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import torch
import math
from audiocraft.models import MusicGen
import numpy as np
def separate_audio_segments(audio, segment_duration=30):
sr, audio_data = audio[0], audio[1]
total_samples = len(audio_data)
segment_samples = sr * segment_duration
total_segments = math.ceil(total_samples / segment_samples)
segments = []
for segment_idx in range(total_segments):
print(f"Audio Input segment {segment_idx + 1} / {total_segments + 1} \r")
start_sample = segment_idx * segment_samples
end_sample = (segment_idx + 1) * segment_samples
segment = audio_data[start_sample:end_sample]
segments.append((sr, segment))
return segments
def generate_music_segments(text, melody, MODEL, duration:int=10, segment_duration:int=30):
# generate audio segments
melody_segments = separate_audio_segments(melody, segment_duration)
# Create a list to store the melody tensors for each segment
melodys = []
output_segments = []
# Calculate the total number of segments
total_segments = max(math.ceil(duration / segment_duration),1)
print(f"total Segments to Generate: {total_segments} for {duration} seconds. Each segment is {segment_duration} seconds")
# If melody_segments is shorter than total_segments, repeat the segments until the total number of segments is reached
if len(melody_segments) < total_segments:
for i in range(total_segments - len(melody_segments)):
segment = melody_segments[i]
print(f"melody_segments: {len(melody_segments)} fixed")
# Iterate over the segments to create list of Meldoy tensors
for segment_idx in range(total_segments):
print(f"segment {segment_idx + 1} of {total_segments} \r")
sr, verse = melody_segments[segment_idx][0], torch.from_numpy(melody_segments[segment_idx][1]).to(MODEL.device).float().t().unsqueeze(0)
print(f"shape:{verse.shape} dim:{verse.dim()}")
if verse.dim() == 2:
verse = verse[None]
verse = verse[..., :int(sr * MODEL.lm.cfg.dataset.segment_duration)]
# Append the segment to the melodys list
for idx, verse in enumerate(melodys):
print(f"Generating New Melody Segment {idx + 1}: {text}\r")
output = MODEL.generate_with_chroma(
# Append the generated output to the list of segments
#output_segments.append(output[:, :segment_duration])
print(f"output_segments: {len(output_segments)}: shape: {output.shape} dim {output.dim()}")
return output_segments
#def generate_music_segments(text, melody, duration, MODEL, segment_duration=30):
# sr, melody = melody[0], torch.from_numpy(melody[1]).to(MODEL.device).float().t().unsqueeze(0)
# # Create a list to store the melody tensors for each segment
# melodys = []
# # Calculate the total number of segments
# total_segments = math.ceil(melody.shape[1] / (sr * segment_duration))
# # Iterate over the segments
# for segment_idx in range(total_segments):
# print(f"segment {segment_idx + 1} / {total_segments + 1} \r")
# start_frame = segment_idx * sr * segment_duration
# end_frame = (segment_idx + 1) * sr * segment_duration
# # Extract the segment from the melody tensor
# segment = melody[:, start_frame:end_frame]
# # Append the segment to the melodys list
# melodys.append(segment)
# output_segments = []
# for segment in melodys:
# output = MODEL.generate_with_chroma(
# descriptions=[text],
# melody_wavs=segment,
# melody_sample_rate=sr,
# progress=False
# )
# # Append the generated output to the list of segments
# output_segments.append(output[:, :segment_duration])
# return output_segments