import collections import torch import torch.nn as nn from torchvision import models, transforms from . import modified_clip as clip class Loss(nn.Module): def __init__(self, args, device): super(Loss, self).__init__() self.args = args self.device = device self.percep_loss = args.percep_loss self.train_with_clip = args.train_with_clip self.clip_weight = args.clip_weight self.start_clip = args.start_clip self.args.clip_conv_layer_weights = [ float(item) for item in args.clip_conv_layer_weights.split(',') ] self.clip_conv_loss = args.clip_conv_loss self.clip_fc_loss_weight = args.clip_fc_loss_weight self.clip_text_guide = args.clip_text_guide self.losses_to_apply = self.get_losses_to_apply() self.loss_mapper = \ { "clip": CLIPLoss(args, device), "clip_conv_loss": CLIPConvLoss(args, device) } def get_losses_to_apply(self): losses_to_apply = [] if self.percep_loss != "none": losses_to_apply.append(self.percep_loss) if self.train_with_clip and self.start_clip == 0: losses_to_apply.append("clip") if self.clip_conv_loss: losses_to_apply.append("clip_conv_loss") if self.clip_text_guide: losses_to_apply.append("clip_text") return losses_to_apply def update_losses_to_apply(self, epoch): if "clip" not in self.losses_to_apply: if self.train_with_clip: if epoch > self.start_clip: self.losses_to_apply.append("clip") def forward(self, sketches, targets, color_parameters, renderer, epoch, points_optim=None, mode="train"): loss = 0 self.update_losses_to_apply(epoch) losses_dict = dict.fromkeys(self.losses_to_apply, torch.tensor([0.0]).to(self.device)) loss_coeffs = dict.fromkeys(self.losses_to_apply, 1.0) loss_coeffs["clip"] = self.clip_weight loss_coeffs["clip_text"] = self.clip_text_guide for loss_name in self.losses_to_apply: if loss_name in ["clip_conv_loss"]: conv_loss = self.loss_mapper[loss_name](sketches, targets, mode) for layer in conv_loss.keys(): losses_dict[layer] = conv_loss[layer] elif loss_name == "l2": losses_dict[loss_name] = self.loss_mapper[loss_name](sketches, targets).mean() else: losses_dict[loss_name] = self.loss_mapper[loss_name](sketches, targets, mode).mean() for key in self.losses_to_apply: losses_dict[key] = losses_dict[key] * loss_coeffs[key] # print(losses_dict) return losses_dict class CLIPLoss(torch.nn.Module): def __init__(self, args, device): super(CLIPLoss, self).__init__() self.args = args self.device = device self.model, clip_preprocess = clip.load('ViT-B/32', self.device, jit=False) self.model.eval() self.preprocess = transforms.Compose([clip_preprocess.transforms[-1]]) # clip normalisation self.NUM_AUGS = args.num_aug_clip augemntations = [] if "affine" in args.augemntations: augemntations.append( transforms.RandomPerspective(fill=0, p=1.0, distortion_scale=0.5) ) augemntations.append( transforms.RandomResizedCrop(224, scale=(0.8, 0.8), ratio=(1.0, 1.0)) ) augemntations.append( transforms.Normalize((0.48145466, 0.4578275, 0.40821073), (0.26862954, 0.26130258, 0.27577711)) ) self.augment_trans = transforms.Compose(augemntations) self.calc_target = True self.include_target_in_aug = args.include_target_in_aug self.counter = 0 self.augment_both = args.augment_both def forward(self, sketches, targets, mode="train"): if self.calc_target: targets_ = self.preprocess(targets).to(self.device) self.targets_features = self.model.encode_image(targets_).detach() self.calc_target = False if mode == "eval": # for regular clip distance, no augmentations with torch.no_grad(): sketches = self.preprocess(sketches).to(self.device) sketches_features = self.model.encode_image(sketches) return 1. - torch.cosine_similarity(sketches_features, self.targets_features) loss_clip = 0 sketch_augs = [] img_augs = [] for n in range(self.NUM_AUGS): augmented_pair = self.augment_trans([sketches, targets])) sketch_augs.append(augmented_pair[0].unsqueeze(0)) sketch_batch = sketch_features = self.model.encode_image(sketch_batch) for n in range(self.NUM_AUGS): loss_clip += (1. - torch.cosine_similarity(sketch_features[n:n + 1], self.targets_features, dim=1)) self.counter += 1 return loss_clip class LPIPS(torch.nn.Module): def __init__(self, pretrained=True, normalize=True, pre_relu=True, device=None): """ Args: pre_relu(bool): if True, selects features **before** reLU activations """ super(LPIPS, self).