franklinCSS-demo / flasktest /
PrakharPratap's picture
initial commit
import asyncio
from pyppeteer import launch
from pyppeteer.errors import ElementHandleError
async def highlight_element(page, attribute):
element = await page.querySelector(attribute)
if element:
await page.evaluate('element => = "yellow"', element)
styles = await page.evaluate('(element) => { const computedStyles = window.getComputedStyle(element); return Array.from(computedStyles).map(prop => `${prop}: ${computedStyles.getPropertyValue(prop)}`); }', element)
return styles
except ElementHandleError:
return None
async def getStyles(page, attribute, text_file):
await page.waitForSelector(attribute)
container_styles = await page.evaluate('''(attribute) => {
const container = document.querySelector(attribute);
const computedStyles = getComputedStyle(container);
const styles = {};
for (let i = 0; i < computedStyles.length; i++) {
const prop = computedStyles[i];
styles[prop] = computedStyles.getPropertyValue(prop);
return styles;
}''', attribute)
styles = await page.evaluate('''(attribute) => {
const container = document.querySelector(attribute);
const elements = container.querySelectorAll("*");
const extractStyles = (element, tagName, index, totalIndex) => {
const computedStyles = getComputedStyle(element);
const styles = {};
for (let i = 0; i < computedStyles.length; i++) {
const prop = computedStyles[i];
styles[prop] = computedStyles.getPropertyValue(prop);
return styles;
const result = {};
elements.forEach((element, index) => {
const tagName = element.tagName.toLowerCase();
const tagIndex = [...container.querySelectorAll(tagName)].indexOf(element);
const totalIndex = index;
const variableName = `${tagName}-${tagIndex}-${totalIndex}`;
result[variableName] = extractStyles(element, tagName, tagIndex, totalIndex);
return result;
}''', attribute)
with open(text_file, 'w') as f:
f.write(f'Styles of container {attribute}:\n')
for prop, value in container_styles.items():
f.write(f'{prop}: {value}\n')
for variable_name, element_styles in styles.items():
f.write(f'Here goes the styles of {variable_name}:\n')
for prop, value in element_styles.items():
f.write(f'{prop}: {value}\n')
except ElementHandleError:
return None
async def highlightAndStyles(url, attribute):
browser = await launch()
page = await browser.newPage()
await page.goto(url)
text_file = "styles.txt"
image_file = "screenshot.png"
await getStyles(page, attribute, text_file)
styles = await highlight_element(page, attribute)
await page.screenshot({'path': image_file, 'fullPage': True})
await browser.close()
url = input("Enter the URL of the web page: ")
attribute = input("Enter the class or ID attribute to highlight (e.g., .container or #element): ")
asyncio.get_event_loop().run_until_complete(highlightAndStyles(url, attribute))
print("Screenshot and styles saved successfully!")