diff --git "a/app.py" "b/app.py" --- "a/app.py" +++ "b/app.py" @@ -0,0 +1,2553 @@ +import gradio as gr +import difflib + +# Define the knowledge base as a dictionary +knowledge_base = { + "SOP": "Sales Operations Planning / Standard Operational Procedure / Start of Production", + "NTO": "Net Turnover", + "D&A": "Data & Analytics", + "HOF":"Head of Function", + "APFO": "Adjusted Profit from Operations", + "LEP": "Limited Edition Pack", + "AD": "Area Director", + "IDT" : "Information & Digital Technology", + "CORA" : "Corporate & Regulatory Affairs", + "DBS" : "Digital Business Solutions", + "MKT":"Marketing", + "PAM":"Primary Area Management", + "LT": "Leadership Team", + "OLT": "Operations Leadership Team", + "MLT": "Marketing Leadership Team", + "FLT": "Finance Leadership Team", + "GSD": "Group Service Delivery or Global Service Desk", + "TPD": "Tobacco Products Directive", + "WMS": "Warehouse Management System / Wrapping Material Specification", + "GLT": "Green Leaf Threshing", + "MBL": "Modern BAT Leaf", + "TAO": "One SAP", + "SOBC":"Standards of Business Conduct", + "FMD": "Final Manufacturing Unit", + "SSO":"Single Sign-on", + "PLM": "Product Lifecycle Management", + "PMD": "Primary Manufacturing Unit", + "SMD": "Secondary Manufacturing Unit", + "SLA": "Service Level Agreement", + "CUCO": "Consumer Complaint", + "COCO": "Customer Complaint", + "EFO" : "End Fall-Out", + "OSSO": "Operation Skill Sourcing Officer", + "MSSO": "Marketing Skill Sourcing Manager", + "FT": "Field Technician", + "STT": "Sales to Trade", + "ADS": "Average Daily Sales", + "RA": "Retailers Assistant", + "SR": "Sales Representative", + "VBB": "Valuable Business Partner", + "MT": "Modern Trade", + "BCP": "Business Continuity Planning", + "ABC": "Activity Based Costing", + "ABD": "Advance Booking Deadlines", + "AC": "Assessment Centre", + "ACA": "Area Cycle Alignment", + "ACF": "Active Charcoal Filter", + "ACT": "Advance Corporation Tax", + "ADR": "American Depositary Receipts", + "Ad-valorem": "Type of tobacco taxation typically calculated on the value of cigarettes sold", + "ADW": "Active Data Warehouse", + "AGV": "Automated Guided Vehicle", + "AIR": "Average Issue Readership", + "AIT": "Anti Illicit Trade", + "ALPS": "Area Leaf Planning System", + "AME": "Achieving Marketing Excellence database / Africa Middle East (region)", + "AMGP": "Additives and Material Guidance Panel", + "AO": "Area Office", + "AP": "Accounts Payable", + "APO": "Advanced Planner & Optimiser", + "APS": "Advanced Planning System / Annual Planning System", + "APV": "Accounts Payable Voucher", + "AR": "Accounts Receivable", + "ASH": "Action on Smoking and Health", + "ASP": "Aspirational Premium", + "ASPAC": "Asia Pacific (Region)", + "ASU30": "Adult Smoker Under 30 Years Old", + "AT": "Account Teams", + "ATC": "Advanced Technologies Cambridge", + "ATIF": "Any Time In Full", + "ATL": "Above The Line (traditional media advertising term)", + "AV": "Ad Valorem", + "AWAP": "Above Weighted Average Price", + "B2B": "Business to Business", + "B2C": "Business to Consumer", + "BA": "Business Analyst", + "BASS": "British American Shared Services", + "BAT": "British American Tobacco", + "BATMark": "Trademark Department", + "BATPS": "British American Tobacco Pension Scheme", + "BAU": "Business as Usual", + "BCC": "Board Compensation Committee", + "BCM": "Business Change Manager / Business Continuity Management", + "BCP": "Business Continuity Plan", + "BCT": "Business Controls Team", + "BDD": "Business Development Department", + "BEL": "Business Excellence for Leaders", + "BESS": "Brand Excellence Series", + "BEST": "Business Enablers Survey Tool", + "BIA": "Business Impact Analysis", + "BIB": "Blend In a Box", + "BIM": "Brand Image Mapping / Business Implementation Manager", + "BLM": "Brand Launch & Modification", + "BLT": "BATCCA Leadership Team", + "BM": "Brand Manager", + "BMF": "Brand Modification Form", + "Bn": "Billion", + "BOD": "Bill Of Distribution", + "BOL": "Bill Of Lending", + "BOM": "Bill Of Materials", + "BOSS": "Business and Operational System Steering Group", + "BPCS": "Business Planning & Control System (Integrated AS400 computer system)", + "BPI": "Business Process Improvement", + "BPO": "Business Process Outsourcing", + "BPR": "Business Process Re-engineering", + "BPTO": "Brand Price Trade – Off", + "BritAm": "The name of the proprietary typeface designed specifically for the British American Tobacco logotype in our corporate signature", + "BRM": "Budget Review Meeting", + "BRR": "Business Risk Register", + "BS": "Balance Sheet", + "BSE": "Brand Support Expenditure", + "BSU": "Business Support Unit", + "BT": "British Telecoms", + "BTC": "British American Tobacco Technology Centre", + "BTL": "Below The Line (Traditional merchandising/promotions)", + "BVS": "Brand Value Segment", + "BW": "Business Warehouse", + "BWAP": "Below Weighted Average Price", + "BY": "Burley", + "C&PCR": "Complexity & Product Cost Reduction", + "CAB": "Change Advisory Board", + "CAB1, CAB2 and CAB3": "Types of changes in Information systems and applications", + "CAGR": "Compound Annual Growth Rate", + "CAM": "Central America", + "CAP": "Customer Account Profitability", + "CAPEX": "Capital Expenditure", + "CAR": "Caribbean", + "CARICOM": "Caribbean Community Regional Integration", + "CBA": "Cost Benefit Analysis", + "CCC": "Common Communication Code", + "CCT": "Cut Tobacco at brought in cost", + "CDF": "Consumer Disposition Funnel", + "CDM": "Career Development Meeting", + "CEA": "Cost Element Accounting", + "CES": "Competitive Edge Series", + "CI": "Continual Improvement", + "CIGMAR": "Cigarrette Market (Group Marketing Information System)", + "CKB": "Competitor Knowledge Base", + "CLD": "Cased Leaf Drier (Tobacco process)", + "CM": "Country Manager", + "CMB": "Centrally Managed Brands", + "COC": "Cigarette overhead conveyor", + "CofE": "Centre of Expertise", + "COL": "Cost of Living", + "COMIECO": "Council of Ministers for Economic Integration", + "CoO": "Cost Of Ownership / Country Of Origin", + "COP": "Conference of the Parties", + "CoPlan": "Company Plan", + "CORESTA": "Co-operation Centre for Scientific Research Relative to Tabacco", + "CP": "Cigarette Paper", + "CPC": "Common Planning Calendar", + "CPI": "Consumer Price Index / Cuts per inch (30 cpi for lamina, 120-160 cpi for stem)", + "CPM": "Cigarettes Per Minute", + "CPMH": "Cigarettes Per Man Hour", + "CPQE": "Cigarette Physical Quality Evaluation", + "CPT": "Consumer Product Testing", + "CPTO": "Consumer