import logging
import warnings
from concurrent.futures import ThreadPoolExecutor
from datetime import datetime, timezone
from decimal import Decimal
from functools import cached_property
from itertools import cycle, islice
from threading import Event
from types import TracebackType
from typing import Dict, List, Optional, Tuple, Type, Union, cast

import pyreqwest_impersonate as pri  # type: ignore

    from lxml.etree import _Element
    from lxml.html import HTMLParser as LHTMLParser
    from lxml.html import document_fromstring

except ImportError:

from .exceptions import WebscoutE, RatelimitE, TimeoutE
from .utils import (

logger = logging.getLogger("webscout.WEBS")

class WebscoutE(Exception):
    """Base exception class for search."""

class RatelimitE(Exception):
    """Raised for rate limit exceeded errors during API requests."""

class TimeoutE(Exception):
    """Raised for timeout errors during API requests."""
class FailedToGenerateResponseError(Exception):
    """Provider failed to fetch response"""
class AllProvidersFailure(Exception):
    """None of the providers generated response successfully"""

class WEBS:
    """webscout class to get search results from"""

    _executor: ThreadPoolExecutor = ThreadPoolExecutor()

    def __init__(
        headers: Optional[Dict[str, str]] = None,
        proxy: Optional[str] = None,
        proxies: Union[Dict[str, str], str, None] = None,  # deprecated
        timeout: Optional[int] = 10,
    ) -> None:
        """Initialize the WEBS object.

            headers (dict, optional): Dictionary of headers for the HTTP client. Defaults to None.
            proxy (str, optional): proxy for the HTTP client, supports http/https/socks5 protocols.
                example: "". Defaults to None.
            timeout (int, optional): Timeout value for the HTTP client. Defaults to 10.
        self.proxy: Optional[str] = proxy
        assert self.proxy is None or isinstance(self.proxy, str), "proxy must be a str"
        if not proxy and proxies:
            warnings.warn("'proxies' is deprecated, use 'proxy' instead.", stacklevel=1)
            self.proxy = proxies.get("http") or proxies.get("https") if isinstance(proxies, dict) else proxies
        self.headers = headers if headers else {}
        self.headers["Referer"] = ""
        self.client = pri.Client(
        self._exception_event = Event()
        self._chat_messages: List[Dict[str, str]] = []
        self._chat_vqd: str = ""

    def __enter__(self) -> "WEBS":
        return self

    def __exit__(
        exc_type: Optional[Type[BaseException]] = None,
        exc_val: Optional[BaseException] = None,
        exc_tb: Optional[TracebackType] = None,
    ) -> None:

    def parser(self) -> "LHTMLParser":
        """Get HTML parser."""
        return LHTMLParser(remove_blank_text=True, remove_comments=True, remove_pis=True, collect_ids=False)

    def _get_url(
        method: str,
        url: str,
        params: Optional[Dict[str, str]] = None,
        content: Optional[bytes] = None,
        data: Optional[Union[Dict[str, str], bytes]] = None,
    ) -> bytes:
        if self._exception_event.is_set():
            raise WebscoutE("Exception occurred in previous call.")
            resp = self.client.request(method, url, params=params, content=content, data=data)
        except Exception as ex:
            if "time" in str(ex).lower():
                raise TimeoutE(f"{url} {type(ex).__name__}: {ex}") from ex
            raise WebscoutE(f"{url} {type(ex).__name__}: {ex}") from ex
        logger.debug(f"_get_url() {resp.url} {resp.status_code} {len(resp.content)}")
        if resp.status_code == 200:
            return cast(bytes, resp.content)
        if resp.status_code in (202, 301, 403):
            raise RatelimitE(f"{resp.url} {resp.status_code} Ratelimit")
        raise WebscoutE(f"{resp.url} return None. {params=} {content=} {data=}")

    def _get_vqd(self, keywords: str) -> str:
        """Get vqd value for a search query."""
        resp_content = self._get_url("POST", "", data={"q": keywords})
        return _extract_vqd(resp_content, keywords)

    def chat(self, keywords: str, model: str = "gpt-3.5") -> str:
        """Initiates a chat session with DuckDuckGo AI.

