import logging from telegram import Update, ChatMember from telegram.ext import (filters, ApplicationBuilder, ContextTypes, CommandHandler, ConversationHandler, MessageHandler, ChatMemberHandler) from UserStatus import UserStatus from config import BOT_TOKEN, ADMIN_ID import db_connection logging.basicConfig( format='%(asctime)s - %(name)s - %(levelname)s - %(message)s', level=logging.WARNING # Set the logging level to: (DEBUG, INFO, WARNING, ERROR, CRITICAL) ) """ ####### List of commands ####### ---> start - 🤖 starts the bot ---> chat - 💬 start searching for a partner ---> exit - 🔚 exit from the chat ---> newchat - ⏭ exit from the chat and open a new one ---> stats - 📊 show bot statistics (only for admin) """ async def start(update: Update, context: ContextTypes.DEFAULT_TYPE) -> int: await, text="Welcome to this ChatBot! 🤖\nType /chat to start searching for a partner") user_id = db_connection.insert_user(user_id) return USER_ACTION async def handle_message(update: Update, context: ContextTypes.DEFAULT_TYPE) -> None: user_id = if db_connection.get_user_status(user_id=user_id) == UserStatus.COUPLED: other_user_id = db_connection.get_partner_id(user_id) if other_user_id is None: return await handle_not_in_chat(update, context) else: return await in_chat(update, other_user_id) else: return await handle_not_in_chat(update, context) async def handle_chat(update: Update, context: ContextTypes.DEFAULT_TYPE) -> None: current_user_id = current_user_status = db_connection.get_user_status(user_id=current_user_id) if current_user_status == UserStatus.PARTNER_LEFT: db_connection.set_user_status(user_id=current_user_id, new_status=UserStatus.IDLE) return await start_search(update, context) elif current_user_status == UserStatus.IN_SEARCH: return await handle_already_in_search(update, context) elif current_user_status == UserStatus.COUPLED: other_user = db_connection.get_partner_id(current_user_id) if other_user is not None: await, text="🤖 You are already in a chat, type /exit to exit from the chat.") return None else: return await start_search(update, context) elif current_user_status == UserStatus.IDLE: return await start_search(update, context) async def handle_not_in_chat(update: Update, context: ContextTypes.DEFAULT_TYPE) -> None: current_user_id = current_user_status = db_connection.get_user_status(user_id=current_user_id) if current_user_status in [UserStatus.IDLE, UserStatus.PARTNER_LEFT]: await, text="🤖 You are not in a chat, type /chat to start searching for a partner.") return elif current_user_status == UserStatus.IN_SEARCH: await, text="🤖 Message not delivered, you are still in search!") return async def handle_already_in_search(update: Update, context: ContextTypes.DEFAULT_TYPE) -> None: await, text="🤖 You are already in search!") return async def start_search(update: Update, context: ContextTypes.DEFAULT_TYPE) -> None: current_user_id = db_connection.set_user_status(user_id=current_user_id, new_status=UserStatus.IN_SEARCH) await, text="🤖 Searching for a partner...") other_user_id = db_connection.couple(current_user_id=current_user_id) if other_user_id is not None: await, text="🤖 You have been paired with an user") await, text="🤖 You have been paired with an user") return async def handle_exit_chat(update: Update, context: ContextTypes.DEFAULT_TYPE) -> None: await exit_chat(update, context) return async def handle_stats(update: Update, context: ContextTypes.DEFAULT_TYPE) -> None: user_id = if user_id == ADMIN_ID: total_users_number, paired_users_number = db_connection.retrieve_users_number() await, text="Welcome to the admin panel") await, text="Number of paired users: " + str(paired_users_number)) await, text="Number of active users: " + str(total_users_number)) else: logging.warning("User " + str(user_id) + " tried to access the admin panel") return async def exit_chat(update: Update, context: ContextTypes.DEFAULT_TYPE) -> None: current_user = if db_connection.get_user_status(user_id=current_user) != UserStatus.COUPLED: await, text="🤖 You are not in a chat!") return other_user = db_connection.get_partner_id(current_user) if other_user is None: return db_connection.uncouple(user_id=current_user) await, text="🤖 Ending chat...") await, text="🤖 Your partner has left the chat, type /chat to start searching for a new " "partner.") await update.message.reply_text("🤖 You have left the chat.") return async def exit_then_chat(update: Update, context: ContextTypes.DEFAULT_TYPE) -> None: current_user = if db_connection.get_user_status(user_id=current_user) == UserStatus.IN_SEARCH: return await handle_already_in_search(update, context) await exit_chat(update, context) return await start_search(update, context) async def in_chat(update: Update, other_user_id) -> None: if update.message.reply_to_message is not None: if == await update.effective_chat.copy_message(chat_id=other_user_id, message_id=update.message.message_id, protect_content=True, reply_to_message_id=update.message.reply_to_message.message_id + 1) elif update.message.reply_to_message.has_protected_content is None: await update.effective_chat.copy_message(chat_id=other_user_id, message_id=update.message.message_id, protect_content=True) else: await update.effective_chat.copy_message(chat_id=other_user_id, message_id=update.message.message_id, protect_content=True, reply_to_message_id=update.message.reply_to_message.message_id - 1) else: await update.effective_chat.copy_message(chat_id=other_user_id, message_id=update.message.message_id, protect_content=True) return def is_bot_blocked_by_user(update: Update) -> bool: new_member_status = update.my_chat_member.new_chat_member.status old_member_status = update.my_chat_member.old_chat_member.status return new_member_status == ChatMember.BANNED and old_member_status == ChatMember.MEMBER async def blocked_bot_handler(update: Update, context: ContextTypes.DEFAULT_TYPE): if is_bot_blocked_by_user(update): user_id = user_status = db_connection.get_user_status(user_id=user_id) if user_status == UserStatus.COUPLED: other_user = db_connection.get_partner_id(user_id) db_connection.uncouple(user_id=user_id) await, text="🤖 Your partner has left the chat, type /chat to " "start searching for a new partner.") db_connection.remove_user(user_id=user_id) return ConversationHandler.END else: return USER_ACTION USER_ACTION = 0 if __name__ == '__main__': application = ApplicationBuilder().token(BOT_TOKEN).build() db_connection.create_db() db_connection.reset_users_status() conv_handler = ConversationHandler( entry_points=[CommandHandler("start", start)], states={ USER_ACTION: [ ChatMemberHandler(blocked_bot_handler), MessageHandler( (filters.TEXT | filters.ATTACHMENT) & ~ filters.COMMAND & ~filters.Regex("exit") & ~filters.Regex( "chat") & ~filters.Regex("newchat") & ~filters.Regex("stats"), handle_message), CommandHandler("exit", handle_exit_chat), CommandHandler("chat", handle_chat), CommandHandler("newchat", exit_then_chat), CommandHandler("stats", handle_stats)] }, fallbacks=[MessageHandler(filters.TEXT, handle_not_in_chat)] ) application.add_handler(conv_handler) application.run_polling()