FROM python:3.10 # python ENV PYTHONUNBUFFERED=1 \ # prevents python creating .pyc files PYTHONDONTWRITEBYTECODE=1 \ \ # pip PIP_NO_CACHE_DIR=off \ PIP_DISABLE_PIP_VERSION_CHECK=on \ PIP_DEFAULT_TIMEOUT=100 \ \ # poetry # POETRY_VERSION=1.3.2 \ # make poetry install to this location POETRY_HOME="/opt/poetry" \ # make poetry create the virtual environment in the project's root # it gets named `.venv` POETRY_VIRTUALENVS_IN_PROJECT=false \ # do not ask any interactive question POETRY_NO_INTERACTION=1 \ POETRY_VIRTUALENVS_CREATE=false ENV VENV_PATH="/venv" ENV PATH="$VENV_PATH/bin:$PATH" WORKDIR /app RUN apt-get update RUN curl -sSf | bash -s -- -y ENV PATH="/root/.cargo/bin:${PATH}" RUN rustc --version RUN pip install wheel RUN apt-get update && apt-get upgrade -y && apt-get install netcat-traditional -y && apt-get install wkhtmltopdf -y RUN pip install --upgrade poetry RUN python -m venv /venv RUN /venv/bin/pip install --upgrade pip wheel setuptools setuptools_rust COPY . . RUN poetry install COPY . . CMD ["python", ""]