cpu-casuallm / causal-conv1d /csrc /causal_conv1d.cpp
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* Copyright (c) 2024, Tri Dao.
#include <ATen/cuda/CUDAContext.h>
#include <c10/cuda/CUDAGuard.h>
#include <torch/extension.h>
#include <vector>
#include "causal_conv1d.h"
#define CHECK_SHAPE(x, ...) TORCH_CHECK(x.sizes() == torch::IntArrayRef({__VA_ARGS__}), #x " must have shape (" #__VA_ARGS__ ")")
if (ITYPE == at::ScalarType::Half) { \
using input_t = at::Half; \
__VA_ARGS__(); \
} else if (ITYPE == at::ScalarType::BFloat16) { \
using input_t = at::BFloat16; \
__VA_ARGS__(); \
} else if (ITYPE == at::ScalarType::Float) { \
using input_t = float; \
__VA_ARGS__(); \
} else { \
AT_ERROR(#NAME, " not implemented for input type '", toString(ITYPE), "'"); \
if (WTYPE == at::ScalarType::Half) { \
using weight_t = at::Half; \
__VA_ARGS__(); \
} else if (WTYPE == at::ScalarType::BFloat16) { \
using weight_t = at::BFloat16; \
__VA_ARGS__(); \
} else if (WTYPE == at::ScalarType::Float) { \
using weight_t = float; \
__VA_ARGS__(); \
} else { \
AT_ERROR(#NAME, " not implemented for weight type '", toString(WTYPE), "'"); \
template<typename input_t, typename weight_t>
void causal_conv1d_fwd_cuda(ConvParamsBase &params, cudaStream_t stream);
template <typename input_t, typename weight_t>
void causal_conv1d_channellast_fwd_cuda(ConvParamsBase &params, cudaStream_t stream);
template<typename input_t, typename weight_t>
void causal_conv1d_bwd_cuda(ConvParamsBwd &params, cudaStream_t stream);
template<typename input_t, typename weight_t>
void causal_conv1d_channellast_bwd_cuda(ConvParamsBwd &params, cudaStream_t stream);
template<typename input_t, typename weight_t>
void causal_conv1d_update_cuda(ConvParamsBase &params, cudaStream_t stream);
void set_conv_params_fwd(ConvParamsBase &params,
// sizes
const size_t batch,
const size_t dim,
const size_t seqlen,
const size_t width,
// device pointers
const at::Tensor x,
const at::Tensor weight,
const at::Tensor out,
void* bias_ptr,
bool silu_activation) {
// Reset the parameters
memset(&params, 0, sizeof(params));
params.batch = batch;
params.dim = dim;
params.seqlen = seqlen;
params.width = width;
params.silu_activation = silu_activation;
// Set the pointers and strides.
params.x_ptr = x.data_ptr();
params.weight_ptr = weight.data_ptr();
params.bias_ptr = bias_ptr;
params.out_ptr = out.data_ptr();
// All stride are in elements, not bytes.
params.x_batch_stride = x.stride(0);
params.x_c_stride = x.stride(1);
params.x_l_stride = x.stride(-1);
params.weight_c_stride = weight.stride(0);
params.weight_width_stride = weight.stride(1);
params.out_batch_stride = out.stride(0);
params.out_c_stride = out.stride(1);
params.out_l_stride = out.stride(-1);
void set_conv_params_bwd(ConvParamsBwd &params,
// sizes
const size_t batch,
const size_t dim,
const size_t seqlen,
const size_t width,
// device pointers
const at::Tensor x,
const at::Tensor weight,
void* bias_ptr,
const at::Tensor dout,
const at::Tensor dx,
const at::Tensor dweight,
void* dbias_ptr,
bool silu_activation) {
// Pass in "dout" instead of "out", we're not gonna use "out" at all.
set_conv_params_fwd(params, batch, dim, seqlen, width,
x, weight, dout, bias_ptr, silu_activation);
// Set the pointers and strides.
