from typing import Optional from pydantic import BaseModel, Field, EmailStr class StudentSchema(BaseModel): name: str = Field(..., example="John Doe", description="Name of the student") email: EmailStr = Field(..., example="", description="Email of the student") password: str = Field(..., example="JohnDoe123", description="Password of the student") year: int = Field(..., gt=0, lt=5, example=1, description="Year of study") branch: str = Field(..., min_length=3, example="CSE or Computer Science and Engineering", description="Branch of study") division: str = Field(..., min_length=1, max_length=1, example="A", description="Division of study") pin: str = Field(..., min_length=10, max_length=10, example="20KJ1A0501", description="PIN of the student") gpa: Optional[float] = Field( None, gt=0, lt=10, example=9.0, description="GPA of the student") phone: int = Field(..., gt=1000000000, lt=9999999999, example=1234567890, description="Phone number of the student") address: str = Field(..., min_length=3, max_length=100, example="123, 1st cross, 1st main, City, State, Country - 123456", description="Address of the student") class Config: schema_extra = { "Example": { "name": "John Doe", "email": "", "password": "JohnDoe123", "year": 1, "branch": "CSE", "division": "A", "pin": "20KJ1A0501", "gpa": 9.0, "phone": 1234567890, "address": """ 123, 1st cross, 1st main, City, State, Country - 123456""", } } class StudentUpdateSchema(BaseModel): name: Optional[str] = Field( None, example="John Doe", description="Name of the student") email: Optional[EmailStr] = Field( None, example="", description="Email") password: Optional[str] = Field( None, example="JohnDoe123", description="Password") year: Optional[int] = Field( None, gt=0, lt=5, example=1, description="Year of study") branch: Optional[str] = Field( None, min_length=3, example="CSE or Computer Science and Engineering", description="Branch of study") division: Optional[str] = Field( None, min_length=1, max_length=1, example="A", description="Division of study") pin: Optional[str] = Field(None, min_length=10, max_length=10, example="20KJ1A0501", description="PIN of the student") gpa: Optional[float] = Field( None, gt=0, lt=10, example=9.0, description="GPA of the student") phone: Optional[int] = Field(None, gt=1000000000, lt=9999999999, example=1234567890, description="Phone number of the student") address: Optional[str] = Field(None, min_length=3, max_length=100, example="123, 1st cross, 1st main, City, State, Country - 123456", description="Address of the student") class Config: schema_extra = { "Example": { "name": "John Doe", "email": "", "password": "JohnDoe123", "year": 1, "branch": "CSE", "division": "A", "pin": "20KJ1A0501", "gpa": 9.0, "phone": 1234567890, "address": """ 123, 1st cross, 1st main, City, State, Country - 123456""", } } def ResponseModel(data, message): return { "data": [data], "code": 200, "message": message, } def ErrorResponseModel(error, code, message): return {"error": error, "code": code, "message": message}