            keywords (str): The initial message or question to send to the AI.
            model (str): The model to use: "gpt-3.5", "claude-3-haiku", "llama-3-70b", "mixtral-8x7b".
                Defaults to "gpt-3.5".

            str: The response from the AI.
        models = {
            "claude-3-haiku": "claude-3-haiku-20240307",
            "gpt-3.5": "gpt-3.5-turbo-0125",
            "llama-3-70b": "meta-llama/Llama-3-70b-chat-hf",
            "mixtral-8x7b": "mistralai/Mixtral-8x7B-Instruct-v0.1",
        # vqd
        if not self._chat_vqd:
            resp = self.client.get("", headers={"x-vqd-accept": "1"})
            self._chat_vqd = resp.headers.get("x-vqd-4", "")

        self._chat_messages.append({"role": "user", "content": keywords})

        json_data = {
            "model": models[model],
            "messages": self._chat_messages,
        resp =
            "", headers={"x-vqd-4": self._chat_vqd}, json=json_data
        self._chat_vqd = resp.headers.get("x-vqd-4", "")

        messages = []
        for line in resp.text.replace("data: ", "").replace("[DONE]", "").split("\n\n"):
            x = line.strip()
            if x:
                j = json_loads(x)
                message = j.get("message", "")
        result = "".join(messages)
        self._chat_messages.append({"role": "assistant", "content": result})
        return result

    def text(
        keywords: str,
        region: str = "wt-wt",
        safesearch: str = "moderate",
        timelimit: Optional[str] = None,
        backend: str = "api",
        max_results: Optional[int] = None,
    ) -> List[Dict[str, str]]:
        """DuckDuckGo text search. Query params:

            keywords: keywords for query.
            region: wt-wt, us-en, uk-en, ru-ru, etc. Defaults to "wt-wt".
            safesearch: on, moderate, off. Defaults to "moderate".
            timelimit: d, w, m, y. Defaults to None.
            backend: api, html, lite. Defaults to api.
                api - collect data from,
                html - collect data from,
                lite - collect data from
            max_results: max number of results. If None, returns results only from the first response. Defaults to None.

            List of dictionaries with search results, or None if there was an error.

            WebscoutE: Base exception for webscout errors.
            RatelimitE: Inherits from WebscoutE, raised for exceeding API request rate limits.
            TimeoutE: Inherits from WebscoutE, raised for API request timeouts.
        if LXML_AVAILABLE is False and backend != "api":
            backend = "api"
            warnings.warn("lxml is not installed. Using backend='api'.", stacklevel=2)

        if backend == "api":
            results = self._text_api(keywords, region, safesearch, timelimit, max_results)
        elif backend == "html":
            results = self._text_html(keywords, region, timelimit, max_results)
        elif backend == "lite":
            results = self._text_lite(keywords, region, timelimit, max_results)
        return results

    def _text_api(
        keywords: str,
        region: str = "wt-wt",
        safesearch: str = "moderate",
        timelimit: Optional[str] = None,
        max_results: Optional[int] = None,
    ) -> List[Dict[str, str]]:
        """DuckDuckGo text search. Query params:

            keywords: keywords for query.
            region: wt-wt, us-en, uk-en, ru-ru, etc. Defaults to "wt-wt".
            safesearch: on, moderate, off. Defaults to "moderate".
            timelimit: d, w, m, y. Defaults to None.
            max_results: max number of results. If None, returns results only from the first response. Defaults to None.

            List of dictionaries with search results.

