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import streamlit as st
import time
from model_utils import list_trained_models, generate_code, get_model_info
from utils import set_page_config, display_sidebar, add_log, format_code
# Set page configuration
# Display sidebar
# Title
st.title("Code Generation")
st.markdown("Generate Python code using your trained models.")
# Get available models
available_models = list_trained_models()
if not available_models:
st.warning("No trained models available. Please train a model in the Model Training section.")
# Create main columns for layout
col1, col2 = st.columns([1, 1])
with col1:
st.markdown("### Code Generation Setup")
# Model selection
selected_model = st.selectbox("Select Model", available_models)
# Display model info if available
if selected_model:
model_info = get_model_info(selected_model)
if model_info:
st.markdown("#### Model Information")
# Create expandable section for model details
with st.expander("Model Details", expanded=False):
for key, value in model_info.items():
if key != 'id': # Skip ID as it's already shown in the selectbox
st.markdown(f"**{key.replace('_', ' ').title()}:** {value}")
# Generation parameters
st.markdown("#### Generation Parameters")
max_length = st.slider("Maximum Length", min_value=50, max_value=500, value=200, step=10)
temperature = st.slider("Temperature", min_value=0.1, max_value=2.0, value=0.7, step=0.1,
help="Higher values make output more random, lower values more deterministic")
top_p = st.slider("Top P (Nucleus Sampling)", min_value=0.1, max_value=1.0, value=0.9, step=0.05,
help="Controls diversity. 0.9 means consider tokens comprising the top 90% probability mass")
# Input prompt
st.markdown("#### Input Prompt")
prompt = st.text_area(
"Enter your code prompt",
placeholder="# Function to calculate fibonacci sequence\ndef fibonacci(n):"
# Generate button
generate_button = st.button("Generate Code", disabled=not prompt)
with col2:
st.markdown("### Generated Code")
# Create a placeholder for generated code
code_placeholder = st.empty()
# Initialize session state for code history if not exists
if 'code_history' not in st.session_state:
st.session_state.code_history = []
# Generate code when button is clicked
if generate_button and prompt and selected_model:
with st.spinner("Generating code..."):
generated_code = generate_code(
# Add to history
'prompt': prompt,
'code': generated_code,
'model': selected_model,
'parameters': {
'max_length': max_length,
'temperature': temperature,
'top_p': top_p
'timestamp': time.strftime("%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S")
# Display the generated code
code_placeholder.code(format_code(generated_code), language='python')
# Log the generation
add_log(f"Generated code with model '{selected_model}' (length: {len(generated_code)})")
# If there's code history but the generate button wasn't pressed, show the most recent one
elif st.session_state.code_history:
last_code = st.session_state.code_history[-1]['code']
code_placeholder.code(format_code(last_code), language='python')
# Show empty placeholder when no code has been generated
code_placeholder.code("# Generated code will appear here", language='python')
# Code history section
st.markdown("### Code Generation History")
if not st.session_state.code_history:"No code has been generated yet. Use the form above to generate code.")
# Display code history
for i, item in enumerate(reversed(st.session_state.code_history)):
with st.expander(f"Generation {len(st.session_state.code_history) - i}: {item['timestamp']}"):
st.markdown(f"**Model:** {item['model']}")
st.markdown(f"**Parameters:** Max Length: {item['parameters']['max_length']}, "
f"Temperature: {item['parameters']['temperature']}, "
f"Top P: {item['parameters']['top_p']}")
st.code(format_code(item['prompt']), language='python')
st.markdown("**Generated Code:**")
st.code(format_code(item['code']), language='python')
# Clear history button
if st.button("Clear History"):
st.session_state.code_history = []
st.success("History cleared!")