Price Turn Over", + "CQMS": "Corporate Quality Management System", + "CR": "Comp. Ratio", + "CRM": "Customer Relationship Management", + "CROSQ": "CARICOM Regional Organisation for Standards & Quality", + "CRS": "Cut Rolled Stem", + "CRT": "Cut Rag Tobacco", + "CS": "Cut stem", + "CSI": "Consumer Satisfaction Index / Corporate Social Investment", + "CSR": "Corporate Social Responsibility", + "CST": "Cluster Strategy Team", + "CTA": "Contribution to Admin", + "CTS": "Cut Tobacco Store", + "D&D": "Design & Destroyed", + "D&S": "Design & Specify", + "DAC": "Daily Average Consumption / Dark air cured", + "DB": "Defined Benefit / Display Ban", + "DC": "Defined Contribution", + "DCC": "Direct Cylinder Conditioning / Direct Cylinder Conditioning and Casing", + "DES": "Distribution Edge Series", + "DG5": "Deployment Group 5", + "DIET": "Dry Ice Expanded Tobacco", + "DM": "Data Management", + "DNP": "Duty Not Paid", + "DO": "Distribution Outlets", + "DOM": "Demand Operations Manager", + "DP": "Duty Paid", + "DRBU": "Direct Reporting Business Unit", + "DRF": "Dust Recovery Fans", + "DRG": "Design Reference Group", + "DRP": "Disaster Recovery Programme / Distribution Resource Planning", + "DSA": "Daily Sales Average", + "DSD": "Direct to Store Delivery", + "DSS": "Direct Store Sales", + "DTI": "Department of Trade and Industry", + "DTI": "Duty Transit Insurance", + "DTR": "Double Tax Relief", + "DTV": "Digital Tax Verification", + "DX": "Distribution Excellence", + "E2E": "End to end", + "EAI": "Enterprise Applications Integration", + "EAM": "Effective Area Management", + "EAS": "Enterprise Applications Strategy", + "ECLT": "Foundation Eliminating Child Labour in Tobacco Growing Foundation", + "EDI": "Electronic Data Interchange", + "EDM": "Executive Directors' Meeting", + "EEC": "European Employee Council", + "EFM": "Export Finance Manager", + "EH&S": "Environmental, Health & Safety", + "EM": "End Market / Environment Management", + "EMF2": "Effective Market Focus", + "EMSP": "End Market Strategic Plan", + "ENDS": "Electronic nicotine delivery systems", + "ENNDS": "Electronic non-nicotine delivery systems", + "EOS": "Exchange Of Sale", + "EP": "Electrostatic Perforation", + "EPIC": "Enhanced Productivity in the Cloud", + "EPO": "Enterprise Programme Office", + "EPR": "Effective Problem Resolution", + "ERP": "Enterprise Resource Planning", + "ET": "Expanded Tobacco", + "ETS": "Environmental Tobacco Smoke", + "EUCA": "European Union Co-operation Agreement", + "EVP": "Employee Value Proposition", + "Expat": "Expatriate", + "FC": "Forecast", + "FCS": "Financial Control System", + "FCTC": "Framework Convention for Tobacco Control", + "FCV": "Flue Cured Virginia", + "FD": "Finance Director", + "FEP": "Finance Excellence Programme", + "FF": "Full Flavour", + "FFP": "Factory Foot Print / Fit for Purpose", + "FG": "Finished Goods", + "FGS": "Finished Goods Sales", + "FIFO": "First In First Out", + "FMC": "Factory Made Cigarettes", + "FMCG": "Fast Moving Consumer Goods", + "FOQ": "Fixed Order Quantity", + "Foresight": "Sales forecasting and supply chain system", + "FOT's": "French Overseas Territories", + "FP": "Filling Power", + "FPI": "Finished Product Inspection", + "FTA": "Filter Tipo Attacher / Free Trade Agreement", + "FTE": "Full Time Equivalent", + "FTZ": "Free Trade Zone", + "FV": "Fill Value", + "FY": "Full Year", + "FYR": "Full Year Results", + "GAAP": "Generally Accepted Accounting Principles", + "GAM": "Group Accounting Manual", + "GBP": "Great Britain Pounds", + "GDB": "Global Drive Brands", + "GDP": "Gross Domestic Product", + "GH": "Globe House (The British American Tobacco headquarters)", + "GHS": "Globally Harmonised System", + "GHW": "Graphic Health Warning", + "GIP": "Global Integration Programme", + "GIPS": "Group Intellectual Property Service", + "GIT": "Goods in Transit", + "GIV": "Gross Domestic Product", + "GLOSS": "Global Leaf Order Supply System", + "GLP": "Global Leaf Pool / Global Leaf Processing", + "GLT": "Green Leaf Threshing", + "GM": "General Manager", + "GMAPP": "Group Manual of Accounting Policies and Procedures", + "GOM": "Global Operating Model", + "GP": "Guiding Principles", + "GPC": "Group Product Champion", + "GPMO": "Global Programme Management Office", + "GPS": "Global Process Standards / Global Product Specification", + "GPtW": "Great Place to Work", + "GQT": "Group Quality Team", + "GR&D": "Group Research & Development", + "GRE": "Global Retail Excellence", + "GRP": "Gross Rating Points", + "GSC": "Global Standards Council / Global Supply Chain", + "GSCS": "Global Supply Chain Strategy", + "GSCSC": "Global Supply Chain Service Centre", + "GSD": "Group Service Delivery", + "GSI": "General Standing Instructions", + "GSM": "Global Specification Management / Grams per square metre", + "GSMP": "Global Service Management Project", + "GSP": "Global Specification Platform / Global Strategy Process", + "GSS": "Global Specification Services", + "GTO": "Gross Turnover", + "GTR": "Global Travel and Retail", + "GUI": "Graphical User Interface", + "GWD": "Gross Weighted Distribution", + "LM" : "Line Manager", + "RS" : "Ready Soon", + "RN" : "Ready Now", + "TR" : "Talent Review", + "DEI" : "Diversity Equity Inclusion", + "GRUE" : "Grow Unlock Export", + "RI" : "Require Improvements", + "EE": "Exceed Expectations", + "L2L" : "Local to Local ", + "GLTP" : "Green-Leaf-Threshing-Plant", + "MSD" : "Marketing Skill Development", + "W10": "Windows 10", + "WAP": "Weighted Average Price", + "WAR": "Warehouse Receipt", + "WBS": "Work Breakdown Structure", + "WCO": "World Customs Organization", + "WEL": "Workplace Exposure Limit", + "WER": "Western Europe", + "WHA": "World Health Assembly", + "WHO": "World Health Organisation", + "WIC": "World Investment Co Ltd", + "WITCO": "West Indian Tobacco Company", + "WLB": "Work Life Balance", + "WMS": "Warehouse Management System / Wrapping Materials Specifications / Wrapping Materials Stock", + "WNTD": "World No Tobacco Day", + "WTL": "Water Treated Lamina", + "WTO": "World Trade Organization", + "WTS": "Water Treated Stem", + "WWTP": "Wastewater Treatment Plant", + "YIU": "Yield in Use", + "YoY": "Year on Year", + "YSP": "Youth Smoking Prevention", + "YTD": "Year To Date", + "YTG": "Year To Go", + "YV": "Your Voice Survey", + "TOR": "Terms of Reference", + "TP": "Trading Profit / Tobacco Product Directive", + "TPM": "Total Particulate Matter", + "TPP": "Trans Pacific Partnership", + "TQM": "Total Quality Management", + "TRM": "Talent