            WebscoutE: Base exception for webscout errors.
            RatelimitE: Inherits from WebscoutE, raised for exceeding API request rate limits.
            TimeoutE: Inherits from WebscoutE, raised for API request timeouts.
        assert keywords, "keywords is mandatory"

        vqd = self._get_vqd(keywords)

        payload = {
            "q": keywords,
            "kl": region,
            "l": region,
            "p": "",
            "s": "0",
            "df": "",
            "vqd": vqd,
            "bing_market": f"{region[3:]}-{region[:2].upper()}",
            "ex": "",
        safesearch = safesearch.lower()
        if safesearch == "moderate":
            payload["ex"] = "-1"
        elif safesearch == "off":
            payload["ex"] = "-2"
        elif safesearch == "on":  # strict
            payload["p"] = "1"
        if timelimit:
            payload["df"] = timelimit

        cache = set()
        results: List[Dict[str, str]] = []

        def _text_api_page(s: int) -> List[Dict[str, str]]:
            payload["s"] = f"{s}"
            resp_content = self._get_url("GET", "", params=payload)
            page_data = _text_extract_json(resp_content, keywords)
            page_results = []
            for row in page_data:
                href = row.get("u", None)
                if href and href not in cache and href != f"{keywords}":
                    body = _normalize(row["a"])
                    if body:
                        result = {
                            "title": _normalize(row["t"]),
                            "href": _normalize_url(href),
                            "body": body,
            return page_results

        slist = [0]
        if max_results:
            max_results = min(max_results, 2023)
            slist.extend(range(23, max_results, 50))
            for r in, slist):
        except Exception as e:
            raise e

        return list(islice(results, max_results))

    def _text_html(
        keywords: str,
        region: str = "wt-wt",
        timelimit: Optional[str] = None,
        max_results: Optional[int] = None,
    ) -> List[Dict[str, str]]:
        """DuckDuckGo text search. Query params:

            keywords: keywords for query.
            region: wt-wt, us-en, uk-en, ru-ru, etc. Defaults to "wt-wt".
            timelimit: d, w, m, y. Defaults to None.
            max_results: max number of results. If None, returns results only from the first response. Defaults to None.

            List of dictionaries with search results.

            WebscoutE: Base exception for webscout errors.
            RatelimitE: Inherits from WebscoutE, raised for exceeding API request rate limits.
            TimeoutE: Inherits from WebscoutE, raised for API request timeouts.
        assert keywords, "keywords is mandatory"

        payload = {
            "q": keywords,
            "s": "0",
            "o": "json",
            "api": "d.js",
            "vqd": "",
            "kl": region,
            "bing_market": region,
        if timelimit:
            payload["df"] = timelimit
        if max_results and max_results > 20:
            vqd = self._get_vqd(keywords)
            payload["vqd"] = vqd

        cache = set()
        results: List[Dict[str, str]] = []

        def _text_html_page(s: int) -> List[Dict[str, str]]:
            payload["s"] = f"{s}"
            resp_content = self._get_url("POST", "", data=payload)
            if b"No  results." in resp_content:
                return []

            page_results = []
            tree = document_fromstring(resp_content, self.parser)
            elements = tree.xpath("//div[h2]")
            if not isinstance(elements, List):
                return []
            for e in elements:
                if isinstance(e, _Element):
                    hrefxpath = e.xpath("./a/@href")
                    href = str(hrefxpath[0]) if isinstance(hrefxpath, List) else None
                    if (
                        and href not in cache
                        and not href.startswith(
                            ("", "")
                        titlexpath = e.xpath("./h2/a/text()")
                        title = str(titlexpath[0]) if isinstance(titlexpath, List) else ""
                        bodyxpath = e.xpath("./a//text()")
                        body = "".join(str(x) for x in bodyxpath) if isinstance(bodyxpath, List) else ""
                        result = {
                            "title": _normalize(title),
                            "href": _normalize_url(href),
                            "body": _normalize(body),
            return page_results

        slist = [0]
        if max_results:
            max_results = min(max_results, 2023)
            slist.extend(range(23, max_results, 50))
            for r in, slist):
        except Exception as e:
            raise e

        return list(islice(results, max_results))

    def _text_lite(
        keywords: str,
        region: str = "wt-wt",
        timelimit: Optional[str] = None,
        max_results: Optional[int] = None,
    ) -> List[Dict[str, str]]:
        """DuckDuckGo text search. Query params:

            keywords: keywords for query.
            region: wt-wt, us-en, uk-en, ru-ru, etc. Defaults to "wt-wt".
            timelimit: d, w, m, y. Defaults to None.
            max_results: max number of results. If None, returns results only from the first response. Defaults to None.

