import os | |
import cv2 | |
import imageio | |
import numpy as np | |
import open3d as o3d | |
import os.path as osp | |
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt | |
import matplotlib.colors as mcolors | |
def render_frames(o3d_geometry, camera_all, output_dir, save_video=True, save_camera=True): | |
# Create off-screen renderer | |
render = o3d.visualization.rendering.OffscreenRenderer( | |
width=camera_all[0].intrinsic.width, | |
height=camera_all[0].intrinsic.height | |
) | |
render_frame_path = os.path.join(output_dir, 'render_frames') | |
render_camera_path = os.path.join(output_dir, 'render_cameras') | |
os.makedirs(render_frame_path, exist_ok=True) | |
os.makedirs(render_camera_path, exist_ok=True) | |
video_path = os.path.join(output_dir, 'render_frame.mp4') | |
if save_video: | |
writer = imageio.get_writer(video_path, fps=10) | |
material = o3d.visualization.rendering.MaterialRecord() | |
material.shader = 'defaultUnlit' # Use unlit shader for point clouds | |
material.point_size = 1.0 # Match original point size | |
material.base_color = [1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0] | |
for i, camera_params in enumerate(camera_all): | |
if camera_params is None: | |
continue | |
# Set camera view | |
render.setup_camera( | |
camera_params.intrinsic.intrinsic_matrix, | |
camera_params.extrinsic, | |
camera_params.intrinsic.width, | |
camera_params.intrinsic.height | |
) | |
if save_camera: | | | |
os.path.join(render_camera_path, f'camera_{i:03d}.json'), | |
camera_params | |
) | |
# Render | |
render.scene.add_geometry("points", o3d_geometry, material) | |
img = render.render_to_image() | |
render.scene.remove_geometry("points") | |
# Save frame | |
image_uint8 = (np.asarray(img) * 255).astype(np.uint8) | |
frame_filename = f'frame_{i:03d}.png' | |
imageio.imwrite(osp.join(render_frame_path, frame_filename), image_uint8) | |
if save_video: | |
writer.append_data(image_uint8) | |
if save_video: | |
writer.close() | |
return video_path | |
def find_render_cam(pcd, width=1920, height=1080): | |
# For headless servers, we'll need to pre-define camera parameters | |
# This creates a default viewing angle looking at the center of the point cloud | |
# Calculate point cloud center and scale | |
center = pcd.get_center() | |
scale = np.max(pcd.get_max_bound() - pcd.get_min_bound()) | |
# Create default camera parameters | |
camera_params = | |
# Set intrinsic parameters | |
intrinsic = | |
intrinsic.set_intrinsics( | |
width=width, | |
height=height, | |
fx=width, | |
fy=width, | |
cx=width/2, | |
cy=height/2 | |
) | |
camera_params.intrinsic = intrinsic | |
# Set extrinsic parameters (looking at center from a 45-degree angle) | |
camera_params.extrinsic = np.array([ | |
[1, 0, 0, 0], | |
[0, np.cos(np.pi/4), -np.sin(np.pi/4), 0], | |
[0, np.sin(np.pi/4), np.cos(np.pi/4), 2*scale], | |
[0, 0, 0, 1] | |
]) | |
return camera_params | |
def vis_pred_and_imgs(pts_all, save_path, images_all=None, conf_all=None, save_video=True): | |
# Set matplotlib backend to non-interactive | |
plt.switch_backend('Agg') | |
# Normalization | |
min_val = pts_all.min(axis=(0, 1, 2), keepdims=True) | |
max_val = pts_all.max(axis=(0, 1, 2), keepdims=True) | |
pts_all = (pts_all - min_val) / (max_val - min_val) | |
pts_save_path = osp.join(save_path, 'pts') | |
os.makedirs(pts_save_path, exist_ok=True) | |
if images_all is not None: | |
images_save_path = osp.join(save_path, 'imgs') | |
os.makedirs(images_save_path, exist_ok=True) | |
if conf_all is not None: | |
conf_save_path = osp.join(save_path, 'confs') | |
os.makedirs(conf_save_path, exist_ok=True) | |
if save_video: | |
pts_video_path = osp.join(save_path, 'pts.mp4') | |
pts_writer = imageio.get_writer(pts_video_path, fps=10) | |
if images_all is not None: | |
imgs_video_path = osp.join(save_path, 'imgs.mp4') | |
imgs_writer = imageio.get_writer(imgs_video_path, fps=10) | |
if conf_all is not None: | |
conf_video_path = osp.join(save_path, 'confs.mp4') | |
conf_writer = imageio.get_writer(conf_video_path, fps=10) | |
for frame_id in range(pts_all.shape[0]): | |
# Points visualization | |
pt_vis = pts_all[frame_id].astype(np.float32) | |
pt_vis_rgb = mcolors.hsv_to_rgb(1-pt_vis) | |
pt_vis_rgb_uint8 = (pt_vis_rgb * 255).astype(np.uint8) | |
# Use matplotlib in non-interactive mode | |
fig, ax = plt.subplots() | |
ax.imshow(pt_vis_rgb_uint8) | |
plt.savefig(osp.join(pts_save_path, f'pts_{frame_id:04d}.png')) | |
plt.close(fig) | |
if save_video: | |
pts_writer.append_data(pt_vis_rgb_uint8) | |
if images_all is not None: | |
image = images_all[frame_id] | |
image_uint8 = (image * 255).astype(np.uint8) | |
imageio.imwrite(osp.join(images_save_path, f'img_{frame_id:04d}.png'), image_uint8) | |
if save_video: | |
imgs_writer.append_data(image_uint8) | |
if conf_all is not None: | |
fig, ax = plt.subplots() | |
conf_image =[frame_id]) | |
ax.imshow(conf_image) | |
plt.savefig(osp.join(conf_save_path, f'conf_{frame_id:04d}.png')) | |
plt.close(fig) | |
conf_image_uint8 = (conf_image * 255).astype(np.uint8) | |
if save_video: | |
conf_writer.append_data(conf_image_uint8) | |
if save_video: | |
pts_writer.close() | |
if images_all is not None: | |
imgs_writer.close() | |
if conf_all is not None: | |
conf_writer.close() |