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import numpy as np
import cv2
import torch
import os
from modules import devices
from annotator.annotator_path import models_path
import mmcv
from mmdet.apis import inference_detector, init_detector
from mmpose.apis import inference_top_down_pose_model
from mmpose.apis import init_pose_model, process_mmdet_results, vis_pose_result
def preprocessing(image, device):
# Resize
scale = 640 / max(image.shape[:2])
image = cv2.resize(image, dsize=None, fx=scale, fy=scale)
raw_image = image.astype(np.uint8)
# Subtract mean values
image = image.astype(np.float32)
image -= np.array(
# Convert to torch.Tensor and add "batch" axis
image = torch.from_numpy(image.transpose(2, 0, 1)).float().unsqueeze(0)
image =
return image, raw_image
def imshow_keypoints(img,
"""Draw keypoints and links on an image.
img (ndarry): The image to draw poses on.
pose_result (list[kpts]): The poses to draw. Each element kpts is
a set of K keypoints as an Kx3 numpy.ndarray, where each
keypoint is represented as x, y, score.
kpt_score_thr (float, optional): Minimum score of keypoints
to be shown. Default: 0.3.
pose_kpt_color (np.array[Nx3]`): Color of N keypoints. If None,
the keypoint will not be drawn.
pose_link_color (np.array[Mx3]): Color of M links. If None, the
links will not be drawn.
thickness (int): Thickness of lines.
img_h, img_w, _ = img.shape
img = np.zeros(img.shape)
for idx, kpts in enumerate(pose_result):
if idx > 1:
kpts = kpts['keypoints']
# print(kpts)
kpts = np.array(kpts, copy=False)
# draw each point on image
if pose_kpt_color is not None:
assert len(pose_kpt_color) == len(kpts)
for kid, kpt in enumerate(kpts):
x_coord, y_coord, kpt_score = int(kpt[0]), int(kpt[1]), kpt[2]
if kpt_score < kpt_score_thr or pose_kpt_color[kid] is None:
# skip the point that should not be drawn
color = tuple(int(c) for c in pose_kpt_color[kid]), (int(x_coord), int(y_coord)),
radius, color, -1)
# draw links
if skeleton is not None and pose_link_color is not None:
assert len(pose_link_color) == len(skeleton)
for sk_id, sk in enumerate(skeleton):
pos1 = (int(kpts[sk[0], 0]), int(kpts[sk[0], 1]))
pos2 = (int(kpts[sk[1], 0]), int(kpts[sk[1], 1]))
if (pos1[0] <= 0 or pos1[0] >= img_w or pos1[1] <= 0 or pos1[1] >= img_h or pos2[0] <= 0
or pos2[0] >= img_w or pos2[1] <= 0 or pos2[1] >= img_h or kpts[sk[0], 2] < kpt_score_thr
or kpts[sk[1], 2] < kpt_score_thr or pose_link_color[sk_id] is None):
# skip the link that should not be drawn
color = tuple(int(c) for c in pose_link_color[sk_id])
cv2.line(img, pos1, pos2, color, thickness=thickness)
return img
human_det, pose_model = None, None
det_model_path = ""
pose_model_path = ""
modeldir = os.path.join(models_path, "keypose")
old_modeldir = os.path.dirname(os.path.realpath(__file__))
det_config = ''
pose_config = ''
det_checkpoint = 'faster_rcnn_r50_fpn_1x_coco_20200130-047c8118.pth'
pose_checkpoint = 'hrnet_w48_coco_256x192-b9e0b3ab_20200708.pth'
det_cat_id = 1
bbox_thr = 0.2
skeleton = [
[15, 13], [13, 11], [16, 14], [14, 12], [11, 12], [5, 11], [6, 12], [5, 6], [5, 7], [6, 8],
[7, 9], [8, 10],
[1, 2], [0, 1], [0, 2], [1, 3], [2, 4], [3, 5], [4, 6]
pose_kpt_color = [
[51, 153, 255], [51, 153, 255], [51, 153, 255], [51, 153, 255], [51, 153, 255],
[0, 255, 0],
[255, 128, 0], [0, 255, 0], [255, 128, 0], [0, 255, 0], [255, 128, 0], [0, 255, 0],
[255, 128, 0],
[0, 255, 0], [255, 128, 0], [0, 255, 0], [255, 128, 0]
pose_link_color = [
[0, 255, 0], [0, 255, 0], [255, 128, 0], [255, 128, 0],
[51, 153, 255], [51, 153, 255], [51, 153, 255], [51, 153, 255], [0, 255, 0],
[255, 128, 0],
[0, 255, 0], [255, 128, 0], [51, 153, 255], [51, 153, 255], [51, 153, 255],
[51, 153, 255],
[51, 153, 255], [51, 153, 255], [51, 153, 255]
def find_download_model(checkpoint, remote_path):
modelpath = os.path.join(modeldir, checkpoint)
old_modelpath = os.path.join(old_modeldir, checkpoint)
if os.path.exists(old_modelpath):
modelpath = old_modelpath
elif not os.path.exists(modelpath):
from basicsr.utils.download_util import load_file_from_url
load_file_from_url(remote_path, model_dir=modeldir)
return modelpath
def apply_keypose(input_image):
global human_det, pose_model
if netNetwork is None:
det_model_local = find_download_model(det_checkpoint, det_model_path)
hrnet_model_local = find_download_model(pose_checkpoint, pose_model_path)
det_config_mmcv = mmcv.Config.fromfile(det_config)
pose_config_mmcv = mmcv.Config.fromfile(pose_config)
human_det = init_detector(det_config_mmcv, det_model_local, device=devices.get_device_for("controlnet"))
pose_model = init_pose_model(pose_config_mmcv, hrnet_model_local, device=devices.get_device_for("controlnet"))
assert input_image.ndim == 3
input_image = input_image.copy()
with torch.no_grad():
image = torch.from_numpy(input_image).float().to(devices.get_device_for("controlnet"))
image = image / 255.0
mmdet_results = inference_detector(human_det, image)
# keep the person class bounding boxes.
person_results = process_mmdet_results(mmdet_results, det_cat_id)
return_heatmap = False
dataset =['test']['type']
# e.g. use ('backbone', ) to return backbone feature
output_layer_names = None
pose_results, _ = inference_top_down_pose_model(
im_keypose_out = imshow_keypoints(
im_keypose_out = im_keypose_out.astype(np.uint8)
# image_hed = rearrange(image_hed, 'h w c -> 1 c h w')
# edge = netNetwork(image_hed)[0]
# edge = (edge.cpu().numpy() * 255.0).clip(0, 255).astype(np.uint8)
return im_keypose_out
def unload_hed_model():
global netNetwork
if netNetwork is not None: