格外好,小华早早地起床,准备去公园晨跑。她穿上了运动服,戴上耳机播放喜欢的音乐,心情格外愉快。到了公园,她沿着湖边慢跑,呼吸着新鲜空气,感受着微风拂面的惬意。跑完步后,她在草地上铺开瑜伽垫,做了一些简单的伸展运动,帮助身体放松。小华觉得今天的早晨非常充实和美好。,"今天天气格外好,小华早早地洗床,准备去公园陈袍,他穿上了运动服。戴上耳机,不放喜欢的音乐,心心格外愉快。到了公园,他沿着湖边漫跑,呼吸着心先空气,感受着微风浮面的切异。好完不后,他在草地上铺开鱼家店,做了一些简单的深展运动,帮助身体放松。小华觉得,今天的早晨非常充实和美好。",1.0,0.24444444444444444 +20175181-eb1b-4f98-bddc-17d4ba90703d,今天天气很好,小华和朋友们一起去公园玩得很开心,他们放风筝、踢足球,还一起吃了美味的冰淇淋。,"冰天天气很好,小华和朋友们一起去公园玩得很开心,他们放风蒸,梯足球,还一起吃了美味的冰淇淋。",1.0,0.15217391304347827 +f93887a8-f0b9-427c-aa6b-704bc55b4a19,"As the sun began its descent towards the horizon, casting a warm golden glow over the landscape, Sarah took a deep breath of the fresh evening air. The sky painted a canvas of vibrant oranges and purples, creating a breathtaking scene that seemed almost too beautiful to be real. She walked slowly along the edge of the cliff, her mind wandering through memories of days long past and dreams for the future. Each step she took brought her closer to a place where she felt truly alive, far away from the stresses of everyday life. The sound of waves crashing against the rocks provided a soothing melody that helped her relax and let go of any lingering worries. As the stars began to twinkle in the night sky, Sarah found herself feeling more connected to the world around her than ever before."," As the sun began its descent towards the horizon, casting a warm golden glow over the landscape, Sarah took a deep breath of the fresh evening air. The sky painted a canvas of vibrant oranges and purples, creating a breathtaking scene that seemed almost too beautiful to be real. She walked slowly along the edge of the cliff, her mind wandering through memories of days long past and dreams for the future. Each step she took brought her closer to a place where she felt truly alive far away from the stresses of everyday life. The sound of waves crashing against the rocks provided a soothing melody that helped her relax and let go of any lingering worries. As the stars began to twinkle in the night sky, Sarah found herself feeling more connected to the world around her than ever before.",0.007042253521126761,0.0012594458438287153 +862164f5-a5fc-4d8b-8d74-fbf59b8eba48,"As the sun began to set, painting the sky with hues of orange and pink, Sarah took a deep breath, feeling grateful for the beautiful day that had just passed. She walked slowly through the park, enjoying the gentle breeze and the sound of birds chirping around her. As she strolled, she thought about all the wonderful experiences she had shared with friends and family over the past few months. Each memory brought a smile to her face, reminding her how fortunate she was to have such a supportive community. Suddenly, a sense of contentment washed over her, knowing that no matter what challenges lay ahead, she would face them with the same resilience and optimism that had guided her through the ups and downs of recent times."," As the sun began to set, painting the sky with hues of orange and pink, Sarah took a deep breath, feeling grateful for the beautiful day that had just passed. She walked slowly through the park, enjoying the gentle breeze and the sound of birds chirping around her. As she strolled, she thought about all the wonderful experiences she had shared with friends and family over the past few months. Each memory brought a smile to her face, reminding her how fortunate she was to have such a supportive community. Suddenly, a sense of contentment washed over her, knowing that no matter what challenges lay ahead, she would face them with the same resilience and optimism that had guided her through the ups and downs of recent times.",0.0,0.0 +1472b18a-145e-40f1-a19c-dde973bd9d11,九月の静かな日、空は澄み渡り、風が心地よく吹きます。窓から見える庭には、紫陽花が咲き誇り、その鮮やかな色で秋の訪れを告げています。私は本を手に取り、読み始めました。この季節の訪れを待つ間、新たな知見を得られる一冊を見つけたいと思っています。,5月の静かな日 空は積み渡り 風がここちよく吹きます窓から見えるにはには 味再が先誇り その浅やかな色で秋のおとずれをつめています私は本を手に取り 読み始めましたこの季節のおとずれを待つ間 新たな地見を得られる一冊を見つけたいと思っています,7.0,0.26666666666666666 +a47f5f8a-5184-4bef-a623-9d30b2e623d9,"In the small town nestled between rolling hills, where the air is always fresh and the sun shines brightly, lived an elderly woman named Clara. Every morning, she would wake up early, her steps slow but purposeful as she made her way to the quaint local café. There, she would sit alone at the counter, sipping her strong coffee and reading the daily newspaper, often lost in thought about the past and the future. Her hands trembled slightly as she turned the pages, each word bringing back memories from long ago. The café was her sanctuary, a place where time seemed to stand still, and she could find peace amidst the hustle and bustle of everyday life."," In the small town nestled between rolling hills, where the air is always fresh, and the sun shines brightly. Lived an elderly woman named Clara. Every morning she would wake up early. Her steps slow but purposeful, as she made her way to the quaint local cafe. There she would sit alone at the counter, sipping her strong coffee and reading the daily newspaper, often lost in thought about the past and the future. Her hands trembled slightly, as she turned the pages, each word bringing back memories from long ago. The cafe was her sanctuary. A place where times seemed to stand still, and she could find peace amidst the hustle and bustle of everyday life.",0.11965811965811966,0.0213089802130898 +e62d3174-550a-4518-88ef-f34850b62e1c,朝日が昇り始め、静かな街はゆっくりと静けさから目覚めていく。窓辺で朝の光に照らされて、コーヒーを手にした私たちは静かに朝を迎える。新しい一日が始まる瞬間、お互いに手を繋ぎ、その小さな幸せに感謝する。街の喧騒とは異なる、この静かな時間は私たちにとって特別な瞬間です。,朝日が登り始め、静かな街はゆっくりと静けさから目覚めていく。窓べで朝の光に照らされて、 高火を手にした私たちは静かに朝を迎える。新しい一日が始まる瞬間、 お互いに手をつなぎ、その小さな幸せに感謝する。街の検討とは異なる、 この静かな時間は、私たちにとって特別な瞬間です。,4.0,0.09848484848484848 +c6b5a373-8663-4904-a830-a1952c43ccf7,"Le ciel était d'un bleu profond lorsqu'il a commencé à pleuvoir. La pluie tombait en cascade sur les feuilles des arbres, créant une symphonie naturelle. J'ai marché lentement vers mon bureau, laissant la pluie couler sur ma veste et mes cheveux. La ville était silencieuse, mais chaque bruit de la pluie ajoutait une note unique à ce tableau paisible. Arrivé au bureau, j'ai constaté que mon ordinateur était toujours hors ligne, probablement en train de se connecter à Internet pour vérifier les dernières nouvelles. La pluie continuait de tomber, comme si elle avait son propre rythme, un ronronnement doux qui résonnait dans l'air frais."," Le ciel était d'un bleu profond lorsqu'il a commencé à pleuvoir. La pluie tombait en casquade sur les feuilles des arbres, créant une symphonie naturelle. J'ai marché lentement vers mon bureau, laissant la pluie couler sur ma veste et mes cheveux. La ville était silencieuse, mais chaque bruit de la pluie ajoutait une note unique à ce tableau paisible. Arrivé au bureau, j'ai constaté que mon ordinateur était toujours hors ligne, probablement en train de se connecter à internet pour vérifier les dernières nouvelles. La pluie continuait de tomber, comme si elle avait son propre rythme, un rond-ronnement d'eau qui résonnait dans l'air frais.",0.038461538461538464,0.014040561622464899 +41f94058-1ee5-46f6-8609-06af35770f04,今天天气不错,小华和几个朋友一起去公园玩。他们在草地上踢足球,还放风筝,玩得很开心。小华还遇到了老朋友张阿姨,他们聊起了过去的事情,笑声不断。,"今天天气不错,小华和几个朋友一起去公园玩,他们在草地上踢足球还放风针玩得很开心。小华还遇到了老朋友张阿姨,他们了解了过去的事情,笑声不断。",1.0,0.1267605633802817 +d31daa96-1ab5-4171-a102-36bf087f3e92,今天天气格外好,小华骑着自行车去公园玩,一路上欣赏着美丽的风景,心情非常愉快。到了公园,他先去了儿童游乐区,和朋友们一起玩了荡秋千、滑滑梯等游戏,笑声不断。然后,他沿着湖边散步,看着清澈的湖水和周围的树木,感觉心旷神怡。最后,他在湖边找了个安静的地方坐下来,拿出一本书静静地阅读。,"今天天气格外好。小华旗这自行车去公园玩,一路上欣赏的美丽的风景,心情非常愉快。到了公园,他先去了儿童游乐区,和朋友们一起玩了,当秋千华华踢等游戏,笑声不断。然后他沿着湖边散步,看着轻车的湖水和周围的树木,感觉心矿神疑。最后他在湖边找了个安静的地方坐下来,拿出一本书静静的月毒。",1.0,0.19285714285714287 +b92e3662-61df-4cf6-951d-7ec8040d02b6,今天天气格外好,小华和朋友们一起去公园野餐。他们带了各种美味的食物,有烤鸡、水果沙拉和各式各样的甜点。小华还准备了一些好看的风筝,大家一起放飞,天空中顿时充满了五彩斑斓的风筝。公园里的小湖边,孩子们在嬉戏玩耍,老人们则悠闲地聊天。夕阳西下时,大家围坐在一起,分享今��的快乐时光,直到夜幕降临才依依不舍地回家。,"今天天气格外好,小华和朋友们一起去公园野餐,他们带了各种美味的食物,有烤鸡,水果沙拉和各式各样的甜点。小华还准备了一些好看的风证,大家一起放飞,天空中对时充满了无彩般栏的风证。公园里的小湖边,孩子们在稀稀完爽,老人们则优险的聊天。西洋西下时,大家为坐在一起,分享今天的快乐时光,直到夜幕降龄,才一一不舍的回家。",1.0,0.2077922077922078 +00ee4f68-35b6-42ca-90f6-b398f10aefb8,"As the sun began its descent towards the horizon, casting a golden glow over the landscape, Sarah took a deep breath and stepped out onto the balcony of her apartment building. The cool night air carried with it the faint scent of blooming flowers from the nearby park. With a cup of coffee in hand, she settled into her favorite armchair, ready to dive into the pages of her latest novel. Each word she read transported her to new worlds, allowing her to escape from the stresses of everyday life. As she reached the end of the chapter, she felt a sense of satisfaction, knowing that she had spent an evening well-lived."," As the sun began its descent towards the horizon, casting a golden glow over the landscape, Sarah took a deep breath and stepped out onto the balcony of her apartment building. The cool night air carried with it the faint scent of blooming flowers from the nearby park. With a cup of coffee in hand, she settled into her favorite armchair, ready to dive into the pages of her latest novel. Each word she read transported her to new worlds, allowing her to escape from the stresses of everyday life. As she reached the end of the chapter, she felt a sense of satisfaction, knowing that she had spent an evening well lived.",0.017857142857142856,0.001610305958132045 +5ac89d48-db9f-4ee7-bb07-54232ae59a5a,"As the sun began its descent towards the horizon, casting a golden glow over the city, Sarah took a deep breath and stepped out of her apartment building. The streets were already bustling with people hurrying to their destinations, each face telling a story of their own. She walked past cafes where locals sipped their morning coffee, and shops where vendors shouted out their wares. The aroma of freshly baked bread wafted through the air, mingling with the scent of flowers from nearby gardens. As she continued her journey, Sarah couldn't help but feel a sense of calm and contentment wash over her. Every step brought her closer to the park she planned to visit, where she would find solace and perhaps even inspiration for her upcoming project."," As the sun began its descent towards her eyes and casting a golden glow over the city. Sarah took a deep breath and stepped out of her apartment building. The streets were already bustling with people hurrying to their destinations. Each face telling a story of their own. She walked past cafes where locals sipped their morning coffee, and shops where vendors shouted out their wares. The aroma of freshly baked bread, wafed it through the air. Mingling with the scent of flowers from nearby gardens. As she continued her journey, Sarah couldn't help but feel a sense of common contentment wash over her. Every step brought her closer to the park she planned to visit, where she would find solace, and perhaps even inspiration for her upcoming project.",0.109375,0.033288948069241014 +e49b4b7a-047a-465b-a0cb-f7029f0c041e,"When the first light of dawn begins to paint the sky with hues of pink and orange, I stretch my limbs and step out into the fresh morning air. The gentle rustling of leaves and the distant chirping of birds awaken me from a peaceful sleep. Each step I take on the soft grass feels like a promise of new beginnings. As I walk along the winding path through the forest, I can't help but feel grateful for this moment, when the world is still quiet and full of possibilities."," When the first light of dawn begins to paint the sky with hues of pink and orange, I stretch my limbs and step out into the fresh morning air. The gentle rustling of leaves and the distant chirping of birds awaken me from a peaceful sleep. Each step I take on the soft grass feels like a promise of new beginnings. As I walk along the winding path through the forest, I can't help but feel grateful for this moment when the world is still quiet and full of possibilities.",0.011111111111111112,0.00211864406779661 +34c85d79-424b-499b-a95a-ccef32e723aa,"On a sunny morning, as the birds began their chorus and the aroma of freshly brewed coffee wafted through the air, Emma sat at her desk with a cup in hand. She opened her laptop and started working on her latest project, a detailed report about sustainable urban planning. The clock ticked away, and soon enough, she took a break to grab a quick sandwich from the nearby café. Outside, children played in the park, their laughter echoing through the streets. Emma felt grateful for this peaceful start to her day, knowing that whatever challenges lay ahead, she was well-equipped to face them."," On a sunny morning as the birds began their chorus, and the aroma of freshly brewed coffee wafed through the air, Emma sat at her desk with a cup in hand. She opened her laptop and started working on her latest project. A detailed report about sustainable urban planning. The clock ticked away, and soon enough, she took a break to grab a quick sandwich from the nearby cafe. Outside, children played in the park, thereafter echoing through the streets. Emma felt grateful for this peaceful start to her day, knowing that whatever challenges lay ahead, she was well equipped to face them.",0.0970873786407767,0.021922428330522766 +adba994f-b5fc-4fbb-8220-605ed8d387df,"Le soleil se couche doucement derrière les montagnes, éclairant le ciel d'un magnifique arc-en-ciel. Je marche tranquillement dans le jardin familial, respirant profondément l'odeur de la terre fraîchement labourée. Chaque racine qui remonte à la surface me rappelle l'histoire de cette terre, de ses ancêtres et de tous ceux qui l'ont foulée avant moi. La lune commence à apparaître timidement dans le ciel, projetant des ombres géantes sur les arbres. C'est alors que je réalise combien chaque instant passé ici est précieux et unique."," Le soleil se couche doucement derrière les montagnes et clairement le ciel d'un magnifique arc en ciel. Je marche tranquillement dans le jardin familial, respire en profondément en l'odeur de la terre fraîchement laborée. Chaque racine qui remonte à la surface me rappelle l'histoire de cette terre, de ses ancêtres, et de tous ceux qui l'ont foulés avant moi. La lune commence à apparaître timidement dans le ciel, projetant des hommes regéantes sur les armes. C'est alors que je réalise combien, à chaque instant passer ici, est précieux et unique.",0.2261904761904762,0.0595903165735568 +17f9b023-c974-43b1-8881-076a65f4cb03,"Le soleil déclinait à l'horizon, offrant une scène splendide au-dessus des collines verdoyantes. Marie s'installa confortablement sur sa chaise longue, plongée dans un livre qu'elle aimait tant. La lumière tamisée de la maison atténuait le bruit extérieur, créant une atmosphère apaisante. Elle s'endormit quelques instants, bercée par le chant des oiseaux et le murmure du vent dans les pins. Lorsqu'elle se réveilla, le ciel avait pris une teinte plus sombre, annonçant la venue de la nuit."," Le soleil décliné à l'horizon, offrant une scènes plandie d'autre-dessus des collines verds doyantes. Marie s'installe à confortablement sur sa chaise longue, plongée dans un livre qu'elle est mettant. Ta lumière tamisée de la maison a tenu et le bruit extérieur, créant une atmosphère à pésente. Elle s'endormit quelques instants, bercez par le champ des oiseaux et le mur mure du vent dans les pines. Lorsqu'elle se réveillait, le ciel avait pris une tinte plus sombre, annonçant la venue de la nuit.",0.3026315789473684,0.08943089430894309 +82e01816-f713-4a6c-952f-94e67b749f5d,その日、空は澄み切って青で、彼女は静かに歩き、道端の花々を手に取りながら、日々の小さな幸せについて考えました。雨上がりの公園では、子供たちが楽しそうに遊んでいる姿を見かけ、心が温かくなりました。彼女は自転車に乗って家路に帰ろうとしましたが、途中で見つけた小さな本屋で一冊の本を手に取るまで止まりました。読み終わった後、彼女は店内を隅々まで見回し、最後に店員さんに会いに行きました。,この日空は積み切って青で 彼女は静かに歩き道罰の花ばなお手に取りながら 日々の小さな幸せについて考えました目上がりの公園では 子どもたちが楽しそうに遊んでいる姿を見かけ心が暖かくなりました 彼女は自転車に乗って イエジに帰ろうとしましたが途中で見つけた小さな本屋で 一冊の方を手に取るまで止まりますと 読み終わった後 彼女は天内を済みずにまで見回し最後に天員さんに愛に行きました,9.0,0.20526315789473684 +b7f8cf60-b346-460c-b28a-ac0a73bc582f,"As the sun began to set, painting the sky in hues of orange and pink, Sarah sat on the old stone bench in the park, her laptop open on her lap. The gentle breeze carried the scent of blooming flowers and distant laughter, creating a serene atmosphere. She took a deep breath, feeling grateful for this peaceful moment. With fingers dancing over the keyboard, she continued to write her latest novel, each word adding to the vivid story unfolding on the screen. The world outside seemed to pause, allowing her to lose herself in the world she was crafting."," As the sun began to set, painting the sky in hues of orange and pink, Sarah sat on the old stone bench in the park. Her laptop opened on her lap. The gentle breeze carried the scent of blooming flowers and distant laughter. Creating a serene atmosphere, she took a deep breath, feeling grateful for this peaceful moment. With fingers dancing over the keyboard, she continued to write her latest novel, each word adding to the vivid story unfolding on the screen. The world outside seemed to pause, allowing her to lose herself in the world she was crafting.",0.0707070707070707,0.014414414414414415 +265cf442-3a2a-422a-ab7c-e759072de565,今天天气真好,小华在公园里散步,欣赏着五彩斑斓的花朵和欢快的小鸟,心情格外舒畅。,"今天天气真好,小华在公园里散步,欣赏着无采般兰的花朵和欢快的小鸟,心情格外书畅。",1.0,0.2 +e30b7e61-8c83-4048-b055-9fb07ffdbbd2,"Amidst the vibrant market of Paris, the aroma of freshly baked croissants mingled with the rich scent of coffee as people from all walks of life gathered to shop, chat, and savor the city's lively atmosphere. The sun, casting golden rays through the towering Eiffel Tower, painted the cobblestone streets with a warm glow. Among the bustling crowd, there was an elderly couple holding hands, their eyes twinkling with love as they reminisced about their own adventures in this beautiful city. Children ran helter-skelter, their laughter echoing through the narrow alleyways, while vendors called out their wares in a melodic French accent, enticing passersby to indulge in their culinary delights. It was a perfect snapshot of Parisian life, where every corner held a story waiting to be told."," Amidst the vibrant market of Paris, the aroma of freshly baked croissants mingled with the rich scent of coffee, as people from all walks of life gathered to shop, chat, and savor the city's lively atmosphere, the sun casting golden rays through the towering, ifletower, painted the cobblestone streets with a warm glow, among the bustling crowd, there was an elderly couple holding hands, their eyes twinkling with love, as they reminisced about their own adventures, in this beautiful city, children ran Halterskeltar, thereafter echoing through the narrow alleyways, while vendors called out their wares in a melodic French accent, enticing passes by to indulge in their culinary delights, it was a perfect snapshot of Parisian life, where every corner held a story waiting to be told.",0.15625,0.03783102143757881 +0557fcba-fed7-4a4e-808a-fed2ee93ded0,"With the sun just beginning to rise over the horizon, Sarah stepped out of her cozy apartment and into the vibrant morning air. She took a deep breath, feeling the cool breeze against her face, and began her daily jog along the waterfront path. The early birds were already out, their chirping adding to the symphony of nature that welcomed her new day. As she passed by the local park, children playing and parents watching, she felt a sense of peace wash over her. By the time she reached the end of the path, her heart was full not only of exercise but also of the simple joys of living in this bustling city."," With the sun just beginning to rise over the horizon, Sarah stepped out of her cozy apartment and into the vibrant morning air. She took a deep breath, feeling the cool breeze against her face, and began her daily jog along the waterfront path. The early birds were already out. They're chirping adding to the symphony of nature that welcomed her new day. As she passed by the local park, children playing and parents watching, she felt a sense of peace wash over her. By the time she reached the end of the path, her heart was full not only of exercise but also of the simple joys of living in this bustling city.",0.017543859649122806,0.008169934640522876 +939337fb-fb16-4916-8135-14180e718078,その日、朝日が昇るのを待って彼女は庭に出て、新しい一日に向けて静かに深呼吸をしました。木々の葉に散らばる朝露が、心地よい冷たさを運んでいました。彼女は自分の小さな菜園を見回し、何種類かの野菜が育っているのを見て嬉しそうに笑了りました。その後、朝ごはんのために野菜を切るために厨房に向かいました。,ふざりハーリーパージニエイド虫ワイニーニー新しい一日に向けて静かに進行吸しましたキギの葉に散らばるアサロが心地をいつめたさを運んでいました彼女は自分の小さな才延を見回し何種類かの野菜が育っているのを見てブレッシュソウにしたりましたその後、あそご飯のために野菜を切るために中防に向かいました,1.0,0.38095238095238093 +560bca63-e647-4b43-9efe-a4382399590e,"In the bustling city park, children played amidst the laughter and joy, while parents watched over them with a mix of pride and worry. The sound of ice cream trucks called out to passersby, tempting them with the sweet promise of cold treats. Nearby, an elderly couple strolled hand in hand, their conversation filled with stories of the past and hopes for the future. Amidst the chaos and tranquility, it was easy to feel a sense of community and belonging."," In the bustling city park, children played amidst the laughter and joy, while parents watched over them with a mix of pride and worry, the sound of ice cream trucks called out to passers-by, tempting them with the sweet promise of cold treats. Nearby an elderly couple strolled hand in hand, their conversation filled with stories of the past and hopes for the future, amidst the chaos and tranquility, it was easy to feel a sense of community and belonging.",0.075,0.013100436681222707 +a3a0149b-1183-4dc9-9612-08d4f8283703,"As the sun began to set, painting the sky with hues of orange and pink, Sarah stepped out into the cool evening air. The gentle breeze carried the scent of blooming flowers, making her feel peaceful and content. She walked slowly along the path, enjoying the tranquility of the moment. Every step felt like a small victory, a reminder that life was full of simple joys waiting to be discovered."," As the sun began to set, painting the sky with hues of orange and pink, Sarah stepped out into the cool evening air. The gentle breeze carried the scent of blooming flowers, making her feel peaceful and content. She walked slowly along the path, enjoying the tranquility of the moment. Every step felt like a small victory, a reminder that life was full of simple joy is waiting to be discovered.",0.02857142857142857,0.005076142131979695 +758b7b06-fbd8-47c5-9d1e-52425f152dc1,今天天气格外好,小华骑着自行车去公园散步,路旁的花朵争奇斗艳,小鸟在枝头欢快地歌唱。公园里的人们有的在晨练,有的在悠闲地聊天,还有的带着孩子放风筝。小华觉得这一天过得特别有意义,充满了生活的乐趣。,"今天天气格外好。小华旗这自行车去公园散步。路旁的花朵蒸奇豆叶,小鸟在汁头欢快地歌唱。公园里的人们有的在沉烈,有的在优弦地聊天,还有的带着孩子放风整。小华觉得这一天过得特别有意义,充满了生活的乐趣。",1.0,0.17346938775510204 +832973a8-b7a5-4d59-8ec4-e71e35daa6ba,"In the small town square, children laughed and played as their parents chatted nearby. The sun peeked through the trees, casting golden shadows on the cobblestone path."," In the small town square, children laughed and played as their parents chatted nearby. The sun peeked through the trees, casting golden shadows on the cobblestone path.",0.0,0.0 +4c7aa436-0b46-4556-a475-5afd24e3b6f1,その日の夕方、田中さんは公園で散歩をしていた。木々の間から差し込む夕日が静かに舞い、彼の心を落ち着かせた。子供たちが遊ぶ音や鳥のさえずりが混ざり合い、空気は優しくなった。彼はベンチに腰掛け、手元の本を眺めていた。時にはページをめくったり、時折声を上げて笑ったりする。この時間が、彼にとって特別なものだった。,その日の夕方、田中さんは公園で散歩していた木木の間から差し込む夕日が静かにまい彼の心を落ち着かせた子どもたちが遊ぶ音や鳥のサイズリが混ざり合い空気は優しくなった彼はベンチに越しかけ、手元の本を眺めていた時にはページをめくったり時よりごえを上げて笑ったりするこの時間が彼にとって特別なものだった,1.0,0.16993464052287582 +d337827c-5c95-4440-a425-04e3bebec6e3,"Lundi matin, alors que le soleil commençait à pointer le bout de son nez, Marie monta sur son vélo pour aller au travail. La route était longue mais elle aimait cette promenade matinale qui la rafraîchissait avant de commencer sa journée. Elle passa devant des petits magasins pittoresques, chaque détail ajoutant une touche de couleur à sa routine. Au détour d'un virage, elle aperçut un bouquet de fleurs sauvages dans un coin sombre de la rue. Intriguée, elle s'arrêta pour observer attentivement ces pétales colorés, sentant son cœur battre plus fort à l'idée de découvrir ce qui poussait dans cet endroit éloigné des sentiers battus. En rentrant chez elle, elle s'empressa de préparer un petit déjeuner léger, savourant chaque gorgée de café tout en se demandant ce qui poussait dans ce coin caché de la ville."," L'on dit matin, alors que le soleil commençait à pointer le bout de son eau, Marie monta sur son vélo pour aller au travail. La route était longue, mais allait m'est cette promenade matinale qu'il a rafraîchissé avant de commencer sa journée. Elle passait devant des petits magasins pittoresques, chaque détail ajoutant une touche de couleur à sa routine. Au détour d'un virage, elle a perçu un bouquet de fleurs sauvages dans un coin sombre de la rue. Intrigué, elle s'arrêtait à pour observer attentivement ses pétales colorées, sans tant son cœur battre plus fort à l'idée de découvrir ce qui poussait dans cet endroit éloigné des centiers battus. En rentrant chez elle, elle s'en présa de préparer un petit déjeuner léger, sa vourant chaque gorge et de café tout en se demandant ce qui poussait dans ce coin caché de la ville.",0.19117647058823528,0.05521472392638037 +39507f3b-85e9-4746-9ace-ce4f95dcf1f2,"Le soleil couchant éclairait la vieille maison en pierre du quartier, projetant des ombres chatoyantes sur le petit jardin bordé de fleurs multicolores. Marie souriait en observant ses enfants jouer à cache-cache dans les allées entre les plantes. Elle se rappelait souvent de son enfance passée ici, heureuse et libre comme une poule aux abois. La chaleur du jour commençait à faiblir, mais la paix de cette demeure restait intacte, apaisante comme un berceau de tendresse."," Le soleil couchant éclairait la vieille maison, en clair du quartier. Projetant des ombres chatoillantes sur le petit jardin bordé de fleurs multicolores, Marie souria en observant ses enfants joués à cash-câche dans les allées entre les plantes. Elle se rappelait souvent de son enfance passé ici. Heureuse, et libre comme une poule aux abois, la chaleur du jour commençait à fêblier. Mais la paix de cette demeure restait intacte. Apaisante comme un berceau de tendresse.",0.23684210526315788,0.06751054852320675 +aa906a1d-ffa2-4678-9d75-c3a38644f6c7,朝日が昇るにつれて、私は目を覚ますと同時に、新たな一日が始まるという予感に胸が高鳴ります。