Browse files
@@ -51,7 +51,7 @@ def load_data(active_card):
51 |
# Columns specific to cards
52 |
card_specific_cols = {
53 |
'card1': ['FyWeek', 'Fy', 'State','Store','Address','Zipcode','City','Itemtype', 'Chaincode', 'Containercode', 'SalesVolume', 'UnitPrice', 'Sales'],
54 |
'card2': ['FyWeek', 'Fy', 'State','Store','Address','Zipcode','City','Itemtype', 'Chaincode', 'Containercode', 'SalesVolume', 'UnitPrice', 'Sales'],
55 |
'card3': ['FyWeek', 'Fy', 'State','Store','Address','Zipcode','City','Itemtype', 'Chaincode', 'Containercode', 'SalesVolume', 'UnitPrice', 'Sales'] # Added for PE calculation card
56 |
57 |
@@ -114,7 +114,7 @@ if 'selected_feature' not in st.session_state:
114 |
st.session_state['selected_feature'] = 'Chaincode' # Default to 'Chain Code'
115 |
116 |
# Card selection buttons with logic to reset session state on switch
117 |
118 |
with col1:
119 |
if st.button("Sales Volume Trend"):
120 |
st.session_state['active_card'] = 'card1'
@@ -124,14 +124,14 @@ with col1:
124 |
st.session_state['selected_itemtype'] = None
125 |
st.session_state['selected_containercode'] = None
126 |
127 |
with col2:
128 |
129 |
130 |
131 |
132 |
133 |
134 |
135 |
136 |
with col3:
137 |
if st.button("Price Elasticity Coefficient Trend YoY"):
@@ -327,110 +327,110 @@ if st.session_state['active_card'] == 'card1':
327 |
328 |
329 |
########################################### CARD #2 ####################################################
330 |
if st.session_state['active_card'] == 'card2':
331 |
332 |
333 |
334 |
335 |
336 |
337 |
338 |
339 |
340 |
341 |
342 |
343 |
344 |
345 |
346 |
347 |
348 |
349 |
350 |
351 |
352 |
353 |
354 |
355 |
356 |
357 |
358 |
359 |
360 |
361 |
362 |
363 |
364 |
365 |
366 |
367 |
368 |
369 |
370 |
371 |
372 |
373 |
374 |
375 |
376 |
377 |
378 |
379 |
380 |
381 |
382 |
383 |
384 |
385 |
386 |
387 |
388 |
389 |
390 |
391 |
392 |
393 |
394 |
395 |
396 |
397 |
398 |
399 |
400 |
401 |
402 |
403 |
404 |
405 |
406 |
407 |
408 |
409 |
410 |
411 |
412 |
413 |
414 |
415 |
416 |
417 |
418 |
419 |
420 |
421 |
422 |
423 |
424 |
425 |
426 |
427 |
428 |
429 |
430 |
431 |
432 |
433 |
434 |
435 |
436 |
if st.session_state['active_card'] == 'card3':
@@ -466,6 +466,11 @@ if st.session_state['active_card'] == 'card3':
466 |
467 |
# Drop rows where PE_Coeff is NaN (optional)
468 |
agg_df_filtered = agg_df_filtered.dropna(subset=['PE_Coeff'])
469 |
470 |
471 |
# Extract values for the current and previous years from row 1 and row 2 of the dataframe
@@ -485,25 +490,53 @@ if st.session_state['active_card'] == 'card3':
485 |
# Calculate PE Coefficient
486 |
pe_coeff = sales_volume_pct / unit_price_pct
487 |
488 |
489 |
490 |
\text{{Unit Price \% Change}} = \frac{{
491 |
492 |
493 |
494 |
\text{{Sales Volume \% Change}} = \frac{{
495 |
496 |
497 |
498 |
\text{{PE Coefficient}} = \frac{{
499 |
500 |
501 |
502 |
503 |
504 |
505 |
506 |
507 |
# Plot the PE Coefficient with Plotly
508 |
fig = px.line(
509 |
51 |
# Columns specific to cards
52 |
card_specific_cols = {
53 |
'card1': ['FyWeek', 'Fy', 'State','Store','Address','Zipcode','City','Itemtype', 'Chaincode', 'Containercode', 'SalesVolume', 'UnitPrice', 'Sales'],
