#file_path = "cleaned_bmd_medication_data.xlsx" import streamlit as st import pandas as pd import plotly.graph_objs as go # Constants from linear regression REGRESSION_CONSTANTS = { 'Femoral Neck': {'mu': 0.916852, 'sigma': 0.120754}, 'Total Hip': {'mu': 0.955439, 'sigma': 0.125406}, 'Lumbar spine (L1-L4)': {'mu': 1.131649, 'sigma': 0.139618}, } # Load medication data @st.cache_data def load_medication_data(): file_path = "cleaned_bmd_medication_data.xlsx" return pd.read_excel(file_path) # Calculate predicted BMD after medication def calculate_bmd(bmd, percentage_increase): return bmd * (1 + percentage_increase) # Convert BMD to T-score def calculate_tscore(bmd, mu, sigma): return (bmd - mu) / sigma # Generate prediction table for all drugs def generate_predictions(medication_data, site, bmd, mu, sigma): site_data = medication_data[medication_data['Site'] == site] all_results = [] for _, row in site_data.iterrows(): drug = row['Medication'] predictions = { 'Year': ['0'], 'Year Index': [0], # Numeric x-axis for plotting 'Predicted BMD': [round(bmd, 3)], 'Predicted T-score': [round(calculate_tscore(bmd, mu, sigma), 1)] } year_index = 1 for year in row.index[1:-1]: # Skip 'Medication' and 'Site' columns if not pd.isna(row[year]): percentage_increase = row[year] predicted_bmd = bmd * (1 + percentage_increase) predicted_tscore = calculate_tscore(predicted_bmd, mu, sigma) predictions['Year'].append(year.replace(" Year", "")) # Simplify year label predictions['Year Index'].append(year_index) # Numeric x-axis predictions['Predicted BMD'].append(round(predicted_bmd, 3)) predictions['Predicted T-score'].append(round(predicted_tscore, 1)) year_index += 1 all_results.append({'Drug': drug, 'Predictions': predictions}) return all_results # Display results as table and plots def display_results(predictions, site): st.subheader(f"Predictions for {site}") for result in predictions: drug = result['Drug'] predictions = result['Predictions'] # Display table st.write(f"### {drug}") st.dataframe(pd.DataFrame(predictions)) # Plot BMD and T-score using Year Index bmd_plot = go.Scatter( x=predictions['Year Index'], y=predictions['Predicted BMD'], mode='lines+markers', name='Predicted BMD', line=dict(color='blue') ) tscore_plot = go.Scatter( x=predictions['Year Index'], y=predictions['Predicted T-score'], mode='lines+markers', name='Predicted T-score', line=dict(color='green') ) # Combine plots in a single row col1, col2 = st.columns(2) with col1: st.plotly_chart(go.Figure(data=[bmd_plot], layout=go.Layout( title=f"{drug} - Predicted BMD", xaxis_title="Year", yaxis_title="BMD (g/cm²)", xaxis=dict(tickmode='array', tickvals=predictions['Year Index'], ticktext=predictions['Year']) ))) with col2: st.plotly_chart(go.Figure(data=[tscore_plot], layout=go.Layout( title=f"{drug} - Predicted T-score", xaxis_title="Year", yaxis_title="T-score", xaxis=dict(tickmode='array', tickvals=predictions['Year Index'], ticktext=predictions['Year']) ))) # Generate summary of medications reaching the target T-score def generate_goal_summary(predictions, target_tscore=2.4): goal_reached = [] for result in predictions: drug = result['Drug'] predictions_data = result['Predictions'] for year, tscore in zip(predictions_data['Year'], predictions_data['Predicted T-score']): # Debugging to confirm T-score values print(f"Checking {drug}: Year = {year}, T-score = {tscore}") if tscore >= target_tscore: # Check against Predicted T-score goal_reached.append({'Medication': drug, 'Year': int(year)}) break # Stop checking further years for this drug # Sort by year to prioritize earlier achievement goal_reached_sorted = sorted(goal_reached, key=lambda x: x['Year']) return goal_reached_sorted # Display summary of goal-reaching medications def display_goal_summary(goal_summary): st.subheader("Goal Treatment Summary (T-score ≥ 2.4)") if not goal_summary: st.info("No medications reach the target T-score.") else: summary_table = pd.DataFrame(goal_summary) st.table(summary_table) # Streamlit UI # Main function def main(): st.title("BMD and T-score Prediction Tool") # DEXA Machine Selection dexa_machine = st.selectbox("DEXA Machine", ["LUNAR"]) # Gender Selection gender = st.selectbox("Gender", ["Female"]) # Location (Site) Selection with Mapping site_mapping = { 'Lumbar spine (L1-L4)': 'LS', 'Femoral Neck': 'FN', 'Total Hip': 'TH' } site_options = list(site_mapping.keys()) selected_site = st.selectbox("Select Region (Site)", site_options) site = site_mapping[selected_site] # Map to the actual value in the dataset # Input patient data bmd_patient = st.number_input( "Initial BMD", min_value=0.000, max_value=2.000, value=0.800, step=0.001, format="%.3f" ) # Medication Selection with Checkboxes st.subheader("Select Medications to Display") # Add "Show All" Option show_all = st.checkbox("Show All Medications") # Define medications by rows medication_rows = [ ["Alendronate", "Risedronate", "Ibandronate oral"], ["Zoledronate", "Ibandronate IV (3mg)"], ["Denosumab", "Denosumab + Teriparatide"], ["Teriparatide", "Teriparatide + Denosumab"], ["Romosozumab", "Romosozumab + Denosumab", "Romosozumab + Alendronate"], ["Romosozumab + Ibandronate", "Romosozumab + Zoledronate"] ] # Create checkboxes for each row selected_medications = [] if not show_all: for row in medication_rows: cols = st.columns(len(row)) for col, med in zip(cols, row): if col.checkbox(med): selected_medications.append(med) else: # If "Show All" is checked, include all medications selected_medications = [med for row in medication_rows for med in row] # Load constants and medication data medication_data = load_medication_data() constants = REGRESSION_CONSTANTS.get(selected_site, {}) # Generate and display predictions for selected medications if st.button("Predict"): all_predictions = generate_predictions(medication_data, site, bmd_patient, constants['mu'], constants['sigma']) filtered_predictions = [pred for pred in all_predictions if pred['Drug'] in selected_medications] if not filtered_predictions: st.warning("No medications selected. Please select at least one medication or use the 'Show All' option.") else: # Generate and display goal treatment summary goal_summary = generate_goal_summary(filtered_predictions, target_tscore=2.4) display_goal_summary(goal_summary) # Display individual medication results display_results(filtered_predictions, selected_site) if __name__ == "__main__": main()