Runtime error
Runtime error
File size: 5,895 Bytes
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import streamlit as st
from components.sidebar.OpenAI_API import openai_api_insert_component
from components.body.file_uploader import file_uploader
from components.body.prompt import prompt_box
from components.body import langchain_PDF
from components.sidebar.Auth import authentication_comp, db
import pandas as pd
import os
st.set_page_config(page_title="PDF Assistant", page_icon="π", layout="wide", initial_sidebar_state='expanded')
if 'logged_in' not in st.session_state:
st.session_state['logged_in'] = False
if 'username' not in st.session_state:
st.session_state['username'] = None
if 'login_btn_clicked' not in st.session_state:
st.session_state['login_btn_clicked'] = None
if 'uuid' not in st.session_state:
st.session_state['uuid'] = None
if 'login_failed' not in st.session_state:
st.session_state['login_failed'] = None
if 'response' not in st.session_state:
st.session_state['response'] = None
def main():
st.header(":red[PDF Assistant]: AI-Powered Q&A for _PDFs_")
if st.session_state['logged_in'] != False and st.session_state['username'] is not None:
st.sidebar.write(f"Welcome **:green[{st.session_state['username']}]** π")
# st.write(os.getenv("FIREBASE_API"))
openai_api_insert_component() # Insert OpenAI API component in sidebar
# if not logged in, show authentication component
if st.session_state['logged_in'] == False:
with st.sidebar:
# if logged in, show logout button
if st.session_state['logged_in'] == True:
with st.sidebar:
logout = st.button("Logout π")
if logout:
st.session_state['logged_in'] = False
st.session_state['login_btn_clicked'] = None
st.session_state['username'] = None
st.session_state['uuid'] = None
st.session_state['signup_btn_clicked'] = None
st.button("dummy", on_click=st.experimental_rerun()) # dummy button to rerun the app. This is a hacky way to rerun the app. dummy btn is not shown to user.
file_uploader_col, prompt_col = st.columns([0.5, 1])
with file_uploader_col:
with prompt_col:
generate_answer_button = st.button("Generate Answer")
if generate_answer_button:
st.session_state['generate_answer_button'] = True
# check if all are empty
if st.session_state['OPENAI_API_KEY'] == "" and st.session_state['uploaded_file'] is None and st.session_state['prompt'] == "":
st.error("Please set your OpenAI API key in the sidebar, upload a PDF and enter a prompt")
st.session_state['cancel_btn_active'] = True
# st.stop()
# check if API key is empty
elif st.session_state['OPENAI_API_KEY'] == "" or st.session_state['OPENAI_API_KEY'] is None:
st.sidebar.error("Please set your OpenAI API key in the sidebar.")
st.session_state['cancel_btn_active'] = True
# st.stop()
# check if file is not uploaded and prompt is empty
elif st.session_state['uploaded_file'] is None and st.session_state['prompt'] == "":
st.error("Please upload a PDF and enter a prompt")
st.session_state['cancel_btn_active'] = True
# st.stop()
# check if file is not uploaded
elif st.session_state['uploaded_file'] is None:
st.error("Please upload a PDF")
st.session_state['cancel_btn_active'] = True
# st.stop()
# check if prompt is empty
elif st.session_state['prompt'] == "":
st.error("Please enter a prompt")
st.session_state['cancel_btn_active'] = True
# st.stop()
else: # if everything is fine
os.environ['OPENAI_API_KEY'] = st.session_state['OPENAI_API_KEY']
st.caption(f"Filename: :red[{st.session_state['uploaded_file'].name}]")
response = langchain_PDF.get_response_from_OpenAI_LangChain(st.session_state['uploaded_file'], st.session_state['prompt'])
# st.session_state['response'] = response
st.warning('β οΈ Please note that the response is dependent on the :red[Quality of the PDF] and the :red[Quality of the prompt] and it may not be accurate at times. Please use the response as a reference and not as a final answer.')
if st.session_state['response'] is not None:
st.write("###### :blue[π€ **AI Response**]")
st.write(f"#### :green[{st.session_state['response']}]")
if st.session_state['logged_in'] == True and st.session_state['username'] is not None:
show_history = st.checkbox("Show History")
if show_history:
st.write("Your previous interactions are as follows:")
past_docs = db.child("users").child(st.session_state['uuid']).child('pdf_files').get().val()
if past_docs:
selected_doc = st.selectbox("Select a PDF file", options=list(past_docs.keys()))
df = pd.DataFrame.from_dict(past_docs[selected_doc]['Prompts'], orient='index', columns=['prompt', 'response'])
hide_table_row_index = """
thead tr th:first-child {display:none}
tbody th {display:none}
st.markdown(hide_table_row_index, unsafe_allow_html=True)
st.write("##### π :red[No history found.]")
if __name__ == "__main__":