# app.py import csv import datetime # from datetime import datetime import io import json import logging import os from typing import Tuple, List, Any import gradio as gr import openai from dotenv import load_dotenv from slugify import slugify from cachetools import LRUCache from config import STUDY_FILES, OPENAI_API_KEY from rag.rag_pipeline import RAGPipeline from utils.helpers import ( append_to_study_files, add_study_files_to_chromadb, chromadb_client, ) from utils.db import create_db_and_tables, add_study_files_to_db, get_study_file_by_name, get_study_files_by_library_id, get_all_study_files from utils.prompts import highlight_prompt, evidence_based_prompt from utils.zotero_manager import ZoteroManager from interface import create_chat_interface from utils.pdf_processor import PDFProcessor # Configure logging logging.basicConfig(level=logging.INFO) logger = logging.getLogger(__name__) load_dotenv() openai.api_key = OPENAI_API_KEY # Initialize ChromaDB with study files add_study_files_to_chromadb("study_files.json", "study_files_collection") # Create sqlite study file data table create_db_and_tables() # Cache for RAG pipelines rag_cache = {} cache = LRUCache(maxsize=100) # with open("study_files.json", "w") as file: # data_ = {} # json.dump(data_, file, indent=4) def get_cache_value(key): return cache.get(key) zotero_library_id = get_cache_value("zotero_library_id") logger.info(f"zotero_library_id: ======> {zotero_library_id}") def get_rag_pipeline(study_name: str) -> RAGPipeline: """Get or create a RAGPipeline instance for the given study by querying ChromaDB.""" if study_name not in rag_cache: collection = chromadb_client.get_or_create_collection("study_files_collection") result = collection.get(ids=[study_name]) # Retrieve document by ID if not result or len(result["metadatas"]) == 0: raise ValueError(f"Invalid study name: {study_name}") study_file = result["metadatas"][0].get("file_path") if not study_file: raise ValueError(f"File path not found for study name: {study_name}") rag_cache[study_name] = RAGPipeline(study_file) return rag_cache[study_name] def get_study_info(study_name: str | list) -> str: """Retrieve information about the specified study.""" if isinstance(study_name, list): study_name = study_name[0] if study_name else None if not study_name: return "No study selected" study = get_study_file_by_name(study_name) logger.info(f"Study: ======> {study}") collection = chromadb_client.get_or_create_collection("study_files_collection") result = collection.get(ids=[study_name]) # Query by study name (as a list) logger.info(f"Result: ======> {result}") if not result or len(result["metadatas"]) == 0: raise ValueError(f"Invalid study name: {study_name}") study_file = result["metadatas"][0].get("file_path") logger.info(f"study_file: =======> {study_file}") if not study_file: raise ValueError(f"File path not found for study name: {study_name}") with open(study_file, "r") as f: data = json.load(f) return f"### Number of documents: {len(data)}" def markdown_table_to_csv(markdown_text: str) -> str: """Convert a markdown table to CSV format.""" lines = [line.strip() for line in markdown_text.split("\n") if line.strip()] table_lines = [line for line in lines if line.startswith("|")] if not table_lines: return "" csv_data = [] for line in table_lines: if "---" in line: continue # Split by |, remove empty strings, and strip whitespace cells = [cell.strip() for cell in line.split("|") if cell.strip()] csv_data.append(cells) output = io.StringIO() writer = csv.writer(output) writer.writerows(csv_data) return output.getvalue() def cleanup_temp_files(): """Clean up old temporary files.""" try: current_time = datetime.datetime.now() for file in os.listdir(): if file.startswith("study_export_") and file.endswith(".csv"): file_time = datetime.datetime.fromtimestamp(os.path.getmtime(file)) # Calculate the time difference in seconds time_difference = (current_time - file_time).total_seconds() if time_difference > 20: # 5 minutes in seconds try: os.remove(file) except Exception as e: logger.warning(f"Failed to remove temp file {file}: {e}") except Exception as e: logger.warning(f"Error during cleanup: {e}") def chat_function(message: str, study_name: str, prompt_type: str) -> str: """Process a