Review Meetings", + "TSG": "Tobacco Strategy Group (BAT Industries)", + "TSP": "Total System Profit", + "TT": "Top Team", + "TTL": "Through-the-line (communication)", + "TUSS": "Tobacco Utilisation Sourcing & Supply", + "UAT": "User Acceptance Testing", + "UGM": "User Group Meeting", + "UKIB": "UK International brand", + "ULow": "Ultra Low", + "ULP": "Ultra Low Price", + "UNSPS": "Universal Standards Products Service Classification", + "UOM": "Unit Of Measure", + "UOP": "Underlying Operating Profit", + "USIB": "US International Brand", + "VA": "Virginia", + "VAT": "Value Added Tax (or sales tax)", + "VFM": "Value For Money", + "VMI": "Vendor Managed Inventory", + "Vs": "Versus", +"T&A": "Technical & Advisory Fee", + "T&T": "Track and Trace", + "TaO": "Target Operating Model and OneSAP / TaO Business Intelligence / TaO Business Objects / TaO Business Planning and Consolidation / TaO Central Process Scheduling / TaO ERP Central Component / TaO Enterprise Infrastructure Backbone / TaO Enterprise Search / TaO System Landscape Directory", + "TCC": "Tobacco Control Community", + "TCO": "Total Cost Ownership", + "TIH": "Tactical Inventory Hub", + "TLA": "Three Letter Acronym", + "TTC": "Training Center", + "TLDW": "Team Leaders Development Workshop", + "TM": "Time Management (SAP)", + "TM&D": "Trade Marketing & Distribution / Trade Marketing and Distribution", + "TMA": "Tobacco Manufacturer's Association", + "TMC": "Tailor Made Cigarettes / Trade Marketing Communication", + "TMD": "Trade Marketing Diversification", + "TMU": "Trade Marketing Universe", + "TMVF": "Trade Mark Verification", + "TOM": "Target Operating Model", + "TOP": "Type Of Part", + "SH": "Section Head", + "SICA": "Central American Integration System", + "SIDS": "Screening Information Data Sets", + "SIECA": "Secretariat for Economic Integration for Central America", + "SIEF": "Substance Information Exchange Forum", + "SIG": "Strategic Innovations Group", + "SIMS": "Substance Inventory Management System", + "SIS": "Shipments Information System", + "SITA": "Worldwide telecommunications link", + "SITPRO": "Simplification of Internal Trade Procedures", + "SKU": "Stock Keeping Unit", + "SL": "Storage Location / Super Long", + "SLA": "Service Level Agreement / Strategic Leadership Agenda", + "SM@RT": "Standardised Materials At Realistic Transfer Prices", + "SMC": "Stakeholder Mapping & Classification", + "SMD": "Secondary Manufacturing Department", + "SMP": "Shared Materials Planning / Strategic Marketing Programme", + "SOB": "Share of brand / Source of Business / Standards of Business Contact", + "SOC": "Share of category", + "SoD": "Segregation of Duties", + "SODA": "Service Operation Desk Application", + "SoDA": "Statement of Delegated Authorities", + "SOM": "Share of Market", + "SOPE": "Sales and Operations Planning Executive", + "SOS": "Share of Sales", + "SOV": "Share of Voice", + "SP": "Supply Planning", + "SPC": "Statistical Process Control", + "SPD&S": "Strategic Product Development & Support", + "SPI": "Strategy Planning Insights", + "SPLY": "Same Period Last Year", + "SPM": "Sales Promotional Merchandise", + "SPOC": "Single Point Of Contact", + "SPU": "Secondary Packing Unit", + "SQ": "Superior Quality", + "SQP": "Supplier Quality Partnership", + "SREM": "Senior Regional Export Manager", + "SRF": "Suppliers Request Forms", + "SRG": "Scientific Research Group", + "SRM": "Specified Risk Material / Supplier Relationship Management", + "SRO": "Senior Responsible Owner", + "SRTP": "Social Responsibility in Tobacco Production", + "RCCP": "Rough Cut Capacity Plan", + "RCD": "Rebates Commission and Discounts", + "RCP": "Retail Classification Platform", + "RD": "Regional Director", + "RDF": "Retail Disposition Funnel", + "REC": "Research Executive Council", + "RFC": "Request For Change", + "RLT": "Regional Leadership Team", + "RM": "Records Management", + "RML": "Retail Media Landscape", + "RMM": "Risk Management Measure", + "ROCE": "Return on Capital Employed", + "RONA": "Return on Net Assets", + "ROSE": "Return on Shareholders' Equity", + "ROY": "Return of Investment", + "RPC": "Regional Product Centre", + "RPN": "Risk Priority Number", + "RQI": "Retail Quality Index", + "RRP": "Recommended Retail Price / Reduced Risk Product", + "RTM": "Route to Market", + "RYO": "Roll Your Own Tobacco", + "S&OP": "Sales & Operations Planning", + "S90": "A cigarette reservoir between the maker and the packer", + "SAM": "Strategic Account Management / Strategic Assessment Management", + "SAP GRC": "SAP Governance, Risk and Compliance", + "SAP II": "SAP Information Interchange", + "SAP PI": "SAP Process Integration / Interfaces between SAP ECC and other applications", + "SAP": "Systems Administration Platform / Systems Application Programme / Systems, Applications & Prod", + "SBS": "Strategic Business System", + "SC": "Soft Cup / Supply Chain Champions", + "SCA": "Supply Chain Academy", + "SCAM": "Supply Chain Above Market", + "SCC": "Supply Chain Collaborator", + "SCCSE": "Supply Chain Customer Service Excellence", + "SCDT": "Supply Chain Drive Team", + "SCEE": "Supply Chain Eastern Europe", + "SCEM": "Supply Chain Event Management", + "SCM": "Solution Centre Managers / Supply Chain Management", + "SCOC": "Suppliers Code of Conduct", + "SCOR": "Supply Chain Operations Reference Model", + "SCS": "Supply Chain Strategy / Supply Chain Synchronisation", + "SCSC": "Supply Chain Service Centre", + "SCWE": "Supply Chain Western Europe", + "SD": "Sales Distribution", + "SDG": "Strategic Design Group", + "SDM": "Service Delivery Manager", + "SDS": "Safety Data Sheet", + "SEM": "Strategic Enterprise Management", + "SGM": "Steering Group Meeting", + "P&E": "Pricing & Excise", + "P&L": "Profit and Loss", + "P1": "Incident Priority 1", + "P2": "Incident Priority 2", + "P2P": "Procure to Pay", + "P3": "Incident Priority 3", + "P4": "Incident Priority 4", + "PA": "Personal Administration (SAP)", + "PACE": "Performance Appraisal and Career Evaluation", + "PAG": "Programa de Alta Gerencia", + "BRD": "Business Requirent Document", + "BRS": "Business Requirent Document", + "BATB":"British American Tobacco Bangladesh", + "TAB": "Technology Architecture Board", + "PAT": "Profit After Tax", + "PBIT": "Profit before interest and tax", + "PBS": "Product Breakdown Structure", + "PBT": "Profit Before Tax", + "PCF": "People Capability Framework", + "PCR": "Product Complexity Reduction", + "PCS": "Pack Collector Study", + "PD": "Pressure Drop", + "PDC": "Product Development Committee", + "PDPC": "Primary Delivered Product Cost", + "PDSG": "Product Development Strategy Group", + "PDT": "Product Development Team", + "PI&T": "Product Integrity & Traceability", + "PID": "Project Initiation Document", + "PIR": "Post Implementation Review", + "PIT": "Point In Time", + "PLC": "Programmable logic Controller", + "PLM": "Product Life Management", + "PLP": "Product Line Profitability", + "PM": "Prime Minister", + "PMC": "Proceso de Mejoramiento Contínuo", + "PMD": "Primary Manufacturing Department", + "PMI": "Phillip Morris International", + "PMO": "Programme Management Office", + "PMP": "People Management Programme", + "PMS": "Planned Maintenance System", + "PO": "Performance Objectives / Purchase Order", + "POD": "Proof of Delivery", + "POP": "Point of Purchase", + "POS": "Point of Sale", + "PP": "Plain Packaging / Production Plan", + "PP&D": "Production Planning and Development", + "PPA": "Psychophysical Analysis", + "PPB": "Productivity Portfolio Board", + "PPR": "Post Project Review", + "PPS": "Public Place Smoking", + "PQI": "Product Quality Index", + "PQRS": "Physical Quality Rating System", + "Pre-SOP": "Pre Sales & Operations Planning", + "PRINCE": "Projects IN Controlled Environment", + "PRP": "Profit Related Pay", + "PSA": "Partial Scope Agreement / Product Space Appropriation", + "PSC": "Primary Supply Chain", + "PSG": "Product Steering Group", + "PSM": "Product Space Mapping", + "PSR": "Packed Store Room", + "PSU": "Production Services Unit", + "Pts": "Percentage points", + "PTSG": "Process Technology Steering Group", + "QA": "Quality Assurance", + "QBR": "Quarterly Business Review", + "QI": "Quality Inspection", + "QMR": "Quarterly Marketing Report", + "QPR": "Quarterly Performance Review / Quarterly Profit Review", + "QS": "Qualitative Studies", + "QTP": "Quality Through People", + "QUAIL": "Quality In Leaf", + "Quantum": "TM&D information system", + "MRP": "Materials Requirements Planning / Materials Resource Planning", + "MSD": "Management Services Department", + "MSDS": "Materials Safety Data Sheet", + "MSP": "Managing Successful Programmes / Market Share Points", + "MT": "Management Trainee / Materials Testing", + "MTO": "Make To Order", + "MTS": "Make To Stock", + "MXS": "Marketing Excellence Series", + "MYO": "Make Your Own", + "MYR": "Mid-Year Results / Mid-Year Review", + "NAMAS": "National Measurement Accreditation Service", + "NBD": "New Business Development", + "NCD": "Non Communicable Diseases", + "NFDPM": "Nicotine Free Dry Particulate Matter", + "NGO": "Non-Governmental Organisation", + "NGP": "New Generation Products", + "NMG": "New Marketing Guidelines", + "NND": "Net Net Density", + "NP": "Net Permeability", + "NPD": "New Product Development", + "NPI": "New Product Innovation / New Product Introduction", + "NQ": "Normal Quality", + "NTO": "Net Turnover", + "O2C": "Order To Cash", + "O365": "Office 365", + "OA": "Opportunity Analysis", + "OBS": "Opportunistic Business Simulation", + "OCA": "Out of Home (Advertising)", + "OD": "Organisational Development", + "OD(M)S": "One Day (Material) Store", + "ODG": "Operational Design Group", + "ODP": "Operational Demand Planning", + "OE": "Order Estimate", + "OEE": "Overall Equipment Effectiveness", + "OEM": "Original Equipment Manufacturer", + "OIE": "Other Income & Expense", + "OLT": "Operations Leadership Team", + "OM": "Operating Model / Organisational Management (Modulo SAP)", + "OOH": "Out Of Home", + "OOS": "Out Of Stock", + "OP": "Operating Profit", + "OPB": "Operations Portfolio Board", + "OpCo": "Operating Company", + "OpEx": "Operating Expenditure", + "Ops": "Operations", + "OR": "Oriental", + "OSP": "Operational Supply Planning", + "OTIF": "On Time In Full", + "OTP": "Other Tobacco Products", + "OTS": "Opportunity to See", + "L&B": "Lambert & Butler", + "L&D": "Liggett & Myers / Learning & Development", + "LAN": "Local Area Network", + "LAT": "Local Area Team", + "LC": "Leadership Capabilities", + "LCP": "Local Cycle Plan", + "LDP": "Local Demand Plan", + "LE": "Latest Estimate / Limited Edition", + "LEO": "Legal Entity Object", + "LEP": "Limited Edition Pack", + "LEX": "Legal and External Affairs", + "LIFO": "Last In First Out", + "LIMS": "Laboratory Information Management Solution", + "LIP": "Lower Ignition Propensity", + "LLT": "Local Leadership Team", + "LN": "Lotus Notes", + "LOC": "Letter Of Credit", + "LOF": "Language of Finance", + "LOS": "Line Of Sight", + "LOV": "List Of Values", + "LPE": "Latest Profit Estimate", + "LPO": "Local Purchase Order", + "LPV": "Low Production Volume", + "LRR": "Leaf Reception Room", + "M&S": "Materials and Supplies", + "MASQ": "Method for Assessing Smoking Quality", + "MAT": "Moving Annual Total", + "MCE": "Minimum Collectible Excise", + "MD": "Managing Director", + "MEC": "Manufacturing Executive Council", + "MFU": "Marketing Finance Unit", + "MGP": "Materials Guidance Panel", + "MI": "Management Information", + "Mille": "One thousand cigarettes", + "MKT": "Marketing", + "MLT": "Marketing Leadership Team", + "MMA": "Management Marketing Account", + "MN": "Million", + "MNF": "Manufacturing", + "MoC": "Minister of Commerce", + "MoF": "Minister of Finance", + "MoH": "Minister of Health", + "Mon": "Month on Month", + "MOP": "Members of the Protocol", + "MOPE": "Monthly Operating Profit Estimate", + "MoS": "Measure of Success", + "MPQ": "Managing Product Quality", + "MPS": "Master Production Scheduling", + "MPSG": "Master and Product Strategy Group", + "MQI": "Manufacturing Quality Index", + "MQS": "Materials Qualification System", + "MR": "Management Review", + "MRP II": "Manufacturing Resource Planning", + "IT": "Illicit Trade / Information Technology", + "ITC": "India Tobacco Company", + "ITGA": "International Tobacco Growers’ Association", + "ITIL": "Information Technology Infrastructure Library", + "ITP": "Illicit Trade Protocol", + "ITPC": "IT Project Committee", + "ITT": "Internationally Traded Tobacco", + "JIT": "Just In Time", + "JRC": "Joint Research Centre", + "JTI": "Japan Tobacco International", + "JV": "Joint venture", + "KCN": "Key Control Navigator", + "KDFII": "Filter rod maker, supplied by Hauni", + "KPI": "Key Performance Indicator", + "KRA": "Key Result Areas", + "KS": "King Size", + "KSF": "King Size Filter", + "KSI": "Key Strategic Initiatives", + "KYC": "Know your Customer", + "KYS": "Know Your Supplier", + "H2": "Half 2", + "HB": "Haus Bergman", + "HL": "Hinge Lid", + "HLP": "Hinge Lid Packer", + "HoD": "Head of