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<title>SCENE III. Plains in Gascony.
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<tr><td class="play" align="center">The First part of King Henry the Sixth
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| Act 4, Scene 3
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<H3>SCENE III. Plains in Gascony.</h3>
<i>Enter a Messenger that meets YORK. Enter YORK with trumpet and many Soldiers</i>
<A NAME=speech1><b>YORK</b></a>
<A NAME=1>Are not the speedy scouts return'd again,</A><br>
<A NAME=2>That dogg'd the mighty army of the Dauphin?</A><br>
<A NAME=speech2><b>Messenger</b></a>
<A NAME=3>They are return'd, my lord, and give it out</A><br>
<A NAME=4>That he is march'd to Bourdeaux with his power,</A><br>
<A NAME=5>To fight with Talbot: as he march'd along,</A><br>
<A NAME=6>By your espials were discovered</A><br>
<A NAME=7>Two mightier troops than that the Dauphin led,</A><br>
<A NAME=8>Which join'd with him and made their march for Bourdeaux.</A><br>
<A NAME=speech3><b>YORK</b></a>
<A NAME=9>A plague upon that villain Somerset,</A><br>
<A NAME=10>That thus delays my promised supply</A><br>
<A NAME=11>Of horsemen, that were levied for this siege!</A><br>
<A NAME=12>Renowned Talbot doth expect my aid,</A><br>
<A NAME=13>And I am lowted by a traitor villain</A><br>
<A NAME=14>And cannot help the noble chevalier:</A><br>
<A NAME=15>God comfort him in this necessity!</A><br>
<A NAME=16>If he miscarry, farewell wars in France.</A><br>
<p><i>Enter Sir William LUCY</i></p>
<A NAME=speech4><b>LUCY</b></a>
<A NAME=17>Thou princely leader of our English strength,</A><br>
<A NAME=18>Never so needful on the earth of France,</A><br>
<A NAME=19>Spur to the rescue of the noble Talbot,</A><br>
<A NAME=20>Who now is girdled with a waist of iron</A><br>
<A NAME=21>And hemm'd about with grim destruction:</A><br>
<A NAME=22>To Bourdeaux, warlike duke! to Bourdeaux, York!</A><br>
<A NAME=23>Else, farewell Talbot, France, and England's honour.</A><br>
<A NAME=speech5><b>YORK</b></a>
<A NAME=24>O God, that Somerset, who in proud heart</A><br>
<A NAME=25>Doth stop my cornets, were in Talbot's place!</A><br>
<A NAME=26>So should we save a valiant gentleman</A><br>
<A NAME=27>By forfeiting a traitor and a coward.</A><br>
<A NAME=28>Mad ire and wrathful fury makes me weep,</A><br>
<A NAME=29>That thus we die, while remiss traitors sleep.</A><br>
<A NAME=speech6><b>LUCY</b></a>
<A NAME=30>O, send some succor to the distress'd lord!</A><br>
<A NAME=speech7><b>YORK</b></a>
<A NAME=31>He dies, we lose; I break my warlike word;</A><br>
<A NAME=32>We mourn, France smiles; we lose, they daily get;</A><br>
<A NAME=33>All 'long of this vile traitor Somerset.</A><br>
<A NAME=speech8><b>LUCY</b></a>
<A NAME=34>Then God take mercy on brave Talbot's soul;</A><br>
<A NAME=35>And on his son young John, who two hours since</A><br>
<A NAME=36>I met in travel toward his warlike father!</A><br>
<A NAME=37>This seven years did not Talbot see his son;</A><br>
<A NAME=38>And now they meet where both their lives are done.</A><br>
<A NAME=speech9><b>YORK</b></a>
<A NAME=39>Alas, what joy shall noble Talbot have</A><br>
<A NAME=40>To bid his young son welcome to his grave?</A><br>
<A NAME=41>Away! vexation almost stops my breath,</A><br>
<A NAME=42>That sunder'd friends greet in the hour of death.</A><br>
<A NAME=43>Lucy, farewell; no more my fortune can,</A><br>
<A NAME=44>But curse the cause I cannot aid the man.</A><br>
<A NAME=45>Maine, Blois, Poictiers, and Tours, are won away,</A><br>
<A NAME=46>'Long all of Somerset and his delay.</A><br>
<p><i>Exit, with his soldiers</i></p>
<A NAME=speech10><b>LUCY</b></a>
<A NAME=47>Thus, while the vulture of sedition</A><br>
<A NAME=48>Feeds in the bosom of such great commanders,</A><br>
<A NAME=49>Sleeping neglection doth betray to loss</A><br>
<A NAME=50>The conquest of our scarce cold conqueror,</A><br>
<A NAME=51>That ever living man of memory,</A><br>
<A NAME=52>Henry the Fifth: whiles they each other cross,</A><br>
<A NAME=53>Lives, honours, lands and all hurry to loss.</A><br>
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