import requests import xml.etree.ElementTree as ET from scholarly import scholarly class DataLoader: def __init__(self): print("DataLoader Init") def fetch_arxiv_papers(self, query, limit=None): # Updated signature """ Fetches top 5 research papers from ArXiv based on the user query. If <5 papers are found, expands the search using related topics. Returns: list: A list of dictionaries containing paper details (title, summary, link). """ def search_arxiv(query): """Helper function to query ArXiv API.""" url = f"{query}&start=0&max_results=5" response = requests.get(url) if response.status_code == 200: root = ET.fromstring(response.text) return [ { "title": entry.find("{}title").text, "summary": entry.find("{}summary").text, "link": entry.find("{}id").text } for entry in root.findall("{}entry") ] return [] papers = search_arxiv(query) if len(papers) < 5 and self.search_agent: # If fewer than 5 papers, expand search related_topics_response = self.search_agent.generate_reply( messages=[{"role": "user", "content": f"Suggest 3 related research topics for '{query}'"}] ) related_topics = related_topics_response.get("content", "").split("\n") for topic in related_topics: topic = topic.strip() if topic and len(papers) < 5: new_papers = search_arxiv(topic) papers.extend(new_papers) papers = papers[:5] # Ensure max 5 papers if limit is not None: papers = papers[:limit] return papers def fetch_google_scholar_papers(self, query): """ Fetches top 5 research papers from Google Scholar. Returns: list: A list of dictionaries containing paper details (title, summary, link) """ papers = [] search_results = scholarly.search_pubs(query) for i, paper in enumerate(search_results): if i >= 5: break papers.append({ "title": paper["bib"]["title"], "summary": paper["bib"].get("abstract", "No summary available"), "link": paper.get("pub_url", "No link available") }) return papers