__init__() # VGG using perceptually-learned weights (LPIPS metric) self.normalize = normalize self.pretrained = pretrained augemntations = [] augemntations.append(transforms.RandomPerspective(fill=0, p=1.0, distortion_scale=0.5)) augemntations.append(transforms.RandomResizedCrop(224, scale=(0.8, 0.8), ratio=(1.0, 1.0))) self.augment_trans = transforms.Compose(augemntations) self.feature_extractor = LPIPS._FeatureExtractor(pretrained, pre_relu).to(device) def _l2_normalize_features(self, x, eps=1e-10): nrm = torch.sqrt(torch.sum(x * x, dim=1, keepdim=True)) return x / (nrm + eps) def forward(self, pred, target, mode="train"): """Compare VGG features of two inputs.""" # Get VGG features sketch_augs, img_augs = [pred], [target] if mode == "train": for n in range(4): augmented_pair = self.augment_trans([pred, target])) sketch_augs.append(augmented_pair[0].unsqueeze(0)) img_augs.append(augmented_pair[1].unsqueeze(0)) xs =, dim=0) ys =, dim=0) pred = self.feature_extractor(xs) target = self.feature_extractor(ys) # L2 normalize features if self.normalize: pred = [self._l2_normalize_features(f) for f in pred] target = [self._l2_normalize_features(f) for f in target] # TODO(mgharbi) Apply Richard's linear weights? if self.normalize: diffs = [torch.sum((p - t) ** 2, 1) for (p, t) in zip(pred, target)] else: # mean instead of sum to avoid super high range diffs = [torch.mean((p - t) ** 2, 1) for (p, t) in zip(pred, target)] # Spatial average diffs = [diff.mean([1, 2]) for diff in diffs] return sum(diffs) class _FeatureExtractor(torch.nn.Module): def __init__(self, pretrained, pre_relu): super(LPIPS._FeatureExtractor, self).__init__() vgg_pretrained = models.vgg16(pretrained=pretrained).features self.breakpoints = [0, 4, 9, 16, 23, 30] if pre_relu: for i, _ in enumerate(self.breakpoints[1:]): self.breakpoints[i + 1] -= 1 # Split at the maxpools for i, b in enumerate(self.breakpoints[:-1]): ops = torch.nn.Sequential() for idx in range(b, self.breakpoints[i + 1]): op = vgg_pretrained[idx] ops.add_module(str(idx), op) # print(ops) self.add_module("group{}".format(i), ops) # No gradients for p in self.parameters(): p.requires_grad = False # Torchvision's normalization: self.register_buffer("shift", torch.Tensor( [0.485, 0.456, 0.406]).view(1, 3, 1, 1)) self.register_buffer("scale", torch.Tensor( [0.229, 0.224, 0.225]).view(1, 3, 1, 1)) def forward(self, x): feats = [] x = (x - self.shift) / self.scale for idx in range(len(self.breakpoints) - 1): m = getattr(self, "group{}".format(idx)) x = m(x) feats.append(x) return feats class L2_(torch.nn.Module): def __init__(self): """ Args: pre_relu(bool): if True, selects features **before** reLU activations """ super(L2_, self).__init__() # VGG using perceptually-learned weights (LPIPS metric) augemntations = [] augemntations.append(transforms.RandomPerspective( fill=0, p=1.0, distortion_scale=0.5)) augemntations.append(transforms.RandomResizedCrop( 224, scale=(0.8, 0.8), ratio=(1.0, 1.0))) augemntations.append( transforms.Normalize((0.48145466, 0.4578275, 0.40821073), (0.26862954, 0.26130258, 0.27577711))) self.augment_trans = transforms.Compose(augemntations) def forward(self, pred, target, mode="train"): """Compare VGG features of two inputs.""" # Get VGG features sketch_augs, img_augs = [pred], [target] if mode == "train": for n in range(4): augmented_pair = self.augment_trans([pred, target])) sketch_augs.append(augmented_pair[0].unsqueeze(0)) img_augs.append(augmented_pair[1].unsqueeze(0)) pred =, dim=0) target =, dim=0) diffs = [torch.square(p - t).mean() for (p, t) in zip(pred, target)] return sum(diffs) class CLIPVisualEncoder(nn.Module): def __init__(self, clip_model): super().__init__() self.clip_model = clip_model self.featuremaps = None for i in range(12): # 12 resblocks in VIT visual transformer self.clip_model.visual.transformer.resblocks[i].register_forward_hook( self.make_hook(i) ) def make_hook(self, name): def hook(module, input, output): if len(output.shape) == 3: self.featuremaps[name] = output.permute( 1, 0, 2) # LND -> NLD bs, smth, 768 else: self.featuremaps[name] = output return hook def forward(self, x): self.featuremaps = collections.OrderedDict() fc_features = self.clip_model.encode_image(x).float() featuremaps = [self.featuremaps[k] for k in range(12)] return fc_features, featuremaps def l2_layers(xs_conv_features, ys_conv_features, clip_model_name): return [torch.square(x_conv - y_conv).mean() for x_conv, y_conv in zip(xs_conv_features, ys_conv_features)] def l1_layers(xs_conv_features, ys_conv_features, clip_model_name): return [torch.abs(x_conv - y_conv).mean() for x_conv, y_conv in zip(xs_conv_features, ys_conv_features)] def cos_layers(xs_conv_features, ys_conv_features, clip_model_name): if "RN" in clip_model_name: return [torch.square(x_conv, y_conv, dim=1).mean() for x_conv, y_conv in zip(xs_conv_features, ys_conv_features)] return [(1 - torch.cosine_similarity(x_conv, y_conv, dim=1)).mean() for x_conv, y_conv in zip(xs_conv_features, ys_conv_features)] class CLIPConvLoss(torch.nn.Module): def __init__(self, args, device): super(CLIPConvLoss, self).