            List of dictionaries with search results.

            WebscoutE: Base exception for webscout errors.
            RatelimitE: Inherits from WebscoutE, raised for exceeding API request rate limits.
            TimeoutE: Inherits from WebscoutE, raised for API request timeouts.
        assert keywords, "keywords is mandatory"

        payload = {
            "q": keywords,
            "s": "0",
            "o": "json",
            "api": "d.js",
            "vqd": "",
            "kl": region,
            "bing_market": region,
        if timelimit:
            payload["df"] = timelimit

        cache = set()
        results: List[Dict[str, str]] = []

        def _text_lite_page(s: int) -> List[Dict[str, str]]:
            payload["s"] = f"{s}"
            resp_content = self._get_url("POST", "", data=payload)
            if b"No more results." in resp_content:
                return []

            page_results = []
            tree = document_fromstring(resp_content, self.parser)
            elements = tree.xpath("//table[last()]//tr")
            if not isinstance(elements, List):
                return []

            data = zip(cycle(range(1, 5)), elements)
            for i, e in data:
                if isinstance(e, _Element):
                    if i == 1:
                        hrefxpath = e.xpath(".//a//@href")
                        href = str(hrefxpath[0]) if hrefxpath and isinstance(hrefxpath, List) else None
                        if (
                            href is None
                            or href in cache
                            or href.startswith(
                                ("", "")
                            [next(data, None) for _ in range(3)]  # skip block(i=1,2,3,4)
                            titlexpath = e.xpath(".//a//text()")
                            title = str(titlexpath[0]) if isinstance(titlexpath, List) else ""
                    elif i == 2:
                        bodyxpath = e.xpath(".//td[@class='result-snippet']//text()")
                        body = "".join(str(x) for x in bodyxpath) if isinstance(bodyxpath, List) else ""
                        if href:
                            result = {
                                "title": _normalize(title),
                                "href": _normalize_url(href),
                                "body": _normalize(body),
            return page_results

        slist = [0]
        if max_results:
            max_results = min(max_results, 2023)
            slist.extend(range(23, max_results, 50))
            for r in, slist):
        except Exception as e:
            raise e

        return list(islice(results, max_results))

    def images(
        keywords: str,
        region: str = "wt-wt",
        safesearch: str = "moderate",
        timelimit: Optional[str] = None,
        size: Optional[str] = None,
        color: Optional[str] = None,
        type_image: Optional[str] = None,
        layout: Optional[str] = None,
        license_image: Optional[str] = None,
        max_results: Optional[int] = None,
    ) -> List[Dict[str, str]]:
        """DuckDuckGo images search. Query params:

            keywords: keywords for query.
            region: wt-wt, us-en, uk-en, ru-ru, etc. Defaults to "wt-wt".
            safesearch: on, moderate, off. Defaults to "moderate".
            timelimit: Day, Week, Month, Year. Defaults to None.
            size: Small, Medium, Large, Wallpaper. Defaults to None.
            color: color, Monochrome, Red, Orange, Yellow, Green, Blue,
                Purple, Pink, Brown, Black, Gray, Teal, White. Defaults to None.
            type_image: photo, clipart, gif, transparent, line.
                Defaults to None.
            layout: Square, Tall, Wide. Defaults to None.
            license_image: any (All Creative Commons), Public (PublicDomain),
                Share (Free to Share and Use), ShareCommercially (Free to Share and Use Commercially),
                Modify (Free to Modify, Share, and Use), ModifyCommercially (Free to Modify, Share, and
                Use Commercially). Defaults to None.
            max_results: max number of results. If None, returns results only from the first response. Defaults to None.

            List of dictionaries with images search results.

