import logging import os import shutil from watchdog.observers import Observer from import FileSystemEventHandler from app.config import BASE_DB_PATH # Crea la cartella db se non esiste if not os.path.exists(BASE_DB_PATH): os.makedirs(BASE_DB_PATH) # -------------- DATABASE MANAGEMENT TAB FUNCTIONS -------------- def create_database(db_name):"Creating database: {db_name}") db_path = os.path.join(BASE_DB_PATH, f"faiss_index_{db_name}") if os.path.exists(db_path): return f"Il database '{db_name}' esiste già." try: os.makedirs(db_path)"Database {db_name} created successfully.") return f"Database '{db_name}' creato con successo." except Exception as e: logging.error(f"Errore nella creazione del database: {e}") return f"Errore nella creazione del database: {e}" def delete_database(db_name): db_path = os.path.join(BASE_DB_PATH, f"faiss_index_{db_name}") if not os.path.exists(db_path): return f"Il database '{db_name}' non esiste." try: shutil.rmtree(db_path)"Database {db_name} eliminato con successo.") return f"Database '{db_name}' eliminato con successo." except OSError as e: logging.error(f"Impossibile eliminare il database {db_name}: {e}") return f"Impossibile eliminare il database '{db_name}': {e}" def modify_database(old_db_name, new_db_name): old_db_path = os.path.join(BASE_DB_PATH, f"faiss_index_{old_db_name}") new_db_path = os.path.join(BASE_DB_PATH, f"faiss_index_{new_db_name}") if not os.path.exists(old_db_path): return f"Il database '{old_db_name}' non esiste." if os.path.exists(new_db_path): return f"Il database '{new_db_name}' esiste già." try: os.rename(old_db_path, new_db_path) return f"Database '{old_db_name}' rinominato in '{new_db_name}' con successo." except Exception as e: return f"Errore durante la modifica del database: {e}" def list_databases(): try: databases = [] for item in os.listdir(BASE_DB_PATH): if os.path.isdir(os.path.join(BASE_DB_PATH, item)) and item.startswith("faiss_index_"): db_name = item.replace("faiss_index_", "") databases.append(db_name) # Ensure "default_db" is in the list if "default_db" not in databases: databases.append("default_db") return databases except Exception as e: logging.error(f"Error listing databases: {e}") return [] class DatabaseChangeHandler(FileSystemEventHandler): """Handler per monitorare i cambiamenti nella cartella db.""" def __init__(self, update_callback): self.update_callback = update_callback def on_any_event(self, event): if event.is_directory: # Monitora solo le directory self.update_callback() def setup_db_observer(update_callback): """Configura l'observer per la cartella db.""" event_handler = DatabaseChangeHandler(update_callback) observer = Observer() observer.schedule(event_handler, BASE_DB_PATH, recursive=False) observer.start() return observer