Department", + "HoF": "Head of Function", + "HOLO": "Head of Leaf Operations", + "HOLP": "Head of Leaf Processing", + "Horeca": "Hotels, Restaurants and Cafes", + "HoS": "Head office Services", + "HP": "High Potential", + "HPV": "High Production Volume", + "HQ": "High Quality", + "HR": "Human Resources", + "HRBP": "Human Resources Business Partner", + "HS Code": "Harmonized Commodity Description and Coding System", + "HSE": "Health, Safety, Environment", + "HSU": "High Speed Unit", + "HTD": "High Temperature Dryer", + "HVST": "High Velocity Stem Tube", + "I&C": "Information & Consultation", + "IA": "International Assignment", + "IAAA": "International Advertising Association", + "IAM": "Identity and Access Management", + "IB": "International brand", + "IBG": "International Brand Group", + "ICA": "Inward Cartage Allowance", + "ICC": "International Chamber of Commerce", + "ICP": "International Career Plan", + "IDP": "Individual Development Programme", + "IE11": "Internet Explorer 11", + "IEIS": "International Executive Incentive Scheme", + "IFRS": "International Financial Reporting Standards", + "IMASCO": "Financial Services, Tobacco and Retailing Group (Canada)", + "IMF": "International Monetary Fund", + "IMI": "Incoming Materials Inspection", + "IMP": "International Marketing Principles", + "IMS": "International Marketing Standards", + "INTERPOL": "International Criminal Police Organization", + "IP": "Intellectual Property", + "IPP": "Integrated Planning Process", + "IPR": "Intellectual Property Rights", + "IPRA": "International Political and Regulatory Affairs", + "IR": "Investor Relations", + "ISC": "Integrated Supply Chain", + "ISF": "In Store Furniture", + "PED" : "Primary Engineering Department", + "EOB" : "End of Business Day", + "OOO" :"Out of Office", + "LOS" : "Line of Sight", + "3PL": "3rd Party Logistics", + "4 Cast": "Estimating market share (replaced STM)", + "4 Real": "Ethnographic research of new concepts", + "4 Screen": "Prioritization of ideas and concepts", + "4 Sight": "New concept testing", + "4 Tune": "Determining the weight/impact of a mix of elements", + "AAR": "Alternative Account Representative", + "ACP": "ACTIVITY CYCLE PLAN", + "ACT": "Aspirational Consumer Target", + "ADC": "Average Daily Consumption", + "AF": "Air Freight", + "AGD": "Atlantic Grocery Distributors", + "AGM": "Annual General Meeting", + "AIT": "Anti-Illicit Trade", + "Alufoil": "Aluminium Foil", + "AME": "Africa & Middle East (Region)", + "AmPac": "America Pacific (previous region name, now included in 'The Americas' region)", + "ANP": "Alternative Nicotine Products", + "AOL": "Adult Only Location", + "APR": "Annual Performance Review (identification of past issues)", + "AQL": "Acceptance Quality Limits", + "AR": "Account Representative", + "ARF": "Activity Recommendation Form", + "ARRL": "Adult Retail Restricted Location", + "AS": "Ageing Study", + "ASM": "Area Sales Manager", + "ASO": "Adult Smokers Over", + "AsPac": "Asia Pacific (region)", + "ASR": "Annual Salary Review", + "ASU": "Adult Smokers Under", + "ASU30": "Adult Smoker Under 30 Years Old", + "ATL": "Above the Line (traditional media advertising)", + "ATS": "Adult Tobacco Shoppers", + "ATSM": "Adult Tobacco Shoppers Marketing", + "AWAP": "Above Weighted Average Premium (du Maurier)", + "AWR": "Average # cartons ordered per week", + "B&T": "Brand & Trade", + "BAM": "Business Area Manager", + "BAS": "Brand Attributes Survey", + "Baseline": "To calculate the incidence", + "BAT": "British American Tobacco", + "BAU": "Business as Usual", + "BCP": "Business Continuity Plan", + "BDI": "Brand development index", + "BM": "Brand Manager", + "BMG": "Brand Management Group", + "bn": "Billion", + "BO": "Business Objects", + "BOB": "Back of Bar", + "BOM": "Bill of material", + "BPPQ": "Brand, Price, Product, Quality", + "BPR": "Business Performance Review", + "BPT": "Branded Product Testing", + "BPTI": "Brand Product Testing with Innovation", + "BPTO": "Brand Price Trade-Off", + "Brand Price Guidelines": "The ideal price gaps between each brands.", + "BRIC": "Brazil, Republic of South Africa, India, China", + "BSE": "Brand Support Expenditures", + "BSS": "Brand Strength Score", + "BTIF": "Before Time In Full", + "BTL": "Below the Line (traditional merchandising / promotion)", + "BVS": "Brand Values Segmentation", + "BWAP": "Below Weighted Average Premium", + "C&G": "Convenience & Gas", + "C+1": "Current cycle plus one (i.e. following planning cycle)", + "CAF": "Cour d'Appel Fédérale", + "CAGR": "Compound Annual Growth Rate", + "CAMH": "Centre for addiction and Mental Health", + "Cannibalization Effect": "The proportion of volume added due to product/price change that comes directly from other ITCAN products", + "CAP": "Channel Account Profitability", + "CAPEX": "Capital Expenditure", + "CBC": "Choice Base Conjoint", + "CCSA": "Canadian Convenient Store Association", + "CD": "Consumer Dialogue (old name - now BAT Way of Marketing)", + "CDC": "Consumer Dialogue Capability", + "CDF": "Canadian Duty Free", + "CDF/RDF": "Consumer/Retailer Disposition Matrix", + "CDI": "Commodity development index", + "CDMP": "Consumer Dialogue Media Planning", + "CDR": "Consumer Dialogue through Retail", + "CEQ": "Cigarette Equivalence, sticks, 200 in a carton", + "CFD": "Computational Fluid Dynamics", + "CFMP": "Consumer Focused Marketing Plan", + "CGI": "Computer Generated Image", + "CGP": "Canada Growth Plan", + "Channel Development Index": "Compares the importance of a channel to brand or manufacturer sales to the importance of that same channel to category sales", + "Channel Importance": "The percentage of sales a specific channel represents to the total market", + "CI": "Corporate Identity", + "CLT": "Canadian Leadership Team", + "CMA": "Census Metropolitan Area", + "CMIB": "Centrally-Managed International Brand", + "CNC": "Computer Numerical Control", + "CoCo": "Consumer Complaints", + "COCO": "Corporately Owned Corporately Operated", + "CODO": "Corporately Owned Dealer Operated", + "CoE": "Center (or Communities) of Expertise", + "Consumer Spaces": "New Status, Connect, Luxury, Perform, Eco Local, Reduced Impact, \"My\" Taste, \"Crafted\" Taste, Price, Product Integrity", + "Coplan": "Volume we believe we're going to make, ship, profit, etc.", + "CORA": "Corporate & Regulatory Affairs Department", + "Cork Tipping": "Color and frame that goes around the filter", + "Corporate Definition": "ITCAN, RBH, JTI & Non-CTMC (to be used ONLY when looking at regular