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790 Bytes
// resize a bitmap data array using nearest neighbor algorithm
function resize(data, sourceSize, destSize) {
let resizedData = [];
for (let i = 0; i < destSize; i++) {
for (let j = 0; j < destSize; j++) {
let x = Math.floor(j * sourceSize / destSize);
let y = Math.floor(i * sourceSize / destSize);
resizedData[(i * destSize + j)] = data[(y * sourceSize + x)];
return resizedData;
// converts byte array to an ascii string
function bytesToAscii(bytes) {
return, x => String.fromCharCode(x)).join('');
// converts numeric values to a base2 string of specified length
function bin2str(bin, length) {
return bin.toString(2).padStart(length, '0');
export { resize, bytesToAscii, bin2str };