#!/usr/bin/env python3 | |
import subprocess | |
import os | |
from shutil import rmtree, copytree, ignore_patterns | |
from glob import glob | |
import time | |
import re | |
import argparse | |
from py.log import COLORS | |
from py.config import RGTHREE_CONFIG | |
start = time.time() | |
parser = argparse.ArgumentParser() | |
parser.add_argument("-t", "--with-tests", default=False, action="store_true") | |
parser.add_argument("-f", "--fix", default=False, action="store_true") | |
args = parser.parse_args() | |
THIS_DIR = os.path.dirname(os.path.abspath(__file__)) | |
DIR_SRC_WEB = os.path.abspath(f'{THIS_DIR}/src_web/') | |
DIR_WEB = os.path.abspath(f'{THIS_DIR}/web/') | |
DIR_WEB_COMFYUI = os.path.abspath(f'{DIR_WEB}/comfyui/') | |
def log_step(msg=None, status=None): | |
""" Logs a step keeping track of timing and initial msg. """ | |
global step_msg # pylint: disable=W0601 | |
global step_start # pylint: disable=W0601 | |
global step_warns # pylint: disable=W0601 | |
if msg: | |
tag = f'{COLORS["YELLOW"]}[ Notice ]' if status == 'Notice' else f'{COLORS["RESET"]}[Starting]' | |
step_msg = f'▻ {tag}{COLORS["RESET"]} {msg}...' | |
step_start = time.time() | |
step_warns = [] | |
print(step_msg, end="\r") | |
elif status: | |
if status != 'Error': | |
status = "Warn" if len(step_warns) > 0 else status | |
step_time = round(time.time() - step_start, 3) | |
if status == 'Error': | |
status_msg = f'{COLORS["RED"]}⤫ {status}{COLORS["RESET"]}' | |
elif status == 'Warn': | |
status_msg = f'{COLORS["YELLOW"]}! {status}{COLORS["RESET"]}' | |
else: | |
status_msg = f'{COLORS["BRIGHT_GREEN"]}🗸 {status}{COLORS["RESET"]}' | |
print(f'{step_msg.ljust(64, ".")} {status_msg} ({step_time}s)') | |
for warning in step_warns: | |
print(warning) | |
if args.fix: | |
tss = glob(os.path.join(DIR_SRC_WEB, "**", "*.ts"), recursive=True) | |
log_step(msg=f'Fixing {len(tss)} ts files') | |
for ts in tss: | |
with open(ts, 'r', encoding="utf-8") as f: | |
content = | |
# (\s*from\s*['"](?!.*[.]js['"]).*?)(['"];) in vscode. | |
content, n = re.subn(r'(\s*from [\'"](?!.*[.]js[\'"]).*?)([\'"];)', '\\1.js\\2', content) | |
if n > 0: | |
filename = os.path.basename(ts) | |
step_warns.append( | |
f' - {filename} has {n} import{"s" if n > 1 else ""} that do not end in ".js"') | |
with open(ts, 'w', encoding="utf-8") as f: | |
f.write(content) | |
log_step(status="Done") | |
log_step(msg='Copying web directory') | |
rmtree(DIR_WEB) | |
copytree(DIR_SRC_WEB, DIR_WEB, ignore=ignore_patterns("typings*", "*.ts", "*.scss")) | |
log_step(status="Done") | |
ts_version_result =["node", "./node_modules/typescript/bin/tsc", "-v"], | |
capture_output=True, | |
text=True, | |
check=True) | |
ts_version = re.sub(r'^.*Version\s*([\d\.]+).*', 'v\\1', ts_version_result.stdout, flags=re.DOTALL) | |
log_step(msg=f'TypeScript ({ts_version})') | |
checked =["node", "./node_modules/typescript/bin/tsc"], check=True) | |
log_step(status="Done") | |
if args.with_tests: | |
log_step(msg='Removing directories (KEEPING TESTING)', status="Notice") | |
else: | |
log_step(msg='Removing uneeded directories') | |
test_path = os.path.join(DIR_WEB, 'comfyui', 'tests') | |
if os.path.exists(test_path): | |
rmtree(test_path) | |
rmtree(os.path.join(DIR_WEB, 'comfyui', 'testing')) | |
# Always remove the dummy scripts_comfy directory | |
rmtree(os.path.join(DIR_WEB, 'scripts_comfy')) | |
log_step(status="Done") | |
scsss = glob(os.path.join(DIR_SRC_WEB, "**", "*.scss"), recursive=True) | |
log_step(msg=f'SASS for {len(scsss)} files') | |
scsss = [i.replace(THIS_DIR, '.') for i in scsss] | |
cmds = ["node", "./node_modules/sass/sass"] | |
for scss in scsss: | |
out = scss.replace('src_web', 'web').replace('.scss', '.css') | |
cmds.append(f'{scss}:{out}') | |
cmds.append('--no-source-map') | |
checked =, check=True) | |
log_step(status="Done") | |
# Handle the common directories. Because ComfyUI loads under /extensions/rgthree-comfy we can't | |
# easily share sources outside of the `DIR_WEB_COMFYUI` _and_ allow typescript to resolve them in | |
# src view, so we set the path in the tsconfig to map an import of "rgthree/common" to the | |
# "src_web/common" directory, but then need to rewrite the comfyui JS files to load from | |
# "../../rgthree/common" (which we map correctly in | |
log_step(msg='Cleaning Imports') | |
js_files = glob(os.path.join(DIR_WEB, '**', '*.js'), recursive=True) | |
for file in js_files: | |
rel_path = file.replace(f'{DIR_WEB}/', "") | |
with open(file, 'r', encoding="utf-8") as f: | |
filedata = | |
num = rel_path.count(os.sep) | |
if rel_path.startswith('comfyui'): | |
filedata = re.sub(r'(from\s+["\'])rgthree/', f'\\1{"../" * (num + 1)}rgthree/', filedata) | |
filedata = re.sub(r'(from\s+["\'])scripts/', f'\\1{"../" * (num + 1)}scripts/', filedata) | |
else: | |
filedata = re.sub(r'(from\s+["\'])rgthree/', f'\\1{"../" * num}', filedata) | |
filedata = re.sub(r'(from\s+["\'])scripts/', f'\\1{"../" * (num + 1)}scripts/', filedata) | |
filedata, n = re.subn(r'(\s*from [\'"](?!.*[.]js[\'"]).*?)([\'"];)', '\\1.js\\2', filedata) | |
if n > 0: | |
filename = os.path.basename(file) | |
step_warns.append( | |
f' - {filename} has {n} import{"s" if n > 1 else ""} that do not end in ".js"') | |
with open(file, 'w', encoding="utf-8") as f: | |
f.write(filedata) | |
log_step(status="Done") | |
print(f'Finished all in {round(time.time() - start, 3)}s') | |