import { addLogEntry } from "./logEntries"; import { isF16Supported } from "./webGpu"; export const defaultSettings = { enableAiResponse: true, enableWebGpu: true, enableImageSearch: true, webLlmModelId: isF16Supported ? VITE_WEBLLM_DEFAULT_F16_MODEL_ID : VITE_WEBLLM_DEFAULT_F32_MODEL_ID, wllamaModelId: VITE_WLLAMA_DEFAULT_MODEL_ID, cpuThreads: 1, searchResultsToConsider: 3, systemPrompt: `I need assistance with my research, so please provide easy-to-understand responses following these guidelines: - Base your responses on the provided search results and your general knowledge about the topic. - Answer in the same language in which I ask, with an analytical tone. - Use Markdown format, without headers. - Include any additional relevant information you think would be good to know. - Keep in mind that the current date and time is {{dateTime}}. Search results: {{searchResults}}`, inferenceType: VITE_DEFAULT_INFERENCE_TYPE, inferenceTemperature: 0.5, inferenceTopP: 1.0, inferenceFrequencyPenalty: 0.5, inferencePresencePenalty: 0.3, inferenceRepeatPenalty: 1.176, openAiApiBaseUrl: "", openAiApiKey: "", openAiApiModel: "", enterToSubmit: true, enableAiResponseScrolling: true, allowAiModelDownload: false, }; addLogEntry( `Number of logical processors in CPU: ${navigator.hardwareConcurrency ?? "unknown"}`, ); export type Settings = typeof defaultSettings; export const inferenceTypes = [ { value: "browser", label: "In the browser (Private)" }, { value: "openai", label: "Remote server (API)" }, ...(VITE_INTERNAL_API_ENABLED ? [{ value: "internal", label: VITE_INTERNAL_API_NAME }] : []), ];