風が心地よく肌をなでてきますが、それはただの始まりの季節の訪れを告げるだけではありません。この町は私にとって未知なる世界であり、日々新しい発見をもたらします。歩くたびに、この瞬間を大切に感じることができるのは、私にとって本当に幸運なことです。,朝日が登るに連れて、私は目を覚ますと同時に、新たな一日が始まるという予感に、胸が高なります。風がここちよく肌をなでてきますが、それはただの始まりの季節の訪れをつけるだけではありません。この街は、私にとって、道なる世界であり、日々新しい発見をもたらします。歩くたびに、この瞬間を大切に感じることができるのは、私にとって、本当に幸運なことです。,1.0,0.08433734939759036 +fc96a496-77d0-46ef-883b-00aef2edbe07,"Le matin était doux et paisible, une atmosphère qui réveillait l'esprit et l'âme. J'avais pris le temps de me préparer avec soin, portant une robe légère et des escarpins élégants. En sortant de chez moi, j'avais ressenti une énergie positive qui semblait vouloir me porter vers de nouveaux horizons. La vue du parc où je me dirigeais était ravissante, les fleurs en fleur et les oiseaux chantant joyeusement. Je me sentais légère et prête à affronter cette journée pleine de possibilités."," Le matin était doux et paisible. Une atmosphère qui réveillait l'esprit et l'âme. J'avais pris le temps de me préparer avec soin, portant une robe légère et des escarpins élégants. En sortant de chez moi, j'avais ressenti une énergie positive qui semblait vouloir me porter vers de nouveaux horizons. La vue du parc où je me dirigeais était ravissante, les fleurs en fleurs et les oiseaux chante en joyeusement. Je me sentais légère et prête à affronter cette journée pleine de possibilités.",0.06172839506172839,0.014314928425357873 +4afee0fb-850e-4f82-9792-63a10028cfaa,"As the sun began to rise, casting golden beams over the sleepy town, Sarah stepped out onto her porch, feeling the cool morning air on her skin. She took a deep breath, savoring the freshness of the day, and then set off on her daily walk through the park. The birds were already singing their morning songs, and the gentle rustling of leaves added to the serene atmosphere. Sarah enjoyed the quiet, letting her mind wander as she admired the vibrant colors of the flowers and the lush greenery around her."," As the sun began to rise casting golden beams over the sleepy town, Sarah stepped out onto her porch, feeling the cool morning air on her skin. She took a deep breath, savoring the freshness of the day, and then set off on her daily walk through the park. The birds were already singing their morning songs, and the gentle rustling of leaves added to the serene atmosphere. Sarah enjoyed the quiet, letting her mind wander as she admired the vibrant colors of the flowers and the lush greenery around her.",0.01098901098901099,0.001976284584980237 +366c692f-3644-4a05-a537-ce42e839fb88,"With the sun beginning its descent behind the horizon, Sarah walked through the bustling city streets, her mind already planning the evening's events. The aroma of freshly baked bread wafted from a nearby bakery, mingling with the sounds of laughter and chatter from the cafes. Each step brought her closer to the quaint little café she had been eyeing for weeks, where she hoped to meet an old friend and perhaps even find a new one. As she approached, she couldn't help but feel a sense of anticipation mixed with nervous excitement."," with the sun beginning its descent behind the horizon. Sarah walked through the bustling city streets, her mind already planning the evening's events, the aroma of freshly baked bread, wafted from a nearby bakery, mingling with the sounds of laughter and chatter from the cafes. Each step brought her closer to the quaint little cafe she had been eyeing for weeks, where she hoped to meet an old friend and perhaps even find a new one. As she approached, she couldn't help but feel a sense of anticipation, mixed with nervous excitement.",0.07608695652173914,0.013084112149532711 +b9673017-a1db-49d7-8a2d-0eeff76f6c08,朝日が昇り始め、静かな街並みが一軒一軒に光を浴びる顷、私たちはいつも散歩を楽しんでいます。公園のベンチで読書したり、子供たちと遊んだりするのも好きです。この景色は私たちにとって特別な時間を作り出します。また、近くの市場で美味しい朝食を食べることも楽しみの一つです。時には、友人たちとランチをとりながら話すことも多く、心温まる時間となります。,朝日が登り始め、静かな街並が一見一見に光を浴びるちん、私たちはいつも散歩を楽しんでいます。公園のベンチで読書したり、子どもたちと遊んだりするのも好きです。この景色は、私たちにとって特別な時間を作り出します。また、近くの一場でおいしい調食を食べることも楽しみの一つです。ときには、有人たちとランチを取りながら話すことも多く、心温まる時間となります。,1.0,0.1 +625c676a-5220-4750-bb71-db311c156e81,"On a sunny morning, Sarah stepped out of her cozy apartment and into the vibrant street life of the city. The air was filled with the gentle hum of traffic and the cheerful chatter of people hurrying to their destinations. As she walked, she noticed the colorful flowers lining the sidewalks and the friendly faces of the locals. Sarah felt a sense of belonging, knowing that this bustling place was home. She smiled, feeling grateful for every small detail that made her day special."," On a sunny morning, Sarah stepped out of her cozy apartment and into the vibrant street life of the city. The air was filled with the gentle hum of traffic and the cheerful chatter of people hurrying to their destinations. As she walked, she noticed the colorful flowers lining the sidewalks and the friendly faces of the locals. Sarah felt a sense of belonging knowing that this bustling place was home. She smiled, feeling grateful for every small detail that made her day special.",0.011904761904761904,0.002066115702479339 +086ad9b3-0bc5-42fb-9246-a6d03d1a0cbc,その日、空は澄んでいて青い雲が浮かんでいました。私は公園で朝の散歩をしていたら、小さな子供たちが手を取り合って遊んでいるのを見ました。彼らの笑顔が心に温かく響き、私の中で優しさと平和を感じさせました。公園のベンチに座り、静かな時間に浸っていました。その光景は私の心を穏やかにし、日々の小さな幸せを大切にすることの大切さを思い出させてくれました。,その日 空は住んでいて青い雲が浮かんでいました私は公園で朝の散歩していたら 小さな子どもたちが手を取り合って遊んでいるのを見ました彼らの笑顔が心に暖かく響き 私の中で優しさと平和を感じさせました公園のベンチに座り 静かな時間にひたっていましたその後景は私の心を穏やかにし 日々の小さな幸せを大切にすることの大切さを思い出させてくれました,6.0,0.10465116279069768 +318f0f81-7372-4002-bd33-d9af0f85260a,今天是周末,小华早早地起了床,准备去爬山。他穿上运动鞋,背上背包,然后沿着熟悉的山路出发了。一路上,他欣赏着周围的风景,听着鸟儿的歌唱,感觉心情格外好。爬到半山腰时,他遇到了几个同样热爱大自然的朋友,大家一起分享食物,聊着天,度过了一个愉快的下午。当夕阳西下,他们才依依不舍地下山回家。这次爬山不仅让小华锻炼了身体,也让他更加珍惜与朋友们在一起的美好时光。,"今天是周末小华早早地起了床,准备去爬山。他穿上运动鞋,背上背包,然后沿着熟悉的山路出发了。一路上他欣赏着周围的风景,听着鸟儿的歌唱,感觉心情格外好。他到半山腰时,他遇到了几个同样热爱大自然的朋友。大家一起分享食物,聊着天,度过了一个愉快的下午。当西洋西下,他们才一一步舍地下山回家。这次爬山,不仅让小华断念的身体,也让他更加珍惜与朋友们在一起的美好时光。",1.0,0.12921348314606743 +30b595f8-24d5-4d59-8f08-14a1bffe9941,今天是周末,小华早早起床,洗漱完毕后,她准备了一顿丰盛的早餐,有鸡蛋、牛奶、面包和水果。吃完早饭后,小华和家人一起去了公园散步,呼吸新鲜空气,享受美好的时光。然后,小华开始做作业,直到晚上九点才结束。最后,她还帮助妈妈整理家务,直到深夜才休息。,"今天是周末,小华早早起床,洗術完毕后,她准备了一顿风胜的早餐,有鸡蛋,牛奶面包和水果。适完早饭后,小华和家人一起去了公园散步,呼吸新鲜空气,享受美好的时光,然后小华开始做作业,直到晚上九点才结束,最后,她还帮助妈妈整理家务,直到深夜才休息。",1.0,0.1557377049180328 +b6906c8d-ca13-4a19-b911-a72374117ccd,その日、空は青く澄み渡り、風が心地よく吹き抜けていました。私は公園のベンチに座り、手には小さな本を持っています。一枚一枚の写真を眺めながら、それぞれの思い出が蘇ってきます。それは家族や友人との楽しい時や、新しい場所に出かける前日の緊張感など、日々の小さな出来事たちです。それらの写真と共に、私の心は落ち着きを取り戻します。,その日、コラは青く積み渡り、風がここちよく吹き抜けていました。私は公園のベンチに座り、手には小さな本を持っています。1枚1枚の写真を眺めながら、それぞれの思い出が読みがえてきます。それは家族や友人との楽しい時や、新しい場所に出かける前日の緊張感など、日々の小さな出来事たちです。それらの写真とともに、私の心は落ち着きを取り戻します。,1.0,0.08695652173913043 +806886ce-34fd-4e1a-8c0f-1b06dae4ad53,今天天气格外好,小华带着小狗去公园散步。他们经过了花坛,那里开满了五彩斑斓的花朵,蜜蜂和蝴蝶在花间忙碌地飞舞。走累了,他们找了一块草地坐下,小狗欢快地围着他们转圈,还不时用鼻子嗅来嗅去。小华拿出手机给小狗拍照,记录下这个美好的时刻。公园里的孩子们也加入了进来,有的在踢足球,有的在玩捉迷藏,欢声笑语充满了整个公园。,"今天天气隔外好,小华带着小狗去公园善步,他们经过了花谈,那里开满了无彩般栏的花朵,义风和湖迭,在花间忙路底飞舞,走累了,他们找了一块草地坐下,小狗欢快地围着他们赚圈,还不时用鼻子秀来秀去,小华拿出手机给小狗拍照。记录下这个美好的时刻,公园里的孩子们也加入了进来,有的在梯足球,有的在玩桌弥墙,欢声笑语充满了整个公园。",1.0,0.21656050955414013 +30258b14-dbd3-47b8-9e92-865803cac67a,今天是周末,小华早早地起床去公园跑步。公园里人不多,只有几对情侣在湖边散步,孩子们在草地上追逐玩耍。小华沿着湖边跑了一圈,呼吸着清新的空气,心情格外舒畅。回到家里,小华还计划做一顿丰盛的午餐,邀请朋友来家里聚会。晚上,小华又看了一会儿书,然后开始准备明天的工作报告。忙碌而充实的一天就这样结束了。,"今天是周末小华早早地起床去公園跑步,公園里人不多。只有几对情侣在湖边散步,孩子们在草地上追住完傻,小华沿着湖边跑了一圈,呼吸着轻轻的空气,心情格外书畅。回到家里,小华还计划做一顿风圣的午餐,邀请朋友来家里聚会,晚上,小华又看了一会儿书,然后开始准备明天的工作报告,忙碌而充实的一天就这样结束了。",1.0,0.1554054054054054 +b6c82dac-2e36-413b-a0ba-7a8af33792ff,"As the sun began to set, painting the sky in hues of orange and pink, Sarah sat on her porch, watching the world go by. The gentle rustling of leaves in the nearby trees provided a soothing background noise, and she felt a sense of peace wash over her. She took a deep breath, savoring the cool evening air, and wondered about all the adventures that might await her tomorrow."," As the sun began to set, painting the sky in hues of orange and pink, Sarah sat on her porch, watching the world go by. The gentle rustling of leaves in the nearby trees provided a soothing background noise, and she felt a sense of peace wash over her. She took a deep breath, savoring the cool evening air, and wondered about all the adventures that might await her tomorrow.",0.0,0.0 +92ca9609-90bf-434b-bbc4-62966aed2c87,"In the small town nestled among rolling hills, Sarah found herself lost in thought as she walked through the quaint streets. The vibrant colors of the blooming flowers and the soft hum of the bees provided a soothing backdrop for her contemplation. As she strolled past the local bakery, the sweet aroma of freshly baked bread wafted through the air, making her stomach growl in anticipation. Sarah decided to stop by and buy a loaf, planning to enjoy it later while sitting by the riverbank, watching the sunset paint the sky in hues of orange and pink."," In the small town nestled among rolling hills, Sarah found herself lost in thought, as she walked through the quaint streets. The vibrant colors of the blooming flowers, and the soft hum of the bees, provided a soothing backdrop for her contemplation, as she strolled past the local bakery, the sweet aroma of freshly baked bread, wafed it through the air, making her stomach growl in anticipation. Sarah decided to stop by, and buy a loaf, planning to enjoy it later, while sitting by the riverbank, watching the sunset paint the sky in hues of orange and pink.",0.10309278350515463,0.021660649819494584 +e18abd2c-c463-480f-a459-5db79b852c11,今天是周末,小华早早起床去公园散步。公园里鸟语花香,空气清新宜人。小华沿着湖边慢慢走着,欣赏着周围的美景。不远处的小山上,一群孩子正在放风筝,欢声笑语充满了整个山谷。走着走着,小华不知不觉来到了一片郁郁葱葱的树林前,树荫下凉爽宜人,小华找了一块干净的石头坐下,拿出一本书静静地阅读起来。时间仿佛在这一刻变得缓慢,让人心情愉悦。,"明天是周末,小华早早起床去公園散步。公園里鸟与花香,空气轻轻一人,小华沿着湖边慢慢走着,欣赏着周围的美景,不远出的小山上,一群孩子正在放风整,欢声笑语充满了整个山谷。走着走着,小华不知不觉来到了一片玉玉葱葱的树林前。树林下两爽一人,小华找了一块干净的石头坐下,拿出一本书,静静地月毒起来。时间仿佛在这一刻,变得缓慢,让人心情愚悦。",1.0,0.1901840490797546 +78b52f6e-29a4-487e-9d4a-800327303ec6,"As the sun began to set, painting the sky in hues of orange and pink, Sarah stepped out onto her balcony to breathe in the cool evening air. She took a deep breath, feeling the stress of the day start to melt away. The gentle rustling of leaves in the breeze provided a soothing soundtrack to her thoughts. Reflecting on the day's events, she realized how fortunate she was to have so many wonderful people in her life who lifted her spirits. As she watched the stars begin to twinkle in the darkness, she felt grateful for every moment spent with them."," As the sun began to set, painting the sky and hues of orange and pink, Sarah stepped out onto her balcony to breathe in the cool evening air. She took a deep breath, feeling the stress of the day start to melt away. The gentle rustling of leaves in the breeze provided a soothing soundtrack to her thoughts. Reflecting on the day's events, she realized how fortunate she was to have so many wonderful people in her life who lifted her spirits. As she watched the stars begin to twinkle in the darkness, she felt grateful for every moment spent with them.",0.00980392156862745,0.003616636528028933 +b7bc0a4f-a76b-4661-adfe-360a30511daf,"As the morning sun began to rise, casting a golden hue over the sleepy town, Sarah stepped out of her cozy bed, feeling the gentle warmth of the day seeping into her skin. She stretched her arms wide, enjoying the fresh air that carried the scent of blooming flowers and the distant sound of birds chirping. With a contented smile, she grabbed her coffee mug from the counter and headed towards the bustling market square, eager to start her day. Along the way, she noticed the vibrant colors of the local artwork displayed on the walls of the quaint shops, each piece telling a story of resilience and beauty. As she walked, she couldn't help but feel grateful for the simple pleasures that made her day special."," As the morning sun began to rise, casting a golden hue over the sleepy town. Sarah stepped out of her cozy bed, feeling the gentle warmth of the day seeping into her skin. She stretched her arms wide, enjoying the fresh air that carried the scent of blooming flowers and the distant sound of birds chirping. With a contented smile, she grabbed her coffee mug from the counter and headed towards the bustling market square, eager to start her day. Along the way, she noticed the vibrant colors of the local artwork displayed on the walls of the quaint shops, each piece telling a story of resilience and beauty. As she walked, she couldn't help but feel grateful for the simple pleasures that made her day special.",0.007874015748031496,0.001402524544179523 +a6f3b185-3b90-469c-95a6-26caa794285e,"As the sun began to set, casting long shadows across the garden, Sarah took a deep breath of the cool evening air. She sat on the stone bench near the pond, her mind wandering through memories of days past. The gentle lapping of water against the stones was a soothing melody, reminding her of simpler times. Sarah felt a sense of peace wash over her, a feeling that came from being surrounded by nature and the beauty it offered."," As the sun began to set, casting long shadows across the garden. Sarah took a deep breath of the cool evening air. She sat on the stone bench near the pond. Her mind wandering through memories of days passed. The gentle lapping of water against the stones was a soothing melody, reminding her of simpler times. Sarah felt a sense of peace wash over her, a feeling that came from being surrounded by nature and the beauty it offered.",0.05063291139240506,0.013953488372093023 +1c3aa55c-2649-498a-a280-55499eb4a84d,"As the sun began its slow ascent over the horizon, Sarah stepped out onto her porch, feeling the gentle breeze against her face. The morning light filtered through the trees, casting dappled shadows on the ground below. She took a deep breath, inhaling the fresh air that smelled of blooming flowers and distant sea breezes. With a contented smile, she settled onto a comfortable chair, savoring the tranquility of the moment. The sound of seagulls calling in the distance added to the peaceful ambiance, making her feel grounded and at peace with the world around her."," As the sun began its slow ascent over the horizon, Sarah stepped out onto her porch. Feeling the gentle breeze against her face, the morning light filtered through the trees. Casting dappled shadows on the ground below, she took a deep breath, inhaling the fresh air that smelled of blooming flowers and distant sea breezes, with a contented smile. She settled onto a comfortable chair, savoring the tranquility of the moment. The sound of seagulls calling in the distance, added to the peaceful ambience, making her feel grounded and at peace with the world around her.",0.14583333333333334,0.02460456942003515 +a5b4d8a7-cf14-479b-befd-a77cc5830902,その日の夕方、空は茜色に染まり始めました。彼女は公園のベンチで座り、日没を楽しみながら本を読み始めました。窓から見える古い松の木が、夕闇の中で静かに揺れています。彼女の手には本とコーヒーが置かれ、彼女はゆっくりとページをめくっていました。街灯が次第に点灯し始め、その光が木々を照らします。彼女は深呼吸をすると、明日への新しい一日が始まるのを待つことができました。,その日の夕方、空は赤ネイルに染まり始めました。彼女は公園のベンチですわり、日々を楽しみながら本を読み始めました。窓から見える古い松野木が夕闇の中で静かに入れています。彼女の手には、ほんと好費がおかれ、彼女はゆっくりとページをめくっていました。外頭が次第に転倒し始め、その光が木気を照らします。彼女は真っ黒急をすると、明日への新しい一日が始まるのを待つことができました。,1.0,0.143646408839779 +8274ab38-2e45-4ccd-a020-d6158dfba8cf,朝日が昇り始め、静かな街に静けさが戻る顷、優雅な鳥の声が聞こえてきます。私は公園のベンチで座り、朝刊を手に取ります。日々の出来事を一つずつ読み上げながら、心の中で感謝の言葉を伝えます。街の様子や人々の表情から、今日もまた新しい一日が始まるという予感を感じています。,バサヒが登り始め、静かな街に、静けさが戻る。きょん、夕がな鳥の声が聞こえてきます。私は公園のベンチで座り、 正観を手に取ります。日々の出来事を、一つずつ読み上げながら、心の中で感謝の言葉を伝えます。街の様子や人々の表情から、きょうもまた、新しい一日が始まるという予感を感じています。,2.0,0.14393939393939395 +16392315-4635-441d-a8f5-429544640edb,"As the sun began its descent below the horizon, casting long shadows across the landscape, Sarah gathered her thoughts for the final presentation of the semester. She had spent countless hours researching and preparing, pouring over data and analyzing trends to craft compelling arguments. Now, standing before the room full of professors and peers, she felt both nervous and exhilarated. Each word she spoke was a testament to her dedication and hard work, but also a chance to leave a lasting impression on those who would judge her efforts. Sarah took a deep breath, opened her laptop, and began her presentation, determined to make a strong impact."," As the sun began its descent below the horizon, casting long shadows across the landscape, Sarah gathered her thoughts for the final presentation of the semester. She had spent countless hours researching and preparing, pouring over data and analyzing trends to craft compelling arguments. Now, standing before the room full of professors and peers, she felt both nervous and exhilarated. Each word she spoke was a testament to her dedication and hard work, but also a chance to leave a lasting impression on those who would judge her efforts. Sarah took a deep breath, opened her laptop, and began her presentation, determined to make a strong impact.",0.0,0.0 +5e668c44-89df-424d-8835-9ec4bd4bad6c,"As the sun began to set, casting long shadows across the field, Sarah took a deep breath of the fresh evening air. She felt a sense of peace wash over her as she walked along the edge of the meadow, listening to the soft rustling of leaves and the distant chirping of crickets."," As the sun began to set, casting long shadows across the field, Sarah took a deep breath of the fresh evening air. She felt a sense of peace wash over her, as she walked along the edge of the meadow, listening to the soft rustling of leaves, and the distant chirping of crickets.",0.03773584905660377,0.007220216606498195 +e892473f-d897-43df-8ff0-4cd0c176596f,"As the sun began its descent towards the horizon, casting a golden glow over the city, Sarah took a deep breath, feeling a mix of excitement and anticipation for the day ahead. She knew today would be different; something significant was about to unfold. With a determined stride, she headed towards the office building, her mind already racing with ideas and plans. The streets were bustling with people hurrying to their destinations, but Sarah felt a sense of calm amidst the chaos, knowing that whatever challenges lay ahead, she was ready to face them head-on."," As the sun began its descent towards the horizon, casting a golden glow over the city. Sarah took a deep breath, feeling a mix of excitement and anticipation for the day ahead. She knew today would be different. Something significant was about to unfold. With a determined stride, she headed towards the office building. Her mind already racing with ideas and plans. The streets were bustling with people hurrying to their destinations, but Sarah felt a sense of calm amidst the chaos, knowing that whatever challenges lay ahead. She was ready to face them head on.",0.09473684210526316,0.01415929203539823 +4e0711ca-5ee0-4a17-87f7-375791666c50,その日、青空の下で散歩を楽しむ二人の子供たち。彼女は小さな手を彼の手に絡め、彼は彼女の肩を優しくなでる。彼らは公園のベンチで休んでおり、木々の間から降り注ぐ太陽の光が彼らの顔を温かく照らしている。彼女は大きな声で歌い始め、その歌声は静かな公園に響き渡った。そして、その幸せな瞬間を共有する二人の親も近くに座って、息を潜めてその様子を見守っていた。,なあその日青空の下で三方楽しむ二人の子供たち彼女は小さな手を彼の手に絡め 彼は彼女の方を優しくなでる彼らは公園のベンチで休んでおり木木の間から降り注ぐ太陽の光が彼らの顔を暖かく照らしている彼女は大きな声で歌い始め その歌声は静かな公園に響き渡ったそしてその幸せな瞬間を共有する二人の親も近くに座って息をひそめてその様子を見守っていた,3.0,0.12138728323699421 +d20f0859-8be1-4aff-8a47-de22c27fa9ff,"With the sun just beginning to crest the horizon, Sarah stepped out onto the balcony of her apartment building, her steps echoing softly against the cool stone walls. The sky was painted with hues of pink and orange, casting a gentle glow over the city below. She took a deep breath, inhaling the fresh morning air that carried the scent of blooming flowers and distant coffee shops. With a contented smile, she turned towards the bustling streets, ready to embrace another day filled with new adventures and unexpected encounters."," With the sun just beginning to crest the horizon, Sarah stepped out onto the balcony of her apartment building. Her steps echoing softly against the cool stone walls. The sky was painted with hues of pink and orange, casting a gentle glow over the city below. She took a deep breath, inhaling the fresh morning air that carried the scent of blooming flowers and distant coffee shops. With a contented smile, she turned towards the bustling streets, ready to embrace another day, filled with new adventures and unexpected encounters.",0.033707865168539325,0.005649717514124294 +508d0980-c6e8-495c-859b-9f8514bca817,"With the sun just beginning to rise above the horizon, Sarah stepped out of her cozy bed and into the early morning light filtering through her window. The air was crisp and filled with the promise of a new day ahead. She stretched her arms wide, feeling the cool breeze against her skin as she made her way to the kitchen. There, amidst the clinking of dishes and the aroma of freshly brewed coffee, she began her daily routine, starting with a quick breakfast and then heading out to tackle the challenges of the day. Each step she took led her closer to her goals, driven by the determination to make the most of every moment."," With the sun just beginning to rise above the horizon, Sarah stepped out of her cozy bed, and into the early morning light, filtering through her window. The air was crisp and filled with the promise of a new day ahead. She stretched her arms wide, feeling the cool breeze against her skin as she made her way to the kitchen. There, amidst the clinking of dishes and the aroma of freshly brewed coffee, she began her daily routine, starting with a quick breakfast and then heading out to tackle the challenges of the day. Each step she took let her closer to her goals, driven by the determination to make the most of every moment.",0.02586206896551724,0.0047694753577106515 +d96330c5-8d2a-416d-a0f2-c422b1ac3c31,"With the sun just beginning to rise over the horizon, Sarah stepped out onto her balcony, feeling the cool morning breeze brush against her skin. The sky was painted in hues of orange and pink, casting a gentle glow over the city below. She took a deep breath, inhaling the fresh air mixed with the scent of blooming flowers and distant coffee shops. As she gazed out at the bustling streets, she couldn't help but feel grateful for this moment, for the simple pleasure of being alive and present. Sarah planned to spend the day exploring new neighborhoods, trying local cuisine, and perhaps even meeting some friendly locals. Every step she took felt like a journey towards self-discovery and adventure."," With the sun, just beginning to rise over the horizon, Sarah stepped out onto her balcony, feeling the cool morning breeze brush against her skin. The sky was painted in hues of orange and pink, casting a gentle glow over the city below. She took a deep breath, inhaling the fresh air mixed with the scent of blooming flowers and distant coffee shops. As she gazed out at the bustling streets, she couldn't help but feel grateful for this moment, for the simple pleasure of being alive and present. Sarah planned to spend the day exploring new neighborhoods, trying local cuisine, and perhaps even meeting some friendly locals. Every step she took felt like a journey towards self-discovery and adventure.",0.008333333333333333,0.0014204545454545455 +8afd828f-c1a9-4984-bf3c-058418ebd197,"Quelques jours plus tard, alors que le soleil commençait à décliner, j'ai décidé de me rendre dans la vieille ville pour y découvrir des lieux que je n'avais jamais visités auparavant. En traversant les ruelles étroites et pavées, j'ai croisé de nombreuses personnes aux visages colorés et aux costumes traditionnels. Chaque échoppe animée, chaque marché aux fruits et légumes, chaque boutique de bijoux et de souvenirs ont attiré mon attention. Je me suis arrêté devant une petite librairie où le propriétaire, un homme âgé aux cheveux blancs, m'a invité à entrer. Il m'a parlé longuement des livres anciens qu'il avait, racontant leurs histoires et leurs aventures. Lorsque je suis sorti de sa librairie, la journée s'était déjà faite tardive, mais j'avais déjà trouvé un nouvel ami et une nouvelle source d'inspiration."," Quelques jours plus tard, alors que le soleil commençait à décliner, j'ai décidé de me rendre dans la vieille ville, pour y découvrir des lieux que je n'avais jamais visité au paravant. En traversant les ruelles étroites et pavées, j'ai croisé de nombreuses personnes au visage coloré et au costume traditionnel. Chaque échope animée, chaque marché au fruit et légume, chaque boutique de bijoux et de souvenirs ont attiré mon attention. Je me suis arrêté devant une petite libérie