54 |
# 'card2': ['FyWeek', 'Fy', 'State','Store','Address','Zipcode','City','Itemtype', 'Chaincode', 'Containercode', 'SalesVolume', 'UnitPrice', 'Sales'],
55 |
'card3': ['FyWeek', 'Fy', 'State','Store','Address','Zipcode','City','Itemtype', 'Chaincode', 'Containercode', 'SalesVolume', 'UnitPrice', 'Sales'] # Added for PE calculation card
56 |
57 |
114 |
st.session_state['selected_feature'] = 'Chaincode' # Default to 'Chain Code'
115 |
116 |
# Card selection buttons with logic to reset session state on switch
117 |
col1, col3 = st.columns(2)
118 |
with col1:
119 |
if st.button("Sales Volume Trend"):
120 |
st.session_state['active_card'] = 'card1'
124 |
st.session_state['selected_itemtype'] = None
125 |
st.session_state['selected_containercode'] = None
126 |
127 |
# with col2:
128 |
# if st.button("Sales Volume vs Median Unit Price Trend"):
129 |
# st.session_state['active_card'] = 'card2'
130 |
# # Reset selections when switching cards
131 |
# st.session_state['selected_state'] = None
132 |
# st.session_state['selected_chaincode'] = None
133 |
# st.session_state['selected_itemtype'] = None
134 |
# st.session_state['selected_containercode'] = None
135 |
136 |
with col3:
137 |
if st.button("Price Elasticity Coefficient Trend YoY"):
327 |
328 |
329 |
########################################### CARD #2 ####################################################
330 |
# if st.session_state['active_card'] == 'card2':
331 |
# # Identify the top 10 Itemtypes based on total SalesVolume
332 |
# top_10_itemtypes = df.groupby('Itemtype')['SalesVolume'].sum().nlargest(10).index
333 |
334 |
# # Filter the DataFrame to include only the top 10 Itemtypes
335 |
# df = df[df['Itemtype'].isin(top_10_itemtypes)]
336 |
# # Dropdown to select item type (using session_state)
337 |
# st.session_state['selected_item_type'] = st.selectbox(
338 |
# 'Select Item Type', df['Itemtype'].unique(),
339 |
# index=list(df['Itemtype'].unique()).index(st.session_state['selected_item_type']))
340 |
341 |
# # Dropdown to select the grouping category (container code, chain code, or state)
342 |
# group_by_option = st.selectbox('Group by', ['Containercode', 'Chaincode', 'State','Region'])
343 |
344 |
# # Multi-select checkbox to select multiple years
345 |
# selected_years = st.multiselect('Select Year(s)', [2021, 2022, 2023, 2024], default=[2021])
346 |
347 |
# st.subheader(f"Sales Volume & Unit Price Correlation for {group_by_option} in {', '.join(map(str, selected_years))}")
348 |
349 |
# # Convert 'Dt' column to datetime
350 |
# df['Dt'] = pd.to_datetime(df['Dt'], errors='coerce')
351 |
# df['Promo'] = np.where(df['Dt'].dt.month.astype(str).isin(['3', '4', '5', '6']), 'Promo', 'NoPromo')
352 |
# df["Promo"] = df["Promo"].astype("category")
353 |
354 |
# # Filter the dataframe based on the selected item type and selected years
355 |
# filtered_df = df[(df['Itemtype'] == st.session_state['selected_item_type']) & (df['Dt'].dt.year.isin(selected_years))]
356 |
357 |
# # Find the top 3 values based on total SalesVolume in the selected grouping category
358 |
