Runtime error
Runtime error
Rakesh Chavhan
commited on
Browse files- +0 -275
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<img src="assets/realesrgan_logo.png" height=120>
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## <div align="center"><b><a href="">English</a> | <a href="">简体中文</a></b></div>
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:fire: 更新动漫视频的小模型 **RealESRGAN AnimeVideo-v3**. 更多信息在 [[动漫视频模型介绍](docs/] 和 [[比较](docs/] 中.
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1. Real-ESRGAN的[Colab Demo]( | Real-ESRGAN**动漫视频** 的[Colab Demo](
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2. **支持Intel/AMD/Nvidia显卡**的绿色版exe文件: [Windows版]( / [Linux版]( / [macOS版](,详情请移步[这里](#便携版(绿色版)可执行文件)。NCNN的实现在 [Real-ESRGAN-ncnn-vulkan](。
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Real-ESRGAN 的目标是开发出**实用的图像/视频修复算法**。<br>
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我们在 ESRGAN 的基础上使用纯合成的数据来进行训练,以使其能被应用于实际的图片修复的场景(顾名思义:Real-ESRGAN)。
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:art: Real-ESRGAN 需要,也很欢迎你的贡献,如新功能、模型、bug修复、建议、维护等等。详情可以查看[](docs/,所有的贡献者都会被列在[此处](感谢)。
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:milky_way: 感谢大家提供了很好的反馈。这些反馈会逐步更新在 [这个文档](docs/。
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:question: 常见的问题可以在[](docs/中找到答案。(好吧,现在还是空白的=-=||)
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如果 Real-ESRGAN 对你有帮助,可以给本项目一个 Star :star: ,或者推荐给你的朋友们,谢谢!:blush: <br/>
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:arrow_forward: [GFPGAN]( 实用的人脸复原算法 <br>
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:arrow_forward: [BasicSR]( 开源的图像和视频工具箱<br>
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:arrow_forward: [facexlib]( 提供与人脸相关的工具箱<br>
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:arrow_forward: [HandyView]( 基于PyQt5的图片查看器,方便查看以及比较 <br>
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<!---------------------------------- Updates --------------------------->
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- ✅ 更新动漫视频的小模型 **RealESRGAN AnimeVideo-v3**. 更多信息在 [anime video models](docs/ 和 [comparisons](docs/中.
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- ✅ 添加了针对动漫视频的小模型, 更多信息在 [anime video models](docs/ 中.
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- ✅ 添加了ncnn 实现:[Real-ESRGAN-ncnn-vulkan](
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- ✅ 添加了 [*RealESRGAN_x4plus_anime_6B.pth*](,对二次元图片进行了优化,并减少了model的大小。详情 以及 与[waifu2x](的对比请查看[****](docs/
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- ✅支持用户在自己的数据上进行微调 (finetune):[详情](docs/
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- ✅ 支持使用[GFPGAN](**增强人脸**
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- ✅ 通过[Gradio](添加到了[Huggingface Spaces](一个机器学习应用的在线平台):[Gradio在线版](。感谢[@AK391](
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- ✅ 支持任意比例的缩放:`--outscale`(实际上使用`LANCZOS4`来更进一步调整输出图像的尺寸)。添加了*RealESRGAN_x2plus.pth*模型
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- ✅ [推断脚本](支持: 1) 分块处理**tile**; 2) 带**alpha通道**的图像; 3) **灰色**图像; 4) **16-bit**图像.
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- ✅ 训练代码已经发布,具体做法可查看:[](docs/。
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<!---------------------------------- Projects that use Real-ESRGAN --------------------------->
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👋 如果你开发/使用/集成了Real-ESRGAN, 欢迎联系我添加
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- NCNN-Android: [RealSR-NCNN-Android]( by [tumuyan](
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- VapourSynth: [vs-realesrgan]( by [HolyWu](
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- NCNN: [Real-ESRGAN-ncnn-vulkan](
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- [Waifu2x-Extension-GUI]( by [AaronFeng753](
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- [Squirrel-RIFE]( by [Justin62628](
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- [Real-GUI]( by [scifx](
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- [Real-ESRGAN_GUI]( by [net2cn](
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- [Real-ESRGAN-EGUI]( by [WGzeyu](
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- [anime_upscaler]( by [shangar21](
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- [RealESRGAN-GUI]( by [Baiyuetribe](
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- [大闹天宫片段](
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### :book: Real-ESRGAN: Training Real-World Blind Super-Resolution with Pure Synthetic Data
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> [[论文](]   [项目主页]   [[YouTube 视频](]   [[B站视频](]   [[Poster](]   [[PPT](]<br>
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> [Xintao Wang](, Liangbin Xie, [Chao Dong](, [Ying Shan]( <br>
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> Tencent ARC Lab; Shenzhen Institutes of Advanced Technology, Chinese Academy of Sciences
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<p align="center">
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<img src="assets/teaser.jpg">
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**现在的 Real-ESRGAN 还是有几率失败的,因为现实生活的降质过程比较复杂。**<br>
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Real-ESRGAN 将会被长期支持,我会在空闲的时间中持续维护更新。
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- [ ] 优化人脸
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- [ ] 优化文字
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- [x] 优化动画图像
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- [ ] 支持更多的超分辨率比例
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- [ ] 可调节的复原
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如果你有好主意或需求,欢迎在 issue 或 discussion 中提出。<br/>
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如果你有一些 Real-ESRGAN 中有问题的照片,你也可以在 issue 或者 discussion 中发出来。我会留意(但是不一定能解决:stuck_out_tongue:)。如果有必要的话,我还会专门开一页来记录那些有待解决的图像。
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### 便携版(绿色版)可执行文件
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你可以下载**支持Intel/AMD/Nvidia显卡**的绿色版exe文件: [Windows版]( / [Linux版]( / [macOS版](。
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绿色版指的是这些exe你可以直接运行(放U盘里拷走都没问题),因为里面已经有所需的文件和模型了。它不需要 CUDA 或者 PyTorch运行环境。<br>
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./realesrgan-ncnn-vulkan.exe -i 输入图像.jpg -o 输出图像.png -n 模型名字
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1. realesrgan-x4plus(默认)
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2. reaesrnet-x4plus
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3. realesrgan-x4plus-anime(针对动漫插画图像优化,有更小的体积)
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4. realesr-animevideov3 (针对动漫视频)
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你可以通过`-n`参数来使用其他模型,例如`./realesrgan-ncnn-vulkan.exe -i 二次元图片.jpg -o 二刺螈图片.png -n realesrgan-x4plus-anime`
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### 可执行文件的用法
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1. 更多细节可以参考 [Real-ESRGAN-ncnn-vulkan](
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2. 注意:可执行文件并没有支持 python 脚本 `` 中所有的功能,比如 `outscale` 选项) .
