# Prediction interface for Cog ⚙️ # https://github.com/replicate/cog/blob/main/docs/python.md import os import sys import shutil import zipfile import urllib.request from argparse import Namespace from cog import BasePredictor, Input, Path as CogPath sys.path.insert(0, os.path.abspath("src")) import main as m def download_online_model(url, dir_name): print(f"[~] Downloading voice model with name {dir_name}...") zip_name = url.split("/")[-1] extraction_folder = os.path.join(m.rvc_models_dir, dir_name) if os.path.exists(extraction_folder): print(f"Voice model directory {dir_name} already exists! Skipping download.") return if "pixeldrain.com" in url: url = f"https://pixeldrain.com/api/file/{zip_name}" urllib.request.urlretrieve(url, zip_name) print("[~] Extracting zip...") with zipfile.ZipFile(zip_name, "r") as zip_ref: for member in zip_ref.infolist(): # skip directories if member.is_dir(): continue # create target directory if it does not exist os.makedirs(extraction_folder, exist_ok=True) # extract only files directly to extraction_folder with zip_ref.open(member) as source, open( os.path.join(extraction_folder, os.path.basename(member.filename)), "wb" ) as target: shutil.copyfileobj(source, target) print(f"[+] {dir_name} Model successfully downloaded!") class Predictor(BasePredictor): def setup(self) -> None: """Load the model into memory to make running multiple predictions efficient""" pass def predict( self, song_input: CogPath = Input( description="Upload your audio file here.", default=None, ), rvc_model: str = Input( description="RVC model for a specific voice. If using a custom model, this should match the name of the downloaded model. If a 'custom_rvc_model_download_url' is provided, this will be automatically set to the name of the downloaded model.", default="Squidward", choices=[ "Squidward", "MrKrabs", "Plankton", "Drake", "Vader", "Trump", "Biden", "Obama", "Guitar", "Voilin", "CUSTOM", "SamA", # TODO REMOVE THIS ], ), custom_rvc_model_download_url: str = Input( description="URL to download a custom RVC model. If provided, the model will be downloaded (if it doesn't already exist) and used for prediction, regardless of the 'rvc_model' value.", default=None, ), pitch_change: str = Input( description="Adjust pitch of AI vocals. Options: `no-change`, `male-to-female`, `female-to-male`.", default="no-change", choices=["no-change", "male-to-female", "female-to-male"], ), index_rate: float = Input( description="Control how much of the AI's accent to leave in the vocals.", default=0.5, ge=0, le=1, ), filter_radius: int = Input( description="If >=3: apply median filtering median filtering to the harvested pitch results.", default=3, ge=0, le=7, ), rms_mix_rate: float = Input( description="Control how much to use the original vocal's loudness (0) or a fixed loudness (1).", default=0.25, ge=0, le=1, ), pitch_detection_algorithm: str = Input( description="Best option is rmvpe (clarity in vocals), then mangio-crepe (smoother vocals).", default="rmvpe", choices=["rmvpe", "mangio-crepe"], ), crepe_hop_length: int = Input( description="When `pitch_detection_algo` is set to `mangio-crepe`, this controls how often it checks for pitch changes in milliseconds. Lower values lead to longer conversions and higher risk of voice cracks, but better pitch accuracy.", default=128, ), protect: float = Input( description="Control how much of the original vocals' breath and voiceless consonants to leave in the AI vocals. Set 0.5 to disable.", default=0.33, ge=0, le=0.5, ), main_vocals_volume_change: float = Input( description="Control volume of main AI vocals. Use -3 to decrease the volume by 3 decibels, or 3 to increase the volume by 3 decibels.", default=0, ), backup_vocals_volume_change: float = Input( description="Control volume of backup AI vocals.", default=0, ), instrumental_volume_change: float = Input( description="Control volume of the background music/instrumentals.", default=0, ), pitch_change_all: float = Input( description="Change pitch/key of background music, backup vocals and AI vocals in semitones. Reduces sound quality slightly.", default=0, ), reverb_size: float = Input( description="The larger the room, the longer the reverb time.", default=0.15, ge=0, le=1, ), reverb_wetness: float = Input( description="Level of AI vocals with reverb.", default=0.2, ge=0, le=1, ), reverb_dryness: float = Input( description="Level of AI vocals without reverb.", default=0.8, ge=0, le=1, ), reverb_damping: float = Input( description="Absorption of high frequencies in the reverb.", default=0.7, ge=0, le=1, ), output_format: str = Input( description="wav for best quality and large file size, mp3 for decent quality and small file size.", default="mp3", choices=["mp3", "wav"], ), ) -> CogPath: """ Runs a single prediction on the model. Required Parameters: song_input (CogPath): Upload your audio file here. rvc_model (str): RVC model for a specific voice. Default is "Squidward". If a 'custom_rvc_model_download_url' is provided, this will be automatically set to the name of the downloaded model. pitch_change (float): Change pitch of AI vocals in octaves. Set to 0 for no change. Generally, use 1 for male to female conversions and -1 for vice-versa. Optional Parameters: custom_rvc_model_download_url (str): URL to download a custom RVC model. If provided, the model will be downloaded (if it doesn't already exist) and used for prediction, regardless of the 'rvc_model' value. Defaults to None. index_rate (float): Control how much of the AI's accent to leave in the vocals. 