const { setContext: ee, getContext: p } = window.__gradio__svelte__internal, v = "WORKER_PROXY_CONTEXT_KEY"; function y() { return p(v); } function k(l) { return === || === "localhost:7860" || === "" || // Ref: === "lite.local"; } async function f(l) { if (l == null) return l; const e = new URL(l); if (!k(e) || e.protocol !== "http:" && e.protocol !== "https:") return l; const r = y(); if (r == null) return l; const n = e.pathname; return r.httpRequest({ method: "GET", path: n, headers: {}, query_string: "" }).then((t) => { if (t.status !== 200) throw new Error(`Failed to get file ${n} from the Wasm worker.`); const o = new Blob([t.body], { type: t.headers["Content-Type"] }); return URL.createObjectURL(o); }); } const { SvelteComponent: w, append: C, assign: _, compute_rest_props: d, detach: u, element: b, empty: E, exclude_internal_props: R, get_spread_update: O, handle_promise: h, init: q, insert: m, noop: c, safe_not_equal: T, set_attributes: g, set_data: P, set_style: U, src_url_equal: W, text: K, update_await_block_branch: X } = window.__gradio__svelte__internal; function Y(l) { let e, r = ( /*error*/ l[3].message + "" ), n; return { c() { e = b("p"), n = K(r), U(e, "color", "red"); }, m(t, o) { m(t, e, o), C(e, n); }, p(t, o) { o & /*src*/ 1 && r !== (r = /*error*/ t[3].message + "") && P(n, r); }, d(t) { t && u(e); } }; } function L(l) { let e, r, n = [ { src: r = /*resolved_src*/ l[2] }, /*$$restProps*/ l[1] ], t = {}; for (let o = 0; o < n.length; o += 1) t = _(t, n[o]); return { c() { e = b("img"), g(e, t); }, m(o, s) { m(o, e, s); }, p(o, s) { g(e, t = O(n, [ s & /*src*/ 1 && !W(e.src, r = /*resolved_src*/ o[2]) && { src: r }, s & /*$$restProps*/ 2 && /*$$restProps*/ o[1] ])); }, d(o) { o && u(e); } }; } function N(l) { return { c, m: c, p: c, d: c }; } function S(l) { let e, r, n = { ctx: l, current: null, token: null, hasCatch: !0, pending: N, then: L, catch: Y, value: 2, error: 3 }; return h(r = f( /*src*/ l[0] ), n), { c() { e = E(), n.block.c(); }, m(t, o) { m(t, e, o), n.block.m(t, n.anchor = o), n.mount = () => e.parentNode, n.anchor = e; }, p(t, [o]) { l = t, n.ctx = l, o & /*src*/ 1 && r !== (r = f( /*src*/ l[0] )) && h(r, n) || X(n, l, o); }, i: c, o: c, d(t) { t && u(e), n.block.d(t), n.token = null, n = null; } }; } function j(l, e, r) { const n = ["src"]; let t = d(e, n), { src: o = void 0 } = e; return l.$$set = (s) => { e = _(_({}, e), R(s)), r(1, t = d(e, n)), "src" in s && r(0, o = s.src); }, [o, t]; } class B extends w { constructor(e) { super(), q(this, e, j, S, T, { src: 0 }); } } const { SvelteComponent: F, attr: G, create_component: I, destroy_component: z, detach: A, element: D, init: H, insert: J, mount_component: M, safe_not_equal: Q, toggle_class: i, transition_in: V, transition_out: Z } = window.__gradio__svelte__internal; function x(l) { let e, r, n; return r = new B({ props: { src: ( /*samples_dir*/ l[1] + /*value*/ l[0] ), alt: "" } }), { c() { e = D("div"), I(r.$$.fragment), G(e, "class", "container svelte-h11ksk"), i( e, "table", /*type*/ l[2] === "table" ), i( e, "gallery", /*type*/ l[2] === "gallery" ), i( e, "selected", /*selected*/ l[3] ); }, m(t, o) { J(t, e, o), M(r, e, null), n = !0; }, p(t, [o]) { const s = {}; o & /*samples_dir, value*/ 3 && (s.src = /*samples_dir*/ t[1] + /*value*/ t[0]), r.$set(s), (!n || o & /*type*/ 4) && i( e, "table", /*type*/ t[2] === "table" ), (!n || o & /*type*/ 4) && i( e, "gallery", /*type*/ t[2] === "gallery" ), (!n || o & /*selected*/ 8) && i( e, "selected", /*selected*/ t[3] ); }, i(t) { n || (V(r.$$.fragment, t), n = !0); }, o(t) { Z(r.$$.fragment, t), n = !1; }, d(t) { t && A(e), z(r); } }; } function $(l, e, r) { let { value: n } = e, { samples_dir: t } = e, { type: o } = e, { selected: s = !1 } = e; return l.$$set = (a) => { "value" in a && r(0, n = a.value), "samples_dir" in a && r(1, t = a.samples_dir), "type" in a && r(2, o = a.type), "selected" in a && r(3, s = a.selected); }, [n, t, o, s]; } class te extends F { constructor(e) { super(), H(this, e, $, x, Q, { value: 0, samples_dir: 1, type: 2, selected: 3 }); } } export { te as default };