Browse files
@@ -11,7 +11,30 @@ from datetime import datetime, timedelta
11 |
import warnings
12 |
import time
13 |
import dask.dataframe as dd
14 |
15 |
16 |
def date_from_week(year, week):
17 |
# Assuming the fiscal year starts in August and the week starts from August 1st
@@ -29,6 +52,7 @@ def load_data(active_card):
29 |
card_specific_cols = {
30 |
'card1': ['FyWeek', 'State', 'Itemtype', 'Chaincode', 'SalesVolume'],
31 |
'card2': ['FyWeek', 'Fy', 'State','Store','Address','Zipcode','City','Itemtype', 'Chaincode', 'Containercode', 'SalesVolume', 'UnitPrice', 'Sales'],
32 |
33 |
34 |
# Choose columns based on the active card
@@ -57,7 +81,7 @@ def load_data(active_card):
57 |
df = ddf.compute()
58 |
59 |
60 |
if active_card in ['card2']:
61 |
df = df.groupby(['FyWeek', 'Fy', 'Chaincode', 'Store', 'Address', 'Zipcode', 'City', 'State', 'Containercode', 'Itemtype'], observed=True).agg({
62 |
'SalesVolume': 'sum',
63 |
'UnitPrice': 'mean',
@@ -68,6 +92,9 @@ def load_data(active_card):
68 |
df['Year'] = df['FY'].str[2:].astype(int) # Extract year part and convert to int
69 |
df['Dt'] = date_from_week(df['Year'], df['Week'])
70 |
71 |
# st.write(df.columns)
72 |
return df
73 |
@@ -75,10 +102,9 @@ def load_data(active_card):
75 |
st.image("bonnie.png", width=150) # Adjust width as needed
76 |
77 |
# Display title
78 |
st.title("Bonnie Plants Pricing & Sales Analytics Dashboard")
79 |
80 |
# Close the div for logo and title
81 |
st.markdown('</div>', unsafe_allow_html=True)
82 |
83 |
# Initialize session state for storing which card was clicked and item type
84 |
if 'active_card' not in st.session_state:
@@ -90,7 +116,7 @@ if 'selected_feature' not in st.session_state:
90 |
st.session_state['selected_feature'] = 'Chaincode' # Default to 'Chain Code'
91 |
92 |
# Card selection buttons
93 |
col1, col2 = st.columns(
94 |
# Define buttons for plot categories, update session state when clicked
95 |
with col1:
96 |
if st.button("Sales Volume Trend for Item Category"):
@@ -99,7 +125,10 @@ with col1:
99 |
with col2:
100 |
if st.button("Sales Volume & Unit Price Correlation for Item Category and Container Code"):
101 |
st.session_state['active_card'] = 'card2'
102 |
103 |
104 |
# st.write(st.session_state['active_card'])
105 |
df = load_data(st.session_state['active_card'])
@@ -246,3 +275,58 @@ if st.session_state['active_card'] == 'card2':
246 |
247 |
248 |
11 |
import warnings
12 |
import time
13 |
import dask.dataframe as dd
14 |
state_to_region = {
15 |
16 |
'AK': 'WEST', 'CA': 'WEST', 'CO': 'WEST', 'HI': 'WEST', 'ID': 'WEST',
17 |
'MT': 'WEST', 'NV': 'WEST', 'OR': 'WEST', 'UT': 'WEST', 'WA': 'WEST', 'WY': 'WEST',
18 |
19 |
20 |
21 |
22 |
23 |
24 |
25 |
26 |
27 |
28 |
29 |
30 |
31 |
32 |
33 |
34 |
35 |
36 |
37 |
38 |
39 |
def date_from_week(year, week):
40 |
# Assuming the fiscal year starts in August and the week starts from August 1st
52 |
card_specific_cols = {
53 |
'card1': ['FyWeek', 'State', 'Itemtype', 'Chaincode', 'SalesVolume'],
54 |
'card2': ['FyWeek', 'Fy', 'State','Store','Address','Zipcode','City','Itemtype', 'Chaincode', 'Containercode', 'SalesVolume', 'UnitPrice', 'Sales'],
55 |
'card3': ['FyWeek', 'Fy', 'State', 'Store', 'Itemtype', 'Chaincode', 'SalesVolume', 'UnitPrice', 'Sales'] # Added for PE calculation card
56 |
57 |
58 |
# Choose columns based on the active card
81 |
df = ddf.compute()
82 |
83 |
84 |
if active_card in ['card2','card3']:
85 |
df = df.groupby(['FyWeek', 'Fy', 'Chaincode', 'Store', 'Address', 'Zipcode', 'City', 'State', 'Containercode', 'Itemtype'], observed=True).agg({
86 |
'SalesVolume': 'sum',
87 |
'UnitPrice': 'mean',
92 |
