import streamlit as st |
import pandas as pd |
import plotly.graph_objs as go |
'Femoral Neck': {'mu': 0.916852, 'sigma': 0.120754}, |
'Total Hip': {'mu': 0.955439, 'sigma': 0.125406}, |
'Lumbar spine (L1-L4)': {'mu': 1.131649, 'sigma': 0.139618}, |
} |
@st.cache_data |
def load_medication_data(): |
file_path = "cleaned_bmd_medication_data.xlsx" |
return pd.read_excel(file_path) |
def calculate_bmd(bmd, percentage_increase): |
return bmd * (1 + percentage_increase) |
def calculate_tscore(bmd, mu, sigma): |
return (bmd - mu) / sigma |
def generate_predictions(medication_data, site, bmd, mu, sigma): |
site_data = medication_data[medication_data['Site'] == site] |
all_results = [] |
for _, row in site_data.iterrows(): |
drug = row['Medication'] |
predictions = { |
'Year': ['0'], |
'Year Index': [0], |
'Predicted BMD': [round(bmd, 3)], |
'Predicted T-score': [round(calculate_tscore(bmd, mu, sigma), 1)] |
} |
year_index = 1 |
for year in row.index[1:-1]: |
if not pd.isna(row[year]): |
percentage_increase = row[year] |
predicted_bmd = bmd * (1 + percentage_increase) |
predicted_tscore = calculate_tscore(predicted_bmd, mu, sigma) |
predictions['Year'].append(year.replace(" Year", "")) |
predictions['Year Index'].append(year_index) |
predictions['Predicted BMD'].append(round(predicted_bmd, 3)) |
predictions['Predicted T-score'].append(round(predicted_tscore, 1)) |
year_index += 1 |
all_results.append({'Drug': drug, 'Predictions': predictions}) |
return all_results |
def display_results(predictions, site): |
st.subheader(f"Predictions for {site}") |
for result in predictions: |
drug = result['Drug'] |
predictions = result['Predictions'] |
st.write(f"### {drug}") |
st.dataframe(pd.DataFrame(predictions)) |
bmd_plot = go.Scatter( |
x=predictions['Year Index'], y=predictions['Predicted BMD'], mode='lines+markers', |
name='Predicted BMD', line=dict(color='blue') |
) |
tscore_plot = go.Scatter( |
x=predictions['Year Index'], y=predictions['Predicted T-score'], mode='lines+markers', |
name='Predicted T-score', line=dict(color='green') |
) |
col1, col2 = st.columns(2) |
with col1: |
st.plotly_chart(go.Figure(data=[bmd_plot], layout=go.Layout( |
title=f"{drug} - Predicted BMD", xaxis_title="Year", yaxis_title="BMD (g/cm²)", |
xaxis=dict(tickmode='array', tickvals=predictions['Year Index'], ticktext=predictions['Year']) |
))) |
with col2: |
st.plotly_chart(go.Figure(data=[tscore_plot], layout=go.Layout( |
title=f"{drug} - Predicted T-score", xaxis_title="Year", yaxis_title="T-score", |
xaxis=dict(tickmode='array', tickvals=predictions['Year Index'], ticktext=predictions['Year']) |
))) |
def main(): |
st.title("BMD and T-score Prediction Tool") |
dexa_machine = st.selectbox("DEXA Machine", ["LUNAR"]) |
gender = st.selectbox("Gender", ["Female"]) |
site_mapping = { |
'Lumbar spine (L1-L4)': 'LS', |
'Femoral Neck': 'FN', |
'Total Hip': 'TH' |
} |
site_options = list(site_mapping.keys()) |
selected_site = st.selectbox("Select Region (Site)", site_options) |
site = site_mapping[selected_site] |
bmd_patient = st.number_input( |
"Initial BMD", |
min_value=0.000, max_value=2.000, |
value=0.800, step=0.001, |
format="%.3f" |
) |
medication_data = load_medication_data() |
constants = REGRESSION_CONSTANTS.get(selected_site, {}) |
if st.button("Predict"): |
predictions = generate_predictions(medication_data, site, bmd_patient, constants['mu'], constants['sigma']) |
display_results(predictions, selected_site) |
if __name__ == "__main__": |
main() |