chat message and generate a response using the RAG pipeline.""" if not message.strip(): return "Please enter a valid query." rag = get_rag_pipeline(study_name) logger.info(f"rag: ==> {rag}") prompt = { "Highlight": highlight_prompt, "Evidence-based": evidence_based_prompt, }.get(prompt_type) response, _ = rag.query(message, prompt_template=prompt) # Unpack the tuple return response def process_zotero_library_items( zotero_library_id_param: str, zotero_api_access_key: str ) -> str: global zotero_library_id if not zotero_library_id_param or not zotero_api_access_key: return "Please enter your zotero library Id and API Access Key" zotero_library_id = zotero_library_id_param cache["zotero_library_id"] = zotero_library_id zotero_library_type = "user" # or "group" zotero_api_access_key = zotero_api_access_key message = "" try: zotero_manager = ZoteroManager( zotero_library_id, zotero_library_type, zotero_api_access_key ) zotero_collections = zotero_manager.get_collections() zotero_collection_lists = zotero_manager.list_zotero_collections( zotero_collections ) filtered_zotero_collection_lists = ( zotero_manager.filter_and_return_collections_with_items( zotero_collection_lists ) ) study_files_data = {} # Dictionary to collect items for ChromaDB for collection in filtered_zotero_collection_lists: collection_name = collection.get("name") if collection_name not in STUDY_FILES: collection_key = collection.get("key") collection_items = zotero_manager.get_collection_items(collection_key) zotero_collection_items = ( zotero_manager.get_collection_zotero_items_by_key(collection_key) ) # Export zotero collection items to json zotero_items_json = zotero_manager.zotero_items_to_json( zotero_collection_items ) export_file = f"{slugify(collection_name)}_zotero_items.json" zotero_manager.write_zotero_items_to_json_file( zotero_items_json, f"data/{export_file}" ) append_to_study_files( "study_files.json", collection_name, f"data/{export_file}" ) # Collect for ChromaDB study_files_data[collection_name] = f"data/{export_file}" # Update in-memory STUDY_FILES for reference in current session STUDY_FILES.update({collection_name: f"data/{export_file}"}) logger.info(f"STUDY_FILES: {STUDY_FILES}") # After loop, add all collected data to ChromaDB add_study_files_to_chromadb("study_files.json", "study_files_collection") # Add collected data to sqlite add_study_files_to_db("study_files.json", zotero_library_id) # Dynamically update study choices global study_choices study_choices = [file.name for file in get_study_files_by_library_id([zotero_library_id])] message = "Successfully processed items in your zotero library" except Exception as e: message = f"Error process your zotero library: {str(e)}" return message def refresh_study_choices(): """ Refresh study choices for a specific dropdown instance. :return: Updated Dropdown with current study choices """ global study_choices zotero_library_id = get_cache_value("zotero_library_id") logger.info(f"zotero_library_id: ====> {zotero_library_id}") study_choices = [file.name for file in get_study_files_by_library_id([zotero_library_id])] logger.info(f"Study choices: ====> {study_choices}") return study_choices def process_multi_input(text, study_name, prompt_type): # Split input based on commas and strip any extra spaces variable_list = [word.strip().upper() for word in text.split(",")] user_message = f"Extract and present in a tabular format the following variables for each {study_name} study: {', '.join(variable_list)}" logger.info(f"User message: ==> {user_message}") response = chat_function(user_message, study_name, prompt_type) return [response, gr.update(visible=True)] def download_as_csv(markdown_content): """Convert markdown table to CSV and provide for download.""" if not markdown_content: return None csv_content = markdown_table_to_csv(markdown_content) if not csv_content: return None # Create temporary file with actual content timestamp = datetime.datetime.now().strftime("%Y%m%d_%H%M%S") temp_path = f"study_export_{timestamp}.csv" with open(temp_path, "w", newline="", encoding="utf-8") as f: f.write(csv_content) return temp_path # PDF Support def process_pdf_uploads(files: List[gr.File], collection_name: str) -> str: """Process uploaded PDF files and add them to the