df['Year'] = df['FY'].str[2:].astype(int) # Extract year part and convert to int
93 |
df['Dt'] = date_from_week(df['Year'], df['Week'])
94 |
95 |
# Add the region column based on state
96 |
df['Region'] = df['State'].map(state_to_region)
97 |
98 |
# st.write(df.columns)
99 |
return df
100 |
102 |
st.image("bonnie.png", width=150) # Adjust width as needed
103 |
104 |
# Display title
105 |
# st.title("Bonnie Plants Pricing & Sales Analytics Dashboard")
106 |
st.title("Price vs. Sales Volume Tracker Dashboard")
107 |
108 |
109 |
# Initialize session state for storing which card was clicked and item type
110 |
if 'active_card' not in st.session_state:
116 |
st.session_state['selected_feature'] = 'Chaincode' # Default to 'Chain Code'
117 |
118 |
# Card selection buttons
119 |
col1, col2 ,col3= st.columns(3)
120 |
# Define buttons for plot categories, update session state when clicked
121 |
with col1:
122 |
if st.button("Sales Volume Trend for Item Category"):
125 |
with col2:
126 |
if st.button("Sales Volume & Unit Price Correlation for Item Category and Container Code"):
127 |
st.session_state['active_card'] = 'card2'
128 |
with col3:
129 |
if st.button("PE Coefficient Calculation for Regions & Item Categories"):
130 |
st.session_state['active_card'] = 'card3'
131 |
132 |
133 |
# st.write(st.session_state['active_card'])
134 |
df = load_data(st.session_state['active_card'])
275 |
276 |
277 |
278 |
279 |
if st.session_state['active_card'] == 'card3':
280 |
# Dropdown for selecting the item type
281 |
item_type_options = df['Itemtype'].unique()
282 |
selected_item_type = st.selectbox("Select Item Type", item_type_options)
283 |
284 |
# Dropdown for selecting the region (multiple selection allowed)
285 |
region_options = df['Region'].unique()
286 |
selected_regions = st.multiselect("Select Region(s)", region_options, default=region_options)
287 |
288 |
# Filter data based on selected item type and selected regions
289 |
filtered_df = df[(df['Itemtype'] == selected_item_type) & (df['Region'].isin(selected_regions))]
290 |
291 |
# Group by Year, Region, Itemtype and Promo, and aggregate SalesVolume and UnitPrice
292 |
agg_df = filtered_df.groupby(['Fy', 'Region', 'Itemtype',]).agg({
293 |
'SalesVolume': 'sum',
294 |
'UnitPrice': 'mean'
295 |
296 |
297 |
# Sort values by Region, Itemtype, Fy, and Promo for YOY calculation
298 |
agg_df = agg_df.sort_values(by=['Region', 'Itemtype', 'Fy',])
299 |
300 |
# Calculate YOY percentage changes in Sales Volume and Unit Price
301 |
agg_df['SalesVolume_pct_change'] = agg_df.groupby(['Region', 'Itemtype',])['SalesVolume'].pct_change().round(3) * 100
302 |
agg_df['UnitPrice_pct_change'] = agg_df.groupby(['Region', 'Itemtype', ])['UnitPrice'].pct_change().round(3) * 100
303 |
304 |
# Calculate Price Elasticity Coefficient (PE)
305 |
agg_df['PE_Coeff'] = (agg_df['SalesVolume_pct_change'] / agg_df['UnitPrice_pct_change']).round(2)
306 |
307 |
# Exclude FY 2025 but keep FY 2021 even with NaN values
308 |
agg_df_filtered = agg_df[agg_df['Fy'] != 'FY 2025']
309 |
310 |
# Drop rows where PE_Coeff is NaN (optional)
311 |
agg_df_filtered = agg_df_filtered.dropna(subset=['PE_Coeff'])
312 |
313 |
314 |
# Plot the PE Coefficient with Plotly
315 |
fig = px.line(
316 |
317 |
318 |
y='PE_Coeff', # Differentiate between Promo and NoPromo
319 |
line_dash='Region', # Differentiate lines by Region
320 |
title=f"Price Elasticity Coefficient (PE) by Year for {selected_item_type}",
321 |
labels={'Fy': 'Fiscal Year', 'PE_Coeff': 'Price Elasticity Coefficient'},
322 |
323 |
324 |
325 |
# Customize layout and show plot
326 |
327 |
328 |
329 |
330 |
331 |
st.plotly_chart(fig, use_container_width=True)
332 |