from pymol import cmd | |
import os | |
import json | |
import time | |
import threading | |
try: | |
from gradio_client import Client | |
except ImportError: | |
print("gradio_client not installed, trying install:") | |
import pip | |
pip.main(['install', 'gradio_client']) | |
from gradio_client import Client | |
if os.environ.get("GRADIO_LOCAL") != None: | |
public_link = "" | |
else: | |
public_link = "spacesplaceholder" | |
def thread_protpardelle(input_pdb, | |
resample_idxs, | |
modeltype, | |
mode, | |
minlen=50, | |
maxlen= 60, | |
steplen = 2, | |
per_len = 2): | |
client = Client(public_link) | |
job = client.submit( | |
input_pdb, # str in 'PDB Content' Textbox component | |
modeltype, # str in 'Choose a Mode' Radio component | |
f'"{resample_idxs}"', # str in 'Resampled Idxs' Textbox component | |
mode, # str (Option from: ['backbone', 'allatom']) | |
minlen, # int | float (numeric value between 2 and 200) minlen | |
maxlen, # int | float (numeric value between 3 and 200) in 'maxlen' Slider component | |
steplen, # int | float (numeric value between 1 and 50) in 'steplen' Slider component | |
per_len, # int | float (numeric value between 1 and 200) in 'perlen' Slider component | |
api_name="/protpardelle" | |
) | |
#start time | |
start = time.time() | |
while (job.done() == False): | |
status = job.status() | |
elapsed = time.time()-start | |
# format as hh:mm:ss | |
elapsed = time.strftime("%H:%M:%S", time.gmtime(elapsed)) | |
print(f"\r protpardelle running since {elapsed}", end="") | |
time.sleep(1) | |
results = job.result() | |
# load each result into pymol | |
results = json.loads(results) | |
for (name,pdb_content) in results: | |
print(name) | |
cmd.read_pdbstr(pdb_content, os.path.basename(name)) | |
def query_protpardelle( | |
name_of_input: str, | |
selection_resample_idxs: str="", | |
per_len: int = 2, | |
mode: str="allatom", | |
): | |
""" | |
Simon Duerr | | | |
Run Protpardelle | |
protpardelle name_of_input, selection_resampled_idx, modeltype, mode, per_len | |
name_of_input = string: name of input object | |
selection_resampled_idx = string: selection of resampled protein residues | |
per_len = int: per_len (default: 2) | |
mode = string: mode (default: 'allatom') | |
""" | |
if name_of_input != "": | |
input_pdb = cmd.get_pdbstr(name_of_input) | |
all_aa = cmd.index(name_of_input+" and name CA") | |
idx = cmd.index(selection_resample_idxs+" and name CA") | |
#map to zero indexed values | |
aa_mapping = {aa[1]:i for i,aa in enumerate(all_aa)} | |
idx = ",".join([str(aa_mapping[aa[1]]) for aa in idx]) | |
print("resampling", idx , "(zero indexed) from", name_of_input) | |
t = threading.Thread(target=thread_protpardelle, | |
args=(input_pdb, idx, "conditional",mode ), | |
kwargs={'per_len':per_len}, | |
daemon=True) | |
t.start() | |
def query_protpardelle_uncond( | |
minlen: int = 50, | |
maxlen: int = 60, | |
steplen: int = 2, | |
per_len: int = 2, | |
mode: str="allatom", | |
): | |
""" | |
Simon Duerr | | | |
Run Protpardelle | |
protpardelle_uncond minlen, maxlen, steplen, per_len,mode | |
minlen = int: minlen | |
maxlen = int: maxlen | |
steplen = int: steplen | |
per_len = int: per_len | |
mode = string: mode (default: 'allatom') | |
""" | |
modeltype = "unconditional" | |
idx = None | |
input_pdb = None | |
t = threading.Thread(target=thread_protpardelle, | |
args=(input_pdb, idx, modeltype, mode), | |
kwargs={'minlen':minlen, 'maxlen':maxlen, 'steplen':steplen,'per_len':per_len}, | |
daemon=True) | |
t.start() | |
def setprotpardellelink(link:str): | |
global public_link | |
try: | |
client = Client(link) | |
except: | |
print("could not connect to:", public_link) | |
public_link = link | |
cmd.extend("protpardelle_setlink", setprotpardellelink) | |
cmd.extend("protpardelle", query_protpardelle) | |
cmd.extend("protpardelle_uncond", query_protpardelle_uncond) | |