ou le propriétaire, un omageé au cheveux blanc, m'invitaient à entrer. Il m'a parlé longuement des livres anciens qu'il avait, racontant leurs histoires et leurs aventures. Lorsque je suis sorti de sa libérie, la journée s'était déjà fait tardive, mais j'avais déjà trouvé un nouvel ami et une nouvelle source d'inspiration.",0.183206106870229,0.043795620437956206 +4846c9c3-95b1-4b63-89ae-0867a27e6736,"As the morning sun began to rise over the horizon, casting a warm glow across the sleepy town, Sarah took a deep breath of fresh air. The streets were still quiet, with only the occasional car passing by, its engine purring softly. She walked slowly, her feet sinking into the soft grass of the park, feeling the coolness beneath her. The birds chirped happily, their melodies weaving through the trees overhead. Sarah smiled, feeling a sense of peace wash over her. She continued walking, her mind wandering as she thought about all the wonderful things that awaited her throughout the day."," As the morning sun began to rise over the horizon, casting a warm glow across the sleepy town. Sarah took a deep breath of fresh air. The streets were still quiet, with only the occasional car passing by. Its engine purring softly. She walked slowly, her feet sinking into the soft grass of the park, feeling the coolness beneath her. The birds chirped happily, their melodies weaving through the trees overhead. Sarah smiled, feeling a sense of peace wash over her. She continued walking, her mind wandering as she thought about all the wonderful things that awaited her throughout the day.",0.0297029702970297,0.005076142131979695 +797e12d4-2a03-4520-9400-7a8f72adacf2,"With the sun barely peeking over the horizon, Sarah strolled through the bustling city park, her footsteps echoing softly on the cracked concrete pathways. The morning mist clung to the tall trees, casting an ethereal glow over everything it touched. She paused at a small pond where ducks paddled lazily, their reflections dancing gracefully on the water's surface. Sarah felt a sense of peace wash over her, a rare moment of tranquility in the midst of the chaos of the city. As she continued walking, she noticed a group of children playing frisbee, their laughter mingling with the distant sound of car horns and the occasional honk from taxis weaving through the crowded streets. Sarah smiled, grateful for this fleeting escape from the noise and hurried pace of modern life."," With the sun barely peeking over the horizon, Sarah stroll through the bustling city park, her footsteps echoing softly on the cracked concrete pathways. The morning mist clung to the tall trees, casting an ethereal glow over everything it touched. She paused at a small pond where ducks paddled lazily, their reflections dancing gracefully on the water's surface. Sarah felt a sense of peace wash over her, a rare moment of tranquility in the midst of the chaos of the city. As she continued walking, she noticed a group of children playing frisbee, their laughter mingling with the distant sound of car horns and the occasional honk from taxis weaving through the crowded streets. Sarah smiled, grateful for this fleeting escape from the noise and hurried pace of modern life.",0.007692307692307693,0.002564102564102564 +2befa25c-5dda-4f60-bae3-4933cfbd9cc4,"Le ciel est d'un bleu intense et limpide, tellement pur qu'il semble qu'on puisse y voir à travers. La brise légère caresse doucement mes cheveux, apportant avec elle une fraîcheur qui apaise mon âme. Je marche lentement dans le jardin familial, chaque racine humide sous mes pieds me rappelle des souvenirs anciens et des moments de paix. Les feuilles d'été frémissent sous le soleil chaud, créant une symphonie naturelle qui résonne dans mon cœur. Ce jour est une invitation à laisser mon esprit vagabonder librement, à chercher l'inspiration dans chaque détail de la nature environnante."," Le ciel est d'un bleu intense et l'impide, tellement pur qu'il semble qu'on puisse y voir à travers. La brise légère carèses doucement mes cheveux, apportant avec elle une fraîcheur qui apaisse mon âme. Je marche lentement dans le jardin familial, chaque racine humide sous mes pieds, me rappelle des souvenirs anciens et des moments de paix. Les feuilles d'été freinises sous le soleil chaud, créant une symphonie naturelle qui résonne dans mon coeur. Ce jour est une invitation à laisser mon esprit vagabondé librement, à chercher l'inspiration dans chaque détail de la nature environnant.",0.08421052631578947,0.0288135593220339 +5ce209a1-be58-4bf1-823d-6e1d02cf099b,"Le ciel est d'un bleu profond aujourd'hui, tellement pur qu'il semble vouloir capturer tout ce qui passe sous ses yeux. Les oiseaux chantent joyeusement autour de moi, leur musique emplissant l'air de fraîcheur et de légèreté. Je marche lentement dans la forêt, chaque racine sous mes pieds et chaque brin d'herbe sur mon passage me rappellent l'importance de la nature et de son équilibre fragile. La brise légère caresse ma peau, apportant avec elle des parfums exotiques provenant de plantes rares que je ne peux identifier précisément. Tout cela contribue à faire de cet instant une véritable merveille, une expérience sensorielle inoubliable qui me ramène à moi-même et à la beauté simple de la vie."," Le ciel est d'un bleu profond aujourd'hui, tellement pure qu'il semble vouloir capturer tout ce qui passe sous ses yeux. Les oiseaux chante joyeusement autour de moi, leur musique emplissant l'air de fraîcheurs et de légertés. Je marche lentement dans la forêt, chaque racine sous mes pieds et chaque brindère de sur mon passage me rappelle l'importance de la nature et de son équilibre fragile. La brise légère caresse mapeau, apportant avec elle des parfums exotiques provenant de plantes rares que je ne peux identifier précisément. Tout cela contribue à faire de cet instant une véritable merveille, une expérience sensorielle inoubliable qui me ramène à moi-même et à la beauté simple de la vie.",0.0782608695652174,0.02130681818181818 +a0a6feef-9766-458e-987a-ec582a5ce4ad,"As the sun began its descent behind the horizon, casting long shadows across the bustling city streets, Sarah took a deep breath and prepared herself for the long drive home. The traffic was heavy, but she managed to find a spot on the shoulder of the road to pull over and stretch her legs. She glanced out the window at the passing scenery—buildings towering above, people hurrying to their destinations, and the occasional car zipping past like a blur. After a few minutes, she restarted her car and continued her journey, feeling a mix of exhaustion and determination as she navigated through the evening rush hour."," As the sun began its descent behind the horizon casting long shadows across the bustling city streets, Sarah took a deep breath and prepared herself for the long drive home. The traffic was heavy, but she managed to find a spot on the shoulder of the road to pull over and stretch her legs. She glanced out the window at the passing scenery, buildings towering above people hurrying to their destinations, and the occasional cars zipping past like a blur. After a few minutes she restarted her car and continued her journey, feeling a mix of exhaustion and determination as she navigated through the evening rush hour.",0.05660377358490566,0.009693053311793215 +d3b44237-1621-4aaf-8004-cdf58336cd67,"As the sun began to set, painting the sky in hues of orange and pink, Sarah took a deep breath and stepped out onto the balcony of her apartment building. The cool evening breeze carried the faint scent of blooming flowers from the nearby park. She leaned against the railing, watching the city lights slowly come to life, each one adding its own unique sparkle to the growing spectacle above. Sarah felt a sense of calm wash over her, and for a moment, she forgot about the stresses of her daily routine. Instead, she focused on the beauty of the world around her, grateful for even these small moments of serenity."," As the sun began to set, painting the sky and hues of orange and pink, Sarah took a deep breath and stepped out onto the balcony of her apartment building. The cool evening breeze carried the faint scent of blooming flowers from the nearby park. She leaned against the railing, watching the city lights slowly come to life, each one adding its own unique sparkle to the growing spectacle above. Sarah felt a sense of calm wash over her, and for a moment, she forgot about the stresses of her daily routine. Instead, she focused on the beauty of the world around her, grateful for even these small moments of serenity.",0.009009009009009009,0.003246753246753247 +ba44179b-a947-493f-b463-eb3520fd081e,"Dans la petite ville de Saint-Étienne, où chaque rue cache ses secrets et chaque maison sa propre histoire, j'ai toujours aimé me perdre dans ses ruelles étroites. Les sons du quotidien y sont si forts, mêlés à ceux des oiseaux qui chantent dans les arbres. Lorsque le soleil se couche et que la lumière de la soirée enveloppe tout autour, je me sens particulièrement proche de cette terre qui m'a accueillie avec tant de chaleur. À chaque fois que je traverse le marché aux fleurs, j'essaie de capturer la magie de ces plantes en pleine floraison, leur beauté et leur fraîcheur qui semblent me dire quelque chose d'important à propos de la vie et de l'amour."," la petite ville de Saint-Étienne où chaque rue cache ses secrets et chaque maison sa propre histoire, j'ai toujours aimé me perdre dans ces ruelles et cette tête-roite. Les sons du quotidien ils sont si fort. Mêlés à ceux des oiseaux qui chante dans les arbres. Lorsque le soleil se couche et que la lumière de la soirée enveloppe tout autour, je me sens particulièrement proche de cette terre qui m'a accueilli avec temps de chaleur. À chaque fois que je traverse le marché au fleur, j'essaie de capturer la magie de ses plantes en pleine floraison, leur beauté et leur fraîcheur qui semble me dire quelque chose d'important à propos de la vie et de l'amour.",0.13793103448275862,0.05918057663125948 +e5fd81a0-37c0-4dd0-a11c-bd18e70ceeee,今天天气非常不错,小明早早地起了床,准备去公园晨跑。他穿上了舒适的运动鞋,洗漱完毕后,就沿着熟悉的路线出发了。公园里已经有几位晨练的人了,他们有的在做伸展运动,有的在慢跑,还有的在打太极拳。小明一边跑步一边欣赏着周围的风景,心情格外愉快。跑完步后,他在长椅上坐下来,拿出手机查看了一下今天的新闻,然后决定去附近的咖啡馆喝杯咖啡,享受一下悠闲的午后时光。,"今天天气非常不错,小明早早地起了床,准备去公园城跑。他穿上了舒适的运动鞋,洗術完毕后就沿着熟悉的路线出发了。公园里已经有几位沉练的人了。他们有的在座生展运动,有的在漫跑,还有的在打太极权,小明一边跑步一边欣赏着周围的风景,心情格外愉快。好玩不后,他在常以上坐下来,拿出手机查看了一下今天的新闻,然后决定去附近的咖啡馆喝杯咖啡,享受一下悠闲的五后时光。",1.0,0.14772727272727273 +cb88f883-f44a-4267-9bd4-23c4c858089b,"As the morning sun began to rise, casting its golden rays over the sleepy town, Sarah stepped out onto her porch, feeling the cool morning breeze against her skin. She took a deep breath, inhaling the fresh scent of blooming flowers and dewy grass. With a cup of coffee in hand, she sat down to start her day, planning to visit her elderly neighbor who had been particularly kind to her over the years. The bustling city life would soon begin, but for now, it was just Sarah and the peacefulness of her small corner of the world."," As the morning sun began to rise, casting its golden rays over the sleepy town, Sarah stepped out onto her porch, feeling the cool morning breeze against her skin. She took a deep breath, inhaling the fresh scent of blooming flowers, and do egress. With a cup of coffee in hand, she sat down to start her day, planning to visit her elderly neighbor who had been particularly kind to her over the years. The bustling city life would soon begin, but for now it was just Sarah and the peacefulness of her small corner of the world.",0.04081632653061224,0.013232514177693762 +16df316b-1386-4f84-b443-1fedb5dfbeef,"Amis fidèles et lointains, je me souviens encore des jours heureux passés à partager rires et conversations autour de tables tapissées de velours rouge. Les promenades dans les rues pavées de Paris, les soirées passées à regarder les étoiles briller au-dessus des toits de briques, chaque instant m'est resté gravé dans la mémoire. Ces souvenirs continuent de guider ma route, me rappelant que même si la vie peut être imprévisible, elle est pleine de moments merveilleux et inoubliables."," Amis Fidet est loin t'in, je me souviens encore des jours heureux passés à partager rire et conversation autour de table tapissée de velour rouge. Les promenades dans les rues pavés de Paris les soient répassées à regarder les étoiles brillées au-dessus des toits de bric à chaque instant mais restés gravés dans la mémoire. Ces souvenirs continuent de guider ma route me rappelant que même si la vie peut être imprévisible, elle est pleine de moments merveilleux et inoubliables.",0.2564102564102564,0.06967213114754098 +c66d9328-9385-4d44-a9b8-86719c16b07a,その日、私は山の中でひとりで散歩をしていた。青い空が広がり、鳥のさえずりが耳に届く。木々の間から差し込む太陽の光は心地よく、自然と深呼吸を促す。この静かな時間は私の心を落ち着かせ、日々のストレスを忘れるのに役立つ。山の風は冷たく、しかし、それが私を清め、新たな力を与える。,その日私は山の中で一人で散歩していた青い空が広がり取りのさえずりが耳に届く木木の間から差し込む太陽の光はここちよく自然と進骨球を流すこの静かな時間は私の心を落ち着かせ日々のストレスを忘れるのに役立つ山の風は冷たくしかしそれが私を極め新たな力を与える,1.0,0.19117647058823528 +24c124af-132e-4951-9707-97223cc9ebce,"As the sun began to rise, painting the sky in hues of pink and orange, Sarah stepped out of her cozy bed and into the vibrant morning. The gentle hum of birds singing from the trees outside her window filled the air, creating a symphony of nature's awakening. She took a deep breath, feeling the cool morning breeze against her skin, and decided it was time to start her day. With a cup of freshly brewed coffee in hand, she walked towards the bustling city, eager to see what adventures lay ahead. Each step brought her closer to her destination, and soon she found herself lost in the rhythm of the city, its energy pulsing through her veins like a heartbeat."," As the sun began to rise, painting the sky and hues of pink and orange, Sarah stepped out of her cozy bed and into the vibrant morning. The gentle hum of birds singing from the trees outside her window filled the air, creating a symphony of nature's awakening. She took a deep breath, feeling the cool morning breeze against her skin, and decided it was time to start her day. With a cup of freshly brewed coffee in hand, she walked towards the bustling city, eager to see what adventures lay ahead. Each step brought her closer to her destination, and soon she found herself lost in the rhythm of the city. Its energy pulsing through her veins like a heartbeat.",0.024793388429752067,0.006051437216338881 +12791bf2-680a-45df-aadb-8d0c166a715d,"Le soleil couchant éclairait doucement la maison de pierre de Jeanne, créant des ombres chatoyantes sur le sol de terre battue. Au loin, les vaches retardaient leur retour vers le fermage, se reposant paisiblement sous les arbres ombrageux. Jeanne sourit en pensant à l'odeur familière du fromage frais râpé, une véritable symphonie pour ses sens. Elle rangea son balai dans l'angle sombre de la cuisine, prête à se préparer un repas léger avant de rejoindre sa famille pour le dîner."," Le soleil couchant et clair édoucement la maison de Pierre de Jan, créant des ombres chatoillantes sur le sol de Terbatu. Au loin, les vaches retardaient leur retour vers le fermage, se reposant paisiblement sous les arbres hombrajeux. Jan sourit en pensant à l'odeur familière du fromage frais rapé, une véritable symphonie pour ses sens. Elle rangera son balais dans l'angle sombre de la cuisine, prête à se préparer un repas léger avant de rejoindre sa famille pour le dîner.",0.1625,0.05785123966942149 +c5feba63-4b45-4fa3-973a-6704d72c714c,その日、青空の下で散歩を楽しんだ後、家に帰ると夕食の準備を手伝いました。妻は私に料理の手伝いを頼んでくれたので、私は野菜を洗い、調理器具を洗いました。その後、妻が作り始めたお料理を手伝いながら、家族との時間を過ごすことができました。そして、夕食が完成すると、みんなで団らんを楽しみました。,その日青空の下で三坪を楽しんだと家に帰ると優職の準備を手伝いましたつまは私に料理の手伝いを頼んでくれたので私は野菜を洗い張り器具を洗いましたその後つまが作り始めた料理を手伝いながら家族との時間を過ごすことができましたそして優職が完成するとみんなで段々を楽しみました,1.0,0.1875 +bab9ee67-3593-4300-9084-bcbeca6a1e06,二月の風が心に優しく吹き渡る中、春の訪れを告げる桜の花びらが舞い落ちています。この季節の移ろいは時折、私の中で新しい希望を育みます。街角で出会った老人が手に持っている小さな手ぬぐいに目を奪われ、その温かさと繊細さに胸が温かくなります。そして、その手ぬぐいの色は、私が大切にしている全ての思い出を象徴しています。,2月の風が心に優しく吹き渡る中、春の訪れを告げる桜の花びらが舞い落ちています。この季節の移ろういは、時より私の中で新しい希望を補助見ます。街角で出会った老人が手に持っている小さな手のぐいに目を奪われ。その温かさと戦載さに胸が温かくなります。そしてその手のぐいの色は、私が大切にしている全ての思い出を象徴しています。,1.0,0.09032258064516129 +3a6e0b26-715c-437d-b035-0f66d6012342,"With the sun just beginning to crest the horizon, casting a golden glow over the sleepy town, Sarah stepped out onto her porch. The air was crisp and invigorating, carrying with it the scent of fresh-cut grass and blooming flowers. She took a deep breath, letting the morning's promise fill her lungs. Today was going to be different; today was the day she would finally make a decision about her future. Sarah had been contemplating this for weeks, weighing the pros and cons of various options. She knew what she wanted but felt uncertain about how to proceed. Each step she took towards making a choice brought her closer to clarity, even if it meant facing the unknown."," with the sun just beginning to crest the horizon. Casting a golden glow over the sleepy town, Sarah stepped out onto her porch. The air was crisp and invigorating, carrying with it the scent of fresh cut grass and blooming flowers. She took a deep breath, letting the mornings promise fill her lungs. Today was going to be different. Today was the day she would finally make a decision about her future. Sarah had been contemplating this for weeks, weighing the pros and cons of various options. She knew what she wanted, but felt uncertain about how to proceed. Each step she took towards making a choice brought her closer to clarity, even if it meant facing the unknown.",0.07627118644067797,0.01188707280832095 +2606f1ae-3a85-48fa-b202-a1e4b7c3cc49,この春、桜の花が咲き始めると、私は毎日公園で過ごす時間を楽しみにしています。その美しい景色は私の心を和ませ、一日を始めるのに最適な場所です。また、親しい友人たちと過ごす時間も大切で、一緒にランチをしたり、お茶を飲んだりしながら、お互いの近況を話し合うことも多いです。そして、私が最も大切にしていることは、日々の小さな幸せを喜び、感謝することです。,この春、桜の花が先始めると、私は毎日公園で過ごす時間を楽しみにしています。その美しい景色は、私の心を名ごませ、一日を始めるのに最適な場所です。また、親しい友人たちと過ごす時間も大切で、一緒にランチをしたり、お茶を飲んだりしながら、お互いの勤強を話し合うことも多いです。そして、私が最も大切にしていることは、日々の小さな幸せを喜び、感謝することです。,1.0,0.04046242774566474 +8b5be9b8-d693-4afe-a81e-62c2e1f44bae,今天天气格外好,小华和朋友们一起去公园玩。他们先去了儿童游乐区,孩子们在那里尽情地奔跑和玩耍,笑声不断。然后他们来到了湖边,小华提议划船,大家一致同意。他们租了一条小船,在湖面上荡漾,欣赏着周围的美景。划船回来后,他们在草地上野餐,分享了各自带来的美食。夕阳西下,天边染上了金红色的晚霞,小华的朋友提议一起唱首歌,大家一起唱起了《我和我的祖国》,那一刻,大家都感到无比的幸福和满足。,"今天天气隔外好,小华和朋友们一起去公园玩。他们先去了儿童游乐区,孩子们在那里进行的分考和玩耍,笑声不断。然后他们来到了湖边,小华提议华传,大家一致同意,他们租了一条小传,在湖面上档样,经常着周围的美景。华传回来后,他们在草地上野餐,分享了各自带来的美食。西洋西下,今天染上了金红色的碗匣,小华的朋友提议,一起唱首歌,大家一起唱起了我和我的祖国。那一刻,大家都感到无比的幸福和满足。",1.0,0.20418848167539266 +9782b374-2c46-4db9-922f-fd52d2f9ec77,朝日が昇り、静かな街並みに光が差し込む。今日もまた一日が始まる。公園で朝の散歩を楽しむ人々を見送りながら、明日への希望を感じる。家に帰ってから、ゆっくりと朝ごはんを食べ、本を読み、家族と過ごす時間を作ることが楽しみだ。,朝日が登り、静かな街並みに光が差し込む。今日もまた1日が始まる。公園で朝の三方を楽しむ人々を見送りながら、明日への希望を感じる、家に帰ってから、ゆっくりと朝ごはんを食べ、本を読み、家族と過ごす時間を作ることが楽しみだ。,1.0,0.045871559633027525 +4856ebc1-7b18-4e9f-8f21-580b876f09bc,その日、空は澄んでおり、風も静かでした。彼は公園で本を読むのを楽しみにしていた。彼の目の前には、小さな鳥がさえずりな��ら飛ぶ姿がありました。彼は静かにページをめくって、物語の世界に引き込まれました。公園のベンチには、他の読書者が座っていました。彼らもまた、それぞれの物語に没頭していました。彼は彼らを見下ろし、この場所が自分にとって特別な瞬間を作っていることを実感しました。,その日空は住んでおり風も静かでした 彼は公園で本を読むのを楽しみにしていた彼の目の前には小さな鳥がサイズリながら飛ぶ姿がありました彼は静かにページをめくって物語の世界に引き込まれました 公園のベンチには他の独所者が座っていました彼らもまたそれぞれの物語に冒頭していました 彼は彼らを見下ろしこの場所が自分にとって特別な瞬間を作っていることを実感しました,4.0,0.11764705882352941 +0648bc47-56e5-4259-b0fe-945b3b16d2e1,その日、朝日が昇るのを眺めながら、彼女は公園のベンチに座り、手元には古い写真集が軽く握られていた。一枚一枚の写真を見ていくと、それぞれに異なる思い出が蘇って来た。彼女はその日のことを詳しく書き始める。最初は温かい挨拶から始め、その後は日々の生活の中で起こった小さな出来事や感動を細かく描写していく。彼女のペンはページを滑らせる音が静かな公園を包み込み、彼女の言葉が読者に心に響くように丁寧に書かれている。,まもひ、朝日が登るのを眺めながら、彼女は公園のベンチに座り、手元には古い写真集が軽く握られていた、1枚1枚の写真を見ていくと、それぞれに異なる思い出が読みがえてきた。彼女はその日のことを詳しく書き始める。最初は暖かい挨拶から始め、その後は日々の生活の中で起こった小さな出来事や感動を細かく病写していく。彼女の辺はページを滑らせる音が静かな公園を包み込み、彼女の言葉が独写に心に響くように丁寧に書かれている。,1.0,0.0891089108910891 +2c0a0d70-ad74-42f1-9259-379337def7cd,"On a sunny morning, as the birds began their cheerful chirping, Sarah decided to start her day early. She grabbed her coffee and a book, heading out into the fresh air. The city streets were mostly empty, giving her a sense of peace and quiet. As she walked, she thought about all the adventures and new beginnings that awaited her throughout the day."," On a sunny morning, as the birds began their cheerful chirping, Sarah decided to start her day early. She grabbed her coffee in a book, heading out into the fresh air. The city streets were mostly empty, giving her a sense of peace and quiet. As she walked, she thought about all the adventures and new beginnings that awaited her throughout the day.",0.015873015873015872,0.005698005698005698 +48cee51f-4a91-467c-856f-4e661d84daf7,"As the sun began to set, casting long shadows across the city, Sarah took a deep breath, feeling a mix of excitement and nervousness for the upcoming presentation she had been preparing for weeks. The room was filled with colleagues and clients who were eager to hear her ideas. Sarah walked confidently towards the podium, her mind racing with the details she needed to cover. She began her speech, her voice steady despite the butterflies in her stomach. Throughout the presentation, she kept her audience engaged with vivid stories and compelling data, demonstrating how her innovative solutions could revolutionize their industry. By the end, there was a palpable sense of admiration and anticipation in the room, knowing that Sarah's vision had just taken a significant step forward."," The sun began to set, casting long shadows across the city. Sarah took a deep breath, feeling a mix of excitement and nervousness. For the upcoming presentation she had been preparing for weeks, the room was filled with colleagues and clients who were eager to hear her ideas. Sarah walked confidently towards the podium, her mind racing with the details she needed to cover. She began her speech, her voice, steady, despite the butterflies in her stomach. Throughout the presentation, she kept her audience engaged with vivid stories and compelling data, demonstrating how her innovative solutions could revolutionize their industry. By the end there was a palpable sense of admiration and anticipation in the room, knowing that Sarah's vision had just taken a significant step forward.",0.07874015748031496,0.015228426395939087 +16ee1546-8a39-4242-9a83-27d637bcfca8,"As the morning sun peeked over the horizon, casting a golden glow over the sleepy town, Sarah stepped out of her cozy bed and into the crisp, fresh air. She sipped her coffee while gazing out the window at the bustling street below, where people hurried about their daily routines. With a contented sigh, she grabbed her backpack and headed towards the local library, eager to dive into a new book and escape the stresses of the day. Along the way, she noticed a small café with a charming outdoor seating area, where she planned to stop for a pastry and a cup of tea. As she walked, she couldn't help but smile at the sight of children laughing and playing in the park nearby. The day promised to be full of unexpected adventures and delightful encounters."," As the morning sun peaked over the horizon, casting a golden glow over the sleepy town, Sarah stepped out of her cozy bed and into the crisp, fresh air. She sipped her coffee while gazing out the window at the bustling street below, where people hurried about their daily routines. With a contented sigh, she grabbed her backpack and headed towards the local library, eager to dive into a new book and escape the stresses of the day. Along the way, she noticed a small cafe with a charming outdoor seating area, where she planned to stop for a pastry and a cup of tea. As she walked she couldn t help but smile at the sight of children laughing and playing in the park nearby. The day promised to be full of unexpected adventures and delightful encounters.",0.0364963503649635,0.005284015852047556 +f93f1dd3-4d5a-43fe-a15f-cdc65c1c8222,"As the sun began its descent, casting long shadows across the city streets, Sarah walked slowly through the crowded park, her thoughts drifting back to the day's events. The chirping of birds and distant laughter added to the serene atmosphere, making it hard for her mind to dwell on the stresses of work or personal concerns. She took a deep breath, feeling the cool breeze against her skin, and decided to continue her walk, letting the gentle rhythm of nature soothe her soul."," as the sun began its descent. Casting long shadows across the city streets, Sarah walked slowly through the crowded park. Her thoughts drifting back to the days of ends. The chirping of birds and distant laughter added to the serene atmosphere, making it hard for her mind to dwell on the stresses of work or personal concerns. She took a deep breath, feeling the cool breeze against her skin, and decided to continue her walk, letting the gentle rhythm of nature soothe her soul.",0.0963855421686747,0.020833333333333332 +51e47fff-3047-48a8-a473-7dc646889872,"As the sun began to rise, casting a golden hue over the sleepy town, Sarah stepped out of her cozy bed and into the crisp morning air. She stretched her arms above her head, feeling the fresh breeze against her skin. With a cup of steaming coffee in hand, she walked slowly through the quaint streets, enjoying the gentle hum of life around her."," As the sun began to rise, casting a golden hue over the sleepy town, Sarah stepped out of her cozy bed, and into the crisp, morning air. She stretched her arms above her head, feeling the fresh breeze against her skin. With a cup of steaming coffee in hand, she walked slowly through the quaint streets, enjoying the gentle hum of life around her.",0.03125,0.005797101449275362 +594f09ad-b3a0-4d88-b33f-58f36dcd9b3b,"Le ciel était d'un bleu profond et sans nuages, une perfection à laquelle je n'avais jamais eu l'occasion de croiser. J'avais rendez-vous avec un vieil ami qui vivait dans une petite maison au bord de la rivière. Son jardin était parsemé de fleurs multicolores qui semblaient illuminer chaque coin de sa demeure. Au loin, les montagnes se découpaient sur le paysage, offrant une vue panoramique qui semblait s'étirer jusqu'à l'infini. Je me demandai combien de temps il avait fallu pour que cette image se transforme en réalité, mais chaque détail, chaque sensation, chaque émotion ressentie pendant ces quelques heures, étaient aussi précieux que la plus belle des photos."," Le ciel était d'un bleu profond et sans nuage, une perfection à laquelle je n'avais jamais eu l'occasion de croiser. J'avais rendez-vous avec un vieil ami qui vivait dans une petite maison au bord de la rivière. Son jardin était parsemé de fleurs multicolores, qui semblait illuminer chaque coin de sa demeure. Au loin, les montagnes se découpaient sur le paysage, au franc une vue panoramique, qui semblait s'étirer jusqu'à l'infinite. Je me demandais combien de temps il avait fallu pour que cette image se transforme en réalité. Mais chaque détail, chaque sensation, chaque émotion ressentit pendant ces quelques heures. Était aussi précieux que la plus belle des photos.",0.12037037037037036,0.02823179791976226 +2c6522da-f9f4-41e6-a5aa-5eed42e65edf,"With the sun just beginning to rise over the horizon, Sarah stepped out of her cozy apartment, her footsteps echoing softly on the wooden floor. The morning air was crisp and invigorating, carrying the promise of a new day filled with possibilities. She took a deep breath, feeling the fresh scent of blooming flowers and the gentle rustle of leaves from the trees lining the street. With a smile, she began her daily routine, walking briskly towards the city park where she would meet her friends for coffee and conversation. The warmth of the sun on her face and the sound of birds chirping provided a perfect backdrop for her to start the day with a sense of purpose and excitement."," With the sun just beginning to rise over the horizon, Sarah stepped out of her cozy apartment, her footsteps echoing softly on the wooden floor. The morning air was crisp and invigorating, carrying the promise of a new day filled with possibilities. She took a deep breath, feeling the fresh scent of blooming flowers and the gentle rustle of leaves from the trees lining the street. With a smile, she began her daily routine, walking briskly towards the city park where she would meet her friends for coffee and conversation. The warmth of the sun on her face and the sound of birds chirping provided a perfect backdrop for her to start the day with a sense of purpose and excitement.",0.0,0.0 +2d91b580-a870-4d52-bb6b-0f01abf16ac4,今天天气非常好,小华早早地就起床去公园散步。