Browse files
@@ -50,7 +50,7 @@ def load_data(active_card):
50 |
51 |
# Columns specific to cards
52 |
card_specific_cols = {
53 |
'card1': ['FyWeek', '
54 |
'card2': ['FyWeek', 'Fy', 'State','Store','Address','Zipcode','City','Itemtype', 'Chaincode', 'Containercode', 'SalesVolume', 'UnitPrice', 'Sales'],
55 |
'card3': ['FyWeek', 'Fy', 'State','Store','Address','Zipcode','City','Itemtype', 'Chaincode', 'Containercode', 'SalesVolume', 'UnitPrice', 'Sales'] # Added for PE calculation card
56 |
@@ -82,7 +82,7 @@ def load_data(active_card):
82 |
83 |
# st.write("+++++++++++++++++++++++")
84 |
85 |
if active_card in ['card2', 'card3',
86 |
df = df.groupby(['FyWeek', 'Fy', 'Chaincode', 'Store', 'Address', 'Zipcode', 'City', 'State', 'Containercode', 'Itemtype'], observed=True).agg({
87 |
'SalesVolume': 'sum',
88 |
'UnitPrice': 'mean',
@@ -96,19 +96,13 @@ def load_data(active_card):
96 |
df['Region'] = df['State'].map(state_to_region)
97 |
98 |
return df
99 |
100 |
# st.image("bonnie.png", width=200)
101 |
# # Main interactive section
102 |
# st.title('Bonnnie Plants Price vs Sales Volume Trcaker')
103 |
104 |
# Display logo
105 |
st.image("bonnie.png", width=150) # Adjust width as needed
106 |
107 |
# Display title
108 |
st.title("Bonnie Plants Pricing & Sales Analytics Dashboard")
109 |
110 |
# Close the div for logo and title
111 |
# st.markdown('</div>', unsafe_allow_html=True)
112 |
113 |
# Initialize session state for storing which card was clicked and item type
114 |
if 'active_card' not in st.session_state:
@@ -119,60 +113,221 @@ if 'selected_item_type' not in st.session_state:
119 |
if 'selected_feature' not in st.session_state:
120 |
st.session_state['selected_feature'] = 'Chaincode' # Default to 'Chain Code'
121 |
122 |
# Card selection buttons
123 |
col1, col2, col3= st.columns(3)
124 |
# Define buttons for plot categories, update session state when clicked
125 |
with col1:
126 |
if st.button("Sales Volume Trend for Item Category"):
127 |
st.session_state['active_card'] = 'card1'
128 |
129 |
with col2:
130 |
if st.button("Sales Volume & Unit Price Correlation for Item Category and Container Code"):
131 |
st.session_state['active_card'] = 'card2'
132 |
with col3:
133 |
if st.button("PE Coefficient Calculation for Regions & Item Categories"):
134 |
st.session_state['active_card'] = 'card3'
135 |
136 |
137 |
138 |
139 |
df = load_data(st.session_state['active_card'])
140 |
time_taken = time.time() - start_time
141 |
st.write(f"Data loaded in {time_taken:.2f} seconds")
142 |
143 |
144 |
# Initialize session state for storing the selected state and feature
145 |
if 'selected_state' not in st.session_state:
146 |
st.session_state['selected_state'] = df['State'].unique()[0] # Default to the first state
147 |
148 |
############################################ CARD #1 ####################################################
149 |
if st.session_state['active_card'] == 'card1':
150 |
151 |
152 |
153 |
154 |
155 |
156 |
157 |
158 |
159 |
160 |
161 |
162 |
163 |
164 |
165 |
166 |
167 |
168 |
169 |
170 |
171 |
172 |
173 |
174 |
175 |
if st.session_state['active_card'] == 'card2':
176 |
# Dropdown to select item type (using session_state)
177 |
st.session_state['selected_item_type'] = st.selectbox(
178 |
'Select Item Type', df['Itemtype'].unique(),
