import streamlit as st import numpy as np from PIL import Image def main(): st.title("Haltmann Diffusion Algorithm") slider = st.slider("Slider", 0, 255, 128) # default value=128, min=0, max=255 st.title("Haltmann Diffusion Algorithm [C] 20XX ") import streamlit as st from PIL import Image import numpy as np st.text("This app generates VQ-GAN prompts for generating inpaintings.") st.text("To use this app, simply enter the desired text prompt and hit generate.") @st.cache(allow_output_mutation=True) # This decorator ensures that the function only runs once per session. Otherwise, each time we generate a prompt, it would run again! This is important because we don't want to keep re-generating prompts unnecessarily. We only want to generate a new prompt when the user enters a new one. If we didn't cache this function, each time we generated a new prompt, it would also regenerate all of the previous prompts! Caching is an important concept in Streamlit apps - it can help make your apps much more efficient by avoiding unnecessary computations. def generate_prompt(text): # This is the function that actually generates our VQ-GAN prompt It takes in a string (the text prompt) and outputs another string (the generated VQ-GAN prompt). We'll use this function to actually generate our VQ-GAN prompts when the user hits "Generate". return "Enter text here" + text + "and hit generate!" st.write(generate_prompt("")) # We start by writing an empty string - this will be replaced with our generated prompt when the user hits "Generate" def inpaint(img, mask): """Inpaints the given image using the given mask. Args: img: The image to inpaint. Must be a 3-channel RGB image. mask: The inpainting mask. Must be a binary 3-channel image with 1s indicating the area to inpaint and 0s indicating the area to leave unchanged. Returns: The inpainted image as a 3-channel RGB numpy array. """ ## V0.2 import streamlit as st import numpy as np from PIL import Image import requests import io st.set_option('deprecation.showfileUploaderEncoding', False) @st.cache(allow_output_mutation=True) def load_image(img): im = return im def main(): st.title("Dall-E Patrya ") uploaded_file = st.file_uploader("Choose an image", type="jpg") st.markdown("Create images from textual descriptions with Dall-PFT!") st.button("Edit Photo") import streamlit as st st.title("VQGAN Inpainting App") st.markdown("This app uses a pre-trained VQGAN model to inpaint images.") @st.cache(allow_output_mutation=True) def load_model(): # Load the pre-trained VQGAN model return vqgan.load_model('vqgan') def inpaint(img, model, coords): # Inpaint the selected region of the image using the VQGAN model inpainted = vqgan.inpaint(img, model, coords) return inpainted ## [C] Haltmann Earth Divison [C] - 20XX