style(nyz): add favicon
history blame
9.67 kB
import os
import uuid
import logging
import gradio as gr
from llmriddles.questions import QuestionExecutor
from llmriddles.questions import list_ordered_questions
count = 0
_QUESTIONS = list_ordered_questions()
_LANG = os.environ.get('QUESTION_LANG', 'cn')
assert _LANG in ['cn', 'en'], _LANG
_LLM = os.environ.get('QUESTION_LLM', 'chatgpt')
assert _LLM in ['chatgpt', 'mistral-7b'], _LLM
_LLM_KEY = os.environ.get('QUESTION_LLM_KEY', None)
_DEBUG = os.environ.get('DEBUG', 'false').lower() == 'true'
if _LANG == "cn":
if _DEBUG:
title = "完蛋!我被 LLM 拿捏了"
requirement_ph = """
欢迎来到 LLM Riddles!
requirement_label = "游戏须知/说明"
question_ph = "你对大语言模型的提问"
question_label = "玩家提问栏"
answer_ph = "大语言模型的回答"
answer_label = "大语言模型回答栏"
submit_label = "提交"
next_label = "下一题"
api_ph = "你个人的大语言模型 API Key (例如:ChatGPT)"
api_label = "API key"
predict_label = "结果正确性"
explanation_label = "结果详细解释"
game_cleared_label = "祝贺!你已成功通关!"
correct_label = "正确"
wrong_label = "错误"
api_error_info = "请在提交问题之前先输入你的 API Key"
try_again_label = "再玩一次"
title_markdown = """
<div align="center">
<img src="" width="80%" height="20%" alt="Banner Image">
<h2 style="text-align: center; color: black;"><a href=""> 🎭LLM Riddles:完蛋!我被 LLM 拿捏了</a></h2>
<h4 align="center"> 如果你喜欢这个项目,请给我们在 GitHub 点个 star ✨ 。我们将会持续保持更新。再次感谢游戏<a href=""> 原作者 </a>的奇思妙想! </h4>
<strong><h5 align="center">注意:算法模型的输出可能包含一定的随机性。相关结果不代表任何开发者和相关 AI 服务的态度和意见。本项目开发者不对生成结果作任何保证,仅供娱乐。<h5></strong>
tos_markdown = """
### 使用条款
如果您的游玩体验有不佳之处,请发送邮件至 [email protected] ! 我们将删除相关信息,并不断改进这个项目。
**版权所有 2023 OpenDILab。**
elif _LANG == "en":
title = "LLM Riddles: Oops! Rolling in LLM."
requirement_ph = """
Welcome to LLM Riddles!
In this game, you'll gain a deeper understanding of language models. Your challenge is to create a question to ask a language model in a way that the answer it provides meets specific criteria.
Click \'Next\' to Start
requirement_label = "Game Requirements"
question_ph = "Your Question for LLM"
question_label = "Question"
answer_ph = "Answer From LLM"
answer_label = "Answer"
submit_label = "Submit"
next_label = "Next"
api_ph = "Your API Key (e.g. ChatGPT)"
api_label = "API key"
predict_label = "Correctness"
explanation_label = "Explanation"
game_cleared_label = "Congratulations!"
correct_label = "Correct"
wrong_label = "Wrong"
api_error_info = "Please Enter API Key Before Submitting Question."
try_again_label = "Try Again"
title_markdown = """
<div align="center">
<img src="" width="80%" height="20%" alt="Banner Image">
<h2 style="text-align: center; color: black;"><a href=""> 🎭LLM Riddles: Oops! Rolling in LLM.</a></h2>
<h4 align="center"> If you like our project, please give us a star ✨ on GitHub for latest update. Thanks for the interesting idea of the original game <a href=""> author </a>. </h4>
<strong><h5 align="center">Notice: The output is generated by algorithm scheme and may involve some randomness. It does not represent the attitudes and opinions of any developers and AI services in this project. We do not make any guarantees about the generated content.<h5></strong>
tos_markdown = """
### Terms of use
By using this service, players are required to agree to the following terms:
The service is a research preview intended for non-commercial use only. It only provides limited safety measures and may generate offensive content. It must not be used for any illegal, harmful, violent, racist, or sexual purposes. The service may collect user dialogue data for future research.
Please send email to [email protected] if you get any inappropriate answer! We will delete those and keep improving our moderator.
For an optimal experience, please use desktop computers for this demo, as mobile devices may compromise its quality.
**Copyright 2023 OpenDILab.**
raise KeyError("invalid _LANG: {}".format(_LANG))
def _need_api_key():
return _LLM == 'chatgpt' and _LLM_KEY is None
def _get_api_key_cfgs(api_key):
if _LLM == 'chatgpt':
return {'api_key': api_key}
return {}
if __name__ == '__main__':
with gr.Blocks(title=title, theme='ParityError/Interstellar') as demo:
with gr.Row():
gr_requirement = gr.TextArea(placeholder=requirement_ph, label=requirement_label, lines=4)
with gr.Row():
with gr.Column():
gr_question = gr.TextArea(placeholder=question_ph, label=question_label)
gr_api_key = gr.Text(placeholder=api_ph, label=api_label, type='password', visible=_need_api_key())
with gr.Row():
gr_submit = gr.Button(submit_label, interactive=False)
gr_next = gr.Button(next_label)
with gr.Column():
gr_uuid = gr.Text(value='', visible=False)
gr_predict = gr.Label(label=predict_label)
gr_answer = gr.TextArea(label=answer_label, lines=3)
gr_explanation = gr.TextArea(label=explanation_label, lines=1)
def _next_question(uuid_):
global count
if not uuid_:
uuid_ = str(uuid.uuid4())
count += 1'Player {count} starts the game now')
_qid = _QUESTION_IDS.get(uuid_, -1)
_qid += 1
_QUESTION_IDS[uuid_] = _qid
if _qid >= len(_QUESTIONS):
del _QUESTION_IDS[uuid_]'Player {count} has passed the game now')
return game_cleared_label, '', '', {}, '', \
gr.Button(submit_label, interactive=False), \
gr.Button(try_again_label, interactive=True), \
executor = QuestionExecutor(_QUESTIONS[_qid], _LANG)
return executor.question_text, '', '', {}, '', \
gr.Button(submit_label, interactive=True), \
gr.Button(next_label, interactive=False), \
gr_requirement, gr_question, gr_answer,
gr_predict, gr_explanation, gr_submit, gr_next, gr_uuid,
def _submit_answer(qs_text: str, api_key: str, uuid_: str):
if _need_api_key() and not api_key:
raise gr.Error(api_error_info)
_qid = _QUESTION_IDS[uuid_]
executor = QuestionExecutor(
llm=_LLM, llm_cfgs=_get_api_key_cfgs(api_key) if _need_api_key() else {'api_key': _LLM_KEY}
answer_text, correctness, explanation = executor.check(qs_text)
labels = {correct_label: 1.0} if correctness else {wrong_label: 1.0}
if correctness:
return answer_text, labels, explanation, gr.Button(next_label, interactive=True), uuid_
return answer_text, labels, explanation, gr.Button(next_label, interactive=False), uuid_
inputs=[gr_question, gr_api_key, gr_uuid],
outputs=[gr_answer, gr_predict, gr_explanation, gr_next, gr_uuid],
concurrency = int(os.environ.get('CONCURRENCY', os.cpu_count()))
favicon_path = os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__), 'llmriddles', 'assets', 'avatar.png')
demo.queue().launch(max_threads=concurrency, favicon_path=favicon_path, share=True)