# Copyright (c) 2024, Tri Dao. import sys import warnings import os import re import shutil import ast from pathlib import Path from packaging.version import parse, Version import platform from setuptools import setup, find_packages import subprocess import urllib.request import urllib.error from wheel.bdist_wheel import bdist_wheel as _bdist_wheel import torch from torch.utils.cpp_extension import BuildExtension, CppExtension, CUDAExtension, CUDA_HOME, HIP_HOME with open("README.md", "r", encoding="utf-8") as fh: long_description = fh.read() # ninja build does not work unless include_dirs are abs path this_dir = os.path.dirname(os.path.abspath(__file__)) PACKAGE_NAME = "causal_conv1d" BASE_WHEEL_URL = "https://github.com/Dao-AILab/causal-conv1d/releases/download/{tag_name}/{wheel_name}" # FORCE_BUILD: Force a fresh build locally, instead of attempting to find prebuilt wheels # SKIP_CUDA_BUILD: Intended to allow CI to use a simple `python setup.py sdist` run to copy over raw files, without any cuda compilation FORCE_BUILD = os.getenv("CAUSAL_CONV1D_FORCE_BUILD", "FALSE") == "TRUE" SKIP_CUDA_BUILD = os.getenv("CAUSAL_CONV1D_SKIP_CUDA_BUILD", "FALSE") == "TRUE" # For CI, we want the option to build with C++11 ABI since the nvcr images use C++11 ABI FORCE_CXX11_ABI = os.getenv("CAUSAL_CONV1D_FORCE_CXX11_ABI", "FALSE") == "TRUE" def get_platform(): """ Returns the platform name as used in wheel filenames. """ if sys.platform.startswith("linux"): return "linux_x86_64" elif sys.platform == "darwin": mac_version = ".".join(platform.mac_ver()[0].split(".")[:2]) return f"macosx_{mac_version}_x86_64" elif sys.platform == "win32": return "win_amd64" else: raise ValueError("Unsupported platform: {}".format(sys.platform)) def get_hip_version(rocm_dir): hipcc_bin = "hipcc" if rocm_dir is None else os.path.join(rocm_dir, "bin", "hipcc") try: raw_output = subprocess.check_output( [hipcc_bin, "--version"], universal_newlines=True ) except Exception as e: print( f"hip installation not found: {e} ROCM_PATH={os.environ.get('ROCM_PATH')}" ) return None, None for line in raw_output.split("\n"): if "HIP version" in line: rocm_version = parse(line.split()[-1].replace("-", "+")) # local version is not parsed correctly return line, rocm_version return None, None def get_torch_hip_version(): if torch.version.hip: return parse(torch.version.hip.split()[-1].replace("-", "+")) else: return None def check_if_hip_home_none(global_option: str) -> None: if HIP_HOME is not None: return # warn instead of error because user could be downloading prebuilt wheels, so hipcc won't be necessary # in that case. warnings.warn( f"{global_option} was requested, but hipcc was not found. Are you sure your environment has hipcc available?" ) def check_if_cuda_home_none(global_option: str) -> None: if CUDA_HOME is not None: return # warn instead of error because user could be downloading prebuilt wheels, so nvcc won't be necessary # in that case. warnings.warn( f"{global_option} was requested, but nvcc was not found. Are you sure your environment has nvcc available? " "If you're installing within a container from https://hub.docker.com/r/pytorch/pytorch, " "only images whose names contain 'devel' will provide nvcc." ) def append_nvcc_threads(nvcc_extra_args): return nvcc_extra_args + ["--threads", "4"] cmdclass = {} ext_modules = [] HIP_BUILD = bool(torch.version.hip) if not SKIP_CUDA_BUILD: print("\n\ntorch.__version__ = {}\n\n".format(torch.__version__)) TORCH_MAJOR = int(torch.__version__.split(".")[0]) TORCH_MINOR = int(torch.__version__.split(".")[1]) cc_flag = [] if HIP_BUILD: check_if_hip_home_none(PACKAGE_NAME) rocm_home = os.getenv("ROCM_PATH") _, hip_version = get_hip_version(rocm_home) if HIP_HOME is not None: if hip_version < Version("6.0"): raise RuntimeError( f"{PACKAGE_NAME} is only supported on ROCm 6.0 and above. " "Note: make sure HIP has a supported version by running hipcc --version." ) if hip_version == Version("6.0"): warnings.warn( f"{PACKAGE_NAME} requires a patch to be applied when running on ROCm 6.0. " "Refer to the README.md for detailed instructions.", UserWarning ) cc_flag.append("-DBUILD_PYTHON_PACKAGE") else: cc_flag.append("-gencode") cc_flag.append("arch=compute_53,code=sm_53") cc_flag.append("-gencode") cc_flag.append("arch=compute_62,code=sm_62") cc_flag.append("-gencode") cc_flag.append("arch=compute_70,code=sm_70") cc_flag.append("-gencode") cc_flag.append("arch=compute_72,code=sm_72") cc_flag.append("-gencode") cc_flag.append("arch=compute_80,code=sm_80") cc_flag.append("-gencode") cc_flag.append("arch=compute_87,code=sm_87") # HACK: The compiler flag -D_GLIBCXX_USE_CXX11_ABI is set to be the same as # torch._C._GLIBCXX_USE_CXX11_ABI # https://github.com/pytorch/pytorch/blob/8472c24e3b5b60150096486616d98b7bea01500b/torch/utils/cpp_extension.py#L920 if FORCE_CXX11_ABI: torch._C._GLIBCXX_USE_CXX11_ABI = True if HIP_BUILD: extra_compile_args = { "cxx": ["-O3", "-std=c++17"], } else: extra_compile_args = { "cxx": ["-O3"], } def get_package_version(): with open(Path(this_dir) / "causal_conv1d" / "__init__.py", "r") as f: version_match = re.search(r"^__version__\s*=\s*(.*)$", f.read(), re.MULTILINE) public_version = ast.literal_eval(version_match.group(1)) local_version = os.environ.get("CAUSAL_CONV1D_LOCAL_VERSION") if local_version: return f"{public_version}+{local_version}" else: return str(public_version) def get_wheel_url(): # Determine the version numbers that will be used to determine the correct wheel torch_version_raw = parse(torch.__version__) if HIP_BUILD: # We're using the HIP version used to build torch, not the one currently installed torch_hip_version = get_torch_hip_version() hip_version = f"{torch_hip_version.major}{torch_hip_version.minor}" gpu_compute_version = hip_version if HIP_BUILD else cuda_version cuda_or_hip = "hip" if HIP_BUILD else "cu" python_version = f"cp{sys.version_info.major}{sys.version_info.minor}" platform_name = get_platform() causal_conv1d_version = get_package_version() torch_version = f"{torch_version_raw.major}.{torch_version_raw.minor}" cxx11_abi = str(torch._C._GLIBCXX_USE_CXX11_ABI).upper() # Determine wheel URL based on CUDA version, torch version, python version and OS wheel_filename = f"{PACKAGE_NAME}-{causal_conv1d_version}+{cuda_or_hip}{gpu_compute_version}torch{torch_version}cxx11abi{cxx11_abi}-{python_version}-{python_version}-{platform_name}.whl" wheel_url = BASE_WHEEL_URL.format( tag_name=f"v{causal_conv1d_version}", wheel_name=wheel_filename ) return wheel_url, wheel_filename class CachedWheelsCommand(_bdist_wheel): """ The CachedWheelsCommand plugs into the default bdist wheel, which is ran by pip when it cannot find an existing wheel (which is currently the case for all installs). We use the environment parameters to detect whether there is already a pre-built version of a compatible wheel available and short-circuits the standard full build pipeline. """ def run(self): if FORCE_BUILD: return super().run() wheel_url, wheel_filename = get_wheel_url() print("Guessing wheel URL: ", wheel_url) try: urllib.request.urlretrieve(wheel_url, wheel_filename) # Make the archive # Lifted from the root wheel processing command # https://github.com/pypa/wheel/blob/cf71108ff9f6ffc36978069acb28824b44ae028e/src/wheel/bdist_wheel.py#LL381C9-L381C85 if not os.path.exists(self.dist_dir): os.makedirs(self.dist_dir) impl_tag, abi_tag, plat_tag = self.get_tag() archive_basename = f"{self.wheel_dist_name}-{impl_tag}-{abi_tag}-{plat_tag}" wheel_path = os.path.join(self.dist_dir, archive_basename + ".whl") print("Raw wheel path", wheel_path) shutil.move(wheel_filename, wheel_path) except urllib.error.HTTPError: print("Precompiled wheel not found. Building from source...") # If the wheel could not be downloaded, build from source super().run() setup( name=PACKAGE_NAME, version=get_package_version(), packages=find_packages( exclude=( "build", "csrc", "include", "tests", "dist", "docs", "benchmarks", "causal_conv1d.egg-info", ) ), author="Tri Dao", author_email="tri@tridao.me", description="Causal depthwise conv1d in CUDA, with a PyTorch interface", long_description=long_description, long_description_content_type="text/markdown", url="https://github.com/Dao-AILab/causal-conv1d", classifiers=[ "Programming Language :: Python :: 3", "License :: OSI Approved :: BSD License", "Operating System :: Unix", ], ext_modules=ext_modules, cmdclass={"bdist_wheel": CachedWheelsCommand, "build_ext": BuildExtension} if ext_modules else { "bdist_wheel": CachedWheelsCommand, }, python_requires=">=3.8", install_requires=[ "torch", "packaging", "ninja", ], )