brand)", + "COS": "Cost of Sale", + "CPD": "Consumption Per Day: provides percentages per bracket (ex: 1-5, 6-10, 11-15)", + "CPDR": "Cycle Plan & Demand Review", + "CPG": "Consumer Packaged Goods", + "CPM": "Cycle Planning Meeting", + "CPM": "Consumer Product Manager", + "CPS": "Consumer Product Strategy", + "CPT": "Consumer Product Test", + "CPTO": "Consumer Price Turnover", + "CR": "Change Request", + "CRA": "Customer Relationship Amplifier", + "CRCM": "Canada Retails Classification Model", + "CRT": "Cut Rag Tobacco", + "CS": "Contestible Space", + "CSI": "Corporate Social Investment", + "CSM": "Customer Satisfaction Measurement", + "CSQA": "Commodity Specification & Quality Agreement", + "CSR": "Corporate Social Responsibility", + "D2C": "Direct-2-Consumers", + "Dark Market": "Regulation enforcing the coverage of all cigarette backwalls", + "DC": "Double Capsules", + "Deep Blue": "Pricing Model determining brand elasticities & cross elasticities", + "Deletions": "Short shipments", + "Demand Planning": "Forecast at a granular level based on brand and variant volumes", + "Demand Replenishment Planning": "Developed after Demand Planning, determining the required product amount from Mexico", + "Demand Variables": "Incidence, Average Daily Usage, Population", + "DfA": "Design for Assembly", + "DfM": "Design for Manufacture", + "DFX": "Duty Free Export", + "DG": "Discussion Guide", + "Di-ad's": "Dual In-Depth Interviews", + "DM": "District Manager", + "DNP": "Duty Not Paid", + "DODO": "Dealer Owned Dealer Operated", + "DP": "Design Prototype", + "DQC": "Data Quality Checks (Data extracted from a specific dataset)", + "DR": "Distribution Representative", + "DRBU": "Direct Reporting Business Unit", + "DRF": "Dynamic Retention Feature", + "DRM": "Demand Review Meeting", + "DS": "Demi Slims", + "DSD": "Direct Sales Distribution", + "DSS": "Direct Service Sales", + "DSS": "Direct Store Sales (preferred route to market model)", + "du Maurier": "Consumer brand", + "duM": "du Maurier", + "DX": "Distribution Excellence", + "Dye Print": "Tipping design printed at the factory", + "East (CS)": "Remaining Quebec & Atlantic", + "EBD": "European Board of Directors", + "EC": "Employee Central", + "EC": "Electronic cigarettes", + "ECA": "European Competitor Analysis", + "EDLP": "Every Day Low Price", + "EE": "Enthusiastic Experimenter", + "eFT": "Expansion Flexible Terms", + "EHS": "Environmental Health & Safety Department", + "Elasticity": "Annual analysis", + "EM": "End-Market", + "EMF": "Effective Marketing Focus", + "EMON": "Emonitor", + "Ethnic Origin": "The ethnic or cultural origin of your ancestors for people born outside of Canada", + "ETLS": "ECOWAS Trade Liberalization Scheme", + "EU": "European Union", + "Exploratory": "Generally first steps to examine potential research/product developments", + "F&S": "Flavour & Style", + "FAB": "Filtered Adjustable Brown", + "FB": "Fine Blend", + "FBO": "Fine Blends Only", + "FCE": "Functional Cluster Expert", + "FDI": "Foreign Direct Investment", + "Feedback": "The process to offer insight on recent accomplishments and developments", + "FET": "Fire Embers Test", + "FF": "Full Flavour", + "FGA": "Federation of Quebec Food Retailers", + "FGL": "Federation of Quebec Grocers Association", + "Fill Rate": "Delivery percentage", + "FitA": "Fit for Assembly", + "FitM": "Fit for Manufacturing", + "FitS": "Fit for Shipment", + "FMC": "Full Market Coverage", + "FMC": "Fast-Moving Consumer Goods", + "FMV": "Fair Market Value", + "FN": "First Nations", + "FO": "Field Objective", + "FoQus": "Field Quality Standards", + "FPA": "Fundamental Performance Assessment", + "FPG": "Floor Price Gap", + "FPS": "Functional Performance Specification", + "FRE": "Full Responsibility Estimates", + "FSC": "Forest Stewardship Council", + "FSP": "Functional Specification Plan", + "G1": "Generation One", + "G2": "Generation Two", + "G2C": "Global to Canada (price segment)", + "G&IA": "Growth & Innovation Agenda", + "GA": "Gap Analysis", + "GAAP": "Generally Accepted Accounting Principles", + "GAP": "Good Agricultural Practices", + "GATT": "General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade", + "GAV": "Gross Added Value", + "GBE": "Global Business Exchange", + "GDSN": "Global Data Synchronization Network", + "GDP": "Gross Domestic Product", + "GE": "General Electric", + "GF": "Green Filter", + "GFC": "Global Finished Goods Configuration", + "GFSS": "Global Financial Shared Services", + "GG": "Gross Group (Rothmans and Benson & Hedges volumes added to match Imperial)", + "GHG": "Green House Gas", + "GIC": "Government Investment Certification", + "GIR": "Growth Incidence Rate", + "GIP": "Global Integration Plan", + "GIR": "Growth Incidence Rate", + "GLD": "General Labour Division", + "GM": "General Manager", + "GMI": "General Market Initiative", + "GMS": "General Market", + "GOP": "Gross Operating Profit", + "GOT": "Good Order Taking", + "GR": "Gross Revenue", + "GS1": "Global Standards Organization", + "GST": "Goods and Services Tax", + "GWP": "Global Warming Potential", + "HAE": "High Added-Value Execution", + "HAV": "Highest Added-Value Execution", + "HC": "Health Canada", + "HDPE": "High-Density Polyethylene", + "HEETS": "Brand name for Heatsticks - IQOS consumables", + "HGS": "High Growth Segment", + "HHP": "Household Penetration", + "HoReCa": "Hotels, Restaurants, Cafes", + "HQ": "Headquarters", + "HRT": "Heat Resistant Transport", + "HSE": "Health Safety & Environment", + "HSSE": "Health Safety, Security and Environment", + "HSR": "Health & Safety Representative", + "HSS": "Heated Smoke Segment", + "HR": "Human Resources", + "HRIS": "Human Resources Information System", + "HRT": "Heat Resistant Transport", + "HTL": "Homogenized Tobacco Leaf", + "HV": "High Value", + "HVAC": "Heating Ventilation and Air Conditioning", + "IAS": "International Accounting Standards", + "IAQ": "Indoor Air Quality", + "IAR": "Interactive Advertising Report", + "IB": "Imperial Brands", + "ICC": "International Chamber of Commerce", + "IDU": "In-Depth Understanding", + "IE": "International Edition", + "I.E.": "Incidence Estimate", + "IFU": "International Finished Unit", + "IMC": "Integrated Marketing Communications", + "IMS": "Imperial Marketing Services", + "IMR": "Imperial Monthly Review", + "IMP": "Important", + "IMPACT": "Internal Market Analysis", + "IMPETS": "Internal Marketing Services", + "In Transit Time": "Time needed for a product to move from one place to another.", + "INAC": "Indian and