0 <= INDEX_RATE <= 1. Defaults to 0.5. filter_radius (int): If >=3: apply median filtering median filtering to the harvested pitch results. 0 <= FILTER_RADIUS <= 7. Defaults to 3. rms_mix_rate (float): Control how much to use the original vocal's loudness (0) or a fixed loudness (1). 0 <= RMS_MIX_RATE <= 1. Defaults to 0.25. pitch_detection_algorithm (str): Best option is rmvpe (clarity in vocals), then mangio-crepe (smoother vocals). Defaults to "rmvpe". crepe_hop_length (int): Controls how often it checks for pitch changes in milliseconds when using mangio-crepe algo specifically. Lower values leads to longer conversions and higher risk of voice cracks, but better pitch accuracy. Defaults to 128. protect (float): Control how much of the original vocals' breath and voiceless consonants to leave in the AI vocals. Set 0.5 to disable. 0 <= PROTECT <= 0.5. Defaults to 0.33. main_vocals_volume_change (float): Control volume of main AI vocals. Use -3 to decrease the volume by 3 decibels, or 3 to increase the volume by 3 decibels. Defaults to 0. backup_vocals_volume_change (float): Control volume of backup AI vocals. Defaults to 0. instrumental_volume_change (float): Control volume of the background music/instrumentals. Defaults to 0. pitch_change_all (float): Change pitch/key of background music, backup vocals and AI vocals in semitones. Reduces sound quality slightly. Defaults to 0. reverb_size (float): The larger the room, the longer the reverb time. 0 <= REVERB_SIZE <= 1. Defaults to 0.15. reverb_wetness (float): Level of AI vocals with reverb. 0 <= REVERB_WETNESS <= 1. Defaults to 0.2. reverb_dryness (float): Level of AI vocals without reverb. 0 <= REVERB_DRYNESS <= 1. Defaults to 0.8. reverb_damping (float): Absorption of high frequencies in the reverb. 0 <= REVERB_DAMPING <= 1. Defaults to 0.7. output_format (str): wav for best quality and large file size, mp3 for decent quality and small file size. Defaults to "mp3". Returns: CogPath: The output path of the generated audio file. """ if custom_rvc_model_download_url: custom_rvc_model_download_name = urllib.parse.unquote( custom_rvc_model_download_url.split("/")[-1] ) custom_rvc_model_download_name = os.path.splitext( custom_rvc_model_download_name )[0] print( f"[!] The model will be downloaded as '{custom_rvc_model_download_name}'." ) download_online_model( url=custom_rvc_model_download_url, dir_name=custom_rvc_model_download_name, ) rvc_model = custom_rvc_model_download_name else: print( "[!] Since URL was provided, we will try to download the model and use it (even if `rvc_model` is not set to 'CUSTOM')." ) # Convert pitch_change from string to numerical value for processing # 0 for no change, 1 for male to female, -1 for female to male if pitch_change == "no-change": pitch_change = 0 elif pitch_change == "male-to-female": pitch_change = 1 else: # pitch_change == "female-to-male" pitch_change = -1 args = Namespace( song_input=str(song_input), rvc_dirname=(model_dir_name := rvc_model), pitch_change=pitch_change, keep_files=(keep_files := False), index_rate=index_rate, filter_radius=filter_radius, rms_mix_rate=rms_mix_rate, pitch_detection_algo=pitch_detection_algorithm, crepe_hop_length=crepe_hop_length, protect=protect, main_vol=main_vocals_volume_change, backup_vol=backup_vocals_volume_change, inst_vol=instrumental_volume_change, pitch_change_all=pitch_change_all, reverb_size=reverb_size, reverb_wetness=reverb_wetness, reverb_dryness=reverb_dryness, reverb_damping=reverb_damping, output_format=output_format, ) rvc_dirname = args.rvc_dirname if not os.path.exists(os.path.join(m.rvc_models_dir, rvc_dirname)): raise Exception( f"The folder {os.path.join(m.rvc_models_dir, rvc_dirname)} does not exist." ) cover_path = m.song_cover_pipeline( args.song_input, rvc_dirname, args.pitch_change, args.keep_files, main_gain=args.main_vol, backup_gain=args.backup_vol, inst_gain=args.inst_vol, index_rate=args.index_rate, filter_radius=args.filter_radius, rms_mix_rate=args.rms_mix_rate, f0_method=args.pitch_detection_algo, crepe_hop_length=args.crepe_hop_length, protect=args.protect, pitch_change_all=args.pitch_change_all, reverb_rm_size=args.reverb_size, reverb_wet=args.reverb_wetness, reverb_dry=args.reverb_dryness, reverb_damping=args.reverb_damping, output_format=args.output_format, ) print(f"[+] Cover generated at {cover_path}") # Return the output path return CogPath(cover_path)