params.dout_ptr = dout.data_ptr();
params.dx_ptr = dx.data_ptr();
params.dweight_ptr = dweight.data_ptr();
params.dbias_ptr = dbias_ptr;
// All stride are in elements, not bytes.
params.dout_batch_stride = dout.stride(0);
params.dout_c_stride = dout.stride(1);
params.dout_l_stride = dout.stride(2);
params.dweight_c_stride = dweight.stride(0);
params.dweight_width_stride = dweight.stride(1);
params.dx_batch_stride = dx.stride(0);
params.dx_c_stride = dx.stride(1);
params.dx_l_stride = dx.stride(2);
causal_conv1d_fwd(const at::Tensor &x, const at::Tensor &weight,
const c10::optional<at::Tensor> &bias_,
const c10::optional<at::Tensor> &seq_idx_,
const c10::optional<at::Tensor> &initial_states_,
c10::optional<at::Tensor> &final_states_out_,
bool silu_activation) {
auto input_type = x.scalar_type();
auto weight_type = weight.scalar_type();
TORCH_CHECK(input_type == at::ScalarType::Float || input_type == at::ScalarType::Half || input_type == at::ScalarType::BFloat16);
TORCH_CHECK(weight_type == at::ScalarType::Float || weight_type == at::ScalarType::Half || weight_type == at::ScalarType::BFloat16);
const auto sizes = x.sizes();
const int batch_size = sizes[0];
const int dim = sizes[1];
const int seqlen = sizes[2];
const int width = weight.size(-1);
CHECK_SHAPE(x, batch_size, dim, seqlen);
CHECK_SHAPE(weight, dim, width);
TORCH_CHECK(x.stride(2) == 1 || x.stride(1) == 1);
const bool is_channel_last = x.stride(1) == 1 && x.stride(2) > 1;
if (is_channel_last) {
TORCH_CHECK(dim % 8 == 0, "causal_conv1d only supports channel dimension divisible by 8 for now");
TORCH_CHECK(x.stride(2) % 8 == 0 and x.stride(0) % 8 == 0, "causal_conv1d with channel last layout requires strides (x.stride(0) and x.stride(2)) to be multiples of 8");
TORCH_CHECK(width >= 2 && width <= 4, "causal_conv1d only supports width between 2 and 4");
if (bias_.has_value()) {
auto bias = bias_.value();
TORCH_CHECK(bias.scalar_type() == weight_type);
TORCH_CHECK(bias.stride(-1) == 1);
CHECK_SHAPE(bias, dim);
if (seq_idx_.has_value()) {
TORCH_CHECK(is_channel_last, "seq_idx is only supported for channel last layout");
auto seq_idx = seq_idx_.value();
TORCH_CHECK(seq_idx.scalar_type() == torch::kInt32);
CHECK_SHAPE(seq_idx, batch_size, seqlen);
at::Tensor out = torch::empty_like(x);
ConvParamsBase params;
set_conv_params_fwd(params, batch_size, dim, seqlen, width, x, weight, out,
bias_.has_value() ? bias_.value().data_ptr() : nullptr,
if (seq_idx_.has_value()) {
params.seq_idx_ptr = seq_idx_.value().data_ptr();
} else {
params.seq_idx_ptr = nullptr;
if (initial_states_.has_value()) {
TORCH_CHECK(is_channel_last, "initial_states is only supported for channel last layout");
auto initial_states = initial_states_.value();
TORCH_CHECK(initial_states.scalar_type() == input_type);
CHECK_SHAPE(initial_states, batch_size, dim, width - 1);
TORCH_CHECK(initial_states.stride(1) == 1);
params.initial_states_ptr = initial_states.data_ptr();
params.initial_states_batch_stride = initial_states.stride(0);
params.initial_states_c_stride = initial_states.stride(1);
params.initial_states_l_stride = initial_states.stride(2);
