from marker.schema.merged import MergedLine, MergedBlock, FullyMergedBlock from import Page import re import regex from typing import List def escape_markdown(text): # List of characters that need to be escaped in markdown characters_to_escape = r"[#]" # Escape each of these characters with a backslash escaped_text = re.sub(characters_to_escape, r'\\\g<0>', text) return escaped_text def surround_text(s, char_to_insert): leading_whitespace = re.match(r'^(\s*)', s).group(1) trailing_whitespace ='(\s*)$', s).group(1) stripped_string = s.strip() modified_string = char_to_insert + stripped_string + char_to_insert final_string = leading_whitespace + modified_string + trailing_whitespace return final_string def merge_spans(pages: List[Page]) -> List[List[MergedBlock]]: merged_blocks = [] for page in pages: page_blocks = [] for blocknum, block in enumerate(page.blocks): block_lines = [] for linenum, line in enumerate(block.lines): line_text = "" if len(line.spans) == 0: continue fonts = [] for i, span in enumerate(line.spans): font = span.font.lower() next_span = None next_idx = 1 while len(line.spans) > i + next_idx: next_span = line.spans[i + next_idx] next_idx += 1 if len(next_span.text.strip()) > 2: break fonts.append(font) span_text = span.text # Don't bold or italicize very short sequences # Avoid bolding first and last sequence so lines can be joined properly if len(span_text) > 3 and 0 < i < len(line.spans) - 1: if span.italic and (not next_span or not next_span.italic): span_text = surround_text(span_text, "*") elif span.bold and (not next_span or not next_span.bold): span_text = surround_text(span_text, "**") line_text += span_text block_lines.append(MergedLine( text=line_text, fonts=fonts, bbox=line.bbox )) if len(block_lines) > 0: page_blocks.append(MergedBlock( lines=block_lines, pnum=block.pnum, bbox=block.bbox, block_type=block.block_type )) merged_blocks.append(page_blocks) return merged_blocks def block_surround(text, block_type): if block_type == "Section-header": if not text.startswith("#"): text = "\n## " + text.strip().title() + "\n" elif block_type == "Title": if not text.startswith("#"): text = "# " + text.strip().title() + "\n" elif block_type == "Table": text = "\n" + text + "\n" elif block_type == "List-item": text = escape_markdown(text) elif block_type == "Code": text = "\n```\n" + text + "\n```\n" elif block_type == "Text": text = escape_markdown(text) elif block_type == "Formula": if text.strip().startswith("$$") and text.strip().endswith("$$"): text = text.strip() text = "\n" + text + "\n" return text def line_separator(line1, line2, block_type, is_continuation=False): # Should cover latin-derived languages and russian lowercase_letters = r'\p{Lo}|\p{Ll}|\d' hyphens = r'-—¬' # Remove hyphen in current line if next line and current line appear to be joined hyphen_pattern = regex.compile(rf'.*[{lowercase_letters}][{hyphens}]\s?$', regex.DOTALL) if line1 and hyphen_pattern.match(line1) and regex.match(rf"^\s?[{lowercase_letters}]", line2): # Split on — or - from the right line1 = regex.split(rf"[{hyphens}]\s?$", line1)[0] return line1.rstrip() + line2.lstrip() all_letters = r'\p{L}|\d' sentence_continuations = r',;\(\—\"\'\*' sentence_ends = r'。ๆ\.?!' line_end_pattern = regex.compile(rf'.*[{lowercase_letters}][{sentence_continuations}]?\s?$', regex.DOTALL) line_start_pattern = regex.compile(rf'^\s?[{all_letters}]', regex.DOTALL) sentence_end_pattern = regex.compile(rf'.*[{sentence_ends}]\s?$', regex.DOTALL) text_blocks = ["Text", "List-item", "Footnote", "Caption", "Figure"] if block_type in ["Title", "Section-header"]: return line1.rstrip() + " " + line2.lstrip() elif block_type == "Formula": return line1 + "\n" + line2 elif line_end_pattern.match(line1) and line_start_pattern.match(line2) and block_type in text_blocks: return line1.rstrip() + " " + line2.lstrip() elif is_continuation: return line1.rstrip() + " " + line2.lstrip() elif block_type in text_blocks and sentence_end_pattern.match(line1): return line1 + "\n\n" + line2 elif block_type == "Table": return line1 + "\n\n" + line2 else: return line1 + "\n" + line2 def block_separator(line1, line2, block_type1, block_type2): sep = "\n" if block_type1 == "Text": sep = "\n\n" return sep + line2 def merge_lines(blocks: List[List[MergedBlock]]): text_blocks = [] prev_type = None prev_line = None block_text = "" block_type = "" for page in blocks: for block in page: block_type = block.block_type if block_type != prev_type and prev_type: text_blocks.append( FullyMergedBlock( text=block_surround(block_text, prev_type), block_type=prev_type ) ) block_text = "" prev_type = block_type # Join lines in the block together properly for i, line in enumerate(block.lines): line_height = line.bbox[3] - line.bbox[1] prev_line_height = prev_line.bbox[3] - prev_line.bbox[1] if prev_line else 0 prev_line_x = prev_line.bbox[0] if prev_line else 0 prev_line = line is_continuation = line_height == prev_line_height and line.bbox[0] == prev_line_x if block_text: block_text = line_separator(block_text, line.text, block_type, is_continuation) else: block_text = line.text # Append the final block text_blocks.append( FullyMergedBlock( text=block_surround(block_text, prev_type), block_type=block_type ) ) return text_blocks def get_full_text(text_blocks): full_text = "" prev_block = None for block in text_blocks: if prev_block: full_text += block_separator(prev_block.text, block.text, prev_block.block_type, block.block_type) else: full_text += block.text prev_block = block return full_text