@@ -279,7 +434,7 @@ if st.session_state['active_card'] == 'card3':
279 |
selected_item_type = st.selectbox("Select Item Type", item_type_options)
280 |
281 |
# Dropdown for selecting the region (multiple selection allowed)
282 |
region_options = df['Region'].unique()
283 |
selected_regions = st.multiselect("Select Region(s)", region_options, default=region_options)
284 |
285 |
# Filter data based on selected item type and selected regions
50 |
51 |
# Columns specific to cards
52 |
card_specific_cols = {
53 |
'card1': ['FyWeek', 'Fy', 'State','Store','Address','Zipcode','City','Itemtype', 'Chaincode', 'Containercode', 'SalesVolume', 'UnitPrice', 'Sales'],
54 |
'card2': ['FyWeek', 'Fy', 'State','Store','Address','Zipcode','City','Itemtype', 'Chaincode', 'Containercode', 'SalesVolume', 'UnitPrice', 'Sales'],
55 |
'card3': ['FyWeek', 'Fy', 'State','Store','Address','Zipcode','City','Itemtype', 'Chaincode', 'Containercode', 'SalesVolume', 'UnitPrice', 'Sales'] # Added for PE calculation card
56 |
82 |
83 |
# st.write("+++++++++++++++++++++++")
84 |
85 |
if active_card in ['card1','card2', 'card3',]:
86 |
df = df.groupby(['FyWeek', 'Fy', 'Chaincode', 'Store', 'Address', 'Zipcode', 'City', 'State', 'Containercode', 'Itemtype'], observed=True).agg({
87 |
'SalesVolume': 'sum',
88 |
'UnitPrice': 'mean',
96 |
df['Region'] = df['State'].map(state_to_region)
97 |
98 |
return df
99 |
100 |
# Display logo
101 |
st.image("bonnie.png", width=150) # Adjust width as needed
102 |
103 |
# Display title
104 |
st.title("Bonnie Plants Pricing & Sales Analytics Dashboard")
105 |
106 |
107 |
# Initialize session state for storing which card was clicked and item type
108 |
if 'active_card' not in st.session_state:
113 |
if 'selected_feature' not in st.session_state:
114 |
st.session_state['selected_feature'] = 'Chaincode' # Default to 'Chain Code'
115 |
116 |
# Card selection buttons with logic to reset session state on switch
117 |
col1, col2, col3 = st.columns(3)
118 |
with col1:
119 |
if st.button("Sales Volume Trend for Item Category"):
120 |
st.session_state['active_card'] = 'card1'
121 |
# Reset other selections when switching cards
122 |
st.session_state['selected_state'] = None
123 |
st.session_state['selected_chaincode'] = None
124 |
st.session_state['selected_itemtype'] = None
125 |
st.session_state['selected_containercode'] = None
126 |
127 |
with col2:
128 |
if st.button("Sales Volume & Unit Price Correlation for Item Category and Container Code"):
129 |
st.session_state['active_card'] = 'card2'
130 |
# Reset selections when switching cards
131 |
st.session_state['selected_state'] = None
132 |
st.session_state['selected_chaincode'] = None
133 |
st.session_state['selected_itemtype'] = None
134 |
st.session_state['selected_containercode'] = None
135 |
136 |
with col3:
137 |
if st.button("PE Coefficient Calculation for Regions & Item Categories"):
138 |
st.session_state['active_card'] = 'card3'
139 |
# Reset selections when switching cards
140 |
st.session_state['selected_state'] = None
141 |
st.session_state['selected_chaincode'] = None
142 |
st.session_state['selected_itemtype'] = None
143 |
st.session_state['selected_containercode'] = None
144 |
145 |
# Load data for the current card
146 |
start_time = time.time()
147 |
