import glob import torch import torchvision import matplotlib import matplotlib.pyplot as plt import numpy as np from PIL import Image # import matplotlib.use('agg') def prepare_hazy_image(file_name): img_pil = crop_image(get_image(file_name, -1)[0], d=32) return pil_to_np(img_pil) def prepare_gt_img(file_name, SOTS=True): if SOTS: img_pil = crop_image(crop_a_image(get_image(file_name, -1)[0], d=10), d=32) else: img_pil = crop_image(get_image(file_name, -1)[0], d=32) return pil_to_np(img_pil) def crop_a_image(img, d=10): bbox = [ int((d)), int((d)), int((img.size[0] - d)), int((img.size[1] - d)), ] img_cropped = img.crop(bbox) return img_cropped def crop_image(img, d=32): """ Make dimensions divisible by d :param pil img: :param d: :return: """ new_size = (img.size[0] - img.size[0] % d, img.size[1] - img.size[1] % d) bbox = [ int((img.size[0] - new_size[0]) / 2), int((img.size[1] - new_size[1]) / 2), int((img.size[0] + new_size[0]) / 2), int((img.size[1] + new_size[1]) / 2), ] img_cropped = img.crop(bbox) return img_cropped def crop_np_image(img_np, d=32): return torch_to_np(crop_torch_image(np_to_torch(img_np), d)) def crop_torch_image(img, d=32): """ Make dimensions divisible by d image is [1, 3, W, H] or [3, W, H] :param pil img: :param d: :return: """ new_size = (img.shape[-2] - img.shape[-2] % d, img.shape[-1] - img.shape[-1] % d) pad = ((img.shape[-2] - new_size[-2]) // 2, (img.shape[-1] - new_size[-1]) // 2) if len(img.shape) == 4: return img[:, :, pad[-2]: pad[-2] + new_size[-2], pad[-1]: pad[-1] + new_size[-1]] assert len(img.shape) == 3 return img[:, pad[-2]: pad[-2] + new_size[-2], pad[-1]: pad[-1] + new_size[-1]] def get_params(opt_over, net, net_input, downsampler=None): """ Returns parameters that we want to optimize over. :param opt_over: comma separated list, e.g. "net,input" or "net" :param net: network :param net_input: torch.Tensor that stores input `z` :param downsampler: :return: """ opt_over_list = opt_over.split(',') params = [] for opt in opt_over_list: if opt == 'net': params += [x for x in net.parameters()] elif opt == 'down': assert downsampler is not None params = [x for x in downsampler.parameters()] elif opt == 'input': net_input.requires_grad = True params += [net_input] else: assert False, 'what is it?' return params def get_image_grid(images_np, nrow=8): """ Creates a grid from a list of images by concatenating them. :param images_np: :param nrow: :return: """ images_torch = [torch.from_numpy(x).type(torch.FloatTensor) for x in images_np] torch_grid = torchvision.utils.make_grid(images_torch, nrow) return torch_grid.numpy() def plot_image_grid(name, images_np, interpolation='lanczos', output_path="output/"): """ Draws images in a grid Args: images_np: list of images, each image is np.array of size 3xHxW or 1xHxW nrow: how many images will be in one row interpolation: interpolation used in plt.imshow """ assert len(images_np) == 2 n_channels = max(x.shape[0] for x in images_np) assert (n_channels == 3) or (n_channels == 1), "images should have 1 or 3 channels" images_np = [x if (x.shape[0] == n_channels) else np.concatenate([x, x, x], axis=0) for x in images_np] grid = get_image_grid(images_np, 2) if images_np[0].shape[0] == 1: plt.imshow(grid[0], cmap='gray', interpolation=interpolation) else: plt.imshow(grid.transpose(1, 2, 0), interpolation=interpolation) plt.savefig(output_path + "{}.png".format(name)) def save_image_np(name, image_np, output_path="output/"): p = np_to_pil(image_np) + "{}.png".format(name)) def save_image_tensor(image_tensor, output_path="output/"): image_np = torch_to_np(image_tensor) # print(image_np.shape) p = np_to_pil(image_np) return p def video_to_images(file_name, name): video = prepare_video(file_name) for i, f in enumerate(video): save_image(name + "_{0:03d}".format(i), f) def images_to_video(images_dir, name, gray=True): num = len(glob.glob(images_dir + "/*.jpg")) c = [] for i in range(num): if gray: img = prepare_gray_image(images_dir + "/" + name + "_{}.jpg".format(i)) else: img = prepare_image(images_dir + "/" + name + "_{}.jpg".format(i)) print(img.shape) c.append(img) save_video(name, np.array(c)) def save_heatmap(name, image_np): cmap = plt.get_cmap('jet') rgba_img = cmap(image_np) rgb_img = np.delete(rgba_img, 3, 2) save_image(name, rgb_img.transpose(2, 0, 1)) def save_graph(name, graph_list, output_path="output/"): plt.clf() plt.plot(graph_list) plt.savefig(output_path + name + ".png") def create_augmentations(np_image): """ convention: original, left, upside-down, right, rot1, rot2, rot3 :param np_image: :return: """ aug = [np_image.copy(), np.rot90(np_image, 1, (1, 2)).copy(), np.rot90(np_image, 2, (1, 2)).copy(), np.rot90(np_image, 3, (1, 2)).copy()] flipped = np_image[:, ::-1, :].copy() aug += [flipped.copy(), np.rot90(flipped, 1, (1, 2)).copy(), np.rot90(flipped, 2, (1, 2)).copy(), np.rot90(flipped, 3, (1, 2)).copy()] return aug def create_video_augmentations(np_video): """ convention: original, left, upside-down, right, rot1, rot2, rot3 :param np_video: :return: """ aug = [np_video.copy(), np.rot90(np_video, 1, (2, 3)).copy(), np.rot90(np_video, 2, (2, 3)).copy(), np.rot90(np_video, 3, (2, 3)).copy()] flipped = np_video[:, :, ::-1, :].copy() aug += [flipped.copy(), np.rot90(flipped, 1, (2, 3)).copy(), np.rot90(flipped, 2, (2, 3)).copy(), np.rot90(flipped, 3, (2, 3)).copy()] return aug def save_graphs(name, graph_dict, output_path="output/"): """ :param name: :param dict graph_dict: a dict from the name of the list to the list itself. :return: """ plt.clf() fig, ax = plt.subplots() for k, v in graph_dict.items(): ax.plot(v, label=k) # ax.semilogy(v, label=k) ax.set_xlabel('iterations') # ax.set_ylabel(name) ax.set_ylabel('MSE-loss') # ax.set_ylabel('PSNR') plt.legend() plt.savefig(output_path + name + ".png") def load(path): """Load PIL image.""" img = return img def get_image(path, imsize=-1): """Load an image and resize to a cpecific size. Args: path: path to image imsize: tuple or scalar with dimensions; -1 for `no resize` """ img = load(path) if isinstance(imsize, int): imsize = (imsize, imsize) if imsize[0] != -1 and img.size != imsize: if imsize[0] > img.size[0]: img = img.resize(imsize, Image.BICUBIC) else: img = img.resize(imsize, Image.ANTIALIAS) img_np = pil_to_np(img) # 3*460*620 # print(np.shape(img_np)) return img, img_np def prepare_gt(file_name): """ loads makes it divisible :param file_name: :return: the numpy representation of the image """ img = get_image(file_name, -1) # print(img[0].size) img_pil = img[0].crop([10, 10, img[0].size[0] - 10, img[0].size[1] - 10]) img_pil = crop_image(img_pil, d=32) # img_pil = get_image(file_name, -1)[0] # print(img_pil.size) return pil_to_np(img_pil) def prepare_image(file_name): """ loads makes it divisible :param file_name: :return: the numpy representation of the image """ img = get_image(file_name, -1) # print(img[0].size) # img_pil = img[0] img_pil = crop_image(img[0], d=16) # img_pil = get_image(file_name, -1)[0] # print(img_pil.size) return pil_to_np(img_pil) # def prepare_video(file_name, folder="output/"): # data = + file_name) # return crop_torch_image(data.transpose(0, 3, 1, 2).astype(np.float32) / 255.)[:35] # # # def save_video(name, video_np, output_path="output/"): # outputdata = video_np * 255 # outputdata = outputdata.astype(np.uint8) # + "{}.mp4".format(name), outputdata.transpose(0, 2, 3, 1)) def prepare_gray_image(file_name): img = prepare_image(file_name) return np.array([np.mean(img, axis=0)]) def pil_to_np(img_PIL, with_transpose=True): """ Converts image in PIL format to np.array. From W x H x C [0...255] to C x W x H [0..1] """ ar = np.array(img_PIL) if len(ar.shape) == 3 and ar.shape[-1] == 4: ar = ar[:, :, :3] # this is alpha channel if with_transpose: if len(ar.shape) == 3: ar = ar.transpose(2, 0, 1) else: ar = ar[None, ...] return ar.astype(np.float32) / 255. def median(img_np_list): """ assumes C x W x H [0..1] :param img_np_list: :return: """ assert len(img_np_list) > 0 l = len(img_np_list) shape = img_np_list[0].shape result = np.zeros(shape) for c in range(shape[0]): for w in range(shape[1]): for h in range(shape[2]): result[c, w, h] = sorted(i[c, w, h] for i in img_np_list)[l // 2] return result def average(img_np_list): """ assumes C x W x H [0..1] :param img_np_list: :return: """ assert len(img_np_list) > 0 l = len(img_np_list) shape = img_np_list[0].shape result = np.zeros(shape) for i in img_np_list: result += i return result / l def np_to_pil(img_np): """ Converts image in np.array format to PIL image. From C x W x H [0..1] to W x H x C [0...255] :param img_np: :return: """ ar = np.clip(img_np * 255, 0, 255).astype(np.uint8) if img_np.shape[0] == 1: ar = ar[0] else: assert img_np.shape[0] == 3, img_np.shape ar = ar.transpose(1, 2, 0) return Image.fromarray(ar) def np_to_torch(img_np): """ Converts image in numpy.array to torch.Tensor. From C x W x H [0..1] to C x W x H [0..1] :param img_np: :return: """ return torch.from_numpy(img_np)[None, :] def torch_to_np(img_var): """ Converts an image in torch.Tensor format to np.array. From 1 x C x W x H [0..1] to C x W x H [0..1] :param img_var: :return: """ return img_var.detach().cpu().numpy()[0]