__init__() self.args = args self.device = device self.clip_model_name = args.clip_model_name assert self.clip_model_name in [ "RN50", "RN101", "RN50x4", "RN50x16", "ViT-B/32", "ViT-B/16", ] self.clip_conv_loss_type = args.clip_conv_loss_type self.clip_fc_loss_type = "Cos" # args.clip_fc_loss_type assert self.clip_conv_loss_type in [ "L2", "Cos", "L1", ] assert self.clip_fc_loss_type in [ "L2", "Cos", "L1", ] self.distance_metrics = \ { "L2": l2_layers, "L1": l1_layers, "Cos": cos_layers } self.model, clip_preprocess = clip.load(self.clip_model_name, self.device, jit=False) if self.clip_model_name.startswith("ViT"): self.visual_encoder = CLIPVisualEncoder(self.model) else: self.visual_model = self.model.visual layers = list(self.model.visual.children()) init_layers = torch.nn.Sequential(*layers)[:8] self.layer1 = layers[8] self.layer2 = layers[9] self.layer3 = layers[10] self.layer4 = layers[11] self.att_pool2d = layers[12] self.img_size = clip_preprocess.transforms[1].size self.model.eval() self.target_transform = transforms.Compose([ transforms.ToTensor(), ]) # clip normalisation self.normalize_transform = transforms.Compose([ clip_preprocess.transforms[0], # Resize clip_preprocess.transforms[1], # CenterCrop clip_preprocess.transforms[-1], # Normalize ]) self.model.eval() self.num_augs = self.args.num_aug_clip augemntations = [] if "affine" in args.augemntations: augemntations.append(transforms.RandomPerspective(fill=0, p=1.0, distortion_scale=0.5)) augemntations.append(transforms.RandomResizedCrop(224, scale=(0.8, 0.8), ratio=(1.0, 1.0))) augemntations.append( transforms.Normalize((0.48145466, 0.4578275, 0.40821073), (0.26862954, 0.26130258, 0.27577711)) ) self.augment_trans = transforms.Compose(augemntations) self.clip_fc_layer_dims = None # self.args.clip_fc_layer_dims self.clip_conv_layer_dims = None # self.args.clip_conv_layer_dims self.clip_fc_loss_weight = args.clip_fc_loss_weight self.counter = 0 def forward(self, sketch, target, mode="train"): """ Parameters ---------- sketch: Torch Tensor [1, C, H, W] target: Torch Tensor [1, C, H, W] """ # y = self.target_transform(target).to(self.args.device) conv_loss_dict = {} x = y = sketch_augs, img_augs = [self.normalize_transform(x)], [self.normalize_transform(y)] if mode == "train": for n in range(self.num_augs): augmented_pair = self.augment_trans([x, y])) sketch_augs.append(augmented_pair[0].unsqueeze(0)) img_augs.append(augmented_pair[1].unsqueeze(0)) xs =, dim=0).to(self.device) ys =, dim=0).to(self.device) if self.clip_model_name.startswith("RN"): xs_fc_features, xs_conv_features = self.forward_inspection_clip_resnet( xs.contiguous() ) ys_fc_features, ys_conv_features = self.forward_inspection_clip_resnet( ys.detach() ) else: xs_fc_features, xs_conv_features = self.visual_encoder(xs) ys_fc_features, ys_conv_features = self.visual_encoder(ys) conv_loss = self.distance_metrics[self.clip_conv_loss_type]( xs_conv_features, ys_conv_features, self.clip_model_name ) for layer, w in enumerate(self.args.clip_conv_layer_weights): if w: # layer_ = torch.tensor(layer, dtype=torch.long, device=self.device) # print(layer_) conv_loss_dict[f"clip_conv_loss_layer{layer}"] = conv_loss[layer] * w if self.clip_fc_loss_weight: # fc distance is always cos fc_loss = (1 - torch.cosine_similarity(xs_fc_features, ys_fc_features, dim=1)).mean() conv_loss_dict["fc"] = fc_loss * self.clip_fc_loss_weight self.counter += 1 return conv_loss_dict def forward_inspection_clip_resnet(self, x): def stem(m, x): for conv, bn in [(m.conv1, m.bn1), (m.conv2, m.bn2), (m.conv3, m.bn3)]: x = m.relu(bn(conv(x))) x = m.avgpool(x) return x x = x.type(self.visual_model.conv1.weight.dtype) x = stem(self.visual_model, x) x1 = self.layer1(x) x2 = self.layer2(x1) x3 = self.layer3(x2) x4 = self.layer4(x3) y = self.att_pool2d(x4) return y, [x, x1, x2, x3, x4]