df = load_data(st.session_state['active_card'])
148 |
time_taken = time.time() - start_time
149 |
st.write(f"Data loaded in {time_taken:.2f} seconds")
150 |
151 |
152 |
############################################ CARD #1 ####################################################
153 |
if st.session_state['active_card'] == 'card1':
154 |
# Step 1: Sales Volume vs FyWeek for the whole dataset (no filter)
155 |
st.subheader("Total Sales Volume vs Fiscal Week")
156 |
df['FY_Week'] = df['FY'].astype(str) + '_' + df['Week'].astype(str)
157 |
# Split FY_Week again for correct sorting
158 |
if not df.empty and 'FY_Week' in df.columns:
159 |
total_sales_df = df.groupby('FY_Week', observed=True)['SalesVolume'].sum().reset_index()
160 |
total_sales_df[['FY', 'Week']] = total_sales_df['FY_Week'].str.split('_', expand=True)
161 |
total_sales_df['Week'] = total_sales_df['Week'].astype(int)
162 |
total_sales_df = total_sales_df.sort_values(by=['FY', 'Week'])
163 |
164 |
# Create a line chart using Plotly
165 |
fig = px.line(total_sales_df, x='FY_Week', y='SalesVolume',
166 |
title='Total Sales Volume vs Fiscal Week',
167 |
labels={'SalesVolume': 'Sales Volume', 'FY_Week': 'Fiscal Week'})
168 |
169 |
170 |
# Step 2: Top 3 states based on sales volume as buttons/cards
171 |
top_states = df.groupby('State', observed=True)['SalesVolume'].sum().nlargest(3).index
172 |
st.write("### Top 3 Selling States :")
173 |
col1, col2, col3 = st.columns(3)
174 |
if len(top_states) > 0 and col1.button(top_states[0]):
175 |
st.session_state['selected_state'] = top_states[0]
176 |
if len(top_states) > 1 and col2.button(top_states[1]):
177 |
st.session_state['selected_state'] = top_states[1]
178 |
if len(top_states) > 2 and col3.button(top_states[2]):
179 |
st.session_state['selected_state'] = top_states[2]
180 |
181 |
# If a state is selected, show the corresponding plot
182 |
if 'selected_state' in st.session_state and st.session_state['selected_state']:
183 |
selected_state = st.session_state['selected_state']
184 |
185 |
# Step 3: Sales volume vs FyWeek for the selected state
186 |
st.subheader(f"Sales Volume vs Fiscal Week for {selected_state}")
187 |
state_sales_df = df[df['State'] == selected_state].groupby('FY_Week', observed=True)['SalesVolume'].sum().reset_index()
188 |
189 |
if not state_sales_df.empty and 'FY_Week' in state_sales_df.columns:
190 |
state_sales_df[['FY', 'Week']] = state_sales_df['FY_Week'].str.split('_', expand=True)
191 |
state_sales_df['Week'] = state_sales_df['Week'].astype(int)
192 |
state_sales_df = state_sales_df.sort_values(by=['FY', 'Week'])
193 |
194 |
fig = px.line(state_sales_df, x='FY_Week', y='SalesVolume',
195 |
title=f'Sales Volume vs Fiscal Week in {selected_state}',
196 |
labels={'SalesVolume': 'Sales Volume', 'FY_Week': 'Fiscal Week'})
197 |
198 |
199 |
# Step 4: Top 3 chaincodes based on sales volume as buttons/cards
200 |
top_chaincodes = df[df['State'] == selected_state].groupby('Chaincode', observed=True)['SalesVolume'].sum().nlargest(3).index
201 |
st.write(f"### Top 3 selling Chaincode in {selected_state}:")
202 |
203 |
# Add a check to ensure top_chaincodes has values before accessing
204 |
col1, col2, col3 = st.columns(3)
205 |
if len(top_chaincodes) > 0 and col1.button(top_chaincodes[0]):
206 |
st.session_state['selected_chaincode'] = top_chaincodes[0]
