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import streamlit as st
import hashlib
# Helper function to hash passwords
def hash_password(password):
return hashlib.sha256(str.encode(password)).hexdigest()
# Initialize session state for login and signup data
if 'logged_in' not in st.session_state:
st.session_state['logged_in'] = False
if 'users' not in st.session_state:
st.session_state['users'] = {}
# Function to handle login
def handle_login(username, password):
if username in st.session_state['users']:
hashed_password = hash_password(password)
if st.session_state['users'][username] == hashed_password:
st.session_state['logged_in'] = True
st.session_state['username'] = username
st.success(f"Successfully logged in as {username}")
st.rerun() # Redirect to the main page
st.error("Incorrect password")
st.error("Username does not exist")
# Function to handle logout
def handle_logout():
st.session_state['logged_in'] = False
st.session_state['username'] = None
st.rerun() # Rerun to show the login page
# Signup functionality
def handle_signup(username, password, confirm_password):
if username in st.session_state['users']:
st.error("Username already exists! Please choose another.")
elif password != confirm_password:
st.error("Passwords do not match!")
st.session_state['users'][username] = hash_password(password)
st.success(f"User {username} successfully signed up! You can now log in.")
def main_page():
st.title("Main Page")
st.write(f"Welcome, {st.session_state['username']}!")
# Create multiple tabs for different functionalities
tab1, tab2, tab3 = st.tabs(["Predict and Save in Blockchain", "Retrieve from Blockchain", "Logout"])
# Tab 1: Predict and Save in Blockchain
with tab1:
st.header("Predict and Save in Blockchain")
# Multiple input fields for crop data
nitrogen = st.number_input("Nitrogen (N) content in soil (mg/kg)", min_value=0, step=1)
phosphorus = st.number_input("Phosphorus (P) content in soil (mg/kg)", min_value=0, step=1)
potassium = st.number_input("Potassium (K) content in soil (mg/kg)", min_value=0, step=1)
soil_type = st.selectbox("Select Soil Type", ["Clay", "Loamy", "Sandy", "Silt"])
temperature = st.number_input("Temperature (°C)", min_value=-50.0, max_value=60.0, step=0.1)
rainfall = st.number_input("Rainfall (mm)", min_value=0.0, step=0.1)
humidity = st.number_input("Humidity (%)", min_value=0, max_value=100, step=1)
pH = st.number_input("Soil pH", min_value=0.0, max_value=14.0, step=0.1)
# Button to make predictions and save to blockchain
if st.button("Predict and Save"):
# Check if all required fields are filled
if nitrogen and phosphorus and potassium and temperature and rainfall and humidity and pH:
# Placeholder for prediction logic (can use a machine learning model here)
prediction_result = f"Best crop based on N: {nitrogen}, P: {phosphorus}, K: {potassium}, Soil Type: {soil_type}, Temp: {temperature}, Rainfall: {rainfall}, Humidity: {humidity}, pH: {pH}"
# Display the prediction
# Save the prediction result to the blockchain (replace with actual blockchain logic)
st.success("Prediction saved in the blockchain!")
st.error("Please fill out all the fields!")
# Tab 2: Retrieve from Blockchain
with tab2:
st.header("Retrieve Data from Blockchain")
if st.button("Retrieve Blockchain Data"):
# Assuming blockchain retrieval logic here
st.success("Blockchain data retrieved!")
# Display blockchain data (assuming JSON format for simplicity)
st.json({"block_1": "Sample Data", "block_2": "More Data"}) # Example data
# Tab 3: Logout
with tab3:
if st.button("Logout"):
# Define a simple logout function
def handle_logout():
st.session_state['logged_in'] = False
st.rerun() # Rerun to show the login page again
# Login/signup interface
def login_page():
st.title("Crop Recomendation")
# Tabs for login and signup
tab1, tab2 = st.tabs(["Login", "Signup"])
# Login Tab
with tab1:
login_username = st.text_input("Username", key="login_username")
login_password = st.text_input("Password", type="password", key="login_password")
if st.button("Login"):
handle_login(login_username, login_password)
# Signup Tab
with tab2:
signup_username = st.text_input("Create Username", key="signup_username")
signup_password = st.text_input("Create Password", type="password", key="signup_password")
signup_confirm_password = st.text_input("Confirm Password", type="password", key="signup_confirm_password")
if st.button("Signup"):
handle_signup(signup_username, signup_password, signup_confirm_password)
# Conditional display based on login state
if st.session_state['logged_in']:
main_page() # Show main page with logout
login_page() # Show login/signup page