hf-similarity-check / request_json /sbt_request_generator.py
Mitul Mohammad Abdullah Al Mukit
history blame
3.61 kB
import base64
import os
import rsa
from datetime import date
import secrets
import string
import requests
import json
def generate_token_id(length):
characters = string.ascii_letters + string.digits # + string.punctuation
token = ''.join(secrets.choice(characters) for _ in range(length))
return token
# Examples for what will be generated
# 5!bA9H2f1q^...
# Xe7uM$4d9@...
# &3yTb1*8Z#...
# %pWqN7!6zX...
# @9oV!s6Rd2...
def get_today_date():
today = date.today()
return str(today)
# Example for what will be returned
# 2023-06-29
def generate_request(data):
url = 'http://ipygg-api-test-env.ap-east-1.elasticbeanstalk.com/SBT'
pubkey_path = os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__), '..', 'pubkey.pem')
with open(pubkey_path, 'rb') as f:
pubKey = rsa.PublicKey.load_pkcs1(f.read())
for key, value in data.items():
value_bytes = value.encode("utf-8")
encrypted_value = rsa.encrypt(value_bytes, pubKey)
encoded_value = base64.b64encode(encrypted_value)
data[key] = encoded_value
# Write the encrypted and encoded values to a file
with open("sbt_request.txt", "w") as f:
for key, value in data.items():
f.write(f"{key}: {value}\n\n")
# posting Json file to api
r = requests.post(url, data=data)
def split_data(data):
# request_id = "request1234"
# token_id = "12344321"
# f = open('data1.txt', 'r')
# with open('data1.txt') as f:
# data_raw = f.read()
# data = json.loads(data_raw)
if "avg_score" not in data.keys():
data["avg_score"] = "0"
elif "similarity_score" not in data.keys():
data["similarity_score"] = "0"
sbt_data = {
"endpoint": "SBT",
"apiType": "store_img_verif",
"requestId": "request_id_1234",
"userId": "1001001", # a string
"date": get_today_date(), # a string
"docType": "HKID",
"nameDoc": data["name_on_id"], # a string; lower case with space separate; e.g. san chi nan
"docID": data["hkid"], # a string; with bracket (); e.g. G908833(1)
"docValidity": data["validity"], # a string; "True" or "False"
"dateOfIssue": data["issue_date"], # a string; month-year; e.g. 07-81
"matchingScore": str(data["similarity_score"]), # a string; e.g. "0.957"
"bank":str(data["bank"]), #
"nameStatement":str(data["nameStatement"]), #
"address":str(data["address"]), #
"asset": str(data["totalAsset"]), # a string containing only numbers
"liability": str(data["totalLiability"]), # a string containing only numbers
"statementDate": str(data["statementDate"]), # a string
"chineseName": data["chi_name_id"] # a string
# sbt_data = {
# "endpoint": "SBT",
# "apiType": "store_img_verif",
# "requestId": "request_id_1234",
# "date": get_today_date(), # a string
# "docType": "HKID",
# "nameDoc": "Lau", # a string; lower case with space separate; e.g. san chi nan
# "docID": "A1234456", # a string; with bracket (); e.g. G908833(1)
# "docValidity": "01012023", # a string; "True" or "False"
# "dateOfIssue": "01012000", # a string; month-year; e.g. 07-81
# "matchingScore": "0.87", # a string; e.g. "0.957"
# "bank":"hsbc", #
# "nameStatement":"lau", #
# "address":"33A TML Tower Tsuen Wan", #
# "asset": "0", # a string containing only numbers
# "liability": "0", # a string containing only numbers
# "statementDate": "01062023", # a string
# }