# top_3_values = filtered_df.groupby(group_by_option, observed=True)['SalesVolume'].sum().nlargest(3).index
359 |
360 |
# # Filter the data for only the top 3 values
361 |
# top_group_data = filtered_df[filtered_df[group_by_option].isin(top_3_values)]
362 |
363 |
# # Aggregate data
364 |
# agg_df = top_group_data.groupby([group_by_option, 'Year', 'Week', 'Dt'], observed=True).agg({
365 |
# 'SalesVolume': 'sum',
366 |
# 'UnitPrice': 'mean'
367 |
# }).reset_index()
368 |
369 |
# # Create a new column 'week-year' for X-axis labels
370 |
# agg_df['week-year'] = agg_df['Dt'].dt.strftime('%U-%Y')
371 |
372 |
# # Loop through the top 3 values and create separate plots using Plotly
373 |
# for value in top_3_values:
374 |
# value_data = agg_df[agg_df[group_by_option] == value]
375 |
# # Assuming you have 'value_data' from your previous code
376 |
# mean_sales_volume = value_data['SalesVolume'].mean()
377 |
# mean_unit_price = value_data['UnitPrice'].mean()
378 |
379 |
# # Create a Plotly figure
380 |
# fig = go.Figure()
381 |
382 |
# # Add SalesVolume trace
383 |
# fig.add_trace(go.Scatter(
384 |
# x=value_data['week-year'],
385 |
# y=value_data['SalesVolume'],
386 |
# mode='lines+markers',
387 |
# name='SalesVolume',
388 |
# line=dict(color='blue'),
389 |
# hovertemplate='SalesVolume: %{y}<br>Week-Year: %{x}'
390 |
# ))
391 |
392 |
# # Add UnitPrice trace on a secondary Y-axis
393 |
# fig.add_trace(go.Scatter(
394 |
# x=value_data['week-year'],
395 |
# y=value_data['UnitPrice'],
396 |
# mode='lines+markers',
397 |
# name='UnitPrice',
398 |
# line=dict(color='green'),
399 |
# yaxis='y2',
400 |
# hovertemplate='UnitPrice: %{y}<br>Week-Year: %{x}'
401 |
# ))
402 |
# # Add mean line for SalesVolume
403 |
# fig.add_shape(type="line",
404 |
# x0=value_data['week-year'].min(), x1=value_data['week-year'].max(),
405 |
# y0=mean_sales_volume, y1=mean_sales_volume,
406 |
# line=dict(color="blue", width=2, dash="dash"),
407 |
# xref='x', yref='y')
408 |
409 |
# # Add mean line for UnitPrice (on secondary Y-axis)
410 |
# fig.add_shape(type="line",
411 |
# x0=value_data['week-year'].min(), x1=value_data['week-year'].max(),
412 |
# y0=mean_unit_price, y1=mean_unit_price,
413 |
# line=dict(color="green", width=2, dash="dash"),
414 |
# xref='x', yref='y2')
415 |
416 |
# # Update layout for dual axes
417 |
# fig.update_layout(
418 |
# template='plotly_white',
419 |
# title=f"SalesVolume and UnitPrice - {value} ({group_by_option})",
420 |
# xaxis_title='Week-Year',
421 |
# yaxis_title='Sales Volume',
422 |
# yaxis2=dict(title='UnitPrice', overlaying='y', side='right'),
423 |
# legend=dict(x=0.9, y=1.15),
424 |
# hovermode="x unified", # Show both values in a tooltip
425 |
# height=600,
426 |
# margin=dict(l=50, r=50, t=50, b=50)
427 |
# )
428 |
429 |
# # Rotate X-axis labels
430 |
# fig.update_xaxes(tickangle=90)
431 |
432 |
# # Display the Plotly figure in Streamlit
433 |
# st.plotly_chart(fig, use_container_width=True)
434 |
435 |
436 |
if st.session_state['active_card'] == 'card3':
466 |
467 |
# Drop rows where PE_Coeff is NaN (optional)
468 |
agg_df_filtered = agg_df_filtered.dropna(subset=['PE_Coeff'])