} else {
params.initial_states_ptr = nullptr;
if (final_states_out_.has_value()) {
TORCH_CHECK(is_channel_last, "final_states is only supported for channel last layout");
auto final_states = final_states_out_.value();
TORCH_CHECK(final_states.scalar_type() == input_type);
CHECK_SHAPE(final_states, batch_size, dim, width - 1);
TORCH_CHECK(final_states.stride(1) == 1);
params.final_states_ptr = final_states.data_ptr();
params.final_states_batch_stride = final_states.stride(0);
params.final_states_c_stride = final_states.stride(1);
params.final_states_l_stride = final_states.stride(2);
} else {
params.final_states_ptr = nullptr;
// Otherwise the kernel will be launched from cuda:0 device
// Cast to char to avoid compiler warning about narrowing
at::cuda::CUDAGuard device_guard{(char)x.get_device()};
auto stream = at::cuda::getCurrentCUDAStream().stream();
DISPATCH_ITYPE_FLOAT_AND_HALF_AND_BF16(x.scalar_type(), "causal_conv1d_fwd", [&] {
DISPATCH_WTYPE_FLOAT_AND_HALF_AND_BF16(weight.scalar_type(), "causal_conv1d_fwd", [&] {
if (!is_channel_last) {
causal_conv1d_fwd_cuda<input_t, weight_t>(params, stream);
} else {
causal_conv1d_channellast_fwd_cuda<input_t, weight_t>(params, stream);
return out;
causal_conv1d_bwd(const at::Tensor &x, const at::Tensor &weight,
const c10::optional<at::Tensor> &bias_,
at::Tensor &dout,
const c10::optional<at::Tensor> &seq_idx_,
const c10::optional<at::Tensor> &initial_states_,
const c10::optional<at::Tensor> &dfinal_states_,
c10::optional<at::Tensor> &dx_,
bool return_dinitial_states,
bool silu_activation) {
auto input_type = x.scalar_type();
auto weight_type = weight.scalar_type();
TORCH_CHECK(input_type == at::ScalarType::Float || input_type == at::ScalarType::Half || input_type == at::ScalarType::BFloat16);
TORCH_CHECK(weight_type == at::ScalarType::Float || weight_type == at::ScalarType::Half || weight_type == at::ScalarType::BFloat16);
const auto sizes = x.sizes();
const int batch_size = sizes[0];
const int dim = sizes[1];
const int seqlen = sizes[2];
const int width = weight.size(-1);
TORCH_CHECK(width >= 2 && width <= 4, "causal_conv1d only supports width between 2 and 4");
CHECK_SHAPE(x, batch_size, dim, seqlen);
CHECK_SHAPE(weight, dim, width);
CHECK_SHAPE(dout, batch_size, dim, seqlen);
TORCH_CHECK(x.stride(2) == 1 || x.stride(1) == 1);
const bool is_channel_last = x.stride(1) == 1 && x.stride(2) > 1;
if (!is_channel_last && dout.stride(2) != 1) { dout = dout.contiguous(); }
if (is_channel_last && dout.stride(1) != 1) { dout = dout.transpose(-1, -2).contiguous().transpose(-1, -2); }
if (is_channel_last) {
TORCH_CHECK(dim % 8 == 0, "causal_conv1d only supports channel dimension divisible by 8 for now");
TORCH_CHECK(x.stride(2) % 8 == 0 and x.stride(0) % 8 == 0, "causal_conv1d with channel last layout requires strides (x.stride(0) and x.stride(2)) to be multiples of 8");
TORCH_CHECK(dout.stride(2) % 8 == 0 and dout.stride(0) % 8 == 0, "causal_conv1d with channel last layout requires strides (dout.stride(0) and dout.stride(2)) to be multiples of 8");
if (bias_.has_value()) {
auto bias = bias_.value();
TORCH_CHECK(bias.scalar_type() == weight_type);