            WebscoutE: Base exception for webscout errors.
            RatelimitE: Inherits from WebscoutE, raised for exceeding API request rate limits.
            TimeoutE: Inherits from WebscoutE, raised for API request timeouts.
        assert keywords, "keywords is mandatory"

        vqd = self._get_vqd(keywords)

        safesearch_base = {"on": "1", "moderate": "1", "off": "-1"}
        timelimit = f"time:{timelimit}" if timelimit else ""
        size = f"size:{size}" if size else ""
        color = f"color:{color}" if color else ""
        type_image = f"type:{type_image}" if type_image else ""
        layout = f"layout:{layout}" if layout else ""
        license_image = f"license:{license_image}" if license_image else ""
        payload = {
            "l": region,
            "o": "json",
            "q": keywords,
            "vqd": vqd,
            "f": f"{timelimit},{size},{color},{type_image},{layout},{license_image}",
            "p": safesearch_base[safesearch.lower()],

        cache = set()
        results: List[Dict[str, str]] = []

        def _images_page(s: int) -> List[Dict[str, str]]:
            payload["s"] = f"{s}"
            resp_content = self._get_url("GET", "", params=payload)
            resp_json = json_loads(resp_content)

            page_data = resp_json.get("results", [])
            page_results = []
            for row in page_data:
                image_url = row.get("image")
                if image_url and image_url not in cache:
                    result = {
                        "title": row["title"],
                        "image": _normalize_url(image_url),
                        "thumbnail": _normalize_url(row["thumbnail"]),
                        "url": _normalize_url(row["url"]),
                        "height": row["height"],
                        "width": row["width"],
                        "source": row["source"],
            return page_results

        slist = [0]
        if max_results:
            max_results = min(max_results, 500)
            slist.extend(range(100, max_results, 100))
            for r in, slist):
        except Exception as e:
            raise e

        return list(islice(results, max_results))

    def videos(
        keywords: str,
        region: str = "wt-wt",
        safesearch: str = "moderate",
        timelimit: Optional[str] = None,
        resolution: Optional[str] = None,
        duration: Optional[str] = None,
        license_videos: Optional[str] = None,
        max_results: Optional[int] = None,
    ) -> List[Dict[str, str]]:
        """DuckDuckGo videos search. Query params:

            keywords: keywords for query.
            region: wt-wt, us-en, uk-en, ru-ru, etc. Defaults to "wt-wt".
            safesearch: on, moderate, off. Defaults to "moderate".
            timelimit: d, w, m. Defaults to None.
            resolution: high, standart. Defaults to None.
            duration: short, medium, long. Defaults to None.
            license_videos: creativeCommon, youtube. Defaults to None.
            max_results: max number of results. If None, returns results only from the first response. Defaults to None.

            List of dictionaries with videos search results.

            WebscoutE: Base exception for webscout errors.
            RatelimitE: Inherits from WebscoutE, raised for exceeding API request rate limits.
            TimeoutE: Inherits from WebscoutE, raised for API request timeouts.
        assert keywords, "keywords is mandatory"

        vqd = self._get_vqd(keywords)

        safesearch_base = {"on": "1", "moderate": "-1", "off": "-2"}
        timelimit = f"publishedAfter:{timelimit}" if timelimit else ""
        resolution = f"videoDefinition:{resolution}" if resolution else ""
        duration = f"videoDuration:{duration}" if duration else ""
        license_videos = f"videoLicense:{license_videos}" if license_videos else ""
        payload = {
            "l": region,
            "o": "json",
            "q": keywords,
            "vqd": vqd,
            "f": f"{timelimit},{resolution},{duration},{license_videos}",
            "p": safesearch_base[safesearch.lower()],

        cache = set()
        results: List[Dict[str, str]] = []

        def _videos_page(s: int) -> List[Dict[str, str]]:
            payload["s"] = f"{s}"
            resp_content = self._get_url("GET", "", params=payload)
            resp_json = json_loads(resp_content)

            page_data = resp_json.get("results", [])
            page_results = []
            for row in page_data:
                if row["content"] not in cache:
            return page_results

        slist = [0]
        if max_results:
            max_results = min(max_results, 400)
            slist.extend(range(60, max_results, 60))
            for r in, slist):
        except Exception as e:
            raise e

        return list(islice(results, max_results))

    def news(
        keywords: str,
        region: str = "wt-wt",
        safesearch: str = "moderate",
        timelimit: Optional[str] = None,
        max_results: Optional[int] = None,
    ) -> List[Dict[str, str]]:
        """DuckDuckGo news search. Query params:

            keywords: keywords for query.
            region: wt-wt, us-en, uk-en, ru-ru, etc. Defaults to "wt-wt".
            safesearch: on, moderate, off. Defaults to "moderate".
            timelimit: d, w, m. Defaults to None.
            max_results: max number of results. If None, returns results only from the first response. Defaults to None.

