""" |
RVC module for SillyTavern Extras |
Authors: |
- Tony Ribeiro (https://github.com/Tony-sama) |
Models used by RVC are saved into local data folder: "data/models/" |
User RVC model are expected be in "data/models/rvc", one folder per model contraining a pth file and optional index file |
References: |
- Code adapted from: |
- RVC-webui: https://github.com/RVC-Project/Retrieval-based-Voice-Conversion-WebUI |
- Audio-webui: https://github.com/gitmylo/audio-webui |
""" |
from flask import abort, request, send_file, jsonify |
import json |
import modules.voice_conversion.rvc.rvc as rvc |
from scipy.io import wavfile |
import os |
import io |
from py7zr import pack_7zarchive, unpack_7zarchive |
import shutil |
DEBUG_PREFIX = "<RVC module>" |
RVC_MODELS_PATH = "data/models/rvc/" |
IGNORED_FILES = [".placeholder"] |
TEMP_FOLDER_PATH = "data/tmp/" |
RVC_INPUT_PATH = "data/tmp/rvc_input.wav" |
RVC_OUTPUT_PATH ="data/tmp/rvc_output.wav" |
save_file = False |
shutil.register_archive_format('7zip', pack_7zarchive, description='7zip archive') |
shutil.register_unpack_format('7zip', ['.7z'], unpack_7zarchive) |
def rvc_get_models_list(): |
""" |
Return the list of RVC model in the expected folder |
""" |
try: |
print(DEBUG_PREFIX, "Received request for list of RVC models") |
folder_names = os.listdir(RVC_MODELS_PATH) |
print(DEBUG_PREFIX,"Searching model in",RVC_MODELS_PATH) |
model_list = [] |
for folder_name in folder_names: |
folder_path = RVC_MODELS_PATH+folder_name |
if folder_name in IGNORED_FILES: |
continue |
if not os.path.isdir(folder_path): |
print("> WARNING:",folder_name,"is not a folder, ignored") |
continue |
print("> Found model folder",folder_name) |
valid_folder = False |
for file_name in os.listdir(folder_path): |
if file_name.endswith(".pth"): |
print(" > pth:",file_name) |
valid_folder = True |
if file_name.endswith(".index"): |
print(" > index:",file_name) |
if valid_folder: |
print(" > Valid folder added to list") |
model_list.append(folder_name) |
else: |
print(" > WARNING: Missing pth, ignored folder") |
response = json.dumps({"models_list":model_list}) |
return response |
except Exception as e: |
print(e) |
abort(500, DEBUG_PREFIX + " Exception occurs while searching for RVC models.") |
def rvc_upload_models(): |
""" |
Install RVC models uploaded via ST request |
- Needs flask MAX_CONTENT_LENGTH to be adapted accordingly |
""" |
try: |
request_files = request.files |
print(DEBUG_PREFIX, "received:", request_files) |
for request_file_name in request_files: |
zip_file_path = os.path.join(TEMP_FOLDER_PATH,request_file_name) |
print("> Saving",request_file_name,"to",zip_file_path) |
request_file = request_files.get(request_file_name) |
request_file.save(zip_file_path) |
model_folder_name, _ = os.path.splitext(request_file_name) |
model_folder_path = os.path.join(RVC_MODELS_PATH,model_folder_name) |
shutil.unpack_archive(zip_file_path, model_folder_path) |
print("> Cleaning up model folder",model_folder_path) |
print("> Moving file to model root folder") |
for root, dirs, files in os.walk(model_folder_path): |
for file in files: |
file_path = os.path.join(root,file) |
if not os.path.isdir(file_path): |
shutil.move(file_path,os.path.join(model_folder_path,file)) |
print("> Deleting model subfolders") |
for root, dirs, files in os.walk(model_folder_path): |
for dir in dirs: |
folder_path = os.path.join(root,dir) |
if os.path.isdir(folder_path): |
os.rmdir(folder_path) |
print("> Success") |
response = json.dumps({"status":"ok"}) |
return response |
except Exception as e: |
print(e) |
abort(500, DEBUG_PREFIX + " Exception occurs while uploading models.") |
def rvc_process_audio(): |
""" |
Process request audio file with the loaded RVC model |
Expected request format: |
modelName: string, |
pitchExtraction: string, |
pitchOffset: int, |
indexRate: float [0,1], |
filterRadius: int [0,7], |
rmsMixRate: rmsMixRate, |
protect: float [0,1] |
""" |
global save_file |
try: |
file = request.files.get('AudioFile') |
print(DEBUG_PREFIX, "received:", file) |
input_audio_path = io.BytesIO() |
output_audio_path = io.BytesIO() |
if save_file: |
input_audio_path = RVC_INPUT_PATH |
output_audio_path = RVC_OUTPUT_PATH |
file.save(input_audio_path) |
if not save_file: |
input_audio_path.seek(0) |
parameters = json.loads(request.form["json"]) |
print(DEBUG_PREFIX, "Received audio conversion request with model", parameters) |
