import streamlit as st from pathlib import Path import os import google.generativeai as genai from research_assistant_app.components.data_ingestion import ( get_cleaned_dir_docs, get_cleaned_input_docs, ) from research_assistant_app.components.data_querying import user_query from research_assistant_app.components.data_indexing import run_indexing_pipeline from dotenv import load_dotenv load_dotenv() os.getenv("GOOGLE_API_KEY") genai.configure(api_key=os.getenv("GOOGLE_API_KEY")) st.set_page_config("Chat PDF") st.header("Your research assistant here to help💁 (Powered by Gemini)") user_question = st.text_input( "Chat with existing Pdfs in Pinecone data base or Your added PDF" ) if user_question: response = user_query(user_question) st.write(response) File = st.file_uploader( "Upload Your new PDF file to store in Pinecone DB", type=("pdf"), key="pdf" ) if File: # Save uploaded file to 'Data/' folder. save_folder = "Data" save_path = Path(save_folder, with open(save_path, mode="wb") as w: w.write(File.getvalue()) if save_path.exists(): st.success(f"File {} is successfully saved!") file_dir = f"Data/{}" res = get_cleaned_input_docs(file_dir) print(res, "cleaned docs") index_stats = run_indexing_pipeline(res) print(index_stats, "checking indexes") if index_stats != None: st.success(f"File {} is successfully upserted in Pinecone DB!") user_question_pdf = st.text_input("Ask a Question from the PDF File") if user_question_pdf: response = user_query(user_question_pdf) st.write(response) File = None