TORCH_CHECK(bias.stride(-1) == 1);
CHECK_SHAPE(bias, dim);
if (seq_idx_.has_value()) {
TORCH_CHECK(is_channel_last, "seq_idx only supported for channel last layout");
auto seq_idx = seq_idx_.value();
TORCH_CHECK(seq_idx.scalar_type() == torch::kInt32);
CHECK_SHAPE(seq_idx, batch_size, seqlen);
at::Tensor dx;
if (dx_.has_value()) {
dx = dx_.value();
TORCH_CHECK(dx.scalar_type() == input_type);
CHECK_SHAPE(dx, batch_size, dim, seqlen);
if (!is_channel_last) { TORCH_CHECK(dx.stride(2) == 1); }
if (is_channel_last) { TORCH_CHECK(dx.stride(1) == 1); }
} else {
dx = torch::empty_like(x);
// Otherwise the kernel will be launched from cuda:0 device
// Cast to char to avoid compiler warning about narrowing
at::cuda::CUDAGuard device_guard{(char)x.get_device()};
at::Tensor dweight = torch::zeros_like(weight, weight.options().dtype(at::kFloat));
at::Tensor dbias;
if (bias_.has_value()) { dbias = torch::zeros_like(bias_.value(), bias_.value().options().dtype(at::kFloat)); }
ConvParamsBwd params;
set_conv_params_bwd(params, batch_size, dim, seqlen, width,
x, weight, bias_.has_value() ? bias_.value().data_ptr() : nullptr,
dout, dx, dweight, bias_.has_value() ? dbias.data_ptr() : nullptr,
if (seq_idx_.has_value()) {
params.seq_idx_ptr = seq_idx_.value().data_ptr();
} else {
params.seq_idx_ptr = nullptr;
if (initial_states_.has_value()) {
TORCH_CHECK(is_channel_last, "initial_states is only supported for channel last layout");
auto initial_states = initial_states_.value();
TORCH_CHECK(initial_states.scalar_type() == input_type);
CHECK_SHAPE(initial_states, batch_size, dim, width - 1);
TORCH_CHECK(initial_states.stride(1) == 1);
params.initial_states_ptr = initial_states.data_ptr();
params.initial_states_batch_stride = initial_states.stride(0);
params.initial_states_c_stride = initial_states.stride(1);
params.initial_states_l_stride = initial_states.stride(2);
} else {
params.initial_states_ptr = nullptr;
if (dfinal_states_.has_value()) {
TORCH_CHECK(is_channel_last, "dfinal_states is only supported for channel last layout");
auto dfinal_states = dfinal_states_.value();
TORCH_CHECK(dfinal_states.scalar_type() == input_type);
CHECK_SHAPE(dfinal_states, batch_size, dim, width - 1);
params.dfinal_states_ptr = dfinal_states.data_ptr();
params.dfinal_states_batch_stride = dfinal_states.stride(0);
params.dfinal_states_c_stride = dfinal_states.stride(1);
params.dfinal_states_l_stride = dfinal_states.stride(2);
} else {
params.dfinal_states_ptr = nullptr;
at::Tensor dinitial_states;
if (return_dinitial_states) {
dinitial_states = torch::empty({batch_size, width - 1, dim}, x.options()).transpose(1, 2);
TORCH_CHECK(dinitial_states.stride(1) == 1);
params.dinitial_states_ptr = dinitial_states.data_ptr();
params.dinitial_states_batch_stride = dinitial_states.stride(0);
params.dinitial_states_c_stride = dinitial_states.stride(1);
params.dinitial_states_l_stride = dinitial_states.stride(2);
} else {
params.dinitial_states_ptr = nullptr;
auto stream = at::cuda::getCurrentCUDAStream().stream();
DISPATCH_ITYPE_FLOAT_AND_HALF_AND_BF16(x.scalar_type(), "causal_conv1d_bwd", [&] {