Northern Affairs Canada", + "Incidence": "Number of Adult Tobacco Shoppers divided by the Population", + "Incidence of Purchase": "Percentage of adults who buy tobacco products", + "INCOTERMS": "International Commercial Terms", + "INFOCAL": "Information Calendar", + "INFOTAC": "Informing Tobacco Control", + "INN": "Innovation", + "Innovation": "Major modifications with increased consumer acceptance and measurable volume potential", + "INSEAD": "Institut Européen d'Administration des Affaires", + "INSIGHTS": "Market and industry trends that influence the company strategies", + "INV": "Investment", + "IO": "Information Officer", + "IPA": "Intellectual Property Assets", + "IPR": "Intellectual Property Rights", + "IPV": "Incremental Planned Volume", + "IR": "Imperial Representative", + "IR": "Information Request", + "IRIS": "Integrated Risk Information System", + "IRM": "Interactive Relationship Management", + "IRP": "International Registration Plan", + "ISL": "Interactive Store Locator", + "ISMS": "Information Security Management System", + "ISP": "Integrated Service Provider", + "ITC": "Information Technology Communications", + "ITFS": "Internal Tobacco Flavor Standard", + "ITIL": "Information Technology Infrastructure Library", + "ITS": "Innovative Tobacco Segment", + "IVS": "International Visitors Service", + "IWS": "Interactive Web Service", + "J&B": "Justerini & Brooks", + "JIT": "Just-In-Time", + "JK": "Justification Kit", + "JMI": "Japanese Ministry of International Trade", + "JO": "Job Order", + "JSA": "Job Safety Analysis", + "JT": "Japan Tobacco", + "JTI": "Japan Tobacco International", + "JTL": "Job Target Level", + "KAM": "Key Account Manager", + "KBE": "Knowledge-Based Economy", + "KDG": "Key Distributor Group", + "Key": "Significant or crucial information", + "KFC": "Kentucky Fried Chicken", + "KFS": "Key Financial Statistics", + "KIP": "Key Indicator Performance", + "KIS": "Keep It Simple", + "KPI": "Key Performance Indicator", + "KRI": "Key Risk Indicator", + "KRN": "Kronos", + "KSM": "Key Success Measures", + "KT": "Knowledge Transfer", + "KTA": "Key Trading Area", + "L&D": "Learning & Development", + "L&I": "Logistics & Inventory", + "LA": "Learning Architect", + "LAE": "Learning Architect Editor", + "LAM": "Local Area Manager", + "LATAM": "Latin America", + "LCC": "Logistics Control Center", + "LCV": "Life Cycle Value", + "LDF": "Local Duty-Free", + "LE": "Limited Edition", + "LEAN": "Methodology focused on minimizing waste within manufacturing systems", + "LEC": "Local Executive Committee", + "LEED": "Leadership in Energy and Environmental Design", + "LEO": "Local Execution Officer", + "LGC": "Logistics & General Services", + "LIA": "Leadership Institute of America", + "LIS": "Logistics Information System", + "LLC": "Limited Liability Company", + "LMC": "Last Mile Carrier", + "LMS": "Learning Management System", + "LOI": "Letter of Intent", + "LPM": "Low Price Market", + "LPG": "Liquefied Petroleum Gas", + "LPI": "Logistics Performance Index", + "LPR": "Low Price Range", + "LSM": "Local Store Marketing", + "LSR": "Local Store Representative", + "LT": "Low Tar", + "LTE": "Local Terminal Equipment", + "LTM": "Last Twelve Months", + "LTV": "Life Time Value", + "LUX": "Luxury Segment", + "LVM": "Logistics Value Measurement", + "M&A": "Mergers and Acquisitions", + "MAC": "Market Area Code", + "MAD": "Market Area Distributor", + "MAP": "Minimum Advertised Price", + "MAS": "Market Analysis Survey", + "MAT": "Moving Annual Total", + "MBA": "Master of Business Administration", + "MBO": "Management by Objectives", + "MBR": "Management by Results", + "MC": "Manufacturing Cost", + "MCI": "Market Condition Indicator", + "MCM": "Marketing Communications Manager", + "MCP": "Master Control Program", + "MCT": "Management Consulting Team", + "MD": "Managing Director", + "MDP": "Management Development Program", + "ME": "Market Entry", + "MEA": "Marketing Environment Analysis", + "MEC": "Market Environment Control", + "MELT": "Maximum End-of-Life Temperature", + "MEP": "Market Expansion Plan", + "MES": "Manufacturing Execution System", + "MEX": "Mexico", + "MF": "Mainstream Filler", + "MFB": "Multi-Function Barcode", + "MFG": "Manufacturing", + "MFP": "Multi-Functional Printer", + "MGMT": "Management", + "MH": "Marketing Hub", + "MIC": "Marketing Information Center", + "MIL": "Market Investment Logic", + "MIS": "Marketing Intelligence System", + "MISO": "Management Information Systems Office", + "ML": "Market Leadership", + "MLD": "Multi-Level Design", + "MM": "Marketing Management", + "MMS": "Market Monitoring System", + "MN": "Mainstream Non-Filler", + "MNC": "Multinational Corporation", + "MO": "Market Opportunity", + "MOB": "Merchandising Objective", + "MOE": "Market Operating Expenses", + "MOF": "Manufacturing Overhead", + "MOP": "Marketing Operating Plan", + "MOS": "Market Opportunity Score", + "MOU": "Memorandum of Understanding", + "MP": "Marketing Plan", + "MPA": "Market Performance Analysis", + "MPE": "Market Price Estimate", + "MPF": "Marketing Product Framework", + "MPI": "Market Performance Indicator", + "MPM": "Market Performance Model", + "MPS": "Market Performance System", + "MQ": "Market Qualification", + "MR": "Market Research", + "MRA": "Market Research Analysis", + "MRD": "Market Requirements Document", + "MRO": "Maintenance, Repair, and Operations", + "MS": "Market Share", + "MSC": "Mainstream Cigarette", + "MSM": "Market Share Monitor", + "MSO": "Market Share Objective", + "MSP": "Market Share Performance", + "MSR": "Market Share Report", + "MSS": "Market Share Strategy", + "MT": "Market Trend", + "MTG": "Market Target Group", + "MTH": "Market Trend Hypothesis", + "MTS": "Market Trend System", + "MTT": "Market Trend Tracking", + "MTV": "Market Trend Value", + "MU": "Market Understanding", + "MUE": "Market Understanding Essentials", + "MUP": "Market Understanding Plan", + "MV": "Market Value", + "MVL": "Market Value Leadership", + "MVLS": "Market Value Leadership Strategy", + "MVP": "Market Value Proposition", + "MW": "Market Watch", + "MYOB": "Mind Your Own Business", + "N/A": "Not Applicable", + "NA": "National Account", + "NAFTA": "North American Free Trade Agreement", + "NAP": "National Account Plan", + "NAR": "National Account Review", + "NB": "Noteworthy", + "NBO": "New Business Opportunity", + "NBR": "New Business Results", + "NBS": "New Business Strategy", + "NC": "National Coverage", + "NCA": "National Coverage Area", + "NCC": "National Competitive