from model import CFM, UNetT, DiT, MMDiT, Trainer
from model.utils import get_tokenizer
from model.dataset import load_dataset

# -------------------------- Dataset Settings --------------------------- #

target_sample_rate = 24000
n_mel_channels = 100
hop_length = 256

tokenizer = "pinyin" # 'pinyin', 'char', or 'custom'
tokenizer_path = None # if tokenizer = 'custom', define the path to the tokenizer you want to use (should be vocab.txt)
dataset_name = "Emilia_ZH_EN"

# -------------------------- Training Settings -------------------------- #

exp_name = "F5TTS_Base"  # F5TTS_Base | E2TTS_Base

learning_rate = 7.5e-5

batch_size_per_gpu = 38400  # 8 GPUs, 8 * 38400 = 307200
batch_size_type = "frame"  # "frame" or "sample"
max_samples = 64  # max sequences per batch if use frame-wise batch_size. we set 32 for small models, 64 for base models
grad_accumulation_steps = 1  # note: updates = steps / grad_accumulation_steps
max_grad_norm = 1.

epochs = 11  # use linear decay, thus epochs control the slope
num_warmup_updates = 20000  # warmup steps
save_per_updates = 50000  # save checkpoint per steps
last_per_steps = 5000  # save last checkpoint per steps

# model params
if exp_name == "F5TTS_Base":
    wandb_resume_id = None
    model_cls = DiT
    model_cfg = dict(dim = 1024, depth = 22, heads = 16, ff_mult = 2, text_dim = 512, conv_layers = 4)
elif exp_name == "E2TTS_Base":
    wandb_resume_id = None
    model_cls = UNetT
    model_cfg = dict(dim = 1024, depth = 24, heads = 16, ff_mult = 4)

# ----------------------------------------------------------------------- #

def main():
    if tokenizer == "custom":
        tokenizer_path = tokenizer_path
        tokenizer_path = dataset_name
    vocab_char_map, vocab_size = get_tokenizer(tokenizer_path, tokenizer)

    mel_spec_kwargs = dict(
            target_sample_rate = target_sample_rate, 
            n_mel_channels = n_mel_channels,
            hop_length = hop_length,
    e2tts = CFM(
        transformer = model_cls(
            text_num_embeds = vocab_size, 
            mel_dim = n_mel_channels
        mel_spec_kwargs = mel_spec_kwargs,
        vocab_char_map = vocab_char_map,

    trainer = Trainer(
        num_warmup_updates = num_warmup_updates,
        save_per_updates = save_per_updates, 
        checkpoint_path = f'ckpts/{exp_name}',
        batch_size = batch_size_per_gpu, 
        batch_size_type = batch_size_type,
        max_samples = max_samples,
        grad_accumulation_steps = grad_accumulation_steps,
        max_grad_norm = max_grad_norm,
        wandb_project = "CFM-TTS",
        wandb_run_name = exp_name,
        wandb_resume_id = wandb_resume_id,
        last_per_steps = last_per_steps,

    train_dataset = load_dataset(dataset_name, tokenizer, mel_spec_kwargs=mel_spec_kwargs)
                  resumable_with_seed = 666 # seed for shuffling dataset

if __name__ == '__main__':