207 |
if len(top_chaincodes) > 1 and col2.button(top_chaincodes[1]):
208 |
st.session_state['selected_chaincode'] = top_chaincodes[1]
209 |
if len(top_chaincodes) > 2 and col3.button(top_chaincodes[2]):
210 |
st.session_state['selected_chaincode'] = top_chaincodes[2]
211 |
212 |
# If a chaincode is selected, show the corresponding plot
213 |
if 'selected_chaincode' in st.session_state:
214 |
selected_chaincode = st.session_state['selected_chaincode']
215 |
216 |
# Step 5: Sales volume vs FyWeek for the selected chaincode in the selected state
217 |
st.subheader(f"Sales Volume vs Fiscal Week for {selected_chaincode} in {selected_state}")
218 |
chain_sales_df = df[(df['State'] == selected_state) & (df['Chaincode'] == selected_chaincode)].groupby('FY_Week', observed=True)['SalesVolume'].sum().reset_index()
219 |
220 |
if not chain_sales_df.empty and 'FY_Week' in chain_sales_df.columns:
221 |
chain_sales_df[['FY', 'Week']] = chain_sales_df['FY_Week'].str.split('_', expand=True)
222 |
chain_sales_df['Week'] = chain_sales_df['Week'].astype(int)
223 |
chain_sales_df = chain_sales_df.sort_values(by=['FY', 'Week'])
224 |
225 |
fig = px.line(chain_sales_df, x='FY_Week', y='SalesVolume',
226 |
title=f'Sales Volume vs Fiscal Week in {selected_chaincode}, {selected_state}',
227 |
labels={'SalesVolume': 'Sales Volume', 'FY_Week': 'Fiscal Week'})
228 |
229 |
230 |
# Step 6: Top 3 itemtypes based on sales volume as buttons/cards
231 |
top_itemtypes = df[(df['State'] == selected_state) & (df['Chaincode'] == selected_chaincode)].groupby('Itemtype', observed=True)['SalesVolume'].sum().nlargest(3).index
232 |
st.write(f"### Top Itemtype in {selected_chaincode}, {selected_state}:")
233 |
234 |
col1, col2, col3 = st.columns(3)
235 |
if len(top_itemtypes) > 0 and col1.button(top_itemtypes[0]):
236 |
st.session_state['selected_itemtype'] = top_itemtypes[0]
237 |
if len(top_itemtypes) > 1 and col2.button(top_itemtypes[1]):
238 |
st.session_state['selected_itemtype'] = top_itemtypes[1]
239 |
if len(top_itemtypes) > 2 and col3.button(top_itemtypes[2]):
240 |
st.session_state['selected_itemtype'] = top_itemtypes[2]
241 |
242 |
# If an itemtype is selected, show the corresponding dual-axis plot for Sales Volume & Unit Price
243 |
if 'selected_itemtype' in st.session_state:
244 |
selected_itemtype = st.session_state['selected_itemtype']
245 |
246 |
# Step 7: Dual-axis plot for Sales volume and UnitPrice vs FyWeek for the selected itemtype
247 |
st.subheader(f"Sales Volume & Unit Price vs Fiscal Week for {selected_itemtype} in {selected_chaincode}, {selected_state}")
248 |
item_sales_df = df[(df['State'] == selected_state) & (df['Chaincode'] == selected_chaincode) & (df['Itemtype'] == selected_itemtype)].groupby('FY_Week', observed=True).agg({
249 |
'SalesVolume': 'sum',
250 |
'UnitPrice': 'mean'
251 |
252 |
if not item_sales_df.empty and 'FY_Week' in item_sales_df.columns:
253 |
item_sales_df[['FY', 'Week']] = item_sales_df['FY_Week'].str.split('_', expand=True)
254 |
item_sales_df['Week'] = item_sales_df['Week'].astype(int)
255 |
item_sales_df = item_sales_df.sort_values(by=['FY', 'Week'])
256 |
257 |
# Dual-axis plot using Plotly Graph Objects
258 |
fig = go.Figure()
259 |
260 |
# Add SalesVolume trace
261 |
262 |
263 |
264 |
265 |
266 |
267 |