system.""" if not files or not collection_name: return "Please upload PDF files and provide a collection name" try: processor = PDFProcessor() # Save uploaded files temporarily file_paths = [] for file in files: # Get the actual file path from the Gradio File object if hasattr(file, "name"): # If it's already a path temp_path = file.name else: # If it needs to be saved temp_path = os.path.join(processor.upload_dir, file.orig_name) file.save(temp_path) file_paths.append(temp_path) # Process PDFs output_path = processor.process_pdfs(file_paths, collection_name) # Add to study files and ChromaDB collection_id = f"pdf_{slugify(collection_name)}" append_to_study_files("study_files.json", collection_id, output_path) add_study_files_to_chromadb("study_files.json", "study_files_collection") # Cleanup temporary files if they were created by us for path in file_paths: if path.startswith(processor.upload_dir): try: os.remove(path) except Exception as e: logger.warning(f"Failed to remove temporary file {path}: {e}") return f"Successfully processed PDFs into collection: {collection_id}" except Exception as e: logger.error(f"Error in process_pdf_uploads: {str(e)}") return f"Error processing PDF files: {str(e)}" def chat_response( message: str, history: List[Tuple[str, str]], study_name: str, pdf_processor: PDFProcessor, ) -> Tuple[List[Tuple[str, str]], str, Any]: """Generate chat response and update history.""" if not message.strip(): return history, None, None rag = get_rag_pipeline(study_name) response, source_info = rag.query(message) history.append((message, response)) # Generate PDF preview if source information is available preview_image = None if ( source_info and source_info.get("source_file") and source_info.get("page_numbers") ): try: # Get the first page number from the source page_num = source_info["page_numbers"][0] preview_image = pdf_processor.render_page( source_info["source_file"], int(page_num) ) except Exception as e: logger.error(f"Error generating PDF preview: {str(e)}") return history, preview_image def create_gr_interface() -> gr.Blocks: """Create and configure the Gradio interface for the RAG platform.""" global zotero_library_id with gr.Blocks(theme=gr.themes.Base()) as demo: gr.Markdown("# ACRES RAG Platform") with gr.Tabs() as tabs: # Tab 1: Original Study Analysis Interface with gr.Tab("Study Analysis"): with gr.Row(): with gr.Column(scale=1): gr.Markdown("### Zotero Credentials") zotero_library_id_param = gr.Textbox( label="Zotero Library ID", type="password", placeholder="Enter Your Zotero Library ID here...", ) zotero_api_access_key = gr.Textbox( label="Zotero API Access Key", type="password", placeholder="Enter Your Zotero API Access Key...", ) process_zotero_btn = gr.Button("Process your Zotero Library") zotero_output = gr.Markdown(label="Zotero") gr.Markdown("### Study Information") collection = chromadb_client.get_or_create_collection( "study_files_collection" ) all_documents = collection.query( query_texts=[""], n_results=1000 ) study_choices = [ doc_id for doc_id in all_documents.get("ids")[0] if all_documents ] print(f"zotero_library_id: {zotero_library_id_param.value}") zotero_library_id = zotero_library_id_param.value if zotero_library_id is None: zotero_library_id = get_cache_value("zotero_library_id") logger.info(f"zotero_library_id: =====> {zotero_library_id}") study_choices_db = get_study_files_by_library_id([zotero_library_id]) logger.info(f"study_choices_db: =====> {study_choices_db}") study_files = get_all_study_files() logger.info(f"study_files: =====> {study_files}") study_dropdown = gr.Dropdown( choices=study_choices, label="Select Study", value=(study_choices[0] if study_choices else None), ) # In Gradio interface setup refresh_button = gr.Button("Refresh Studies") study_info = gr.Markdown(label="Study Details") prompt_type = gr.Radio( ["Default", "Highlight", "Evidence-based"], label="Prompt Type", value="Default", ) with gr.Column(scale=3): gr.Markdown("### Study Variables") with gr.Row(): study_variables = gr.Textbox( show_label=False, placeholder="Type your variables separated by commas e.g (Study ID, Study Title, Authors etc)", scale=4, lines=1, autofocus=True, ) submit_btn = gr.Button("Submit", scale=1) answer_output = gr.Markdown(label="Answer") download_btn = gr.DownloadButton( "Download as CSV", variant="primary", size="sm", scale=1, visible=False, ) # Tab 2: PDF Chat Interface with gr.Tab("PDF Chat"): pdf_processor = PDFProcessor() with gr.Row(): # Left column: Chat and Input with gr.Column(scale=7): chat_history = gr.Chatbot( value=[], height=600, show_label=False ) with gr.Row(): query_input = gr.Textbox( show_label=False, placeholder="Ask a question about your PDFs...", scale=8, ) chat_submit_btn = gr.Button( "Send", scale=2, variant="primary" ) # Right column: PDF Preview and Upload with gr.Column(scale=3): pdf_preview = gr.Image(label="Source Page", height=600) with gr.Row(): pdf_files = gr.File( file_count="multiple", file_types=[".pdf"], label="Upload PDFs", ) with gr.Row(): collection_name = gr.Textbox( label="Collection Name", placeholder="Name this PDF collection...", ) with gr.Row(): upload_btn = gr.Button("Process PDFs", variant="primary") pdf_status = gr.Markdown() current_collection = gr.State(value=None) # Event handlers for Study Analysis tab process_zotero_btn.click( process_zotero_library_items, inputs=[zotero_library_id_param, zotero_api_access_key], outputs=[zotero_output], ) study_dropdown.change( get_study_info, inputs=[study_dropdown], outputs=[study_info] ) submit_btn.click( process_multi_input, inputs=[study_variables, study_dropdown, prompt_type], outputs=[answer_output, download_btn], ) download_btn.click( fn=download_as_csv, inputs=[answer_output], outputs=[download_btn] ).then(fn=cleanup_temp_files, inputs=None, outputs=None) refresh_button.click( fn=refresh_study_choices, outputs=[study_dropdown] # Update the same dropdown ) # Event handlers for PDF Chat tab def handle_pdf_upload(files, name): if not name: return "Please provide a collection name", None if not files: return "Please select PDF files", None try: result = process_pdf_uploads(files, name) collection_id = f"pdf_{slugify(name)}" return result, collection_id except Exception as e: logger.error(f"Error in handle_pdf_upload: {str(e)}") return f"Error: {str(e)}", None upload_btn.click( handle_pdf_upload, inputs=[pdf_files, collection_name], outputs=[pdf_status, current_collection], ) def add_message(history, message): """Add user message to chat history.""" if not message.strip(): raise gr.Error("Please enter a message") history = history + [(message, None)] return history, "", None def generate_chat_response(history, collection_id, pdf_processor): """Generate response for the last message in history.""" if not collection_id: raise gr.Error("Please upload PDFs first") if len(history) == 0: return history, None last_message = history[-1][0] try: # Get response and source info rag = get_rag_pipeline(collection_id) response, source_info = rag.query(last_message) # Generate preview if source information is available preview_image = None if ( source_info and source_info.get("source_file") and source_info.get("page_number") is not None ): try: page_num = source_info["page_number"] logger.info(f"Attempting to render page {page_num}") preview_image = pdf_processor.render_page( source_info["source_file"], page_num ) if preview_image: logger.info( f"Successfully generated preview for page {page_num}" ) else: logger.warning( f"Failed to generate preview for page {page_num}" ) except Exception as e: logger.error(f"Error generating PDF preview: {str(e)}") preview_image = None # Update history with response history[-1] = (last_message, response) return history, preview_image except Exception as e: logger.error(f"Error in generate_chat_response: {str(e)}") history[-1] = (last_message, f"Error: {str(e)}") return history, None # Update PDF event handlers upload_btn.click( # Change from pdf_files.upload to upload_btn.click handle_pdf_upload, inputs=[pdf_files, collection_name], outputs=[pdf_status, current_collection], ) # Fixed chat event handling chat_submit_btn.click( add_message, inputs=[chat_history, query_input], outputs=[chat_history, query_input, pdf_preview], ).success( lambda h, c: generate_chat_response(h, c, pdf_processor), inputs=[chat_history, current_collection], outputs=[chat_history, pdf_preview], ) return demo demo = create_gr_interface() if __name__ == "__main__": # demo = create_gr_interface() demo.launch(share=True, debug=True)