            List of dictionaries with news search results.

            WebscoutE: Base exception for webscout errors.
            RatelimitE: Inherits from WebscoutE, raised for exceeding API request rate limits.
            TimeoutE: Inherits from WebscoutE, raised for API request timeouts.
        assert keywords, "keywords is mandatory"

        vqd = self._get_vqd(keywords)

        safesearch_base = {"on": "1", "moderate": "-1", "off": "-2"}
        payload = {
            "l": region,
            "o": "json",
            "noamp": "1",
            "q": keywords,
            "vqd": vqd,
            "p": safesearch_base[safesearch.lower()],
        if timelimit:
            payload["df"] = timelimit

        cache = set()
        results: List[Dict[str, str]] = []

        def _news_page(s: int) -> List[Dict[str, str]]:
            payload["s"] = f"{s}"
            resp_content = self._get_url("GET", "", params=payload)
            resp_json = json_loads(resp_content)
            page_data = resp_json.get("results", [])
            page_results = []
            for row in page_data:
                if row["url"] not in cache:
                    image_url = row.get("image", None)
                    result = {
                        "date": datetime.fromtimestamp(row["date"], timezone.utc).isoformat(),
                        "title": row["title"],
                        "body": _normalize(row["excerpt"]),
                        "url": _normalize_url(row["url"]),
                        "image": _normalize_url(image_url),
                        "source": row["source"],
            return page_results

        slist = [0]
        if max_results:
            max_results = min(max_results, 120)
            slist.extend(range(30, max_results, 30))
            for r in, slist):
        except Exception as e:
            raise e

        return list(islice(results, max_results))

    def answers(self, keywords: str) -> List[Dict[str, str]]:
        """DuckDuckGo instant answers. Query params:

            keywords: keywords for query,

            List of dictionaries with instant answers results.

            WebscoutE: Base exception for webscout errors.
            RatelimitE: Inherits from WebscoutE, raised for exceeding API request rate limits.
            TimeoutE: Inherits from WebscoutE, raised for API request timeouts.
        assert keywords, "keywords is mandatory"

        payload = {
            "q": f"what is {keywords}",
            "format": "json",
        resp_content = self._get_url("GET", "", params=payload)
        page_data = json_loads(resp_content)

        results = []
        answer = page_data.get("AbstractText")
        url = page_data.get("AbstractURL")
        if answer:
                    "icon": None,
                    "text": answer,
                    "topic": None,
                    "url": url,

        # related
        payload = {
            "q": f"{keywords}",
            "format": "json",
        resp_content = self._get_url("GET", "", params=payload)
        resp_json = json_loads(resp_content)
        page_data = resp_json.get("RelatedTopics", [])

        for row in page_data:
            topic = row.get("Name")
            if not topic:
                icon = row["Icon"].get("URL")
                        "icon": f"{icon}" if icon else "",
                        "text": row["Text"],
                        "topic": None,
                        "url": row["FirstURL"],
                for subrow in row["Topics"]:
                    icon = subrow["Icon"].get("URL")
                            "icon": f"{icon}" if icon else "",
                            "text": subrow["Text"],
                            "topic": topic,
                            "url": subrow["FirstURL"],

        return results

    def suggestions(self, keywords: str, region: str = "wt-wt") -> List[Dict[str, str]]:
        """DuckDuckGo suggestions. Query params:

            keywords: keywords for query.
            region: wt-wt, us-en, uk-en, ru-ru, etc. Defaults to "wt-wt".

            List of dictionaries with suggestions results.

