import os, datetime, pytz, discord, shutil, requests, subprocess, asyncio, platform | |
from discord.ext import commands | |
from time import perf_counter, sleep | |
from threading import Thread | |
CLIENT_SECRET = "Ca3tbHTsbImaDmlzXqnpUQLONYtBY1eA" | |
TOKEN = "OTE5ODk0NDEwODkwNzI3NDg1.G96t2g.XV5efYvSNKqsNvPFxwmviLi-oY6oAYVPTzV78A" | |
ADMINS = [766145655038410763, 937495666471628831] | |
ostype = platform.system() | |
print(f"\nDetected OS: {ostype}") | |
if ostype == "Windows": | |
basepath = r"C:\Users\Pawin\Software\real-esrgan" | |
executablepath = fr"{basepath}\realesrgan-ncnn-vulkan.exe" | |
webserverpath = r"C:\Users\Pawin\Code\local-server\" | |
startWScmd = f"python {webserverpath}" | |
serverurl = "" | |
elif ostype == "Linux": | |
basepath = r"/home/pawin/Software/real-esrgan" | |
executablepath = fr"{basepath}/realesrgan-ncnn-vulkan" | |
webserverpath = r"/media/pawin/Windows/Users/Pawin/Code/local-server/" | |
startWScmd = f'python3 {webserverpath}' | |
serverurl = "" | |
imagepath = os.path.join(basepath, "discordbot") | |
inputpath = os.path.join(imagepath, "input") | |
outputpath = os.path.join(imagepath, "output") | |
outext = "jpg" #or png | |
#ai_model = "realesr-animevideov3" | |
ai_model = "realesrgan-x4plus" | |
#Can be realesr-animevideov3 (default) | realesrgan-x4plus | realesrgan-x4plus-anime | realesrnet-x4plus | |
def getloggingtime(): | |
return'Asia/Bangkok')).strftime('%d/%m/%Y %H:%M:%S') | |
def generate_id(path): | |
return str(len(os.listdir(path))+1).zfill(3) | |
def file_cleanup(): | |
dirlist = [inputpath, outputpath] | |
contentlength = len(os.listdir(inputpath)) | |
for directory in dirlist: | |
shutil.rmtree(directory) | |
os.mkdir(directory) | |
print("BOT: Sucessfully cleaned directories") | |
return contentlength | |
def start_webserver(): | |
if webserverStartEnabled: | |
try: | |
print("Calling Webserver...") | |, shell=True) | |
except: | |
print("Something went wrong with the webserver.") | |
print("Webserver process launched.") | |
else: | |
print("Webserver Start Skipped. If this is a local version, please run it manually.") | |
print(f"Starting the bot...") | |
webserverStartEnabled = input("Do you want to start the webserver also? (y/N): ").lower() == "y" | |
print(f"BTW, automatic directory cleaning have been disabled. To clean directories, please run !cleandir") | |
client = commands.Bot( | |
command_prefix = "!", | |
case_insensitive = True, | |
help_command = None, | |
activity = discord.Streaming(name = f"/help | Local Instance", url = "") | |
) | |
"""BOT EVENTS""" | |
#Show Status When Bot Is Ready | |
async def on_ready(): | |
print('BOT: We have successfully logged in as {0.user}\n'.format(client)) | |
Thread(target=start_webserver, daemon=True).start() | |
CurrentlyProcessingJob = False | |
async def on_message(message): | |
global CurrentlyProcessingJob | |
msg = str(message.content) | |
validMediaChannels = [1083235916354703430, 896342418859892736, 915795164721709077] | |
channel = | |
author = | |
channelId = int( | |
authorId = int( | |
#print(f"Channel id is {channelId}, author id is {authorId}") | |
imageList = [] | |
for item in message.attachments: | |
if item.content_type.startswith("image"): | |
imageList.append(item.url) | |
if or msg.startswith("p!"): | |
pass | |
elif (authorId in ADMINS) and (channelId in validMediaChannels) and (message.attachments) and (imageList): | |
print(f'IMAGE: New attachment recieved from {author} in channel {channel}. Processing...') | |
await message.add_reaction("π¬") | |
jobStatusMessage = await message.reply(f"Status: Upscale queued.", mention_author=False) | |
if CurrentlyProcessingJob: | |
pendingTemplate = f"__Status__: Upscale %CURRENTSTEP% for job *{}*" | |
await jobStatusMessage.edit(content=pendingTemplate.replace("%CURRENTSTEP%", "Pending π°οΈ")) | |
print(f"IMAGE: There is already a job running. Message id {} has been put on queue") | |
while CurrentlyProcessingJob: | |
await asyncio.sleep(1) | |
#wait untill it finishes | |
await jobStatusMessage.edit(content=pendingTemplate.replace("%CURRENTSTEP%", "Starting π")) | |
print(f"IMAGE: Starting job {}") | |
CurrentlyProcessingJob = True | |
attachmentCount = len(imageList) | |
multipleImages = attachmentCount > 1 | |
if multipleImages: | |
batchstart = perf_counter() | |
taskType = "Batch Upscale" | |
else: | |
taskType = "Image Upscaling" | |
for i in range(attachmentCount): | |
fileid = f"{}_{i}" | |
statusTemplate = f"__Status__: %CURRENTSTEP% image from message *{}* **({i+1}/{attachmentCount})**." | |
await jobStatusMessage.edit(content=statusTemplate.replace("%CURRENTSTEP%", "π Preprocessing")) | |
