import streamlit as st | |
import json | |
from transformers import pipeline | |
# Load pre-trained models | |
sentiment_analyzer = pipeline('sentiment-analysis', model='nlptown/bert-base-multilingual-uncased-sentiment') | |
emotion_analyzer = pipeline('text-classification', model='j-hartmann/emotion-english-distilroberta-base') | |
intent_analyzer = pipeline('text-classification', model='Falconsai/intent_classification') | |
# Function to determine response length based on text length | |
def determine_response_length(text): | |
length = len(text.split()) | |
if length < 5: | |
return "short" | |
elif length < 15: | |
return "medium" | |
else: | |
return "long" | |
# Analyze conversation function | |
def analyze_conversation(conversation): | |
output = {"conversation": []} | |
for entry in conversation: | |
speaker = entry['speaker'] | |
text = entry['text'] | |
# Sentiment analysis | |
sentiment_result = sentiment_analyzer(text) | |
sentiment = sentiment_result[0]['label'] | |
# Emotion detection | |
emotion_result = emotion_analyzer(text) | |
emotion = emotion_result[0]['label'] | |
# Intent recognition | |
intent_result = intent_analyzer(text) | |
intent = intent_result[0]['label'] | |
# Assign other attributes | |
tone = "formal" if speaker == "AGENT" else "informal" | |
confidence_level = "high" if speaker == "AGENT" else "low" | |
frustration_level = "low" if sentiment == "positive" else "medium" | |
response_length = determine_response_length(text) | |
action_required = "no" if speaker == "AGENT" else "yes" | |
interruption = "no" | |
cooperation_level = "high" if sentiment == "positive" else "medium" | |
clarity = "clear" if speaker == "AGENT" else "confusing" | |
objective = "inform_customer" if speaker == "AGENT" else "get_clarification" | |
timeline = "present" | |
motivation = "inform_update" if speaker == "AGENT" else "verify_information" | |
conversation_stage = "development" | |
resolution = "pending" | |
context = "sales" | |
urgency = "low" if speaker == "AGENT" else "medium" | |
problem_type = "contract_update" | |
key_words = ["contract", "electricity"] # Consider dynamic extraction here | |
expected_detail = "basic" if speaker == "AGENT" else "detailed" | |
time_gap = "normal" | |
client_expectation = "get_information" | |
channel = "telephone" | |
power_relationship = "balanced" | |
# Add the entry to the conversation | |
output["conversation"].append({ | |
"speaker": speaker, | |
"text": text, | |
"sentiment": sentiment, | |
"emotion": emotion, | |
"intent": intent, | |
"tone": tone, | |
"confidence_level": confidence_level, | |
"frustration_level": frustration_level, | |
"response_length": response_length, | |
"action_required": action_required, | |
"interruption": interruption, | |
"cooperation_level": cooperation_level, | |
"clarity": clarity, | |
"objective": objective, | |
"timeline": timeline, | |
"motivation": motivation, | |
"conversation_stage": conversation_stage, | |
"resolution": resolution, | |
"context": context, | |
"urgency": urgency, | |
"problem_type": problem_type, | |
"key_words": key_words, | |
"expected_detail": expected_detail, | |
"time_gap": time_gap, | |
"client_expectation": client_expectation, | |
"channel": channel, | |
"power_relationship": power_relationship | |
}) | |
return output | |
# Streamlit app layout | |
st.title("Conversation Labeling App") | |
st.write("Upload a JSON file containing conversations in the specified format.") | |
# File uploader | |
uploaded_file = st.file_uploader("Choose a JSON file", type="json") | |
if uploaded_file is not None: | |
# Read the uploaded file | |
data = json.load(uploaded_file) | |
if "conversation" in data: | |
# Analyze the conversation and generate the output | |
result = analyze_conversation(data["conversation"]) | |
# Display the output | |
st.subheader("Labeled Conversation") | |
st.json(result) | |
else: | |
st.error("The uploaded JSON file does not contain a 'conversation' key.") | |