This python script is used for direction detection.
We design the direction detection for 3 wav files types which has
4, 6 and 8 channels.
import os
import numpy as np
from scipy.io import wavfile
from scipy.signal import butter, lfilter, freqz
from scipy import signal
import matplotlib
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
offsetVector = []
The funtion butter_highpass, butter_highpass_filter and calculateResidues are shared
Function offset is used for getAngle_for_eight
def butter_highpass(cutoff, fs, order=5):
nyq = 0.5 * fs
normal_cutoff = cutoff / nyq
b, a = signal.butter(order, normal_cutoff, btype='high', analog=False)
return b, a
def butter_highpass_filter(data, cutoff, fs, order=5):
b, a = butter_highpass(cutoff, fs, order=order)
y = signal.filtfilt(b, a, data)
return y
def calculateResidues(Chan1, Chan2, fs):
S1 = butter_highpass_filter(Chan1, 100, fs, 7)
S2 = butter_highpass_filter(Chan2, 100, fs, 7)
index1 = -1
index2 = -1
index = -1
for i in range(len(S1)):
if S1[i] > 0.03:
index1 = i
for i in range(len(S2)):
if S2[i] > 0.03:
index2 = i
if (index1 < index2):
index = index1
index = index2
residues = np.mean(np.square(S1[index:index + 401] - S2[index:index + 401]))
return residues
def do_iac(signal, pairs, fs):
residuesVector = []
for offset in [5, -5]:
iterator = 0
residues = 0
for mic1, mic2 in pairs:
Chan1 = signal[:, mic1]
Chan2 = signal[:, mic2]
S1 = Chan1
S2 = Chan2
index = -1
for i in range(len(S1)):
if (S1[i] > 0.003 and i > 40):
index = i
if (iterator == 0 or iterator == 4):
a = S1[index - 15:index + 15]
b = S2[index - 15:index + 15]
residues += np.square(np.subtract(a, b))
elif (iterator == 1 or iterator == 3):
a = S1[index - 15 + offset // 2:index + 15 + offset // 2]
b = S2[index - 15:index + 15]
residues += np.square(np.subtract(a, b))
elif (iterator == 2):
a = S1[index - 15 + offset:index + 15 + offset]
b = S2[index - 15:index + 15]
residues += np.square(np.subtract(a, b))
elif (iterator == 5 or iterator == 7):
a = S1[index - 15 - offset // 2:index + 15 - offset // 2]
b = S2[index - 15:index + 15]
residues += np.square(np.subtract(a, b))
elif (iterator == 6):
a = S1[index - 15 - offset:index + 15 - offset]
b = S2[index - 15:index + 15]
residues += np.square(np.subtract(a, b))
iterator += 1
return residuesVector[0] < residuesVector[1]
def calculateResidues_eight(Chan1, Chan2, fs):
S1 = Chan1
S2 = Chan2
index1 = -1
index2 = -1
index = -1
for i in range(len(S1)):
if S1[i] > 0.01:
index1 = i
for i in range(len(S2)):
if S2[i] > 0.01:
index2 = i
if (index1 < index2):
index = index1
index = index2
residues = np.mean(np.square(S1[index:index + 401] - S2[index:index + 401]))
return residues
def getAngle_for_eight(data, fs):
signal = data / 32767
for i in range(8):
column = butter_highpass_filter(signal[:, i], 100, fs, 7)
signal[:, i] = column
pairs = [(0, 1), (1, 2), (2, 3), (3, 4), (4, 5), (5, 6), (6, 7), (7, 0)]
smallestResidues = 100
closestPair = (0, 0)
offsetIndex = -1
for iter in range(8):
chan1 = signal[:, pairs[iter][0]]
chan2 = signal[:, pairs[iter][1]]
residues = calculateResidues_eight(chan1, chan2, fs)
if (residues < smallestResidues):
smallestResidues = residues
closestPair = (pairs[iter])
offsetIndex = iter
if do_iac(signal, pairs, fs) == True:
d1 = abs(offsetIndex - 4)
d2 = abs((offsetIndex + 4) % 8 - 4)
if (d1 < d2):
closestPair = pairs[(offsetIndex + 4) % 8]
mics = (closestPair[0] + 1, closestPair[1] + 1)
return mics
def getAngle_for_six(data, fs):
signal = data / 32767
pairs = [(0, 1), (1, 2), (2, 3), (3, 4), (4, 5), (5, 0)]
smallestResidues = 100
closestPair = (0, 0)
offsetIndex = -1
for iter in range(6):
chan1 = signal[:, pairs[iter][0]]
chan2 = signal[:, pairs[iter][1]]
residues = calculateResidues(chan1, chan2, fs)
if (residues < smallestResidues):
smallestResidues = residues
closestPair = (pairs[iter])
offsetIndex = iter
""" if (offsetVector[offsetIndex] > offsetVector[(offsetIndex+3)%6] ):
closestPair = pairs[(offsetIndex+3)%6] """
mics = (closestPair[0] + 1, closestPair[1] + 1)
return mics
def getAngle_for_four(data, fs):
signal = data / 32767
pairs = [(0, 1), (1, 2), (2, 3), (3, 0)]
smallestResidues = 100
closestPair = (0, 0)
offsetIndex = -1
for iter in range(4):
chan1 = signal[:, pairs[iter][0]]
chan2 = signal[:, pairs[iter][1]]
residues = calculateResidues(chan1, chan2, fs)
if (residues < smallestResidues):
smallestResidues = residues
closestPair = (pairs[iter])
offsetIndex = iter
""" if (offsetVector[offsetIndex] > offsetVector[(offsetIndex+3)%6] ):
closestPair = pairs[(offsetIndex+3)%6] """
mics = (closestPair[0] + 1, closestPair[1] + 1)
return mics
def getDirection_Pair(closestPair, num_chan):
:param closestPair: two closet pair, such as (0,1)
:param num_chan: channel numbers, such as 8
:return: in above parameters, should be [7 0 1 2]
pairs = [0, 0, 0, 0]
pairs[1] = closestPair[0] - 1
pairs[2] = closestPair[1] - 1
pairs[0] = (pairs[1] - int(num_chan/2)) % num_chan
pairs[3] = (pairs[2] + int(num_chan/2)) % num_chan
return pairs