公园里鸟语花香,空气清新宜人。她沿着湖边走了一圈,欣赏着湖面上的倒影。然后,她找了个安静的地方坐下,拿出一本书静静地阅读。不久,一位老奶奶也来到了这里,两人开始聊天,分享彼此的故事。小华觉得今天的时光特别美好,充满了生活的乐趣。,"今天天气非常好,小华早早地就起床去公圆散步,公圆里鸟与花香,空气清心一人,他沿着湖边走了一圈,欣赏着湖面上的道饮。然后他找了个安静的地方坐下,拿出一本书静静的月毒,不久,一位老奶奶,也来到了这里,两人开始聊天,分享彼此的故事。小华觉得,今天的时光特别美好,充满了生活的乐趣。",1.0,0.19117647058823528 +3b999ba1-b646-4db9-98dd-e262337615ac,"As the sun began to set over the horizon, casting a warm orange glow across the landscape, Sarah took a deep breath of the fresh evening air. She strolled through the picturesque neighborhood, her footsteps echoing softly on the cobblestone paths. The scent of blooming flowers mingled with the aroma of street food vendors nearby, creating a delightful aroma that filled her senses. She spotted an old bookstore tucked away in a corner of the square, its weathered sign inviting her inside. With a smile, she walked towards it, eager to explore the rows of books and perhaps find a new adventure in the pages ahead."," As the sun began to set over the horizon, casting a warm orange glow across the landscape, Sarah took a deep breath of the fresh evening air. She strolled through the picturesque neighborhood, her footsteps echoing softly on the cobblestone paths. The scent of blooming flowers mingled with the aroma of street food vendors nearby, creating a delightful aroma that filled her senses. She spotted an old bookstore tucked away in a corner of the square. It's weathered sign inviting her inside. With a smile she walked towards it, eager to explore the rows of books and perhaps find a new adventure in the pages ahead.",0.02830188679245283,0.006493506493506494 +ebd674b3-8af0-4819-8125-8dc54475b73c,朝日が昇り、静かな町に光が差し込む。町の奥の方には、古い木々が立っています。その木々の間を通り抜ける風は、心地よい香りを運んでいます。この街を歩くたびに、新しい出会いや驚きに出会えることを楽しみにしています。,朝日が登り、静かな街に光が差し込む街の奥の方には古い木木が立っていますその木木の間を通り抜ける風は心地よい香りを運んでいますこの街を歩くたびに新しい出会いや驚きに出会えることを楽しみにしています,1.0,0.11538461538461539 +e7f1e4c2-bb1e-4ed9-acfc-8b973df1c854,"As the sun began to rise over the sleepy town, Sarah stepped out onto her porch, sipping her morning coffee and gazing at the peaceful landscape before her. The air was crisp and fresh, carrying with it the scent of blooming flowers and distant bird songs. She took a deep breath, feeling the warmth of the new day envelop her. Today was going to be a good day. Sarah's mind drifted back to the events of the past week—her project deadline loomed large, but she felt confident in her progress. She had already made significant strides and was determined to see it through to completion. The thought of finishing strong gave her a sense of purpose and motivation. As she continued to sip her coffee, she felt a smile spreading across her face, knowing that whatever challenges lay ahead, she would face them head-on."," As the sun began to rise over the sleepy town, Sarah stepped out onto her porch, sipping her morning coffee, engaging at the peaceful landscape before her. The air was crisp and fresh, carrying with it the scent of blooming flowers and distant bird songs. She took a deep breath, feeling the warmth of the new day envelop her. Today was going to be a good day. Sarah's mind drifted back to the events of the past week. Her project deadline loomed large, but she felt confident in her progress. She had already made significant strides and was determined to see it through to completion. The thought of finishing strong gave her a sense of purpose and motivation. As she continued to sip her coffee, she felt a smile spreading across her face, knowing that whatever challenges lay ahead. She would face them head on.",0.0625,0.013496932515337423 +2e89ea90-9df5-44e9-99b7-88c828f8f758,朝日が昇り始め、静かな町に光が差し込むと、優しそうな声が聞こえてくる。それは私の隣に座る友だちの声で、今日は何を話そうか考えているのか聞く耳がない。春の訪れを感じながら、風が花びらを舞わせている。この瞬間はとても幸せだ。,朝日が登り始め、静かの街に光が差し込むと、優しそうな声が聞こえてくる。それは私の隣に座る友達の声で、今日は何を話そうか考えているのか、悲しみにがない。春の訪れを感じながら、風が花びらを回せている。この瞬間は、とても幸せだ。,1.0,0.11818181818181818 +c0335779-bf89-479e-888e-af738671df28,"As the morning sun peeks over the horizon, casting a warm glow over the sleepy town, Sarah strolls through the quaint streets, her mind wandering to the events of the previous day. The gentle rustling of leaves and the distant hum of traffic create a soothing backdrop for her reflections. Each step brings her closer to the charming café she plans to visit, where she hopes to find solace in a cup of steaming coffee and a good book. Sarah's heart swells with anticipation as she approaches the familiar facade, ready to embrace whatever adventures await her today."," As the morning sun peaks over the horizon, casting a warm glow over the sleepy town, Sarah strolls through the quaint streets, her mind wandering to the events of the previous day. The gentle rustling of leaves and the distant hum of traffic create a soothing backdrop for her reflections. Each step brings her closer to the charming cafe she plans to visit, where she hopes to find solace in a cup of steaming coffee in a good book. Sarah's heart swells with anticipation as she approaches the familiar facade, ready to embrace whatever adventures await her today.",0.030612244897959183,0.007067137809187279 +df616482-93a0-4213-88a9-8506d888db40,"As the sun began its slow descent below the horizon, casting long shadows across the fields, Sarah took a deep breath of the cool evening air. She walked slowly through the neighborhood, her mind wandering as she admired the changing colors of the trees and the way the streetlights were just beginning to flicker on. Each step brought her closer to the quaint little café she had been planning to visit for weeks, its aroma already tantalizing her senses. The thought of sitting outside, watching the world go by while enjoying a cup of coffee, filled her with a sense of anticipation and contentment."," As the sun began its slow descent below the horizon, casting long shadows across the fields. Sarah took a deep breath of the cool evening air. She walked slowly through the neighborhood. Her mind wandering as she admired the changing colors of the trees, and the way the streetlights were just beginning to flicker on. Each step brought her closer to the quaint little cafe she had been planning to visit for weeks. Its aroma already tantalizing her senses. The thought of sitting outside, watching the world go by while enjoying a cup of coffee, filled her with a sense of anticipation and contentment.",0.0673076923076923,0.011627906976744186 +f88aa99c-60b8-4fa8-b29e-eaf32b0dc8ca,"Avec chaque battement de cœur, j'appréhende la beauté de la vie qui se déploie devant moi. Les parfums des fleurs du jardin, les murmures de la rivière, les sourires des voisins, tout contribue à créer une harmonie unique. J'ai décidé de consacrer cette journée à l'amour de la nature, aux liens de solidarité et à la recherche de la paix intérieure. Chaque instant compte, chaque émotion est précieuse, car c'est à travers elles que je découvre le vrai sens de l'existence."," Avec chaque battement de cœur, j'appréhende la beauté de la vie qui se déploie devant moi, les parfums des fleurs du jardin, les murs murs de la rivière, les sourires des voisins, tout contribue à créer une harmonie unique. Je décidais de consacrer cette journée à la mourde de la nature, au lien de solidarité et à la recherche de la paix intérieure. Chaque instan compte, chaque émotion est précieuse, car c'est à travers elle que je découvre le vrai sens de l'existence.",0.14814814814814814,0.04008438818565401 +7bddfc02-7c33-4f6f-ba3a-6c32cb51c9b1,その日、空は深く静かな青で、風は静かに吹き、静かな街の道を通り過ぎていました。彼女は公園で休むためにベンチを見つけ、手には本を持っていた。その本を開いてページをめくると、それぞれが異なる思い出をもたらす写真が掲載されていました。彼女はその写真を見て、その瞬間の感情や思いを再び感じることができました。彼女はその本から切り取った一枚の写真を見つけると、それをさらに深く探求し始めました。,その日 空は深く静かな青で 風は��かに吹き静かな街の道を通り過ぎていました彼女は公園で休むために伝誌を見つけ 手には本を持っていたその本を開いてページをめくるとそれぞれが異なる思い出をもたらす写真が掲載されていました 彼女はその写真を見てその瞬間の感情や思いを二たび感じることができました彼女はその本から切り取った一枚の写真を見つけると それをさらに深く探求し始めました,6.0,0.08854166666666667 +783d3df2-d42d-4f30-8b4a-7512d7c92cab,"As the morning sun began to rise, casting its golden beams over the sleepy town, Sarah stepped out of her cozy bed and into the crisp morning air. The aroma of fresh coffee wafted through the open window, invigorating her senses and preparing her for the day ahead. With a satisfied yawn, she made her way to the kitchen, where she brewed a pot of coffee and poured herself a steaming cup. As she sipped it, she glanced at the clock on the wall—exactly 7:30 AM, just as it should be. After grabbing a quick breakfast of oatmeal and a banana, she headed out the door, ready to tackle whatever the day might bring."," As the morning sun began to rise, casting its golden beams over the sleepy town, Sarah stepped out of her cozy bed and into the crisp morning air. The aroma of fresh coffee wafted through the open window, invigorating her senses and preparing her for the day ahead. With a satisfied yawn, she made her way to the kitchen, where she brewed a pot of coffee and poured herself a steaming cup. As she sipped it, she glanced at the clock on the wall, exactly 6c.m., just as it should be. After grabbing a quick breakfast of oatmeal and a banana, she headed out the door, ready to tackle whatever the day might bring.",0.02631578947368421,0.014705882352941176 +de66db23-600f-4101-8d88-e57ac85947eb,"The sun peeked through the clouds, casting a warm glow over the sleepy town as Sarah walked to her favorite coffee shop. She loved how the aroma of freshly brewed coffee always lifted her spirits, no matter what the day brought. As she entered the cozy café, she spotted her usual table by the window, where she often enjoyed a book and a latte."," The sun peeked through the clouds, casting a warm glow over the sleepy town as Sarah walked to her favorite coffee shop. She loved how the aroma of freshly brewed coffee always lifted her spirits, no matter what the day brought. As she entered the cozy cafe, she spotted her usual table by the window, where she often enjoyed a book and a latte.",0.015625,0.002898550724637681 +ca06d2d2-6a02-4624-9dc7-fb9902a2cc6d,"As the sun began to set behind the horizon, casting long shadows across the field, Sarah took a deep breath and felt the cool evening air tickling her cheeks. The rustling of leaves in the trees provided a soothing melody that seemed to calm her racing thoughts. She sat down on a large rock near the edge of the field, feeling the rough texture of the stone beneath her hands. The stars began to twinkle in the sky, adding a sense of wonder to the peaceful scene. Sarah closed her eyes and listened to the gentle hum of nature, letting her worries melt away with each passing moment."," As the sun began to set behind the horizon, casting long shadows across the field, Sarah took a deep breath and felt the cool evening air tickling her cheeks. The rustling of leaves and the trees provided a soothing melody that seemed to calm her racing thoughts. She sat down on a large rock near the edge of the field, feeling the rough texture of the stone beneath her hands. The stars began to twinkle in the sky, adding a sense of wonder to the peaceful scene. Sarah closed her eyes and listened to the gentle hum of nature, letting her worries melt away with each passing moment.",0.009259259259259259,0.003424657534246575 +b289025f-0f2a-4a72-aa6a-b7702261d0db,今天天气格外好,小华和朋友们一起去公园玩得很开心。他们先去了湖边划船,然后又去喂了鸽子。中午时分,他们在树荫下的长椅上吃了午餐,分享着各自带来的零食。下午,他们还一起踢足球,直到夕阳西下才依依不舍地回家。,"今天天气国外,小花哥朋友们一起去公园玩得很开心,他们先去了湖边华船,然后又去为了哥子。中午十分,他们在书音下的场影上吃了午餐,分享的歌字带来的零食。下午,他们还一起踢足球,直到夕阳西下才一一不舍的回家。",1.0,0.24509803921568626 +2dda75b7-c39b-4dd4-ac66-459c772aae08,今天天气格外好,小华骑着自行车穿梭在城市的街道上,享受着清新的空气和温暖的阳光。她经过了繁忙的市场,那里摆满了各种新鲜的水果和蔬菜;又路过了一家咖啡馆,飘出的香气让她忍不住想要进去喝一杯。不知不觉中,小华已经骑行了很远,她的自行车轮胎发出轻快的声音,仿佛也在和她一同庆祝这美好的一天。,"评捐听器格外好,小华旗这自行车穿梭在城市的街道上,享受着轻轻的空气和温暖的阳光。他经过了繁忙的市场,那里摆满了各种新鲜的水果和蔬菜,又路过了一家咖啡馆、飘出的香气,让他忍不住想要进去喝一杯。不知不觉中,小华已经齐醒了很远他的自行车轮胎发出轻快的声音仿佛也在和他一同庆祝这美好的一天",1.0,0.16901408450704225 +b55961cd-cff3-42e0-bcf4-6b109cc7f254,今天是周末,小华和朋友们一起去公园玩。他们先去了儿童游乐区,小朋友们在那里尽情地玩耍,笑声此起彼伏。然后,他们在湖边野餐,品尝了各种美味的食物,还一起放飞了气球,天空中充满了五彩斑斓的颜色。最后,他们沿着湖边散步,欣赏着夕阳下的美景,心情格外愉快。,"今天是周末,小华和朋友们一起去公园玩,他们先去了儿童游乐区,小朋友们在那里进行的玩耍,笑声自起彼服。然后他们在湖边野餐,品尝了各种美味的食物,还一起放飞了气球,天空中充满了无彩般栏的颜色。最后他们沿着湖边散步,欣赏着西洋下的美景,心情格外愉快。",1.0,0.1693548387096774 +d7bb3e51-c83f-4f2b-a7c8-1fa8dccde08e,"Le matin était à son apogée, lorsque la brise légère apportait avec elle une odeur de terre fraîchement labourée et d'herbe neuve. Je me levais doucement, mes pas résonnant sur le sol de pierre du petit village. La vue qui s'offrait à moi était splendide : des champs de blé doré aux couleurs vives, des arbres aux feuilles d'un vert éclatant, tout était peint dans un tableau de paix et de bonheur. J'avais rendez-vous avec mon ami Jean dans quelques heures, nous avions prévu de nous retrouver au bord de la rivière pour une promenade et un déjeuner en plein air. Je me sentais bien, heureuse de pouvoir partager ces instants de tranquillité et de convivialité avec quelqu'un que j'aime vraiment."," Le matin était à son apogé, lorsque l'abris légère apportait avec elle une odeur de terre fraîchement laborie et d'herbe neuve. Je me levais doucement, mais pas résonnant sur le sol de pierre du petit village. La vue qui s'offrait à moi était splendide, des champs de blé dorés au couleur vive, des arbres au feuille d'un verre et clâton. Tout était pain dans un tableau de paix et de bonheur. J'avais rendez-vous avec mon ami Jean dans quelques heures. Nous avions prévu de nous retrouver au bord de la rivière pour une promenade et un déjeuner en plein air. Je me sentais bien heureuse de pouvoir partager ses instants de tranquillité et de convivialité avec quelqu'un que j'aime vraiment.",0.18181818181818182,0.045845272206303724 +d2aca114-5c4a-47d3-9b1a-208eda81185d,今天是周末,小华早早地起了床,心情格外好。她先在家里做了早餐,然后收拾了一下房间,准备去公园散步。到了公园,她看到一群孩子正在玩捉迷藏游戏,孩子们的笑声充满了整个公园。小华找了一个安静的地方坐下,拿出一本书静静地阅读。不知不觉中,天色已晚,小华才依依不舍地离开了公园。回到家中,她还回味着公园里的美好时光,心里充满了满足感。,"今天是周末,小华早早地起了床,心情格外好。他现在家里做了早餐,然后收拾了一下房间,准备去公园散步。到了公园,他看到一群孩子,正在玩桌弥层游戏。孩子们的孝生充满了整个公园。小华找了一个安静的地方坐下,拿出一本书,静静的月毒。不知不觉中,天色已晚,小华才一一不舍地离开了公园,回到家中,他还回味着公园里的美好时光,心里充满了满足感。",1.0,0.1728395061728395 +3c18f5e7-5d21-4276-a113-743b520a108a,"Cet après-midi, sous un ciel bleu éclatant, j'ai décidé de parcourir les ruelles étroites de la vieille ville pour y découvrir de nouvelles saveurs culinaires. Les odeurs de cuisine provençale mêlées à celles de fruits exotiques ont envahi mes narines, me transportant immédiatement vers la garrigue. J'ai dégusté chaque plat avec attention, savourant chaque bouchée comme si elle était la première de ma vie. En fin de journée, j'ai même eu la chance de rencontrer quelques artistes locaux qui partagent leur passion avec moi, créant une atmosphère de convivialité et de partage. Ces moments sont des cadeaux que la vie réserve souvent aux curieux et aux ouverts d'esprit."," Cet après-midi sous un ciel bleu éclatant, j'ai décidé de parcourir les rues et les toites de la vieille jule pour y découvrir de nouvelles saveurs culinaires. Les odeurs de cuisine provinciales mêlés à celles de fruits exotiques ont envahi ménarine, me transportant immédiatement vers la garigue. J'ai dégusté chaque plat avec attention, ça vous rend chaque boucher comme si elle était la première de ma vie. En fin de journée, j'ai même eu la chance de rencontrer quelques artistes locaux qui partagent leur passion avec moi, créant une atmosphère de convivialité et de partage. Ces moments sont des cadeaux que la vie réserve souvent au curieux et aux ouvertes escrites.",0.16666666666666666,0.05349182763744428 +547b19eb-84b5-4ec4-b99a-4bb3901c3615,今天是周末,小华早早地起了床,准备去爬山。他穿上运动鞋,背上背包,心情格外兴奋。一路上,他欣赏着周围的风景,小鸟在枝头欢快地歌唱,清新的空气让人心旷神怡。到了山顶,小华站在高处,望着远处的群山和蜿蜒的河流,心中充满了对大自然的敬畏和感激。他还与朋友们分享了这次旅行的美好经历,大家都觉得今天的活动非常有意义。,"今天是周末,小华早早地起了床,准备去爬山,他穿上运动鞋,背上背包,心情格外兴奋。一路上,他欣赏着周围的风景,想鸟在折头欢快的歌唱,轻轻的空气让人心矿神意。到了山顶,小华站在高处望着远处的群山和弯延的河流,心中充满了对大自然的敬畏和感激。他还与朋友们分享了这次旅行的美好经历,大家都觉得今天的活动非常有意义。",1.0,0.13636363636363635 +e2e43e5a-e19a-41e2-b7d8-44f2467d33d7,その日の夕暮れに、彼女は静かな公園でくつろいでいた。木々の間から優しく降り注ぐ日差しを浴びながら、彼女は手元の本を読み進めていた。時折、眼を上げて周囲を見回し、空が深く染まるのを眺めていた。その光景にはいつも何か特別な意味があったように感じられた。彼女は日々の小さな幸せに感謝しながら、未来への希望を胸に抱いていた。,その日の夕暮れに 彼女は静かな公園で靴ロイでいた木木の間から優しく振り注ぐ膝しを浴びながら 彼女は手元の本を読み進めていた時より 目をあげて周囲を見回し 空が深く染まるのを眺めていたその後景にはいつも何か特別な意味があったように感じられた 彼女は日々の小さな幸せに感謝しながら未来への希望を胸に抱いていた,6.0,0.14556962025316456 +5bcdcfe7-6f9d-4dac-a1f4-aac1179017d6,"As the morning sun began to rise, casting a warm glow over the sleepy town, Sarah stepped out of her cozy bed and into the crisp morning air. She stretched her arms above her head, feeling the fresh breeze against her skin. After a quick shower and breakfast, she packed her bag with essentials for the day ahead. With a final glance at the clock, she left her home, ready to tackle whatever challenges the day might bring. Sarah always found solace in the routine of her daily life, and today was no different. She took the scenic route to work, enjoying the peacefulness of the countryside as she drove through winding roads and past fields of golden wheat. As she approached her office building, she couldn't help but smile, knowing that the day would be filled with opportunities to learn and grow."," As the morning sun began to rise, casting a warm glow over the sleepy town, Sarah stepped out of her cozy bed and into the crisp morning air. She stretched her arms above her head, feeling the fresh breeze against her skin. After a quick shower and breakfast, she packed her bag with essentials for the day ahead. With a final glance at the clock, she left her home, ready to tackle whatever challenges the day might bring. Sarah always found solace in the routine of her daily life, and today was no different. She took the scenic route to work, enjoying the peacefulness of the countryside as she drove through winding roads and past fields of golden wheat. As she approached her office building, she couldn't help but smile, knowing that the day would be filled with opportunities to learn and grow.",0.0,0.0 +b823c66c-b0f9-47d1-80ee-662f38d300c4,今天是周末,小华早早地起了床,准备去爬山。他穿上运动鞋,背上背包,然后沿着熟悉的山路出发了。一路上,他欣赏着周围的美景,呼吸着清新的空气,心中充满了对大自然的热爱。到达山顶时,他已经累得气喘吁吁,但看到眼前壮丽的景色,所有的疲惫都烟消云散了。小华坐在一块大石头上,闭上眼睛,深深地吸了一口气,感受着这份宁静与美好。,"今天是周末小华早早避起了床,准备去爬山。他穿上运动鞋,背上背包,然后沿着熟悉的山路出发了。一路上,他欣赏着周围的美景,呼吸着轻轻的空气。心中充满了对大自然的热爱,到达山顶时,他已经累得气船虚虚,但看到眼前壮力的景色,所有的皮备都淹消云散了。小华坐在一块大石头上,遇上眼睛,深深的吸了一口气,感受着这份宁静与美好。",1.0,0.16560509554140126 +94ef2cb1-3f83-4714-9dda-9953ef9927a2,その日、青空の下で散歩をしていたら、小さな公園に到着しました。公園にはたくさんの花が咲き、鳥のさえずりが聞こえました。私はベンチに座り、一日の始まりをゆっくりと過ごしました。公園の隅には古い木製のベンチがあり、ここでは誰かが長い間休むことでしょう。私の心は静かで、幸せな気持ちになりました。,その日青空の下で散歩をしていたら 小さな公園に到着しました公園にはたくさんの花が先取りのサイズリが聞こえました私はベンチに座り一日の始まりをゆっくりと過ごしました公園の住みには古い木性のベンチがありここでは誰かが長い間休むことでしょう私の心は静かで幸せな気持ちになりました,2.0,0.14482758620689656 +f3034de3-8e3f-4300-8180-3313c8590b96,朝日が昇り、静かな町には早朝の静けさが広がっています。私は自転車を漕ぎながら、この美しい景色を楽しみました。街角で出会った老人は、手招きをして私に話しかけてきました。彼は地元のことや人々について教えてくれ、その深い知識に感動しました。その後、小さなカフェで淹れたてのコーヒーを飲んで、さらに深く町の文化と歴史を学びました。一日が進み、私はこの町に居心地の良さを感じ始めました。,朝日が登り静かな街には 早朝の静けさが広がっています私は自転車をこぎながら この美しい景色を楽しみました街角で出会った老人は手間に気をして 私に話しかけてきました彼は地元のことや人々について お教えてくれその深い知識に感動しましたその後小さなカフェで イメレタテの好費を飲んでさらに深く街の分化と歴史を学びました 一日が進み私はこの街に移動こっちのよさを感じ始めました,7.0,0.21808510638297873 +f2c14c37-0134-45fa-b789-a2f1e5239ca7,"En marchant lentement dans la forêt, les feuilles mortes sous mes pieds craquelaient doucement. Le soleil filtrait à travers les branches, créant des ombres changeantes qui semblaient danser autour de moi. Je me demandais souvent comment ces lieux pouvaient être si paisibles alors qu'ils étaient aussi vastes et sauvages. Les bruits de la nature, les chants des oiseaux et le murmure du vent apportaient une paix qui me rapprochait de moi-même."," Un marchand lentement dans la forêt. Les feuilles mortes sous mes pieds cracent les doucements. Le soleil filtrait à travers les branches, créant des ombres changeantes, qui semblaient danser autour de moi. Je me demandais souvent comment ces lieux pouvaient être si paisibles alors qu'ils étaient aussi vastes et sauvages. Les bruits de la nature, les champs des oiseaux et le murmure du vent apportait une paix qui me rapprochait de moi-même.",0.14084507042253522,0.04044943820224719 +cc69028a-753e-4e08-87d5-a9c8b0153feb,"Chaque matin, lorsqu'il fait un soleil levant qui illumine mon petit appartement, je me réveille avec une énergie nouvelle. Je sors de ma chambre pour aller à la cuisine où je prépare le café, un acte simple mais vital qui me permet de commencer la journée. Ensuite, je vais à la fenêtre pour regarder la ville en dessous de moi, ses rues animées et ses bâtiments majestueux. Pendant que je bois mon café, je pense aux choses que je veux accomplir aujourd'hui et comment je peux contribuer positivement à la société."," Chaque matin, lorsqu'il fait un soleil élevant, qui éluit mon petit appartement, je me réveille avec une énergie nouvelle. Je sort de ma chambre pour aller à la cuisine où je prépare le café. Un acte simple mais vital qui me permet de commencer la journée. Ensuite, je vais à la fenêtre pour regarder la ville en dessous de moi. C'est ruse animée et c'est bâtiment majestueux. Pendant que je bois mon café, je pense aux choses que je veux accomplir aujourd'hui et comment je peux contribuer positivement à la société.",0.12087912087912088,0.040697674418604654 +f3e79487-b7ba-4bde-8a35-979b896bb21b,今天天气格外好,小华早早起床去公园跑步。他沿着湖边的小路慢跑,呼吸着新鲜的空气,欣赏着周围的美景。远处的山峦在阳光下显得格外清晰,小鸟在枝头欢快地歌唱。小华的心情也随着这美好的一天而变得愉快起来。他跑了一会儿,突然看到一个小女孩在湖边玩耍,不禁驻足观看。小女孩看见他后,笑着向他挥手,两人就这样开始了有趣的交谈。小华觉得今天的跑步不仅身体得到了锻炼,心灵也得到了滋养。,"今天天气格外好,小华早到起床去公园跑步,他沿着湖边的小路慢跑,呼吸着新鲜的空气,欣赏着周围的美景。远出的山软在阳光下显得格外清晰,小鸟在枝头欢快地歌唱,小华的心情也随着这美好的一天,而变得愉快起来。他跑了一会儿,突然看到一个小女孩在湖边玩耍,不惊注族观看,小女孩看见她后,笑着向她揮手,两人就这样开始了有趣的交谈。小华觉得今天的跑步,不仅身体得到了锻炼,心灵也得到了资仰。",1.0,0.1358695652173913 +aedab7b7-14b0-4580-9c42-7c63ae398cb3,その日、青空の下で彼は散歩を楽しんでいました。公園の木々の間から陽光が差し込み、彼の靴底に心地よい感触が伝わりました。彼は静かな川沿いを歩き、鳥のさえずりと風の音に耳を傾けながら、日々の疲れを忘れました。その場所には、いつでも心を落ち着かせてくれる特別な何かがありました。彼の目には、この瞬間が永遠に続くように見えたのです。,その日、青空の下で彼は散歩を楽しんでいました。公園の木木の間から要効が差し込み、彼の靴底に、ここちよい観食が伝わりました。彼は靴かな川増いを歩き、取りのサイズリと風の音に耳を固むけながら、日々の疲れを忘れました。その場所には、いつでも心を落ち着かせてくれる、特別な何かがありました。彼の目には、この瞬間が永遠に続くように見えたのです。