from pathlib import Path | |
import cv2 | |
import numpy as np | |
import torch | |
import tqdm | |
import yaml | |
from lama.saicinpainting.evaluation.refinement import refine_predict | |
from lama.saicinpainting.evaluation.utils import move_to_device | |
from import make_default_val_dataset | |
from import load_checkpoint | |
from omegaconf import OmegaConf | |
from import default_collate | |
def apply_inpaint(scene_path, background_path, device): | |
conf = OmegaConf.load('lama/configs/prediction/default.yaml') | |
model_path = Path("lama/big-lama") | |
train_config_path = model_path / 'config.yaml' | |
with open(train_config_path, 'r') as f: | |
train_config = OmegaConf.create(yaml.safe_load(f)) | |
train_config.training_model.predict_only = True | |
train_config.visualizer.kind = 'noop' | |
out_ext = conf.get('out_ext', '.png') | |
checkpoint_path = model_path / 'models' / conf.model.checkpoint | |
model = load_checkpoint(train_config, checkpoint_path, strict=False, map_location='cpu') | |
model.freeze() | |
if not conf.get('refine', False): | | | |
dataset = make_default_val_dataset(scene_path, **conf.dataset) | |
for img_i in tqdm.trange(len(dataset)): | |
mask_fname = Path(dataset.mask_filenames[img_i]) | |
relative_fname = mask_fname.relative_to(scene_path).with_suffix(out_ext) | |
cur_out_fname = background_path / relative_fname | |
cur_out_fname.parent.mkdir(parents=True, exist_ok=True) | |
batch = default_collate([dataset[img_i]]) | |
if conf.get('refine', False): | |
assert 'unpad_to_size' in batch, "Unpadded size is required for the refinement" | |
# image unpadding is taken care of in the refiner, so that output image | |
# is same size as the input image | |
cur_res = refine_predict(batch, model, **conf.refiner) | |
cur_res = cur_res[0].permute(1, 2, 0).detach().cpu().numpy() | |
else: | |
with torch.no_grad(): | |
batch = move_to_device(batch, device) | |
batch['mask'] = (batch['mask'] > 0) * 1 | |
batch = model(batch) | |
cur_res = batch[conf.out_key][0].permute(1, 2, 0).detach().cpu().numpy() | |
unpad_to_size = batch.get('unpad_to_size', None) | |
if unpad_to_size is not None: | |
orig_height, orig_width = unpad_to_size | |
cur_res = cur_res[:orig_height, :orig_width] | |
cur_res = np.clip(cur_res * 255, 0, 255).astype('uint8') | |
cur_res = cv2.cvtColor(cur_res, cv2.COLOR_RGB2BGR) | |
cv2.imwrite(cur_out_fname.as_posix(), cur_res) | |