folder_path = RVC_MODELS_PATH+parameters["modelName"]+"/" |
model_path = None |
index_path = None |
print(DEBUG_PREFIX, "Check for pth file in ", folder_path) |
for file_name in os.listdir(folder_path): |
if file_name.endswith(".pth"): |
print(" > set pth as ",file_name) |
model_path = folder_path+file_name |
break |
if model_path is None: |
abort(500, DEBUG_PREFIX + " No pth file found.") |
print(DEBUG_PREFIX, "loading", model_path) |
rvc.load_rvc(model_path) |
print(DEBUG_PREFIX, "Check for index file", folder_path) |
for file_name in os.listdir(folder_path): |
if file_name.endswith(".index"): |
print(" > set index as ",file_name) |
index_path = folder_path+file_name |
break |
if index_path is None: |
index_path = "" |
print(DEBUG_PREFIX, "no index file found, proceeding without index") |
info, (tgt_sr, wav_opt) = rvc.vc_single( |
sid=0, |
input_audio_path=input_audio_path, |
f0_up_key=int(parameters["pitchOffset"]), |
f0_file=None, |
f0_method=parameters["pitchExtraction"], |
file_index=index_path, |
file_index2="", |
index_rate=float(parameters["indexRate"]), |
filter_radius=int(parameters["filterRadius"]) // 2 * 2 + 1, |
resample_sr=0, |
rms_mix_rate=float(parameters["rmsMixRate"]), |
protect=float(parameters["protect"]), |
crepe_hop_length=128) |
wavfile.write(output_audio_path, tgt_sr, wav_opt) |
if not save_file: |
output_audio_path.seek(0) |
print(DEBUG_PREFIX, "Audio converted using RVC model:", rvc.rvc_model_name) |
response = send_file(output_audio_path, mimetype="audio/x-wav") |
return response |
except Exception as e: |
print(e) |
abort(500, DEBUG_PREFIX + " Exception occurs while processing audio.") |
def fix_model_install(): |
""" |
Fix RVC model organisation, move found pth/index file into |
""" |
print(DEBUG_PREFIX,"Checking RVC models folder:",RVC_MODELS_PATH) |
file_names = os.listdir(RVC_MODELS_PATH) |
print("> Searching for pth files") |
for file_name in file_names: |
file_path = os.path.join(RVC_MODELS_PATH,file_name) |
if file_name in IGNORED_FILES: |
continue |
if not os.path.isdir(file_path): |
new_folder_path, file_extension = os.path.splitext(file_path) |
if file_extension != ".pth": |
continue |
print(" > WARNING: pth file found!",file_path) |
print(" > Attempting to create a folder", new_folder_path) |
if os.path.exists(new_folder_path): |
print(" > Folder already exists") |
else: |
os.mkdir(new_folder_path) |
print(" > New model folder created:",new_folder_path) |
new_file_path = os.path.join(new_folder_path,file_name) |
print(" > attempting to move",file_name,"to",new_file_path) |
if os.path.exists(new_file_path): |
print(" > WARNING, file already exists in folder") |
print(" > Model should work.") |
print(" > Clean",RVC_MODELS_PATH,"to stop warnings (all pth/index file must be together in a folder).") |
print(" > File",file_name,"ignored") |
continue |
else: |
os.rename(file_path, new_file_path) |
print(" > File moved, new path:",new_file_path) |
file_names = os.listdir(RVC_MODELS_PATH) |
print("> Searching for index files") |
for file_name in file_names: |
file_path = os.path.join(RVC_MODELS_PATH,file_name) |
if file_name in IGNORED_FILES: |
continue |
if not os.path.isdir(file_path): |
new_folder_path, file_extension = os.path.splitext(file_path) |
if file_extension != ".index": |
continue |
print(" > WARNING: index file found!",file_path) |
print(" > Searching for possible model folder") |
found = False |
for folder_candidate in file_names: |
folder_candidate_path = os.path.join(RVC_MODELS_PATH,folder_candidate) |
if os.path.isdir(folder_candidate_path): |
if folder_candidate in file_name: |
print(" > Found corresponding model folder:",folder_candidate_path) |
new_file_path = os.path.join(folder_candidate_path,file_name) |
print(" > attempting to move",file_name,"to",new_file_path) |
if os.path.exists(new_file_path): |
print(" > WARNING: file already exists in folder") |
print(" > Model should work.") |
print(" > Clean",RVC_MODELS_PATH,"to stop warnings (all pth/index file must be together in a folder).") |
print(" > File",file_name,"ignored") |
else: |
os.rename(file_path, new_file_path) |
print(" > File moved, new path:",new_file_path) |
found = True |
break |
if not found: |
print(" > WARNING: no corresponding folder found, move or delete the file manually to stop warnings.") |
print(DEBUG_PREFIX,"RVC model folder checked.") |