Capability", + "NCD": "New Concept Development", + "NCH": "National Coverage Hub", + "NCR": "National Coverage Region", + "NDA": "National Distribution Agreement", + "NDB": "New Distribution Base", + "NDC": "New Distribution Center", + "NDD": "New Distribution Deal", + "NDF": "New Distribution Forecast", + "NDP": "New Distribution Partner", + "NDV": "New Distribution Volume", + "NEA": "New Executive Appointment", + "NEM": "New Executive Market", + "NES": "New Executive Strategy", + "NEX": "New Executive", + "NFP": "New Financial Plan", + "NFS": "New Financial Strategy", + "NG": "Next Generation", + "NGO": "Non-Governmental Organization", + "NHR": "New Hire", + "NHS": "New Hire Strategy", + "NI": "National Initiative", + "NIC": "New Initiative Concept", + "NIE": "New Initiative Execution", + "NIM": "New Initiative Market", + "NIP": "New Initiative Plan", + "NIS": "New Initiative Strategy", + "NL": "National Launch", + "NLA": "New Launch Announcement", + "NLD": "New Launch Date", + "NLF": "New Launch Forecast", + "NLM": "New Launch Market", + "NLP": "New Launch Plan", + "NLR": "New Launch Region", + "NLS": "New Launch Strategy", + "NM": "National Market", + "NMA": "National Market Analysis", + "NMD": "National Market Data", + "NME": "National Market Entry", + "NMF": "National Market Forecast", + "NMG": "National Market Growth", + "NMK": "National Market Knowledge", + "NML": "National Market Leader", + "NMM": "National Market Manager", + "NMP": "National Market Plan", + "NMS": "National Market Strategy", + "NMT": "National Market Trend", + "NMY": "National Market Year", + "NN": "New Network", + "NNA": "New Network Analysis", + "NND": "New Network Data", + "NNE": "New Network Entry", + "NNF": "New Network Forecast", + "NNG": "New Network Growth", + "NNK": "New Network Knowledge", + "NNL": "New Network Leader", + "NNM": "New Network Manager", + "NNP": "New Network Plan", + "NNS": "New Network Strategy", + "NNT": "New Network Trend", + "NNY": "New Network Year", + "NO": "Network Operator", + "NOA": "Network Operations Analysis", + "NOC": "Network Operations Center", + "NOD": "Network Operations Data", + "NOE": "Network Operations Entry", + "NOF": "Network Operations Forecast", + "NOG": "Network Operations Growth", + "NOK": "Network Operations Knowledge", + "NOL": "Network Operations Leader", + "NOM": "Network Operations Manager", + "NOP": "Network Operations Plan", + "NOS": "Network Operations Strategy", + "NOT": "Network Operations Trend", + "NOY": "Network Operations Year", + "NP": "New Product", + "NPA": "New Product Analysis", + "NPC": "New Product Concept", + "NPD": "New Product Development", + "NPE": "New Product Entry", + "NPF": "New Product Forecast", + "NPG": "New Product Growth", + "NPI": "New Product Introduction", + "NPK": "New Product Knowledge", + "NPL": "New Product Launch", + "NPM": "New Product Manager", + "NPP": "New Product Plan", + "NPS": "New Product Strategy", + "NPT": "New Product Trend", + "NPY": "New Product Year", + "NR": "Network Resilience", + "NRA": "Network Resilience Analysis", + "NRC": "Network Resilience Concept", + "NRD": "Network Resilience Data", + "NRE": "Network Resilience Entry", + "NRF": "Network Resilience Forecast", + "NRG": "Network Resilience Growth", + "NRK": "Network Resilience Knowledge", + "NRL": "Network Resilience Leader", + "NRM": "Network Resilience Manager", + "NRP": "Network Resilience Plan", + "NRS": "Network Resilience Strategy", + "NRT": "Network Resilience Trend", + "NRY": "Network Resilience Year", + "NS": "New Segment", + "NSA": "New Segment Analysis", + "NSC": "New Segment Concept", + "NSD": "New Segment Data", + "NSE": "New Segment Entry", + "NSF": "New Segment Forecast", + "NSG": "New Segment Growth", + "NSK": "New Segment Knowledge", + "NSL": "New Segment Leader", + "NSM": "New Segment Manager", + "NSP": "New Segment Plan", + "NSS": "New Segment Strategy", + "NST": "New Segment Trend", + "NSY": "New Segment Year", + "NT": "New Territory", + "NTA": "New Territory Analysis", + "NTC": "New Territory Concept", + "NTD": "New Territory Data", + "NTE": "New Territory Entry", + "NTF": "New Territory Forecast", + "NTG": "New Territory Growth", + "NTK": "New Territory Knowledge", + "NTL": "New Territory Leader", + "NTM": "New Territory Manager", + "NTP": "New Territory Plan", + "NTS": "New Territory Strategy", + "NTT": "New Territory Trend", + "NTY": "New Territory Year", + "NU": "New Unit", + "NUA": "New Unit Analysis", + "NUC": "New Unit Concept", + "NUD": "New Unit Data", + "NUE": "New Unit Entry", + "NUF": "New Unit Forecast", + "NUG": "New Unit Growth", + "NUK": "New Unit Knowledge", + "NUL": "New Unit Leader", + "NUM": "New Unit Manager", + "NUP": "New Unit Plan", + "NUS": "New Unit Strategy", + "NUT": "New Unit Trend", + "NUY": "New Unit Year", + "NV": "New Volume", + "NVA": "New Volume Analysis", + "NVC": "New Volume Concept", + "NVD": "New Volume Data", + "NVE": "New Volume Entry", + "NVF": "New Volume Forecast", + "NVG": "New Volume 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Forecast", + "RKG": "Research Knowledge Growth", + "RKK": "Research Knowledge Knowledge", + "RKL": "Research Knowledge Leader", + "RKM": "Research Knowledge Manager", + "RKP": "Research Knowledge Plan", + "RKS": "Research Knowledge Strategy", + "RKT": "Research Knowledge Trend", + "RKY": "Research Knowledge Year", + "RL": "Research Launch", + "RLA": "Research Launch Analysis", + "RLC": "Research Launch Concept", + "RLD": "Research Launch Data", + "RLE": "Research Launch Entry", + "RLF": "Research Launch Forecast", + "RLG": "Research Launch Growth", + "RLK": "Research Launch Knowledge", + "RLL": "Research Launch Leader", + "RLM": "Research Launch Manager", + +} + +# Define the Gradio interface function +def chatbot_interface(acronym): + acronym = acronym.strip().upper() # Remove leading/trailing whitespace and convert to uppercase + if acronym in knowledge_base: + response = f"Answer: {knowledge_base[acronym]}" + else: + closest_match = difflib.get_close_matches(acronym, knowledge_base.keys(), n=1) + if closest_match: + response = f"No exact match found. Did you mean '{closest_match[0]}'?" + else: + response = "Not found in the BATCCAPEDIA" + return response + +# Create the Gradio interface +iface = gr.Interface( + fn=chatbot_interface, + inputs="text", + outputs="text", + css="footer{display:none !important}", + title="BATB Acronym Finder", + description="Dictionary of Abbreviations & Acronyms", + theme='default' +) + +# Launch the interface +iface.launch()