import warnings warnings.filterwarnings("ignore", category=UserWarning) # Filter torch pytree user warnings import pypdfium2 as pdfium from PIL import Image from marker.utils import flush_cuda_memory from marker.tables.table import format_tables from import dump_bbox_debug_data from marker.layout.layout import surya_layout, annotate_block_types from marker.layout.order import surya_order, sort_blocks_in_reading_order from marker.ocr.lang import replace_langs_with_codes, validate_langs from marker.ocr.detection import surya_detection from marker.ocr.recognition import run_ocr from marker.pdf.extract_text import get_text_blocks from marker.cleaners.headers import filter_header_footer, filter_common_titles from marker.equations.equations import replace_equations from marker.pdf.utils import find_filetype from marker.postprocessors.editor import edit_full_text from marker.cleaners.code import identify_code_blocks, indent_blocks from marker.cleaners.bullets import replace_bullets from marker.cleaners.headings import split_heading_blocks from marker.cleaners.fontstyle import find_bold_italic from marker.postprocessors.markdown import merge_spans, merge_lines, get_full_text from marker.cleaners.text import cleanup_text from marker.images.extract import extract_images from import images_to_dict from typing import List, Dict, Tuple, Optional from marker.settings import settings def convert_single_pdf( fname: str, model_lst: List, max_pages=None, metadata: Optional[Dict]=None, langs: Optional[List[str]] = None, batch_multiplier: int = 1 ) -> Tuple[str, Dict[str, Image.Image], Dict]: # Set language needed for OCR if langs is None: langs = [settings.DEFAULT_LANG] if metadata: langs = metadata.get("languages", langs) langs = replace_langs_with_codes(langs) validate_langs(langs) # Find the filetype filetype = find_filetype(fname) # Setup output metadata out_meta = { "languages": langs, "filetype": filetype, } if filetype == "other": # We can't process this file return "", out_meta # Get initial text blocks from the pdf doc = pdfium.PdfDocument(fname) pages, toc = get_text_blocks( doc, max_pages=max_pages, ) out_meta.update({ "toc": toc, "pages": len(pages), }) # Unpack models from list texify_model, layout_model, order_model, edit_model, detection_model, ocr_model = model_lst # Identify text lines on pages surya_detection(doc, pages, detection_model, batch_multiplier=batch_multiplier) flush_cuda_memory() # OCR pages as needed pages, ocr_stats = run_ocr(doc, pages, langs, ocr_model, batch_multiplier=batch_multiplier) flush_cuda_memory() out_meta["ocr_stats"] = ocr_stats if len([b for p in pages for b in p.blocks]) == 0: print(f"Could not extract any text blocks for {fname}") return "", out_meta surya_layout(doc, pages, layout_model, batch_multiplier=batch_multiplier) flush_cuda_memory() # Find headers and footers bad_span_ids = filter_header_footer(pages) out_meta["block_stats"] = {"header_footer": len(bad_span_ids)} # Add block types in annotate_block_types(pages) # Dump debug data if flags are set dump_bbox_debug_data(doc, pages) # Find reading order for blocks # Sort blocks by reading order surya_order(doc, pages, order_model, batch_multiplier=batch_multiplier) sort_blocks_in_reading_order(pages) flush_cuda_memory() # Fix code blocks code_block_count = identify_code_blocks(pages) out_meta["block_stats"]["code"] = code_block_count indent_blocks(pages) # Fix table blocks table_count = format_tables(pages) out_meta["block_stats"]["table"] = table_count for page in pages: for block in page.blocks: block.filter_spans(bad_span_ids) block.filter_bad_span_types() filtered, eq_stats = replace_equations( doc, pages, texify_model, batch_multiplier=batch_multiplier ) flush_cuda_memory() out_meta["block_stats"]["equations"] = eq_stats # Extract images and figures if settings.EXTRACT_IMAGES: extract_images(doc, pages) # Split out headers split_heading_blocks(pages) find_bold_italic(pages) # Copy to avoid changing original data merged_lines = merge_spans(filtered) text_blocks = merge_lines(merged_lines) text_blocks = filter_common_titles(text_blocks) full_text = get_full_text(text_blocks) # Handle empty blocks being joined full_text = cleanup_text(full_text) # Replace bullet characters with a - full_text = replace_bullets(full_text) # Postprocess text with editor model full_text, edit_stats = edit_full_text( full_text, edit_model, batch_multiplier=batch_multiplier ) flush_cuda_memory() out_meta["postprocess_stats"] = {"edit": edit_stats} doc_images = images_to_dict(pages) return full_text, doc_images, out_meta