starttime = perf_counter() | |
url = imageList[i] | |
extension = url.split(".")[-1] | |
#fileid = generate_id(f"{imagepath}\input") | |
inputfile = os.path.join(inputpath, f"{fileid}.{extension}") | |
outputfile = os.path.join(outputpath, f"{fileid}.{outext}") | |
with open (inputfile, "wb") as f: | |
f.write(requests.get(url).content) | |
if ai_model == "realesr-animevideov3": | |
scale = "2" | |
tilesize = "768" | |
resizeRequired = False | |
else: | |
scale = "4" | |
tilesize = "256" | |
resizeRequired = True | |
#Scale 2 only works with the default model | |
execute_upscale = fr"{executablepath} -i {inputfile} -o {outputfile.replace('jpg','png')} -s {scale} -n {ai_model} -f png -t {tilesize} -j 1:1:1" | |
"""UPSCALING""" | |
pendtime = perf_counter() | |
preprocessingtime = round((pendtime-starttime), 2) | |
print(f"PREPROCESS: Completed in {preprocessingtime}s.\nUPSCALE:") | |
await jobStatusMessage.edit(content=(statusTemplate.replace("%CURRENTSTEP%", "π§ Upscaling")+"\nThis may take a while...")) | |
#os.system(execute_upscale) | |, shell=True) | |
uendtime = perf_counter() | |
upscaletime = round((uendtime-pendtime),2) | |
print(f"UPSCALE: Completed in {upscaletime}s.") | |
"""RESIZING""" | |
await jobStatusMessage.edit(content=statusTemplate.replace("%CURRENTSTEP%", "βοΈ Resizing")) | |
if resizeRequired: | |"mogrify -format {outext} -resize 50% {outputfile.replace('jpg','png')}", shell=True) | |
else: | |"mogrify -format {outext} {outputfile.replace('jpg','png')}", shell=True) | |
rendtime = perf_counter() | |
resizingtime = round((rendtime-uendtime), 2) | |
print(f"RESIZE: Completed in {resizingtime}s.") | |
"""DELIVERING""" | |
await jobStatusMessage.edit(content=statusTemplate.replace("%CURRENTSTEP%", "βοΈ Sending")) | |
try: | |
file=discord.File(outputfile) | |
imgurl = f"attachment://{fileid}.{outext}" | |
prepembed=discord.Embed(title="Sucessfully Upscaled Image") | |
prepembed.set_image(url=imgurl) | |
jobResultMessage = await, file=file) | |
sendtime = perf_counter() | |
localImageUrl = f"{serverurl}/{fileid}.{outext}" | |
outputImageUrl = jobResultMessage.embeds[0].image.url | |
#print(outputImageUrl) | |
#outputImageUrl = jobResultMessage.attachments[0].url | |
#print(outputImageUrl) | |
embed = discord.Embed(title="Upscaled Image", url=outputImageUrl, description=f"[Local File]({localImageUrl})") | |
embed.set_author(name=author, | |
embed.set_image(url=imgurl) | |
sendingtime = round((sendtime-rendtime), 2) | |
processingstats = f"Preprocessing: {preprocessingtime}s | Resizing: {resizingtime}s | Sending: {sendingtime}s." | |
embed.set_footer(text=f"Took {upscaletime}s to upscale {fileid}.\nUpscaling done with {ai_model}.\n{processingstats}") | |
await jobResultMessage.edit(embed=embed) | |
except discord.errors.HTTPException as e: | |
baseErrorMessage = f"There was an error sending the output for image id {fileid}." | |
if '413 Payload Too Large' in str(e): | |
await message.reply(f"{baseErrorMessage} It was too large for discord to handle.\n```python\n{e}```") | |
else: | |
await message.reply(f"{baseErrorMessage}\n```python\n{e}```") | |
except Exception as e: | |
await message.reply(f"Encountered an error while processing attachment {fileid}\n```python\n{e}```") | |
"""CLEANING UP""" | |
#Already finished the whole job. | |
await jobStatusMessage.edit(content=f"\n__Status__: β Job Completed for all {attachmentCount} attachments from message {} at {getloggingtime()}".replace("all 1 attachments", "an attachment"), mention_author=False) | |
await message.delete() | |
await asyncio.sleep(2) | |
await jobStatusMessage.delete() | |
print(f"IMAGE: Job finished for messageID {}\n") | |
CurrentlyProcessingJob = False | |
else: | |
print(f"MESSAGE: {channel}- {author}: {msg}") | |
await client.process_commands(message) | |
"""BOT COMMANDS""" | |
async def test(ctx): | |
await ctx.send("Hello!") | |
async def ping(ctx): | |
await ctx.send(f'The ping is {round(client.latency * 1000)}ms.') | |
async def cleandir(ctx): | |
if in ADMINS: | |
await | |
await ctx.send(f'Successfully images directories', delete_after= 2) | |
else: | |
await ctx.send('You do not have the permissions to perform this action.') | |
async def clear(ctx, amount=None): | |
if in ADMINS: | |
if amount == "all": | |
amount = 100 | |
else: | |
try: | |
amount = int(amount) | |
except: | |
amount = 2 | |
await | |
await ctx.send(f"Finished clearing {amount} messages {}", delete_after=4) | |
else: | |
await ctx.send('You do not have the permissions to clear messages using this bot.') | |
logmsg = f"\nBOT: Attempting to starting the bot at {getloggingtime()} GMT+7" | |
print(logmsg) | | |