,1.0,0.12345679012345678 +12a94aa2-6b6b-430e-aec1-ea203ae46579,"As the sun began its descent towards the horizon, casting long shadows across the bustling city street, Sarah took a deep breath and stepped into the crowded market. The air was thick with the scent of fresh herbs, spices, and grilled meats. She wandered through the stalls, her eyes scanning for just the right ingredients to spice up her dinner tonight. Amidst the cacophony of voices and the constant hum of activity, Sarah felt a sense of peace settle over her. She knew this was her home, a place where she could lose herself in the sights, sounds, and aromas that defined her daily life."," As the sun began its descent towards the horizon, casting long shadows across the bustling city street, Sarah took a deep breath and stepped into the crowded market. The air was thick with the scent of fresh herbs, spices and grilled meats. She wandered through the stalls, her eyes scanning for just the right ingredients to spice up her dinner tonight. Amidst the cacophony of voices and the constant hum of activity, Sarah felt a sense of peace settle over her. She knew this was her home, a place where she could lose herself in the sights, sounds and aromas that defined her daily life.",0.01904761904761905,0.003372681281618887 +8af7d4bd-7a23-4ff4-9d8b-7e8e42d6fc20,朝日が昇り始め、静かな街は少しずつ明るくなっていきます。窓から見える風景は、いつもと少し変わっています。新しい一日が始まる前、私は深呼吸をして、今日何をすべきか考え始めます。街の喧騒が落ち着き、人々の声が聞こえる頃には、私は自分自身に向けた一言を思いつくことがあります。それはいつも、シンプルで心地よい言葉で、今日を大切にするためです。,朝日が登りはじめ、静かな街は少しずつ明るくなっていきます。窓から見える風景は、いつもと少し変わっています。新しい一日が始まる前、私は心孤球をして、今日何をすべきか考えはじめます。街の検討が落ち着き、人々の声が聞こえる頃には、私は自分自身に向けた人々を思いつくことがあります。それはいつも、シンプルで心地良い言葉で、今日を大切にするためです。,1.0,0.07738095238095238 +82f772bc-0a85-4516-a341-028706f7cc5b,今天天气格外好,小华骑着自行车穿梭在城市的街头巷尾。她经过了繁忙的市场,那里摆满了各种新鲜的水果和蔬菜;然后又来到了热闹的公园,孩子们在草地上尽情玩耍,大人们则在树荫下乘凉聊天。小华的心情也随着这美好的一天而变得愉快起来。,"今天天气格外好,小华旗这自行车穿梭在城市的街头向违。他经过了繁忙的市场,那里摆满了各种新鲜的水果和蔬菜。然后又来到了热闹的公园,孩子们在草地上进行玩耍,大人们泽在树音下沉涼聊天。小华的心情也随着这美好的一天,而变得愉快起来。",1.0,0.15315315315315314 +c3d5319d-add4-485e-b10c-3cb9a252ab38,朝日が昇るにつれて、彼女は静かな公園で読書を始めました。木々の間から差し込む光と、远处に見える山々の影が、心地よい静けさを作り出していました。読んでいる本は、詩集で、美しい言葉たちが彼女の心に静かに響いていました。,朝以外のボルに連れて彼女は静かな公園で独賞を始めました 木木の間から差し込む光と延長に見える山山の影が ここちよい静けさを作り出していました読んでいる本は 四周で美しい言葉たちが彼女の心に静かに響いていました,4.0,0.2336448598130841 +af3eb768-a024-4ca0-8e1a-56ab66dd1aa2,今天天气格外好,小华和朋友们一起去了郊外游玩。他们骑着自行车沿着蜿蜒的小路前行,欣赏着两边美丽的风景。不一会儿,他们就来到了一片绿油油的草地,大家纷纷脱下鞋子,在柔软的草地上奔跑嬉戏。不远处有一条清澈的小溪,孩子们兴奋地跳进水中玩耍,溅起一圈圈水花。玩得正欢时,天空突然乌云密布,一场大雨不期而至。小华赶紧带着大家躲到附近的一间小木屋里避雨,大家都紧紧抱在一起,享受着这份难得的亲密���光。,"去年天气格外好,小华和朋友们一起去了交外游玩,他们骑着自行车,沿着歪沿的小路前行,欣赏着两边美丽的风景。不一会儿,他们就来到了一片绿油油的草地。大家纷纷托下鞋子,在柔软的草地上奔跑西西。不远处有一条轻车的小鞋,孩子们新奋的跳进水中玩耍,见起一圈圈水花,玩的正欢时天空突然污云密步,一场大雨不气而智。小华赶紧带着大家躲到附近的一间小木屋里避雨。大家都紧紧抱在一起,享受着这份难得的亲密时光。",1.0,0.17010309278350516 +b9a489c6-c9c4-4eac-8601-8b46f9d4bdfc,"As the sun began its descent behind the horizon, casting long shadows across the city streets, Sarah took a deep breath, feeling a sense of peace settle over her. The gentle hum of traffic and the distant sounds of laughter from nearby cafes added to the tranquil atmosphere. She walked slowly towards the park, her footsteps echoing softly against the pavement. As she entered the green space, the vibrant colors of blooming flowers and the rustling leaves of trees surrounded her, creating a serene environment. Sarah sat down on a bench near the pond, her eyes following the reflections of the sky in the water. The tranquility of the moment allowed her mind to wander, recalling memories of simpler times and the joys that life had to offer."," As the sun began its descent behind the horizon casting long shadows across the city streets, Sarah took a deep breath, feeling a sense of peace settle over her, the gentle harm of traffic and the distant sounds of laughter from nearby cafes added to the tranquil atmosphere. She walked slowly towards the park, her footsteps echoing softly against the pavement. As she entered the green space, the vibrant colours of blooming flowers and the rustling leaves of trees surrounded her, creating a serene environment. Sarah sat down on a bench near the pond, her eyes following the reflections of the sky in the water. The tranquility of the moment allowed her mind to wander, recalling memories of simpler times and the joys that life had to offer.",0.0390625,0.008053691275167786 +90b616ac-a84b-42eb-a819-1acc1258b1f0,"Le soleil se couche doucement sur la ville, éclairant les rues étroites de sa dernière flamme dorée. Les ombres des buildings se prolongent lentement, créant des profils sinistres dans l'obscurité qui commence à poindre. Sur le trottoir voisin, une vieille femme marche seule, ses pas rythmés par la chanson qu'elle fredonne sans jamais cesser de sourire. À travers la fenêtre de sa petite maison, elle peut voir la lueur vacillante de la lampe de chevet de son fils, qui travaille tard dans la bibliothèque universitaire. La nuit tombe rapidement, enveloppant la ville dans une couverture sombre, mais l'espoir reste là, en son cœur, comme une flamme qui ne s'éteint jamais complètement."," Le soleil se couche doucement sur la ville, éclérant les rues et troites de sa dernière flamme d'orée. Les ombres des bulles dingues se prolongent lentement, créant des profils sinistres dans l'obscurité qui commencent à poindre. Sur le trottoir voisin, une vieille femme marche seul, séparite mais par la chanson qu'elle frédonne, sans jamais cessé de sourire. À travers la fenêtre de sa petite maison, elle peut voir la lueur vacillante de la lampe de chevée de son fils, qui travaille tard dans la bibliothèque universitaire. La nuit tombe rapidement, enveloppant la ville dans une couverture sombre, mais l'espoir reste là, en son cœur, comme une flamme, qui ne s'est un jamais complètement.",0.15315315315315314,0.05377906976744186 +e1b3a680-2a88-47cf-890f-47735da26ea5,今天天气非常好,小华早早起床去公园跑步。公园里有很多人在晨练,有的人在跳舞,有的人在慢跑。小华听着鸟儿的歌声,享受着清新的空气,心情格外舒畅。跑步结束后,小华还去买了早餐,边走边吃,感觉非常惬意。,"今天天气非常好,小华早早起床去公园跑步,公园里有很多人在沉练,有的人在跳舞,有的人在漫跑。小华听着鸟儿的歌声享受着轻心的空气,心情格外书唱,跑步结束后,小华还去买了早餐边走边吃,感觉非常借疑。",1.0,0.1836734693877551 +a6b96138-971f-4500-a91b-bf758a44f6d6,"Chaque matin, lorsqu'il fait bon sortir de chez soi, je profite du temps pour me promener dans le parc voisin. Les oiseaux chantent joyeusement, apportant une note de douceur à mon petit déjeuner sous un ciel éclatant de bleu. La journée promet de belles aventures, et je suis ravi de pouvoir la vivre pleinement."," Chaque matin, lorsqu'il fait bon sortir de chez soi, je profite du temps pour me promener dans le parc voisin. Les oiseaux chante joyeusement, apportant une note de douceur à mon petit déjeuner, sous un ciel et clattant de bleu. La journée promet de belles aventures et je suis ravi de pouvoir la vivre pleinement.",0.09259259259259259,0.025559105431309903 +efc602cb-afa3-4932-b90a-3427918be3cb,朝日が昇り、静かな街並みが一変しました。今日もまた新しい一日が始まります。街角で出会った老人は手を振って挨拶し、その優しい笑顔に心が温かくなります。空は青く、風は穏やかで、この季節の一日がゆっくりと始まります。,朝日が登り、静かな街並みが一伴しました。今日もまた新しい一日が始まります。街角で出会った老人は手を振って挨拶し、その優しい笑顔に心が暖かくなります。空は青く、風はおだやかで、この季節の一日がゆっくりと始まります。,1.0,0.047619047619047616 +d2a3f0aa-629c-47a5-92e2-8dba9d2ebec0,"As the morning sun began to rise, casting its gentle glow over the sleepy town, Sarah stepped out of her cozy apartment. The aroma of freshly brewed coffee wafted through the air, mingling with the soft hum of morning conversations from her neighbors. She dressed quickly, grabbing a bagel and a cup of tea before rushing off to catch the first train of the day. Outside, the streets were already bustling with people hurrying to their destinations, each person carrying their own unique story. Sarah smiled, feeling grateful for this simple routine that brought her closer to her daily life and the wonderful people around her."," As the morning sun began to rise, casting its gentle glow over the sleepy town, Sarah stepped out of her cozy apartment, the aroma of freshly brewed coffee wafted through the air, mingling with the soft hum of morning conversations from her neighbors. She dressed quickly, grabbing a bagel and a cup of tea before rushing off to catch the first train of the day. Outside, the streets were already bustling with people hurrying to their destinations. Each person carrying their own unique story, Sarah smiled, feeling grateful for this simple routine that brought her closer to her daily life and the wonderful people around her.",0.04716981132075472,0.007961783439490446 +07cc77fe-a780-42e4-821e-8ecd9af3e09f,"As the sun began to set, casting a warm golden glow over the city, Sarah stepped out onto her balcony to enjoy the peaceful evening. The gentle breeze carried the scent of blooming flowers and distant fireworks from the nearby festival. She sipped her favorite tea while watching the sky turn from vibrant oranges to deep purples, creating a breathtaking display of colors. Reflecting on the day's events, she felt grateful for the simple joys that enriched her life. As she closed her eyes, lost in the serene atmosphere, she promised herself to make more time for such moments of tranquility."," As the sun began to set, casting a warm golden glow over the city, Sarah stepped out onto her balcony to enjoy the peaceful evening. The gentle breeze carried the scent of blooming flowers and distant fireworks from the nearby festival. She sipped her favorite tea while watching the sky turn from vibrant oranges to deep purples, creating a breathtaking display of colors. Reflecting on the day's events, she felt grateful for the simple joys that enriched her life. As she closed her eyes, lost in the serene atmosphere, she promised herself to make more time for such moments of tranquility.",0.0,0.0 +8dc965f2-6377-48bf-b3fe-cd6993497035,"Chaque matin, lorsque le soleil se lève sur la petite ville, je me réveille avec une joie particulière. Je sors de ma chambre et vais à la fenêtre pour regarder le ciel bleu et les montagnes qui s'étendent à perte de vue. Ensuite, je prépare mon petit-déjeuner et vais chercher mes amis pour une nouvelle journée d'aventures."," Chaque matin, lorsque le soleil se lève sur la petite ville, je me réveille avec une joie particulière. Je sort de ma chambre et vais à la fenêtre pour regarder le ciel bleu et les montagnes qui s'étendent à perte de vue. Ensuite, je prépare mon petit déjeuner et vais chercher mes amis pour une nouvelle journée d'aventure.",0.07017543859649122,0.009230769230769232 +a5db35a6-289f-4a0d-a13d-3509d3537029,その日、彼は山の奥深くにある古い家に到着しました。家の前には小さな庭があり、青い空と緑豊かな木々が広がっていました。彼は静かに家の中に入り、静寂の中でゆっくりと一息つきました。その後、彼は部屋の隅で本を読み始めました。その本は、長い旅路を経て偶然見つけたもので、その中には未知なる世界への入り口が開かれているように感じられました。,この日彼は山の多く深くにある古い家に到着しました。家の前には小さな匂い、青い空と緑豊かな木木が広がっていました。彼は静かに家の中に入り、製着の中でゆっくりとひといきつきました。その後彼は部屋の隅で本を読み始めました。その本は長い旅路を減って偶然見つけたもので、その中には道の世界への入り口が開かれているように感じられました。,1.0,0.1393939393939394 +f4189f9b-3b5d-4343-ad7e-b0ec355362e0,"As the sun began to set, casting long shadows across the quaint town square, Sarah took a deep breath of the cool evening air. She walked slowly along the cobblestone paths, her mind wandering back to the events of the day. The sound of children laughing and the distant hum of a street musician's guitar filled the air, creating a peaceful ambiance that seemed to soothe her troubled thoughts. As she reached her favorite café, she felt a sense of calm wash over her, ready to embrace whatever might come next."," As the sun began to set, casting long shadows across the quaint town square, Sarah took a deep breath of the cool evening air. She walked slowly along the cobblestone paths, her mind wandering back to the events of the day, the sound of children laughing, and the distant hum of a street musician's guitar filled the air, creating a peaceful ambiance that seemed to soothe her troubled thoughts. As she reached her favorite cafe, she felt a sense of calm wash over her, ready to embrace whatever might come next.",0.04395604395604396,0.007827788649706457 +32331d01-345b-473c-b7de-875d610192a4,"Le soleil se couche doucement sur la petite ville, baignée d'une lumière dorée qui donne à chaque maison une aura de mystère et de paix. Je me promène le long des rues bordées de platanes centenaires, leurs feuilles tombant en soufflant légèrement dans le vent. Les oiseaux chantent leur dernier cantique de la journée, leur voix harmonieuse se mêlant aux bruits paisibles de la campagne. Arrivé chez moi, je m'installe devant ma fenêtre pour contempler la nuit qui s'écoule, remplie de constellations éparpillées comme des étoiles fugitives dans le ciel."," Le soleil se couche doucement sur la petite ville, baignée d'une lumière dorée, qui donne à chaque maison une aura de mystère et de paix. Je me promène le long des rues, bordée de platanes centenaires. L'orfeuille tombant soufflant légèrement dans le vent, les oiseaux chantes lors dernier cantique de la journée. L'orvoire monneuse, ce mélant au bruit paisible de la campagne, arrivée chez moi, je m'installe devant ma fenêtre, pour contempler la nuit qui s'écoule, rempli de constellations et parpillées, comme des étoiles fugitives, dans le ciel.",0.3,0.08468468468468468 +a65e43e0-5404-4296-9cef-506609f2222a,今天是周末,小华早早地起了床,她计划着要完成一些家务活。她先去厨房洗碗,然后去客厅扫地。小华还打算去花园里种一些蔬菜,她觉得这样做不仅能帮助家里节省开支,还能让她心情愉悦。忙碌了一上午后,小华感到非常充实。她知道,尽管家里的事情很多,但她总是能找到快乐的方式去做。,"今天是周末,小华早早地起了床。她计划着要完成一些家务活,她先去厨房洗碗,然后去客厅扫地。小华还打算去花原理重一些蔬菜。她觉得这样做不仅能帮助家里节省开支,还能让她心情愉悦,忙碌了一上午后,小华感到非常充实。她知道尽管家里的事情很多,但她总是能找到快乐的方式去做。",1.0,0.09848484848484848 +ad8491f1-6120-45af-889b-9f05929f9383,"As the morning sun began to peek over the horizon, casting a warm glow across the sleepy town, Sarah stepped out of her cozy bed and into the fresh air. She took a deep breath, feeling the crispness of the early spring morning invigorate her senses. With a yawn, she pulled on her favorite pair of jeans and a cozy sweater, ready to tackle whatever the day might bring. As she made her way to the kitchen, she paused to admire the blooming cherry blossoms outside her window, their delicate petals adding a touch of beauty to her otherwise ordinary routine."," And as the morning sun began to peep over the horizon, casting a warm glow across the sleepy town, Sarah stepped out of her cozy bed into the fresh air. She took a deep breath, feeling the crispness of the early spring morning invigorate her senses. With a yawn, she pulled on her favorite pair of jeans and a cozy sweater, ready to tackle whatever the day might bring. As she made her way to the kitchen, she paused to admire the blooming cherry blossoms outside her window. Their delicate petals adding a touch of beauty to her otherwise ordinary routine.",0.0594059405940594,0.019748653500897665 +fc0d0896-b7ce-4824-8941-33593234f63a,その日、青空に映る木々の影が静かに舞い落ち、彼は静かな湖畔で一人静寂を楽しんでいました。遠くの山々は、夕暮れの光に染まり、優雅な美しさを放っていました。彼は深呼吸をして、心地よい風を感じながら、自分の人生について考え始めました。過去の思い出と未来への希望が交錯し、その瞬間を大切にしようと決意しました。,その日 青空に映る 木木の影が静かに舞い落ち彼は静かな後半で 独り製着を楽しんでいました遠くの山山は 油群れの光に染まり 油がな美しさを離っていました彼は心孤球をして ここちよい風を感じながら自分の人生について考え始めました過去の思い出と未来への希望が工作しその瞬間を大切に仕��と決意しました,7.0,0.24503311258278146 +abcc2d0f-a6b8-47c1-8f17-cf1aec0f1fd5,今天天气非常好,小华和朋友们一起去公园玩。他们在草地上放风筝,还一起踢足球。回家的路上,他们买了许多好吃的东西,包括水果、冰淇淋和各种小吃。晚上,小华邀请朋友们到家里做客,大家一起吃了丰盛的晚餐,聊了很多有趣的事情。,"今天天气非常好,小华和朋友们一起去公园玩,他们在草地上放风证,还一起踢足球,回家的路上,他们买了许多好吃的东西,包括水果、冰淇淋和各种小吃。晚上,小华邀请朋友们到家里坐客,大家一起吃了风圣的晚餐,聊了很多有趣的事情。",1.0,0.12037037037037036 +ac5c37f5-66ef-4965-9d61-4f97dc87de51,今天是周末,小华早早地起床,洗漱完毕后便开始准备早餐。她先在厨房里切了一些新鲜的水果,然后打了一个鸡蛋搅拌均匀,接着用平底锅煎出了一盘美味的煎蛋卷。与此同时,客厅里的电视里播放着一部她最喜欢的电影,而小华的母亲则在厨房忙碌着,准备做午餐。小华一边享受着美味的早餐,一边期待着即将到来的家庭聚会。,"平天是周末,小华早早地起床,习数完毕后便开始准备早餐。他现在厨房里切了一些新鲜的水果。然后打了一个鸡蛋,小伦均匀接着用平底锅煎出了一盘美味的煎蛋卷。与此同时,客厅里的电视里播放着一部他最喜欢的电影。而小华的母亲都在厨房忙碌着,准备做午餐。小华一边享受着美味的早餐,一边期待着即将到来的家庭聚会。",1.0,0.12244897959183673 +5b3feca4-5878-4cf6-9461-258a34b2374f,朝日が昇る頃、私は静かな公園で朝の散歩を楽しんでいます。木々の間から差し込む光は、心地よい暖かさを運びます。鳥のさえずりに耳を傾けながら、一日が始まるのを待っています。この時間はいつも私にとって特別な瞬間です。,朝日が登る頃、私は静かな公園で、朝の三方を楽しんでいます。日記の間から差し込む光は、ここちよいあたたかさを運びます。鳥のサイズリに耳を固むけながら、1日が始まるのを待っています。この時間はいつも私にとって特別な瞬間です。,1.0,0.18095238095238095 +59a74f97-09cb-42fb-bb89-ef47a0b4f8da,"As the sun began its descent below the horizon, casting a golden glow over the city, Sarah took a deep breath, feeling a mix of excitement and apprehension for the day ahead. She knew today would be different; it marked the start of a new chapter in her life. With a determined look in her eyes, she gathered her belongings and stepped out into the vibrant streets, ready to embrace whatever challenges or opportunities awaited her. Each step brought her closer to her destination, a small café known for its cozy ambiance and the warm smiles of its patrons. As she entered the café, the aroma of freshly brewed coffee filled the air, mingling with the scent of baked goods. Sarah felt a sense of calm wash over her, knowing that no matter what lay ahead, she was ready to face it with courage and optimism."," As the sun began its descent below the horizon, casting a golden glow over the city, Sarah took a deep breath, feeling a mix of excitement and apprehension for the day ahead. She knew today would be different. It marked the start of a new chapter in her life. With a determined look in her eyes, she gathered her belongings, and stepped out into the vibrant streets, ready to embrace whatever challenges or opportunities awaited her. Each step brought her closer to her destination, a small cafe known for its cozy ambience, and the warm smiles of its patrons. As she entered the cafe, the aroma of freshly-brewed coffee filled the air, mingling with the scent of baked goods. Sarah felt a sense of calm wash over her, knowing that no matter what lay ahead, she was ready to face it with courage and optimism.",0.0547945205479452,0.009913258983890954 +ea25fbea-091d-4aa9-88ad-d5fe865884a6,"As the sun began its descent below the horizon, casting long shadows across the landscape, Sarah took a deep breath and stepped out onto the balcony of her apartment. The cool night air brushed against her skin, and she closed her eyes, savoring the tranquility of the moment. Reflecting on the events of the day, she felt a mix of emotions—relief, joy, and a touch of sadness. Each step she took towards the city park brought her closer to a conversation she had been avoiding all week. She knew it would be difficult but also necessary to address the issues head-on. As she walked, she noticed the stars beginning to twinkle in the darkening sky, their light a beacon of hope for a new chapter in her life."," As the sun began its descent below the horizon, casting long shadows across the landscape, Sarah took a deep breath and stepped out onto the balcony of her apartment. The cool night air brushed against her skin, and she closed her eyes, savoring the tranquility of the moment. Reflecting on the events of the day, she felt a mix of emotions, relief, joy, and a touch of sadness. Each step she took towards the city park brought her closer to a conversation she had been avoiding all week. She knew it would be difficult but also necessary to address the issues head on. As she walked, she noticed the stars beginning to twinkle in the darkening sky. Their light abekened of hope for a new chapter in her life.",0.0625,0.015536723163841809 +48a93bf3-ed6e-49d5-9f56-e4d1fc346857,今天是小华的生日,一大早他就起床准备了一桌子美味的蛋糕和各种各样的小礼物。邻居们听说后纷纷前来祝贺,院子里充满了欢声笑语。小华非常开心,他邀请了所有的朋友一起分享这个特别的日子。大家围坐在一起,品尝着蛋糕上的奶油和水果,聊着各自的生活趣事。在这个充满爱的日子里,小华感受到了家人的温暖和朋友们的友情。,"今天是小华的生日,一大早他就起床准备了一桌子美味的蛋糕和各种各样的小礼物。临继们听说后分分前来住和,院子里冲难了欢声笑语。小华非常开心,他邀请了所有的朋友一起分享这个特别的日子。大家为作在一起品尝在蛋糕上的奶油和水果。聊着各自的生活去世,在这个冲满爱的日子里,小华感受到了家人的温暖和朋友们的友情。",1.0,0.14 +98409544-b47e-4a40-8d23-a1a3b42e9321,今天是周末,小华和朋友们计划去郊外野餐。他们早早地准备了各种食物和饮料,还带上了烧烤架和一些蔬菜。早上出门时,天空中飘着几朵白云,微风拂过,带来了一丝丝凉意。到达目的地后,他们找了一个风景优美的草地铺开野餐布,开始享受美食。小华负责烤肉,他的朋友们则帮忙摆放餐具和分发食物。午餐过后,大家一起玩起了飞盘和捉迷藏,度过了一个愉快的下午。直到夕阳西下,他们才依依不舍地收拾东西回家。,"今天是周末,小华和朋友们计划去交外野餐,他们早早地准备了各种食物和饮料,还带上了烧烤架和一些蔬菜。早上出门时,天空中飘着极多白云,微风浮过,盖来了一丝丝粮液。到达目的地后,他们找了一个风景优美的草地,铺开野餐步,开始享受美食。小华负责烤肉,他的朋友们则帮忙摆放餐具和分发食物。五餐过后,大家一起玩起了飞盘和捉迷藏,度过了一个愉快的下午。直到夕阳西下,他们才一一步舍得收拾吃东西回家。",1.0,0.14285714285714285 +bc045003-0d5c-4a8a-ab7f-2230de257051,"With the sun beginning its descent towards the horizon, Sarah took a deep breath, feeling the cool evening air against her skin. She strolled through the bustling city park, her footsteps echoing softly on the gravel paths. The sound of children laughing and playing filled the air, mingling with the distant hum of cars passing by. Sarah paused at a bench near a large tree, pulling out her sketchbook and a pencil. She watched as people went about their evening routines, some chatting animatedly, others lost in thought or absorbed in their own activities. As she began to draw, capturing the vibrant colors and lively energy around her, Sarah felt a sense of peace wash over her, a rare moment of calm amidst the chaos of modern life."," With the sun beginning its descent towards the horizon, Sarah took a deep breath, feeling the cool evening air against her skin. She strolled through the bustling city park, her footsteps echoing softly on the gravel paths, the sound of children laughing and playing filled the air, mingling with the distant hum of cars passing by. Sarah paused at a bench near a large tree, pulling out her sketchbook and a pencil. She watched as people went about their evening routines, some chatting animatedly, others lost in thought or absorbed in their own activities. As she began to draw, capturing the vibrant colors and lively energy around her, Sarah felt a sense of peace wash over her, a rare moment of calm amidst the chaos of modern life.",0.015625,0.0027100271002710027 +c5f2391c-68a6-46c6-8e9d-daf8336ef67b,"Le ciel était d'un bleu profond lorsqu'il est tombé du sommeil, mais dès qu'il a ouvert les yeux, il a été emporté par une avalanche de pensées et d'idées qui lui semblaient si importantes. Il avait rendez-vous avec un ami important pour parler de projets futurs, discuter des rêves qui brillaient encore dans son esprit. Les couleurs vives du marché matinal, les odeurs de café fraîchement pressé, tout cela contribuait à renforcer son enthousiasme. Il a gravi les marches étroites de l'imposante bâtisse où se trouvait l'atelier de son ami, prêts à partager leurs visions et à planifier ensemble le chemin à suivre."," Le ciel était d'un bleu profond lorsqu'il est tombé du sommeil. Mais dès qu'il a ouvert les yeux, il a été emporté par une avalanche de pensées et d'idées qui lui semblait si importante. Il avait rendez-vous avec un ami important pour parler de projet futur, discuter des rêves qui brillaient encore dans son esprit. Les couleurs vives du marché matinale, les odeurs de café fraîchement pressés, tout cela contribuait à renforcer son enthousiasme. Il a gravit les marchés troides de l'imposante bâtisse où se trouvait l'atelier de son ami, prêt à partager leur vision et à planifier ensemble le chemin à suivre.",0.13592233009708737,0.02593192868719611 +1c0f2b53-5973-4048-808b-3cc21666f7a0,今天天气格外好,小华骑着自行车穿梭在城市的大街小巷,欣赏着沿途的风景。突然,她发现路边有一只受伤的小鸟,便停下来小心翼翼地把它带回了家。小华找来了一个纸箱,里面铺上了柔软的布料,轻轻将小鸟放进去。她决定要照顾这只小鸟,给它提供食物和水,并且每天都要带它去公园散步,让它感受到家的温暖。小华还上网查找了一些关于小鸟护理的知识,希望能更好地帮助它恢复健康。看到小鸟渐渐好转,小华心里充满了喜悦和满足。,"今天天气格外好。小华旗的自行车穿梭在城市的大街小巷,欣赏着颜图的风景。不然,他发现路边有一只受伤的小鸟,变停下来小心翼翼地把他带回了家。小华找来了一个指箱,里面铺上了楼软的布料,轻轻将小鸟放进去。他决定要照顾这只小鸟,给他提供食物和水,并且每天都要带他去公园散步,让他感受到家的温暖。小华还上网查找了一些关于小鸟护理的知识,希望能更好地帮助他恢复健康,看到小鸟漸漸好转,小华心里充满了喜悅和满足。",1.0,0.15151515151515152 +5c8b2d8b-6802-494e-b0b1-fe717a6cb958,"As the sun began to rise over the horizon, Emily stepped out onto her balcony, the cool morning air invigorating her senses. She took a deep breath, inhaling the fresh scent of blooming flowers and the distant sound of birds singing their morning songs. The day promised to be full of new adventures and unexpected discoveries. She reached for her phone, scrolling through messages from friends and family, feeling grateful for the connections that brought her joy. With a contented smile, she headed downstairs, ready to embrace whatever the day might bring."," As the sun began to rise over the horizon, Emily stepped out onto her balcony, the cool morning air invigorating her senses. She took a deep breath, inhaling the fresh scent of blooming flowers, and the distant sound of birds singing their morning songs. The day promised to be full of new adventures and unexpected discoveries. She reached for her phone, scrolling through messages from friends and family, feeling grateful for the connections that brought her joy. With a contented smile, she headed downstairs, ready to embrace whatever the day might bring.",0.010869565217391304,0.0017889087656529517 +f05bd5e9-371b-4420-ab32-b95bad688214,"As the sun began its descent behind the horizon, casting long shadows across the field, Sarah took a deep breath, feeling the cool evening air against her face. She walked slowly through the grass, her boots crunching softly beneath her feet. The rustling leaves overhead provided a soothing soundtrack to her thoughts, which were a whirlwind of memories from the past year. Each memory brought a wave of emotions—happiness, sadness, joy, and nostalgia—that swirled together like a kaleidoscope of colors. Sarah realized then that even though time passed and seasons changed, these moments remained vivid and irreplaceable. She paused for a moment, looking out at the expansive sky painted with hues of orange and pink, and took another deep breath, letting go of the worries of the day and embracing the tranquility of the present."," As the sun began its descent behind the horizon casting long shadows across the field. Sarah took a deep breath, feeling the cool evening air against her face. She walked slowly through the grass, her boots crunching softly beneath her feet. The rustling leaves overhead provided a soothing soundtrack to her thoughts, which were a whirlwind of memories from the past year. Each memory brought a wave of emotions, happiness, sadness, joy, and nostalgia, that swirled together like a kaleidoscope of colors. Sarah realized then that even though time passed and seasons changed, these moments remained vivid and irreplaceable. She paused for a moment, looking out at the expansive sky painted with hues of orange and pink, and took another deep breath, letting go of the worries of the day, and embracing the tranquility of the present.",0.05185185185185185,0.008413461538461538 +b5363462-eccb-4cdb-8ba3-03b2d696a5c6,"The temperature dropped significantly overnight, and the city was enveloped in a thick fog that made it difficult to see beyond a few feet. Sarah, who worked the night shift at the local hospital, navigated her way through the streets with caution, headlights cutting through the mist like slender fingers. As she approached the emergency entrance, she noticed a figure huddled near the entrance, shivering violently despite the warmth of her coat. Sarah's heart clenched with concern; she knew the person must be very cold and possibly injured. With a deep breath, she signaled for them to follow her inside."," The temperature dropped significantly overnight, and the city was enveloped in a thick fog that made it difficult to see beyond a few feet. Sarah, who worked the night shift at the local hospital, navigated her way through the streets with caution, headlights cutting through the mist like slender fingers. As she approached the emergency entrance, she noticed a figure huddled near the entrance, shivering violently despite the warmth of her coat. Sarah's heart clenched with concern. She knew the person must be very cold and possibly injured. With a deep breath, she signaled for them to follow her inside.",0.02,0.003284072249589491 +1a02a908-5f85-48aa-9db3-740122abb654,朝日が昇り、静かな町の空気が徐々に暖かさを帯び始める。