            WebscoutE: Base exception for webscout errors.
            RatelimitE: Inherits from WebscoutE, raised for exceeding API request rate limits.
            TimeoutE: Inherits from WebscoutE, raised for API request timeouts.
        assert keywords, "keywords is mandatory"

        payload = {
            "q": keywords,
            "kl": region,
        resp_content = self._get_url("GET", "", params=payload)
        page_data = json_loads(resp_content)
        return [r for r in page_data]

    def maps(
        keywords: str,
        place: Optional[str] = None,
        street: Optional[str] = None,
        city: Optional[str] = None,
        county: Optional[str] = None,
        state: Optional[str] = None,
        country: Optional[str] = None,
        postalcode: Optional[str] = None,
        latitude: Optional[str] = None,
        longitude: Optional[str] = None,
        radius: int = 0,
        max_results: Optional[int] = None,
    ) -> List[Dict[str, str]]:
        """DuckDuckGo maps search. Query params:

            keywords: keywords for query
            place: if set, the other parameters are not used. Defaults to None.
            street: house number/street. Defaults to None.
            city: city of search. Defaults to None.
            county: county of search. Defaults to None.
            state: state of search. Defaults to None.
            country: country of search. Defaults to None.
            postalcode: postalcode of search. Defaults to None.
            latitude: geographic coordinate (north-south position). Defaults to None.
            longitude: geographic coordinate (east-west position); if latitude and
                longitude are set, the other parameters are not used. Defaults to None.
            radius: expand the search square by the distance in kilometers. Defaults to 0.
            max_results: max number of results. If None, returns results only from the first response. Defaults to None.

            List of dictionaries with maps search results, or None if there was an error.

            WebscoutE: Base exception for webscout errors.
            RatelimitE: Inherits from WebscoutE, raised for exceeding API request rate limits.
            TimeoutE: Inherits from WebscoutE, raised for API request timeouts.
        assert keywords, "keywords is mandatory"

        vqd = self._get_vqd(keywords)

        # if longitude and latitude are specified, skip the request about bbox to the nominatim api
        if latitude and longitude:
            lat_t = Decimal(latitude.replace(",", "."))
            lat_b = Decimal(latitude.replace(",", "."))
            lon_l = Decimal(longitude.replace(",", "."))
            lon_r = Decimal(longitude.replace(",", "."))
            if radius == 0:
                radius = 1
        # otherwise request about bbox to nominatim api
            if place:
                params = {
                    "q": place,
                    "polygon_geojson": "0",
                    "format": "jsonv2",
                params = {
                    "polygon_geojson": "0",
                    "format": "jsonv2",
                if street:
                    params["street"] = street
                if city:
                    params["city"] = city
                if county:
                    params["county"] = county
                if state:
                    params["state"] = state
                if country:
                    params["country"] = country
                if postalcode:
                    params["postalcode"] = postalcode
            # request nominatim api to get coordinates box
            resp_content = self._get_url(
            if resp_content == b"[]":
                raise WebscoutE("maps() Coordinates are not found, check function parameters.")
            resp_json = json_loads(resp_content)
            coordinates = resp_json[0]["boundingbox"]
            lat_t, lon_l = Decimal(coordinates[1]), Decimal(coordinates[2])
            lat_b, lon_r = Decimal(coordinates[0]), Decimal(coordinates[3])

        # if a radius is specified, expand the search square
        lat_t += Decimal(radius) * Decimal(0.008983)
        lat_b -= Decimal(radius) * Decimal(0.008983)
        lon_l -= Decimal(radius) * Decimal(0.008983)
        lon_r += Decimal(radius) * Decimal(0.008983)
        logger.debug(f"bbox coordinates\n{lat_t} {lon_l}\n{lat_b} {lon_r}")

        cache = set()
        results: List[Dict[str, str]] = []