DISPATCH_WTYPE_FLOAT_AND_HALF_AND_BF16(weight.scalar_type(), "causal_conv1d_bwd", [&] {
if (!is_channel_last) {
causal_conv1d_bwd_cuda<input_t, weight_t>(params, stream);
} else {
causal_conv1d_channellast_bwd_cuda<input_t, weight_t>(params, stream);
return {dx, dweight.to(weight.dtype()), bias_.has_value() ? dbias.to(bias_.value().dtype()) : dbias, dinitial_states};
causal_conv1d_update(const at::Tensor &x,
const at::Tensor &conv_state,
const at::Tensor &weight,
const c10::optional<at::Tensor> &bias_,
bool silu_activation,
const c10::optional<at::Tensor> &cache_seqlens_
) {
auto input_type = x.scalar_type();
auto weight_type = weight.scalar_type();
TORCH_CHECK(input_type == at::ScalarType::Float || input_type == at::ScalarType::Half || input_type == at::ScalarType::BFloat16);
TORCH_CHECK(weight_type == at::ScalarType::Float || weight_type == at::ScalarType::Half || weight_type == at::ScalarType::BFloat16);
TORCH_CHECK(conv_state.scalar_type() == input_type);
const auto sizes = x.sizes();
const int batch_size = sizes[0];
const int dim = sizes[1];
const int seqlen = sizes[2];
const int width = weight.size(-1);
const int conv_state_len = conv_state.size(2);
TORCH_CHECK(conv_state_len >= width - 1);
CHECK_SHAPE(x, batch_size, dim, seqlen);
CHECK_SHAPE(conv_state, batch_size, dim, conv_state_len);
CHECK_SHAPE(weight, dim, width);
TORCH_CHECK(width >= 2 && width <= 4, "causal_conv1d only supports width between 2 and 4");
if (bias_.has_value()) {
auto bias = bias_.value();
TORCH_CHECK(bias.scalar_type() == weight_type);
TORCH_CHECK(bias.stride(-1) == 1);
CHECK_SHAPE(bias, dim);
at::Tensor out = torch::empty_like(x);
ConvParamsBase params;
set_conv_params_fwd(params, batch_size, dim, seqlen, width, x, weight, out,
bias_.has_value() ? bias_.value().data_ptr() : nullptr,
params.conv_state_ptr = conv_state.data_ptr();
params.conv_state_len = conv_state_len;
// All stride are in elements, not bytes.
params.conv_state_batch_stride = conv_state.stride(0);
params.conv_state_c_stride = conv_state.stride(1);
params.conv_state_l_stride = conv_state.stride(2);
if (cache_seqlens_.has_value()) {
auto cache_seqlens = cache_seqlens_.value();
TORCH_CHECK(cache_seqlens.scalar_type() == torch::kInt32);
TORCH_CHECK(cache_seqlens.stride(-1) == 1);
CHECK_SHAPE(cache_seqlens, batch_size);
params.cache_seqlens = cache_seqlens.data_ptr<int32_t>();
} else {
params.cache_seqlens = nullptr;
// Otherwise the kernel will be launched from cuda:0 device
// Cast to char to avoid compiler warning about narrowing
at::cuda::CUDAGuard device_guard{(char)x.get_device()};
auto stream = at::cuda::getCurrentCUDAStream().stream();
DISPATCH_ITYPE_FLOAT_AND_HALF_AND_BF16(x.scalar_type(), "causal_conv1d_update", [&] {
DISPATCH_WTYPE_FLOAT_AND_HALF_AND_BF16(weight.scalar_type(), "causal_conv1d_update", [&] {
causal_conv1d_update_cuda<input_t, weight_t>(params, stream);
return out;
m.def("causal_conv1d_fwd", &causal_conv1d_fwd, "Causal conv1d forward");
m.def("causal_conv1d_bwd", &causal_conv1d_bwd, "Causal conv1d backward");
m.def("causal_conv1d_update", &causal_conv1d_update, "Causal conv1d update");