町中にはすでに人々の足音が聞こえてくる。公園では子供たちが遊んでいる。その傍らで、老人は新聞を読みながら悠闲に歩いている。そして、その景色を見守る私の心は満たされ、一日が始まるのを待つ。,朝日が登り、静かな街の空気な徐々にあたたかさをおび始める。街のにはすれに人々の足音が聞こえてくる。公園では子どもたちが遊んでいる。その片笑で老人は新聞を読みながら優先に歩いている。そしてその景色を見守る私の心は似たされ、一日な始まるのを待つ。,1.0,0.16666666666666666 +c707f2e9-8b68-4661-ad3c-99466bffe18e,"In the early morning light, Sarah walked slowly through the park, her mind wandering as she enjoyed the peacefulness around her. The birds chirped happily, and the sun peeked over the trees, casting warm hues across the grass. As she passed by a bench, she noticed an old woman reading a book nearby. Sarah smiled, remembering how she used to do the same when she was younger."," In the early morning light, Sarah walked slowly through the park, her mind wandering as she enjoyed the peacefulness around her. The birds chirped happily, and the sun peeked over the trees, casting warm hues across the grass. As she passed by a bench, she noticed an old woman reading a book nearby. Sarah smiled, remembering how she used to do the same when she was younger.",0.0,0.0 +6a4bc1e6-2540-4c22-bdf2-5fefab378f03,今天天气非常好,小华和朋友们一起去公园玩,他们放风筝、踢足球,还一起吃了美味的冰淇淋。大家玩得很开心,度过了一个愉快的下午。,"今天天气非常好,小华和朋友们一起去公园玩,他们放风证,踢足球,还一起吃了美味的冰淇淋。大家玩的很开心,度过了一个愉快的下午。",1.0,0.11290322580645161 +47f425de-e8bf-4ec4-85b2-4c523432a337,朝日が昇る頃、田中さんは庭に出ていました。空はまだ青く、静かな時間でした。彼は木の下で座り、手元にある本を読み始めました。時々、ページをめくって新たな言葉に出会うたびに、心が静かになり、日々の小さな喜びを感じました。そんな顷、隣の家の猫が近づいてきたのです。田中さんは思わず立ち上がり、猫に優しく話しかけました。その猫はすぐに田中さんの手元に戻り、一緒に本を読むようにしました。この出来事は、田中さんの一日に特別な風景を加え、彼の心に温かい一粒の砂を落とすことに変わりはありませんでした。,朝日が伸ぶる頃、田中さんはニワニ出ていました。空はまだ多く、静かな時間でした。彼は木の下で座り、手元にある本を読み始めました。時々、ベージをめくって新たな言葉に出会うたびに、心が静かになり、日々の小さな喜びを感じました。そんな巨ん、隣の家の猫が近づいてきたのです。田中さんは思わず立ち上がり、猫に優しく話しかけました。その猫はすぐに田中さんの手元に戻り、一緒に本を読むようにしました。この出来事は、田中さんの一日に特別な風景を加え、彼の心に暖かい一つぶの砂を落とすことに変わりはありませんでした。,1.0,0.04918032786885246 +abad137d-a316-4e52-b304-c8bd574a831f,今天天气很好,小华和朋友们一起去公园玩了。他们在草地上踢足球,还一起放风筝,度过了一个愉快的下午。,"今天天气很好,小华和朋友们一起去公园玩了。他们在草地上踢足球,还一起放风整,度过了一个愉快的下午。",1.0,0.08163265306122448 +b6af5cac-47f2-41a7-bfb6-6e98eb02f625,"Chaque matin, avant même que le soleil ne monte dans le ciel, j'entre dans la cuisine pour préparer notre petit déjeuner quotidien. Les odeurs de café et de pain grillé me réveillent et me donnent l'énergie nécessaire pour affronter la journée. Ensuite, je vais chercher mes enfants dans leur école maternelle, une promenade paisible où nous discutons des aventures de la veille. Lorsque nous rentrons à la maison, je prépare un repas simple mais délicieux, suivi de la lecture de quelques pages de livre pour finir la journée en beauté."," Chaque matin, avant même que le soleil ne monte dans le ciel, j'entre dans la cuisine pour préparer notre petit déjeuner quotidien. Les odeurs de café et de pangriers me réveillent et me donnent l'énergie nécessaire pour affronter la journée. Ensuite, je vais chercher mes enfants dans le récolme maternel, une promenade paisible où nous discutons des aventures de la veille. Lorsque nous rentrons à la maison, je prépare un repas simple mais délicieux, suivi de la lecture de quelques pages de livres pour finir la journée en beauté.",0.06666666666666667,0.020484171322160148 +10796c10-b486-488e-85f4-861f5459ffb7,"En cette matinée grise, j'ai pris le temps de me promener dans les rues étroites de la petite ville. Le soleil voilé éclairait rarement les façades des bâtiments anciens, créant des ombres délicates qui semblaient flotter sur les trottoirs. Les odeurs de café frais et de pain grillé réveillaient mes sens et me rappelaient la réalité de cette existence quotidienne. Je me suis arrêté devant une librairie, sa vitrine ornée de livres aux couvertures usées attirant mon regard. Un sourire échappa à mes lèvres en imaginant toutes les histoires cachées derrière ces pages, prêtes à être décryptées par ceux qui osent les ouvrir."," Cette matinée grise, j'ai pris le temps de me promener dans les rues étroites de la petite ville. Le soleil voulait et cléré rarement les facades des bâtiments anciens, créant des hommes d'élicates qui semblaient flotter sur les trottoirs. Les odeurs de café frais et de pinguiller réveillé mes sens et me rappellait la réalité de cette existence quotidienne. Je me suis arrêté devant une libre-hérie, sa vitrine ornée de livres, couverturusée, attirant mon regard. Un sourire et chapa à mes lèvres en imaginant toutes les histoires cachées derrière ces pages prêtes à être décryptées par ceux qui hausent les ouvrir.",0.20388349514563106,0.08626198083067092 +9d553aca-d080-4748-9ef1-6f388dfcead5,"Le ciel était d'un bleu profond lorsqu'elle s'était levée ce matin-là, promettant une journée splendide à l'horizon. Elle avait décidé de faire une promenade dans le parc voisin, un endroit qu'elle aimait particulièrement pour sa paix et sa beauté. En marchant, elle avait remarqué un petit banc près d'un vieux chêne, parfait pour se détendre après une longue semaine de travail. Elle s'y était installée, plongée dans ses pensées, lorsque son portable vibra dans sa poche. C'était une notification d'email qui annonçait une invitation à participer à un événement culturel. Elle avait immédiatement rejoint son ami organisateur, qui l'avait guidée vers diverses activités fascinantes. Pendant le repas, ils avaient discuté de leurs projets futurs, chacun offrant des idées innovantes et inspirantes. Après le dîner, ils avaient visité un musée local où elle avait été émerveillée par une collection de peintures anciennes. La soirée s'était terminée par une délicieuse tarte aux pommes, servie avec une bouteille de vin rouge. Cette journée unique avait été marquée par des rencontres passionnantes, des expériences enrichissantes et une sensation d'accomplissement."," Le ciel était d'un bleu profond lorsqu'elle s'était levée ce matin-là, promettant une journée splendida l'horizon. Elle avait décidé de faire une promade dans le parc voisin, un endroit qu'elle aimait particulièrement pour sa paix et sa beauté. En marchant, elle avait remarqué un petit banc près d'un vieux chien. Parfait pour se détendre après une longue semaine de travail, elle s'y était installée, plongée dans ses pensées. Lorsque son portable vibra dans sa poche, c'était une notification d'y mail qui annonçait une invitation à participer à un événement culturel. Elle avait immédiatement rejoint son ami, organisateur, qui l'avait guidé vers divers activités fascinantes. Pendant le repas, ils avaient discuté de leur projet futur, chacun offrant des idées innovantes et inspirantes. Après le dîner, ils avaient visité un musée local où elle avait été émerveillée par une collection de peintures anciennes. La soirée s'était terminée par une délicieuse tartopomme, servie avec une bouteille de vingt rouges. Cette journée unique avait été marquée par des rencontres passionnantes, des expériences enrichissantes et une sensation d'accomplissement.",0.13714285714285715,0.029991431019708654 +b6598501-e5e4-483a-a99b-56a24060e4be,"As the sun began to rise over the horizon, Emily stepped out of her cozy apartment and into the vibrant morning light. She took a deep breath, inhaling the fresh air that smelled of blooming flowers and distant coffee shops. With a contented smile, she walked towards the bustling city center, her footsteps echoing softly on the pavement. The streets were already bustling with people hurrying to their destinations, each carrying their own stories and dreams. Emily felt a sense of belonging as she joined the flow, ready to embrace whatever the day might bring."," As the sun began to rise over the horizon, Emily stepped out of her cozy apartment, and into the vibrant morning light. She took a deep breath, inhaling the fresh air that smelled of blooming flowers and distant coffee shops. With a contented smile, she walked towards the bustling city center. Her footsteps echoing softly on the pavement. The streets were already bustling with people hurrying to their destinations, each carrying their own stories and dreams. Emily felt a sense of belonging as she joined the flow, ready to embrace whatever the day might bring.",0.031578947368421054,0.005319148936170213 +c0d6079f-e138-414e-8d3a-c35430423734,今天天气格外好,小华早早地起床去公园散步。公园里花儿盛开,小鸟在枝头欢快地歌唱。小华沿着湖边走了一圈,看到一群孩子正在放风筝,他们脸上洋溢着快乐的笑容。不远处,几位老人正在悠闲地打太极拳,他们的动作流畅而优雅。小华被这美好的场景深深吸引,不禁也跟着哼起了歌。回到家中,小华翻开昨天收到的一封信,信中是远方朋友寄来的最新消息,让人心情格外愉快。,"今天天气格外好,小华早早地起床去公园散步。公园里花而圣开,小鸟在鸡头欢快地歌场。小华沿着湖边走了一圈,看到一群孩子正在放风整。他们连上洋艺这快乐的笑容,不远住几位老人正在优险地打开极权,他们的动作流畅而优雅。小华背着美好的场景深深吸引,不经也跟着哼起了歌。回到家中,小华翻开昨天收到的一封信,信中是远方朋友进来的最新消息,让人心情格外愉快。",1.0,0.16374269005847952 +598a1d34-7dc3-49e6-b688-252e73cf14d7,その晴れた日曜日の朝、青空に照らされた暖かな陽光の中で、私たちは静かに庭で朝食を楽しんでいました。窓から見える木々の緑が心地よく、私たちの笑い声が広範囲に響き渡っていました。その光景を見ているだけで、私たちの日々の小さな幸せが心に広がる感動がありました。そして、この一日が終わる頃には、私たちは新たな目標と希望を持って明日への旅に出発していました。,その晴れた日曜日の朝、青空に照らされた暖かな陽光の中で、私たちは静かに庭で調色を楽しんでいました。窓から見える木木の緑がここちよく、私たちの笑い声が高範囲に響き渡っていました。その光景を見ているだけで、私たちの響の小さな幸せが心に広がる感動がありました。そして、この一日が終わる頃には、私たちは新たな目標と希望を持って明日への旅に出発していました。,1.0,0.05172413793103448 +dd9dd469-6711-4b1f-a564-e5d0d500b11a,"Le soleil se couche doucement sur la ville, baignant tout dans une teinte dorée qui évoque l'apaisement. Les rues commencent à se vider, remplacées par les silhouettes des promeneurs qui marchent lentement, absorbés par leurs pensées ou par les murmures familiers qu'ils échangent. Je me dirige vers mon appartement, le cœur léger après une journée bien remplie. À chaque pas, je ressens une paix intérieure qui semble s'accrocher à moi, comme une main réconfortante."," Le soleil se couche doucement sur la ville, baignant tout dans une tinte dorée qui évoque l'apaisement. Les rues commencent à se vider, remplacées par les silhouettes des promeneurs qui marchent lentement, absorbées par leurs pensées ou par les murs-murs familiers qu'ils échangeent. Je me dirige vers mon appartement, le cœur léger après une journée bien remplie. A chaque pas, je ressens une paix intérieure qui semble s'accrocher à moi comme une main réconfortante.",0.08108108108108109,0.017130620985010708 +300addbd-6b76-463a-8e76-b0e6a1724a3c,今天天气格外好,小华早早地起了床,开始了一天的学习计划。她先复习了昨天的内容,然后认真做了几道数学题,接着又阅读了几篇英文文章。午餐后,她决定去附近的公园散散步,呼吸一下新鲜空气。下午,她还约了同学一起去参加志愿者活动,帮助清理社区的垃圾。忙完这一切,她回到家里,给爷爷奶奶打了电话,分享了自己的学习心得,并询问他们最近的情况。最后,她还花了一些时间做家务,准备晚餐。忙碌而充实的一天就这样结束了。,"《星星天天气格外好》小华早早地起了床,开始了一天的学习计划。他先负协了昨天的内容,然后认真做了几道数学题,接着又閱读了几篇英文文章。午餐后,他决定去附近的公园散散步,呼吸一下新鲜空气。下午,他还约了同学一起去参加志愿者活动,帮助清理社区的垃圾。忙完这一切,他回到家里,给爷爷奶奶打了电话,分享了自己的学习心得,定询问他们最近的情况,最后他还花了一些时间做家务,准备晚餐。忙碌���充实的一天,就这样结束了。",1.0,0.1407035175879397 +384d9743-5bcc-4011-aa6a-3805ae6f6215,"When the first light of dawn paints the sky with hues of pink and orange, I wake up to greet the new day with a smile. The gentle breeze carries the scent of fresh flowers, awakening my senses and filling my heart with warmth. Each step I take towards the bustling city streets is a reminder of the countless adventures and opportunities that await me."," When the first light of dawn paints the sky with hues of pink and orange, I wake up to greet the new day with a smile. The gentle breeze carries the scent of fresh flowers, awakening my senses and filling my heart with warmth. Each step I take towards the bustling city-street is a reminder of the countless adventures and opportunities that await me.",0.03076923076923077,0.005681818181818182 +e6e2447a-cb27-4fd1-ac4b-af2c0247920b,"Le soleil se couche doucement derrière les collines, colorant le ciel d'un doux rougeâtre. Marie range ses livres dans son placard avant de rentrer à la maison. Elle prépare une tasse de thé tandis qu'elle écoute de la musique classique pour se détendre."," Le soleil se couche doucement derrière les collines. Colorant le ciel d'un doureau jâtre, Marie range ses livres dans son placard avant de rentrer à la maison. Elle prépare une passe de thé. Tendis qu'elle écoute de la musique classique pour se détendre.",0.16279069767441862,0.051181102362204724 +ee93549a-7955-470d-81bb-c77578599ea7,朝日が昇る頃、私は庭でコーヒーを淹れながら本を読む。窓から見える木々の葉は静かに風に揺れ、空は青く澄んでいた。そんな静けさの中で、昨日のことを思い出した。友人との楽しい時間や、新しいことを学んだことなど、すべてが心地よい。今日はまた新たな一日が始まる。,朝日が伸ばる頃 私は二話で好日を言えれながら本を読む窓から見える木木の葉は静かに風に揺れ 空は青く住んでいたそんな静けさの中で昨日のことを思い出した 友人との楽しい時間や新しいことを学んだことなどすべてがここちよい 今日はまた新たな一日が始まる,5.0,0.1984126984126984 +4a79ac72-c151-472a-a73f-1c0d40378e5a,朝日が昇る頃、私は庭で読書を始めました。静かな空気の中で、ページをめくる音だけが聞こえ、心地よい沈黙が広がっていました。時々、窓の外に見える木々の葉の動きに気づき、春が来ていることを実感しました。その日のために準備したコーヒーを飲みながら、明日への希望と新たな一日への期待を感じることができました。,朝日が登る頃、私は二話で独賞を始めました。静かな空気の中で、ページをめくる音だけが聞こえ、心地よい審問が広がっていました。抜きどき、窓の外に見える木木の葉の動きに気づき、春が来ていることを実感しました。その日のために準備した好費を飲みながら、明日への希望と、新たな一日への期待を感じることができました。,1.0,0.11409395973154363 +e37d2c78-54f6-40c8-b48a-3e96f79fe2ec,朝日が昇り始め、静かな町には早朝の静けさが広がっています。この小さな街で暮らす人々は、それぞれに自分の日々を過ごしています。私は自転車に乗って公園に向かい、木々の間から差し込む朝日を眺めながら、今日一日の計画を立てています。,朝日が登り始め、静かな街には、 草長の静けさが広がっていますこの小さな街で暮らす人々は、 それぞれに自分の日々を過ごしています私は自転車に乗って公園に向かい 木木の間から差し込む朝日を眺めながら今日1日の計画を立てています,4.0,0.125 +b42b707e-f159-402a-aea3-3e1b4cd83420,"With the sun just beginning to rise above the horizon, Sarah stepped out onto her balcony, feeling the cool morning air against her skin. She took a deep breath, inhaling the fresh scent of blooming flowers and the distant sound of birds chirping. As she gazed out over the city, she noticed a small crowd forming near the park, their faces illuminated by the first rays of sunlight. Curiosity piqued, Sarah decided to join them, walking through the throng towards the center where a group of people were gathered around a makeshift stage. The air was electric with anticipation, and soon enough, a charismatic speaker began to address the crowd, his voice resonating through the gathering like a clarion call for change."," But the sun just beginning to rise above the horizon. Sarah stepped out onto her balcony, feeling the cool morning air against her skin. She took a deep breath, inhaling the fresh scent of blooming flowers and the distant sound of birds chirping. As she gazed out over the city, she noticed a small crowd forming near the park. Their faces illuminated by the first rays of sunlight. Curiosity peaked. Sarah decided to join them, walking through the throng towards the center where a group of people were gathered around a makeshift stage. The air was electric, with anticipation, and soon enough, a charismatic speaker began to address the crowd. His voice resonating through the gathering like a clarion call for change.",0.06557377049180328,0.018030513176144243 +05a2c19c-b974-418e-8e2b-bc21072676ac,今天天气真好,小华和妈妈一起去公园散步,看到孩子们在草地上快乐地玩耍,大家都感到非常开心。,"今天天气真好,小华和妈妈一起去公园算部,看到孩子能在草地上快乐地玩耍,大家都感到非常开心。",1.0,0.13333333333333333 +4bab9867-1aaa-48ce-85cf-1b054ca4402e,"As the sun began to set over the horizon, casting a golden glow across the landscape, Sarah stepped out onto her porch. The gentle breeze carried the sweet fragrance of blooming flowers, making her feel alive and grateful for the simple pleasures of life. She took a deep breath, savoring the moment, and then turned to head inside to prepare dinner for her family. As she walked through the kitchen, the sound of the dishwasher humming softly in the background added to the peaceful atmosphere. Sarah smiled, knowing that no matter how busy or stressful her day had been, this evening would be filled with love and warmth."," As the sun began to set over the horizon, casting a golden glow across the landscape, Sarah stepped out onto her porch. The gentle breeze carried the sweet fragrance of blooming flowers, making her feel alive and grateful for the simple pleasures of life. She took a deep breath, savoring the moment and then turned to head inside to prepare dinner for her family. As she walked through the kitchen, the sound of the dishwasher humming softly in the background added to the peaceful atmosphere, Sarah smiled, knowing that no matter how busy or stressful her day had been, this evening would be filled with love and warmth.",0.018518518518518517,0.0032102728731942215 +35dfb017-56eb-4f60-a38e-e50bb7b42837,"Chaque matin, avant même que le soleil ne se lève, je vais me promener dans le parc voisin. Les oiseaux chantent leurs premières notes joyeuses, et la fraîcheur matinale me réveille doucement. Je me dirige vers le bassin où les tortues se déplacent gracieusement sous la lumière tamisée du jour. Ces instants simples me rassurent et me donnent l'envie de vivre chaque jour avec gratitude."," Chaque matin, avant même que le soleil ne se lève, je vais me promener dans le parc voisin. Les oiseaux chantes leur première note joyeuse. Et la fraîcheur matinale me réveille doucement. Je me dirige vers le bassin où les tortues se déplacent gracieusement sous la lumière tannisée du jour. Ces instants simples me rassurent et me donnent l'envie de vivre chaque jour avec gratitude.",0.1076923076923077,0.02577319587628866 +352744cf-937f-48de-adeb-57554331449c,"As the sun began to rise, Sarah stepped out of her cozy bed, feeling the softness of the morning light on her skin. She stretched her limbs, enjoying the quiet of the early hours before the hustle and bustle of the day began."," As the sun began to rise, Sarah stepped out of her cozy bed, feeling the softness of the morning light on her skin. She stretched her limbs, enjoying the quiet of the early hours before the hustle and bustle of the day began.",0.0,0.0 +86016b4d-e922-4f0a-aad6-158c94b3e62d,"As the sun began to rise, Emily stepped out of her cozy bed, feeling the warmth of the morning sun on her skin. She stretched her arms above her head, enjoying the fresh air that filled the room. Today was going to be a special day; she had an early meeting with her mentor at the company headquarters. With a smile, she grabbed her laptop and headed towards the kitchen to prepare a healthy breakfast."," As the sun began to rise, Emily stepped out of her cozy bed, feeling the warmth of the morning sun on her skin. She stretched her arms above her head, enjoying the fresh air that filled the room. Today was going to be a special day. She had an early meeting with her mentor at the company headquarters, with a smile she grabbed her laptop and headed towards the kitchen to prepare a healthy breakfast.",0.06666666666666667,0.012437810945273632 +791793f1-a555-4850-b94a-502225b4752e,"As the sun began its descent towards the horizon, casting long shadows across the bustling city streets, Sarah took a deep breath, feeling a mix of excitement and nervousness building within her. She had spent weeks preparing for this moment, rehearsing every word and movement, but now, standing at the podium, her mind felt as if it were about to burst. The applause from the audience was deafening, a testament to the hard work and dedication she had put into her speech. Sarah closed her eyes, took a deep breath, and stepped forward, ready to share her dreams and aspirations with the world."," As the sun began its descent towards the horizon, casting long shadows across the bustling city streets, Sarah took a deep breath, feeling a mix of excitement and nervousness building within her. She had spent weeks preparing for this moment, rehearsing every word and movement, but now standing at the podium, her mind felt as if it were about to burst. The applause from the audience was deafening, a testament to the hard work and dedication she had put into her speech. Sarah closed her eyes, took a deep breath, and stepped forward, ready to share her dreams and aspirations with the world.",0.009708737864077669,0.0016778523489932886 +5bd2e292-d3ea-47b5-bf5f-93de110b7ac1,"Aujourd'hui, alors que le soleil se couche sur la charmante petite ville de Saint-Étienne, je me sens particulièrement chanceux. Les rues sont déjà envahies par la tranquillité de la soirée, avec les sons paisibles des conversations en famille et les enfants courant joyeusement. Je prends une pause dans ma tâche quotidienne pour admirer la beauté de ce moment, savourant chaque instant avant que la nuit ne vienne emporter les derniers rayons de lumière. Je pense à tous ceux qui partagent cette même paix, et à l'importance de prendre le temps de profiter des petites choses de la vie."," Aujourd'hui, alors que le soleil se couche sur la charmante petite ville de Saint-Etienne, je me sens particulièrement chanceux. Les rues sont déjà envahies par la tranquillité de la soirée, avec les sons paisibles des conversations en famille et les enfants courant joyeusement. Je prends une pause dans ma tâche quotidienne pour admirer la beauté de ce moment, ça vous rend chaque instant avant que la nuit ne vienne emporter les derniers rayons de lumière. Je pense à tous ceux qui partagent cette même paix et à l'importance de prendre le temps de profiter des petites choses de la vie.",0.05102040816326531,0.013605442176870748 +6d7ace63-ed4c-4a1d-bf64-25cced1ee939,今天是周末,小华和朋友们一起去郊外野餐。他们带了许多美食,有烤鸡、蔬菜沙拉、水果和蛋糕。小华还准备了各种饮料,有果汁、矿泉水和汽水。他们在草地上铺开一块大毯子,大家围坐在一起,一边享受美食,一边聊天说笑。天空中飘着几朵白云,微风拂过,带来一丝丝凉意。这样的日子让人感到非常幸福和满足。,"今天是周末,小华和朋友们一起去交外野餐,他们带了许多美食,有烤鸡、蔬菜沙拉、水果和蛋糕。小华还准备了各种饮料,有果汁、框泉水和气水。他们在草地上铺开一块大毯子,大家为作在一起,一边享受美食,一边聊天说笑。天空中飘着几岛白云,微风浮过,带来一丝丝凉意。这样的日子,让人感到非常幸福和满足。",1.0,0.11971830985915492 +593a27c1-3bb4-4b2c-9f81-d9c0e7820e2e,朝日が昇る頃、町は静かに蘇ります。私は公園のベンチで休んでおり、手元には古びた写真集が握られていた。一枚一枚の写真を眺めながら、それぞれに異なる思い出が浮かんできます。その中から選んだ一枚を掲げて、心の中を語るように話し始めました。,朝日が伸ばる頃、街は静かに読みがえります。私は公園のベンチで休んでおり、手元には古びた写真集が握られていた、1枚1枚の写真を眺めながら、それぞれに異なる思い出が浮かんできます。その中から選んだ1枚を掛けて、心の中を語るように話し始めました。