        def _maps_page(
            bbox: Tuple[Decimal, Decimal, Decimal, Decimal],
        ) -> Optional[List[Dict[str, str]]]:
            if max_results and len(results) >= max_results:
                return None
            lat_t, lon_l, lat_b, lon_r = bbox
            params = {
                "q": keywords,
                "vqd": vqd,
                "tg": "maps_places",
                "rt": "D",
                "mkexp": "b",
                "wiki_info": "1",
                "is_requery": "1",
                "bbox_tl": f"{lat_t},{lon_l}",
                "bbox_br": f"{lat_b},{lon_r}",
                "strict_bbox": "1",
            resp_content = self._get_url("GET", "", params=params)
            resp_json = json_loads(resp_content)
            page_data = resp_json.get("results", [])

            page_results = []
            for res in page_data:
                r_name = f'{res["name"]} {res["address"]}'
                if r_name in cache:
                    result = {
                        "title": res["name"],
                        "address": res["address"],
                        "country_code": res["country_code"],
                        "url": _normalize_url(res["website"]),
                        "phone": res["phone"] or "",
                        "latitude": res["coordinates"]["latitude"],
                        "longitude": res["coordinates"]["longitude"],
                        "source": _normalize_url(res["url"]),
                        "image": x.get("image", "") if (x := res["embed"]) else "",
                        "desc": x.get("description", "") if (x := res["embed"]) else "",
                        "hours": res["hours"] or "",
                        "category": res["ddg_category"] or "",
                        "facebook": f"{x}" if (x := res["facebook_id"]) else "",
                        "instagram": f"{x}" if (x := res["instagram_id"]) else "",
                        "twitter": f"{x}" if (x := res["twitter_id"]) else "",
            return page_results

        # search squares (bboxes)
        start_bbox = (lat_t, lon_l, lat_b, lon_r)
        work_bboxes = [start_bbox]
        while work_bboxes:
            queue_bboxes = []  # for next iteration, at the end of the iteration work_bboxes = queue_bboxes
            tasks = []
            for bbox in work_bboxes:
                # if distance between coordinates > 1, divide the square into 4 parts and save them in queue_bboxes
                if _calculate_distance(lat_t, lon_l, lat_b, lon_r) > 1:
                    lat_t, lon_l, lat_b, lon_r = bbox
                    lat_middle = (lat_t + lat_b) / 2
                    lon_middle = (lon_l + lon_r) / 2
                    bbox1 = (lat_t, lon_l, lat_middle, lon_middle)
                    bbox2 = (lat_t, lon_middle, lat_middle, lon_r)
                    bbox3 = (lat_middle, lon_l, lat_b, lon_middle)
                    bbox4 = (lat_middle, lon_middle, lat_b, lon_r)
                    queue_bboxes.extend([bbox1, bbox2, bbox3, bbox4])

            # gather tasks using asyncio.wait_for and timeout
            work_bboxes_results = []
                for r in, tasks):
                    if r:
            except Exception as e:
                raise e

            for x in work_bboxes_results:
                if isinstance(x, list):
                elif isinstance(x, dict):

            work_bboxes = queue_bboxes
            if not max_results or len(results) >= max_results or len(work_bboxes_results) == 0:

        return list(islice(results, max_results))

    def translate(
        self, keywords: Union[List[str], str], from_: Optional[str] = None, to: str = "en"
    ) -> List[Dict[str, str]]:
        """DuckDuckGo translate.

            keywords: string or list of strings to translate.
            from_: translate from (defaults automatically). Defaults to None.
            to: what language to translate. Defaults to "en".

            List od dictionaries with translated keywords.

            WebscoutE: Base exception for webscout errors.
            RatelimitE: Inherits from WebscoutE, raised for exceeding API request rate limits.
            TimeoutE: Inherits from WebscoutE, raised for API request timeouts.
        assert keywords, "keywords is mandatory"

        vqd = self._get_vqd("translate")

        payload = {
            "vqd": vqd,
            "query": "translate",
            "to": to,
        if from_:
            payload["from"] = from_

        def _translate_keyword(keyword: str) -> Dict[str, str]:
            resp_content = self._get_url(
            page_data: Dict[str, str] = json_loads(resp_content)
            page_data["original"] = keyword
            return page_data

        if isinstance(keywords, str):
            keywords = [keywords]

        results = []
            for r in, keywords):
        except Exception as e:
            raise e

        return results