hovertemplate='SalesVolume: %{y}<br>Week-Year: %{x}'
268 |
269 |
270 |
# Add UnitPrice trace with secondary Y-axis
271 |
272 |
273 |
274 |
275 |
276 |
277 |
278 |
hovertemplate='UnitPrice: %{y}<br>Week-Year: %{x}'
279 |
280 |
281 |
# Update layout for dual axes
282 |
283 |
title=f"Sales Volume & Unit Price vs Fiscal Week in {selected_itemtype}, {selected_chaincode}, {selected_state}",
284 |
xaxis_title='Fiscal Week',
285 |
yaxis_title='Sales Volume',
286 |
yaxis2=dict(title='Unit Price', overlaying='y', side='right'),
287 |
legend=dict(x=0.9, y=1.15),
288 |
hovermode="x unified", # Show both values in a tooltip
289 |
290 |
margin=dict(l=50, r=50, t=50, b=50)
291 |
292 |
293 |
# Rotate X-axis labels
294 |
295 |
296 |
# Display the Plotly figure in Streamlit
297 |
st.plotly_chart(fig, use_container_width=True)
298 |
# Step 8: Display Top/Bottom Container Codes and Stores
299 |
st.subheader("Top & Bottom 3 Container Codes and Stores")
300 |
301 |
# Get top and bottom 3 container codes based on SalesVolume
302 |
top_containercodes = df[(df['State'] == selected_state) & (df['Chaincode'] == selected_chaincode) & (df['Itemtype'] == selected_itemtype)].groupby('Containercode', observed=True)['SalesVolume'].sum().nlargest(3).reset_index()
303 |
bottom_containercodes = df[(df['State'] == selected_state) & (df['Chaincode'] == selected_chaincode) & (df['Itemtype'] == selected_itemtype)].groupby('Containercode', observed=True)['SalesVolume'].sum().nsmallest(3).reset_index()
304 |
305 |
# Get top and bottom 3 stores based on SalesVolume
306 |
top_stores = df[(df['State'] == selected_state) & (df['Chaincode'] == selected_chaincode) & (df['Itemtype'] == selected_itemtype)].groupby('Store', observed=True)['SalesVolume'].sum().nlargest(3).reset_index()
307 |
bottom_stores = df[(df['State'] == selected_state) & (df['Chaincode'] == selected_chaincode) & (df['Itemtype'] == selected_itemtype)].groupby('Store', observed=True)['SalesVolume'].sum().nsmallest(3).reset_index()
308 |
309 |
# Create a table with the top and bottom container codes and stores
310 |
st.write("### Top 3 Container Codes:")
311 |
312 |
313 |
st.write("### Bottom 3 Container Codes:")
314 |
315 |
316 |
st.write("### Top 3 Stores:")
317 |
318 |
319 |
st.write("### Bottom 3 Stores:")
320 |
321 |
322 |
323 |
324 |
########################################### CARD #2 ####################################################
325 |
if st.session_state['active_card'] == 'card2':
326 |
# Identify the top 10 Itemtypes based on total SalesVolume
327 |
top_10_itemtypes = df.groupby('Itemtype')['SalesVolume'].sum().nlargest(10).index
328 |
329 |
# Filter the DataFrame to include only the top 10 Itemtypes
330 |
df = df[df['Itemtype'].isin(top_10_itemtypes)]
331 |
# Dropdown to select item type (using session_state)
332 |
st.session_state['selected_item_type'] = st.selectbox(
333 |
'Select Item Type', df['Itemtype'].unique(),
434 |
selected_item_type = st.selectbox("Select Item Type", item_type_options)
435 |
436 |
# Dropdown for selecting the region (multiple selection allowed)
437 |
region_options = df['Region'].dropna().unique()
438 |
selected_regions = st.multiselect("Select Region(s)", region_options, default=region_options)
439 |
440 |
# Filter data based on selected item type and selected regions