,1.0,0.11206896551724138 +c529cd53-179e-4cc6-b992-0f61933f09a5,"As the sun began to set, casting long shadows across the town square, Sarah took a deep breath and walked towards the small café she had been planning to visit for weeks. The aroma of freshly brewed coffee wafted through the cool evening air, making her mouth water. She decided to order a latte and sit by the window, watching the world go by."," As the sun began to set, casting long shadows across the town square, Sarah took a deep breath and walked towards the small cafe she had been planning to visit for weeks. The aroma of freshly brewed coffee wafted through the cool evening air, making her mouthwater. She decided to order a latte and sit by the window, watching the world go by.",0.046875,0.005813953488372093 +a8bf0e88-b323-41ab-9023-79bbd3a7d413,"As the sun began to set, casting a golden glow over the bustling city streets, Sarah took a deep breath and walked briskly towards her favorite café. The aroma of freshly brewed coffee wafted through the air, mingling with the sounds of people going about their daily lives. Inside, she found an empty table and sat down, pulling out her notepad and pen. With each stroke of the pen, ideas began to flow onto the paper, capturing the essence of the vibrant city around her."," As the sun began to set, casting a golden glow over the bustling city-street, Sarah took a deep breath and walked briskly towards her favorite cafe. The aroma of freshly brewed coffee wafted through the air, mingling with the sounds of people going about their daily lives. Inside, she found an empty table and sat down, pulling out her notepad and pen. With each stroke of the pen, ideas began to flow onto the paper, capturing the essence of the vibrant city around her.",0.03529411764705882,0.006342494714587738 +beac1f8c-b6e0-4b6c-926f-2d067dbf2616,"As the sun began its descent below the horizon, casting a warm glow over the landscape, Sarah took a deep breath of the crisp autumn air. The leaves on the trees were a vibrant mix of oranges, yellows, and reds, creating a stunning display of nature's beauty. She walked slowly through the park, her footsteps echoing softly on the gravel path. Each step brought her closer to the bench where she often sat to read books or simply enjoy the peacefulness of the moment. As she approached the bench, she noticed a small wooden sign lying near the edge. Curious, she picked it up, finding a note written on a piece of paper tucked inside. The note was from an elderly man who had been sitting nearby, and he had left it for someone special to find. Sarah felt a sense of warmth spreading through her as she read the message, knowing that this unexpected encounter might just be the beginning of something beautiful."," As the sun began its descent below the horizon, casting a warm glow over the landscape, Sarah took a deep breath of the crisp autumn air. The leaves on the trees were a vibrant mix of oranges, yellows and reds, creating a stunning display of nature's beauty. She walked slowly through the park, her footsteps echoing softly on the gravel path. Each step brought her closer to the bench where she often sat to read books or simply enjoy the peacefulness of the moment. As she approached the bench, she noticed a small wooden sign lying near the edge. Curious, she picked it up, finding a note written on a piece of paper tucked inside. The note was from an elderly man who had been sitting nearby, and he had left it for someone special to find. Sarah felt a sense of warmth spreading through her as she read the message, knowing that this unexpected encounter might just be the beginning of something beautiful.",0.006097560975609756,0.0010964912280701754 +82cab446-168f-4543-a563-d86bdbbd5c49,"With the sun just beginning to peek over the horizon, Sarah stepped out onto her balcony, taking in the vibrant colors of dawn. She sipped her coffee, watching as the first light illuminated the cityscape, casting long shadows across the streets below. As she walked through the bustling market, the sounds of laughter and chatter mingled with the distant hum of traffic, creating a lively atmosphere. Each stall offered unique treasures, from fresh produce to handmade crafts, all contributing to the vibrant tapestry of life in this lively neighborhood."," With the sun just beginning to peak over the horizon, Sarah stepped out onto her balcony, taking in the vibrant colors of dawn. She sipped her coffee, watching as the first light illuminated the city's shape, casting long shadows across the streets below. As she walked through the bustling market, the sounds of laughter and chatter mingled with the distant hum of traffic, creating a lively atmosphere, each stall offered unique treasures from fresh produce to handmade crafts, all contributing to the vibrant tapestry of life in this lively neighborhood.",0.06741573033707865,0.014414414414414415 +60e540b5-ed0c-4360-90d9-620ddf9a4fca,その日の夜、私は静かな街角で一人座り、空を見上げました。星が輝き、月が綺麗に浮かんでいました。風が心地よく吹き、少し寒さを感じましたが、それは快適な感じでした。人々の喧騒とは一線を画すこの時間は、私にとって特別な瞬間です。,その日の夜 私は静かな街角で一人座り空を見上げました星が輝き 月が綺麗に浮かんでいました 風がここちよく吹き少し寒さを感じましたが それは快適な感じでした人々の検討とは一戦をガスこの時間は 私にとって特別な瞬間です,6.0,0.16216216216216217 +a14c1821-5cd9-42a8-ae68-ee98485f13bd,"Le soleil déclinait à l'horizon, offrant une palette de couleurs dorées et vives au ciel. Marie marchait lentement dans la rue piétonne, sa silhouette se fondant dans la foule qui semblait s'apprêter à disparaître sous le crépuscule. Les rires étouffés des enfants jouant dans la cour voisine, les paroles douces de la radio qui filtraient par les fenêtres entrouvertes, tout contribuait à créer un tableau paisible et accueillant. Elle savourait chaque instant, laissant son cœur s'envoler vers l'inconnu de la nuit qui approchait."," Le soleil décliné à l'horizon offre une palette de couleurs dorées et vivosiel. Marie marchait lentement dans la rupe et tonne, sa silhouette se fondant dans la foule, qui semblait s'apprêter à disparaître sous le crêpe muscul. L'hérire est offé des enfants jouant dans la cour voisine, les paroles douces de la radio qui filtraient par les fenêtres en trouvettes, tout contribué à créer un tableau paisible et accueillant. Elle savourait chaque instant, laissant son cœur sans voler vers l'inconnu de la nuit qui approchait.",0.24096385542168675,0.07706766917293233 +ee4645a7-7768-4298-b3ad-5971ac63e6f1,"As the morning sun began to rise over the horizon, casting a warm glow over the sleepy town, Sarah took a deep breath of the fresh air. She stepped out of her cozy apartment, her footsteps echoing softly on the pavement. The streets were already bustling with early risers, each person going about their own business, some hurriedly making their way to work, others enjoying a leisurely stroll. Sarah paused at the local café, savoring the aroma of freshly brewed coffee. She ordered a latte and settled into a corner seat, watching the world unfold around her. Each face she saw, each sound she heard, brought a new story to life, reminding her of the countless adventures waiting just beyond the next street corner."," As the morning sun began to rise over the horizon, casting a warm glow over the sleepy town, Sarah took a deep breath of the fresh air. She stepped out of her cozy apartment, her footsteps echoing softly on the pavement. The streets were already bustling with early risers. Each person going about their own business, some hurriedly making their way to work, others enjoying a leisurely stroll. Sarah paused at the local cafe, savoring the aroma of freshly brewed coffee. She ordered a latte and settled into a corner seat, watching the world unfold around her. Each face she saw, each sound she heard, brought a new story to life, reminding her of the countless adventures waiting just beyond the next street corner.",0.024193548387096774,0.0041841004184100415 +b9b288ba-e97a-42fb-bd5d-0e353234eb75,"With the sun just beginning to rise over the horizon, Sarah stepped out of her cozy apartment, feeling the crisp morning air on her face. She took a deep breath, savoring the fresh scent of the city awakening around her. Today was different; today was going to be extraordinary. After grabbing her coffee from the nearby café, she headed towards the bustling downtown area, her heart pounding with excitement. She had an important meeting scheduled with her mentor, someone who had guided her through countless challenges and failures. Each step brought her closer to the moment when she would share her ideas and dreams with this influential figure. As she walked, she couldn't help but feel a mix of nerves and anticipation, knowing that this encounter could potentially change everything."," With the sun, just beginning to rise over the horizon, Sarah stepped out of her cozy apartment, feeling the crisp morning air on her face, she took a deep breath, savoring the fresh scent of the city awakening around her. Today was different. Today was going to be extraordinary. After grabbing her coffee from the nearby cafe, she headed towards the bustling downtown area, her heart pounding with excitement. She had an important meeting scheduled with her mentor, someone who had guided her through countless challenges and failures. Each step brought her closer to the moment when she would share her ideas and dreams with this influential figure. As she walked, she couldn't help but feel a mix of nerves and anticipation, knowing that this encounter could potentially change everything.",0.046153846153846156,0.007585335018963337 +f93ec3fc-3738-42fc-84f7-bf3e180ff3b0,"Dans cette petite ville paisible, chaque matin commence par une tasse de café et une promenade le long de la rivière. Les oiseaux chantent joyeusement tandis que je contemple le paysage paisible autour de moi. Ces moments simples apportent une paix inestimable à mon cœur."," Dans cette petite ville paisible, chaque matin commence par une tasse de café et une promenade le long de la rivière. Les oiseaux chants de joyeusement tentent que je contente le paysage paisible autour de moi. C'est moment simple, apporte une paix inestimable à mon coeur.",0.2,0.07352941176470588 +4c6b2ade-1470-4f88-aeb9-300b7f7ce9ad,"Walking through the bustling city streets, Sarah couldn't help but feel a mix of excitement and exhaustion. The neon lights flickered and blinked, casting vibrant colors onto the sidewalks as people hurried past her. She had spent the entire morning at the office, attending meetings and reviewing reports. Now, with lunchtime approaching, she decided to take a break and explore a nearby park. The gentle sound of children playing and the distant hum of traffic created a soothing atmosphere that helped her relax. As she strolled along the path, she noticed a group of elderly couples dancing slowly to the music playing from a portable speaker. Their joyous laughter filled the air, reminding her of simpler times and the importance of cherishing moments like these. Sarah took a deep breath, feeling grateful for the small pleasures in life and the opportunity to connect with others."," Walking through the bustling city streets, Sarah couldn't help but feel a mix of excitement and exhaustion. The neon lights flickered and blinked, casting vibrant colors onto the sidewalks as people hurried past her. She had spent the entire morning at the office, attending meetings and reviewing reports. Now with lunchtime approaching, she decided to take a break and explore a nearby park. The gentle sound of children playing and the distant hum of traffic created a soothing atmosphere that helped her relax. As she strolled along the path, she noticed a group of elderly couples dancing slowly to the music playing from a portable speaker. Their joyous laughter filled the air, reminding her of simpler times and the importance of cherishing moments like these. Sarah took a deep breath, feeling grateful for the small pleasures in life and the opportunity to connect with others.",0.006896551724137931,0.0011261261261261261 +ec1042a7-4467-4661-b1b2-dbdddf3ffb94,"On a sunny morning, as the birds chirped happily in the nearby park, Sarah decided to take a walk along the riverbank. The gentle breeze carried the scent of blooming flowers and the sound of children laughing echoed through the trees. She felt a sense of peace wash over her as she watched the ducks swimming in the calm water. Sarah often found solace in these simple moments, reminding her that happiness could be found even in the smallest things."," On a sunny morning, as the birds chirped happily in the nearby park, Sarah decided to take a walk along the riverbank. The gentle breeze carried the scent of blooming flowers and the sound of children laughing echoed through the trees. She felt a sense of peace wash over her, as she watched the duck swimming in the calm water. Sarah often found solace in these simple moments, reminding her that happiness could be found even in the smallest things.",0.025,0.004434589800443459 +26471420-5db4-4c52-9e42-c6fa6e13160d,今天天气非常不错,小华一大早就起床去菜市场买食材,准备做一顿丰盛的午餐。市场上人来人往,新鲜的蔬菜、水果、肉类和海鲜琳琅满目。小华仔细挑选,最后买了各种各样的食材。回到家后,她开始忙碌起来,切菜、洗菜、炒菜……经过一番努力,一桌色香味俱全的饭菜很快就做好了。家人围坐在一起享用这顿美味佳肴,大家都感到非常满足和幸福。,"今天听听机非常不错,小华一大早就起床去菜市场买食材,准备做一顿风圣的午餐。市场上人来人往新鲜的蔬菜,水果肉类和海鲜凌朗满木。小华仔细挑选,最后买了各种各样的食材。回到家后,他开始忙碌起来。切菜洗菜炒菜,经过一番努力。一桌色香味巨拳的饭菜很快就做好了。家人为作在一起,想用这顿美味加搖,大家都感到非常满足和幸福。",1.0,0.1962025316455696 +5114e1f4-1fe4-42b4-8b9e-bccf0681feea,"As the sun began to set, casting long shadows over the city, Sarah took a deep breath and walked out onto the rooftop terrace. The cool night air felt invigorating against her skin, and she gazed out at the bustling skyline below. She realized then how much she appreciated the simple pleasures in life, like watching the world go by from such a high vantage point."," As the sun began to set, casting long shadows over the city, Sarah took a deep breath and walked out onto the rooftop terrace. The cool night air felt invigorating against her skin, and she gazed out at the bustling skyline below. She realized then how much she appreciated the simple pleasures in life, like watching the world go by from such a high vantage point.",0.0,0.0 +903f6308-07ab-42b5-b915-e3cfbeab0ffc,今天天气很好,小华和朋友们一起去公园玩。他们骑自行车、放风筝,还一起吃了冰淇淋。玩得非常开心,大家都觉得这一天过得特别有意义。,"今天天气很好,小华和朋友们一起去公园玩,他们骑自行车,放风镇,还一起吃了冰淇淋。玩得非常开心。大家都觉得这一天过得特别有意义。",1.0,0.09523809523809523 +7ddce2ce-3416-4741-af5f-c12379d2d552,"Chaque matin, lorsque le soleil se lève, je prends le temps de contempler le ciel bleu et de penser à toutes les opportunités que la journée peut me procurer. La nature environnante, avec ses couleurs vives et ses odeurs fraîches, m'aide à retrouver mon calme et ma paix intérieure. En parcourant les rues paisibles de la ville, je suis souvent émerveillé par la diversité des gens et des cultures qui y vivent. Ces moments de contemplation et de découverte contribuent grandement à rendre chaque journée unique et enrichissante."," et de la nature environnante avec ses couleurs vivres et ses odeurs fraîches, mais d'a retrouver mon calme et ma paix intérieure. En parcourant les rupaisibles de la ville, je suis souvent émerveillé par la diversité des gens et des cultures qui vivent. Ces moments de contemplation et de découverte contribuent grandement à rendre chaque journée une nouvelle. Je suis souvent émerveillé par la diversité des gens et des cultures qui vivent. Ces moments de contemplation et de découverte contribuent grandement à rendre chaque journée unique et enrichissante.",0.6477272727272727,0.4896030245746692 +437ceadc-c9b8-4699-8091-051b7e1b26f2,"Dans le jardin secret entre les haies, je trouve souvent un peu de paix et de tranquillité. Les oiseaux chantent joyeusement, leur chanson résonne dans l'air frais et apporte une sensation de bonheur intime. C'est ici que je pense à tout et à rien, où ma conscience flotte librement sans être dérangée par les soucis du quotidien."," Dans le jardin secret entre les, je trouve souvent un peu de paix et de tranquillité. Les oiseaux chambent joyeusement, leur chanson raisonne dans l'air frais et apporte une sensation de bonheur intime. C'est ici que je pense à tout et à rien où ma conscience flotte librement sans être déranger par les soucis du quotidien.",0.10526315789473684,0.03939393939393939 +73be6c3c-b527-49a5-8c73-3d084a0b1f9e,"Dans la petite ville paisible où je vis depuis toujours, chaque matin commence par une promenade dans le parc avec ma chienne Fifi. Nous profitons du soleil levant, discutant des nouvelles de la rue ou simplement admirant la beauté des fleurs en fleurissant. Après le petit déjeuner, je vais à la bibliothèque pour lire quelques pages de mon dernier livre. C'est toujours un bonheur simple mais intense à chaque matinée."," Dans la petite ville paisible où j'ai vie depuis toujours, chaque matin commence par une promenade dans le parc avec ma chaîne Fifi. Nous profitons du soleil le vent, discutant des nouvelles de la rue, ou simplement admérant la beauté des fleurs en fleurissant. Après le petit déjeuner, je vais à la bibliothèque pour lire quelques pages de mon dernier livre. C'est toujours un bonheur simple, mais intense à chaque matinée.",0.11428571428571428,0.02857142857142857 +8b6e4a64-45a5-4e9f-be22-4de9bc4ab390,"지난 주말에 산책을 나갔더니, 길가에 피는 꽃들이 아름다웠습니다. 그때부터 나는 자연과 더 가까워질 수 있는 방법을 찾기 시작했습니다. 책장을 넘기는 속도도 느려졌고, 마치 세상이 멈추어 선 것처럼 느껴졌습니다. 그렇게 몇 시간 동안 앉아 있었지만, 그 순간은 항상 기억에 남을 것입니다.", 지난 주말에 산책을 나갔더니 길가에 피는 꽃들이 아름다웠습니다. 그때부터 나는 자연과 더 가까워질 수 있는 방법을 찾기 시작했습니다. 책장을 넘기는 속도도 느려졌고 마치 세상이 멈추어 선버처럼 느껴졌습니다. 그렇게 몇 시간 동안 앉아 있었지만 그 순간은 항상 기억에 남을 것입니다.,0.125,0.031055900621118012 +e3cab6f0-2988-4d9c-928e-a1e7663f2faa,"Le ciel s'est lentement assombri lors de la soirée, créant une ambiance mystérieuse et apaisante dans la petite ville. Les rues étaient désertes, sauf pour quelques passants pressés qui marchaient sous les étoiles brillantes. Je me suis arrêté devant une vieille maison en pierre, ses fenêtres éclairées par des bougies réfléchissaient la lueur douce de la lune. La musique douce provenait d'une pièce sombre à l'intérieur, apportant une note de nostalgie. Je me suis avancé vers la porte, mes doigts tremblant légèrement de nervosité."," Le ciel s'élantement à sombrille lors de la soirée, créant une ambiance mystérieuse et apaisante dans la petite ville. Les rues étaient désertes, sauf pour quelque passant pressé qui marchait sous les étoiles brillantes. Je me suis arrêté devant une vieille maison en pierre. Ces fenêtres éclairés par des bougies réfléchissées la lure douce de la lune. La musique douce provenait d'une pièce sombre à l'intérieur. Apportant une note de nostalgie, je me suis avancée vers la porte, mais doit tremblant légèrement de nervosité.",0.2261904761904762,0.06355140186915888 +8999a6b8-877f-4099-a664-10b025eabbd8,"As the sun began its descent below the horizon, casting long shadows across the countryside, Sarah found herself sitting on the porch of her small cottage, gazing out at the peaceful valley below. The scent of blooming wildflowers mingled with the distant sound of a nearby stream, creating a serene atmosphere that seemed to soothe her soul. Reflecting on the day, she felt grateful for the simple joys it had brought, from the laughter of children playing nearby to the soft rustling of leaves in the gentle breeze. As night approached, she knew she would need to start preparations for the upcoming winter months, but for now, she cherished this tranquil moment in nature."," As the sun began its descent below the horizon, casting long shadows across the countryside, Sarah found herself sitting on the porch of her small cottage, gazing out at the peaceful valley below. The scent of blooming wildflowers mingled with the distant sound of a nearby stream, creating a serene atmosphere that seemed to soothe her soul. Reflecting on the day she felt grateful for the simple joys it had brought, from the laughter of children playing nearby to the soft rustling of leaves in the gentle breeze. As night approached she knew she would need to start preparations for the upcoming winter months, but for now she cherished this tranquil moment in nature.",0.02631578947368421,0.0044444444444444444 +a8cff0d2-0237-4009-9641-ca32aacbda78,"With the sun beginning its descent below the horizon, the sky painted a canvas of vibrant oranges, pinks, and purples, casting a warm glow over the bustling city streets. Sarah strolled through the crowded park, her steps leisurely as she enjoyed the peacefulness of the evening. The gentle breeze carried the sweet scent of blooming flowers, mingling with the distant hum of nightlife. As she reached the lakeside, she paused to watch children playing on the swings and couples sharing a quiet moment under the trees. Reflecting on the day's events, Sarah felt a sense of contentment wash over her, grateful for the simple joys that made life so rich and beautiful."," With the sun beginning its descent below the horizon, the sky painted a canvas of vibrant oranges, pinks and purples, casting a warm glow over the bustling city streets. Sarah strolled through the crowded park, her steps leisurely as she enjoyed the peacefulness of the evening. The gentle breeze carried the sweet scent of blooming flowers, mingling with the distant home of nightlife. As she reached the lakeside, she paused to watch children playing on the swings and couples sharing a quiet moment under the trees. Reflecting on the day's events, Sarah felt a sense of contentment wash over her, grateful for the simple joys that made life so rich and beautiful.",0.017857142857142856,0.0045045045045045045 +279154e5-def4-441d-b927-6552641330f5,"아침을 맞이해 커피 한 잔을 마시며, 책을 읽거나 아름다운 공원에서 산책하며 하루가 시작되는 것을 좋아합니다. 그런 특별한 순간들이 우리에게 힘과 감사함을 선물해 주니까요. 또한, 새로운 사람들과 만나는 것도 매력적인 부분입니다. 서로의 이야기를 나누고, 서로를 이해하려 노력하는 것은 정말 재미있고 유익한 경험이죠. 이렇게 다양한 활동과 사람들을 통해 우리 모두가 조금씩 성장하고, 세상에 대한 이해도가 높아지는 것 같습니다.", 그튼을 마지에 커피 한잔을 마시며 책을 읽거나 아름다운 공원에서 산책하며 활용을 시작되는 것을 좋아합니다. 그런 특별한 승관들이 우리에게 힘과 감사함을 선물해주니까요. 또한 새로운 사람들과 만나는 것도 매력적인 부분입니다. 서로의 이야기를 나누고 서로를 이해하려 노력하는 것은 정말 재미있고 유익한 경험이죠. 이렇게 다양한 활동과 사람들을 통해 우리 모두가 조금씩 성장하고 세상에 대한 이해도가 높아지는 것 같습니다.,0.21428571428571427,0.06694560669456066 +5bfd2125-9495-4414-8f77-8467c9b09ad7,"Dans ce grand pays ensoleillé, où les montagnes s'étendent à perte de vue et les champs verdoyants se prolongent vers l'infini, j'ai pris le temps de marcher dans les rues animées de Paris. Chaque coin de rue est rempli de charme, avec ses petits cafés aux tables en fer forgé, ses boutiques colorées et ses bâtiments historiques. Je me suis arrêté devant une petite librairie ancienne, son enseigne lumineuse illuminant le couloir sombre. Les livres qui s'y entassent sont comme des amis fidèles, prêts à partager histoires et connaissances inestimables."," Dans ce grand pays insolayer, où les montagnes s'étendent à perte de vue, et les champs verds doyants se prolongent vers l'infinie, j'ai pris le temps de marcher dans les rues animées de Paris. Chaque coin de rue est rempli de charme, avec ses petits cafés au table en fer forger, ces boutiques colorés et ces bâtiments historiques. Je me suis arrêté devant une petite libre-héry ancienne, son enseigne lumineuse illuminant le couloir sombre. Les livres qui s'y entassent sont comme des amis fidèles, prêts à partager histoire et connaissance inestimable.",0.16666666666666666,0.04864864864864865 +12698c73-e505-4ea0-983c-3426425621da,朝日が昇る頃、私は静かな森の道を歩いていました。木々の間から青い空が見え、鳥のさえずりが耳に心地よい音を残しました。この自然の中で一人でいることは、心が落ち着いて、新たなことを考え出すのに最適な時間です。時間が経つにつれて、私の心は平和に満たされ、明日への期待に胸を膨らませました。,朝日が残る頃 私は静かな森の道を歩いていました木木の間から青い空が見え 鳥のサイズリが耳にここちよい音を残しました この自然の中で一人でいることは心が落ち着いて 新たなことを考え出すのに最適な時間です 時間がたつに連れて 私の心は平和に見たされ明日への期待に胸を膨らませました,7.0,0.15602836879432624 +04b04943-499e-4063-a101-d1a7b59d5746,日々、新しい言葉を学ぶことは、人生において非常に興味深い体験です。日本語を学ぶことで、異なる文化や習慣を理解し、世界の多様性を深く感じることができます。また、この過程は私達の創造性を高め、考え方を改善するのに役立ちます。そして、異なる言語を学ぶことで、世界が広がり、人々とのコミュニケーションの機会も増え��のです。,日々新しい言葉を学ぶことは人生において非常に興味深い体験です日本語を学ぶことで異なる分解や集間を理解し世界の対応性を深く感じることができますまたこの家庭は私たちの想像性を高め考え方を改善するのに役立ちますそして異なる言語を学ぶことで世界が広がり人々とのコミュニケーションの機会も増えるのです,1.0,0.1592356687898089 +c9c8eb76-f336-4c8a-b1f2-1fdff2291d31,その美しい秋の日には、公園で散歩をしたり、紅葉を見ながらゆっくりとコーヒーを飲んだりしました。風が心地よく吹き、空は澄んでいました。人々は笑い声や話し声で満ちており、その光景はまるで絵画のようでした。この季節は、私にとって特別な時間であり、日々の疲れを忘れるのに最適な場所です。,その美しい秋の日には公園で散歩したり、公用見ながらゆっくりと高費を飲んだりしました。風がここちよく吹き、空は住んでいました。人々は笑い声や話声で道でおり、その光景は丸で海岸のようでした。この季節は私にとって特別な時間であり、日々の疲れを忘れるのに最適な場所です。,1.0,0.15827338129496402 +a20aaa2a-6a34-4545-a366-6d2727b78164,"Dans cette petite ville côtière, où chaque jour semblait offrir quelque chose de nouveau à découvrir, Marie aimait passer ses dimanches matin à flâner le long de la plage. Le soleil levant illuminait le sable doré et donnait aux vagues une couleur dorée qui semblait vouloir dire quelque chose de spécial. Elle aimait écouter le bruit du vent souffler sur les hauts palmiers et regarder les oiseaux migrateurs voler au-dessus de la mer. Ces moments étaient pour elle comme des pages de roman, pleines d'émotions et de surprises."," dans cette petite ville côtière où chaque jour semblait offrir quelque chose de nouveau à découvrir. Marie aimait passer ses dimanches matin à flâner le long de la plage, le soleil le vent, iluminer le sable d'oreille et donner au vague une couleur d'oreille qui semblait vouloir dire quelque chose de spécial. Elle aimait écouter le bruit du vent, souffler sur les haut palmiers et regarder les oiseaux migrateurs volés au dessus de la mer. Ces moments étaient pour elles comme dépaches de romans, pleines d'émotions et de surprise.",0.26136363636363635,0.07765151515151515 +c4857338-9755-4471-a046-1862c88b3492,"그림책을 읽으며 아이는 꿈꾸는 동안에도 매력적인 이야기 속으로 빠져들게 마련입니다. 아이들의 눈에 그림들이 그려진 순간부터, 그들은 새로운 세상을 탐험하며 무한한 상상력을 발휘하게 됩니다.", 그림책을 읽으며 아이는 꿈꾸는 동안에도 매력적인 이야기 속으로 빠져들게 마련입니다. 아이들의 눈에 그림들이 그려진 순간부터 그들은 새로운 세상을 타머만�� 우완한 상상력을 발휘하게 됩니다.,0.13043478260869565,0.0761904761904762 +45c867df-35bc-4382-b3a6-617afb4043de,"Le soleil se couche doucement derrière les montagnes, créant un ciel étoilé qui illumine la campagne paisible. Cette vue apaise l'esprit et me donne envie de prendre une longue promenade dans les bois. Je m'arrête souvent pour admirer les feuilles tombées sous mes pieds, chaque détail me rappelle l'harmonie de la nature. La nuit tombe progressivement, mais l'atmosphère reste calme et apaisante."," Le soleil se couche tout cement. D'arrières les montagnes, créant un ciel étoilé qui illumine la campagne paisible. Cette vue, apaisse l'esprit et me donne envie de prendre une longue promenade dans les bois. Je m'arrête souvent pour admirer les feuilles tombées sous mes pieds. Chaque détail me rappelle l'harmonie de la nature. La nuit tombe progressivement, mais l'atmosphère reste calme et apaisante.",0.11290322580645161,0.030226700251889168 +57795f8f-3fe4-4736-bebe-97e2fe0a6306,"Dans cette grande ville, où la vie bat continuellement son plein, je trouve toujours le temps de me promener dans les rues piétonnes animées. Les sons de la rue, mêlés aux parfums des épices et des fruits frais, sont une source constante de plaisir. J'aime particulièrement observer les gens qui traversent la place principale, chacun avec leur histoire unique à raconter. Ces moments de détente et de partage avec les autres sont essentiels pour maintenir mon équilibre et mon bien-être mental."," Dans cette grande ville où la vie va continuer à manquer son plein, je trouve toujours le temps de me promener dans les rues piétonnes animées. Les sons de la rue, mêlés au parfum des épices et des fruits frais, sont une source constante de plaisir. J'aime particulièrement observer les gens qui traversent la place principale, chacun avec leur histoire unique à raconter. Ces moments de détente et de partage avec les autres sont essentiels pour maintenir mon équilibre et mon bien-être mental.",0.08641975308641975,0.028282828282828285 +5dbebf80-119f-4a0e-91b9-8aaf20c556cb,朝日が昇る頃、私は公園で読書を楽しみました。