import json import numpy as np import joblib from fastapi import FastAPI, HTTPException from pydantic import BaseModel import uvicorn # Load model from the local storage (ensure the model file is in the same directory) model_path = "model.pkl" gb_model_loaded = joblib.load(model_path) # Create FastAPI app app = FastAPI() # Define class labels class_names = [ 'Emergency & Accident Unit', 'Heart Clinic', 'Neuro Med Center', 'OPD:EYE', 'Dental', 'OPD:MED', 'OPD:ENT', 'OPD:OBG', 'OPD:Surgery + Uro.', 'Orthopedic Surgery', 'GI Clinic', 'Breast Clinic', 'Skin & Dermatology' ] # Define the input format for FastAPI using Pydantic BaseModel class InputData(BaseModel): features: list[float] # List of 32 feature inputs"/predict") def predict(data: InputData): try: # Validate input length if len(data.features) != 32: raise HTTPException(status_code=400, detail=f"Expected 32 features, but got {len(data.features)}") # Convert list to numpy array and reshape input_array = np.array(data.features).reshape(1, -1) # Get predictions prediction = gb_model_loaded.predict_proba(input_array) # Convert probabilities to percentage and format probabilities = (prediction[0] * 100).round(2) result_pro = {class_name: f"{prob:.2f}%" for class_name, prob in zip(class_names, probabilities)} # Return result as JSON return {'result': result_pro} except Exception as e: raise HTTPException(status_code=500, detail=str(e)) # Run the application with the following command if needed # if __name__ == "__main__": #, host="", port=8501)