469 |
agg_df_filtered = agg_df_filtered.rename(columns={
470 |
'SalesVolume_pct_change': 'SlVol%change',
471 |
'UnitPrice_pct_change': 'UnPr%change',
472 |
473 |
agg_df_filtered = agg_df_filtered.reset_index(drop=True)
474 |
475 |
476 |
# Extract values for the current and previous years from row 1 and row 2 of the dataframe
490 |
# Calculate PE Coefficient
491 |
pe_coeff = sales_volume_pct / unit_price_pct
492 |
493 |
st.markdown(f'''### Calculations for Price Elasticity Coefficient''')
494 |
495 |
\text{{Unit Price \% Change}} = \frac{{{unit_price_current_year:.2f} - {unit_price_previous_year:.2f}}}{{{unit_price_previous_year:.2f}}} \times 100 = {unit_price_pct:.2f}\%
496 |
497 |
498 |
# Sales Volume % Change
499 |
500 |
\text{{Sales Volume \% Change}} = \frac{{{sales_volume_current_year:.2f} - {sales_volume_previous_year:.2f}}}{{{sales_volume_previous_year:.2f}}} \times 100 = {sales_volume_pct:.2f}\%
501 |
502 |
503 |
# PE Coefficient
504 |
505 |
\text{{PE Coefficient}} = \frac{{{sales_volume_pct:.2f}}}{{{unit_price_pct:.2f}}} = {pe_coeff:.2f}
506 |
507 |
508 |
# Explanation for PE Coefficient Conditions
509 |
510 |
### Interpretation of Price Elasticity (PE) Coefficient:
511 |
The Price Elasticity (PE) coefficient reflects how sensitive sales volume is to changes in unit price.
512 |
513 |
- If the **PE coefficient is positive**:
514 |
1. When the price increases, sales volume increases.
515 |
2. When the price decreases, sales volume decreases.
516 |
517 |
- If the **PE coefficient is negative**:
518 |
1. When the price increases, sales volume decreases.
519 |
2. When the price decreases, sales volume increases.
520 |
521 |
522 |
523 |
# Dynamic analysis based on the calculated PE coefficient and signs of changes
524 |
if unit_price_pct > 0 and sales_volume_pct > 0:
525 |
526 |
Both unit price and sales volume increased (refer first and second row of the table). The PE coefficient of **{pe_coeff:.2f}** indicates that for every 1% increase in unit price, sales volume increased by approximately **{pe_coeff:.2f}%**.
527 |
528 |
elif unit_price_pct < 0 and sales_volume_pct < 0:
529 |
530 |
Both unit price and sales volume decreased (refer first and second row of the table). The PE coefficient of **{pe_coeff:.2f}** suggests that for every 1% decrease in unit price, sales volume decreased by approximately **{pe_coeff:.2f}%**.
531 |
532 |
elif unit_price_pct > 0 and sales_volume_pct < 0:
533 |
534 |
The unit price increased while sales volume decreased (refer first and second row of the table). The negative PE coefficient of **{pe_coeff:.2f}** means that for every 1% increase in unit price, sales volume fell by approximately **{abs(pe_coeff):.2f}%**.
535 |
536 |
elif unit_price_pct < 0 and sales_volume_pct > 0:
537 |
538 |
The unit price decreased while sales volume increased (refer first and second row of the table). The negative PE coefficient of **{pe_coeff:.2f}** implies that for every 1% decrease in unit price, sales volume increased by approximately **{abs(pe_coeff):.2f}%**.
539 |
540 |
# Plot the PE Coefficient with Plotly
541 |
fig = px.line(
542 |