木々の間から差し込む光は、静かな一日を始めるのに最適な環境を作り出しました。本を開く手が震え、ページをめくるたびに新しい世界に足を踏み入れるような感覚がしました。この本は私にとって特別なもので、何度も読み返すほどに深く理解できる内容でした。公園のベンチで過ごす時間は、日常の忙しさから解放され、心地よい沈黙の中で自分自身と向き合う貴重な機会となりました。,ふざひがのぼるころ私は公園で読書を楽しみました。日々の間から差し込む光は、静かな一日を始めるのに最適な環境を作り出しました。本を開く手が古い、ページをめくるたびに新しい世界に足を踏み入れるような感覚がしました。この本は私にとって特別なもので、何度も読み返すほどに深く理解できる内容でした。公園のベンチで過ごす時間は日常の忙しさから開放され、こぼちよい審黙の中で自分自身と向き合う貴重な機会となりました。,1.0,0.08040201005025126 +3e3e4e78-5580-49bc-8c1c-025af9083838,"Dans ce grand parc en bordure de ville, où le son des oiseaux résonne doucement dans l'air frais, j'ai toujours trouvé une paix intérieure en me promenant seul. La vue panoramique sur la ville illuminée par la nuit, les rues désertes parsemées de lumières colorées, tout cela me rappelle combien la nature peut apporter calme et tranquillité même dans les moments les plus effervescents de la vie urbaine. Je me sens souvent plus proche de moi-même lorsque je me trouve loin des bruits incessants de la ville."," Dans ce grand parc en bordure de ville, où le son des oiseaux résonnent doucement dans l'air frais, j'ai toujours trouvé une paix intérieure en me promenant seul. La vue panoramique sur la ville illuminée par la nuit, les rues des herbes par semets de lumière colorées, tout cela me rappelle combien la nature peut apporter calme et tranquillité, même dans les moments les plus effervesçants de la ville urbaine. Je me sens souvent plus proche de moi-même lorsque je me trouve loin des bruits inséçants de la ville.",0.11494252873563218,0.03732809430255403 +68a019f2-c526-42a7-bb82-e1e10b92d67c,今天是周末,小华早早地起了床,计划去附近的公园散步。一路上,她遇到了很多有趣的人和事。有位老爷爷正在教一群孩子折纸鹤,孩子们兴奋地跟着学;一对年轻情侣手牵手漫步在林荫道上,偶尔停下来拥抱一下;还有几位老人在跳广场舞,音乐声和欢笑声充满了整个公园。小华觉得这样的周末生活真是太美好了。,"今天是周末,小华早早地起了床。计划去附近的公元散步,一路上,她遇到了很多有趣的人何事。有位老爷爷正在教一群孩子折指贺,孩子们兴奋地跟着学,一对年轻情侣手牵手漫步在灵音道上,而二停下来拥抱一下,还有几位老人在跳广场舞,1月生和欢笑生冲哪来整个公元。小华姐的这样的周末生活真是太美好了。",1.0,0.19148936170212766 +471a7370-57bd-4e03-afd1-32621181eeae,"그녀의 이야기는 언제나 새로운 장르와 감동으로 가득 차 있었어요. 한 번은 전설적인 산길에서 발견된 오래된 서적에 대해 말했죠. 그 책은 그녀의 삶에 깊은 영향을 미쳤다고 믿었어요. 그녀는 책 속의 이야기를 통해 여러 가지 교훈을 얻었고, 이를 실제 생활에서도 적용하려 노력했습니다. 그녀의 열정과 지혜는 그녀의 이야기를 더욱 매력적으로 만들어주었죠.", 그녀의 이야기는 언제나 새로운 장르와 감동으로 가득 차 있었어요. 한 번은 전설적인 상길에서 발견된 오래된 서적에 대해 말했죠. 그 책은 그녀의 삶의 깊은 영향을 미쳤다고 믿었어요. 그녀는 책 속의 이야기를 통해 여러 가지 교훈을 얻었고 이를 실제 생활에서도 적용하려 노력했습니다. 그녀의 열정과 지에는 그녀의 이야기를 더욱 매력적으로 만들어주었죠.,0.08333333333333333,0.02040816326530612 +4dd44082-d7fb-43c9-8800-5abd94934d94,"그녀의 미소는 그녀의 마음을 전합니다. 그것은 언제나 따뜻하고 진심으로 느껴집니다. 그녀의 눈빛은 세상의 모든 아름다움을 보여주며, 그녀는 세상을 더욱 따뜻하게 만듭니다. 그녀의 이야기는 우리의 마음을 움직이고, 우리가 서로를 더 잘 이해하게 합니다. 그녀의 존재는 우리 모두에게 위안과 감동을 주는 작은 순간들을 만들어냅니다."," Cái nơi sân ghêa, When, because they, When, This thing, This thing, This is a mighty name. Nó đẹ, Nó đẹ, Yên sẻ, In noi, When, Bây, Ninh s I, It is, Ninh s It is, Ninh s Ninh s When, I say, Because they, Ninh s Ninh s Ninh s When, I, Ninh s Ninh s Yes, I, Yes, I, Ninh s Yes, Yes, When they, Slls, Yes, I, When, I say, Yes, I, Innovation, X,riers, regional bloom, Union, Union, Union, Union, Union, Union, Union, Union, Union, Union, Union, mirror, Union, Union, Union, transition,",2.261904761904762,2.387978142076503 +450c2892-8c3b-4934-802c-1f170917f8f4,"As the sun began to set behind the mountains, casting a warm golden hue over the valley, Sarah took a deep breath of the crisp autumn air. The leaves rustled softly beneath her feet as she walked through the forest, their colors ranging from fiery reds to vibrant oranges and deep browns. She stopped at a clearing where an old wooden bench awaited her, its weathered surface smooth and inviting. With a cup of hot tea in hand, Sarah sat down and closed her eyes, letting the peacefulness of the moment wash over her. The sound of birds chirping in the distance and the gentle breeze rustling through the trees provided a soothing backdrop to her reflection."," As the sun began to set behind the mountains, casting a warm golden hue over the valley, Sarah took a deep breath of the crisp autumn air. The leaves rustled softly beneath her feet as she walked through the forest, their colors ranging from fiery reds to vibrant oranges and deep browns. She stopped at a clearing where an old wooden bench awaited her, its weathered surface, smooth and inviting. With a cup of hot tea in hand, Sarah sat down and closed her eyes, letting the peacefulness of the moment wash over her. The sound of birds chirping in the distance and the gentle breeze rustling through the trees provided a soothing backdrop to her reflection.",0.008547008547008548,0.001519756838905775 +89fdf5eb-beb2-4389-abd8-80531316305f,"The sun began to set behind the mountains, casting a golden glow over the small town nestled in the valley below. The air was cool and refreshing, carrying with it the scent of pine trees and wildflowers. Sarah sat on the edge of her porch, sipping on a cup of hot tea, feeling grateful for the simple pleasures of life. She watched as the sky turned from shades of orange to deep purples and finally to jet black, stars beginning to twinkle in the distance. As the night grew darker, she realized how much she missed the warmth of her family's home and the comfort of her familiar surroundings."," The sun began to set behind the mountains, casting a golden glow over the small town nestled in the valley below. The air was cool and refreshing, carrying with it the scent of pine trees and wild flowers. Sarah sat on the edge of her porch, sipping on a cup of hot tea, feeling grateful for the simple pleasures of life. She watched as the sky turned from shades of orange to deep purples, and finally to jet black, stars beginning to twinkle in the distance. As the night grew darker, she realized how much she missed the warmth of her family's home and the comfort of her familiar surroundings.",0.027522935779816515,0.0033613445378151263 +90dd7c56-14c0-4702-b4c8-60b25a489ac7,朝日が昇る頃、田中さんは静かな公園で散歩を始めました。木々の間から差し込む陽光に、彼は深呼吸をしました。その日の天気は快晴で、風も穏やかでした。公園にはたくさんの人々がいて、彼らはそれぞれに楽しんでいました。田中さんはゆっくりと歩き、静かな心地よさを感じていました。時間が流れるのを忘れて、ただ現実を見つめることに集中していました。,さっきが登る頃 田中さんは静かな公園で三方を始めました木木の間から差し込む要項に 彼は真っ黒急をしましたその日の天気は海星で風も穏やかでした 公園にはたくさんの人々がいて彼らはそれぞれに楽しんでいました 田中さんはゆっくりと歩き静かなここちよさを感じていました 時間が流れるのを忘れてただ現実を見つめることに集中していました,6.0,0.18072289156626506 +eca18147-711d-41b9-8423-af26c7ad3b52,"En ce matin de printemps timide, je me suis levé tôt pour profiter des premiers rayons de soleil qui filtraient à travers les volets. Je suis allé faire une promenade dans le parc près de chez moi, où les oiseaux chantaient joyeusement et les fleurs commençaient à éclore. C'était un bon début de journée, et j'ai ressenti une certaine paix et satisfaction en observant la nature en pleine croissance."," I'm going to make a promenade in the park, right at me, where the birds sang joyfully and the flowers started to bloom. It was a good day and I felt a certain peace and satisfaction in observing nature in full growth.",0.9565217391304348,0.683291770573566 +e45c3e93-d460-4341-a449-48d30897a350,"Chaque matin, lorsqu'il commence à briller le soleil, je me réveille avec l'espoir de découvrir quelque chose de nouveau dans ma journée. La nature environnante apporte une fraîcheur particulière qui stimule mon esprit et me donne envie de vivre chaque instant avec passion. Ces pensées m'accompagnent tout au long de la journée, créant une harmonie entre le travail, les amis et la beauté du monde qui m'entoure."," Chaque matin, lorsqu'il commence à briller le soleil, je me réveille avec l'espoir de découvrir quelque chose de nouveau dans ma journée. La nature environnante apporte une fraicheur particulière qui stimulent le monde esprit et me donne envie de vivre chaque instant avec passion. C'est pensé ma compagne tout au long de la journée, créant une harmonie entre le travail, les amis et la beauté du monde qui m'entournent.",0.13432835820895522,0.04600484261501211 +cf8c675e-679e-41d5-ae39-e9b95c3249a7,在这个繁华的城市里,林晓每天都会花费大量的时间在阅读和学习上。她的书桌上堆满了各种书籍,从科学理论到文学名著,应有尽有。林晓还喜欢参加各种研讨会和讲座,以拓宽自己的知识面。她相信,通过不断学习新知识,可以不断提升自己,适应这个快速变化的世界。此外,林晓还热衷于旅行,每年都会去不同的地方探索新的文化和风景。对她来说,世界就像一本巨大的百科全书,等待着她去发现和学习。,"在这个繁华的城市里,李小每天都会花费大量的时间在阅读和学习上。他的书桌上堆满了各种书籍,从科学理论到文学民众,应有进有。李小还喜欢参加各种研讨会和讲座,以托宽自己的知识面。他相信,通过不断学习心知识,可以不断提升自己,适应这个快速变化的世界。此外,李小还热中于旅行。每年都会去不同的地方探索新的文化和风景。对他来说,世界就像一等巨大的百科全书,等待着他去发现和学习。",1.0,0.15300546448087432 +84ec6ddf-cf70-4c48-9de8-1f3d6e938181,"As the sun began its descent towards the horizon, casting long shadows over the bustling city streets, Sarah stepped out onto her balcony. The cool evening breeze carried the faint scent of blooming flowers from the nearby park. She took a deep breath, savoring the moment, and glanced at her phone. There were several unread messages waiting for her—emails from colleagues, notifications about upcoming meetings, and reminders for tasks she needed to complete. Despite the flurry of activity, Sarah felt a sense of calm wash over her. Tonight, she planned to unwind by reading a book she had been meaning to finish, perhaps even inviting a friend over for dinner. The day had been busy, but she knew it would all be worth it once she settled into her cozy apartment, surrounded by the familiar comforts of home."," As the sun began its descent towards the horizon casting long shadows over the bustling city streets, Sarah stepped out onto her balcony. The cool evening breeze carried the faint scent of blooming flowers from the nearby park. She took a deep breath, savoring the moment, and glanced at her phone. There were several unread messages waiting for her. Emails from colleagues, notifications about upcoming meetings, and reminders for tasks she needed to complete. Despite the flurry of activities, Sarah felt a sense of calm wash over her. Tonight she planned to unwind by reading a book she had been meaning to finish. Perhaps even inviting a friend over for dinner. The day had been busy, but she knew it would all be worth it once she settled into her cozy apartment, surrounded by the familiar comforts of home.",0.050724637681159424,0.012315270935960592 +08ebac9a-d582-484c-b966-67d19b03a0fd,"Dans cette petite ville où chaque rue cache ses secrets, je prends souvent le temps de marcher seul pour profiter des paysages pittoresques et des odeurs qui se mêlent au vent. Les conversations animées entre voisins et les rires enfantins ajoutent une touche de chaleur à ce tableau paisible. Chaque matin, je suis reconnaissant pour la simple beauté de la vie ici."," En cette petite ville où chaque rue cache ses secrets, je prends souvent le temps de marcher seul pour profiter des paysages pitoraises qui et des odeurs qui se mèlent au vent. Les conversations animées entre voisins et les rires enfantins ajoutent une touche de chaleur à ce tableau paisible. Chaque matin, je suis reconnaissant pour la simple beauté de la vie ici.",0.06451612903225806,0.030054644808743168 +ba429c98-fffc-43bd-8d2b-e7e02a807c79,"As the sun began to set, casting long shadows across the small town, Sarah took a deep breath of the fresh evening air. The sound of crickets chirping added a soothing melody to the peaceful scene. She walked slowly through the streets, her mind wandering as she reflected on the events of the day."," As the sun began to set, casting long shadows across the small town, Sarah took a deep breath of the fresh evening air. The sound of crickets chirping added a soothing melody to the peaceful scene. She walked slowly through the streets, her mind wandering as she reflected on the events of the day.",0.0,0.0 +741c3bdb-18c5-4f51-abbc-a0f9efc67112,今天是周末,小华早早地起了床,准备去公园散步。一路上,她看到了许多美丽的风景,心情格外愉快。到了公园,小华在湖边找了一个安静的地方坐下,拿出��本书开始阅读。公园里的人们有的在跑步,有的在做瑜伽,还有的带着宠物狗散步。小华觉得这样的日子真是太美好了。,"今天是周末,小华早早地起了床,准备去公园散步。一路上她看到了许多美丽的风景,心情格外愉快,到了公园,小华在湖边找了一个安静的地方坐下。拿出一本书开始阅读,公园里的人们有的在跑步,有的在座余家,还有的带着宠物狗散步。小华觉得这样的日子真是太美好了。",1.0,0.10483870967741936 +38a7773c-2f9d-445f-b457-0861118f4ce4,朝日が昇る頃、田中さんは静かな湖の周りを散歩しました。木々の間から青い空が見え、鳥のさえずりが静かに響きます。この景色を見ながら、田中さんは日々の忙しさから一時的に逃れることができました。しかし、その静けさにもかかわらず、何かが心に引っかかっていることに気づきました。それはきっと明日の計画についての考えだったかもしれません。,はきがのぼるころ 田中さんは静かな水海の周りを散歩しました 木木の間から青い空が見え鳥のサイズリが静かに響きます この景色を見ながら田中さんは日々の忙しさから一時的に伸ばれることができました しかしその静けさにもかかわらず何かが心に引っかかっていることに気づきました それはきっと明日の計画についての考えだったかもしれません,6.0,0.15337423312883436 +b216e322-52ec-4b47-aa98-fa43b67925c5,"As the morning sun began to rise, Emily stepped out of her cozy bed, feeling refreshed after a peaceful night's sleep. She took a deep breath of the fresh air and made her way towards the kitchen, where she could start her day with a cup of coffee. Today was going to be a special day; she had an important meeting scheduled at work, but also planned to visit her grandmother who lived nearby. Emily felt grateful for the simple pleasures in life and looked forward to making the most of this new day."," As the morning sun began to rise, Emily stepped out of her cozy bed, feeling refreshed after a peaceful night's sleep. She took a deep breath of the fresh air and made her way towards the kitchen, where she could start her day with a cup of coffee. Today was going to be a special day. She had an important meeting scheduled at work, but also planned to visit her grandmother who lived nearby. Emily felt grateful for the simple pleasures in life and looked forward to making the most of this new day.",0.02127659574468085,0.003992015968063872 +c70d38ef-2b76-4b9c-856d-8a0aa768ef9f,"Dans cette charmante petite ville située au bord de la forêt, chaque matin, avant même que le soleil ne se lève, ma voisine Margot ouvre son magasin de fleurs. Elle y range des bouquets de roses fraîches, des orchidées exotiques et des marguerites colorées, toutes prêtes à être emportées par leurs acheteurs attentifs. Margot est connue pour sa gentillesse et son talent pour créer des compositions florales uniques. À mesure que je passe devant son magasin, je suis toujours émerveillé par la beauté de ses plantes et par la manière dont elle transforme chaque journée en une fête florale."," Dans cette charmante petite ville située au bord de la forêt, chaque matin, avant même que le soleil ne se lève, ma voisine Margo ouvre son magasin de fleurs. Elle y range des bouquets de rose fraîche, des orchides exotiques et des marguerites colorées, toute prête à être emportée par leurs acheteurs attentifs. Margo est connu pour sa gentillesse et son talent pour créer des compositions florales unique. À mesure que je passe devant son magasin, je suis toujours émerveillé par la beauté de ses plantes et par la manière dont elle transforme chaque journée en une fête florale.",0.10101010101010101,0.01692047377326565 +99001577-a79d-497d-a9d4-4fd38716198a,"Dans cette grande ville, où les rues s'étendent comme des filets tendus sur une toile d'araignée, il y a toujours quelque chose de nouveau à découvrir. J'ai toujours aimé me promener le long des rivières de béton, admirer les immeubles haussmanniens et les boutiques colorées qui bordent les trottoirs. Chaque coin de cette cité, avec ses cafés animés et ses marchés animés, m'offre une nouvelle perspective sur la vie. La variété des langues que je peux entendre ici - française, espagnol, anglais, portugais - ajoute encore à la richesse de cette expérience."," Dans cette grande ville où les rues s'étendent comme des filles étendus sur une toile d'arénier, il y a toujours quelque chose de nouveau à découvrir. J'ai toujours aimé me promener le long des rivières de béton, admirer les immeubles aux maniens et les boutiques collovées qui bordent des trottoirs. Chaque coin de cette cité, avec ses cafés animés et ses marchés animés, m'offre une nouvelle perspective sur la vie. La variété des langues que je peux entendre ici, françaises, espagnols, anglais, portugais, ajoute encore à la richesse de cette expérience.",0.15217391304347827,0.039285714285714285 +39f62d79-7abd-49b3-92e3-82b7ae8e81b9,"Le soleil se couche doucement à l'horizon, colorant le ciel d'un doux rose pâle. Marie, assise sur le banc de pierre près de la rivière, laisse son regard vagabonder sur la campagne paisible. Les ombres des arbres s'étendent lentement le long des rives, créant des motifs fluides sur l'eau sombre. Marie se sent proche de la nature, si calme et si paisible. Elle ferme les yeux et respire profondément, savourant ce moment de paix."," Le soleil se couche doucement à l'horizon colorant le ciel d'un d'ourospales. Marie assise sur le banc de pierre près de l'arrivière. Laissons regardent à gabonder sur la campagne paisible. Les ombres des arbres s'étendent lentement le long des rives, créant des motifs fluides sur l'osombre. Marie se s'emproche de la nature, s'icalme, et s'y paisible. Elle ferme les yeux et respire profondément, sa vourant ce moment de paix.",0.2702702702702703,0.08352668213457076 +6d850853-fb84-4704-a336-b0747495f9fe,"Chaque matin, lorsque le soleil se lève, je sors dans le jardin pour profiter des premières heures de lumière. Les oiseaux chantent joyeusement, et la brise légère caresse mes joues. Je suis toujours fasciné par la beauté paisible de ce moment de calme. Pendant mon petit déjeuner, je lis une histoire à voix haute, essayant de capturer l'émotion de chaque phrase. Cette routine matinale me donne le courage de face aux défis de la journée qui s'annonce."," Chaque matin, lorsque le soleil se lève, je sors dans le jardin pour profiter des premières heures de lumière. Les oiseaux chantent joyeusement, et la brise légère carès se méjouent. Je suis toujours fascinée par la beauté pésible de ce moment de calme. Pendant mon petit déjeuner, je lis une histoire à voix haute, essayant de capturer l'émotion de chaque phrase. Cette routine matinale me donne le courage de face aux défis de la journée qui s'annonce.",0.06493506493506493,0.022026431718061675 +9cc05065-e5bd-4031-ab34-f1618c524036,朝日が昇るのを待つ間、彼は自分の人生の目標について考えました。自分自身を信じて前進し続けること、そして困難な道でも諦めずに前進することの大切さを思い出しました。日々の小さな成功から大きな達成まで、その全てが一つの旅であり、その旅を楽しむことが大切だと理解しました。," that what it said is knows nice match. Well, nice was nice match. Let's pray though, nice match. Nice match was nice match. Nice match was nice match. I had great, warm heavyweight games.",34.0,1.4166666666666667 +3716f950-23de-49a8-a3c2-bb8f8232425e,今日、私は新しい本を手に取り、その冒頭の章を読み始めました。それは遠く離れた国で起こった出来事でしたが、私の中では身近な話のように感じられました。言葉は時には遠くにあるものを近くに感じさせる力を持っています。この本を読むことで、世界のさまざまな人々とつながることができるのです。,きゃん私は新しい本を手に取り その冒頭の証を読み始めましたそれは遠く離れた国で起こった出来事でしたが私の中では短な話のように感じられました言葉は時には遠くにあるものを近くに感じさせる力を持っていますこの本を読むことで世界の様々な人々と繋がることができるのです,2.0,0.1366906474820144 +0efafe9f-17b1-4801-9ab7-1ec8a91fc550,"봄바람이 부는 날, 산 아래 작은 마을에 살고 있는 그녀는 나무 밑에서 잡화점에서 샀던 새 친구와 함께 놀았습니다. 그녀의 이름은 파피고, 동물원에서 구조된 고아였죠. 파피고는 새가 되려는 꿈을 꾸었고, 그녀는 파피고가 이 꿈을 이룰 수 있도록 돕기 위해 모든 것을 다 해보기로 결심했습니다. 마을 사람들이 파피고의 꿈을 응원하며, 그녀와 함께 이 작은 마을을 비롯한 더 큰 세상으로 나아가는 길을 만들어 가기로 했습니다."," 봄바람이 드는 날, 산 아래 작은 마을에 살고 있는 그녀는 나무 밑에서 자파점에서 샀던 새 친구와 함께 놀았습니다. 그녀의 이름은 파피고, 동물원에서 구조된 고하였죠. 파피고는 새가 되려는 꿈을 꼽았고 그녀는 파피고가 이 꿈을 이룰 수 있도록 돕기 위해 모든 것을 다 해보기로 결심했습니다. 마을 사람들이 파피고의 꿈을 응원하며 그녀와 함께 이 작은 마을을 비롯한 더 큰 세상으로 나아가는 길을 만들어 가기로 했습니다.",0.08064516129032258,0.03389830508474576 +282bd3f8-56bf-4c72-960c-c8a802a8fa28,今天是小华的生日,她收到了许多礼物。其中最特别的是来自好朋友小丽送的一本精美的手工相册,里面记录了他们一起度过的美好时光。小华非常感动,这份礼物让她感受到了友情的温暖。晚上,全家人围坐在��起,分享了生日蛋糕和小华的祝福。整个家庭充满了欢声笑语,这一天对小华来说意义非凡。,"今天是小华的生日他收到了许多礼物。其中最特别的是,来自好朋友小利送的一本精美的手工向测,里面记录了他们一起度过的美好时光。小华非常感动,这份礼物让他感受到了有情的温暖。晚上,全家人为坐在一起,分享了生日蛋糕和小华的祝福。整个家庭充满了欢声笑语。这一天对小华来说,意义非凡。",1.0,0.1111111111111111 +48b6efed-d427-4fdb-b292-72fc0c3c5f19,新しい季節が訪れ、公園では花々が咲き始め、鳥のさえずりも聞こえ始めます。この季節はいつも新しい出会いや発見をもたらします。私は毎日散歩に出かけ、春の气息を感じながら、美しい景色を楽しみます。また、近所の友人たちと庭先で美味しい茶を飲み、楽しい話をしているときがあります。この季節は私たちにとって特別な時です。,新しい季節が落とすれ 公園では花花花が先始め取りのサイズリも聞こえ始めます この季節はいつも新しいであいや発見をもたらします 私は毎日3本に出かけ春の機械を感じながら美しい景色を 楽しみますまた近所の友人たちと二和先でおいしい茶を飲み 楽しい話をしているときがありますこの季節は私たちにとって特別なときです,6.0,0.23376623376623376 +5290e1f8-220f-4c7b-86d8-0c3c7e12ba37,在那个温暖的春日午后,小华和朋友们一起去郊外野餐。他们带来了各种美味的食物和饮料,还有五彩斑斓的气球。阳光透过树叶洒在草地上,形成斑驳的光影。小华还带了一本新买的书,打算找一个安静的地方阅读。朋友们一起玩耍,笑声此起彼伏,整个世界仿佛都被这份快乐感染了。,"在那个温暖的春日午后,小华和朋友们一起去交外野餐,他们带来了各种美味的食物和饮料,还有无采般来的气球。阳光透过数页,撒在草地上,形成般薄的光影,小华还带了一本新买的书,打算找一个安静的地方阅读。朋友们一起玩耍,笑声辞起彼服,整个世界仿佛都被这份快乐感染了。",1.0,0.16535433070866143 +75a185eb-017c-44a0-bed9-4090ab6c6d8d,今天是小华的生日,一大早他就起床准备庆祝。小华邀请了所有好朋友来家里聚会,大家都带来了精美的礼物。午餐时,他们品尝了各种美味的食物,有烤鸡、蔬菜沙拉和甜点。聚会进行得非常顺利,大家欢声笑语,气氛热烈。晚上,小华和朋友们一起放烟花,绚烂的烟花照亮了整个夜空,让这个生日之夜变得更加难忘。,"今天是小华的生日一大早他就起床准备庆祝,小华邀请了所有好朋友来家里聚会,大家都带来了精美的礼物。午餐时他们品尝了各种美味的食物,有烤鸡书菜沙拉和甜点。聚会进行的非常顺利,大家欢声笑语气氛热烈。晚上小华和朋友们一起放烟花,宣烈的烟花照亮了整个夜空,让这个生日之夜变得更加难忘。",1.0,0.1056338028169014 +9bc9d7d5-1fa3-43ff-9cb1-8bbfb724b5d9,"시간이 흘러가는 동안, 나는 다양한 책들을 읽으며 세상의 면면을 이해하는 데 많은 것을 배웠습니다. 각각의 작가들은 자신의 시각과 경험을 통해 독자들에게 새로운 세계를 열어줍니다. 역사책에서는 과거의 사건들과人们的의 이야기를 통해 역사의 흐름을 이해할 수 있으며, 과학서적에서는 현대 과학의 발전과 미래에 대한 상상력을 키울 수 있습니다. 이러한 다양한 책들 덕분에 나의 세상관은 점점 더 넓고 복잡해졌습니다.", 시간이 흘러가는 동안 나는 다양한 책들을 읽으며 세상에 몇 면연을 이해하는데 많은 것을 배웠습니다. 각각의 작가들은 자신의 시각과 경험을 통해 독자들에게 새로운 세계를 열어줍니다. 역사 책에서는 과거의 사건들과 내문의 이야기를 통해 역사의 흐름을 이해할 수 있으며 과학서적에서는 현대 과학의 발점과 미래에 대한 상상력을 키울 수 있습니다. 이러한 다양한 책들 덕분에 나의 세상과는 점점 더 넓고 복잡해졌습니다.,0.2222222222222222,0.0611353711790393 +40e060f3-9cdf-4b5b-91dd-2defafed0290,"As the morning sun began to rise over the small town, Sarah stepped out onto her front porch, feeling the warmth of the early light on her skin. She took a deep breath, savoring the fresh scent of blooming flowers and the gentle hum of bees around her garden. Today was going to be a special day; she had planned a surprise birthday party for her best friend, Emily, who was turning 30. Sarah couldn't wait to see the joy on Emily's face when she realized what was happening. She spent hours preparing, from sending invitations to arranging the perfect decorations and menu. Now, all that remained was to make sure everything went smoothly. Sarah hoped that the surprise would be just as memorable as the many wonderful times they had shared together over the years."," As the morning sun began to rise over the small town, Sarah stepped out under her front porch, feeling the warmth of the early light on her skin. She took a deep breath, savoring the fresh scent of blooming flowers and the gentle hum of bees around her garden. Today was going to be a special day. She had planned a surprise birthday party for her best friend Emily, who was turning sender. Sarah couldn't wait to see the joy on Emily's face when she realized what was happening. She spent hours preparing, from sending invitations to arranging the perfect decorations and menu. Now all that remained was to make sure everything went smoothly. Sarah hoped that the surprise would be just as memorable as the many wonderful times they had shared together over the years.",0.04411764705882353,0.018276762402088774 +18f101e5-6bda-478a-8a71-3b7e8dc10759,今天是小华的生日,她邀请了所有的朋友来家里庆祝。大家带来了各种各样的礼物,有精致的首饰、漂亮的书籍、还有亲手制作的手工艺品。餐桌上摆满了美味的食物,有蛋糕、水果拼盘和各种冷热菜。小华和朋友们一起唱歌跳舞,度过了一个愉快而难忘的生日派对。,"今天是小华的生日,他邀请了所有的朋友,来家里庆祝,大家带来了各种各样的礼物。有精致的手势,漂亮的书籍,还有亲手制作的手工一品。餐桌上摆满了美味的食物,有蛋糕,水果拼盘和各种冷热菜,小华和朋友们一起唱歌跳舞,度过了一个愉快而难忘的生日派对。",1.0,0.11864406779661017 +dc944d78-5282-4178-a504-763316a9c15f,日々、新しい言葉を学ぶことは非常に興奮しています。日本語を学ぶ中で、異なる文化や習慣を理解し、世界の多様性を感じることができます。また、この過程は私自身の創造性を向上させ、考え方がより深く幅広くなる助けにもなります。さまざまな言語を学ぶことで、世界がもっと広がり、人々とのコミュニケーションの機会も増すでしょう。,日々、新しい言葉を学ぶことは、 非常に興奮しています。日本語を学ぶ中で、異なる文化や 習慣を理解し、世界の対応性を感じることができます。また、この家庭は、私自身の想像性を 工場させ、考え方が、より深く幅広くなる助けにもなります。様々な言語を学ぶことで、 世界がもっと広がり、人々とのコミュニケーションの機会もますでしょう。,5.0,0.1282051282051282 +20c4830f-c2ea-4acf-837e-f657c7895955,朝日が昇る頃、私は公園で読書を楽しんでいました。木々の影が移動し、鳥のさえずりが静かな空気を切り裂いていました。その日の出来事を思い返しながら、心地よい風を感じていました。,朝日が登る頃、私は公園で独賞を楽しんでいました。木木の影が移動し、取りのさえずりが静かな空気を切り咲いていました。その日の出来事を思い返しながら、ここちよい風を感じていました。,1.0,0.11627906976744186 +65d12b80-d1bf-4755-90c9-72650de60d57,"Le ciel s'est coloré de bleu intense au lever du soleil, donnant à la campagne une touche de fraîcheur et de sérénité. Marie, assise sur le vieux banc de bois près de la rivière, lisait tranquillement son livre. Son regard se perdait parfois dans le paysage paisible autour d'elle, où les oiseaux joyeusement chantonnaient leurs mélodies matinales. À chaque page qu'elle dépliait, elle découvrait de nouvelles histoires et personnages, transportant ses pensées dans différents univers. La brise légère portait le parfum des fleurs sauvages et le murmure des eaux calmes, créant un environnement parfait pour la lecture et la méditation."," Le ciel s'écolore et de bleu intense au lever du soleil, donnant la campagne une touche de fraîcheur et de sérénité. Marie, assis sur le vieux bandobois près de l'arrivière, lisez tranquillement son livre. Son regard se perdait parfois dans le paysage paisible autour d'elle, où les oiseaux joyeusement chantonaient leur mélodie matinale. À chaque page qu'elle dépiait, elle découvrait de nouvelles histoires et personnages, transportant ses pensées dans différents univers. La brise légère portait le parfum des fleurs sauvages, et le murmure des ocalmes, créant un environnement parfait pour la lecture, et la méditation.",0.19,0.050314465408805034 +c201fbc6-ff5b-4cbd-857a-1f6ccb434c93,"그녀의 책은 그녀의 삶의 다양한 순간들을 담고 있었고, 그 속에는 사랑, 슬픔, 희망 그리고 아름다운 추억들이 가득했습니다. 그녀가 쓴 모든 글은 그녀의 심리를 완벽하게 표현하며, 독자들에게 그녀의 감정과 생각을 공유하는 데 큰 도움이 되었습니다. 그녀의 마지막 책은 그녀의 삶의 여정을 정리하는 동시에, 그녀가 배운 것들과 겪은 모든 경험들을 회상하는 데 사용되었습니다."," 그녀의 책은 그녀의 삶의 다양한 순반들을 담고 있었고 그 속에는 사랑, 슬픔, 희망 그리고 아름다운 추억들이 가득했습니다. 그녀가 쓴 모든 그른 그녀의 심리를 완벽하게 표현하며 독자들에게 그녀의 감정과 생각을 공유하는데 큰 도움이 되었습니다. 그녀의 마지막 책은 그녀의 삶의 여정을 정리하는 동시에 그녀가 배운 것들과 격근 모든 경험들을 회상하는데 사용되었습니다.",0.19607843137254902,0.04807692307692308