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Usage: realesrgan-ncnn-vulkan.exe -i infile -o outfile [options]...
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-h show this help
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-i input-path input image path (jpg/png/webp) or directory
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-o output-path output image path (jpg/png/webp) or directory
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-s scale upscale ratio (can be 2, 3, 4. default=4)
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-t tile-size tile size (>=32/0=auto, default=0) can be 0,0,0 for multi-gpu
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-m model-path folder path to the pre-trained models. default=models
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-n model-name model name (default=realesr-animevideov3, can be realesr-animevideov3 | realesrgan-x4plus | realesrgan-x4plus-anime | realesrnet-x4plus)
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-g gpu-id gpu device to use (default=auto) can be 0,1,2 for multi-gpu
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-j load:proc:save thread count for load/proc/save (default=1:2:2) can be 1:2,2,2:2 for multi-gpu
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-x enable tta mode"
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-f format output image format (jpg/png/webp, default=ext/png)
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-v verbose output
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## :wrench: 依赖以及安装
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- Python >= 3.7 (推荐使用[Anaconda](或[Miniconda](
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- [PyTorch >= 1.7](
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#### 安装
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1. 把项目克隆到本地
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git clone
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cd Real-ESRGAN
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2. 安装各种依赖
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# 安装 basicsr -
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# 我们使用BasicSR来训练以及推断
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pip install basicsr
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# facexlib和gfpgan是用来增强人脸的
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pip install facexlib
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pip install gfpgan
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pip install -r requirements.txt
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python develop
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## :zap: 快速上手
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### 普通图片
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下载我们训练好的模型: [RealESRGAN_x4plus.pth](
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wget -P weights
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python -n RealESRGAN_x4plus -i inputs --face_enhance
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### 动画图片
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<p align="center">
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<img src="">
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训练好的模型: [RealESRGAN_x4plus_anime_6B](<br>
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# 下载模型
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wget -P weights
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# 推断
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python -n RealESRGAN_x4plus_anime_6B -i inputs
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### Python 脚本的用法
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1. 虽然你使用了 X4 模型,但是你可以 **输出任意尺寸比例的图片**,只要实用了 `outscale` 参数. 程序会进一步对模型的输出图像进行缩放。
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Usage: python -n RealESRGAN_x4plus -i infile -o outfile [options]...
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A common command: python -n RealESRGAN_x4plus -i infile --outscale 3.5 --face_enhance
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-h show this help
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-i --input Input image or folder. Default: inputs
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-o --output Output folder. Default: results
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-n --model_name Model name. Default: RealESRGAN_x4plus
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-s, --outscale The final upsampling scale of the image. Default: 4
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--suffix Suffix of the restored image. Default: out
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-t, --tile Tile size, 0 for no tile during testing. Default: 0
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--face_enhance Whether to use GFPGAN to enhance face. Default: False
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--fp32 Whether to use half precision during inference. Default: False
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--ext Image extension. Options: auto | jpg | png, auto means using the same extension as inputs. Default: auto
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## :european_castle: 模型库
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请参见 [docs/](docs/
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## :computer: 训练,在你的数据上微调(Fine-tune)
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## BibTeX 引用
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title={Real-ESRGAN: Training Real-World Blind Super-Resolution with Pure Synthetic Data},
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author={Xintao Wang and Liangbin Xie and Chao Dong and Ying Shan},
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## :e-mail: 联系我们
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如果你有任何问题,请通过 `[email protected]` 或 `[email protected]` 联系我们。
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## :hugs: 感谢
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- [AK391]( 通过[Gradio](添加到了[Huggingface Spaces](一个机器学习应用的在线平台):[Gradio在线版](。
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- [Asiimoviet]( 把 文档 翻译成了中文。
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- [2ji3150]( 感谢详尽并且富有价值的[反馈、建议](
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- [Jared-02]( 把 文档 翻译成了中文。
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