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import os
import sys
import json
import pickle
import random
import torch
from tqdm import tqdm
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
def read_split_data(root: str, val_rate: float = 0.2):
random.seed(0) # 保证随机结果可复现
assert os.path.exists(root), "dataset root: {} does not exist.".format(root)
# 遍历文件夹,一个文件夹对应一个类别
flower_class = [cla for cla in os.listdir(root) if os.path.isdir(os.path.join(root, cla))]
# 排序,保证顺序一致
# 生成类别名称以及对应的数字索引
class_indices = dict((k, v) for v, k in enumerate(flower_class))
json_str = json.dumps(dict((val, key) for key, val in class_indices.items()), indent=4)
with open('class_indices.json', 'w') as json_file:
train_images_path = [] # 存储训练集的所有图片路径
train_images_label = [] # 存储训练集图片对应索引信息
val_images_path = [] # 存储验证集的所有图片路径
val_images_label = [] # 存储验证集图片对应索引信息
every_class_num = [] # 存储每个类别的样本总数
supported = [".jpg", ".JPG", ".png", ".PNG"] # 支持的文件后缀类型
# 遍历每个文件夹下的文件
for cla in flower_class:
cla_path = os.path.join(root, cla)
# 遍历获取supported支持的所有文件路径
images = [os.path.join(root, cla, i) for i in os.listdir(cla_path)
if os.path.splitext(i)[-1] in supported]
# 获取该类别对应的索引
image_class = class_indices[cla]
# 记录该类别的样本数量
# 按比例随机采样验证样本
val_path = random.sample(images, k=int(len(images) * val_rate))
for img_path in images:
if img_path in val_path: # 如果该路径在采样的验证集样本中则存入验证集
else: # 否则存入训练集
print("{} images were found in the dataset.".format(sum(every_class_num)))
print("{} images for training.".format(len(train_images_path)))
print("{} images for validation.".format(len(val_images_path)))
plot_image = False
if plot_image:
# 绘制每种类别个数柱状图, every_class_num, align='center')
# 将横坐标0,1,2,3,4替换为相应的类别名称
plt.xticks(range(len(flower_class)), flower_class)
# 在柱状图上添加数值标签
for i, v in enumerate(every_class_num):
plt.text(x=i, y=v + 5, s=str(v), ha='center')
# 设置x坐标
plt.xlabel('image class')
# 设置y坐标
plt.ylabel('number of images')
# 设置柱状图的标题
plt.title('flower class distribution')
return train_images_path, train_images_label, val_images_path, val_images_label
def plot_data_loader_image(data_loader):
batch_size = data_loader.batch_size
plot_num = min(batch_size, 4)
json_path = './class_indices.json'
assert os.path.exists(json_path), json_path + " does not exist."
json_file = open(json_path, 'r')
class_indices = json.load(json_file)
for data in data_loader:
images, labels = data
for i in range(plot_num):
# [C, H, W] -> [H, W, C]
img = images[i].numpy().transpose(1, 2, 0)
# 反Normalize操作
img = (img * [0.229, 0.224, 0.225] + [0.485, 0.456, 0.406]) * 255
label = labels[i].item()
plt.subplot(1, plot_num, i+1)
plt.xticks([]) # 去掉x轴的刻度
plt.yticks([]) # 去掉y轴的刻度
def write_pickle(list_info: list, file_name: str):
with open(file_name, 'wb') as f:
pickle.dump(list_info, f)
def read_pickle(file_name: str) -> list:
with open(file_name, 'rb') as f:
info_list = pickle.load(f)
return info_list
def train_one_epoch(model, optimizer, data_loader, device, epoch):
loss_function = torch.nn.CrossEntropyLoss()
accu_loss = torch.zeros(1).to(device) # 累计损失
accu_num = torch.zeros(1).to(device) # 累计预测正确的样本数
sample_num = 0
data_loader = tqdm(data_loader)
for step, data in enumerate(data_loader):
images, labels = data
sample_num += images.shape[0]
pred = model(
pred_classes = torch.max(pred, dim=1)[1]
accu_num += torch.eq(pred_classes,
loss = loss_function(pred,
accu_loss += loss.detach()
data_loader.desc = "[train epoch {}] loss: {:.3f}, acc: {:.3f}".format(epoch,
accu_loss.item() / (step + 1),
accu_num.item() / sample_num)
if not torch.isfinite(loss):
print('WARNING: non-finite loss, ending training ', loss)
return accu_loss.item() / (step + 1), accu_num.item() / sample_num
def evaluate(model, data_loader, device, epoch):
loss_function = torch.nn.CrossEntropyLoss()
accu_num = torch.zeros(1).to(device) # 累计预测正确的样本数
accu_loss = torch.zeros(1).to(device) # 累计损失
sample_num = 0
data_loader = tqdm(data_loader)
for step, data in enumerate(data_loader):
images, labels = data
sample_num += images.shape[0]
pred = model(
pred_classes = torch.max(pred, dim=1)[1]
accu_num += torch.eq(pred_classes,
loss = loss_function(pred,
accu_loss += loss
data_loader.desc = "[valid epoch {}] loss: {:.3f}, acc: {:.3f}".format(epoch,
accu_loss.item() / (step + 1),
accu_num.item() / sample_num)
return accu_loss.item() / (step + 1), accu_num.item() / sample_num