# Copyright (C) 2024-present Naver Corporation. All rights reserved. # Licensed under CC BY-NC-SA 4.0 (non-commercial use only). # # -------------------------------------------------------- # post process function for all heads: extract 3D points/confidence from output # -------------------------------------------------------- import torch def postprocess(out, depth_mode, conf_mode): """ extract 3D points/confidence from prediction head output """ fmap = out.permute(0, 2, 3, 1) # B,H,W,3 res = dict(pts3d=reg_dense_depth(fmap[:, :, :, 0:3], mode=depth_mode)) if conf_mode is not None: res['conf'] = reg_dense_conf(fmap[:, :, :, 3], mode=conf_mode) return res def reg_dense_depth(xyz, mode): """ extract 3D points from prediction head output """ mode, vmin, vmax = mode no_bounds = (vmin == -float('inf')) and (vmax == float('inf')) assert no_bounds if mode == 'linear': if no_bounds: return xyz # [-inf, +inf] return xyz.clip(min=vmin, max=vmax) # distance to origin d = xyz.norm(dim=-1, keepdim=True) xyz = xyz / d.clip(min=1e-8) if mode == 'square': return xyz * d.square() if mode == 'exp': return xyz * torch.expm1(d) raise ValueError(f'bad {mode=}') def reg_dense_conf(x, mode): """ extract confidence from prediction head output """ mode, vmin, vmax = mode if mode == 'exp': return vmin + x.exp().clip(max=vmax-vmin) if mode == 'sigmoid': return (vmax - vmin) * torch.sigmoid(x) + vmin raise ValueError(f'bad {mode=}')